f outl Viti"8 MOR iSKk iBAU»PSO - ~AEKlEES, Morafq',so Siiiterp, s. reitf. coIIIL, . .D 01UrNTYCIO>ATKZ U N -C ari0,fsritor-amd ttorme-tLsS etp- e, Btldngiut.5 nary,ond .xasam su Cin lanery foi theCouu.< tryOfntario0. 'Oso5eslrvo-st.îWhitb7. JAURISTE9 * ATTOigNET AT 16AWO SOliltois BohUdin, Brok .WI1b7(y. P AtIftttU4-T-LÂ,W AND SOLICITOR liti ohanoey. Iabv-'Truot, BL oflohpr la tlaamry, CouvcyaucvNG- etdo.'. o b tastoji of B.&k J. Couipb.iî, Brotsk #t., Whitbyt Oùt. whiwyi Nov. lb§ 1647i. 4 s.in.uI"AIRDANK8. - OICTmNoTAEuYPULCe . ,W. l Il Ilà IGof ti n orSouth of tlb, CIIARLEs CI xBL:1.ER, -A TTUIINEY AT L kW, 8OLl<.ITOE1N aIuosOt o.,Cauanlng 0. W., 1 _S 4W. I*- j. MACDOMELL.o J.<IIAMIBE E ailWOOU, I&T'URNg-AT-AW.SOLICITOà 114 Chanory moar Pulie ouvoyancer, *o.,.Whltbhy4;. W. Lu1îu nvltoril3 lo.,k deo B .lyi1c.o rook 4rm. 4 A Tr)RNY.A.LA, ULICITOP. IN Dandst Os ygI. 0 '1hrmd. tihe pot Ouf.. CL.CIULANE & COCHRIANE, B3 AURLOT91,4, ATIfuMNEYot iONVEY. à sos u otArifjf tiblio; k.., &of fluia4w$s mfl-Ouliog - Oppooito -Town ll. Poui r OI-BS*n' lock. Sà IL à cusà wnt lt. B', W. K. CoossaÂN:. (00unty Ctovu Attorney. Port1Iarrjy, 26î1h D...,b.', lofs. ai Ci A. JOkEa, berriot, er 10liaster in Cka.ceey, At- termeff, &o.,&a.. SOIVICUE-Nezt door 10 th e ggitry O.,Whitby. 41 17y solliItur. k.., *o., Mr 44, Cktireh sqyeosTIet.0 JE. MeoUOEDe A., *ttorm.y-saw ii JoliO.n4buOCon- #0 ancer, ho. ôUuD-sitnbo tretst, lIonls e.sk oit oi 0*0..iuahv, ciW. 40 IL1tAN 1MNULI1II L L IB.. 'BRlf8X AT LASoloitor lu hu.- 40 E. J GI 31 Dif1 NOIRGEON TO TIIE COUNTY UAOL ~Byron Street, Wlltby. M Aoo. * m. IIE, f.P --DR.' PilE WHlTD3Y. a. loun, Da. Aitsse, (for 5urget7.)~ Ail 1t îvaos 21 lLmsgwn.-Cu,,. os., Byron etret. A. PRINPLE, MOANT TAILOR, EOCK STEEET THONiéTAS IYTONt, WI BARISTZU, Klq, Strut, $Sdoors Zut Of 416 * LZK KOF TAigN sogYarIi Di'VISIONj curtofi.e eontrof ototro, Urey-, 155411.-tbriqO.W. lb sagsfu ýurld-geand Besave Soi «Vas -G1eBORGEOO0E]NACR. - LFuNlzl MRM N 'Wîîv w1 tsu u F u Ba rt 'Ioiltr an ttl.r Wbo. 1h, 16£, . btii.l 'Brookl4i »rug B&oére. « IJ 019, yé suiffl, 060"100lo. WnsuLiquois of lb. boit quality &cffseOatiUeJf.dkcfnlways on &and ýBrookllu, C. W., 166-t £6 BOYNTON'S IIoT;L, W .BOTNr1ON bbAge t.'ufor. this->u sulindlg Loutl,,, tilfit lie1.as opened tige liétol ounWlliam Sitrcet là toly caupjod by Jowtt,sr.d aho usa"1usd lt ftted sudtiurnlsh. cudi. liraI styrlavialtora #llud elrY couve- aie.,.. Wlne@, Lîquori sud Gigare ef thï lUWAO&ttoutlv.oOOIaiy autn 'VICTORIA fnous£, obANn atir5K, wami1E. JOUX BPUIILL... . ..rrojtlotbr. gg RB saborbor doinsto lnftem hi. many glfrieuds thst hlli noircarrlltsg on tihe srg vobl iSth tagoo ho a p plies noni but the bt of.iio.,Iqos ekrsdrfe sud on.lo ad . dut1Js IJltEILL. Whlîby, Odts4.i8ft, S IPINlGLE'S HOTEL. (LATE WU', KING STR NET,2-OSHÀ W.A4. CROCKNER'S ROTrELi (LA&TE PLATT') > NELSON ST. TORONTO, NOrTit o? ir arç s. BA SSETT ok KEEBLE, - Piouatius rplproprietors respettuIIy anuonncus te Taîh.Fr et à da, Itigtune, au wicli a una' homo, Sialt ebuhavo takon tiwabote prehsi.cs, iliioli are otloi.resptgot cou.lasstlv su mo.fortably fiUed up sotthe, ac.omutodatlos of &ggéto. and th. traveling pulie. Tlsey ili b. fouud lit constanst peroosual uttodtce, sud wili Icare uotlaiug ussdoîsois thocir par.t»vv satistsoctlon teaIL who .187 avor tisosn with s Calil. BROM)ES HOTEL. (41 N42' .,AOi rEZ,) OPPOI)ïTE TAIE POST eOFFICE, XRNG BT,9 ElOWXAZIVULL, Octobe'. lot, 1866. au5 8ST A *E HOUSE NAXILLA. - ISAC FENTON, Proprlotoi. ESBT Wluoasnd l quors;, sup*rlo'.acoosu AILBION HO TEIL. goUNIJizT, W01737. INSURIANcz, k GENEAL AGENtT, ~Whstby, Juan., nei186. 0 KEVERE ROUlÉ, 1A1055155 . r. B.PLANKO, - - - Ptobim statu toand fraffiWbitbTe«il dalif lîY q atiamthmnfald tà gauà l(rui el &ad.ft- Ult tye oaun. I 0lmam"" - an fito1 '0t'ib i 1D DD8 an nmâ ï0f vymels y1ir~to mee& ii e m qpfremanta ofdiIamun.z W try Saundbrs', ié 'Yod vant Boots or Bhoesof Wthe rigbtî fit andmanu" WMitby, aur RÉT1UNCfrom'BUSINES. We beg to intimate otir intttitd f ket4t4ng eôom tb=&.*~ about the flrs& ol March,,i960, and in couequence , ve.IlIemod tW bËier the whole of our immense 5wuk ofnew DRY GOODS, Readysmade,,Clo,9thling, Liquors & Wines., At a small advanco cou cost, in -order to reduce our Stock,b nlov&u tite fa hioU aposible, when the bulahbe. *111 bo obeted là i buli witrî the good will of buoiness, logethor wih a lems tif tiar lew aftd eligible pmieto a soivent purchaser, on t'oryli beral ternm OtirStock isalal nov and ba been bought ou lte best termI, whiohenables us teofi&r goods front 10 to 15 per 4eht cbtiupér tia t l oiser Houso ia tows, Our ollJect being, to rodu.eou'. stock, rath.5r titan s=k e.pro"ie We offet,ý- 400 pre. i hitlpatillerom $9 le *6,. 50, wortb $3, le *$8.00. 200 Body Coati Là , Pëâ $e~ 51 te $10, vortit $6,60 k*i2 * 50 Overcosîs, trom $4 te, $12, vortit *650 t10*15. 300 Veéstg, Irons $1,50 tc, $9, *oth $2 te $M. Ileavy Whitney LBIankets, rom 64 te llesvy W1i1I7 Otercatings, frotu $ $,t*orti $1,60 te 03#50. i3oardefull Sil& nilked Coatings, Item 1$1,40 te t9 *brth $1,75 te 04. Iluddt-rsfeld mà ~e, rom $1,40 le $3, Swortb $1,76 te $4. Canadian, Engisit & SccitâitT*eedf, vers' cilcup. English Doeskinssand CIoIitvery fiue. Englisit admoscew BrIjers Mantle Cloths, ks. Engiish anid CatMaian ?labls, ali 100 p0. Gr.ey Coltois, lte beaitr l'ae lu Ithe Counly. Oteam Looits, 1>lhts, gliirtithgs and Tikinga. gente' listo and Caps. i'ery lateit do i-iliIefpt e log shaw,* ro m $tg*1. NubuSe artbsud Reeds. Break"astShaffis ahd Ontsgs Hoser, aspendid sesorttuent. Ribiteus, Veltets, Trlmlngs, "e Blà bk IMIkÉy 9dec4ded bargain. Duak Curtalhs. 1ud'" alti Mt>8i5. Table Linnen, whtite and brown Irisht 1Litinens. O11k Linnen Handker;ciiefa. Cuflo sud Collars, Hoop Skirtff MeTs, Boita aud Bueklesi *e., &.~ Jusl recelved 100 botes lIew layer Raisins, lu botes,# à boteoi Boxes boN Lee'. * 2,75 boxes 70.1,60 tboxes do. 7be New Valentia RaMas, 100 te 12;"Ia New Cu'.rabLs ahd Fige. lu Taà sa we offor the best taIn. Iii thtowis, Iron9.to $l l 1110.' Puare Coffees, freth ground. Rice, Tobà oes, Suga'. ef al kinà s. Salmnon Trout, (LUis Huron,) j bbIs. WTERUI5 SBtÉICTLl CÀ8EI. w~irtBY, NON. 21, lut7 Sait trater Salmon, 12kjts Ne.,1, round Henringo, ouly 00 a bl Pure French Brandies. " mes-lin Rulif U Bcilîhddit. P ortesud Sher. Cid Il rish Whisy " lait Whisk J "Old Rye Whisk. .&Idwell's aie 1.10, 12, 15 sud 30 gai. Ion packages, at Brewery prime. Englisit Aie and Fortit', *c. T.Hà M'MItLLAN &Ilo NOW 1S. THIE TIM ýeR Long Figuqï res P1- ýd Oui! Heavy Meftal, ïoWd or ag, i biIè at. WIIOL18ÂLEPk itOES, ÂT HATI4&;BROTH S ~Noted' Gheap ilouse,"Whitby# lfote. tbe fac4 cd10a*d ave -yotir fmoof ite do" ùa*is 1 fioc4,k'i oeI.brted Axes'. kaea IifulB g l itr, e oedMimTtMOI-,Wy etCof KR foI ahdd 8mt-c1I toi amr 0rit sold. CnIi psitttor anyqua4iy f gobatter. hot R«30ib« -he Pimp Wmeroi WbS à Dbyd *17 Noé.l1, on ,,the- Corner AT PRICES TIIAT! DEP'Y dOMrTtoN YoungHusr. latusiroit in boxe. l10. lit box.. 59. Fine oî nt nboxes. Twist s$oking sud cbo.lng. Wlsite Wlue. Cidi. Dry Crusbod; Cruahcd A. Extra Grofiu8; YcIlow regaied, No. 0, <,. OU asud t Clnua&nuu Corai. Gisxpr. "trfla Jors. M.atsijl luBottla. Grousdlpos Parsn.. Tallow. SUFkCGRDIAIda Extra Golden., golden. &trbadoaa. Pas', Pins Apple, Butftfy; lmo«. Mravît. Sultans " Orange Pald. caiton, Waiuýe'T4.u oi 14CXIES & $Aveu#5 tliePckloa. berkina. Waluts. Har.vey saute. fouati o . bis.uerie $anubeo. 'fable t adAjfft; IAtSAITRJSANIVA1 Scfuaoo oda. Borax. Blklng Po*".. 1psoSit@. ram ;stoil. Buttou Billa. Bull Bina. star tobasfa., ins. Cannd uhits.Id1f14 ilsrio. - SuAdor mita Y mpSeid Aro,oot. COMik. Orange; clquae&ts Sfa FacutSU S Silver Goosa, boa Paire Wbte. Wb%$ , WMi: Propored CoaS'arb f« fe d M ea. MIu#,,,,sd 4. ih6.bUd515<e ir ~rckeyGla aoid n'ilIi 11 a Noim. 2 8 loPAulke clothts Tibd. à leade'.teh'sT. AD. &aslla ate'.Ee. Samo la edCod. Whiute lh OAsudlae. o Tio Ssin was.-di bs Nho oftfaidSoe. pll Sase Baris. Ic.upa searsh MarTale Cla. 7bb5 Ifi id n b. f 1 Ne.i Ii6adrSpgeI bk@ lu barreis. >l Pock.wi çu'.toi a AO ouais sua numas tac,. J~tcra~turc. Advuturea uiE.ben'Duty. 4OtAUM ie lmnu. <CosUngd~ ýimo etake Wbat, establossoaler! i esm e ip an d sndt t. hand.Tse inltbità ntawoiee1Iabsent, ep4ii lha d à âtb, Mit sbés-aadé tà ltlng advantago lié kas "é 8' of lteè aireblka sd g l émb id Ehf*den *si on w Unir B.ed intb te-whoda ot éa I oh'soéh WC.the. Listead 4munns pu4ad several'Ottib.it pcbf villsgh*,but 1x4 I i *dt o y sav fw fu ti * bp1I lire *8-Y-pood one of lte concil, Mil t h. > ut vuas tedt ,*1M i ths de pretend,%relte vi ouracias blts aj'tW pn soliitbh by rob. ducced e 0'.ror binptbtltb I cBs, wbi1.tibey wire I obacred Captait enncebiugjibhllroes vils oMrmoatvalu- Bemubo btalýk witb ablo çolbnoditfos.- --i. ibispers, an- iiiste cool of the. evening, v@ marcbed *"Cstéou. Asa1val. ogain, and i lu l-tià l im e a.to s müore dadtieIs opeat~dbottr ~. AS*t*brDow tbomoruingba soute~~~~~ ~~ 9 lsI@n - iekm e ~l b~w.occas ana wons uctore bs w us s, ie5?sig us toi sha veshuldneVornt p'.ovl ýsiwd 1et 'bis chi o miter -stric ordmrsto msupply Aet nigit vecam le anoter à tbs little vilages, wvite, we killed s bull"ck and got a" - feveartiteu potai tocook ou'. meat I.-Tht *tt* fts#rt litk stId nasty, they,,havingaosbut, vwitltiseyý brougbt front i great diatan,e,-lutof-itoles sud plia Abut.w îid, 'sd kupIin cals- bbite, or long tubs, vbieh -.boidý about four, r, iv. gallons aechi bowevet- It serti cd ou, pà fjutf or t time vo ver. 5>01et I d urinS . rpdti'.el In the -gr n, lu tie intimA*e- .ld, n'.oé i 4* ih ll y-y i t.ýe'. eeffae bû ZtLieaan br > ,oTi Mots A n lte plac of tadourmaaevafullofosud-,bow- ev.at nsddriaklng vaslie lastet o eur eonceas t tiat tisue W.paseetis day mach ifer ltb. same Ibanner as tht th1 tith tbda. Onlte-IhiAd-dey of onrlauï"' vs caus te oaiu-qs.s.We votweeoblige. le valk muçbjastiaweibcr of the two former, hasiung Mors groun dto traverse' snd leetiuse to-do0it in ilfor *0 vefe «. der.d t e eat lte kiiida to*th efotet n M, sel., 1 misacd one, or Ysuy l l day's jou'.ney i te ton ot it, was hot of sny geat iltmportcCto me*aItisbat lime, fe wlvold,;havo e sen of ilttIs AcivitA UW me bad I tept it; bùt lth IMU à tifi ihda aà fber*atdf4 *itiï!h lIy dca'. motterbâ. presénse Aises a tb esaliusby of bert lolthdaiti okén to remembohber, vas no à msll;addiliouto MI ojber im3sfortunes. Yiseresdence of tbseiisrg lus about fifty miglit lrsvtl sSiztfSê veneelstmilesa- idays- lit atand#q ibA9 roud, scifrAS vtb tuim SA! *uhaI1B fhicb - mté ibaie: teen plutid lter. e bsnv 1 y oung: tit4ey gtow-vau'regalaras4 lan4 so doe>lo- têseft tbeÃu. "ThIe ttýfsM 1H56d litS WlKMi,. sl o ias, setutt (bof obwe0sg ltrugi t rlIiinii orAl-ttea. TAiers. anre but , ewo a19" onyago breial.---Ole or he l a t l.nrtlivward, and lte otser to thesotli *ar41:5 titêvioleis abtiout. a te l-, 6r«. ci.loNhà tes éi>i- à jùeyâed *6 halted,*bflet ga weva gin)ëîthé reac ildunL Il of thos vers ut'the prinsiobouse, thé signal vas $given by *ne,, ut Ca;tairi D)t**'.u Wiu Min Dmssfling a P.stoli iil l ferin ai stîâi1 Au d ibis &w nt thée "ime litho. - Tii AAliiaaiedihe vhole tnwnu- 1 starWd p, vithout my sois. bèi lrigitmed aI lte -iudden outcry, Not knovingwvialstis te malter, sud seetug lb. negroca ilocling out of tise lôvu, I ras'. vits tisait- MI 1 I *no tlken notice of l one ot- oùr usen, vito tl W ie nb.ck ; sna I val as mntith auaeil as the-natives Id sdA tii bi is dossà ort; andé'oue of big sour;tb tbei'. bauids lied behind Ihexu; under -lte guard ý of ou'. people. Titsy pteoïntllyriffed tise kings manaio"-isoue ud ýùy boliteruplace *ieta iey counlÇ aaY eg'able plundçr.. Weitsppeued Id B.nd about tirly amalt arma, a imall qaanhity of powder snd pbdt, md a fci bIdut.IlLTub utifes. as 1Iobgerved belote; fils >oUIoflt.e lova, bat tlhey di4 i italM Do olter view ltas. L procure asistance for iey soon alarsued te coutry, end retcrnedvwititgrast nunsbers from AUl t » asceut,.owsss, and imnsediately, itcsi egcd u& . Tbey fired in upon usan td etinded One f 'Ouit mon In t ho <raid; an viici'. ÇiPtufiI Y8W> -ëêofdefm gà 8m t ll .1thé kige céytd a. C sfbe, ttAy oUld kill hidi tîtat - verymonicuil Tise king.- *ita'ing'lhsir resolulion, cslied to bis mcii auddcsircd tise. to desisl, if they bad à - ml ,d 1015tai ilite- ýýhà »attAt'4t indeed, il-uit bold and tâadu ,a oie ptfoihls <54 deisurd.-. itag crimiblsa I shall uotsay mach in ilsi dieferco: but since 1 bave came >te yearL -of mâtuvitv. I*- cannet fin-bea'veflecini. 'jbrtoldAa,&isrui, 150.. Store I - il, iso7. i-ly I WIi5t1~', Pic. 1 ýl