Whitby Chronicle, 2 Apr 1868, p. 3

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I +1 WIIIT1~r. - us.. I WÀREi~oOMs, f. Or TarI8* 12-ti 1~ àWTA- et. TrIns nd Pcir4eRs i* lm psuit d, 0' jM4nv *li~~~~Oet liife~s~!d TOI040 Ce vUerwu, pru"esO, Àot xYAN & ouvWert, "roues. t., Teoaio. ýBiNE»T MAKER$ H k &OLIVER, W)iy li to Et I, Tom. lit Y9NGUEIfTIIET, TOEOTO,, .1t»sin blekr and Vpholtert.lr dwu$qih. .'md otfrPlc u Poist g ildwaro; h o rîhi n luti î a boj$wéodWst.oUI'. SIddiflmla, Uniril ltgsud va inf di Id, t if, suteDIuoisgp4 bandito reui- xreh pYU 180,, tbf. lOtituoMsrothe 1, W.d àDW L. ho 1qàOd rtacr Zi'ire th a - -m ',u rt alî1, iljrgpD* tAF ra n-ê fgiunOT»r 0éIQE J. '1 , irec rp5 t W.gu* 16 f S~RING OD$ A ý r b.twit s "mestet evmel j Jow Prims VANOT AND MILLI-NERYI 0 O ~aIVa~dtp - a'p~ir~pg Lb. pbvest fis. Are, reýeivin*à#tr gtock of Chidrens' Cabsa nd Peraxnliula- o froS'ô literened versons Ivili î4eaaoiiote the ft BR'O.îsae now paYingattention to the house-bniid- W Hsrdwarte, au aésortmient of whîcti wiil be found at theix premi8s, -in Wýtby pf o à aquality audpriccé as te continuo the largè patronage hith. sita D robythem in. Prt1!a bldiùgwIIpeenoeteaii ads 6hovsaId oter latfiîjo ijnônts.loa.irihii adae ans F»#4t QiJe G1a2280 puu.y, 1aaest& , *c., ve Iow. g1rwr' it k TIIWÀRE-IL &B. mnufacture a ýuýerio t~it6 a'Milk Pàai anud Pals, anda àeneral assortctîent of Tkwalro f#g frte piutTrade. - P.,$.--sugax keeisfor.sale cheap. Farmees' pouce, aid Iront,tc.9 taken im exchange. > Oàhâwa -Plow Points, At IIÀTCII & BROTJiE 1IS, 66NIOTE»?' ýCREAP HOUSE. NÉWGOOD>S MçIViiIan cC6. We beg to annouince the arrivai of is poygto f cor BPRING STOCK, eorniot- iog pf tus following lines HEoyle's Prints, , .Ashton's Prints, Poel's Prints, Brillants, Panoy DressGoodo, oac h itigo, Grey -and WIMte Cottons. AIl of which will be offered 25 per entu t btn lai t season 'a prieu. The. balance cfOr épring Imoprtationss l b. te band lit cf Apnil, whieh will b. foaad uncouelly large,,anç yull b. sold et the, very lowest romuneratiyq ,Pricam T. H KKIR . N êCo Io 4d ethofr btdzieâ éueth. DRESSAN MANTLE MM~iKG, 1754s' Sprin & Suiimr Olthing. Thée9s bebr &eejrés t» return thanks ta lis nûùmerous patrons forpu ~~r~ênd begstoa meuc that ho is o uplo wt aciiý ~tocarefully se1eoted byhimef, otpic '1Wetp, o atii xg, Cassimror, Ehoïýad leoep>, 111k Xlituref, &e., &e,. Wboh beli prepared tO kieu oorder, on the iahO4' e , *a1astyle, and on the mout réasonioematQ0,inh I '$15 000 EN , PRE$E~Ts PH RY~ QSIIAWA lUT ?wOxt - - 1; . T'he ietmt i 1o glven ytoSautuo l S. At -câcsotOfBie 'n sk cuîtosMay b. e nia J 4Any poWbmsny hav a dpsit 90004n'4 erïdinsrybtti o Pot te. no us,8.cf unY liu br ai dollar», <nomt$1, up ta S$OO, If tota M ouÙrt w îi#h eS u -,b . r qceljvsd .*v iifa' Dpcultor lu sU'-oiié yegr;except, lu cap4os G' bit 8P0,luliy tUthori4cA by $hé rojtm,%pjéj. i. Thponet utors of the offi esnîu!ed VIII l féd r trsmlsleu te 'the I'etîu t. 0. Bach Depqie _f b oji.d it.a Pas,. Book sud th.t lieJ>si luore îif drwn, wibe;eedth;ýl by tii et ion , d rect r Je wil b. h e slt tila - i -ë theÎ cu Master-oeuoraj, abdthb,.Pdbtmutr Geuu.râl gil.ue gp çbequ ,piybo~ n 1oLOfc ~uirl*s B tik Mrmy nwithdrawnl. jýzie7. h Krevy De ltemIt5scendin iv ilI thus h4 PeutcrT 'ary IYltO bisor ler ecèonntwith tihe Pest tffice 9Sl'irs t.Bank, at ouy cf thé Saviou Banik PFut Offceo, *iaichuet thé.tinte msy hat suit IluS coveulence, sud iuusy exer. clo the saue cholce ln drswing ent îmoueYs ï4ibjmt only te the ebligstn Of produqng tihe l'ais Bock, lu proof cfr.Wefltu-*btnever Paying iu or drswiug out m'otiey. 8- Tu1trett tthe 179f4,01 r e ent. peraànum *111 be, siicwed ou dcposts, lyiuZ le the erdi- usrv ulepomit meconutu, but When a Deositor ha$ $100 C haie. i or qlue may requei.t the Pestmsster Gotteral to ttupfer Uit, .um. te a $pcCii.l scecuD nt, ud il! theti veccIyGS ej,s ff- Osto Of guct&SPEcia¶ $100 deoeit, boariuïlhter. obt lit 5 Par celt. pqr ounu. 0.lostusters' are ferbidcleu by, law to diop- cloue teelignuie of atLy l'ipOi.cr, 'Ortlîeasmoer4 cf auy sain dcpoteyl or witlidrawil. p10.- No charte uil ho made te Depeultors e sy;ng lu- or drawiîîg eout meuey, uer f9r pont- IL. Tuee restmater-ôen>oraî w111 te alwasi redy t e rece ve au ,ni 'ttn qn -%6 il ppliegtjojs Complainte, or aller comm*'uniSsteus ddresued te liii ty'Depitori. or otlieris, relative te l'eust OffcSsvingSD aukutters. le An. Âu ddidouaâ. u',réber of -Font, fis wil.bosiutboizd to ut asu ahg~ 4gfLeI.ou niao 1it July uezt: 4rnprlor ......... ercw Aurors,............ rk Ayiuucr, Esst .... ottw4 Bp ievillie....... .....l s, ltîis Berlin .............'Waterlo Bci tîtir.,.......... erhier Bovma.wille;..Durhon Braiptop ..........eli Brantfed..*........rant Brighton . ..... erturbrii Brock-in.u..........ntario Buckingham .... .Ouas. Carletou Plae, ...Ls urk Cayoga ..........atl~u Clutîam, Wit.Keu Kat Chelsea .. . .'. Ot Chin .wa Wt9u Cobourg.......... rtismberln<l Collnwcd . imca.. - Cornwall .... ....trmut Dauviue ......... .iqmond Daudus.............wewrth Ér............. Illigtoui tianatique .. . Lesdiq Halon... 'Wu eatot lummîlou ý..........Oxforl ..;'u.o..........oteruaqo TAV5........... Li* Li:dsy~~ ' vctoria L9ud o»..1dd 1 eà a ....gar ............ c l i.. Ititol OtjPb WHO OFFE 'LEf STOOK 0 " 2 00 9feituro, WL WlibMth4, s. OSHAWAl 0O4 TO ALL DEfmn 9ýPEA8ANT tH drviglise; ork.ah W, 4 'O '-geow u u d ; asthriving ( Icehard Pirt o Aril ext. HAMLýTON &Co - Whitby, Feb. 4, 186~. 3L~! J~ ~ . . uawâs tatieir, aud inon et tie fauât gpo. Î 8110E~STO E, ~ Village or ark Lots, BOOT -- SffOE STO or tidis, rs,( NE XT POOR TO ROYAL CANADIÂN BANK, rpitr BROK STREET, WHITBYU 'ai ac 3 thtFarm fî rie, anid %ell slctd,#stokf godi, Cfuiîîg viyhin helO land 1 10 C lino. Ile j. aiso contsutly receiviug, overyy wcck, new gitou HBOTSADBZ otN.8 SEIOES OF' A4L DeSCRIM IONS, ad'of tbcu a ls'e, wotkûiuship suad quality, ed, an4Vt{ i'?B, Witt * w t a b i f o i-N o . 8 , i n t h e . I&~LDIES', MSS', (E TS' -Alfi)CHILD ENS' W A.TOWKBIp - 'Hé trfsts that 1w keepilng none'but fa good ànd iitab1b'.arti- ~ cie, et the o lert puice àt which a really goed artiçl'éîcar be cbtaiumt-iuitable forail Brick 'Cottuge, SOM,1 kitd a of weaîler, te merit a hare ori hblie patron aige. fram o4dwllipï frerv grNo efforts will le spared onà. lis_,aijt to do justice to hie bé?ràfltem a u to ners, or i u is e deavorsto give t b$un ev ry, satisfaction .. w tered by livi ng attre Wels, pump%,,&0. Ew , P rices - nark d in p a in fi g rel . A lfpè t# ll li ck ited.mih 7, si Brook bt., Whitby, March 17, 1868.. 1.3.1 TQRONTO, Magph 5thý 1868-This iW t», Celebiakgd GOOkîng ioêa1e Which bha« adsîichia grèat ruii and ci4eateé amn; al the Stoyeo Peflers; lumaueifacttired only b>'ù tea laô e ol persoil anthorizod b o i l tbem ifi Wbîtby. 3Partn careful to a"a that Our nates are letter'ed ou each àtoye -.or tbt poiited, as thons are»counterfeits of the Il Ion Duke" utdo >Wl t guliïé buýe 'sud thoeoWho sel and purcliase dfcs j&-, hiable te uus lor a 09gafmter titis notice, as thfe desigd eof.tthe rihed and 'duly riejtepd. *~ T . $PRING IIIPOi that- thé note 1 P1TEND9 CLEARING 'SALE, »Mmu-MMM' A -- Ab TUE WJIOLE STOC,4ý MIUST-B-IiiýSOL BY THE l ý. )LEý S ý.,

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