lit »"0*~ Sis neigbbora Who qprad So<à 4 04 fur th. posll4ino oe ornai, <hau h. d id,-and <batý 0*5 SoGb la ib e b.W.s Qo.$sy, <the pokeamae of tlb. Lead of the corporation, ana. fr4t ma in à *she l.counal,, pommca.d ef qualificatons, of bava e "n 'apluntifol, lac in l ode of the Wardcna, ho bhad limte 10 lima aleesd hest o! tl Ilnof ibisCoannu, Ã"Otrlp flua hast qnalifild sudd att aliq ta»lsca salned. We Ima ont iaîeiuadiigsgoamyi$Pà ;ageml bickeill, for b. 'la lainitel> Pï bouleof tb. candidaîsioposé m tella o me wbt hlm in os"e. Wa shbonld 'like Wmdc mlactod viîb as'mach s ths Speaker uf the floase of On a ismail s o occuiple. i mimilà tr position. But va eaM a long day-muai elapes o u lua cf oat proenmeaulndipg l5,51 ont ideà s ! atiitcu bcia Mtatlm. lotcu moite the butac tgtïî, and b., tLankfol. For gros o! rafaranco, vegiva Ibis folli Mary of the voîing, whiah yl st Icagîbi lai ontreport. K 110; taraiit... . à a a aesba a5. JtuaWesgiutgt.. 9 9i D 10 0 it s I.-iitaieu.ie9s8s9sIo ste eo J. ù; Biccll ....... ............ 14t laines AiCalh, .. l l....... ... IV. I.luilta....g.....5..... - W. IL l. o,......... ...4..... Adams Oaraiao..........s . (Meorde «tale........... se, (lie«Pie,»..... .. ......... lames 0. Guy'.......... OJaso- eCragish............. Rock lioiieay. Thc Oshava flsiwaoj', la a lt. nmm ber, ha., îiîb îserbape a* pardomablebsum. - ....1 Ta itlu'el à ,sf- bliLe Goldsmith#m Vicar o! Wakefid, <iaaa occasion té trdmpet the bonaît>' cf ,<La laIbahl<amns of Oauwa, la,-géneral, sud tbe board -a! Sohool Tv-sîeaii, lu parîlcuuar. 1< appeau, $bat the Ucvernuiens grant, -la &Id o! th. Oihava Grammar O&hooi, for thi yetv 1067, amoeua<d ta iti. aonsldar. abi. Som o! neariy $l10iileb usi, îo;sîs berh h lait as mne aSaine te ha seiiwtd rom local orcas, ezollue of fou#,toast, b>' 1mw, .dauo<sd ,to. tIerals. mens of <amabiers salariés, The O#sava Boavd, fer tlsyspr, paid thoîr Ëndhpé!, taobaeiir, v.MeOiaha, 8960p,-«d blém as.* sicaui ,Mr. Posot#,$2,50 ; <liavng neari>' $300 sndispod of, 4but whlch it appeaus Va>wytul aot Manae 10 approprIas. Io Mi AbIti ià mtfaà îlos. Ncw, luamsîln -f» *Otb its ided tot it, r Intentioaon'(t<. e U$tlaîuvesd 101 g mIsé1>, b . EdeemîlUOtifoice <h)tb*tthé - mtndiug t Grmmat Sbood touseses abouldié beraidedt ' s'ud tLarmealil'postion t«tJulves of Irmiahlas. men,, -iTIM' Oa ~Board tcuod b die 1lts lie duo eïïldisposi so lislgtmt b aud sgaumoooly eiid <o frg b bondit of the usrpl ssfor lb. sar 86? lu cilher' word, they alaimed ta ha honstý --b>' lfief osia;lerdysthésolersu wbà t tLe liv prvoides fog, b.. They ufil Sqd,' tovavaor, Ihasibh.e duestion acilae »' 9q4pou eUm e hé whalis of thelr gnaw0 for Ibo ysavî1069, uiasmonsePladâe .bu givon thalt aprojiSa dî,)spaila made lof .the'«m, do, tasve consenti, !uproper)l vlimi f(romîbe parlima antitled to raeelve à t. Rou.aîy l 3 dobt at.hé bitpoley bus h.,ld puibhsp $ 104, ~!Dore> »notî4a mn th m 11ws i f imh a the b ,h. Wardon's Ditpertdr Iià sud iUo, 83 tbis I. m&id voeder-ok1bogb hé gave o" ie emé falotr or Mr. fur dowsg q. Utlse: CfUrv laisfaia reb., 190 vAll aattttor; muss svwv $eaaderu go'i MI me somo of -ePort, and ruer" vhd s <erar aho, sud ahoalder gat t10457 util uSnI wek 'Oa n n iireaonbial. jat, oler,..-îbo salary of tue ~'o 04 lÉ Our Qlork..,w. 8,'S ~~saywr §,Moi ýOl the add. lot, <bea, te audpt lb. ad"ioê Comaeçjl1the, &,.riend ol ours, UpaU aodwOsheocasion. lu à c <st he Weil enough ollb. ine thpre obould b. Clartk 0 * a '9. neeur asthus 1 wbilch va basa a 1word of <dpJaiu4 againuîhifz i more <hspn oer-muimad a a eing phe woïk, i4Uc *O besa troisbis oR«. watt lwalit dons moit cýe&iabg h. e oerpora. yuL time alli ag pancînlity..er6 *Cortalaly- may, ,no doabt, ha foond to do t, ahveoinesrfor *0 ya à ebé Vyn4~ r Ib1s vlth. proie hn>oIviaToomyH s' cent Of, 1fr. lhrougb vbom."t talt .lowq aaver l r*f.sabl. toe ikpaaý oe,Ndigabs:libbà sondoos asq d jastarday, eciiit, In ofies a ofo sopWallbh ct preeeded acier beec. uuarsd. Lot tliêo~rflge 9 Iose our e onomîite pommemtbhir isoola la à patibfth caurefalase Juilycîa 1h11. *hila. Ltu f Contioat. uhet changea thora mo e b'mode by ti 'à somevhaî am nde'd muni lalbibi, nd whîber til ,r kal, may limita of the tova a'mot b. recced, sht h. worling Ilion 1h. conotcil yl b. la a bottar poui Wim, before lion- b underatsad the, Cbsrk'm datis, eo rcalized. whete heb datias of collectaer m:otl lu ef uhat va reamonably addcd 10 hli'othber work, and ster facility gensrally to judge and snet more iatclligcs. )wing Oum <b, la refèenee 10 hlm mlaqy. Bat more b.h foand or ibis snou, 1 . ........... P sîr vu ,. À large muimber of Ourt owrnqpeoptc,* and ma m ',ront at a dist ance, ver. 1deply disappofnted *aI -0@pospnfent or tha concert wbich vus tu haà a been beld on Monda>' evening lai. The me erIlne fMissBHlllary, and of Dr Hiullay, vere., varegret, the asesmabicb rcndered the postponsment nscesmary. The concert, howvvr, vili tome off shorti> ' la about -a forDight, veor#are aIosn10nder stand, and of vhich due notice will ha moîouFgsvîvAL..a..Lke Mostof gond thing.' Mamoio.Fcaîtiyaloi la',Whîtby at leama, corne t e *fsw sd -fat buivumn. lavltaloa hava, howaer, <i tycmv been lanud for a grand Festival , t taise place on thaevenolng of Pslday, Feb'y 7îiz. That It vili b. linaor' iva wr ,ion h<e Croît and ccasin. carcely usqaîrelé aur ea. dom-cment. The nau i# the' us crdu of! sud a&l thal a Ma"ona Yetvai onghs t t st?ri bat jut op.acd a-nev-Tologropb k*. eliait. uonaee-lga s <h.- EvMr, Bradley, uSîdevote. bila whollmié o < lis thonogb sud préehlcil lis Iblu eotry. One bandr.d ypont mnatm nosoute tos 1 Jleara lebgrpbln; sad fil offlesa01,n841iném Botter - faîlies amie tgraatensiliioses t a araI tha Ctacds fljtesrisa Obluraio, .be beld on Tn" esy vaning n ,W. bas to eslI satnioto athe advilmmsu.î nisuté aon aae#"nwntf iL.e pa'kersoa îLe ou. Lasson. i i- 7 tii.M raov bifom pan oie tobua N.rmclis .hl rea e m*vent.ueîD#p. pernet.*aorIe*lttpr i*ýfvQr -T# r g , 4 t # 1ra>' mOinse04. -,PgP u- 1 ~îne teomuslsse,.' ho allu.lcd su, .i FI eejWscn4nY us one Wai £1, nemnter. Ur ti go bs ows, rrp..vt»si n ads a.Imcsb.îwincbhaho--( cotait.r mam oconottus tu. he. r il tdo. ,o iso fsuiur awi sa0. et Air.,Maltlt a clssii<lcd 1 Ur. Catauuc sigcomnudtierjlir ttc oi, 0.Mhittsu inMmui ril ing Lis fssonendinens iist aitsbo it r coueas. 50 eeî .r etpossijle,Étif l~,ui e eb ý eaý"dm îitahéemiy hm lt t s.ut olot A cuicl, sad1te t h e ar il 99lOs ni<tiale.Ortiratima~e cnli ts W hacoigne ireri riedaea.rt (hthe c dis lempving ds-esr. h ilp, Bloeiro Yrliituy-.Meuus. Bov, »rosieresud C mp. e u bie.Cei!..ery ilbu atAl<las.,AUi Dae Geç.. sud eisa.ewda er hip gw Yirend S*Wr c ssveý lisi oi - rao.* 1 ,' - '~ Ersn Iboh. ,ve. Il vilu he scentitsthe. pase 0(fs te..i.evzoled ftosaîevery 1eomsitieeiun <lleiel tige auime vrille depui terere si u.ty pirrilunis Oie a~llsr>,,cmmlt.e telof(Ar. Conearaiinouun uns; Mr p lter bthe tt laiar of beassy otaccra i o cuinausiesi; bAir >tcmis,î on <vo; 31f. Pi'tup un Iwo Allun, Cassipltell, snd Coclvioe. o.stlirce adis, and lriti rieriud ISluw, estnueurs .liiurîbsche- lb. Istbi5e uaie t<anébeiîig chaarilsîa two. 15 Pira A l5 x A 5155. Oui h #<e5gort" ir r esiclang t. clerk's dasUf ilsau .svniensu.go in ttruged conisternation. asslard wh.Ig&tlads I j c o u î" , u0 ' t e oi i n i - p o î p rt ? l'r o c o riff i n as l re p o rtl Il WINl te iîeccsury lu explios.wa. Lilupelo at teira. dagua méèting. copied inio the tit.rido. andl p»ced mi lIe, aint.hd lcenrrînuoedfaoaaaeadmunt blitheter.; con.aailrittiigenîttemen oit <hrier rîarisng] jThe dri -Vour Worâtap. lier iitalreport ia g e ae sway suati returucd t, siu ikiatd; il inoSbusow tie -ane tepurit aâi. Air. (irrie (u onlijî]-,Yangeam rcctity Th Ti.Çlent.-I3ut 1lis otthdm reotyn uk Mr. Drapr-Reslly ibis matter tn ton-serins. Tte origiousl report an1 gelie nthec records, tas t en leica aasy, anal istriirerants tmlumgn. the clark canih e- ca.giiizc il neths lne frport. Tiis a Dsnt irregiz. tee proiceedisig iamaililr gjs nrigialalluil;ea report plases! uisth<le recoirds of the cinincil; itie cousc in tireguter,tarir actil trregulg-lthe tole ihuig Ar. buri-f.cer a on record Ibe opôýi t i wsu rceuredc sa t ig elctetcomuitleeltu li ai"det aiai tocc.aily] il wassnegieiaiiccord. li aleai upun aur i, tertiietieapy. or sa itop u( the prufcds#îîip .thgc oinsicil, 1t avli oisttier th Origma tu' nsai te t 0one. ~< gi'l [li't, ousglit fouse)Let <le dcii cogasoater £"aUreport as faut andl let tic commiotrego to war logsud prepuar.snoter report te aurns mtIb Ils. »mq? pir rs huckit Mboa chir and glt'.s<'(umy kxOk armoal îhu eunneiitbriardi. froni,, ttgcayair.ouitile hoaIi tua Mr. A.las. fit tlge fidot o(tnc iable-ilacbn 80c0 u0n vlUg il sî emeîfisi fite.i blMnai0111i0teConaWit hast o0» s# it 1110Y 1ses1Pecte aenittiljç isioseu Iai coulai$seltit i ta. a,5fCuf @*# AAtSP. b1.ffrirvtw, lvo<lutoapitle report fir(teaossldesu, ineson "<hl el'jaai, wlu stli u olidrred ila,.,aigi. mutteë 0<11,.whagte, Air. Pitoi ie eatair. Miie re- parn retommueai t. salariesanal oullees <u4 180, do Ie-ý Clarkt, Trcansféer, and Colirctort mie office et $40o JnotaMioff4Ol ktCie-rit snd Jtrueai r, and $&j to coltac«iorstineiy. iugd aof $200. owiatKeper outiliaoit Rio r-0130, Theasoli 4per suro.-in uPis.ait r*tu# ss tetnrmu. Thle repuelvas ultee ute noon.<rugfit lnaisu. miullle. Mv. Gevi iL thgc le aiuuiitvc tbotigls ,&bu etert caald'picibauthedalles u ortla.iov suail tat 0400a ar sf55 guo iiofr toitollaice- alsa flos suitcls stialai lt# & ,u afbonu<te Tuiwn loait, anal set si oc lari of tt<isgirata'soon0-. h.bllpaà " Ur. Alibi, e*xpressd lseir Olontiaahbt lie pfloprty ofo! iîpIntingtishe Cberk- vbid,ýtraeedrosr mea tsHo~lu<' t v1tiee flodli suascrlleuefil et the i lltaes, soluil mort<luioa inonay woioid L'e boot titila Wleat; wonld ssnsoasslto mu>' eamVio~t 1 Mvr. Draper ras tlu asoir o<iavgng tisa matter ,Ptgial te u tisatltig, la order to is li t proposly aoisiîorod latflu aiCttîino. Un, Oeria bail gooljmelon 10 Pais aover the tntpar, rlitlvg bIl. "uvl-Llcr s id lut tisat al > ie other portlou s othsa roporln-abi 31 ~ ~ ~ h la eemay esiidotu appMtîthUc e sdsos- iii, tbal ivisntn$ and horef« hora a Imio o Aftereosnafur< er~rmm.ks <om Mcs. was pêîoidi is e eoînînltt. oeego raporte pripircs doanal obtiinaeaisi u oit agaisi aitlita nest nseincrtig or, the coancît. A by-lav foanded on lt.e elansewus< ltaon la-' trouaca' nal pîsAsa, pPOIlglig IHenry' liaut- n'ai Âssscss,uttAuir4 of 9100. h; f 1 - el, O~~ ~'j. epnly rçeva. Uxbidg-Geo. WLclor, rave, ýj i. bitby. Towirp -J .fikeiav Whiîby Et-Jss. O. Gel, raavc, Bob iSmith, ilepnayi. seav t Whitby Town- Jm Boy., raava, Jas. Rstdïeç depuat>' èaiié , Omlav-S.~.Fairbanks$ roque, IV "bu Gib~depay reeve.. Mr.- Gibbs arasa and aid hc hail gtrai * pbenfire ia Proposng - D ama of a genm Ilemn wh ont l lsong expuirienca, 'a weltems ineJtimata pquiancwilh :îh foleapd vng of the t tJocnei!jand rl m~Lof mnna jsii i~rna worhby ccbAlsgue, Sias Benjamin Fair- banks, Esq., reave of Oshawa, as Warden forth. present ycar. M1'r. Guy biltfi, uaconded the nommas Mr. Mole #rasopoaed theraroa eof Jush Wrlgti La.,mmWardao, sud in doing lié ba.aaid Là fcl&,1ha&t k usaonly uhai vas due tuo the township of Beach, whicl Mr. Wright reprcaanied, and tirat the in 11pence and - 0alth of ihat', the moat popa. lona tov-nahip 'in tha Cony, entitled ilt t thie Werdenîh'p pstion which no re praesnrativc of tha i ôwnsh4, ser jet oc amy foriser nominations. Mr. Mccreight propomeil the -naome of John Dryden; bad Capialis Rowe basa preffent, b. sabould baye grest pleaunra la moiving tise naome of <bat gentlaman, but be'regretted <bai through ilineas ho vas anable <o hapreà caî.fla îbreore'moved the noims of Mr. Dryden, vbo vas a, young gnleman or g 1eitt prowisa, whose clection woold do ciedit <o the couacml. Mr. Robson secouidcd tisa oomination. IMST Vo«e. Tihi vote vas <isen clkea vhen'thc leu amd neya tuere taken dlevasa followms On tise vota for Mr. Fairbanks - Yoaa-Mesrs. Suib,(But Wbitby,) Gibbs, Guy', Brethour andi Holdn- 5. Nays-Measrs. Oeztea, Gordois, Wixmon, MeCreigist, Miller, McPâe Meltme, Wright, Robinson, Wbsler,'Veashy, Sin- clair, Smith, (Scott,) st. John, Biakel aýnal Mesrs. Fairbanks and Dq~dea verae e. otel, andi :ise motion vas deciared aitos. Onth ie voia for Mr, Wrigh- use yen veve Meurs. Seston. Sinclair, Smului (Scott,) bMePbce, Malta., st. John, (lor' Ion, smnd Brethour- .;O Nala-Messrs, Buldegi, Miller, Ro-bin son, Wbeler, Faeuhl>, Ou>',Gibbs, Gilles pia, Smith, (Eas»s Wbuîby,) Wizmon, Me eight,1 and hickel-12ý.. Loit-Measrs. iWulght, Fairbans iand Drydeanet voting. 1On tbe vote for Mr, Drydeiha bra op. poared, Yeau-Muaerm. Holden, Miller, me CrrigLi, Wixson, Cordong,,Puy, Faasby, WLelar, Robinson auil d dton-lU. Neya -Meusrs, Fairbmnki, Gibbs, Bvetb. onrg Gielespie, Smith. (Fi. WL.), St. Jphn, Wright, Mcbtae, MePheas, Biakebl, Smsi <Scot4> Sisicbuir-12. 1fr. Dryden being .zcnmad froin volange Mr. Mmclcaeîl-Thmî - cçiclod-s theat nominations. l'in afril thc coaincit vili1 havjo eleatthIbis airk Waidea. (i.aaagis Mrn. Gibbs egaiu rose tîVOPooe'Mv. - liirbanks, and irosiel tbai voubl ibhist tua. carry bis mon. -1,Y Mrv.Wright vas again proposed b>'Krv1 Malte, secunded l >Mr. Seton, Mrv. Dryden wai proposaI -b>' vMr. Orelgba, seccîstidé4,a1fg. 8biJsai. For Mr. Fairbastis-Ymm, Messs.f Smith, (B. Gu~ iis Oy# ,Btotboar,, sud Gilespe-&, Croigbt, Miller,FebyW.*obmon Smlh, 8co4~ Sialmr, oldin n .For 1r r;l~YaMmy.(r dg, reihoor, ,81î. robot MaRIà e, MaPba., Nmyma-Memrm. Wizson, maOrsibtÈ siller, Fesal>', Whelsv, Bobinson, Onuy,E Fairbanksm, Gibibs asuilpi-14.* F C Mr. îjryden-sY.sess ip Mllt mcOýigbt:, Wizon, -gordba, Fesaby,0 ~~pFairbak, Gi4bbs luao- îqp ré ËL? 0 .lt E WLt.,)St z.ÂsiAt;n Dibutespaqt four :th. ,Cbair vu~~P5 rauaaed sud aominationa caltd for b, eousiuc she~~ Clrk mub mu im. Wright, Drydet,5fld Fairbanks lilinelvea li wer iin cmceîvey ouninated, on a1 ta uiw-j.Tl -aquarevoie, Ihe yenu in their falor boing aute correct On"ube- oinvn bt Meuars, Gordon, Bretlwoar,gsaonMolden, M ml aud St. Jobn-9- .lin., adr:o !FOt! Mr. Dryden, Yeaa- meurs. Sexton, Holdeo, Miller, MjCreighbt, Wixson1 Gôr. ~o h don, Fcmshy, W4lesuc d Robina'-9. -à voe. ~~ - GIjIesjIs, ait --(-IL W.) É oli a t , Feasby. w1èîer, Pbiis onand H~! MietW9 eob rbýn ti:vmbaie t1 < lâitm4y; ij loi o.b. droppe eaah tima, ini order to come a decisiva vote. The Cerk-Yon ean'i vota- for Wawdm -b, ballot 1< in mot: ah. British va,..:- K moies té Jme M<ý.ght9 14sq eu t o! Pickering, -,b.Wardea. Luit ou idivision, thc yeas baing'9. On <hae. oige ivoethe, afollona nominations vere nmîiad a'à i deeared beau . aGo. Wheler, 8; 1M.,Cillc*sa - Wright, 11 ; Dryden, Il;-, reis,5 l'hs cont e n the diviisioa on 1Mr. Dry, déc'anmei.heiug"'11 tu , 11 te>ewaao naaswe'eman'd d ai tarrês et > foliova: Yeu -Mesirs. Settoi, Hldenp Mill et, MýCreight, Wixson, Gordiin, 'Bob. in oin, Wbclev, Fenahy. Dr)den.- 10 7aNys-Mcasrs. Fiairbsanka, Gilihi, Gil- Jlespie,Brtbr.Sns(. .)Siu J<Scom , Guy, Si, John, Wright, Mc1Lasa, blaPise, Bleliell5 sinlair-iS. (1fr. MeUt, wbo votie Dryden on the divî,'iou, vssad againas imnu uthaettakitsg o! tisas euamtti aya.] XsîmUn VU'rE A gain Massure. lright, Dryden, ad Fairbaniks vero propuacd, anal Mr. Guy, propoea by Mv. gardon, secondes! by Mir. Wbler. The resulîî £f tbe division hein; Wright, 9; Guy, S ; Dryden, 9; Fair- banks, 5 sud coiaquen.lyall loost,- STi cicU a OTS,- - On tise touts, propasrly -the ain<b anal lut voie, 1fr. Sinclair vas- piopmsed b>' Mv. Wriglst,7 econle elb .t&. John, Mr. I3iakeaI: b>' à 1fr. ltobinao,i, a by Mr. Whelsr, sisalet. Smiths, of Scott, b>,, Ms. Gilleopie, siecondaI - b>' M1r. Bratboav. .Sinclair ohtiued uost1es; Bickeil 14, elactia; Lienadtals<us cooiiag off Smith,$ nains (rotm ibe vote Oas the oblaehbin& caîlasd oaly tavo mea bers atous. Tho evwl lecteal Warden vas thea (<lue mintes pust 6 o'eieck,) condactad te bis seat by Litsaoer mud seconder, hmving takaît tise munai dclarobtion c of fice baera, Mrv. Gilsbs. 'TÉere vas. a cousiderabe .nmlnr o! pettoeant la tise court voounadatim; thet votisg, and île ramait, viiL Évas aDi- expected,. vas graeta-.l with cloeas pd Mr. Ilicissl,in rstorning;lbis incare tisabis for tise confidence pîseel la Lins, anal thefisonor coaferred 'apon hM.n,, u bain; elacîcai s îLte bead o! < ha Coainty- Counicil. Reacertinl> fAtthéisbonor mIl tisa greator artev ielong ta; <bat had,end liai afrier aver>' oue aebeing tmcd le sisonlLave <allais îo hlm. Hliéconclaîrd b>' iopii; <athé tbasineus or the couticil vo ald b. coispd f icd u uanai;y, and that nebros wýoaI otloae nse ktus repres. sont thoîr ova p a llosLar Icatity, but the wkLola conît>'. -- On motion cf 1Mr, Fairbanks ead bfiir.Gilibai, s-arolioï> amsedirect.. la; <bats acoamittrq o. avan bb bo&so for îo report lte standing commis<ees, TÉise Wsrdam a&ppointaI 'Memerm'o. CGibbLe' sît Wbcler, sernaers The- ballot resaled lus fa4vor: o!flMetare. Dvydçn, Falroasae .rlX."ý,ibbs ee, .oige tplie wcnd 9 qj by.lav for thé appointÃaent o! Audit or. l<LiTAtLJsGTue UCCoTUi. Mr9ibb*, aecossdêe-l<y Ur; XMcCWsigbt, minutes dispense thiih l the motions for, &*~isiiea, a,, c#p p t lut ie leats, 7airit#uiss, GrlnsfBrqtb; env severati ysmppal'led the motion ou ise #r~~88I~Ji'~~Il~ts4 ou1d h. effect. #ad1s I1ugý;îL.ý0dute4 !sud4 th.a- ne vau, Deeedingo y 3. a, t. I. il s s Il n jams~d tiýoýïogit i m'aa<-'ppola£ii 9. H. Lawder andl 1cm. Ditike>, Anditai <1e a1, t ter ou thé appointaient o! Il Wardéd'Selà f~S sbLe dot!a« tu mInce lb. audhslng of she sebc Oncumotioni- -of -Mr. - Fairbanks, -it - i< il i tdww éutbÃo -AFTEBNOOK SESSION.,- rThé moà oll-reumed th&Wa .a n tehi. y) "F' iiosWho ver.enca pon t yIto » prlîtceof esseerygretreulfic, crea ct o, oni aca Theèfollo<viiig B3119 vere reid -a ' second it. s a.isry w"-s E iuflýy an operatiry, gbat timue. aund referrea là bthse .ioumiteeon WssoaiaZy, sud W<o hi-4to the crue. <hlm;Muisclp5 ass Asusmnsnt tawss -iiof lnuoy or tliosa #PLIIsld-edhflûea wliic ,neJs< Bil rsspetti - Miaiipal' uittions' wetagiyi n! tne Mj~1r. <Carnegie. -. . '0 , ltonaay.aae .lsaoês oh p ,sUJie lo Luu )uapeiztfve -Iilto agnend thie Assefflmcat LavawsoiSAe, agad givissipg' tesaor~ ie 1fr Tr#. rssaý,-wekca'p anoa!ind a uobldr ul-jiet iii m - View,., Ltise iiiiif< iauiid, uniIthe uJ1osmens..tlb.ljw resplaif; uni ~ Oçrîntlgoilwî oal a, cpel Institution!s. Mir. Trow. 1< - " A ,wi e pî ,w.fè*cs a e e ft rvanstuil, 0< 1%0a 1!Bibll10, patablitih a Coifillded tbiheoaa'îIisf < > ialsidtis s a 'y o! flevenue Vund was rend a second timte, at«Yo0nthebaia ut reigion11 imcd, anal referred'tos eoütittteo! -thie 'wiole iavatigio nefmrthcr nxer .r vorkiugtooa, rota fluseto-msnrw. -arry licans6ti»tof then< ta ut,» b1i big * Br JSAR erz etitl, equalsty; mmd roai Itbplusal, rae, jas. es osf Ounmotion of lon. 1,;S Mc Don ald. tive anuijriglaîittias ur lite. - In. The Hous *eittnto'Coenù'm',ls the.,Tuais sau.riog clir - ac-uonie »b> M--o raie, .Wue Whole -Mfr. Oow in !tisa,. clatr--osa ýtIsé.tit Preceprt cit.ltalDivine Biu: frontu Vioga pm.Bill rc4pccting a Provinîcial; ýdut> n l;odiasqnnalest, aal rctslutucig g at- tierakeepers.The >Bill vas - rporlelfon ie- as tok r wihu ieniet au'd ordered t i-fr,à d iac»or <La asisu tsbatmsed Isupem tIorcud a tIsirdliaa in morrçvw. - mininancofotatsioga sholid caisae Oaa 011 Friday, UMv. Paxton ýialrouced tha !s lu forzet Suit va are-zIt bretisrena, mekcp <bey billto charter tiseil, hitby sud Port Perry #fi siglît is criteroas of moral ractLituda (wlakb tw-ouiiavildî tsi> Aitd loouk fornard wota Tise oua. considcrad tis a nd rcsoIl. opctiuly t-o tlit ligne whcîs va siuali bcgain - and" ti, commspiteta of- tise vole. ikiesd. iiatlfrillapanhtsr reabta; ruents vere-uait in coluattittee, tha,;pria-n om, w<sbo(rsii raai iî oieuven 1<- aof wiiclî wtt flsnt tiha frie grant 1ss at Jeu.O A. 0. TlU. livea sassd veig1ws Mv. cpl tha altleraftcr siuprusin tisal w<e, <lihronehtlt l altutiita hrco aieinatcd by tes tlýaieheisutti 'rnarita'of a or'e.Iti83c uvior, vaisoyatt'iuio iteml 'perlormnted tis element alitias asudloh. sva onlaitstf or cirr m'ld cur. " luth, ns> as.taiiîed his patent. ,- An amendinarît waï; flaigia,41iraifalh-uciz aras the hoptaa s à , noir moveal b>' Mfr. BluL-e ant ausla > f.>i'tsao an uscuni i' etliddavn,- W «1,1r, <ou, yon lissa mca iotsrpredceriiar.s ont. Beyd, . <lbeungy xthrw, ýq ia ec'r tofila, iuî lisr uaetiity aree&in or tis eaftect tisaI iftisate-mas of tise -four 't 'J is otersatirVa< 3tim, b 'tiiosa uukt atrnataruif,ss *rcsslutionré, e ccscowpýlieaI ittl, acîtuai l Ttsaas.and vo-surrgail ai inia- la5t etltssarcady on "laiadshaîil 'nfot. ha greyt>sscisnsi btsiisaalt Suir 1reitregransdeur, d », iabe fur an>' dauît crirstced vitiin tïrent>'y 'tui t u ni t he saili1 utnu -.l of tlicdr 'e ila-ului tled )lna' , vIsas ins. aaae- lieyassaftcr the pasatrç,of,thiâ Act, iso f"ir cil ila, stynçn:gerusiy miit ilu-i<'- the ai the' land l ionèeai.isèj. 1fr. IIlake's îrtnriuk!ic gzetiai Àor-tiirrart. hsuud iitJIy - ruson <car filithdrawnl vus the. claleniant cgizuiîia a u M>tLt< Iwit-h ilot- Put tiladeb 1rwe fcdMcoed[blj 1 fisk sudswUilnîa"v udciavor Co amcsscmcnt vra peristealla a 1d1ua1ae, ù l.uilp a hatbitaltiouo! 0id - tlirotgh tise li c ha ould'reiga. 'Me rcsoîutions vere 5ii5ittdobl wlîatenmn cantiva tus holinau, te' [hon pasea. pmrity o fn~ is ilit <talad th-e. rha. On Mlonda>' Sir Henri Smith'& bibi 'for 4h. b'rJ 1< Lh uh;,:tusSVr Illea indepetidonca of pasrlianseast, guio- eh.alîaicut-<1eloitapratyerai ass mgrasitcr titan 1er, ~ ~ ~ ~ llr tia iftfiîsmlîo: hi; arid.cisatatiad <il. h. i, SA, M- Ba- l -bllneaodulrescigntatios Iinca e Muioia iluwas retiedid nlla 'à , lo'defèWad o'a, vote pf 32 10 30, ls~ oiiaiacaUcr glorlunsCatier.. Tasday the aeierai potitiona repecîla; Thio sgtiui5:itaoihueatiliset ltekiligdom the. taverne occag.ied tise attention, th -uvhbir<l, l't iaasousry-0.aj i ii tlits» à o id;ýiush'iiasaeau is alb i<ajraesng. hao! ha oa,m afier tha formai - business 'frîll ,idaaiîglra ti lOrdsr ciîjusa ota o ha engona ihbroagh. TiUIa Houme a. mibtstoo 41p1tialV ts, tiahe ro'bserliuooa - EJYur y imubér o!tts fritaruittY ila requaircil ic urncd bafore 5 la ibe afterora. 'o yroias t isthi Ie czbateîtve t,! a Siaprans 7b:tke Ejg<~ of lieW %su ts Cheotdeis igry, - - tua 7b1keEuéro he(ientêritîf te bodgo, ah.cundidate la, sby g. ' iituit<te t-e10 11,J. tan $fifitcly vs udaa - - gaud uii u ta 're1ie islmiaigs POnS -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1,1 , tu g»"Inoi ,autzu u I'î; e~ Irgi li iticii ilc"lausezast'ey 0V( 1 ::rsutogass:iuiîq vimtin ss hbc hisiuny tisa btter eu, Cod. torcalgh4t oaa uvuii, tise sprend outdtise okeuba.' jui filalanutgLu oa-isà 1 e as..ltataea- ro-§cure èf.mal px ninà tise chldren utIl"' Maoct-ilsuli; <liaI tise eflois tta4baLgua- O! aali 50? 3ii555-lu ibis nisla, n;sy bc aontlincil- ta> itsgli.ry.- altendurugtiti Ymarious towa sch'Isoos. 1 bI He ,uitrua5gud o oiter prisyer teo ust, sud abreclcd-tise toucher* to seid me wa- t 1 .o rlytrtoaIliulinmevasty saltrcossy fureoustur si011 unvuecîntel aiilren la l their respec.a. mi alujportm t t lIt'. - divisions, anal onderal <bat suais. 1.3 îrtlgrissooetsanglt ln tise firsI derti ia e lîd slîofilaInot be perliitedtunattesd pa ret Ilsao0y <M ifli l t' Ali., Itîvasr maboul uisî1, vaccination isal beau porturi. art>mlt 8 ait ituJn>rlob,;itvU ad. fisi sînammci étp vs zecaaaryhar ii imier îi, r lt, imd'puas. wserve a- tha cd htsiesc tpvsDcsayfriand. r trsor lis lime piwseod. la evudencacl hy tis act a4tisa 11) issi A*,* Miaroiute, .vaipmuel ithç ascrea lai' fi r y hsvsrsdivisioroin tsr isatirant>' r1tiui51u54155J4Lu Ibasa iut aarsomn-tta.seipi unvaalnato claidrananal Isas yft Lionha iaual liasl sit czley.IVc turgei to-ousider J& unyaiintedchidro. ad tiis4#fur hé'à * laleattorisgig tiitlrati u <sta i sutios -prisan ces ausong us, for scerai yaceks, of jsiad 5, t-gaitt at ctin» bý fisaivUine Tro- tise diseuseptavilili 1< colialms.lst utal lgoiad olf In. .Jobhaotoa,, tiseJCisairamitn o!flth e wil irntise iuporal -nt'dut>' hsooirci <o use sepate salsool iboatrai, Stîy reqi:cat,îstsa 0o1, <o h tie girbsor, igad tbigtssejf. on'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~T 0netk0#l15 tsSutulruap r ro(Ol hy inover mnltsiasg lits Dniel bat *QU iraklituflttdon sgnllirowo reTis<btsiieesd ratIvretit-o idaIs siredus.r Ur. takca uin Mrllurplsy*s maboul, trainstisecaenteao e lis tresitor, lsY iinploris foi.- le Itlie f..aved ilte -utîles seoma fur- lits nid -oui-41,1112 agl aîist odep io sudm asslylm' tison -ensures arc takan, a nuaibarr o! la.klae up <',fllni, lit 4vçry cassssrgiahiuy e - mCai sss.laspte olis uesglt»or, 1 i d hchibdvan,,- uier .Uthe-aâ.eo!ftdie yeavs, IginS biîuu oas ii tiste saure, b>Lre ijn si #bytiroug Illetsa et cuipuble neglecat or eavy clois il sioc vîsian i jifitiaor iîscie na>' ignoransce of thsar parents< vwilI ratîain ex- rfttire, lgs'reieisiusgIiÀ éJi.trteâg t>'sotl- ,paasd ltisebcravages of une or tis< oe D1ialii>af$i%( ouss-dd htaff-O 11, as ain a-lutlsaoiao scourgcs vîsicis eau ahlict it~îe auzuita1r liaess45acvola viss Ihi. auiglibe-w bisaslul ralues, n saniote silthee4 b>' llsi- laiai rcetbouis tsanon, use or ise srIialy:tt isisa wicli-regastasd eoarm. f dlip k.oimplde man.' of preautlotb-pIacel by linoas isy tiesis cousingle to fige ciavtiet- tiProvidenae ataour dispo a1ci ' fit& i rAmntbhla lu nt#r- J.tla<obegiutaltiPM -il atis ai tl5b tit-,Vry, Usereby etusiiag lilas <o cxà l. tI;ssetà ttot aewiarasfiOut whrisah tultteas bore - powerstà enkores b>' y lw compuiSOs itry * .) iOlwg5lory as te ,'theaweifargio!0bila on accination, yetno as.nob powers -aracois- fellow-eremttde, As- a eitain orlthe voridif Vaferra u»ugn Towpoî. WVkai the 3Municipal lhao wilced té ea4sxesplulyi)ln teLita llcharge- mil Act, comasâ up for ustnneat titis oission ellals cfviJ ilsties, b>' naver prOPpm»lnlg, or se sisould h #aippl~O. - -..-tili tsscis ma issUas iss.>" Isaîva stan-- sboud bffillledýdetiey 'to tubvtrt tilas panes .iud s d' re0o< t 2ours, k4 - olul'4bp>usdaabd"ic qea LWli 0~. DRNE4 tit bae wiill Uni), urnt i . jsr tig ch - - vusrÂ.B. S. T. <ion , nda, ou-lltsu'nuîloditig asght aut; whiîîhy,-Jan. 28. -ts laifea~h#fçriis va, ................... - - lue ihd~arrassM*cisqc tl t mro hss h1r liBryd.-es bas oilerel tb conîa '00iiptintad lit i» tffitsà Lùà maudiildissolu-- so barreais buiS, ireeao!faarget ouer thse (and h-atiasssstestap,orttrJ . di OI Truak, for tisarelelf of tLho ZNova Seotiau ,,; 4Iso ý<Wo ns4kà 0, p rel~iouss te 5's tir çom~cusrurè.jv'Xi3eè suaIomt Ã"h tiiiiluiaraiaaalby tit pas- A - &narrow.gauge r- wy ro Beleile-r a4tcà . ta theu- gld mine* bsiaonlomplated. flWvtj4ipis/là blb1ba enîma JonJcbAstor,jr., taeNa e' Xrt Jiei* iuvbt wosV7-s« lli 'cave, Wm. Sinclai, aur .'a4uuteaculat ot Gui [31r les-pil'ajJVote-- - , Mr. sestu malda fovw wds as -ta Tblapi'saealiiibebida lthe 4nestioc M 1r. Holdens coaîeaded that shere noth ing in the proceoiings o! yjasaerdi wbhich îhey - Lad 'ressonatuo feei shbac lie, for ons vas nt usiamcd of bis i on tiaiocaio.,AnS tsoeaiaa ahilîlai h beaid ian'wn;-idai tise coanel filly and ficrby gisca dowa Mer. GoEdon teooissuemna yuLthe re and depn:ty reave o! Osisava, on lb. io taken b, them.- Hevianied the c tpi sttled ui onice, wehr-rnoî coaneil bil ile poiver to remia theirc 'te»oînîlols sand by-iawa0 Hafe fid ý Lhad; lst<hapover tisat aould enact cc ialicr mnd smsnd, anal îhaî thair la"» nos to be held-ika <boa. of'iiiame"e Perasian, not go b. itlanged. Mfr. Wbaler read.tse resolaîjeao! Gibiamd coniparcd st uit!the mini andi conicndod t[bat<haternis of thse te lotion Lad nôuthen compîted iviti,1 tbhe instrnctions o! thé cauncil, carric 1r. iiretscar vas naither 'afraul a-sstied ef hi. vote; ba vas roady te i by vint lie bad due, and bcblie bsîed wu bis col!estgue, [ait. Gil lepie.] - vaà in laraytcflettin; the vilo! proceedinigo go trelura mise publie. , M-r. Wright's, restion w u' <lienj mîîd earrjed, on tha falloving division t Yeng,-M-esrs,. 3retbour, HIoden, i clair,- Smiths, (Sçoit,], McPhee, bMalI sexton, %Wyigh<, Goru, -St. John, Wl ler, Faasby aud Drydeq--l13 - ?Xays--%easés. ïairbaaka, Gibbs, Mill On ibis qreti'io! ofthe adIoptioa o! minutes as ordered tuob.easude- 1M r. Gordon, écoaded isy Mvr. St. Joi .moued a% (jrther- mmendaet as to the cordiag of the graé ays inuas u bueatuerwarda iwîtbdragv. Tisa motion vas again put,for appr-é o! thé -miinue, as1amodu, -Mr. iFeu asid Le 4111 nos inow vilst Le vas al to approvié: of. 1o- T'he c¶lnail haivia; stal<illed lîsel!, the sidoptioa of 1Mr. Wrighîm motion tas forinlan 'bicb il vas put, romainu oued. -- ",U. Drydea ecommiated apvtia<LPoo ton la wbich tIse Wsrdin aitowed tham mepiascdt , byaîwa amîo o got (re the concil wbich vas mol in ordel, rit leagIbi a rasolauca pt.ud, tisai i] nianutas bdoppoisa0,à rend b>' th. ce and thos t<Le maltai vu disposS of'. - 1u r vas isua G olixTio, Mr. Fhsirbaisabronghit npthe refort lit" âpcm oà ita ppoiihasd io mtri Ibo mutdnwOmtes bib -,su ce siduvod le co'nmittos of thi vhole, -M Bretb'ur ln the pbmlr, and sdcpted sau'i lows ,Fsnance sud -Aufflent-Massrs. il ii, lob:. bmutb, lirutbour, Boldand am Johm. - 1 llcto-Mas.Giblispie, Dryd habimmon, G3rdon aud MaPhue Bon& .aauBridges-Mearm. Fairînb (oes gbretlioar, McreijhtRobt. Omit Coant>' Proporty-Mcssrs. Gis>',Sextla mmt So<]Wlslcr, Mer, aý na l ow, Printng-M.mrmordou, inclatir, a IUtiaL'g furizmâ thea ti'assaurert *0 ; te S>'vesaî licCuiuslail, . tieuatts for th .. Air. Parker - uice b. givenI dInt, [o ttcfa 'vluo bava px-titi ,Vis:, -1ludow-t Jicar, Paît. MOI, 'l î 1