Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1868, p. 4

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14, b 28,, 20, ~ ilfiYMO sre carrsge Win b. puld se st u ý10 yTeswlU b. or-wsdedlsw.dlsloarea.jpt sers ara«Poies.o triâtaid"fcs.L HWdne asmd te bayere ut ô csshenmd ap- Auifl muceaf rasstis soa esbuat bave t*s 00555ty'5isassi.prIsnsd un tise.. Mansi rab, .6, lma. Oy sters!1 Oynters!!1 HAW h COOKED IN EVEIY STYLE, AT IGIELOW'S- OLD STAND, 4Vppobafto toyssi JUntel., 1 GEO. ÂSJAL VllbDec. 17; 1807. 1 .501111C. MoMuLLENf Aceountant, Land and General Agent, AND NOTAXY ?ïBLIC. ORILLIA. Off11 ic etuPter street, one, door torth of Mr. Slaven's Drug libre. Wlld and Iînptoved Yarsna ln the cosundes tt,Otssrio sud 5lmooT samle. N. 3B. Collecton# atiossded te sud prompt l4asuttances made. lIen. D. L. MoiPherson, M.L. C Hon. John 'Ilîipsont M. L. 0., lion. Geoorgs C;awforst, M. L. Ys Me C. Caméron, Enq., Q. C., M. P. P., .Angusa Morrlses1,Eu M. 1.P., M. Duiioford, hs.Iq, M. P,.P. e. ýoCulikey Esq,M. P. P'., John alerr7y, Esq., WhItLy 4 and sdi- t or% Barrie &Ewminer, fianadian1oi, Lindsay, ,sssd Wbstby OnsoisoLs. 71 NEW CABRI AGE AND Waggon Shop 1 i preparud teO innvlactssre to ordert , iliîde or WAGGONSO IN LATEST S2YLZS. ai"Reuring eatir and proanptlyi 1bxecte. * ' Tlsroo doors Euat of Lainglo, Dundae tract, Whlstby. Whltby, Aprîl 28,1287. 18 PIRE ASSURAINCE Cot, * LOMBARD STREET & CHARIN G CROSS, ESIJJLI0RED IN 1782. waILLEp1E, MOFFATT & Ce., Agent& for canada. JAMES DAVISiN, Manager. f NSURANCE agaînit LOBS by FIXEare -L .1. ffctad on the meut isvorable ternis and 1,088£$ PA1D vîthont referaeo. te seIard YEOMAN qGIBSON, Apro . Bn!, 1866. Agent, Witb fi VARS & DEVL N. p DIACTIC&LDantiat, Oshawa1 iDenti.] Boomis, dlractly oppo- t5lmoebtrept tisîrd doornertis of tip Ontario 15EXPRESS ÀGENT, &o., alme Agent for AccIdent sud StandaÙrd Insurance CeS. 17 il EST AND CHEAPEST plate te get Ja good Buslsssa .ducatlea fa at tise nuil Strtteon Business Collage, leaatad atf3ui. fulo. Tis i ltise xosnWÂOàOL 4m a rganused basiseiesasloel lu azlotoué. lu ceusequenee ai tise deatis of Mr. IH. D. Iuterce a ba dis poxed of lu nearly dlil <b Voiage aitie csel. ereafter,tise su Dr. J.OC. BRYANT,- vise viii devt bis wisola Lime and energias te tise Trainng 0 of e ms isegsh tai obtaîrs 4 tiserengh iiskeege ai£11 theacous es>j urtal ita aBùlnuae Edue.on.-J'lZî- ISf MF BOIC-KEEPING, ARITUMeZ- ÏlC BueieSS FIACtwICII kEViiAIt- Ij)ISIU muIS0loN -1 '*IIG BUoI. t>ILy, Ar@ Iaglit la ci&i 111 en alglttdby àuin hh oal. 2 aIs> omot ins 211s.r. 515 64Iel 0tm. hr ren is For trmi#Pd Oibr lnfamai,,e«dm. 1N. Pt. 7p 10, TOWNHU' OP KARA. 1 861 20184856'01 80, M 101140ô$ 4048 100, 184ô 67 89 60 1,298 4 50ô 180 100, 1801 10588 i , 160128466 - .' 9< 6601 10 23484f04P 101> &8798<986012 8 & àô 97 47 8, 341 284568 si29 1 ui 2, 16946 a9e 20161 28à4 b0&471' 200, 18601 sa 87- 200,ô 1802477 0 TOWNIJ 3P 0F rSCITGoGul 175, " 18612 8 4 à6 740 601 1$8017348 1 26" 1179r 102 tg 1>9 s674 il 70 4 6 9 30 os go 51 78 1<56 17 85 1>4 SAIS 59 78 57 68-' 86 80 122 48 1409 ,,137 12 TOWNI1P'OP, SCQTT., Pamt i Pt. of Wb> lm, 2, 180, go,0, 8 55 199,, 4, 9mi 67,100, 28, S', et 1860 12 84586 186 128486 1860 12840 1859 C0 123456O 18*11 2846 1060 128466 44 95 5 os 9v -, *308&68 osi927 ý 829os 9 94 88 "4 hos -19 75 2 87 52 58 W892 86 49 92 94 42 t8 22 12 TOWNSIIP 0F flIAHi. - J. B. Pt. G $ou,§ Cottage 14, e, 8. 7LPt: 0 64,. 1800198 456ô 87U 1012384 56 110, -1860 1 ô 50 180 16ô lÃŽk 1861 2 8 4 b 0' 63, 2, 29, 100, 87, 1859 60 1*2 8 4 6ô 1861 2 8 4866 :860 12 8 45 1860 12 84 5 1861 2 8 4 5 6 1861 2 84 5 ô 98 68 Il94 104 92 bô600 1 6-2472 48886 20 48ý55 2170 2680 2430 94559 2 96 27 65 il4 *6 17 57 58 19 48 283 21 76 7t 41 8567 79 98 100e 121 I1127 67607 8 12 75 79 11 42 1 81 12 79 TOWN 0F? WB.iitB. NORTII WAISD WE5T OP EOCK evafli. 102,. 108, 114, 120, 121, 241, 248, 1861i 28456 1861 28S4536 1881 2846 1861 2 8 465 S 1861 28456 1861 2 8 460 1861 281458 -1861 28456 «1881 28456 1661 2 84 56 1861 2 8 444 4 6 8 60 8 25 1 74 4 97 4197 497 4907 4 (18- 4 os 8 45 84 xaomi A vs, lm 07orsu=ocam. 1861 28 11801 1 1861 245 1881 1 12 18e 1 25 11 268 1850 1261 2 12 25e 2 37 48 06e Ã"4 RADENURST'S PLAN. BILk D. Wm. St. Lot 8, H. E.66 s 7 "IL. Contre '7 M11. E. ni Lot 28, ri, 66 K. 6"6 Block 1, Weter Iet do do 1ssa 1861 WALILACE PLAN* 1861 345 M8l 28456 1861 3456 SCÂDDING9S PLAN. 1860 123458 1858 fil 345 6 1658860118a 181 2456 1561355 1860 12846 1860 28 45 6 1851234560 1 89 17a 1116 62 060 58 52 o 58 u QI 240 25 1 25 140 1 39 9 43 7 i1> 3 64 1265 05e 69e 960 440 6403 14 Il 844 JRIL Treourer C. 0. WAl tise aboie Patente&. Troeurer'a Olice, Whiiby, Dac. 23, 1867. flow Io keepthe Peel DRýýY JOSEPH Au BANDELL'S And seleét a pair of 'Warin 'Overshoesq you will fiud them of ail kinds and of the best description. SupeiorBuffalo Overshoes In.. Ladies' Gents, Misses' and, Chi*ldrens' BOOTS & SHIOES, of every 'variety, the establishment of the undersigned isunnsurpassed by any other in town. The stock is large to select from, and the workmanohipg ood, and in ail cases WARRANTED. - W REPAIRS ASUËSUAL. W~ Hcads of Families will find it to thoir interest to cal sud examine. Whitby, Docomber 4§ 1867. JSP A. BANDIELL. u8 GREAT. BARGAINS IN CL THNG t~t'e~tt rgains in Ilats and Caps.- trgains inBlanke,-ts, Flannels,' irgains in I{eavy Doublet àd, 'gain. ;in Uepvy,, Iqo .,Hom lKnow alil men 1V- tbeae prems la teICau and 6do Sel the' UHEnP1'ST'GOODS 'iùthe CO.UNTY of O117ARIOI' ana, why ? Bocause, adopting thie Cash systemrnmy m'0ttoIR ISMALL P OFITS & ýQUICK MY STOCK, OF XAMY AND RETURNS' I Stap >lie.,Dry'Good s, li nevwiplete, and for boauty, style and cheapus nnthosrpaa1sed. In thism toki very large,' and* more attractive than uùsuel,- sudpatie fvqnagme its tei patronage, wlll fin.d it. te their adrantege bo!ts la, Poin of style' sud cheapt"esa. A -fuli ssortment of MOURNING G00DB constantly on band, sud dou lp n tise thortest notice., Mgo, a cheice collection of BRIDAL EQUI PMENTS trmmd te order, lu tisa lest style. W~* Dreas Buttons sud Tris. mngs lu endîcs variaty. TAILORING DEPARTMENT.-Clothing made to order on the premises by finist.claas workmeu, and su immense stack ef tise most Fsahienable, Clotis te select froni. A goed fit gnaranteed. 'Special attention called te a lot of BOOTS AND SHOES. in mens' and woien's, girls' and misses'. AIse, Over Sisees for damp weather. <roceries, Hard- Iware, &c. Inspection la respect.fully iuvited. Cash paid for Wheat, Earley, Bye and OSiI4WA, OCT. 28, 186%. MONÈYTO' LOAN ITII ab.Mrbcs iunDow preasrasi to lensisny .L iounts of nionay-:PR1VATE FUNPS -on good snortgssga ssssîrity or Dubistnras, nt a vorlow rateout iitercet. WIJie borrower eau hava lii, own tima te puy tisa prinscipasl. 1 ase reproist tlsrca of tise largcst mone- tI 00e,. .uIsSJlu4115 50 »,s1,5<i. 5-" nioncy at !5w ratesn, ou Farui ansd Town pro- perty. W SBaveraI gond irnprovsod 1aruussfer saln, t rxtransiy loir prios. M~ Silver and Greenbacks§ bosiglit and sold. Apply persoually, te JAMîS HOLDEN, Officissi Assigue, Lssud lumss.nce aud Gene- rai Agoent, Wlitby. <JFFICE.-McIsiilîsu', ,B!ock, Brook St. whltby, sept. 25, 1867. 38 IDONNELL'8 P LASlrERa À CRAN UEFoR BITRNO, CUT0, FEVEII BO0RES, OCALD8, AND ALL Efl1s TION9 0F THE IKIN. RI8AD TIE FOLLOWING: lrort, C. W., 1880. I iareby ccrtlfy that suy sounlied a Isisirf nore log, no munch me tîsat tisa flash tell off, ansd li teboue quito isare. I commcnced usiîîg DulysPlanter; sud In a short tile It ured hlm~ ~~ copes.y tror.giy recomuieud it tas ail ssfleisghin as'uptloofithse skinu, as 1 hiave sicou it pro)vcd ini ail casan. FRA?îCISOWENS-$ ExMÂo. P'amoN, C. W., 1868. This lit te cerify tiat lest May 1 lîpset a kattle of boilissg tut on iny anm, viicisttook tho flcash off, leavissg tihe bons almwst bare. I suitsrcd tisa meut ascrutlutiisg pais Ir tisre weeks. Ithen s.ppliad 1Dpnnaify's aPIanter, it ft once enred main a vt . dort tirlse. C 2TAlN ATKIKS. Sold by JANES Il. GERRIE, and JAMES BYICNE, Druggis Wlstby; W. T. ATKIN SON, sud MARK JtB1NsUN, Uphawa, snd by ail Druggists lu tise connty. Jane 5tls, 1867. l2mos-22 Prof. J. Post 44% 'thtie honori aisnouncisg to ilbs musi- cal fiands, In Wiltsy, bt h. Io.l pro- parcd te rmcive pupils fer sustrnctiownutise Ifvl" e tt'" er poene o lefeels Confidentf leng ale to promoesa nsplsl ad. vunzcement ef puils, vise may ha pluscd undor his, taltion. Inutruction gîven lu tisoraNias, Bar- mony, Couater-pofut, En P, V'sar ice of uni. Cui Compestlfpnus po rtiatlasteufn awi be1Ivon te tise cultivisn of tlie-voloe. r -asr 0 s Çtise Plon, $lot thory oiiùalal omposflou, ha., extra 08. 1isitby, Septcnbar 25, Oô8.- 88 FIUt-PRZE HoR8pL-8HoEB 1DuNwusirisTRET. Wbitby, 39,18. LIVER*Y 24.17 I W, D. MICHIAEL, amrrr of rin>g amnd sis4soBrWsi au se. THE 'ONTARIO FAUMERSY MUTUAL- INSURANCE COMP'Y. f~H1 (~mpmu lunov nll orgn76d. and T"',! ppsirasi ',,ýy te accs'pt yrissks lou Farm Bnlldusraisuitiur t». sCountsy Sciseol iloalscsand CIa'ros. Tiose iaisiu, te lu- s§o.b asyspplyin attliser at tise Head offce, or te duî eit ta elocal agent». Otir rates viii b fcnud una low su thoso of anyraspousiisl Mutuel lus- sursuara ComspanyIlis Canada. L. PAX1it3ANK8, JE,, JIIAD OFFICEý-Tisa Old i<eglstry Office Buldiug, Brock Strcet, Wlsitby. 35OHN OAt'TER? LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 7013 1a03cernavixe ulr ONTARIO, YORK k'PFEL. or RESIDENCEF--lot S, Sth Con., Jlarklsam.-Poat Oilice-Usioesville. SALES atended ou tîsa ,isortast notice, ansd on rausisable tersais. Tanrsa eau bc masde aid bis priuted attisa Chronissie office for Msr. Carter. 1 TH1E .LANCASHIRE ]PIRE AND ILIPE INSIJRANCE CoWqNY. CA.PITAL#-02,000eonO. HxÂD Omoic FoO Orna-N. W. Corner of King tnd Churcis Streeta, Torento. S. C. DusaoÂzx-Cx.Âssx&hCe., t3blcf Agents for Ontario. 'T lEsudersiqnod has great pîcusure lu lu. * . iormnag Isisi rienslus Wlltby, sud tise cossuty ofUOntario. tisat ho hasniscen stppoiutssd Agnt '0"te "beefirm-claiss Englis. 1 Coin- paasyi andtiat llis raard te rceive appli- cations forriaýks, aud obtsi.s preminins ou tise ufoit teaeoabl terins JOHN atNEW, AaznT vos Wosvar &*Vxcurxti, Wlslthy, Dac. 4,1867. 6OM048 BRITISH AJIBIICÂN ASSURANUE tUMPANYJ Capital,_$400,OO.t ru'IE iuusdertgled isavlng beau aPpoluted J. ýAgent for tis aebove Cosmpany@ là naw propsirêsite mauire peet gbstL SN r4BlF, on hc osit favorable ternis. *,LEVI FAIRBANKs, Jr., 2-12sflOa. Agent Whftby. "AD and I« flue. Irait, ,anid ail otisurki-aacECae, rt& a& SisenI1tsai tise buetq"tit.' W'nleulIlr.ln seson, AbsaLobi- atera Sadie. bc.Nus Giger N84t.&&, IN G ,BAT 'VARTETY, AT JAMES JOHNSTOM'*. Watehmaker and -Joc*al98', Briik f DIVISION CO1TIeTS IN TH1E COU NTY 0 F ONTARIQY * POR TMEVEAU 18U. Y;.1 Wii;...............1 -2 1 1 i I1 1 .112 "2, 7,hPltkriug x........... 3 . 2... 2 2:::;.....- " 8, Mdalhster IL1lrince Alcrt . 8 0 :.*'14 29 .. .. *.. p 8> 66 4 ert..................121.........2 ...... ]22. 79 Atisarley,............ .. ....j0 ..... 2 INDIA'& 011111k -TEk (101. HOME DEPOT, L0O1NDON &LIVERI'O0O. 'Non 23 Hspital St. Montreal. Pm.eo ancla QIdbUINE Tr"L Qàf apdandic nnsattnil it>"W. im Arta4Jrc froin the Company'a Plantations in ASSAM, and oriýthu siopsi Ã"f thse âHIRlY, blended with tise fincot products-of CHINA. Only Two Qualities, oi.:70.ar $1 par lb, *Ither Blackj Oieen or Mixcd. Fine Rouseho)d Tac, colubining àtrengtis and Plavor, 7'cents. per lb. Finest procurablc..... . 4.. .... ...... dollar par lb. SSold in Packcts and Cîanisters îby*ise Counpany's bgestts, lu cvcry City and Town in Canada. MAARK MR. MARKC ROBI-NSON, ElsTIÂBL1SE 83 (SUCC1ESSORS 70 W.LTILL.) Cabnetmakers & Tpholstereërs, and deal' ers in all'kin.ds of Cabinet Furnitu.re. Haenow on hand, the largest and, most select Stock to be found in the Country, which they fise selliug ag pricos .te suit <lie timnes, beipg detormined not te bu gndersold -by any bQuse MI tbo <rýade. *Caland ,examine be'fore pnrcéhaaingelsewhere. A.choice ge- léotion of -Gilt Meouldings, (..merwan ma/sf e. * - * 3 & 4BROOKSTREET, WITBY. AGRIGTIILTTJRÂL WORK.S. SP'ECI1AL_,NOTICE!! Single Reapers, and 'Mowers, and Roauper' aud IMowem Combined5, wYOrk, d.08. s <aInlt Street, Phi- EfrANÈS, ir.e AGEaus, Wsrrm; !d the0 Yesr runud, oY the1 0:3bPIRE 0fil klnds, snd nt th, WvnWod viii be atiorf to suit. or sola Wbitby,. July 2u,1867f. Di F. BURKE, Famly Groeer, Wlne &iri dealer, N2. 2, CHAEL'S BLOL'K, K ING ST.. EAST, OSHAWA. OROCKERY & GLAs-S WAE A WELL SELEPCTE» STOCK - 8IGAR8, GRLOCERIES, &col 0F ALL KIKDB, As' Aubei ai al uy isossèa in ada . May 29tis, 1867. 21 MONEY -TO LOAN.- ONEY te bsan on goed Farma, et elgisI cet LYMAN ENGLIBII, hferrister, Usisava <Ishava, Nov. 28.1868. 47' UORTEL & PRIEMISES PO.RSALE- tel, theuov CENTRAL ROUSE EPEOIý, Splenidid iboemy sabllng, stud drivIng PhIed, - toîièl, *!th oae or two acres of land attacis- ne,a0% iWb, 'lesred, sudsa One yenngbear- z00rd., Tisare arie tvo -vellaitlsgood pussups ansd eice avaer. tT# Tise vloe i viibe At bamil, aud sus eue of tue bet chaneeg2 u tise'giia.issj for an netise basirues sun. Wil l lue ec ne o frnepf * or termesi app1y (Irbyletfý erpjM»j te, - WILUIAjg BOLTWYi Dr,.WGod, 11 <bieo,ofth Sparka Otteet &hI atla fweet, Ottawa CANCER hufirmary., OTTAWA, C, W. CANCERS- CURËIY Br a uew, bt *,1Ȏf and isairir PeuîlIAa tiyofUus ARI BABRI B AUXI Sol tisry Pnb] 'n'PJel. C .A TTOI Ion , Broc BARBR BSoîlic A TTO Ëze., WfI Dundai CtGC TatPouF w LCc Âttoruey B cery tByros luJ o'cleck, I 1) -In it CELI COL &I 's WM. PAXTON, & WARM T RAD E A gent fot, Oshawâý

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