Whitby Chronicle, 27 Feb 1868, p. 4

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13 1, N.3< - 14,8, »~ 18, S, ~8,3i A, rle. cft 'lmet uuili.01eoti of laed cand preruislsatuate, lying &lia b luîg loithlituwmu- atiotlp"fwmby, atoelsai&ý, ooutaluîîug h7 cd. pîeamînrsnan ago 'mr ef au sors, bd tse "Me ,moreot ~ o f u ounpço et cfa part ootuuibt.hitef,ite elgitttcoloiea- cliou of mid Towmuitiobp ef 9Wltby, and îay ha kuown b> t. fottowiitdeedPd O, o w> t: c t.omiemoiut (in 1h. saitent -boudmry el bald lt thirteen t tlte-dletalice Of In l lmiei unù 1*t - Iliu, ths omt ît cith.esst mugis thorsufs thaîmes metitmenyfurluea wsew isimlftylIiltka; thotuce mutit ix- leu dogrece,'ot euoeebthAiu; thomo itteîutfh q lr'tfenrdor e>r ,il tocatn u 1 yIltukeilthonco th Il i mtedegs""", vest une halu,,more or l,1 t he place t bogn. tilug * T91998 AND CONDITIPNS ,made kuowu et the tiine o! aie., > Toronto, ïIOîh Novenibur, 18647. WILLIAM TIIOUNE, ;<.>siucnî,AuAMOGMas. ÀTRINSON -& IEOSWItFLL,- Sommcuons FOR Aixteum df..46 NXW CARRIAGR AND Waggon ,Shop là prei.îued to ulauùactatt .. n waiidm of lN LATEIiT STYLES. 1117epatrsoug eatiy end promplir E'Thruee oorm EAst of Laing'm, Danda W bhllby? Aril 0, :87. 1 PHRNIX FIR1E ASSURANCE cotg L')MZARD STUEET & OJ'IAUINO CROSSl, BBIàBLISBIED JN 1782. bILLESIE, MOFFATT &* Co., Agents for JAMES DAVIIJL-N, Manager. 'f SURIANOE egeîl tLOOS by FIXE ore .1. ffecti.4 on te tlust faorable termp and 1.OSSES l'aID wthunt roferocte i he lard YEOMAN 01B807, April $rd,1os$. gtWIbr ~pRACTICAié Dentier, Oshawa Dents,; Booms, dirqetl.%oPPPo. dmAlte *baro tue 1me.-Eit. auceono ^Il0U05ltref't thîrdtloornorth oftbe Ontario W-,,BXl>itE; AUENT, &o., auo Agent, for AÉoident and Standard ui enî,îejoe. 17 Aceounanti, Land and General Agent, AND NUTAiIàY PUBLIC. ORILLIA. tg Offiie lit Peter olfot, me).door ntrthef Mr. eliaveu'és Drusi 6blue Wil lid tOln.provod Frie is îhe ceuuntes uf <ttrîIeOamtdaitteua er mile. - N B. collection&S attouded te ud Prompt IenD. L,. t1elii ironqb. 1L.C.,lion. Joluti t ni bn, bl,.L.C.) lion.oore crawford, M. Auiune Mourisnl î s . . P., Ni. litenfird, Eîq., M.1P. Il., ., 1.. Bocotky Eq., M.P. Il., John dn le l'oq., Wistby ; sud cdi- lor& Barrie .Kremir, Candien J'ust, Limnlcity, nuîd Wbiutby Çnuouotoi..7 BERT AND CHIPAl'E$T p lace toeat âj>goodBuistîma Ildnumtoit lat lb. sund llatt 1itcm Vol ga, locasted t IBof. Ili cognm~e uOO of flic deioftetMr.,Ili. 1D. leByitendii ?atjetisi beufdispcedoflis utsarly al l h liqieg l mehini. Berositer, lite W- Ili t @t11Uûdl heo matsgcitout a C.'BXYA14T,ýviiil evote h1lm tite uis iow d ienglg, c b t1iA '1'wc mof y0tt1t8 210U vho vîiit t cbtsmm e ý1ôtoou«1 kuuw1eilmcocf aIl ft. bm'ueroiuom m9 TIC ' fliffli; ilt>IATicilJ MtIiAN- Ig , COMK ScIh1N M W, TINANdE sud LUiTCAL EUNY- , ~EenUb a&fuml corps of exporienseil sud 1=hmhe'htW oopeteult nn.ttocr#". Piwll cou eter autauy lime, Tîtere are no eciso- tien.. l,onnom-and other Iformaîtio, ai4#re.e A7, JC. BDtrITI, BeUFALO, N. Y. $'?1 0, 1867o Smmin 7 0 4 Front lO, ' 40, do 106, lm0 18454 16854 04789 foi 2846 lui1 10u112 84&# 6 -61 70 7 40-- 9 lu' 48 43 5 tigb480 11668 1q8 0 175 48 91 78 -Il 01 1.90 180184665 10i 284beSi2 1861 8 4568 47 09 18612884 56ô7700 il 70 ,s 76 .4 980 -7:2,90 sis1 t- u 917 si os TOWZ#SHIP Dor SCITGOO. 1 . Pt. 7,10, 175, 1862845 192148 14 69 107 Il TOWN8HIP OP' ICOTTé Pat cf Pt. of W. ~ E IPA0 12846 1860 128456 1832 00 2 8 4 5 le1 i28466 46 95 De8 80,29 80es 77 22 9 27 8298 9 98 -8 "4 419 1975 237 TOWNSHIPI OP'TRORAKI. 8. X. Pt. 5,1 19,11. MI, 180128454 87 i&610i284 6 110, 1800 1 1 60, 1861;i 1 163< 1881 2 8 4 b 6 as, 21 28, 185 60 à 2 8 4 66 1801 2 8 4 50 :80 1I2 84 5 i 60 112 84 fi 1841 2 3 458 6 48 go 20 21 70 2 60 24<9 90 1 41 ô017 19 48 238 71u41 8 f7 111 06 1 21 687 -12 142 1 87 86 49 92 94 42 98 22 12 104 92 62 72 48 55; 2480 2? 05 57 58 21 79 79 93 Il127 76 79 12 79 TOWN OP' WIIITBY. NORTE vAR» w257eoruBROK OMTS,. 1881 2845-0 1981 284-56 1861 -284168 MOI 12 8 4 Iô a 1881 28436 1001 2 8 456 1891 28 4 Ã"8 1861 28466 1001 28450 Mi sa2 4 44 4 44 4 4§ 444 360 809 4 97 4 97 4 97 4 go8 403 $45 195 we AR», g 0si mocx IemZ? 1601 23 18811 245 1ui1 -112 180 1 23 11 24 i$183. 1261 2 12 250 287i 48 ode 54 ]RADENRUR8T'S PLAN. 13k. 1). Win. st. Lt 8, *, Il. Centre t) 1 B.E.eotr 8 «2, WaUtTot do du ý 1861 -18081 WALLACB PLAN. 1861845 81-346 SCADDINGli PLAN. 1861245 1<0 ô8 1 39 lie 52 06e 52 060 10os lao is 2 01 240 2 25 1 25 140 1 89 8 18 826 948 7 99 864 12 65 a 07 mS 690 990 11Ise 960 44o 1 3e 370 WM6 PAXTON, 19 16 844 925L g- Al l e aboya Patentea. Treasurer'. Office, Whitby, Doc. 23, 1867. flou Io keep the Feet DRY & W ARM JOSEPH, A.*BANDELL'S ndscilect it pair of wa;i ()vtàrshw(s, you will flud them of all kinds and of the beat descriptiôn. Superi or BÃŽu'ýfato Overshoes, In Ladies' Genis, Misses' and Childreiss' BOOTS & SEQES, of every variety, the establishnient of the undersigned ia uiîsurpassed by auy other in town. Theu stork is large to select from,- and the workmanshl*p gond, and in aIl cases WARRANTED. £WT' REIAIIIS AS StJAL. go'. Hoads of Familles will flnd it to their intereet tW cal and examuine. Wbitby, Deceober 4, 1867. JOSEPH- A. BANDEIJ.. GREAT BARGAINS IN Grt.aat I rgains iti' 'hatà and <' làpsu irgains in- Blanktsý, Flauinels,ý irgains in Ileavy Double, and a 1 0 Ie Kuot mli mnsbi Ihem pI'eseits (b cati an d de; Seil the OHEAPEST GOODS *in the COUNTY1 of ONTARLO, and why? DBootse, adopting the Ceuh systedi,-my ,ihotto [s 'SM A ford1 izIiFJTS &QUICK RltJRTlN SI My STOCK 0F FANCY -AND tap e Dry Goods Io now complet., aud for beauty, sty le and ebeapues can't bc unpmased.j -Io this my stock is vcry. large, and more. attratctive than usuai-, and parties tavoning nme wiîh their pat.ron guIiltd[ oteir advattag both inpoins. of stylo and c.1pe . tilamîuotment of MOURNI NU& GOOD8 constantly on hand1 and doe up inl the shortest notice. Aloo, a 'choice collection of BRIDAL EQUII>M1EN '[S tsniuued to order, in the lateost style. 9&»Dresti Buttons aud l'rimitniugg in endiesé ivariety. TAILORING DEPARTMENT.-Clothing made tn order on the prémises by ins. clasý workineu, ànd an immnense stock of the mess. Fa. shionatble Cloth to select trom. A goud Ils. gnlaranseed. Specil attention called Io a lot of BOOTS AND SHOES. in mens' and w îmenmu, girls' and mi>sei'. Aime. Over Simoec for dii;> taher. Groeniem. [lardý vetoe. &c. Inspecton la respectfully invited. Cash paid fur Wheat, Btrioyi ye and OSHIAWA, OCT. 28, 186t MONEY To LO0AN T EL osute o'mny-'IAE U i -ongoo moîgae moîtilyor Debontureu, ea t low rita ot intorcoat I5'l e tOrruwe.i enu bave bieseWmu tinte te Ipay ie prlutipai. 108 mlerproalit t Iree î.f dits largeol moue- tan> Coinp..niem g itle Donîilitîtt flsa e ttonny at low rtàtîce1oou Terni tsnd Town pieo- Party.% gar Sevoriti gond imprnvpd Frme for aie, ut extreimetly Iuw Prim.M Siler utdtO r-enbmcks benglut end muid. Apply pareunaity, te JAMES BOLDEN, Officai Ausigne, Idid Intinrance aud lieue- raI Agenît, Wbitby. <JFFICZe-MoMtiilan'e B!ock, Brook Ot. Wilitby, sept. 2U, 1907. 38 P LAST'ER. A CERTAIN CU SE FOR DURLN§o.tUT», FEVEA qOREsl, SCALDN, AND ALL ERYl'. TIONS 0F TUE IKIN. RUAI> TUIE FOLLf>WIN0: I herehy certif> Ihat îîîy mon fiaa le frfît mores ieg, @to mueh mn IhatVie Il.. htfll iff, tend laid t'-e bout' quite leare. 1i oninmnced aing Domelly'm Piater; nuit Itn t ut ta eIl ourod hums ýenoopei. 1. trorgly recomrtteiiil I.t ^il stttterittg flom semuptitut Ofthe iakitu, tie I fluae een il proved iniail care.. FRAIuCLS 3 O" ENs, Ex MAàre.. lImmte, C. W., 1960. This les to cerfify t au tiet Miîv 1 'lotit a kettle of boiligt tr on m> atm,. wiioch took lte flicg off, lavltg dies bout atunnel bore. 1 suifiétred te mor n crntiuting pitniefr tirce weeka. 1 thon sepîiit liDu îci y'c plitetr, it at onîce oured me lun averv .2'1i)rt ii e. ,Solgi byJANES SI.L4i'IRIF and JAtIFS BYRNE. r'ireixlm, Wiîthy' k.T.A'IXIN èON, muid biA ttE HIBI N i k, uthu.wi, sud h> ail Drugotietielis the. ouuîly. Julie fih, 1l"?. lîmoe-22 Prof. J. ' Pout LIA the lituor of atintuiîiitg t.'hie ninali e al frit mdi, inii tIiUythat ha e e- plàr.d te rruve pupile for iitreotion oui îLe, IlluIing hailteli yeairm exporience. he feals, otiîfidet tof Wbeuitg able to pronmpte a raliid ed- vtutuenieit ef pupils, wlto na> be phsoed 'ioder hi* 'nition. ltiitroiorion K gIn luhorough BEtuem, Bar- nient, Conolor-pul, fuge. 'rhqory ofMtwi- oua !oîupomltfoiu, suudpiticuluor &teomion vl heplvw e- lte uultiva*lo! ofthe, vdes. Vé UeS -Iiostruttof f tit. Pvi4no, thenryaofmaicai corm ltboi,&i Oextra"$. Wiitby, Sept+u.in *,186. .WJmlLby, 19, 15117. * , AN-D LIV W. .1). MICHAEL. Corndr of Riag and bSOmeYt'. Strate , w.l ONTARIO FAUI1ERS' MUTUAL INSURIANCE COMP'Y Ilioae,,id ('hurche». Tlioee wiliirg t lu- P-nre and therehy ssnpport a Home tuoturance <2npgany.-iais row agi opporturgity otdoiîoe un. bymapïplytif nithior at h lime Hd office, or to os owa tho eofenyrosoblMtai lu- HIEAD CFFICP-Thie 050ldegtry Office Building. Brook Street, Wliîiby. JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 708 TRE CouOrC ONTARIO, YORK e- PFEL. gj REzsIDE4cE-làot 8, 11h Con., Dlarkhau.-Pout Ofce-Uuionviie. SAL.ESattesîded on thce hortent uoilce, a&W on rensonablo terras. Termecai outde mda.,d billoq prlmîled et tbe Ch robfulit ofLe. for Mr. Carter. 17 TUE 1LANC-ASHIRE 1FltEu AND LITE INSURANCE (W,111N- CAPITAL.-2,0»,OO. [IiED OFFICE 7O9 4TÂIO--N. W. Cerner et Ring 'id C(.i S troitt, Torouto. S. C. Tuc.l-Cz.aax & Co., Ciief Agent* for Oittlio. - - g T R£E nndetigonod hbite rreat' pligâourd lt tlu- . frtuits«bitlue nîdo lis WhitbY,amd tites Counnt.y of Ontario. ilîit lie hitm been oppoitiLed Agent for Mie above fir*t class eîgigliu.h Con- pany, and thât ie i. prepisrtsd l recels atippl- o,îtî.îîm for riekeà, and obtaîis preininnie on te most. routouabl oiLome - JOUX AGlIEW, AGENT iTon WusIDT&4*VîozrîTy. Whithy Dje. 4; 1807. 6menm-45 BIRITIY41R AMERICAN ASSURANCE ÇEUMPANYf Capital, $400,000. T fE undérmtlghed atiingeon appolmtedl rLAgent fur tige.aboie Compati f 1le111111 toeiaei e Iiure. topaity agaloist L' ttS BY V the O Igmoit ravorabl tertfC. Appiy te, LEVI FAIRBANKS. Jri, 2-llmomgni Whltby. New Bakory Lpubilitbt liesleo eutatily prepeared 10o fd i etit r rmpitnde ail ordere n lte ilkerv iud 3tiif.lootar> lina. Fruit, iplte.amid' a&l otbier kiieda otCake, Tarta and Biscuité Of W' iaît li 1ds lussigen. Aime Lob.s .1e., ardnes CoosNuta, Ottigarer014*. J. cO AL4 Bker, cotll ur, à*0., Broik et. WhIthy, Joly 16, 1w4. 8 Ool. 1I1N l*hlby, étanuary SI* 1,86. 1,Wjb..............2 1 0,iicit.............. $1 m'logee aster larnc lem. 1 4. tLbrigje. *. ... ..141 6, <'aîimliu'tomm.. . . . .. 21 8,IaUv..rto..... .............. ... 7,Aialy............. I W*tohi 14 2 9 9 1i .152i80. Iloi .27 .... 78 Z.2.4NN Vrhitby. Jannary lotit, 1908. oa INDIA &CIIINA -TEA -COIo HOME DEPOT ,ONDON&ý-LIVERPOOL No. 23,ý Hospital St. Montreai. Patre and GENUINE TEAS, of splendid usînral i * avor, imported direct freni the Comnpany'& Plimnltttreo in ABlB. iandiun the siope., of the HIMALAYAS, bicndod yith the fluet pîitductc nofEVIIINA. OnIy Tyo Qualities, viz. e-70c. or $1 per lb , elîher Black, Green or- Mixed. Fine llousehold 'Veu, contbining St, ebt and 11evo, 70 cenits per lri. Finext.procurable.....,......... ....... .... I1 doller pet lb. ~"Sold in Packets aud Canistéts by the Company't Agents, lu every City and Town ini Canada, TR ADE MA R.K. MRL. MARLK co. CROC] ýA OF ALL' * a heajiun atty a&si R0B1N~?N>~ tri TIL & BROTF (SUC'CESSORS 10 WHf.-TILL~ OT ICabinet makers.& lihitrraddel ers ini almcin31s of C4binet Fuinüiture. Have, now on band, the largest and, moot> select Stock Wo be folînd in the Country, wbich they are oelling as. pices te nuit the times, beiug determined nos. to bu undersuld by ahy'house-uthi trade. Cal and examine beforé purchasing elsewhere. A choiéew~- lection of Gils. Mouldingm, (A.meuiean mak.) e 8- 4 ËP»OÇE STREET, WIMBT. T IC ESTABL1SHEB 1833. SPE-CI1AL %fiugle Reapers ai d 'ft andMoer 1 >1 1 Agent for Oshawa, ïG

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