Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1868, p. 4

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rILLS. ONE FILL INk ÀDOoE 1 6Xo mm n.xurleeadean forme tlosveor feu Pilla Iskonea Umue. oib et yenpllaautel ii.9 64 MeraDe rttes MAbni Mli C 04tafine.Se y..r pinls esredîsme, sMd lave hutido» iatiio<the 'fliceyclet uam iai itesit i vasiiutable.our Me isge f'Pila uted m.0 " oaneapité; MSWilill mve a loearty '* our Pil0a rén »ILef5 "$61etam*lmmosbr box.Ud*0 teop *lin dotse Mr hme"4lw," 61"i botter .(amieor<yout' pIllsa M sy baby. er euhles'menobus.Tb@e dear. *Us iijug ex velIhi a Yv ur bx a1 Mý"gelo1.1eere e on iae osns 'heIîead. lrubilud soe oS ouren lUibeiie Miy but lt@ ,uelenc te MU vot a dodo." "BSendsumeiv. boies o'y6r pilla." "6Lt ni..bave ires buses ut yen k&JIbyte.- Por ait dlseaiseo cf'thjrelloday, it*~t16tbie, ua 'iait<Apiletoots, hltt's la. Iii i*oulin o (ectuai iieT Ar a siet bilhetmail âtîbeieffl, and a cureeu' tuatalways b gtsaratct& , BASJIX cONiTAIilsiTWIE PILL M . Conuttirfilta9 Colucterfeits 11 Ail rea'ier t pt per tare v*titlnet in purciiss MAGICIIiS BPILLW or SALYS'uise lise iUm.e J.HiaYii'roprloer, Iatato etihe nue ofJ Magriet la, ltt.etigrami lip ï tbroiuilsg ech box irj, od by ail respmtcloledeaw lcl iistoui Io trti @xia '«rCoatd5,et u1 -25 Cents a Doz or Pot. Ail oydviloir f uniteti 1lstes muaibu a&lresed le J. liardoclc, rio. il, in.lSreet, 7New York. Patients cat i$il (ely aiot tler acepsinubti va itwil iecrettreti by floinlg. mail.Write fer Dee.m mbe u 1.tot 44-y F'AIR-M E R 80 HOULO l1y herieim rom thl Iporteno direct., Th'es Moteal :Te& Company a i4eaptal iStreet. e§ Mlteal, liave set ovar Und TheusaMu packages te dutleeisipart of'issc try-end recelve ov1ry day n.uraneces tuai.tte ls Wo ttltl'simswciin. Bob-. Jolîeti of a thwe ilb. ilmroeeltestimoabearady Ruspit lima,, Queee, k7.I , <Jnileuien-1'ie 0 chaste orlca orwatisd Omon tine m ince, amned i n gSdoM re. Tii. 4caWiylapure oid ozosilant, anti puces, chspA& i1sm particular in bu>lîigthe s.best quaiy of Testa e e iin, our F,am leasedto smtqnt you thistil ginegeon. =u7sa tio. yen UW Sernt. Houa, or Sula1 w OtLon e. 1% I81, Oeilene.-4bs bo t a(Eiit'Break<st*M i Toun ilysen Teio, Wieliyou sent lus gives siestese. isa ac son.lstMay éaxpeci UTaitire urdmri>- 1 MUr, k... - , aIMNE, 'Towoseo, Ieceulier 11% , Ociitieme%-Tietw o chastaetfTs l1 o m yop boni.Werks pie bava gi lsatictioni. Test vil p ie... orwerd taaeid of uluuetmBrumpon ooe '41offeatFine i'inourcd Nev doutons Congou at mne prie., iz s ai 6 cois par 11%, YTurs, L"i, eitIemoen-l ig oinons y ou thuithe. tirebuxes foei e' on. Mo irasusfSex ecelent qasity, elptelsll b.. olg iéo at #a0pcen, um ie yt nsrsLe box <,ILiVEL. Tiie coMuftote "ai.lladIitI Jlsel" isban trequentlîndocclaed fthe nr4laithtesienit diseouss are caiei l y drlnktng Impïure Tes, Tise COry /lia"e cpcubly #dse 1aid Importa supplyetfOi'l ea tfuit cati le warrasntai! pure ni([ee (rom, pciuotso fCouitauces I 00 W,1 6 &W0 12su Ilb. boxesa. etNtlogT.ei8e80;fflue Flavoroti New "80st idé. 650 0. ;oml celieut t'uill layonSti do. 1c.; B oui oo¶45c.; heu Planoletido.,0Me.; ncry pieî- .1.; Japuteoti, 0e.- ou.; Vety pân., W0e'ylnisttaIe. 7&_ 0 UbflINT'A,.-Tw v yComumine5s, Fin. do. 9t; YeusjIIyon. me, O, Oic, aAO'Pu.do, Fini Oupodri ;eedia flprim ad.t.$1 Mi11order W rboita o oti r 9 ilo, tir lwo 12M&. loont cantago rues te the coutsry. -Tees nt mmtuel foiis edriil<uely cites. ise campsuty isanluif deertined ltube= osi««Wil te*Monrensarl*4 ivelgbitqualitv andi ciulearmy, le tupicity teli bit.$ br* a20 11, uz ooltibu b *ouelstw.uor floe*elobiing to#esbr cul ivi eAu i azeelent tnxed as umWsont felid Ievey ot Oaem purpeses, êo»W lntgby *ýy-tatàlso.vMIpieue"$id i WtM eteor cm.i thisto noies. Tue carrnage Winli le pullte'"isa nga station. 'les wiliec or*ardduisttltonyeagoteip tor'ilieordsr ly mail aotWlnin ony, r=is mn q4n ca le ciloen doltnery exruaai,sr ScreeprsU OMMee71A f lll 13' TUK MOITKSALTUA COMPANT.; 0 IlespIal 5fseme, Ueueaoi. I~Reutetoopue ait#Wyeo chasaldemg l'ardu. Ail lioxair sentirot e tssoesatismeul lbave tise OmnpM#'sissum.prtieti on ueo>.' 11.D. Wm. st. Lot 0, U. 1.Cehtre "fi .of 66 Bloek 1. $6 2, Wtter Lot do îOOii I ltt, "il 112, 118, 114, 320', 121, 241, 248, 185284be 186« 28456 18612 8 458' 196L 28456 0F E~AI -7, toi16foi Fui dy fLe WS; lot 4 is,, oïlt 19, 1 ion'. Cotue e14; ~ . elJ.t lieîc 1"0 81280 ICI s -16184 d leie js6128456 e7f 08o, ,i 68, 160 2 8 4 É'6 ,860 i1.2 45 1001 2 8a4 8 30 u140 9à1 M $-.e 43L .1 76 g g fiL tiw *] b 87 -221 o a i2 9669 290 1943 $os 7141 887- io 06 1 21 07677 912 1142 187- 104 92 485 2480 27 65 57 U0 el 76 1279 ~p.JVVV~7 " 'q kaow ail mcm I V. ~ J . Seil thé CHEAPEST ' UUJ.15 rnthe WIJLNTY I f 14TAFiN -and why? B n~ Ata b sbsseMY rIat4o, 'SMLLPROFITS "&QUICEK REWRNS' MY STOCK 0F FANCY AND Staplo ryGos Ia now oompletou'and for beuy tl udoepescn'ýil upas4 In bf.niy~tck 8 vrylar ge, and more attracl;ve thon usmuali and. paile 14vonng tpe with thelrpstronage, vi i nd it tge d dantage both lb pëllt otatyleaud chapuese.A_ fuleiàbolient et MO1JRMIG GO0DS .tonatautlY on baud, snd doue 'up, linthe ahostest, notiO&. PAls, à choie »lection of BRIDAL, EQUIPMZNTSttlmmcd te order, lia thé -latost style. jAr Dre* Buttons and1him-, mitiga lu eddIassvai.ty. TÂILORING,,DE'AflTéMENT-Clothing ma to ord er mn th , em acby flest'.ci la nklen, sud an im'mense s * ,-t e " i beeFashiÃ"n ble gc=0fi a steed. 8pecal ' nîiti"eAlltdd îot» a lot of BOOTS AND SHOES..la mes' sud- womeus, girlie sud Ibaise. AiSe. OverS8hbea for dam p meather. üiiocee, EBard' wse i.Inspédiela oreopect<uly iuvitod Cash pail fer WlIeat Barley, Rye sud OSHAWA, amO. U,186t W. D. ýMICH AEk , Qnme,'of XIna &a s LtS'aum, OAM-1W flOOTS '&SEQES 0f the 1Àight Fitand 0Make, '1'e sttb cie~bg oreturu his sincere thanks to frienda and customers, for the very libeal psIt'onag eteued to hlm ince he -commeuoed buinessfor hib.me, la de Mmeet te oesnt equi emonte of b usiness, hbub Moved tW the p e»isieé, Oppoite B1ânklof ,Montroal, BROCK STRET. WHIITBYI Where, hhu.liasittodu-ced-Si laro' and 4'riedtock <of Laies, Gents, Boys, sud Mimse, Boots sud-Ébhoes, of suiperiorqualitr, ad of the Iatest style and thieh. ige hmsi.lsoempi1yâd un'-iaitaondiuirn 1er bands, and is ,annfimeturiug W-ork-,4f Very mpWror quality, in ortier th ihett the r. qûirements 'of etmierÉ. oe"Try SauandeWe, if yoqi want Bootis ti Shoes of~ the righti fit and make. Whitby, 3antlsry 8 88 B EST AND CHBAPE01P pise te Ét aSgbod Businecsa Educatien la aitih. aud Stratton Busnines Collage, locitett nt Buf- leo. Tisa. la the iton WIAoTIAt. ail? orgabuz.d bualsua sicet lu xtec. in celmuaeeof et iith of MrL .D. qtrsiton, lIe lBryant sud !Ïtareat hsa,beau dispeucd ef ln neariy ail the ioltigft et i.Chain. Hereafter, the. C01140 ££teux yulb. uutler the management of Dr. J. C. BRYANT, vhe wlmil dovete bis whole time and 01etri te the Tialigf Young smen who wlah t) ebtain-a îbbgrgbnwlsdgeofethetibranches Ap- rtalln1 ,tea Businsua Edneatiou. PEN- TIC BUK-ýKZBPINUà, ABITUKE- TCBtiSiEBS PUAC-TICIt MEICBÂI4A.- NESS ~ 'ns!jCe'uDsU C L OIM- Ot, ai'. tugbl lu a Abd fuilyillssstratld by #ÉU$uea linthe. Col- l«O~ zoems, by a 1011 corpuof ocpenldeed sud thobonghly tiempatetu trmtta. 1'upia <su,4trnai auy Ulie. Tiserta ae> li at Fol' lirbia and btber iiliain Sna Buni.o, N. T.; PIRE lAiNAI wnoi ft 120lTrb à an Prof. J. Post: RAi; tihbnof tsunuucing t e sMuai- là gi frionda, lu Whitby, hat b.ola pnB psrtUdlto rocclks pupila for fntztiaou tis Revint btd tiin Yé' .i*eh fe ete oonUcut ot bclng able te proôtbýIet.dôd- vuciméntbf sspila, Whio may hoplkJsinder Asis tuliobn., meonij Colter-polut, 1sige, T bey WMuai Cui cerupositioua t n1 rtscnisr aWstIsrn vi tl'oy of Msiccmpeitten, &M., t ta$5., WItby, 8eptembarUi, l 8 . 8 econ Ayes GENENL BLAXM'a,ÂAND MflT-PRIZE HORSE-SHOBRI, Whitby, 19, 187., f 4-ly1 LIVE Ry il -oà AÀ L.Jk WkuIt13Y,'Jsuoéfry ~, 18~A. ........ri~Fn ...Abo 1840 . "6 ea 27....' .jJ 9 110MB PDEP(",,--OîNN &LVRPOOL "lie .13, HospitaISilwonxreau.T X Pureo andiGENuiwyES flodd ahe l~~ ~mt4drè fros the Cm any' Pststl nl' ASA sd oun" 0slipea f b HM L1A bleuded wit the fineiup'ot uisefCIN . On1# TwoQualities in-1 .or $1 per lb, etthifr B1jl"ýewéur loge, FinUebIiehi Tes, co1iubiuig Stnength and haver, Oeei per lb.' l Towa ln Caunià .i tr R Ab Ageéift for'.Oâha*wi, M'AO Rk R ZK 1wBî,SON, Cabinet înîkiërg& tiphoisterers, aùd d a1- ers lu al kinds -of- Cabinet Furnittre.-' 'Rav Ir 'buIu(dle, tub' lreean' l fiost select 'Stok to be fôuùdhCl6èOouht wbhioi tléy-srezellug Il4j' est» 8e',ttb ii.,bl dtermitt e ' -t 3.biellby muy IÏbuaw a betrde. alo")1 aa4e dai i e rhasing elsewherè. ihtalteo se-. lecon if4~Is u141i41(snFIiav suePo Appiiyte Wood Yardsi t h e y aa r r u u o t t h e b ito ld FIRURE -WOOD, drU ln'à uâitb "t iêuaket mchL tý Wod vii b. bither delivered 0or ÃŽ ait o ari to sait, 27K BIH s. 2, à WELPiJ M y l ut, 80 ROQTEL D STOCK LE. ICEâJEôj *1 Dandn-SiTOe thi e -t o(Idi 'DIL oSTEJ- Ceaunty rowa port Ferry, 'te ~oFF-C. .Qffie, lbi,y - 449Ca oÂtýgniey-ai'Lt B yacer, con% s s' isws ,.efs '1 T'~ LJ~ UU.1 MCE Cube ï t - 8 & 1860 1861 1861 WilbCË PtANf. 180184 180128456ô 80 $80O s ou 8,0 825 i174 1 89 lie 52 04 1 os 125 18 0'1 8466 518 18680 13 48ô6 9 26 186124860 948 ituas 57 90 1860 128456 864 126 28464 12 65 18*128454, 807 lac 121 240 2 25 140 in6 ?0e 440 870 'Wu PAXT0N4ý 9 18 045 024 8 9.5 408S or An *tae avspatented TromesUfl'soflo, Whitby, Dac. 99, 186t. Hoio k& lkeFt DRY & lW A-RMf JOSEPH A. -"BANDELL'S And select a 'pair of, Warin Overshoes, you wiII flud.them of ail kijad anatd of the best description. Supe rr Biifalo Overshoes In Ladies' Gent.s, Misses' and Childrens' BOOTS & SEQES,ý of every variet, the establishment of the undersigned 6 unsuItpasseda by any, other inu town. The stock is large to select from, and the '#orktunsbip gocdý and ilu ailceues WÂRRANTED. REPAIRS AS U8UAfr-- Or Reade of Familles WM ifnd it to thëir iuterest to cal and examine. Wbktby., DScMbW 41 1867. - As IBANflFBLL. 481 ÈGyeatvBargaifis!i IJai san~d Càp* avy 4 9t 4 6t 4 97 49t 48 40~3 à 64 1 e5 ro » aw uulori suas m 18ui 23 MIu 245 112 e 0 1120 81356 26 48 000 8 i ti~ ~ I. TOWN 01b*nrhé n IRA1#NUa8 SPLAN. 'i ~ ¶ E 8 TI R'L .1ýl spirit , i In fli 11

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