Umo455M5a 0(WCaadladid d&sIY At Ise I Buta.squs, Ledq, on Tu"" oa~ .ig, Iammq SS8th. He vu bers le 1805, au eoessquetly fied lu bis pn yar. ,Kgoboaasse ienlwtut. coveor 0 ewsBruswfk le- 184t1,whlc 901Mhb Id otil 1854 ,vbon ha vas 0108aWd tio eopuat e( ovma morGnral *I anaa, ieremai-lu- "di. mm *oetil 1861,ovises ho. reèd Ohboa.## Doua5 1(lk. ime ufilled (h be sa.grl ebsr Io c"44da parti strire, mas 5w,0c '*or relrs are *0il avaro, ru Tory i, MudSir dmnnd bed no easy tae&îok.p ésror(tis. cppSiingparties. Aftar bis retura te Engluud, ho 'vasappeiuwed a Civil Service Commlssloer, Ms u ai»s eeu ehuiiman cf tie udsoni NIa Cuuepaoy, viseh effle b ld M tfi. lima ofis dealh.," 9 sit Iimead n'aad vas of & quiet sud ir"rdslltratuu. îhsu politi 0su advatb sather cf ilTb# IHaudbcck - of Spanidi ?alntars," sud* a si lbook, v811 inofun lu Canida, ttflad"Tvc Chapters ou Shbal aud Will ' TUs WHIzvSv £90POaT PeCsT aiLvAT. We are gial te anoonucsteour eaders isat ch, bill cf IbisComipasny# lth tIse pleeption ocf e.elaffe reiatlag t 0 "gabge,'s pas.d thrcugh theuR.lvay Ceilnttes on lesterdiy <Weduasal.> TUa ccmmiteta ie(ausd jusL thons te gmat the priviloeoc a dopartema ftdr e lProvincial gauge, as Tasc Nor,& lco-nsir Finau.iuex.-Taie -reports eencerning ibe condition of the Ner&agScetainfiihermen are eeulictidg, sud following upon dospaiciies (rom ehee ras, te the elreot more assistance front tuhe aiter Provinces vas required, ue ov'bievothe 1felleviug report cf' thae eommitfole ci tle floouseetAffSa.biy et Nova Scoîlsv, dated et IUalifax, cn the. "TwIse committee, rgaflorsairex as- l'inaicn Wsuanquiry, are istiallel ebat ther. tixibt s tthe presont tigne auot che 16bing-pcpustioa oetitvecoutaties grest sti «iskpreaè dim... su ad deastution. ï our, eofdéiue gr#e-aito sstisllod ihat ibis disoreasviii ratiier Ifereai. ibsu dimg isS (mfot tie promut lai, tiltlIbo lmt of June nexi,asIoi tunies. exeenalve ail permanent arrsogeiuea5. b. ma. u*ey aiay perisb troum aration. a"Tbe comaittee aretîis.reform of epid ion ihat ebere la anuargentigyessit#Y et City for relef rosu the previnceisl authori, tisa, lut for s fond eall upen Ils. chsrity aud gousrosity of Ibo. citiumnsof ibis sud the aaigbboin7 provinces. Passorar,-Wegr@ lad ce lear tlisai If ri. Poakeî vifs cf Dr. Peake, bas entire I adf ia ' oni theS 2wOSu1t&-v-5r 875!55EU09edr 11» sale vItr" y M7 îc1 sfs 1çtuok- aul Prim, ln Ibeir c1a.-~WIug Torv.y - - bice . e loivin* Iisêof(Prim. bas been binded urfor pe1buq. > Red Bull wiIfADM W..fucg Presieut,"Q... $~W te Bull- CaîfIl ulnn4eg.,I.Wie Bull Ca&101"MS>.Il wC«rn401; iw' sund- so. iu4e Bull Oal(,".Dmndy,- Oi.. Mitchel,$M;3Whit, Ble, N1ew' Da-"W8 7aSZol4 <0w Irac-l i ~amesForrest'$410; 'oôw snd Cav*If, à y"W'Vn. Ievn, $187ô,; ReiltrCalf., "auue James Whition, $11 0; Tou mort4e ____ Kitchen *$10-; Y.ung C, e ow Ja , Peter Zïwbet, $8I,0- S year cld Boier, "Kate," 'Jobo Patk.r, $6; Beo u~ Colt. joséph White $565; S yecrcld befer- and Offl Georg ledden,, ?0; Yaling Heifer, TTo. 13rbodert$4; yfi IWaifr JcSephIDIse 5.Arb r.v Wrn. ieron., $70; "s, Bull s'0d Snsm,.-2 Ie 01r eo.U ab $00; 7 Sheep, t 1fr Jobs Connelly, Opa,. 919,25;-, 1beep to GoMitchell. $U,50;, '2 Sheep. to Oaspertotta, $U8; 4 Bheep se Robert Miller. $84 50;- 5'fiè8'heê amel Oeil, $74; 2 âeep Ã;Thm. Pouchor,$M-; 2 Sbee1p to.JtoaýellotU ;1.Sn mîioC, $80; i S$ee Belev v. gire (lhe pedigreesof thse new qtoçk parcbaod l>y Mr. Miller, frosu a gentleman in Illinos. The sums pid for ,them are, for 61Nelly BIy," tvo-year eld boiter, $1,000; for-'"Oxford Mfiarka," $500; for IlFlattory," $300. IlKelly Ely" la a bentl'ul red, Ivo- year cl, on (lie 25tli of Novesaiber, 1867, sired by Burnside, _<see [lard book, page 4618J) ont of Nelly ly, by llatelock. (see ierd book, page 2588,) von (bis fail the flloving prizes :-Fira;t premiu of $10, es the liest lîcier, oeeyear eid sud ever, st Bieomington. At the ffate fair at Guiusey, se von thee rsi premiuu of' $20, as tise beat Ileifer, cne year cl, and ever. At lise Fait at St. LoKis ae vosn, a soite test Ieifer, onaey..r lI and ever, (lei econd prize of$20. She aIse won li the aveepstako ring (lie se- coud pnize of $75, as tIhe ieut animual cf an, age. "éOxford Mezerka," (red roan) calv- cd lot (>ctobeir, 1867. iired by R. A. Alexander, et Woodburn Faru. Kentucky, aired by ."Lyai Oxford," (18774) out cf "Muziirkm 1(ith" by *tiske of Airclale." à amsse ds iatns saton' e rOm, 9Wm. Werfield'a piza bal thut bas ne auperior ai tis time in Kentucky as a fisse bull. cxcei't bInamy be the -"2nd Duke of G.eioevaa." and that ila vcry questionable. "Mazurka l10tis' is (ho- very beut on.e o of the vliole bMazurka fumilr, this cal(f1. boaglt of il. A. Alexander'& brether A. 1, Alexander.' since bis desth, for Mlr. John Milîler, of Pickering, Ontario. "Fhiattery" No. S (sed and vhite) was bred by unyscîf, caivedl .anuary 20, 1867. irel by "I*linister" (6368). eut oet "Plat- tery" by 6"DukuetfClark.," [5550]. W. P.- )UNCAN, Tavanda Meaovs, Ili'. Tas Bc.Uxîow e the Moechuae' Ta. stisuse, an Tbnrmdsy .venýiug lut, vas et ktmo plessiug charseter. Scvrsl of dur Wbitby amateurs appeéred, sud vr- very d.seredly-vell rectlvad, by tise grge sud attentive audieuce preaet. The nev drop-curtaiu, ly ont (elhov tevasman, Captain [lartuell, vas aduired by cvury one, anà d vas really wmiiipaiuued. We are gIad cu lestd ebat It1teintention of ch. managers cf tise Iustiiste te SodI anotiir ay reuveru iem a wie Vi I , an ar bot itvf.ufor hieb a"ferai bllbosetor, ve sud trstand, onil viaiud ber in a iglit aud modified (cru., 'Ibo Docter iloesneIst seUildanger cf Infection i. nov psssed, saud chat tise loatiseome diseas. la ne longer lu car soldat. Greai oredie sa due te Dr, Pake * fer sacrifieiug bis large practie (or te. publis gool, ou tise occasion cf ibis teeela bis cm flamiiy. fIseserions lues, la s oziAig bis prectice, 'vs hoe. *liii 500eb.uaae geod, as ht.ry deserv #dbosetul, l-fusrtAsuscaa.-Iba test ases- tif of le me #MWsa ,orfet iii.£Oeobe. W W bildun lseday *voalog. Tb. *tr<e"@ as beuvas preree, msdwdisad #vust mortUfrt bo d&noits te-ueing su origiwa aaalor"rptha 1b feun lasil. tee," Dautelbg oumhptup te a lat-artresrgtit. fluefi eh rédit la ds. te ladins for tha .pludid seppet <0(1.-op by tIsas, sud foi *Mfeitbe toma uboaom f tke ove ude"ru$'é' rd- toeathelr .simne thaes, Wir tSgbi *10seuiddtiaI tha magier eomiélté. votelumdgalle laChiefntlvas 1h. euier"<als.o f ti@s asseeuSM"es Tam ttuusuues.Tie Le a e *et ssa 60 I'esudt moiahu foi, a espalof e QéIM ifi geeaf,'sstbotlg 94 'mui tel oittreuto byralilfor t Iag.uue, .d« lb. oassad 0( c aeMtuai sli. eva.. Tb@ sltvyatohis ne osties; va uudertad, Ihat tIsa lsiw.- hisejwon. o ebueM»"dby go Peises> and ttbé ,iwid, MW fr,. (areesby amateumrs nafvomisEd iPuavaes Fine.-Theasplendid dhall. lug bousm ou I ol60eudbn" (atm vas entireilydesiroycd by Oire on Mendsy Ivnn t. ,The ire i.suppo.ed te bsie fa.»posunee ir.useIlTana> igs la à bar-roms" visis oplaa frcid on 1h4 progiasse for lbe cpeaing nigbt. Doubs. les, erovded bouss viii grues; aie com- psuy lboretei t esr pi&Mes vere tbey h alac ur prevluiie aM a pulé jo*rè4ist t eoiaestrauge sdud. ls penrames cfa pntepmss'Veil oi»peed sud bigbly estuemed by il vit bbm be ïeu.lsceonsét. - Tie elrcuaanees g bit dlsappetranee ffer no elue te tie dis covery of bis vbereabouti, nor eau an, tesson bteaaqlgnod forbhlm alhseuee. The missing porton le Dr. Bay# pf Vroomanton, irho disappeared about a monts ago. H. vts luts e« drlvieg a vbife mare, witb a Sestser panted yellcr, 4uewr ths,-village of Aurora, inceswbieb lime no tidinge of hlm have reacbed bis frlenls. ]H.bad a large sud luMrie praetice, sud vas, we under. stand, lu ne pecnniary diffleulties. Alto. geiber, it le a mtange dfais, sud, it le believed 4baya, (bat the Dotor bas met Irish foui play. Amy information about hlm, ýwilI b.îbaukfully reered -by bis many frienîs, vise are left iu doubi sud anziety, concerniug bis fate. Fi-eva Auascas Li'sisTara -An orler las Icen isued (rom:uthecurtoma departmeut, probiliting tise importation itiote .Dominion cft(le vil. publications 2ev," "idLust Senstion," and 0"Dime Ilhnstrateu," Votaries of tisis erdIr cf literature sud art yull th.rafore be subject. ed te su intehecetual famine, or ha cm.- pellal fo uodify their tastes to meet (ha moral standard ot literature adopted ly the goverament. Tf tis crIer lees not appilyte tboee filthy periodicals paseing tîmeugi the poat officrethe couutry viii stili b. flooded itS tie.. Several at prejeut OuInd beir vay te tisis place tbroaâgh the poat off»c. l3soiyac..-Tle reidence of 1fr. A. Hamilson, noar the Whitby railvay station, vas eterel ou Peidl aight lut, sud a suail tmso f moe atolen. 1fr. Hlamil ton, ve uuderiteud, bad dravn $300 eut et tihe Banke on tisa dayetftisa robbery, vbiob large tum, probably, vastise objeet of th is iti. Pesvanataly, Osa $300 vas not diueovered, sud the tiiel b.d euly a @Mi dam'uu$10, ve lbau-for bis trouble. Azuai- A»uEscà ra or a Rszvz sCOL- Lseotea-At Wcedtoek, on TUesSY lust, John L. Charies, acting collecter cf In- land Revenue, vasu discbarged (roms duty and placed under arret,'but emeped Ircu Mfr. Romain, isa uetedian, utS tise aà Mount et $3,200 goveront suent money. Thora le :n. vcrl cf bis arrsst op te lust originted n lu .ab.bcne, (mcm vhich it nigbt, &pned . .hak.tls , * 1 eii-Cs.cts Ssw.-Ur. Yeoman Gibson the langd bricki dvalling-bcnse. lu s short CIme neuhiug ramaînal but a beap cf blaenel ruine. Tbrough tha exerions of ch. nelgîbors sud of sters!gentlemen Irm e t ev, vho vers soos0 upon th. spot, saarly ilH h. (erulêr u irevd, Tb# iidig-ihe proporti cf Mr. Tbomp so Mdi formeriy the resdeaof te la" John Dow, Esq,-.vssInsrel foi$2,O00, «Maib, hoevvr, viii sot,' w. hamu, enter -A& lasge lre@am Prisse.Albert on Pnidai nisi luti descnopd the earrlagpfustry cf Mfr. UeWbIte, sMd a divllug hsumseoc. oullby mv. Bosu sud »f. O'Dmeuel. Mr#t, white vus imodel(f$00 on bis ,iteol sud building. ,Tb@e-loueonatie dyeliiug l o, ved by 1Mr. 5audesý la aent 5-ufsru. Voeu0ty 1v.aasarwo aUe t Leados vas est*w moiel aotge MWsoet ouystoke.. ThtFr Prao P*wtiatises ldfestlga. "aoe atu ls el.lilta rmsIt in se stenug de.lepsepté sbotly, Thé e «O Oftbo<le m sallif ot*Ëm ol sia i e ?MWpr 'mwaWh va eesîWl 14 sa la elssses deageret es ngeut. sdvortisa for feut tbouaad bushals cof choeet sed, for vie eb u il psy uh lghast priée, Nov ]Boots-W. ste nequested t. ceo nonnce. bat ti.b~e B'5Dcc" and s nai vork by Dr. Cemmiug, Il.!., bave beau rocrntiy added tote eibtay oft b. lMse baoi uesitut.. Town vas ne meellbg et tie Town Coannil on MoO&dayveint lut#, for vani of a quorum. Fos nus Laua.-v sns ieeu Cnav<ord.k Smtitb u di tle nOthar col- usue, a large stockIlais«dsa e ode aforumriues. M a. erz.' Csearla aenoed tu paulivwehy taie place ibis (Tnslay), eeelg. IuijsdglÉg(nOs fie sasse'o« ch. progress, Il maIl bel. vI, eruattend- of fis Cie lae h soy a auuu4f15 stei. ir. -miner. mom atwa uisAY~ 5 Ignfigent persoobea£Bovet GUc.péo vee freaà tbe.flstdaY of Jasary, aWd (bat Win.s Spinkise apita ?uo'; bin ,tathat amoant. - Kr. Wxaon pve es.gtonf mSu, aokmg for t(b.neof thse Iowa hallj to hold eneeng tf '1 . , L .Mr. Psà kurMOZC14kibtbetucl* 4-,1 -sntborizedte6 notify partisairne Ob., atruciens. on the si&dlino betweeWv"a 26 sud 27 la th. 2n4OD. of,tow cnship, to remove tihe ameli or belote -thefOnt dayo i May next. Kr. Miller, amo,.lhat the reffe arder tu* tresairdt t ite olloving ?arte tor »lersriL tupcor censes **ait sutber oean tl bûthonties. TJ*e were ýdea4 vben, the a~ tb. acene cf thse trapu vbhile 4be nquest wus h Wf tbem Were buvied oul1 ý>-inssnlty, as viii at c1 vas the cause of this avEl aut About feh yeas ag ~J55~ i. inferred, unnatural svUesany.uber bueb"d utelle ci uer asngu a cov l1h tb axe; vhile . ln a: -alilla trenzy;. lYp ta Friday lut, tii. deftage- ment in ber mind seenis te bave slept, and tbe iappem ta biavi beune danger sp- prabýndeu1 by ber friends, cf violence on ber'part;, on tbe contrary, those vbo kilo*- ber opeal cf the grét à amount-cf affection and tonderneesaah. alvays niani-, fested frir ebtidren - On the.§- ornl'il fremn tii. cireumatnes tirdhdJ g«t up eUt cf U&b.d. 54 ere sandn lfr.rem, ~VeslieU&USet isarculbté iwo ,~ fise, 010 domono htb.ratth ie Sons ofT.lpetasle lusslslt j' etlrnddVI , tedodis d'Pb*qr Wo Ose puvpe of holding1 a demotsstra.- mad ut'gldthe mvetclied Wommsn toi leu tion on Tu ldy and Wednesday, thse cotIsittal1 Or tiseucst unnatural sdeth(e 11(5 and ilutma, providing 'q b-mdcncnev.Ti x a ezd coins actýM table lorsuydiage dona te suad rindly the d.adfly bbovs de0cended si al : ccuie btipss. ontise besdwsoftbepeevchlldren, cleaviug )Er. M iltrîntroduced a by av là itir akulls, andwacatreringthi rlsl 1peint tpv.abip cfficera'. Tise by.iaw omlis a horrible manner. read (Se Irst and aecod (sue and vilii b The spectacee on entersng lisp acne of read tliethird (lue as,(lie next meeting cf tbe bntcbery, wben tbe inqust comuen- thé couicl. ced, le descritaed ss idtennadpitiable 1fr. Vixsen, mores that S. B. Brown in (lie extreme. Threc cf Ose chuîdren and Wp.Ion te p oit-d csii- vere aireedy e4ld in deatis. sud Ose otiser si=onel-,bud sbridge oq'(* ts M à esd (vo harly alive, <ere lying »vlie hbey betvestIota 10 ad-1ll. m-,Sd con. liedfallenvits'theý' ghuatly 'vounds i of tis tovnship, and report te (bis 'cun- li their heada, precluding (lie ,posabllity cil essor before the first~ day cf Noveuber of recovery. One cf-(berne yet-alive, lied. neit. in addition, part 4f ont boud 'eut 0, thse ML 'Perker. moves that thefise eeerder littIe (bing listing, probably, on the same tlie trosurer te puy thesauet $1 (e B. principle (liai 'drcvning' men catch st Mlen(y, for digging grave lot cbild atiava," mechanscally clasped, ha bond foasal desd ai Frencbman's Bay in 1850. oter Ise liesd te yard oet!tlb.«'descendir g à &r; Wizen movest (at the rarte b. blow. Aftcr (lie inquest, the coronser, Dr. sud le bereby authorized te execute the Mcleenzie, committed tle vouan te fthc da.ds cf the different pqrtions of the sidî ýcmuty gaoil in Pombroxe. viiere aise nov r eamntioned in by-ias"^ Nos. 268 and' i aviirg lie furtier action cf lie legal 209,oftbisi corporation, roth(le oaeetral .utbcrities. Since ber comuituent tihe parties tlierein mentioned respectfully. vretclied being lias coin te lier usual Xi. Wizaon. nîctes tisat tiis council do mscu, but ate s 1ev balf.ueaningless nov adjourn, ta meet ugain on Saturday, expressiont, lias Raid very- li(tlc in con- tle l4tb day of Matchi next. necti'on with tlie afair, end le vos, apper- ently dis;pesed to speak at aIl on the pub-, Tsi Ruiszs'.s r ?sGi~-T cake jeot. UHer mental agony appears te b. cf thse fory tiaieves at Niagara Fsls,otber exicepsiveons cvinced by constant Mosning vise knovn by a aigus;(lie Table Rock and rocking te and (ro- vJjikejbAIWelta Llîrrrastrdktrtgèny. la ssiina danger invard anftcring-t(ce greai (c le relieved oe iecaliy7 for strangers te ver»ure lu the by tstas. vicirityo, and ,seedsi aippresssng periodi Sit.ce vriting tise ubove. ve léaru (bat cally. The American visitera. vbb are on.eof tlie chidrers la atill living-the one (the favorite victimaeof (lie Davis banditti, vitI (lie satiisted hand-tiougl i hcan- complain tricvously. tbroagl I te papers. not recever, se dreadînl in the vound in- (>ur neiglibos ho clamer a,) tigorouzly flicted." for tIse protection of Ce sl jecis on in cendiary missions (c EAngland and Ireland, SUICIDE or vu£ MUanucaSs-On Mon- aboald net complain et the depredations day afternoon beteen- four and Oire of their feliev'citizcn, Oid Soi, wel i a j cel, b ntru1 t e nataralize<l by serving a (crm in the peni- 'lci te ofotnt oa tentiary cf 2New Yor-k State. uslesa tîsoîr ianged bersaîf tc the grate oves peculiar code of international iav cun b the cee'ar dcor, eud vison dîsccvered expanded teucoer the crimses oi Amnericun vas entirely )ifeleas. A 5ev days sinca citi-s against etiser Amoricai s itizesta eue of ber former neiglibors, a German, lu lorélgn countries. But'.teeS e or- vishiel ber la Osa jail end sil! ber the vas ernueut sliould adept soine metbedOf to e bbsug.d, and this, lu counectien vitis efiectualiy exttrminating tbise orgarizatien ber cr trulsi upce tebv et thierca, ehiris bas been (le tetror eforivanbr te bIse i dsution. t viiters at (thc Falls, vitbout districtieon die e ooldsrci for uassy years past -Hamilton 7mev. ltaaod Accsdet-flurnag cf Cars. Toz Pazeîuzuv's Astis-Under tise CFrlsui tsehé cs-g0 Jmuwd.) bsding cf sau "asteundinirrevelisiic," 'As fie pssseuget train dus haie at shore report in Ose Tri"su-eof au nine o'clock vas about fifiecu mil.. Veit txeiting debate lu te U. S. Homu.G(1of Port Wayne, the bsggage car vas ds- Bapreentatives pu a wetion te sttlee ont mcerd teuho onfOse, and bafoire meesurea the appropriation for the President's short- could b. takan fer cxtinguisbing 14theOs baud vriter, Several speakers deiared car end ls contente Vers desiroyed. Whou tisai the Presidont employed neosohband the di.covery vas mode the train va s stp vrter; tisat the apprepjiaitipu 1$1,500) ped, sud tise buraicg car vas disconnected wu cormuptIy. employed for te.purýse ci Tii.' min, atter tbo Dr. laed effected lie dimparaging tha elesatite breach .f tiseratages, vase removred (rom the iraci, and Govarumet; ubat ah. persen eml9oyed the "erai'esumed ifs .vay te tuis cisy. vas But sasliort-bsnd weter, sud tisd bis About ivo vagon-loade cf mail -mater, principal business Wus te rotise tis e vs- the American Ezpresa treigIst, sud aIl the papers sud Ithe.portions ibid b.o passnsmersbaggag., Veretotally destroy- migbt suppe tise Presidant Vcald traire. rd, The lesn entalied i. suiited ai te, have rssd. fieu vas eaed tibat'ome $50.000. jeans ago tii. President had bis arm lis- Duriug tise lumning ef'tie car, sevotai abled; and (t hu hecontinuons attache on sahi lbons verastascued (rom le, and hlm randered su amancnusis neçesai? e.'theasiConstitut.d ail basi as aed. The reply te thom. Thon. s a'gecod dal of baggage vas, tise gester portien cf le, jokiuz about Congreas nos baing reqon- ovued ty tîreagis, sud oet tis ille for-tisa accident oteue Praydnt's Pcrtion et tue burdan cf the est uotbing ora.,u thtat mis a!@ ehapp -ma fs, es» l -a*red. The mails vare the beaty ba vas svingiug rcsnd fie è4tofi1 .I.b4irosja maille(rou i Pisborgr, fis.destruc. cie;" but flnslly it 'vas agreslli ce tloi cf vbieb may baetfueslclsbl. le. sbould'keep lis ratier, bas be depnj4t ,$ te bsinessecmmuity, sud te'ez- où Ms'slasSecratry, s à Cork oFPrè pas reilis>, îboegnot iesq, vas mois, dons, s6" tireu déalle t ýi s t4 'Oanleed te part"inlaChicago. .140. , ,.&,-the cst basued «arethe ramaicf JolulienKsgbael, Ise e( Utica, 1linOla. saoruzon s Ay , &VIcusa.- Mar. IRiglilse vau s api.v cf lire. J. H. tloon PrOWM>5 sy5 à (,v dsys mine, ioznsd Jlan eKagiliofetibis elty. A the daugbtero jcf. Mbglj WA &5 go ha passa.d frougIt Chieago. il7, rsdn uît _ esiIJpfîta hary yFbldlpIffrlepr vas mwa Esfoià W b Omé.Oai 00, ctelg waulo e vs inquiria'it vas dW6O#5d <bat a a ulg ggoal lialtb, and -radiant vlihbuldgbiopcs suas uaaed CoIrldge tfrotS tle Stase1tafor tie future. inas '000sflt rbit i&marige, Miiiau v. ie l.siin wltoPlaelba l a taies ouli 'eut some relatives Of bis iasîi ssu ',l 4Wt a<.8 it youg sud gri.f-sta'eà ivo* b«seesiensa.cuted vifi theebiarias of <t luSsudlstmly star"edvitb I. esalue g for youuigi girlesd, vitiiont ay a.remou tUcsý lIliuMaS.b@e vu asm sstieObc eloped .ith har, a mies 0o(bthe ndez iWu à essttShWse v, sud tiseoffiued of gin, uoder '1h.' Oueaof- ' sl(body of fi«,hubiad ul B cuasota.d' lb. iblieb ivastteUb late oô'tba lot ei aggqge est l» tisé tafactsslas aite eomisig uoufi. Tiegirl putting #ae '--. d erl* ,t _ rehfaiee l *~.-... blveenlb. dll~ i Gn.jsls s lovi, mcii izeve persn, Wsien tisetrunk of! i5W Train iras examiue<l, copies of bis own speeches on, Jrèland ver. bauid sud led tw bis or- reat on suspicion. He u'ould ;make> ne 1,ee"4sudeone ad. la 9synipafyv theTèmmaseaass paris, Pl.1S.-ie Monumer 4é "or reportea b Oer. bus Iss a stop ln il. adeance cf the'British in Abyssinie sUd sn.Napr iealingfor reihforbe. msente Lo9uPkl.-1'h. edswiatlo cf ëlllbrwkete0n suspici"on f being conucte vih ib Clrievel explosion. bas tersinsated. Ai prisoners bave been remandedtc ecnfiement, oncept Allen, agineot vbom no evideuse bs eelicited sud bhobas been dinchargedL londun, Pcb.- 18, evening.-Bulletius in regard te thse condition cf Lord Derby report he it. inprovlng. Berlin, Feb. 18.-The Upper Raoée of tise Diet passed tlb.hoconvention ma0e itb the depesed Princ ese". errisorles.bave beon anuexed to Pruauia. -The King en gagés te suspend ail payments eof*money te, Ose Princes. and Io confiseate tbeir property jl uae cf disleyaltyp.- las the Coqp* Legisltif to day au amed- ment to the bllI for thse regulation of thse prsti, permittlng fret admission cf foreigo papeus and nuresicted sale of French journal., vasrejected. 'Berlin, Feb. 18.-Ceunt Von Mooamar proposes tise estibem eat the different peont cf Oermany of a Board cf Federal offleers, to 'examine into tise condition cf remssl boond te Amprica. Au effort te, prevent Ibo repetition cf tbe' Leibnitz boro ssere i immediate cause of thle sain- tary step on Ose paut cf the, Goverumtent. sien in thse Frenchs leglelative body. A violent debate sprnng uop lu the yesîerday's session, on the question cf ils.distribution et governmseut advertising patronage ; the opposition claimed that liberal journal ucie justly entitled to a uas. c f adver- tisements pssbllebed by national and muni- cipal authorities. This. vas demanded mu a mater net of necessity but cf principle. Tbe speakers deeiared shat lu tise lava for the regulaticn cf the presaIl journais shouid b. ' eted,aitb the strictest impar- tiality. The efforts te bavs tise bill mcdl. fied by tb. insertion cf e proision to' Ibis affect vas defesed, but the majority against. the proposition 'vas smogt. -Tusi UmmatC.4**na BÀWL-Twe curi- oui facts came cnt At a specisl meeting cf thie shareboldera of Chia untortunste Insti- tution, held at Tcrontc on Wcdnesdi, One vas (bat tbat medel casher, Mr. Cassel, sppointed te bis office at tb. apecial dictation of (lie Gevernuent, took the uoneys of tlie Batnk te, specolate in its stock for bis ern benelit, sud tba speculation turning eut a loss, left (lie Bank te suffer(lie damne. Il@ ie ehusa debtor te huas ové Bank te (lie (une ef $8.000, and bas left tbe counry apparently vitheut ony attempt on the part cf the trustees te make hlm discliarge bis debt belote lie le&ft in l said, indeed, that lie lias adîll property liere vhich csu lbe made taiable ; but unlesa aometliing bas becs, desne te prevent ita alienation, vo ea ppro. liend (bat there viii be yery littIe lound elien tise Basnk vanta ILT. t vas besides acknovledged (bat; Mr. Casuels liad per- mîtted ene person, Ut; Edward %Mrr. of Quobec, elie, like hlusell, lias nov left the country, te, beconse indebted te lb. Banik te (lie extent ot $M0,000, for wbicb tise Bauk had nota fartbjng cf aecurity. The dlaim of (the-public cn the Bank la cf course juat vlinre it vas, -and ve suppose thâ; of Ithe large aimount- vhic he o. ev- ernuent, viilisucis criminel negfilgence, placod In that patent safe, not o'eferthing viii ever b. recovered, It viii b. roent- bered boyveuAnd <ieavr.asdby the. Iinistarilpres forspuiig cf (i cencoruas rtten, eud prct.elIong againat tii. keepingo01th. Gocernment acceunt vkthlLtToervelà tatlus fiu'slakiug out f idegrîteshsse o y wWive a ere justifednlu b. cur. Wblc v!foud ht cur duty It taltThe ettlnuoed counte- tics, of lie <Joverument 'vitis Iis Bsuk, andth l. Iset s' Il tssl1 appointed snob a cushiersa M1r.Cselidierfait le th. country, dope' 1liyviav.d là ucon- neetlcu vith (liefa bti the geaLondon diners ho tsa ( Cvuon tfiste Pro uenzrisaîy.jair. ne-am nu. !-'-. -a préeloimation ff c loekade la a belWgtrent séï, and eau culy b. iaiforeed agemns ucetstral. It as for eu'car taesi tiserofee te assme OsaI he robel. vete belligeresto it the tise *brna te Soieru porte vere deelarusead by 1Er. Uecln. If tbey- vare Dot, tbeano W0 fatexissed et fiat date, betevei tbOe Confeer"o adibe Unxitel States, e.nd for eory liriuigh vassel seizaI insatteunpting te <t"ter a Sontiser. port, lord Étaniey bass a laisu against Our govebamont, Soue (huebefl te .ral ýproclamtion a plliblm'r Svr declared that ith. rebellion "hasd assaned tse organisation anud attitude ofaà separat politiciti poWerj1'flithaif boa l "inti civil «as, ti(le <crmt litaeds- tabtisbed -si"a ma#tis lcclade.". ,-On Mfay 4, 1861, Mr. 8emard. lnfored tor Lqoud the bléokde venld b. eeudocted "as& strlesly according to bthécciguled toiets cf ç1eLAt, suMd d*it as, îuuci liberality toward asrsi ai Ungi eýblociade ever vas by a aaaîszl"Tins fol-, iewed te.Prealdent la reeegnizing ti rabaIs à ea belligcrCmnt, and sîyiing lug- land as nonîral, bine dalà botote -lte Queen7a proclaatiton vas ia.uedif Thse Grain Tmadev.;-- Neerf Avenue. The Bufflâlc. Commercial says ,-We have on scierai occasions arncd'cur Mis ppi river té New :lu £ nd ther.oe te Europe, sud hava ite-dtia of thie pteparatiena vliich *ere- being to acootnplili hIL. *Tii. felrtM xtrac-t freux a lecent letter ote leNev 1York 71mev, frem a Ne Orleanscresodn laf proof that tlie varniug vas net prema- (ure or Out apprehessins egroundiems.The l'imsu correspondence saye, under date or Feis. 1 '-"We arc MIl deeply interestedin thes êxperiment vbebher tise course of Western grain intended for ex p ctation couid le cb.dged to (bis port. lt, bas al- esys been knovn that lbe river trans- portation vas tlie clseapest, but the deray and ceai oftsausfer, on tbe one bond, of- thi$ port, presented sncb a disadrantage that (bis (rade lied entirely deserted us. A short (lue since steam tee barges vee introduced on tlie upper river, and more, recently a fOaiisg elevator vas sent dovn. and i. nov tranterriug cargo.. cf bulk, graintrout barge te slbip with a aped blidh astenlses tb. derii, and an eceomy thai encouraei s il le iicpa Iita entire- succems.This experiment bas made probable anothser most importent lacs. It bas alvays been 'tiscglît .(bat grain sliipped by thia route ransagreat oik f climat. injury. This muai bave. armase.n Woua'delsy cf storage, hauling sund bandling bote. A late ahipueut to Boston bas ehovu th batilpuent ltibulk vasà recelved ilu.hetter crder (bau sbip- menti beretofo re made in sacits. Thi. may b. oxplained by the. rapid transfer. and Use incidantal ventilation. Ani y vay4l every one le nov lookiug iîdi confidence. tte leerection oi more olevatera and th. alilpuent cf the vliole vesiterti -Vai Irc this P«cmt ea ise sud forelgn, HUisic 'or à ' Svats.-A londo a pa- pe sst"le balance-sheet cf (lie fnd tai d dring (the recent tailors' atriket, lie ivs retat(le annual meeting cf the. London Opetative Tallera'Assoia tion, lut ueek, ahcved -Osai lie totl uoney. recelved for the. (und fresuApril ta,8lst of October,: smounled to, £4,800, Of liis suin, -2£,284 bad been recnved (romu the levies cf (lie Amalgamate.d So- cloy of Talion, £2,480 (rom tIlielevia cf tbe Londdn tallera lu verls during tise ictesueënt, £1,559 frosu onn à ib-d. go- "ltopasbcpeandicus,2,472 trou pro- vinis trde aneoW , ;s froui Bcd. isud,'ao sud 154'rcs Irelsud; *tise remsiott Ing apou. ben uade up ocf auudry &mil au.rlpfi" O. f lb. amount raeMvred,, l£5 ý:ad beetupaîl te lte mes on ets'ikeviila th# remainder vith tisa ex. c of a t£8$uce Isniband, sud $M50ad, vancadte (ha defonce <ud, vas axpendel lu delegatleus, public nmetngs, commit- tees, prlntlng, -advertlslng.'and fie ofler' 1eeefury incidents eonneeWt.dvia Tv. tiseusand me>,, iti@eon a strike for Oz montb, -and tgéy wvot pld ai thesatae cèf fltle or.ukailaiper huid per 1vwek £-ý Lfd%00vû .xpeudlug Iu doend. st. ventâ use PMte planas. fle reroa"Muebo mtamud ecase, cf Ieo Prevaliaf ululaoù the great plaIsover des mie asmed, Tic visaIs aretSm faor t k%14the vagon misped ie a loug boat, nd buug lowvïnd vitis tise job sails Ibo violeconcertaPred senls an cdl und formidable app.arauee.- The desig i l ae passnprasud &mali matter only?-uet frelgil-and it i. ex. peeted thsaI mie, arriagus vfiace as a boas lu eroosing streamai.'9 WZUzss 0 ttR Asuaxce Mail- lev days agosun agent cf su accidenta inaurazice compauy essierel a smoking car on a:vestern raIfroa train, sud'Sp. proachiug su exceediugly piuS eold man, asked hiusif bedid notvsat utt'ake< out a polyr He.wostoid to get oui vitit hii policy. sud pmssed on.. After riding about Issf an lient an accSident 'occurred te (lie train, and (Se smoking car raun- over thse steepers, cauaing, mach conter- nation among thie pasengors The- old min juupëd up , sud seizing a book at the Side nf Ose carteo steudy bnlusefcaliel, out, »6Wlere is liant inanrance min" fan que4..aaao.i* flaughter'- ameng the passengers, vhe for'- the 1time forgot (boit danger,- ]Btantrord, 1'eb. 15-The murderers of (lie mihsing man Petir >tUclntvyre bave been fund out Tiseyare (ve notors'ly bdi cbarac(ers naasid Oorry (a coloired man) asud Cavtb.rd. Cerry and spue otiiera vure conteuplsting a a'ebbe7y st flatcb's flotél, bât (Iseir plans ver. fbns- tra(cd, sud gét(ingtrigliteed, let osM( some things concehiiug the,nm r.Ccrry wua Stonce srrested ad sulie*lint<sol. He bas since made a pltatement (bat Cav- (liard uurdered Mclntyre, rolibed hlm, sud thon put bigs9dy under .(lie,-!ce lac Cockabutî's bridge. Cavthard lias deared' eut sud gene tovards Bamiltée.,-- Globse. 0. ooley, a foug fttablipfhed sud well, kPowvn proltice-merclisut cf Gordon street Guelphi, sudiat. cf (lie Guelphs packing bo-use, myterlonsly'disappeaxol Irtm the tevn uet Tuesday moruing , u l'D ot *since rturu.d. Tbe nigisi pretions to bis departurelie visited bis moniéd triendg sud bcrreved frouneyerai cf ihein $1,oS0 e«Ch. -Tue Garrlom amateurs cf MonUWfs gare a, grand lkucy dress bail utth ilicatre on Tliursdat.t igebcis va attondel b4 Ose cliithe csty und igb. benliood, "Jesakinir oethOe Gamietenays seon sUer biné o'clock the (bestre ."&begmu Iote b. 111 j ocuAraba, Peasnti, ]Buccaers1caeiclStud-nts, tIen. tl 4e u Lde ll e w s tvcentures, oluiers cf frgu ceuntries sud O. the bf innumerable characters vus vblch sucS ssablses are <reced. Dancing (hen commeuced, sud contiasiued viOs unabsled raiger sud tîvacisiyutil an ealy -haur in the mcrniug." A gentleman of St. Cathsarines, visn businesa keeps hlm svay from home as nilb4 reorbed (le other eteuiug unvoli il. ntteb.d.Hsawlf soon complalned 'ofbeing sickandesnked hlm to ge t tise druggise's aftrsueliclue, wbich, ho diL. Upon lccking !er îlesuooy,,te pay form the mediciehofooud ho b.d oui a atrange pair or pente, as u litnyng backr home' tounI bis evis ver.gesse Tve tisoussun edlianica are vitosut empleymenî ln e 1f.a& New Jersey Prbbyhaifthâ6sfnumbe of labcrers ara aIs lcoiu for o t<ler. W.bav" net basn cblimél, s uiloring anug lie PaO« everyvisere in fv.nîy Ysars.Yà Wi Yor'k Sarreca A.Bister-in-lavoal v keeping a boarding- support -berself and , band', Augustas_ i brother cf Chsarles, di 'veaua ago. St. Louis, Fois. 18, Indem- saytat sunam are marcbiug into the -u7 froui Ideho sud- i Son the var patb, and :r'ancuhes nortus of Soda 'off the Stocks. MARB 'residence cf tise bride à tise-l3îh mat., by tise 1fXr.Wm. D'aîisern Io '-dagbter-of Mr. Edmai Wltby Mi PsuWbitby, Fa FalWbeat.. SPu........... .e......... Dockg........ ... . go ........ 'tsre... Mu.ka... 'ge tly amftao thNos w 47lcls, the ingt 711 ce -4e, amlai L lAixcon OF Come-rci Bank Bus' <ta,. t'per and a i , ehvpet ap WiNI1 7«M, and Hi NGâr1- O -01Ot, CHTeLve !Ne Id n b-rugiimatiprdul iCiez-Unir 25 ceu E--m2M Piton i ligis Holborn, Lender Itreet, mottl, Casa IGNE NEF. U. RAVE trou supplia eauWke zinvdlby ah, p I s I I 1 J'w «".." V-j -