Whitby Chronicle, 6 Feb 1868, p. 2

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N. snly eau - J - vili va W1sa-be S w eseietroin e. dolilb.ra(i bod as- t .1o b. w SOe rulile#,asr et if a OfO àéfs pmmoee i, for ue. t e eD ert(vo ml iltîl iU, mlatisfoa to thidme Dm MYr tise Wsrde.blp. Dot Lbo'ge. rd maurw usrins M mmbon Ivar& .a.iiotiar vua ail ooeeli eemesti or f Uiie eie gooà oIE fusl... 04e &i o lill' oy et isWa"tisn' sppa .md, v wIeme MÃŽbm esud tbil rIson& b4d 10 oppwmosty eofmsdiibis. .uee, asi wiit.e ojoylsg "Tite (ciit ofreaes sm i tffovf sul," bppmbieg #e..samober iib S"$mel IL>' of fresdo M4anti ms elb t..e Yeom .sprkueet aL Lia omeIl boardi - M asl sr bris; abesi. FmoisLb .....,lf table tb. *vefl.lie nfamitiat Moïs!s etm"olti fldu s-arem m i smoenàt tIseoldee sd, mu ecaspee ofet m ies orcaptai. ove. lobn sia. Pery, Cao, Braia.., AIes. Leumei,, T. P. Wblte# Jeu Ha;ll -Thompe.., aud osiers, wuho, l in ys goe eby,'bed maoy a hard0 bt tor t ostal>' eoun4llmaltera. Engos, ilieug4-theo ofut t!as ofteii mavere, tbi>' verem Pn vboin uhir day titi maob- toeifela 44 lis ero f lie debte la Lbé eounty eicl, anti vitW isi til tmir tait abaret varta tranein tilm nfrmea of time."euuty, sd ut iseng op tbo'standard cf ib. lotellgemcs of <b. omneil ies bodi'y, mgrmnnvII ii lcs AnE ia ebave 'semaepride,mas volts klasri, laiing cor bamble fIi&momny ibat »Mofet hese yeonget smoncf O. <si lsrai sil. o otipi-omise Lia tboe> lit tomno tiacedut t belrps-etoeesr. - AhegeItier o tisla monoreo««tecoo, igtoiI t# ilme soumisil cf 1868 on Is coi. * eldt1 iain*tioubaire t'won stpsedi frein mailt enoasaei nd i o fttbue sseon go &opi #bât g gocd àgUÉI61si se. sam i if iel * bvr&alp viii b.ugin 61 (kfirlitîpres.nttireo. Ateougat obes- eredîtalsi ata, bîibaisuldti Do hoomi. teE te, b. sttetmoren cesplueuly ies-e, Lb. otion cf b. onacli vith respecltu< il,, Noas hlosditeua, in rotdog $M0g, audthfi b oet euncf $100 f ouardu aie mtion o f th* Volomuleer Testimonial, tic «drei li ae te îbolr pbilatistupysot par Tisn fey ieied di> lu intiese àmatt> sudJ<boIt libsil le vos-lb>'ci fise *,oun.ayloet erat>'aetioetpralse va Bonît iloir#hein. Th T i Laress ia NovadSeetaf. PFrom Dsan> erry newspaper va boear of Itbe gresi dlstrèse a.omigt thse fisherausa otflNora Beeti*, ovin;Lute sfaitr.eofthue-~ puat yosr's fMarsiée. W. boer end îidings pfthoiI- vaut,5 titr bonn, rtoit uffornage sud expoeira. Tbi flaerme-srsa in good tltas-mbelst on tise rer>' cosrsemt su4 bareet aceasate.ofetlife, anti visa (bf 58faSsis enaval Goct cal>'inc-isthe enfferng Lie people inuet edduv,. 'fi. appasi for aidtote ls Prenince.bas beau oet Most ne0011. Tise goerauent bas Ivolet $5,00, i wici, teubtisis, yl b. aapplimwaletib>'a-masîtlargert an. Ont et ulal>' atyb gîran $50016a iisgoot nase e cail>,osd otee- c omeas tcliuagthb.get si a miet bei.- Do e i isttter salmilti e riL bore- ith people gset-aliy abonîti showr Ioir -mati. mauIte relier. tiitsafferiug bretieru. We m a 1b1 îjq the mpoer. W e a1 glot Boppes-Unnuiy o! sbismg oir blet foollaga tovsmd tise' peepi et Meré,s ecila astiPro@etisaivoarea noit 0 oiouneeeg, au tUdiea-lt « sey >'aso ette b@ller. vu e,, .,WisaLif49-. ge ator UI sietve>'.0a ssajoà eit>'rebello s t *9y <i. isp#dltod Rove I Oms-dos>' le plaie. Lotel u, hieu, eab giue is ow scea"at, v. bellspr., more "algoeetin bu dome Lovasila tie soslllaiouMof s EfeiiFdlos isialtI llmea Mdit sisie of!saona Me idc#ver Mee. Ti l tu 1 wo.4antiiora Liumsto. Lsesvesrpontiént coli. attentios te tils - ~InIp~p sujea (go -tbe popisolt no towi afMWlutby,) Niaélimer ecamas tiié maSrs. n b.1loe. bus ferisat hanW1- The i a ity, I pis. * lii pau tsa publIc auppat on TbsvwJ.q, or'; laut, 'fluesvm ebetvees40 saut 0 Pérm7, antidunoMayor, Dr.auneu, vie ce- çupW #c#4atreoppetvy .c1 b. riglu anti left o et b. Wsrien . ,Tbôjocd '(big vers prttsiby 3Mr, Davis, of the -"On. tatiu, "b'bo Wî As tiuno sfor b. .reing. lunvbuel toust and sons preisl- eti, puWseet oLplequantly. - L»gulaL. .f'Qsi»t w tor-e acutioms <edrag lia e" aiea;, VîIi" adimeg viii s'ý ottilr>'pgra& Tbf@ .Tero Insu pspm asesembetti vtlieeMmes upes ai- veulE provoeofieWtersi e Lsegemra raedar. A bIti, stieulidqg MOd rqoalg tbe n.of<rassies eng lm a n»v mes. oure bdm #u.Hoeuelssa rgo ofKr, Cmmborîsad, Tb@e lm..grai ot sumai blil# oeaepfrti assioftbLie utoc f une Hocula 1<. several stages turIOg <iLe uvek, sud bas et lenguis butc all>'d passeti Tb@e other mmsi mpoftat um u ersdis tuaseti vere tIse Division Coure's bill, lb. gaine lava, a blî to Leoerporate on. larlo Cotlege, tié etomme là*av rocetiare Mt, anti sem etiers vbias voe Mropetl. îely itiasued a' stage. TbImm oe l leetistiviii Lie eeptios vemmrm PUetitie0ns, oamsievry ooelile 1 sbjett. SrMAuL Nvc-.R vueu Co'# ,Cfl FosruItIr-1IU sfoustry - bas tdoe é rer>'lage bdéi.eas dumlq b put paer., Tiotiemedt'for to patterns of stcras mannfaetera'i b>' iIrm, bus la. crodsetino.rapitiof Mati tliaI lIey, bae bast .mpeiie tuf.eilag "hutireai> IluM ef tise mosi eommdiou aidtzoten- silo la tise 1>mloion. Ut.Mr, nwu«tm bu e stabltubed a ilis nptslnfer bis st"«, T"'fe>' ao .os.qnomuiyI.agmest demaut. Bis nime op"sou bu etm 10 lia eomsdà tiffl em gs-sciaiof lis gondi qnllty. Mr. Wm. Bryp, oM <bi t oinI, lusoi. *gPM for Lii emmi>'t. lUn lvais keepe a larg sîcek of Lisee saape o soeuos &AA COJDUI i mà? aaaus-A fis laI Md"tet oeerset et às aioeaMmte& at marisiasion Sam&yi.ylut..I& appuais iats oma etoiem mie eioodlugSI; Sie pieo vec <bey 0ev aira>'.On. M1li. pigesa 1ev fate snaibarn, sat Mr. I;per' s on, a boy aient tireire or ili-Leen ysars.oIt, venminlato ebaus il cntMr-. eo, Wilson Mi i rein tbe entido sud frit ahot uiblo took eoleetin u ae boy'a besti, kittiog buniuamttyl. la . aiEi, Ms-. Ta.'asion fre t aL ai sa#ntisa. Ta asit MAso m Farîivit. sumona. oelt te s laitas tise Meciaio'iIl, Le. tmoi-i-ev(Frits>') eretnlpromise ir binE tiai bas yet takon pk-inluWltiy. 'hfie su tring lbat cf 1Mh RR, lias issýnoSget te suppli' . sui.or ,tbe Tise Ulutary ofttse Mebssles'Imathate mIl b.eCloudsti L O 'eWoe# Ce ouFr1- taY aext. Ils Usxesx.-'be lmL aeias c f tes ý6ions -lesu otusseti </se4a Meebanlua'bail, Tbi Mia> rng mat, t'hé lsiîlut. Tsee4tntaieOf mansge ment baie semrUi tia sWn ofe pPOla iraI »S itiovu g amter te pour. ie ae-uaoms, yUl b. fl w MI' v astoagg de il 84#»«E atrieoirdt bains Sa" f? m 1 . Isgg, s (armer, raMi;là issIugqo dIs sel 4uIy on PMay lit. tisle, *ied " isel tmg lalise morslug sMd vas, sppwAmtly< In.geed illtlm. Aller dIabu W",e preperlug se go to voriS$aai" vie. b# mddsmlyfali tovu teaL ,'Tis demesd vug of <epetat. babis, sud *W igil 61 ?rlut~ng The coaneil res ais à 'çopet Warotifu lihel»1, Tii, Wartin laid befese the conel t Atitots: report upea Lbh. nonz-raider land i ud. auLbcvze lz b.ptymeut cfa tevard foir th apprebeoic e" ro , $Splt>' erbors staling. bé .ouoel vet lnto cmu miLLes etche lb. ole tberecn-Mr. Drytit luitb L0"lui.' Te coinmittee rose anti r portodti t b-lav vblcb passed vitl certain aînendîments.Àmuterea P00.* Mr. Fairbankus pre.ented. the petitleno J. S. Campbell -imd> tb.v, praylng for Lb. enaction cf a by-lav forgiantitl 1100@000,49 saetlcemi I Th#.ptin vs eOnlm t thé c. emmittseon Issue. -Mr. MeUrelgbt lntrohieet a by-.lav tc eosmera S lsy-avs No. 208 sild M09of tî ,ofPickering, Theluy-lswuaavesd, lai süd nd e Lan sd riéerred te Lb. standing committee on Res anti'Erldges. LICSIE CD LLUàiz$' A55OCIAtIOX On motion et Mr. Gordon, Lthe Warde vas insîuctet on bobal' cf the ccuucii, to memorltheLBo iug, cf Assmbly aganan$ çauLlng en Act et lucerpoatien (o the T lntiUallers'Amocaticn. Mr. Gis, oecodeti b, MMr, MCrelgit, moreti luainttiient Lt b hematter bc refared Le the speelsl commiltte cm muuicipal ameîmdmeuîs, The amecndnient vas lstapcu lhe foilioing division, 'Yeus, -Messie. Ysirbai;ko, Gibb, Mc. (Ireight,Mce. Siiller, OSihi, (E, W) sud Wixion-7. Nays.-Mes. Bretisour, foasby, Gillespie, Guoy. Gem-don, Holden, MePbee, Riunscn, Sexton, Sinclair.Smiîl (%ctt,) St. John. Wrighit anti IVieler, Tb= orgnal motion vrasi en cam-mied. ancil atijeurueti until 10 oçeck, Tri- FaIDÂs-, Jeu. osit, 1868. Thi. emncil mei At isîf-pasî len e'clock the Wai-den in Lis cLair. -Ail lie etbem meuniers vere presen4t, vithle exception- of OapL. Rosis. O(jîut Uzlcà-Iws. - Yb@te WArdeu vesti s commomtiation trous .febu Shier, referaling te bls appcintumenî of o.Engineer, anti acunui paiti bis to cri-tain parties;* *ho, ticclinin; te iold tise cffice ariter Lie l'ylav appeinting hlm,ý st lis present tmlary. XSsENOZet 5ALliIM. Mr. Mlias, secended by bm-. Sinclair, morse Liai tie messenger, MUrIlaunamu, Le paiti $1,50 ile , t or etici ays at- tendance Ïaitoel sasofethLiC ouncil. MUr. Merelgbt, secouticti y Mm-. Wiz- son, lu amiendument, ioid LimaI Lhe sain Le $2. per dey, vWb vas carrieti. £nLZiec 1311. Nor£ OTIX isiIEltMN Ur-. Fairbanks Mallte b isanauimportant motien te bting i.ore tb. notice oethLe ccuucll, anti vilci he bepet voulti reeive lb. beatty support Mal theLi emuiers. Jt vas lu retereuce te tie pont- of Noya Sco- des. White or countîry, Lie saiti, vas blessed. viti plent>', eut batris filet, anti vo enje>'ioig al fi. bounties tîmat Provi- dence can bestov upoa us, tlie. ere, lu Noya Scotia, nesvly 15,0M Ishermen wbe, cuig lui te toalure oet heur fgoberies thisa >'eav, vute suffeming from buger anti vaut, ant ibe vas veIl asve flint eren somo dealba Lad occurred. fHe foundt Ibt the~ LoalLegislature of Ontario heti voltet $5.000 te ibeir aid, anutheb.Cont>' et Wenîwvorti $40, ant iLe troatedthti <rer> Cont>' lu Ontûio volt elp anti conîribulease much as la>' ir. lieim-pewev.. han>'cases of destitution anti vaut, v bat in our ovu midt; but, is>' receiriug, aid, iL ouI>' encourage ti or ow.-àvaut cf industry. - In Neta Scotia, iever, it vas diffoenet. IL hsti pleaseti God,,lie sait, Le hélai back their usual barsest, anti uuless ve voulti Lasten viti or entri- butiumi, many meore dealLa, doibtlass, voulti ensue from hunger, watt, sud ex. posure. Wite, viti cuv uips ve Lbenk Lie AImiglty Goti for Lis in> bounties, ltos neot stop, Lui show iLt urlier, anti vite veenjcy -Oucomferîs, loi un net folget env poor- afirirg bnetl-.cms.Tier. vas also anctiier viev of thse mater- liera Scotians <ccl tiat tLey are peor lu veaîit and numubers, coinpsreti vitiOn- tare sliiby torce of r.umbers îLe>' vei- breghlaist&&position wvilci tic> etiervise veulti not tbi. u.lic mcv hal tbat s-lev vas vjreugandi ne t aialin uc- cortiance vit the. iacts. Wbule'"ve s plent>', io sait us55tendi a beljuiug baud ta, Our bretbven la distrewandsu, lu cciclu- sIen, veniti moes, secendeul b> Mr. Me- Créigit, bttea of $- b. grx!t. ,4 VF b>Lii. ouael et Lte relief cf tLo tiestttelsberimes cf Sera Scella, anti Liat the CMMont>' fsarer b. autiscrized snt Itttruteted te truml$ tie amouîte lte Llet,.Oiweruetým <bt Pi-oiinc., foa titi ps-pose ifoesali.If tlnqi vua n> tisiltlea,>over,- te takce LIme ia con. aldrng tli t0fiitlrb ho alti jly aI-. lmv it LU <'éblsif ont ntlltdue afte-utmn soin nd thon -diseuse i.sub in l Ny5 Bretbout nialie b oulti b.eltse lui inu-to oppose an>' donation -for Lie beueit ofte ia.-)t, bhobtogt,jf sabscripJ iloi "¶Wte isrt od ibougb 4er monlelltyr, ttvould b. for bIeLer,ud lsbtatstbat Un"rtbamn4i0,Uiral&be- let the et mn 'e- b g s Itmq aoecmnls ba hing eeimoeýrful y xamfined are (nan sud citaUi pmemi thîLemu sà reom eid.ti W. -il Birgins,........$41 Iùsirti .à Parsons-R..... 5 2ti Lak tArk.;...........ý4 464 1. Mundy------10064 Ttl.. .....82U 70 Fartiier jomr coinitee vocpmmnei'd, Lima tlie fentier et. 1h-. W. H. fllggimis for i, clonaty prinlinog fur tiiemrrent yeur lbd se- ce ofed, iitendritl.rbigs 0 lowýr tison tis c0 aImy écher, sud <lie dene rtomanuce of It birg Vomehleitfor b>' sifflotiss eearitiea, snd is ln terme sas st forth'imi &bc sua.xsd tendier, Iu eonelnmiml, yourcMgiittee recomnil thosI ail sdvertlm.emeno. as ln the'oinilon of t.. Clark msy.b. eem-iwe on heliaif cfth Limalit>, roeeive une litîaertlo uo f Litb.t cunI> mi'p*Pero, sujdîbia pultor th (e unliforns rate cf siz cemnua *perins. Aller misililrespsctflily submitted, Comuitt.. Bioops, ADAM GORDON, -Jan. SI,148. Cllra. The-concll vent into commlttes of the, vhtol. Lereoft-Mv. Fairbanks 'lu tLe choir. The eomtntittee rose, andi repoi-ted thme report vitbout smeudmeut Tiie e. port vas stiopteti, andthîe sereral accunts or dered (to b. paiti. Co. EiitgreE5'5coxiicATTO&. Mr. Wright, s ed db>' Mv.IGordion, move t Li tLie commnication cf John. Obier. O0,EL, b. veferredt osa specialcon- mite,'cousisting of Meurs. Sextou, Fair- banks sud the ninver. Mv. Fairbanks imformedth b.e cuel hhat the. ccmmunication hl ireamcd>'beeu te, («m-ted to thie standinîg ccnmnittee on ronds sud bridges. Mr. Wright saiti b. vas not avare et iL lie voli not prefsbis motion. COIUCCIL, ou àA05cuLTURAL KEETINO1 Mr,, Wbcler, taecendeti b>' Mr. MC0reighi moîcdt iat $200 eaci, bc granledta tLei agricultoral .ociclies of North and iSoutlh Ontario, aid $40 eci hte Lie societies cf Tiorai, aud blhanud Ramia., Mv. G0itîcapie, lu amendment, wcoid sdd ta îLe motion, a gront etf $60 ecc ta r Brook anti Scott socialies. 3Mr. Wieler ticugit tic grants ta Brocm and Scott vere not necemsary'. He vouid ;opposetheim- veceiring ami>' grant. lit. lirotiour comtidnet utiem-tand 1Mr. WLeler. fthose trio liied~ in Brook, andi - soeno ere 2,5 mikes ava>' <m-in vlneroLihe ceuni>' fair-iras field, (foun t im .possible tashw iiv n>thting ai it,-of course, ex- ccting <tue first Lwo or liree ocnesioni4 cf thet ovnxuip. Il îLe>' (tie i.-iabitats of Brook) vantei te alLtoidb.hefaim-,te>' veo ai mrse t oge tire.a axanti oW tbat teasson man>' tit net recoure auoj beneit t framn Lihe ceunI>'fair ai al. le 7 -tlmcuvbL Brock ougit ta(otirtesouie sitare. 001,7 a tev froct Uroek ahovei aI thse coumît>' (air. île tidti ua at auylhiug taken (romn the ceunt i>'scct>'grant. -1 Mm-. OUIhlîpeagreed viti Mr. Ifrehoti- in bis reunrsik. Bm-ok, le saiti, bidt-net t ecelveti snytiug frmeinL.cont>'. Bnt e listhesociet>' gmte ir ais eB"c, aMidi lie voult ivtiid m-v lis siendinent; IL bail eqisal>'geeti accom tihins as Reaci or UxbvJdge. AI Canniugton, lies-s vere i te drill shedi, andti ovn bal-Loti lMr ge 1buildings. le vousit reileraf.ethbat if tii.e aclet>' ield lime fiir lu Brook, lie, on be- hall cf (Le township lie Ladthe- icnem- to repveseut, vouiti net vaut an>'grant fer the seciet>'. Mr. Gordnto.seconuJetib>' Mm-.St. John, mored insamemdneut te Mr. G.illespie's amendmnent, hhat ceuni>' declimu. tagis-J lie amotint. Tiie mever sasit ho meveti the reselutien on thme îollewing gre4ud: 'fiat at an agricultural meeting Lelti aI Ux!>rdge, a atateasentwv adue limai lie fond', vere net. apprepriatei tea ht the couzbcil ineant iii.>' sieult be. 'Tie Lovu- aiips of Mars andi Rama, ho said ti, IL va stated, expendedti heir grant lu Canada Farner,, the iwpcrtiug ef a bull. anti buying seti for (armera, and siovedtheli inner l in i îLte>' itiit As te lie claims of Brook. liai tovnship Ladloui>' ses-en tnemiers Llonging le the cont>' agnlcuLural socieî', snd vas net alivrbxta agncuitum-alilnlenesti.He feut sure, tbal, ien îLe>' veve botter alive ta that inter- est, Bnook vouiti baie a fair chance. 'Mr. Gillespie repliedta teMv, Gertipti a seme lti. îHe kncv uiiat Brkk1vçtldý compare faiorably viti any townsblplie - explanedth liLe icat, mfthoLy would gire Lbe faim- (o Brook, sllernately mut Uiridie anti Prince Albert, bie voalt wihisdrs bis motion. Mm. Wright Liought ths at ]Kr,~m- Gillespiecvauted vspWjm,$t-f o 'aq tributedt te. counly societ>go. n>'de, grec; but if net, of"coeai-e thongii otirvias. He tit net knov eyman>' memiers cf tho societ>' tbeewet * Bmockr, but b. untics te irsvréow salow. If that vas correct, fie Lboug t <bat llrock siomaldtis et ba e Liair, or eern get tie $80 asked for. 'ietovn- sii vas a flue enaanti bhtipleut>'of su. tiPendant tair.,anti stilil ihey>camie dovbohe begging fer ube peurr'saàid¶f ,Mr. Brethotur, lu repi>' ta Mr. Wight; t i-aspec th Le Ceuni>'Agrieultakal so- û1-ety, issure th Le eoanel <ba theb.peopl. et Brode verdeas entetptising anti lOtie pendiant-"s thnepeepleofM e r.Ut Wrigbt ssks, bliti, vii>'et tlte imore isteretit lui, C ourty Agnepltpral Se- cieL>'?f .hontE IdtelI tlst gcnteman vit>'. Deesose Broce-wa. itwen Beach andi Uxbride,, and, voald b ,-alet out If Lie> vSPiL, eBo, te air ît or 4>% is yELir,À M sltiom 1 4tousmsn memiessr-cm Bvecuast Lier avsie fi-c 1Isicb kwLYsbridge. lisHe ulti sY tuet anonia express î.nir necifen opinion upon' Lbe aSdtter Miut.Gortion saaid 4a*1 l. ýf Uig rlgnht tboogbt Ibat the tcvneblp cf at a as ve perleetly rilt ln tbolv appropriation cf Lb. grant, ant i ld 1ttwas th b b.aL-way.. dýe"d the lb Mr. MèRes. sýldt at thé, lace te(odis case tL1ÃŽ.mottev vas'at Lb. 'Agn*cultura socieîy meeîiu& anti net At L théeotil.1 Mv. Wbelev sitin a efrdenc. tteb cbavgea agpinot ]Mata anti Rants, tiiat no nilsppropriatieu liat been matie tuus jes- by that suicety;- but iL vws dtie belote. The. appropriation te bu>' tb. stock vas perfetly corret; buttheb.puabof-thLe sMMdWUas rong, Tt belng 1% o'clock Lb.-coeilad,' A rMNOON 'ESiroNt, The ecuncil met at tvo c'cleck. Thie Wardeu in the. cbait, m. Wbcler'a resclutio, mcred lantii. morning, vas cerrled.- Mr. (lortion, ecôndeti b>'. Mv. St. John, -mred (bat Ibis ceuncil la Of(opinion <bat the. reeves of muilsiiA bouti at- tend the. Quarter Seon" to b. b.ld lu Mareb nezt, lu ortier tbat tii. May' audi thie âccunts; but eapecially t. take - luto consideratioui the.pliteing cf the salavy, ef josllor on an eqmisl feting viti ithe Trea- urer antiEp~Fieer cf titis count>'. Mr. Mre~itE eryveola notifle4 to attend, sud mnst eft tiim do. Mr. Gordon vas perfecti>' avare efthLe tact, but (Le next sesslins vas - the cul> one in thme yeav. viion th. motter ceuld b.é atteuded te. Hie sait! uaL ti.jailov poo- scmaic alar>' far above bis pouitieuf, snd il sbould Le lowereti to s rossonatbe amou ut.Ilis salary vwus$140 ; and thie Co. Tveasureetm enly $80. People said IL vas uImJust Alter s fevr reniants frein Mv. Sexton, the miotion was çarrieti. Mm-, Ro',inson iuîrodmsced a by-lav Lt repeal b>'iav Ne. 78, exleutiing lime tor pe>'meui of taxes in Tierai sud lier&anu Rama. TLe by-lav pasedti iroug i il seierai reatiings, andtihle Wardeu va ortieredtit sign and affixitheseat of ihe cempemton tliereto. JSLtZY i-O 7n9 NOYA sCiOtIAS nmiEx j Thme couneil vent iutc commuteseItihe evwimot,,en Mm-. Fairbanks miotion,' lit Fairbamnks madie a fcv reniarles viicl - ere eftheiSasume point as Lis -speeich ;n Lie miorniug. anti moie t (t ths blsnk Lt filleci tp viti Lie Saîofe$500. >1v, BmetLotit Longlut $M00wvustoo -muci, apti sati $200 vas enougi. lie r xv in nearl>' erer>' nevspopev, zccoufîs -ni tie Qui-bec suftering, antinasire migit b: cai-leti upon t e llip he n nxt, iho womsld like teLhaire scuseîhiug te giît Mv. MYeCreght hopeti ne ons eaoltiop- poeM.FoirbaukWçoation. lie vss pro p o ettgefarditer tian Laih eiîman, anmd id ive coulE abi>'y ci-i e î 1$600 or $80, ant i tît mcrothâtthle blauk b. fillet upwi ti st soin. 31r. Fairbanks tien vrltirew bis mo- tion. Mm-. Ioltien (botigit tiaL charit>' sioulti begin ei Lome.. Ever>' placle Lad Its poor -lie knev Wiby bit. Fie Local Le- gislalure. bc sud, gare $5,000, Liai vas $1'25 taec ci nt>, anduti vii 2(0more esci veuld bLe amfficient. lHe vas villing te gire a faim- sbare-net tocimuci ner too little. Iluolti gise-e cNovas-Scehiaus te udersiauti that ire irre net a bard- icarleti. unclînnitabîn people. Wce ougit te do or pari anti ne more. He voulti pr6pea e ui of $200. Mfr. Gibbs bopedti ILaLMi. Fairbank's nmetion olt i e passed i vthoot a dis-zent- ing roice, onless.it vas le go ahore. lht soin. îLal vas $500 or 81000 (e this cont>'? It vas notbing t1LHe bopati tiat not hens han $500 voltib. granted. Iu his business comimunications viti Halifax aut St. Joins, Le learnedtita New Brunswick ied ne moreo poor tia n ordinai y, bot tint in Nova Scella (lie vant was cf Lthetiirest kiud,-Iï-anger, even deti. le, viii Lie permission cf tLe coonci, veolti telegmapi to Lis cerres- pondents et IHaifax, te pa>' the suis at once, anti relier. Ibeir sofferings, as m ci anti qmick as possible. He li traveiteti ILi-engis Nova Scotis, lb. asit, anti knev tint tLe fisiiermi8en lireti on Lthecaret. foot, sudien tht i asakou aa>'y, be cealti (ovi no idea of Lie vaut anti sufer. ing uni muoâtensile. 1go Lopedt uaL$500, eI leasl. voold b. gis-en, anti vas in sa.von -o $1000, andi vas net afraidt 1 go back te OsLsvw4 vii Liai t e. Mr.'SIL John leeketi apon the'malter, not as girlngbut as a dat>'. W. tfint car brehien sufeéring, deprivet cfleren the common neSuities ot lite, anti vben Lie &y of etdisti-esa was board, IL vas bard toi ibeîtLiu, e an.Il vu!d go for $500, sud voulti gire more, if it vere mieL for car evn poor aetbcome. A lengty discussion fallovredl for vbich e- bar" nettroem in oua- colua&Thu. fe pincipal speakers vere Meum rsi-ght, Gillespie, atiBretLieut.'Quito.'a $e .vua acteinduthLe timre cf Bosch, anti réire anEdeuty>' ef BrpécS, gai ucb chierscine bard kncas-praonaiile bein; Liie principal part of! lie discussion,. Thbe blanu asoreette b. filubEdof immetiiately, througi bis Esilfaz coess pendents a ceepeti. Mr. Fairbankis bieagit up thes follovlug report oft4b. tanding, fmm fleondse sand brl4ga:_ - Thone tatiig mmmtea on Be"s ud Brige e«t report:; - - port vitiiout ainnieL ')nbemotioný Jo ~ ~ ~ ~ t Jbohn,£ anoe MUe t rllt b .otopted b u. t Job, à nstrucionsto insert acltie Alovlng- and 1at4s 'on lttNo, 4 othe 1Otli W, anti $100 ojm li place kowî tos thb. "BlS Mr. Gordoni moiud <bat the. report ho neot adopted,. but refsrred bock to tb. tolmitteeOf the houle, vLb ignotruetiond r o insert a clàule that $200 eaeb b. op- pvpit B eIrogl, Cetrc, andi Simee. ÃŽ" tin lthe tuwnsip etci$2Weuhb, Titis motion was ai lest, anti Mr, Gordon again morsE (bat $100 bc sppropristedi t b. eszpendiionoLiteporionetContre' iroatnear th.e bStou. és, whblc wua letit, anthLb report -wu adopteoL U. IMeCreigbt lutrodneed a by-low t. confliu by.Iàwva No; 20S anti 269i of Pickerng vbleh vas passeti andti h.' Wardon qrderet te ign.anti &Mxz theail of the. corporation th rto. CLILTY ENOIIFEL Mr. Feirbauks lntroduced a by-isv vs. peeling the section$ e1 by4lav 178. ren- tire.o thb. appoiniment -ô( the County on neev, anti dcfltin, bis datiezThe. cevporat ion Lherte. COVITT PVZT. Mvo. Guy brougiit up the report o(theb standing eemmittee on conty properLy. To th# fmiipelQun f*5 ou40 The. stnding dohiltee on Celt>' t po at, andi 0001nManagemnt b.g tW report 1 That opon exsonatlon cfgwacnsid prendie fin the éÎwmnevery cdean Andi orderiy. Tii. meveral Accotiiits for mimppliies samd cher nec.flem for the Goslmd ort; lion" .have hef ta oarefuui>' exur.miued b>' yonr onrittc, it eortillest t by: Mr. uproônl i th Conr.ty Cierk, andi by tlie ex-Wtirdgl,, vanît reccrn- mnieîc that thoy 'b. palti. riz. Y GIbsIIi070.à . b l sriob.ll, $1,20; W. £eplett $11, O;lmi.Allun. $17M,5;Ja.. 1 Gaie-$,9 93-W. Brymn, 87.37 - If,. mm is donîcl, 8g.;Won. l'ze*!.;A. tmien, 8,P,; ; C, Seoit; $4..5; Wou. Burus $45;do. ikep, 04,W. Býerne. 82.îS5: Unmeron * UMscdovell, 824- J. , 8. Srouli, 844M8; J. 9. Joncs, 814; V. n. Bryn,825e. 47; W. l'eiinyleçîcu, 83.50; John 1Wilâon, ta.-Total $491.42. Vomir eommnîttee O§MI b>' theaolrecdo, thst the. 114 of pri.ieritm eusAI 1"tii. JsmJi of the commit> cf Uistmtric (romi theIi.b Jane t. the 814s Decemmr let. toetwmtbat tberti wero4 10 maies samd 10 fernal.., nmuking a total cf 409 pimcuerg - o lomwr Iiittîm is 1 eti SltScenherthaier. cmumiued mu gsoli71 muile#simd 3 enuialeo.1 ilisât theaggreovste »tomber cf tisys ln viieli rimom,îer eon uo al loîmance the miaiiteri2 i. 7 a82 u tihetOtal comt fur rions 8157.8,zo tseinz 11,14 cents Per day for oel 7riacmier lis i.4,itiot bibis thora ore 6 lnuistiim. wiit rcc."'t-d extra allowsucu by lInotrîmtion of tle 1 giiol timrgot, viicli wmis chagcd 10 cents ,wr dli Total cmmt. #2t,20. '" r commmte hve modie tqmri- vietLer tii. recetmundtlons of<he o:»l at titi Jalimiiry éademi ntant ttit mPptm fuir Court [lona, and Ga(Isa far on prosiee'mle l>9 mumipîlied %>'tender, sant i nt Ot temtleta v.-re f co llad (or. ua niy on@ for cool oit sud one for1 20 corda c ooMw ere rpSiv.dl. Tii.ordi unry fi oieeetmasrles liave Lad <c b.e btaimed -b:y otir à Tour s'omniittee bave alec huit (bel r tttent tioti droswn t tothi e tt lmaI the locklta uthe, *tsol oire nummare, sî.d lav-e be.u repéatedly condeîmueml Ipy thoel'rieon lnotretor, andi osn tam saet> cf the pr.mcu.ro eoumtoîd fur xate keeping lnafoi j3opardy, wionld récomaecd tu 0 Mr. Sprunull bo u-trueted tW procure Ove mmcv Icki, uanmusac:mrcd hy Ur. Lowler, of Toron- il to, as recmmr.emsded by the, lrioom Inpectur. Tour commuittee voolti reemmiend thnt the. Clerk b. inotructed to aver'ume for tcnd7.m for t .m>od and otmer neeeaimrics as for as pohîibii- lu snd that the, Wsrden sud Clirk op"n to saiàdor tenders aàd uecept tho»c lu tîteir opinion nocet fi sdivaîtageus t o tiitCou nI. t Ail orwlioh la resp.etsially oubmitled. I OnuimiteeBLtma, JAS.* O. GUY, ft Jn., 3i1§, 1868. Carmi ci The. courncil vent i uto committeof the.»i whole tbereon -Mr. Gillespie in Lbe chair t The ccnmrittee rose, and reporteth e re-p port withoat amtnentiu, vhich vas tl idoptei. riIIO The. education ccmmttee being ready au to report (it vas tiien 5,30 o'cloek) the tc mile requiring the Warden ta lbaie the. b cLair at 6 o'clock vas auspendei. so .'o th, >fwdeipel Qaw"meq/ 0f .County ef I Tii. standling eotumue on aucation beg W re.port ' That opcn tise osggeslion of lie i-decaanti depity veeremi of tiiedifeérent mniuiipalilics, yoar eoimite itn imilt récismenti mai tis. folioviuggetic--n.eu b.'apeiitoti asLocal Brock ...............-Etv, A.,Cure, M. A. leas and ti ama-.....'4 K. A. Camp bell.ý ?iekriu---------er.J. Baird, M, A. Reacilsud Seugoîg.... jas. Baird , Eq. iteott ..............---...eB. WID. Cleant. Theris--------------.... Miv. J.OC. Wilson. Uyt'întdgo............11Rev Ja. Douglas, Wlsitth., (Zemil> ....iev. Dr. Tiiornlom. STe il th. vacunces suataslly oeerrlng la the Bonard « Oranimai- Ochseol 0-n-ies, your eOlmmitltti recemmendths aL .siîlovmng ap- pcinlmeuta l'e moele- -WbiIby Omnmar Beico*l, John Ilain ert>, Ct*saa Os-nmai- ScIiool, Y. W. UlIeu, ltq. Uxbvld*Grsummar Sciol;'.,.Goult anti IJchaP naP Plk, F*aiires. Imouilla Grnimr oSciel, Ber. D. meomleger laui Rer. IL. Capblel. son matiIlMajo, £. Ycu CM cotlte-*ivtug eoultied-tb.iad- vimiIl> ty outlnulng tliie tulgircu to e dans to reomumsndhtama tgratof 100 lis gitan te eseim of lite gmasuar .ool lu ti comit>',oesthLe Msainseotideusas liaS t flat jear.- Vont Coîmtlfta, luasing exaintetiun se- oonnt Mof .30 restidtu.hl . -. Msrgob, .»utq. fori saliner>' meti iv Usa Boardof ILs ammueui, moaltireeonnmend listt lienmeus li .4U1ofet viis mpc-ajotfnl>'sibmited, tlom itte~oàa,~ JoLitNDBDff 4mion 0£4 out tona ale ia d leuMdearwepaient- - (luncil vrent imito commiltee of the of the vbosLe eon-ur. Guy ln the Mr. Gordosn oie t <baLtLe cisnu es fern-ing Lt e0monumentte lis voluateer bc stioek ont.-LSt ne i.committs ross, aMtireporte 9Wi report vitbca, t amndouet. Mv. Gibbs lntroiuced -a by-lsv to tuoriz. the. coat>' tressur tea b lian licetmses1t Auticnwer, Ant te epeal by. lsv a. ~ .Tb. ,by-l<v, nasisedd, set mob Ll-at Lb. l;ins. erdatb On"trl s'uenltib. $80 antiNorLbOntàio $W0. Mv. Drytie nintroduceti a ýby-lav ap mnîting sm sebechol trutéeSsud th m iuon' Edueatesm 4UnDexuni5 To niCiAL êCy Mr'G!tleibrcughtapgb. rspmtof cf -i pca cemmiltte, te v*holà erc referred liee comunuicstion rcjating to certain ameudmmente (o tise municipal set t the ouneiof 90 00ClvporaoC f t 1.w(bni 'f 'Mentrie. 'ý- The. lpcial Cnnmuitee te vhleb va refer- reti onmmleaticn of J. C. ket&q respecinir cetaien mondnsts proposid tec. inae t th Muicial ndAam>aiaensActa, beir to îeport » Thotin thoir cpnlo- tb.aumetii.entpro- pffed te the Violpal Act hy Mr. Cam-uime, Jiituled t"Au Act to repeal as potbliimic lle MsuiclpslInmtiîaticisAdet i Uper Coan", L4ia ligii>'y desiale one, ant i oad rective t'ho **fent e i#m eilamare cfOntaric,sa tue0 priueicof vaIang inoey b>' va>orcf ban, vitu.ut tlse cousct Mofthe. rateyers le an- sbt.d. 'fliat jonr conmmitte* isas-exann e le ili ýlntrodaed lut b. Local etuître by'Mr. Tro,, eaitA e 0aidL.ss' nemi set fUper (Canaan," sud are cf opmiiomi îmt, l omiti beigli> de"table te change lSd mmort) ci sir thé naines of-portles as- sésim n et aLilamtt îroIle, luaLime rder of Ioa~mieica ino imtead ô( slptooWà.idI order, anov pros-ideti. Ani tiat il in demi- tatlit, thit gie SSIi Sec. cf lthe si ael s ltil lit saumeld, 1»'rwImlng peracual prcparty andi lie... a& tieirscuial raIne, luateati oftLie rata or secale ilcv adoptit. TIi.mt imithe. opinion of jour coummitiees ILla acf dcoira'Ate 0 mae the changes eo;tSnpît%- utl l'y seetiotisa8, 4, .5, f snd?7, Os làterleriair witimte oprlig opummucns ct Lb. farmer; bat tht il O is.lt the oinion of jour emmntle bigil>' tisirablu Lhez eeuh munielpslity tibosîi himave Lme0 coectorcUntsoffu nou.residet Uand taxe». wsimd om dtiscmore reeomntnne the. cmisciigg -'t .danea9, 10,11i2,l, sl, 14g Mont yomir .cmimitte vont-jvlsv viisgat appreieîmicsnaf u, ttnlpt te maie a;iy alters- lio» ns luhe municipal sat, enablini persfotis hi huig iop or- taven I uîni.sste vend su> 1= 1ie9tug Ilrm, A&c., belveen lthe bours et #croit cf 1 sek on ésturday e.nlng anMid tiçtst efthe 31Sek, on thie morclngcorthe Mon. dÀmi; ttiereaier, b.liering as lime> do, tLimais âtl-'cht ohapervauee or! thmssis eolam. provisilon s'outd effeclml t*«-aeti dtsagmetip- gIig ldoatla mow carieml en ttaeras upon àmiidars. snd idmidc a mer satrict oboeilatt of tie Lerd'u d y. Voar commmitteart rate 10boleil tes.laIa b. svw novrstands, it is extreornl>'dulUluIt <con- aurea euiîfgviction agalnal pexoumi eIiag li- q.r» wiliont s liceu«e. sud vcld reecommend ltà aome changeA lbe maod.in lise municipal s, b>' wbics net cal>' the cffider Smi lie mgre esily SecvIcte'l, but tiat; Ineresseilpow- et b. itilte Jnstices ci thse Poue, oin- liet gresiter p-naitie% zsîmuthcy have power se amcit b>' the las mit nov ataumis. Tour ceîuitiee voo ali îsreceinmrnd tia lit powers grmntcd tb coaiution, cilicenamtid towna, by op'. 284, of lie municipsl net, anti nm-eios1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6.1, $-s Vudi 1o, thoreuuder, lier extemideel to villages anti va. vou#-eommittc. are of opiilionthtthe pro- seichange in it mcoinposition et lie Comit>' c.if, b>'givlng, admitional vote*s te tise m«ee cf tise serer a mnicipsihi"e houlduDot- be stipitid. - Thogt the, Wopeaed change h b>' vsiciLis nunl îi-s atta ýlabour shallb.lilupropertioti i tis amemnt cf sausablo prq'perty ovuct y esàci rat ycr lM an lmprovteinnl -on e g exi-mtiomg p.ro.sioma respctin; the maisi id vontd therofores aivocate lthe adoptien oft sei aineidimea. de proposed. On motion of Mr. Dryden, s cop>' cf tii rç"st vax crdered le bc sent to M. Kykert, M. P. P., for tLe considertieu cf1 Le-ieuse sassembleti. ~rEcvca or WBiomTUAND XBASUau >4Gillespie introduceti a.by-lav ap. nmntiug Johnu Speirnoinnspecter> oeffveibt tndi mesuies for zNorbi 'Xl . . loua to'ý going 1loto eoipamittee --09'Lb. 'buI~ ~ ýf 'bro,~Ominutes tà12.) On Mr,40 cfM H eRs., Lbe Wardeý- vas- iqsseinet t' e Infe the.chairaj 1 okbt loan<ti itte busineas vas ' r emu. - Council vent jute eciites -theb iorp, Lbereea-Mr; McCroigut in Le ii., Thie eommittserose vitbeiit t Mr. D,'pur,soem&Wd hly lr gelden, nai fatO the seMo lik enrsuee to tise ssmlge omsii. t-ja s t msim mort.a(be emeseil. bc rsetad, MWi iIMe eekLmesIUuiemzed iolIeitl wmeseun or lise «OmneiL mr. Dmajmr d mt 1<1,.MtflMmted neiWe> ynd îtrule ont amd f.ct otisr ames monliae omms. . Mr. cmeliDamaie isr. Dnperfs Meto u e Wste order. 31r. Disper iwus aue.isliaIl M. rItIuan, 'Ias gentlemn, lm aimaîppoimed es lie epeciai ou. minete gta it or Modig mmiees.ud itf myo "oo an mu vu Ft m iOs s ime emauiitsas19k wus mienurf vas ss offrp<llm sreht sesuroa. fusrifvim ere, . a .purm. A 1.pflm dovn a. tise enomal,.suditien i sMd it c-ttteiwe 'vn ses. jr. Tecli lad 5.,.. mmi>' imafetsa 01Missrt uwjise Mot MidmLte ; ni Mtiond vii Wsei«. b5wrI 0isC une sete vise brAe'td»is ep,.l Sr lpmd frylapur hWftleved ie o rosei e.ueemma<i *es.ui rpens Mer d Ur Lbabmksle .oeddaet séma e Jir. Dmr apliieé4W t.t wnou eR 1wu.aw be dk~L. 5fr JtNjlmmssem Mes Ur Allammet w--irem.Cupbet, Omisa, C5ha55, and gfoct, W ols-vies; N., m i% AE. .- d 'fr. D-rupurge eoesiitlie vernIS la nmmSb lw.-iv tounesiî»d'.-ltv li, eft111e ewoopemt 0-m e <leisgaeeus IIL1.UwUId h a a iWJsvte,Pomotiree sa5depley re"er , tâte ites corpumio.pa fataadIgemliqe onMto reMi ans, seomiel liv Xii Gamrlq, sOir se o cmiats, tUBUge or" s. Oeme is low, <pimlp mipr "m uet siapmti liessea.redoc ues ile e ors 0<111W mm-e.mm iq~s. Csmermi d CsiupteiLvogbtlays. The clainmis ndlie etio,wimeisedopied. Coeil djotumedforetw v. T'h-Town Llmlts. T o i MiW of the WMitby CReaifdk. This <Wetinesday) moto- lu; -ie- bav, lu print the lcng talked l bill tW red9ue Lb.limitse fhei owa od Wbitby. The bill vas test a tIi-s t il on the,28i-of Jan"a-, aftden,-ltss.econ veading- vilI probbty tbc referre te . select cemmillee-at lesat sach vii b te ceutiseiîfthein ais> lue icft luà- osir Majcr. anti Leva council. By thLe minates of t1h.'tTown Coclmpublisit- cd lu Lb Car.oictu, I cbserie tint soin ten days mgo the Major vas instructei on behaif f e'the corporation, te petillen épiaîs;thLb.bill. Wbati basbeon.doue viti lat peLitien 1(Tp, tle sterds . 11 bed netbeen laidibetre the ifus.. Wen iL f. too laI., andl Lie ýÉouss- ecmnitteti le Lthe bill; car Tovwn Papaàs uns>'poWibIy- wake isp. 1 fer amoment kun.iexamine thesbill itsel-ilt I f pi-poseul Ibat Ltoua sbsà fl consftst d Lots 26 anud 2, breken 4ont, being theidUs ofto .lot on eoac ioIe! Broc stietLots 25, 26, 11 andUS, luth. first eoi., andthe Lliaa âeuhsai of c<" Wtlbyî ..g........- Ray....... -RAye,.... PetS ......... T n m k . . . . /. . . . . . Wet...... TOWN-OF 1&4y -Of AT %2 VCWI sud tbtIenet seb, dabam mmlttma itre 40,M MÃ"4,et <est et liug, 2ôe ong. Tho luumberandi sant aemud imereba&ali est« livermul aI the Town LWa ofiuae next. AUl Stone kuovilm as flot b. brokeux, vii i mieL1 Wituby, Feb. ab, liu - 1NCLAXMED- Eezamabuin g At mth.Wl On the l-of Ti Bondi, Jelmu G. m --Btaetîn, Wm. ~lUskbumi, Wm. Mk Bc Mary IK i la su j r Ïlll tg

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