Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1868, p. 4

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w ure&utouk a v ulve. bebw My17 m 'fr à peer £i- yaur Ws i.byr*a ret les of mi», 1701-REAUE DISEASES, NReousProtlae,Ç!«knff, Gemual imI.d lvjAre ltv'ela th&an @t'omFile a. cmfen 01MA M1,J/8iqV8-A D DLV AU M&C1 ntw j4.r mie vefet sgos nrsas ACH BOX' C OAVEm lm thé nosfI. RA*:àPreplsur l dlla &"Iothé. sMMs dl tii. .npu O «aWds*lpsurreadimdl5basbe Ueidlsae Omadsa '.,2êConte a Box orPot. AllordOrsfrallu lied O ttumuxt- b. saÎed te il adàclij No. il, Pia. treea, neyrYourk, Paentscas, write reeiy about teh*oapunt.n repyvl4 . rlsredby futowl,,7 mail. Wnte for D eem ô(15. Sl 8WT -EPE8 FRES BJOULD buy toir tes. r'om heImportens direct. iduArens wsiecuta'-mdruecelvervoyday loieed à»a ro f th sn eitsanlaiaaredy oui%" IbM., Queber, Jan, 7,1868 GenIemuen-Tii. 4 cbests oStu fonwrded saom ligme ouiu en iget ta, poil order. Tiie qualty le pIre sud exellroensad pases c p.As ieniaticukir on ba>tng the bit aisatiy o('es te b. bil fur Our = Jaicaued toacquaint yen tisai hgîtes geri. lieai t isxaWILU6 KU55JILL. llorA or M72,Ott&a, Dec. 16, 1517. Y.s¶olgnTem whkch yuenita me ites gresa m- ta n. 'u dy expeca nMy (Maure erdee, IOurs, &0., 0. 5IIINNEiK a o«Trn, DeemWer18, tnT. Conetaen-.Ti.e iw cheaofTetTa i bacd fron yon -»Wus.weelis ohm he lseglieen aatiaol, ~î.Von w"i rpMUe.. urwssd te a <diet ofmine as Bramptson ose bt-line kise taouredNtew éSassons Cuugom alune couvcite. Ian.8, ton. Oendemen-1 beg te Igfomu n laithe ave boxe» t,(Tlee yen Ia. nme 0 re excellent qualty. aePftcity IL Yùn m :0 cen.'lissese.-did ilh Tbe conirlbamte go ii."Medicai JonOl"bare rrequgnaly dmiclred dIWe eow4u«the. nomerron.dieu bre S«WsdW vdvWlakg re Tu» P. teCOMPsY W* ouïaba Olete ltniperted a soporly eu a vub«à«@o fn_àÉ 0, 15à il d12 lia. boxas. PLIOC TBA-.CeULUaasCeaage Brek *a 00 d ,;e.;Vosplasoe m ois Mo ý: e itcelless lFull Flaverca do. 15c.; buad 041% Mge.;,Ml ist fored do. foc.; tqy dold,O1,loJpan0cod, 50. Me.; Vaery Pipe, *;inet, Ose» Ia aillNE.'wskFatnnsc inea e. r ; YeutJ%7uI. 0004o e, .., a 01F"do, Z, ;Very lî,e, M- siEa ndei-y cWlce, 01! Pu Oa ,W., X ira Sapergs,.do. $1. * Allerd,r rrboltoo9.e cv2S ls». orîwo til1s. cgacsrlage (ree ta the cennsry. Teo. pot menttcad lahiki circistar __ cemeh lstin wuigh qvaitsd irclar May bu lIpiciiy t b'et.WIr.mSOIb.bos woold,,be toe nain, iver tbruectlug tngotber conte dirde. Ans excellent nilicil tuseoutd b.ieulor « e to 76c-, vri'goedtoa liongnonperpeses, SOc. Bayer. living beyondliRail;, Wesy Staleneili ptease nd feaftcereor ne. nIe.. note.. Tii. ýcaraW in, h. palS te dtIse"ra blstioû. Tes ilibeAfoWarddiminedlst.lyon racapt 'eSaheeiderbylmsilcontaimnu n.>'y,or l'un bu ealsçctd ona setsta7 Z, ezprocrae thersart eopess l-em. st'id le= b3T iM>oNTRBAL TEA CuMwp*N.qy 6 ibospiasitreet, Mtsarest k> adctlm mde te baera et 8ettead M,. Ail beau, se nt ou Iis e.tabllsb av lsei cwowi ysnie priiîleon thon. »%M"4 Fai, Pt,. , lm, JOUX C. IZMUILLBN, Âécinant, là1d and Ocicrl AgeDt, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OIRILLIA.. -1 601Otu e w aPlr elroîl, ous door afâtb ol liri,veDrugs tore. wilI4 sud Imprototi Pars lu lte ouao 1-B.CoUootlonssattçiado th tandi prmnpt 1=144, ise.. Xo.;- MýCfM .o Seris ~ae.ist' Cnads.P, .Llnsr, Knt Wl4l 1, . OitoL5,1' l Bolier,.,for $ale. tiwàmlc OJÂuti.@ Lo9AJ, e4 -ÙF4w CAKEUQU AND W~gon~Shop Q> 7 1 ' or Ai~l b. swe oto tutt 40* le, le, -15, 16, 17, en.f '7,10, 170, 261354 66 46 8426~ 8 907 «&A 898 si 87 47 O8 770 122 48 "4 O t8~ il 70 8 70 8 76 865 406 f80 1917 8504 sois a650 1469 18712 TOWNSP 0F SCOTT, PontS or Pt. Of W .,4, '100< Contr 1 1si 1enre ', 1 0, 2 .: 9, son'. coCýWb 14, U 5- .14 polo, 2, P,10, 18 012 45,6 lm 9001 2 8 450 'Il22 92Or l9-1975 287 TOWNSUW 0F TEOBAIL 1260 i 9 8 -4 J5 l8m is 6 1860 1'6 186f 2 8$À b ô 188960 I12 8 4 5 6 à1861 8456 18012t456 18612Î456 " à 468 I124 ma 15872 11 " e1 24 bg "0 7141 8 51 76'812 1142 l8i 52 os 92 94 "42 Là8 2212 104 92 485 2430 27 63 7 7598 119 TOWN 0F WfliTBY. XOSm #£liD WUT 0# BitOOK 823227 108, 112, 120* 121, 18ft 28456 1861 2 84 f.6 18612845 6 186 1 2 4 à 6 848 166128456 1MI'2 8 4 56 1861,0 8- 444 4 44 860 $25 1 74 xdnm Wvi», R.Mn-or soCi arm . lui124b 1861 Blk.D.;Win. St. Lot 8, 66 H. %6 6' 79 Il I. Centre 6 7. M.1. 1 Y Lt 2% 44 KÇ.ofLt Illcck 1, do 40 112 Ise 1 23 il124 si8asc 12 t1 t 12 2*e 237 48 m6 5 BADENIIUBBT'IS PLAN# 16631 WALLACE PLAN, 1818t4 56 8CADDINU'S PLAN. 186012846 1688 61 a840b6 163586 0 16406 Is8612456 p's1 30 i8&> 128456 1860284 06 1861 284ô6 8 18 5 74 b 26 948 1265 a m- 23e 121 24e 220 140 189 ose n0e 990 $70 9 14 64.5 92 41 14 4 JR. Tremorer (k. Ù.1 Treamurefis OOMMe Whitby, Dec. 23, 1867, filo to eep the, Peel ýDR-Y & WARM JOSEPH Au BANDIELL'Sý And select a pair of warin OversIoes, -you will fiud themofaU kinds and of the best description. Superior Buffalo 'Oveîhoes. In Ladies' Gents, -Misses' and Childrens' BOOTS à; SEOES, of evey rariety, the establishment of the undefuigned is unsurpassed by iny other in town. The stock is lare t slec frmand the -Workiinshipgood, auid in ail cases W;IARANIITEÉD.0 4 w REPAIRS A USUAL. £W Bcads of. Families *Îi1 1 nd it to their intetest to cail and examine. WbitbyDember 4, 186t.JSB~A BANDELL.1 48 G1U~A BÂRG IN I VLx TIIJ-G in lia 'and Cape.' Iin Blankts -FlanzncJs% I in' HtIàvy. Doùble and Kuov alilm by theso pra tet ta an sd du Bell the -CHEA.PEST GOODS in the COUNTY of ONTA19IOý aud wkye Bèou adepting the Cash àystei, my metto is 'SMALL -,PROFITS&QUO EIR ' *MY STOCK 0F "FÂNOT AND Staplie Dry G Goods, la now complet., and for besuty, style and- cbeapness caht.be surpaesed. In this niy stock is very large, andç more attractive thanu sual, sud parties favering me with their patronaige, viii Sund it, te their.idrantage botb lb pein osyle add cbeapness. A fltfhsertment of MOIYRING GODS 'eonstsutly on p h cld sdou up lunho hortest nolisim- Ms, 4 cheice collection of BRIDAL EQUIMEN trtunedt e rer, In thé latest style. J&"Drns Buttons aud Trim- mings iu endlesa variety. TÀILORING DEPARTMENT.-Clothing-mnade to order on tbe premiocs by lirot.ciass workmeu, sud an immense stock of the most Fashionable Cloth te sPelect from. A good fit gnarmnteed. Special attention callcd te a lot of BOOTS AND SHOES. ln meiosand women'a, girls' and misse'. Aise. Crer Shees for damp weather. Grocerica, Hard- ware, &c. Iusxction le respectfully initi.lCash jàj4 fer Wheat, Barley, Rye and OSHAWA, tOT. 28, 186-t W. D. MICHAEL9, arvff f Xim# anud mmvStRrre*, O#Ias. BOOTS &SHOES 0f ie Rigk Fit and .lFake-, The subsriber beo o eur is sincere thanks to fiends and cuutomer , fr h vrAbra ptongeete d to Lins since he commenced business for himsllf. In ode te meet the pesent equl emente of buiness, lie bas emoved to the p c-luises, Opposite Bank of Montreal, BROCK 'STREIETi W]IIITBY, Whçre lie lhmsintroducedl a large and varied stock of Ladies, Gente, Boys, àbd Misses, Boots and Sbods, ofuprior' ualitv and of the latest style aud finish. Ble bas aise emplyed au additional nuns 'o bands, and is manufheturing work of very supenor quality, in order te meet the re- quiremeuts of euttomers.% 0J- -STYLIH SUPPEUPAIES NEATLY lONE.; gW- Try SaundeWs, if you want Boots or Shoes of the riglit 111 nnd makie. Whitby, Jauàcry Si 1868. w ly. tu.è , B BiT AND CUEAPEST plaea re get a good Booliocs Mutnation la aut tl: &Bd stratten Business Collge, ieeated At buS- lait, This le the gos amrr'BAOtJC azici SE«T Orgasnd business selSion uetigtctce. la cousequence of te desth or Mr,. li, D. &tton, tile Bryout undi Interest bu been tllsposed of la ,icarly ail dt f.flege .5 Ch.ehlu.llieresfter, tise Collae 7e ALxZvin ba under the a.mnaement oS Dr. J. C. JJBYA14T, vite tiil devots bis whoie line anti etergito tCe fit Trsiuing of ypunir men wv i lsi t te oblâ thoreuh noevbdze of al l te lraaitcs op pertalving Cc s Buoin ns. Jducstion. PEN- MANISI? BOOMKKEPING, ABITIIME- Sle, BUSIÉE88 1'UACTIncyI myILIJAK- 181GC0114IS9S1qNJ3*EIC Bla. "M a re T ONbIuh And fully fihastrated iiy s's.eoma ite col- lage Eooanu by a li cOorcfexporiWoed sud thmaogitiy ttPetent I nstrtot"-rs. upilo osa enterali ny luie. Thoeare vo vaea- .For terms and b'ther lnformutoi, sdtre April se, 1867. î2uîor-17 QIL1mnî* MKOlATJaà ci, Aient. Sf« ftIDVIW(K,Mimug.r. Prof, J. -Post TA.;thCie bon«of et ainouclng C', hlenmusi- CaEl. friendinluWhithy, tw aa obpre I £arcd to rmeito pupli for instruetion on lte lstngitil ton y oem xpafi' euco, hg fabls 'ceat. of biciug able te pronsotsa, tapiti ad- I ViuCeMent Of ptapli,vite niay be plsSdeet! dr bis tuiion. l hrul aHr yoZ Coister-polut, Page, Titeor Îmi coial omoition, asud pertieulir attention vil bu giveri wth ol ntivwtion of tia. voie.. 118 »:-Inptruoîlon oS the. planai810 thenry or musicai coition, &0', extra $5. Wiiitby, SepCmber 25, 157. se Ceo. Ayers, -Wisitby, 19, 187.ON!I et ror OAhawD JAffEý Wýitby, January 8, 1868. I COU -e . 1%h t. i 1 = .Uxrle...... 7, Atlerle y . ........ whitby, Jannary loth, 18m. iI,~ I ~' 2 1~ 81 iz. BIEN "HAM" IIIDIA'&. CHINA TIR COI. HIOME DEPT DON& VERPOOL Noô. 23, -Hosïpi ai StiMontreai. Pure and GENUINE TES, speid natural ""llavr apor1d irect froin the <Jompanyas PlantationM i S6IAMad.on tho sIoperaof the lHILAYAS, blendcd with the Cietct produets of CHVllIA. Oniy Two Qualities, vit :. or $1 per lb., cither Ihiack, Green or Mzed. Fine Hlousehold 'fra, couibinit3g Strength and Flavor, 70 cents eer lb. Finest proctirable..... ................4 dollar* per lb.' SSoId in Packets and Canisters by the Coaupauy's Agents, in ictery City and Town in Canada. -Aget for OsawaM. MARLK Ë013IXS0NI TILL &BROTI (&CESSS à-7 0 WJlf -TILL) Cabinet makers & Ilpbolsterer1q, and deali ers iii ail kindot of CabinùetFurniture. H' now on hand, the Lazgest and -niost select Stock to be fouud in the.Coun ,w>citbey;are selling at pises W mût tbëlianes, beig determiued net t0 . aadersold by an"y nthl uetae Cati and examine before ' rdiasing elsewilere. A choioe se- 3 & 4- BROOK STREE, m E9 AG: t-4-P No. Plai i LZ COFrA I'E S. tir As ecmin,'Ons ay bouse in Canada., msy25h 1861'. 21 -MO-NEYTO LOAN. MOEtY te onn ogod Panuest aiegi IJper ceutntctrest. LYK AN ENGLISH,ý BIariater, Oshawa- Ositava, Ydov.'28. 1866. - 4i HIOTEL -FOI viiflknovnE~ Octobor 54h' 1867. De DrW Ottaw& Q-TTî - Lnnrmal7ý -0, W. (IIfITIERA1> Single UNf The MA RK. j:; t j;1 ¶ ~; NTY QFg ]FOR nTM~YA WM. FAXTOIN9 9- -i 29 1 YkING.

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