Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1868, p. 2

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à* i. &maem en uubas bh, bhon 1irope end Australie! v.N b1 made. rhllspiôfr ion oud na' tu reply tb Dr. PBVIteT, vwo Wba n* toudlg fo th ssl ofD. T prfrom lis Mission to Eqlud, 10 ppou. the Éovà 8ftIàn' eolodoue BD roi o the rhpssl of th$ lDionis. ln"us W~ 5uts lquent Md4 tus, C4 bus mssoplug fog tbsý essesof nfderation Ifstoned -to *vfi ,a at tenion suUy btsted opon bis oquenos la bis Plae la parliamoln'Î. W. did ho vlài. cils Ibo appointebn; c f fend;-Dr. Tupper, (for îlibey verso *a porsonsi friendo,) and ouarnest sad 4î.st propieie wsre th#.,wOrdo h. uîtered1ss Lo B psîrlqo fiLe, eu amdal-"' Tbs mon ho show. ad ho vas resdy W$s>fsiîr for bis rlcptiilea as veli - triamph vlth ibipvlscpls va <BP bgoïa, ompulfoc vitli *1. mon pu. plrity houter, Il vuuld bo a baie spirit s0 sBrifice théeMuD-vho bid surlflce bitsnsoiffor tîLe caLeo ithe. union." Eh'9 preous lire vu -th. flrss sacrilice. On dspitrtlt ( rom ti.hé'1shon .va s som.; paufsd b7 Mr. MoFBrlog X.P, lv? brotlr of -the n.. of Dnokleé, Bnds monna»md b'nchete-*BUof viiomade- oouspanled i. Io vitain àshort distance of i. lodgings, Wbat lo knoovusu a -quensilylu giron as follo.ss by the tepot 46Ho @taled llb.é-Honse lll2 oloob, made B long sud, loquent spsob on Dr. Parkot'i motion,- sud vhsu lb.bouse ad- jnnrned, walked bome. vitb Mr. Muor loue, M. P.,' part of the. VB7 îbrougb the square in front of the Parliamont baid, fais, H. thon Vont on a short distanc to bis boa rdinghbouse, Mrs. Trotter's, li of Toronto. Arrlvod thone, ho, pot i. band 10open te door viihbie Jatch key, vhon sous on. bbind bhlm £fred t hlm. Tiie &ho pissd ia tbrough thebooak of bis-,nsck, and cameo ont ÏC bis moutb. Mu. Trotte vus op as.d M.obitaille . P, b.d ju before entened the- bous. Mn. Trotter vont tu, open tbe door, boiring foGee ,OOMnng sudtrqlug 1 to lu. Jusito h go&tu k, sud vas plllng It open, the. las of tbo pistol Iu ber face horrifié bUr and ah. chuatIt on hi., s.szngî hlm croie doon -and pot kuoing whboiivas. - T nusi who i. w.. ltheson of Mn. Trouer, ibo, viwen mBtheb.corner of O9 Connor St., ccvr B us ait 1ovue! attbe door, but caw ai one fOr@ the-shot. -le thonght the hlump lookod luke a New(onn ,Und dog,, but gare elas. . -ýAftev Mr, M00 oeft br. moocrlane, -tias vo lait persons cean viiibina vers th. tvo JJaokleyà. Nothlng more fi kuov * oon»oeig bila, E# v 's4944 Whoa * Tb@. Boldeys, rveftUeo t*w broihe * auoBaglosouï, othen nDactod Wbite McKony# LIPh Siattery, and Wbelan *ore arresed. Bat efter thasIquesi su loqusntly bold, on@ te diEnlgqs,(John) lbth eoe sWhie, Smiery, sudMo 14 uoa wsuspect 1lethbe mani edwai le ans udesoribeé vith the ciresmmtances atmendiag bis aret: 61 <llvlng acourit of the. arresi About Il maybe metioud Ibas a great mas cmbsrs of Parlament et Ottawa, bra Tii.nau Iou f Coanmouason Tuosdaj pr.soatled à 10nobiug speerBole, luas e e logiés Passad ou the lameuted doessd b. fore moil aee o f thé nous LAd firit àmonptthem sir lohn, A Ilmcdoald,, b hcourueof., ams loquent sud kludly expfslous bone ia 7o0o.u1 riot ' k.M' " gn téMi thribu#$ te $$ne VISOluitn 18pyibs oralla wue vitdanus ud of wh, vhofv la S'~tif rlujgg Mu Our es",p whoChaa s us it blis semneus eloqeo, ald s bis large étaiecs tsie sd'in0tructda b, bis vieom hsed, i ,pBrib i " ai move, I fle lnla uve.Ilftirer a. loi ier vho (à11 nî iii f U tie ilu lb font of thb. ght deueried Weol'of hl onty;Thouas D'rc ey mGse deservei g.ll of Canasd a Ispeople. The, bioi nilçi baslut aitflaen lfe i to ecnt, ;ti ibockfistoc grest, ftor 'usyet i10 reaizo it, vuiatiocit, or thée>exteat 'f ibis mis 1rYep&sable Ionba s.ilsir. tual our Sor- Iowa our gsaalue aqd uafetd sovrcw reve46 us rom giflasgadequate expros. lof ta Our feeling jqî oui uovbat, by-snd. ,,,,esad et leaagtb, Ibis Houe. vii bhave à nelanohol>'poaaplucaid endu ,haraot@rýàcdpoiî oofcar laie <riens aid colsagus. To att the lois i. grosal o me 1 Ms ay Ylaesprescbly so, asthe vllo bau acteil vltb me for some y5B5'5 lut pf oa@s vida womi ejopd tbe inter- oniunnicAttous cf la vcasud vavied tifid. ;ýTh* blov b. 4 boaerveljg <sel iogeihor ioc pàbï o'a, dr.suing aysif to th sue ajnstno., Our de, Sthi frlend wva un aof tie kuadeqîasud oi generoas lImpua,à an swhbie Mud vas open .to, eV oue, v bisebeari as made for fiedsp-a maivho lied 0 <ehl, Do gaile. hW il a main usim- li'it>' achidg,ihlt bave livedaà lons id respecu fle 64 .dbe ohïosea lb. OUI f4i of poplsriltyrelier than lb. esér nrof dotY. Es bo4 livesé B sbprt lité lpecied iiiblovod îà sud l i didà «ro death, a snavt>z to tli. aMm of hbis Alreedy large veverds bave bots oiffe-1 i for -tbe appneelon. cf tlb.oruel idulgil aasaine c, f ,pour Mr. MaGe he gavera'ment of ille Dominion offer ,000; Ontario *2,600,- thbe ;Prine of cebes a like &ïatf Oi;Otava, uhe spitol, tiroqh bu iMayor, 04,000, sed )btiens lta. w.alîi CCity of Mbontregli blçb Mr. Xce" so viii aid oproudlyj preeted viii addé larcely 10 lb. r@- SMr. moGesao lois, a liis criait u late~ ris of tlt, usv DMosi..& $ral ibse clamit,;-fisr gestt Ibasia, t It vrKltg b. esitstd. lHis ahilua a sdvantagsêof the -dnin of oPr isu;é the povef iCf ouftd.vton toi % u t e u e&ld îogt b .el" r t i a oune not aud &.4 boeneiBaritsh, ro000»0' bouadod, as bls advocac/w vas lg &0enot cply lotge ia m1 auàlqui 4 îsuae..to- l of4w tpfuus-sCv drte sud Ga4 usu Ld.,d w nb 1 mourieuts 4.15 f oCaad tyof thwfntsis <vssassofthe nlois. Thée sîroclous eacusy of Mr. OIS' destâ-a btik sari>' loui ~ uffnssaat 01 ee car, tonhl tabll the X4. NmOT., cooideved thess ptt.iM LsU bndoou bMv. Moe a 4pIoshbm pormauentIy onthe 814 ttbit.per. M. McGe uevoi, si 'à as ou :p#ersual oviedge sutends, hi aconuetion vitia the Dublin Frugoa Joarsot Itvau.vltitheo mn of * vlgronluoy vrltea Natfo ip m ît li We- pose liii.Tom Davis, *retors l oThomà ranIs Mesgber, and fer>' petlots lii, ohm Moobsl-that mr'. MoOs thes an 1ttsme doribud b, soms of oc otmporaies hi vas 051y 7 Bftev il julaoec14, viii».M.oie mode bl sacpe 10 Âmu,4ottpthat bisacqalini Ivlsthie Amerlosupublie msonilibtadi,, ommenoed.Ris, areer, sines thon, knoo(u 10ta te Presat ge"nsro. a published the Nation uevsaer, on vs o@ueldemie àa"mo he IflsbNation- Vayor4f, iiaaferWBTdS th@ Aleian Val 1n0'63,t oq b oosiuof a visit tg Qtuebso, vhsu he dliersed àa vll-dpprs. cistsd lete b.tore . t. 9,Patdich' Caîholis Institute of that oity, (and whicl the vulter of tuase romurias reportsd is tb. lime sndpublishesi tu th. Quebm Coo Ut,) v.bcGose ormed thb.#a *di. of mbiog Cauada bis home. TIi oit, of modtnal vus tb.place, selécisé bý MIa:atih. $phare of bis jouvnalism lin Canad; and for a short til.. b.pnblishsi th. New Era, la liai city lu 1057. Witla bis conaection vith the Canadiaa prèse Mv.Mcse obtaiasd a seat la [llimeuti be ae arm admia of the. Hon. Oea. 'Brown", and hroui tbg-gentlsmsu obtainsé fit plsue and'pro.feone as a Canadien politician, flIeparliamentary carier le nov spokon of nu dsemved sdmiratlon by tho Pie of Duada, vithout exception. Sevwu, -et u ator, B stalo6mu, BappoiBI scturer ;-co dre u ought afiter for biâ '1gb attdute nsd, dorlj bis cou- imtvl' hr eidonce lu Canada, ma&c ïgroîaia'mark lanauden hltoryamsthu 'utdrilus discerer ,of thas country, !acques Cartier. Iroludr sdm.thb.das f arattau, Curra ansd Duritsbas ro- ucSdfeiv,m a(ith b lteverfaule and hcromaugs no .hmay b. charged> vbou mas shah appear brigbtevin to, 4s bat of Thom«s DArcy HfoGe. psku gian of, Mr. bEie.'. services tW Canada, y@ mlgbi Weil ezchaim vida clan Alpine' )ard- "Whal gpoing shall yohdsr vîlOy 9il1 What î ubri of eof ao hili rondI on hll Wbsi tocs. of blimng rage shaU tffltl, Whonuanorns tl. atii tballe doe, < hby 1il1 before-tlu . race asoni. Thy %worit naglt eneW of! sua 1 Thor@ breathes Dot 0olanmanicthY lino- Ba0t voilé bave <lysa bis 1110 for Ibm.,rý- oQ, u à".110,44,1 4ne~ oo is LATEOT 0>OTÂA W er banb>ttelogrBpb, as vs ,gÈ kafbm giùg fo,~tw*iulu bet ar a uie Nmi«,b wedst Ottawa bun MIondal ulgbt sud psi~ p et abotel s e Utbat fout o'oloc Teofnuésay e liqng. Teigtobe A US. ususéDe4mdury àa ui D 1sminio.nuret laolv'1m ý - , , s this sud dg .viag e4ls.: tbentldo t herprécent officr; miithin CIZv.TILCp 3 .Gud fvr auLr the 46Y o01 luai mTog ci . «Ipofvr iipnis c ou'pnhs 'f iq ', **ho iord s iti a «Ili theo %CbouL1 ouid001, dlsofteAdt. Il ofhe ffie, n ysîedsy mof the 'kepUcyl lot giron notlcoo44lr o . If ~ " fs teetaciroe.is.h e prW Bst lo tak -the 0£ ibdo ple~aeruofanwtc PednsA -tsd; and aller T or1 troo to"are aoý WJt,ý[YI'Tee ous ep o, ~ ~ ao&Ie~*o lv i.w istBi ttk4 $bcther, 1 t4tengin@ vusman<actgroé by MeUfleGar- tdon et on, mnsOuingP7fl7 r. a t . 1-.-d-r-1-1i m"ding lobe, la he Redir ;à;;-&uemed y 60 ajorlty. The n psrloosomvite Lat¶vo yem comnilotbew ae ce-M.RobIn CinpbeI, yx -bythae vilsi sell - ousaless ballowséte sorle:,4 gier ime uýgWdb t bI s va the r.galarmalllllwa hoi<cf the firu of Menus.E. &J. Csupbll,> hhlbrsis.On golong mb flo lu ho rain second, to r iJe, ls fes ou tarrived bhousme (Il lu tIi Perawan, lut motion vas carriedi, Mr. Giédi volaiecr~ orbssnbalo é e<' n .4week. Dnring i.senôe lu Elbish Lo n a ave > Volualser or Lgular muis nasal uôhe u. b ae tuveprh -n'c- mn .onmsio bee r. Glsdelons ariug ali jearprootui ,tii. caa i oh4 a aeetnsv ndas-n'o t 4rsvoînion, ithaï;thei.00om fié1 asfrndUcsriertn'C bsoeci advatgous uterms, ve are told, oIl i bc eenaptIfroua fartaia s ervi pog.ss- ,,at' seuils monnorclieho bad, porbêraut* I0tbat th liaibave >n o pportimity, to dis- ,Tb#Usos".0s~.s rvha asdor lias Ml. ThesDoualnluu 1.10 Le divIdda iasps h cd i osu hat cunot <il w Londoon Apuiil 4-Tue de niliardttlesou cuprslaï l ti'vcenaitfuacustomsuu. bMr. Câampbell bas otar mi.srl îi o f6 po uf'Nova Sctlai , eMe aunovl Mo ofthearco lavesdi ueesud lotlir ln ai ma sd iuemuilathanks for bats fies of Englisi papers. Motf bJursabvcd residig vithin theaimit* et ospis ls* oîaî- cbjoqt. roto e lnareacedIa Dansb, hbsl goaitpro-', Tue RieuTAr Ety u gà oAzr.-r.N.* ii.TmssyIeCm oibed end st env dînue aiteo, oas ay bde- Blb eoe. elvr bsns nbsoied 'thaï, ibis cancer ot theio 9rit pil on;. ai suof t i lrce iRa sniélelvr ulai u bd u movod. Tii. rsjsotion ec ladtvIded auto1sausaauober o! htlan1u7,lolé promises. le bas, vs idem"an, leo aasesadusal aud the. edop 'ipeDivisions e as Wbeddsudo or po iga,,od tob. stuslidodsaaà Coun- added 1thle lnd sud limprov.d lb.hecon- Gladsîons'sresointion togo il iovis lob -eispplms R fro ai qrvitsveyancson lb. premises, so lnl as- les ais moasly tbe. éit stopsi ~sanydivisons. oreuislLglsaaiDlvi tisrela ono Lient-Col00,ont! dti'vos 0 f serving comsen can nov b. soumodatsd dn i. ainl*iil Resolrve ilîla, sud ail ord#ré ami r.pcrits ré-,Id expressd ud n i illiibe ai iâîing to envolaisnt ot iatiola, vutîmîilits'viti sitablc livery ntaie ls ibysousi. Il villiislt Ibat tbl Division, ardu be @osat tirongitl u ateid bslMsr.CatadkA.uapi ea hhb lit.- Colonelor lastis a beiaco, Lvery stiles erCutad&Am apl eo hl etor , iora is bis wor.And foiaieCouaasOY dlvi - strong ihave retlred (rom tii bulansse. forued. Tlieis uruing's vote £or ln, ail ordue'.lusraiosln to eroinaaof ~ *- - ' c unic mie o uilitman vitain the Division belsig ud i Tas Asuiibuns Buov orrus 9Wfff1. t aiet ohhlence.o. i; au aponu b, ho Captualu, or lu lis abasce by theotir AID Re? Wauîvnv Uuox AGBieLfutAL vosibalance<of th ini iaot Tis oaroinoulor~h Mtl'a Stobemaoe Socuer:iii ho hold at the tova of Whiilb, The vrongs of *go@s asto b. lu eaab Company dlvuslois-by the 5Japtuli aa nTni 0bainiL li irgbU don. auad tiie acclmai aik, asistsusc or t'he offlcrs îsd nein-comnss .Onboaltogt ut mongitaio.Ti. atgasus eapueduil fcors ut tiso Coupeur, bfeu librl poe n il so@a-XýC qulry a st ab bouse tiatrein <end by sv'ryotlerbera rs._nth i l n'b l , London, Apri 4.-T»,t » maenu, on or baoruaashe28tlat o4bruaay. Dawts, of the. Ontario boiel, of a vuliabl. coucindes a ver, a6ls arîlcit 1869; sudt beartoresft -dof soureIcisuitlas ier cap for lthe bos$bail calvei siace folioving vords sa "Tile votei talala utt the lssmesut al the mass'in the lot Deoe>r, ia*18s6a6.f1h riiChni sliffrea%,classasrosldeaut vitbin tho CQMnpaay bbuievobyteI dis-rict, epophyirbasbeeaaavoa boshnc parlud oi service rc>uIoredonader lise l oL--sna lnhn atho'tetwh Tho. Diadr l.T $$s nuade by btoua au 710be4ealtsu the nuipouhn ach h ne tvui dads, - r~ncîaîhou * (vio LguomtaîDivsio liis vote yl h o 0vaste thi LfbeoutClone «teaci ntl I"Agricultaral 8001017 cf Pickerinug cornesou 4acaîbobetp caro ioupie oft t ii.srail esnsorfu dsën héilet-Pr the etis. Dtvlis,s, lub. seul 1 lias office 0ofoffou tii. 24ti lut., onlthenuiaof bEr. single stop.", thes Adjut*nt-General. 'Amadi t04senrotimoist Ùisa1 hW hetd Co b. su euhodausnt of ail tho Hamilton, loi No. 19, lu tb. Sti con-. Berl l, ApriIl -An Iupoi the. Mlitlsnaenrolloî d ashll rondsr thin cssion. Th.pris ýes re ieaysdO h iie a odo liabe to serve under iiu Provisions 'of Ibis evrniea, u flsCble a oéo frt Unies» sxempt l ty ev lb. exemptions the Mens aimas openate eProvince. coauder what action cionié gbil,. tiv aliala theonsit o Uopaof 'Jeof i vote cf fridar aid Thý«9uaor.aaxes uIoPucgconstot-Of Monda, Ofsdtoais iresolution. It lue caalry, loid tattoates oh artllery, cosupsules bElixstersdecldesi 10 resigu ofmountod infaulry, coamsipeo( cie=sa'.,sdeie'trJg'J .ttilus sd canpnlo utlai Anisd uDa- nigbt bltIvo bnrglariee vere coniuitte.d oppoition bolé retaîn tudr1 vi sud marine corps, lu sutuh roporins ne luaithe township cf Pickerlngg by,, Il le Il> *(fer voieseof parliament. lier Mjsstj s#hall appoint; au lb.e sirengtb of tboa.e ce osiili ba rcglaasued n ite o£- suppomof îbe smes pensen or poisons.,- Loudon, Apral 4.-Tii.e bos cr eppiaated trou lime 1t'use *byIlier Ma -a ve'é ifla sty, Aud lu addition totue.Wao£ ualtry Tiiebain cf Artbur OLoary, ou lot foaai, t ia xor is*i;Caubui riloin aad umansâArIAt, ambulané'.sud hosi latiefutrdacoueulon of the tevneb i sîyore*is veited ila atrimai nil corps u" bu foriued viion eqniroî.The.'Fi ~ O' Oxford musa ervicasof corps ut voluutoera iuay bcaacpted wv aetend, asd a bag of firit prislseesi soder snob rognistlons À amy bc. mpdp .trum-e---- aile té tlaseiwdVolàautarcrPs4May enter vilmaad sme grain [romta sbin-iov LuxrcoLy ELsmor.-Tbe uto an, arhiele»èna geen ad 'ok - mupli, lei.ot'*ituov-stelen. Anun- oe al.Cat fLno galotss nfot Inconsistett hh bltA, w bo pn nteco yo icl spprovd of by 11Rf bje .But Volantear ocnpie. boas.,,on h fftii co1esionthe day &Bd lb.coalinuef on Batas shlacrs are 10 o eropoucbo o _~pg thour poet fWiGe uboe coo enapanlesu apte iutaitstraugtla, sud if nuDot l hW. svsbrbi b oig,-meayuthe' Journa. This inoptn o'llt4inl o mn' be nlabathedsainlght, asd corne cotiing laiton sitasi d bte tact lia" Priés soaer ls quota, lLis 10 i T iWholtserobbersbat, M li Done 4bave iofp sesutuuiucer sfiioan nagmlaatithe eo ade olc ot. Iei o olajran ube ers f as' ativ peililisuaeu o nroilid foi' sovbceave te - lBi reePeO e ubEsre. meýMt se sttubcd 10 saacunsmpunisagas asy ho Pae- bt fS.et opaei1 o4lteé; an msive instrciotln froua a6 con- Poav Wuîruar AND Pou-r aPUIr u.blcf1.aîrnsiet vistrorwho e annnration viii had f emoyblir tÏ1 ixs b>'h@ Gavenorlu Conacl. Wheou VA.-A meeting 10 tak. Into coualuersa. ui smbleet *41ivo mulllismn ae i rsjlre4 for servite, sudtieon matten connoesd it etb lb. althe ariffcuisî a~~~~~d soiliot smla ;,,o Obloteer, ltse tnna beri le o c<lied op by drafot ué 'I 'cl-viiib.h <é I>aub1ts,,u t.mrr À leîa'wsu bu un 00 5fe-el.csslacomua45,-.<,r~.) at cue 010Ilr. ~W. trast tai atr a meurcsts nlî l. t o iro ss9 g .snd mois nul requlred tr"r isbnrcnl t îvvlce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h liseieuetu îts. vii'Lbemeeting vii kvei atnu, u u. 1D1sjs. N otai, loti maJcoun iVM 'Ol.Uwasiii~ ~portus. viii be brouglittosaumdùediwst1 d4555the ocranasinjTZý3i'qo' itÇr!r1" ~1w,'mpl0od r. 3 01Ol'n solive nuftltisca" sud aetie'pdvAsgi¶ IssuÜ te-anbslocto uniifeh a subtlstuto, Mouoeu Ui." 10 -sy $0,vlel dimd 1_ oair.À i<l srt.mavotIUi tbailitl. BIIIahorlîb.sb - tg; 'U drli ai Eïoun . prs 1t isev. en6le liofor tëz o serre eçan,, o theiïier ustOJb8fn'Bi miiu&leald<hsv rfia g.,svmns * b18 l, ralfei iO 1 h. xoiuccfauw14.srabu1 d ot i. al roet iil lie'slrb Ie ibi rtfl tte«efio léeütble ay o e djtatohOaaim oh'Iiilforthie Domniuon lb. aruýOls, lvbleuwtrial. adbobu lod thé k or? à LW1udsc Lj( . C.Wiio in h#1 £iiiLbas velu rulé Icu' Qrcue itiaà veYV v.w..a.sm s.v h«4"d sIl" - miîeei uc riiys cf th. 1fa et, 1h. ceversîmon., io*is ouonhe' of Lâord BSU, ýptlon' of Mr. untc commit,- of the opera soon. t0 b. ae v, ont seg w is lie dava Inlané mal talnesi i, i fthe kiagdoms. 0suded aad îtioa , oflis rfr-g Posi i vidatiith i. thie deati No famye [Abemai part! 29M" b.e effect cf aqfuionvitb- woposesion. vIsaIn meeting îaturds, t. be tsiren -lu lgbt on Mv. sepomisé itt luge* major. «lrce b.- ri4<. niver spi, for lb. epolling yuill ln o brs- arda>' foliov. la eu nsfle*.; IS, i. 6, ljaI tsMd Pheipe ~seu ortié lai Pot apoluition b.t a. . Chaut' ïMi cf oit J IfThosn Marquis, Wm, maileveon h '0 ]s ie loigg , R.. lanJshaCrm,*. sd 2 x.e-VzuvusJu.-T c ame as bltou y-John Niehole, B. Iqisé., Di. Hali- Usà da ER'ogers,. Wu. Yefng, Jas., 4don, Md 1i0nie I ZDrydei, lu W~ itlsoJs. -wilf,"u inuit J >Micbal, T. Pss'a.r,-Wna.-ercas, jr. ionui va tiug memberi of> iii. veonateer coun- vas fUI la th. tovuehip <os siBtluolabor, tracit by la 'doinlugié,allodedi 10'tb. <reat ouc. mcI ce ,lb. ,voiutm -badreadereé to -n.s ireaso au '10 oui homes, and thonghbtaiht i nsid hsi ptling 1bas i trou s <-1tatts iàbor ve the bslgb v Onfi giviug îb.u ,fruivigorsMd- «avW-VI e aiigeueait ife are ic - bue couacil wen t toasmmites cf the' rec0uw v le tb.veon. « no apt"ia odgsoa vas heard lu rsf.rsuce Ai. t the. sisject, sid salé siia part o bà plini anuyvýoe ie l l.adj .lni cnibip et Clarkc oRBeacbýandi vsrs xemaptesi fromustaîte bFrda I 1 oun"the ohiir momberusofh i&S o- scdu a>' ivii l0 tua cvnbip cf Wbiîby vwbicb et vanlU e i.cma privilegeli of exemption. aid mon A ýngèbh dIscussion esousd, bEr. Dry-"feus. of dmn qestioimogtu%,a¶ silîof lb. b, lav. Clark, elu T comnâttip rmisMndropont.d the by.fa l m in ensié forua--oeupting T. ths oiisidofreaid risî.Dailp froma ielabor. -FloirS Nis<'LLaJNVL i.ablet O motion cf Mr. Speai, th. paîbmue' hevigi --tr boati 4 vas ordereélo allov Jas. Mjeai, F tu10p.nfor' its 1 Ma ute labor on,<of coudi s bctveec lots 32 sàd 33 lu beal and inqu 22. Flow." nmeLbacof IMv. <pem, tii. traurer vordsned tupq J. V. Bpears $52. in mouS botIléb hlm Joint Madilfo r kseplg says th* ti pauper eshilé-foro icelpar 10 set kAîil Ajsrg ' .. Brockvla a- Onmotion of Mv. Bpaoisv4'thae poutuon cE Jhn <ilt vasgratesi, by vestiug uin liu ailtta.tduber ou aide ross iallevauetiens li luletwn lots 28 and 29, luc tb. dii con., amm tn b. ont dovn on- or before lit oh' Jau'y, 1860CAT OuQi motion cf 1(r. Wils, ltas ausitori' AT revil va ireclvesi, 'pua nd sué lu>'of the, a aciliesi- . -1- BYE! . 4n 'motion cf O po, lEssiv. Iep- Byrue, 9 bora and Alexauder vers sshci adS10 COLI forvtheir servie s aditors,W.Cl ,ne<fibe ttrusùàteos cof tb. WsssyanW Cl .!ekodlit ech, fB9 r Ooklilavas bearé BSYA coqugomnlithe grautic< of a portion 'of' but., th a portion of<thestcreunt lun<vont 'oh' div diugbteî obmh,,.ýNo saltona vastakeai lu th maS. te wîîi SlOu luotion lS M- P<peer, b.clarkv'wuîI.et, by aithoirlesé'nct lesui lireport of the. oncie piocwdings cf the cousu batth. Prsmfcv Wiium 84bI tlnsa reporter (orne trou thi. boti oh" oEýe> vue preseot. , , 'The 0souneli';;djpcmdsd t 6 ook,1 mmdl the fsutUodm>'lu May,, te meut > a ma ourt 01of eison. eui A Cur9JAuxCoyluins, GAZ]' Ex- yJuan - '~ "--<us .AvartSuet . as île ah. eh'.-. x"z?'

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