Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1868, p. 2

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M* U~AJ. ' t, OS $I"flo tbpy 1b" 70 Esycti ie sentcf ~bslg m dg e < ci < qiFj<. ,4At ?rotêslgblkaê cér~ilibi s oremm.tso oSb@nigbs tof thé .- ~srIr ~ h k.~ . ~ opnport on the 1"0. tulî fà»é-tdeptaý pouf.1 r44u.f - w ofv rfor etriug and loaisg, atoll "tG. iîre to Wbelaai sud is &as- A i.Nwve *Iss "s tiOttve tiers are OU 0 mrts -o! s OusdýVO, Ore *tOi sd sthtoit ~' ibtsimaiiht îles are lu Pu.o o f mv ide' pifîIc Dr. Tick«v, bto mé o o i s laient., motb. b. ar ofprme'ms . du~lm~feelings b, mu, la otheror ommu. Tbé. Whelsa ousesîmuised befote lte uagls fuot D.1 1 1 ai ub~ ~v tmwi and romauded. Tb e~tu m aisM d b. bas dousIt Po fa<teridig agaltit ima 'o arla crtauly erydans. jsie un mondsy 1fr. MeGoet's mueri teck Placse.- It le ra.perted Ïkal fuify sisty titousaut i pecoaleri itaii suembied 'te viieu ss .Tii. dîy 'wass Proclaimiéd"a public holiday iu Motreai_; .1,1 places ef publie business vere cedtisami Bgs ver@ *verywhere asthaif.,masî Amucuit <homo preseut sere affilie Cabinet Miult.r (vi Lb t.e mçLf"togof 8fr joi&,X Meodonld and Mr. Bopitemb. majors cf Ottawa and Qwhbi;"e i. mr o n laGeneral olicens. The hears. sas a magmioceatt <surai car about 10 fcqt lai liêgbtf i16feeL fiu lengtli aud (our (et 1ua breadtb. ýThe PIÃŽ(form on shieli tbo coffin vas plaut mouumîcd>by a cauepy, supportai by eighît twistaiS pillar;te vte oe. orowmeti by a glit cross -in a cirai.. -The, cauopy vus tent-uhapei, an&ti tere soi-e t£vs plaints et biack temhbers on eacb aid.etf .. Tii. nador sidaetftiihecanopy sasoW dur i elotli, vitit s largo crofs of wsite, Ou 4àcb aid.et tfite plaîformu, lova-dm lia1 tipperpari ef it, tiers sas a ilver escale t cheon, avit the, foliowhutg letters luai-ci:- t "lT. D.MUoGoe., Apri*l 7,186à." Bolow thliaver. tbm folioviug ou the. riglit aide et the car ji-Cousenimaîus brovi explevig Icuapors mils," anti helo, l iserere jc Dormine.19 Oun t. letîsiJe, jeanup Mercy an sd below, IlJoes Domine, doms E »I 1requiem elerasm.Thor@ vus a baud. n omue blacit clotit border falliug beles this ai * piateormadeeeated. avIit appropripbte orna. ci tuent@, sud lulliug astté bottom . otuInl. dentas; lu iba. luSents wre liaraldrle dosgms, iseoluing e ctb. oa fuamus of doceas.d, aiLithebmloeeui "Fac mi spir&I Pi 'Thecarnaige Wss tiocratedti vii apr1 paISs.Orumosslusitvr, ïronuth ie miges' e! tbi oueanopy, âa n t cler saitable place.,IlL tii... soreail of amlier, mach O o hm. cîoiodfug cf tes" m r von udoube limes l' ofsiv..smed ald, 114. ptroossuon occupred îwo beurg sad e fifty nluule. la passlug à girest pint. 1 er. Ur. 'Farreil, proauhed isu *i- cel qde<uî sermon wh!cba*pped la lie 614. tre of Tmesdayl isWeciocat cf IbmotNueraidé anmd froma a met appropriât@ text-"Hlow Cg .1u tbe tuiig:y an falîmu that asavd the p.j people of tura.lo! 1 lMcbu"e o t IL.»,tit Tb@ day vms goneraliy obiervad as a holiday uaulhtiïieutti.Ptoviteo.' to, temmld ont readots of tbP letur is <Thurda;) *veulng, je the. Mechaulgt Ilâl. Ufr. 'Cartwright ig à lecttreor :cf groat oqueucem ,ad abilily, abat vire th[#, not mi4lci4 ,we are mre tut lb.e tact thbat the, prouuèdus wtl be devotedt<o thé. (uniS feeoooepaiîmtheb.Spire of Al l nuoý gre a lrge audiene.. DocrrOSz 'CARÂSON Cow.!» ir- bou' etensive în'd eacreuinS pracoice hm ncffilsd bit obtaiuiag fortli.r pro.- fo*ul s ultanmo. It viii b. soeu aby te adarUtioment i l ou,,-toianmr, <at éi. ootovsuad Dr. Liamve qu-bted loo fu»qrW or pur, u the p"ýacio Ofér toflr noÇpsiueg.her. Dr.. Law Il u olii groduateýiSu ArIa nV«oros,IUni- versity, and son of aur sueeud fli.nd, hi'ToiA'I Drta. TiÏbeg le rei 'ili ira &C tic ,Pet NIaI OMiwi.-We regret tû learu hbat ithe griot sud, , Orimg amil of, >%r; D. suii, 'pOeuatc rOsas, o day lut. i.ogao hAr itpe met Ocnkovu, bers bavinge bmusecno, lu the bùilding for ibb lait lv.ý moulli.- Laalldfsg, bt of <relu or aour!. tbeëi abut W0'n g onbure ulas-Impér-fasandi 1,000 h' ie E oy&I 1 WîvADPour Pzasv LuWAY.;- Bome reumaos I b b à» ae duf- util feit veet, Msauubilevs May sâme tbat i.Dgls b Psdet hievice par, And' Mr. Paîo, M.,P.P.., atarI noribvardu ou Frlday moruineg, ou huaoI. messç cf mpertéce ceoctued vIi lb. sucomisci1 L.esilvay projiet Gair*a Dexînueir Pwume X& MTcH- ,Attention fa requested tle <ho atverisamacut in otiier columus o!ft.e 'grand iplcughlng, matait te tabe plsa au Thonas, 2lst My. We bavre ouly opace toe anneuoo the setîleS date la tii su nceieaui. touLlon 1 b.aioriomel A -equad o i .ltmgof 21 tmea eofapC I)arîeii'sai 7 1o! Ospi. Camei-enm0Con- pauy of -'Voîinteeni, assmle saIt the Botta lut FnliSsy- te cemapet.for @Oou mobey prizes ecutriuaeti by tits ciicers ed otiters. Theresmeefi@ prlissla oLh itou.. TLe foilovila is a. core a>t ffi vwiiuorts.u is: Cass. afrp. white, -A6 18 ruaolil uYoulou,(No. 4) 84 arhl Wailterso, "dé 8 a-Att. Gordlon, No4. 1) 25 ri' Slhra,(o. 4)> 02298 '~Walkuay, " («22t 800>.. - - 45428-40. - Juge-Gm. olauj2a-ul. 42828-29. uosirJ.mi. aliétl-.lB. - 50152-IL 80282-le. 00800-h. fistiig seltiuwbietceaumrrati o,adeatu rab.r's farmdtit coq, Scots, -,l ap.; aratb <b oes-thewonk vas-'tinUise ig seul ce la> upjtr, lcaing amfes è pbru uuulming *ves edemverlugte gel thb, lablulu;" orly %pot np, lb. siie auto eil dtou k fW [a-Carid ou 1'<Ifs- eanti lajri gt-elAeadr -Tb# deuepti va s yomug masi, mett lotati Ly&ivb uew bMm. HMhaves 1wj wmido endoecuhit o~ ~sut sas noe etig fu; e bBoartion TntMoy, mveëniùlulet,' for" t 6fe afi *u5 h !Dmbeis prienwsuvei-dMeurs. tiarhmeàli (cLai-t) a'n>iy saot, iri FsuesdDr. TapA Tie imn Pi-omtifpcCegg; endanti Dra. G mat Oi uî,aYoung mm a~diujip Fi couteU vus proieddi tit,' dsrid te muovee lb. *olloiôg reïooili, es#rùivt 'of tii.hon., fDo&loue o f. eConneil!lu a bodyç bot o! tb.épofo!lÙ& ho fowu atith M Ofpel'AU a a M~ p1r. t1Zr.- EM6idéesuadigr, 1Drspes< pok. 1:i ver fitîigum erusofhbe.demamd statesl mmm, aud; the resotlon;, eceudedbl .'Me HfoId.upasi nniosla t4SII olW -Thit ibis cnui bgle-sr t10o0exprea the liorror 'bd-fud ugmtionfit by te 'iu» habiant oftbf.lov, aibawlUu mi loàyal luhabitadis o! <le Domýinion f Canada for the cruel aud cowardly asauuaîiou ýof the nou. Thîomu D'Arcy MFee, M.P., it Ouaais -Tkhot îby ousder thé. Ion. of go eauiuet' q fiAtatesisasu man of , letoiea a ntional calemiity, aud deepl, i palfs wtu ui 1 dw9m chldpu&ateraits>4biv bereaveuue nd A cey e tu r'~1thic lata> bo- obffi. The draft do! sv-,ele -st4-regalions- for the guiance o!the -. socueil svs suit' mitte& by lir. Draper anti examinadin l tommattea, naporuetid d iopied astior. deredti l be pri-ati, Ma'r. Phflp iaabmlltti -b. report o! lb. iMPrOMODueu Wiébit sasadoptei.The. coi-i; 1sodod.a 2.5 0feel cf kumber at $9 per'Lbomntsd, t cuulu;a At $7.50. airxv.TRI coupoet. 'Eraquirisu ver. madein lu bif fflby 1fr. Draper su--. Çaraue ite pi-egreu o! the suit, ;sud us Ï0 tho, opinion cf conul s te the legality oif issing a portion o! tii debeutures fer lb. purcitam cf tbeerdeup-eporty.- tite ayr@rpliodl tbsLL a d W ne par. ti nformation te giv@,,-bâtadi oÉdisolsiuor b.d heint prepi4 entubam.. altpd* go U-. Heuck, fer isflnau-m -îtat Ur. RoafCeumel for tse Coi-pormieu,, vus svay trous homeWho vta e(t. usayr) calIealjat Tmoto hoe bt sdbib audeussoodt4oi.,prespeela cf lb. sait for corporatioon s go9dý,iîaîs ,writtmu opuion «s 104, isuiqigoftbg dolueusurea, veulti bu p'p 1- on mqýot o f Mi-..Drapersecendeti 41: Mi-- plsp ltqmayor, -pirqs.sîsý ta> procnue-and lay bultto bq,,ommcil a csp> of tebilIlIleiS by r.Hitai i amuver. cf f copul Lt hmooi-po'ratîie th ortp, - '- - - Coi -adjou-neti or on# vomi, on motion o<f. Cocligsua. Bona us>lt a fatal accident eccurireti s< lalaruse i*o rs su ri-aimai h ,orostîedti pai.hsitb«;üUmebMd rhws-mude forth lb octe, tiunhg lileLs Portion oet'F die galleyi oi. u.Titre. enaià. sue i- Oftanti,, wî4,p4bb uqmly i )rd-s !-wenvh-au. 1u ntbfr$00.-ndî, hse iîmý bmsip b o!f0 Ota 0oj caset ai to' iente ian T luà' day lut, betweçn Mi-. Wardg, cf Toto> ' anti Mr.- Ilsou,of Mankra J i t4is çt( by ýWart by oms1 bW, lhel tghot 41t- out e!5,vhl'iiomo bbl!, d'Oou n * - 1' laie r <thm , eot liay»& ~4iai' the, t rali .hï rqeltË. ýýTesPré-teotTgo gup4 pogopuqp4:b.. ai-gumapta~ar ant i sbthnisbad jas o<piensiblllty.>- t, v"yb erà tu 8" et ttîtit Ja r, a lhree cuasp b uond n. lMlr.Iarfn jtU, Jury ougbt 10 1ewr u îecrdod ln ope "Ou Tar'A.h.n verdict se recorded - sud l e46-1) in h4 -plc.ln *1t. jti'yb<a dentlyi ln îullà' ufodlul their verdict"a the court rccorded 1411 Iof L. oxscnangyuusu.h d12polt cd at the suutmary -*ay lu *blhé tih ju4.dlspeussti with $belr opinion'or In- Ml.Harrison thon asked the court te forai t iat the Plptff wu'jras oifl * reccuive IL;bu't é «Oit bou~l% *end thejury ba& inôrder te amevurttlo. dame. i have t. oftceu 1 1 Çepbý *pou Ofig, an<d onèefOlte crimpe ofbeastiali. tyý .Ths e re tb. ôuygîtes, té fiaï 14)sew, te comobteGrabd sund t1e grand jury wonld bave th. 'is * suce of the Orou!uoouuiseilu a11 matters 'Theother offence té -ii b, -court ai. l udid, bjois Lodsbl'p sauc ie.kdiw;notbiàg Thec ii busin* ali,veryiightand roId',net emrIiplongertautveo litr. da., oetatbbecourt, hé bopêci boldc oe fr tbe euud of the yack, andi tbe Gandi jIùy wotild b.lelt go4à *Tbe1fit casecalîcci sas- Campb'ell îs., Lint, luclgan. action ier siandcr brouglit by Mv. Robert&8 Campbcil1cof Pickecring, agalust, Mr. IVil- lian Libtàn, " ii in enb.Th 1caom Wta6nothqit *4clîed opsidcriblo in. tci-est fýàomte.-Position of l. eParties, bolli gpM locq"boë'ng Vidclj copned an local position. Frontibe statesuent of the- plaiutifl's seby M- 1frrsoa Il sppc*r- cd thatlu182n v.Camapbcl occpe the position - ofeoeetaryramurer of school fsection 1<..-10 cf Pickering, (shioi oefcb ho boldos OP; le lte proent lime,) and chic, wite acting asucliheho as obar ¶ed by déftendanit,. ltb baving.:"rpb- bdteochool actibo f hesunie($1IO."w Tbht ciisuindervas 1"wickcdiy 'and niuliclouuiy. niterei aud propagtcd by lb. de # dat,ý lIÀ support et <hi plaitltiff's Mi -.Whitit gGrdgg W" cale, hoi beîng sworn anc pamineci saidi i-I knoiv the'parties, thcy lire in Pickering. lIhltd a conversation with the défendant In th. l bcginning of January laat, abor& distance.8 &m, iwhcreo h.cakes in ggrain. *Rd thcn sai ie cwondcrcd vcry mucchatito erI Campbell ball been ininatud as council- mana b% <ne chat bu consiiderodMa'. Camp.P l, iau ndt man. I wiskdiiim sby? I ad b. answ.rcd-" liccause white bu r ( hpel, ailbean actiig ne seretary. u îrîasurér'o! scitool, section No, 1,ly horob- c bed <t .section e!fevrr$10V.' I salid £ c did n'ot bclicé lit, and 1 nsked ibine wbctbcr v' ho believell'il, atnd ho uuaid bu diii,. On a ainotber occasion, the cia y of Iboclcedtion, f lit Dudipa,' reok, In tit. ,,a ceo f a lasige number of poisons, ait tt, poiin t place, 1 vas spoaking tle a. peyOh aiged Bitor -wi ver. mpcsihfg of cite candi. t dates, .1 vasmoutiopin4MrampbeolaIrsl ýnAie,4 and ir wb.U r.' fltÃ"hbé#a',4ll b, sprang in rallier quickly. 1«Aus speakingIla of cnipbçll à&As afit jini proper parsopufpra Coainilmn-1t mid ho u , n4 lteé O amarteut tmen la tbe" towaaublp, vb.n tbem11 déendant InterforiS, sud sd 6"yes b. la Pl a amart minuor lhe coulai net hate robucti0O acbool seotion No , d en croms'.exaoination by Mfr. Hueotor a8 Camcron, witunes5saaid tbaî Lt utoin staled -c( citnurejupi beoW'paped uainst Cai pbeli Ï by the ratepayers oit lb. secFtion. W Be.exsmiuc:by 1Mr. 'larlion-Ticcc vote ef censure 1usd been paaaed by Mr-. fi Ilichard i a&dilg frlends. ,- j g Eianson, VAIl î Svê ,rjodeuc. aste wbul W was aidlj ty c défendant *t- Duflins' In Jrcck, and1corroborated-tb, Výideono etO bf~Gregg.- Tbe eiu, ho sd1 la.itear4t n lnie Mbbcd 'bhesciiecl section, and Iv m~a Waqtlqg-. ho goitunto *$be ooanlto ho loso again-if lie gel the cbandi.ft Wlt Y' nids s hob knew about lte:otoY W . aireta hballa hoienpm.sadd-4léj t b.dii uccu plu*ed ly' somo foiw'rite aycrs, in Ire he scctlontwo y cars alLer thbo.charge bail bcen made. and'llferlb.the oa all nic >gep audite a ad,àavote oet ttanis passeci bu oIde." (Camip ieliThero wlO Lispute In belweei îe 1 rIebut witqclsbulnotlis xzaclly, sa'y pt tsa b ,CI ho doaiitod IL; 1Mr. Cotlm ehllma. r hecAt è wAs uxo*s te lm,'t4 htbad Pr, uçucr accemmouaruoiai tebi n hs e sas' Abert Sprng, laie ofl, Messrs. Cock $u'?z d for.te ib hogt the r loi4youn1 then i "ult ýads, JUs.l cl"Jt.ist m.AM . mxn asus.,lateu. u r o-thé-is ta Stld SeCouai !ditbiU1li1 Id Mr. Gouid, on baing examinatias tea ôtenio ws lot% . i. suat lii.-word Ilpriime" suuntg in te by bbéai wa»À14*. (3l'iéiuf n fkne L?~s; hsas ~i lu Tbejairy fouinaitba.prlssir gulltyit -lae, unrotuxencetffne pork lougo t w;aised lu ws eateucd e.fouir yeun imprisoi. a i-t, Lb. agreement bescOuliltaki l t mntli lmPrvicaln ai. 1ry, o stock of goed logs thai vould mtakat*4 nàLordsitip In al; sa tece roe4' IDc mauontuerchnlable lambc éÏsai re ,tha tý, Cort no'd~iscre ot gmt lquer 9 p, bronspunanad rteLcn,,knots.: Lýuibaber. in Lb.mater-t litelàw .nidé tour utatuiticu aI Ilat r ssknoWuî as straiglltafea'ù erbnt.. ycai-suboitesterm:fer lte offeuce; ceatiere. T t abeme.cbess aeleo oroi qarter lhe Tvo youpg e n s eecateic.lb d . eotduy weuld bm si iâii ,a1 a lane. - ~ - IJttkdùr 4it1..Thm f lat i-p le sa i onsou Tuejo'aflara sdbobenoc retaifu. chatte poo n?>, bytliruent, vsdés ýn cd a verdict for Lb.e<ulbalance claimed, exceutlen lsa"ed Aanah 004 go 71 Jtoh b -aiaep tt $254.85, striking eut, tho e, ne~Sale,!uenvo,.Sueeglouaîi, a 1< ducs. 1fr. iai-ison Mi01. I iilappcsréd, SBluter bêlaj,then a <suant o< d by Mr. -dec. Y tii. piaiaitiif lu possegoion oferaim] Ue0 t Cochi-nue for pilaitiftMr. Hucher Oam. uet u reuvaoed, Wss lle t oliVe iapasta ie crienfur detendants. Cfalylit 1tlait rreur ,for i-ontaï i'a -ditre.. bolougiaig le Ar c llaidaûn es, lilson.-Seduction. Th on $lve li Iammt A h.osale,-^sud sho sas abeh actionluib tis cas wsas brougbst, by-. toawtht he onets o I§atPliiff 146 slotd igblutt4-Tim -Da'dstan'Aganat tbe defcndnn:1 William of r l 4 aaîi lic oaliu ua n-e.-dirly clartaers f W!lson4 (a youn- genatlemuani cf -very inclut suasLChou entdeoillaite boltedf Staster anti uarebed off ir juvenile appearance,) for theo acdueîienot muid Lite laudierajBlekeiltwhsreluy iStutrb veu l 9bis datughtet Elizabeth D4v!dsou, AIL sun as r($antu> Baiol.subthoçninf lite~ ~ ~ ~~ ~1 pqte rsae-l 00dgoi 4~~< a ycar sageoys, sngedired ,lislv,e miýyouug ca $ ti-. pAtiew, re Bowauniieducted ntisasloft lui.ponseion ol the piope4oo-~ld, scod ppar Ilr.Uwe 'o Bowsanill, coduced-sudiut i ae or ch. malit..Mai rth<, bprouerty e tho caue for thé plaintili sud Mr. lPare- moIti censisteti og odda wnied by Lynq 0 i nd.tihle ether tl ýe soelb,thei-masetfFarewell & IlcGe shons -talter, bîd aubluat. LiuohWà% nWtan4 Ceain.f6 uppoarei for ho dofndant.'lb. lindebtat éd s jd cell.uioi b4letïBckellt tegrmwios ýo apeare 'forthe oiendnt. he cort ad Staster, sud deiounced the alomi under the il1 bu8 a~ ~ ~ ~~~~S= bos a begellrqbiîtht, trial,. Uu.diord',, Sl alut as -fiauduleut# -The Jnay a se mach me that'nuînbcrs bail le remain foutid Ini avor of tLiedeteaitnti 34r. hl .lurn Eil, rî eulsidc aimable te ebtain admittano.. stautuiiMr. Wfitaon <or làuf f. lco - Elizabeth Davidin-a rallier goi.late-ttfi ifedat i oeking young soman, baiL wif b a uuirk. char au tsrs-Ie u-soe a -ing bold appesudcap waryedlituand ine ahliuse cf ili-fftadu, Iun -lu;bellapparane, as calict, luaby. Iii-r, haop tu ty Attornv, Sm- . *peared un; lte sitnacs box sith a bby proscutedi'a4 Mr., Wlsont, (shot'ona, a sa hr are, hich tothe.Jude loen1ied by hetédort), tefeaideti '-Lb. rigt.aa- rshppu ber i-m, sacîzle b. ..îsCD ~tfn. i Hnsi, îýi-. Dàiiferd, bigla o'nutbîe,- Aleet a-dur-iant or!I eI nu anoyance, kept ici-cuin; .uliost moeubeootslo!t.tuan sipt - ihul -nteruaission during ber examnin ' i $ mLbelsiepamîo-a e~ f~tiip f tien. 8h. mid-I nuît tsnty ,years 1niau!oleorotîbebo"saocUplot- 'b7y pi-sns-4 o *c- loit r ugo, I livo on the ti-msb ehbeêüion et TieJmry 1 491111 8110 idlc 1 t i >; sud-the vvs Most goi t Darlingten, 1I bave knosu lbe defguudant coru suonenti isBid t sWOk In ia ho sigm t our Or fieveya ra; bis fitbei's béuse lasLl 7 d ao, u ii ont ol w u ere- aibout s'quai-toi-of a mule frein ours. CMe.sqod.Taa sau"otnsudpu,-auêie,&& Detundant uoeilte come Olteni to my brouîght aguinat N. Q Byn»old.< e l i athcr's bous. ý ail 1 iiime very wssi. o(th eLuort>.b> Mi-. Jautes A t.apbîI1, ed, lusteati 0frsiw r lie vjfîitàd ut. liuse 1W.: an honorable- ipsyPirt'4 oeonut'fr 1 eejurînKgo e rît17 lA, sp1r I don' t .meaaber 811 ho mid. 11 li-oPr- ambount .suuisd ia.4 , ln ilerest jlrom à eu -miseal1ctemari-y me. My ather sas thelImse tle soi-k- 'wusdoue-ff on uuary. bqiw t<bat cuar. Savare' cf lb. raison ofî iit il , Wo 1885, Lé jae.lith. fetlowlng ycar-ceosaelut auu ha 1frequently mei togethor. Wilncs'i svent Madtoneli, fei-te pani40r0Ml~~aiIuil a b s tont relatealiqu' i lb. mont,ofAprll, Mi-. Wilson, fer defenduuiî.' fcius Id j1867, llicut Intercourse Look paebelsecu Daid lCotaitue>, loa'amaub, GMini f- bei-elf -anti Wilson, aad lhate iten ho office, ta oI. vdesàcaa6 te o oxretüé ,fâ - mdîi foui eut ahe sswu nb.hefamily--suy bi's theuita-S.gu mpu aumremhl, lin.,Btunton, toicnn In Let1w ros, fqh qff i q aoe ffm Vfsitscocaoil, Ibat on Lbe Sthtof Dcc. sho vmisexaitloné, a. te baokeua otthë - t sas cnenfut, antiijhlad Ïchbitiet sbicb charges be!f Le oondiaq e dfeucluntsas Lb. father. 8h, aise ail- Mionls u:tcd Ibaf sue 1usd crimuu oneintheihori, as e 1 rIione là tui1-111s6 sillilb the fédauî for a perieti continuîg m-cbLt ,p r u h ioa ri Te lta Mj 40r,% througb seréaaimoai$lia-tbgfe-o April, M r. tai- , 9ô u e ans, a e 0risn sweore. Ihut hbe sa Lb. Aita ntidlut peonSIréea'tmf e' inyspuId by I . flýmufbl to Disu wîit shoin iii. bail anytlilng ldûU lIsun M a u, a-seih-hcu'f' alirentaI hot bmaeoni improper *Ïw sy; <is o or eti forer,'a n owdý%, Aj t4 is t hcrilf antsa nsimiap d,;1ycbiluit 4.a, fathci-d, uilbat site bail matie, dir'ia bàovi$ dÙbnf obtAutn f ad.Tt44vo-rfbl4 botro tmglsrlao a-tethc-chb~~- TUQ 4Mr ou4nda fve for the plaintif for i!d Ob *Iose e,. terffity. :te, .. 0s ' à do n e. resump Titecues-ezminatewaby M'. ~-esei*~ Omatt wbteh tilt not concludetilfo~u< e reveà4çda afrighttail plceure of upi- Iltvneai-T>.toit o'uloek onuitairdig>. alltu, teruiLa.. tber rxl net enly on the part oet te Èp1éintib . ' 4er g* r',* 1 eu , aneider >Buiter, 'anti a degre Of -siclie& B - - -ai --Im iura hers- el iier g st gfl dopiavly en, the part of iko degraeted sind PLiYIAtBL-ayl.rÀ.ces4arsinh * - baMbalenetiWbe oickcniuag qven tW tink doarosof ia;Dun;,, ai. Claramont,, wus belug restorqid tc bId~ <d eldout met witli outsýthe Lpagesntoreti diei ejr abjeae<sud à qu. s1ýd entirely VOL ofe eyU9#cverel sesatiopal «uoyél.t ' - - *dâtfleklej okptherufore supposei Êei hWi perdtbut persensitntelliy!huedq4 toI-~*ytbally placed ti n Ecisard Waçle,,Omttel Ai-moiti, Ihtui tali pos,ý ttfcà lwr,â."o brothep.r- '<'tiî, John. Bur-koant',ils . ~ -i4 leums boev thty; ;llgh uIgon, anti bis Supuomt4paaianmei erlîeq biotieri~eort,.Joseh ~ ~uceaiva-s55Dreb4O1.'XOu. bli, ptegive pub Vole7, Wdliin WIAn ifrord, lPeçec nd '4y,"anthîe missiiÈg.p_ïtyv iucorereti. coult reter te shâ others ae-e fr equent-visiteéra tlei-fotibet 1iàa« esstud ai afatil eouifulotasq eie l sitblitc knqs>dgeof lte fall;tba;Lbtîhj sitncas ,hersélt 'bail crintinài con cili o f is oi*, sadn eul O, lesa st o'Èsh .wti -gihtofi ' anti Joseph' Fclcyeosflya b previouys e- lber inte ' r8oui-se Wfthilsou;- >FÀTm L.---lý tûhUad vo an.~~ îta(e ber uluLer Afin hudtiWo ille tioito Ira o-u uindy oceisa, 046 chiltiren;- -tbutl hotU infants Lad I ncie aftliteuciter-n fits,thasitase wasftcanti lubY. fàlllù *u afl.oe u S S.-1 binth auh b dtsspur twngiitî LIwr ell siih . eggd lu lnr'he ocaej 5au.,e-Je the fiatiier.- Assk. bave aslj teopicture. ais-, -' closeti sas -bckitriîroluu& su id'wien j ?P#5 725 p5ýÂiN.LO% s@faMis ~ ex bang. allq ci tlDoulaMil cor" they sý rilativo ý49 thei y eto a s hti 9 ta gue be miye a nti m an«e -an e yosng wut ta0g abit g alwr 'amenalil r Tho ferry atean York baye beca BROW-At 3 it., thia. if.of-1 Fhiai Wia ' P I An eoaw a. veBu-tutr... BrlcBae mu efthoM 40taTo lv .Prug t. lte pi-adieu oflize j tqnhcbOan m ïacarity Io part or sileaiiby Doctor inedie.iuic£u the tuai, n ail as mtuai' a ich u&i s~.-brinî WiLh ais' uhulm Inut ef aIl dusq~~ biit 1Bos1*4sIovea ho iuig thal thefr ee in aaeialiug Int! fim e ich humait miglit. -0. A. àAmxN.-2L f.. Tbat lb. verdict, tai aevants, shotod bic et Le tiejiry, anti if any oeeof thl jury utter beain; l i-ogo and ai altl-v mot tue verdict lie in telil q g_1u-e, ti Lb. jury shoulal bcesont baci. ibaL t i verdict bail net boum Iakcu by the cour frointh Lb ury, but bildb eu handeilt( Wu - otun; 1fr. lHarriaites Ob cetpn lilatôrdstip u askcd, apposing lt e ouu baud adjourmet il um ot the verdict b( recordeil as banileiniii Mr.HUrtima,pn contouatict in ftsucit-à case -ia- she uIlbcaio-vYerdlct., is Lcrisip-It mighl b. receive In Cbambeurs. -XMi, Harrison dissentel, -anti stoul maintinel lthe rigit to bave lteverdici racordedlisu open ceunI, asset'tiug tlitutib would nover admit lbe night cof the Juil; to receive n concealeti verdict. Âsswillîbe scOn' by thofaafllovaimg sff5- 'idi (madie by Ur. Cauieton, loromun ci ýte jury, in a'upport of tise application for ,% mes criai) tliQ )ry intemduil iendei'ing sucli a vea'ciut as vduld carryfuli cosla. -That thae Icunneci Juil;. iu hi§ charge tnId us if se tound,îbe sîtulea' provul ve wr ol decil. swhether or nito egive the Elainliff such damiages as woulil entilio tint terecoîc fI- ucusta et suit. Titatw cetireil l eouside- ou- verdict sud sera unanimously et opinion tbat the elanilci aluargeti sas ti! y provel, asutchat plain- sas u etitlattiyte uub damages ai rould csi-ry'full coite of suit That va tfterwaZds sent ito eJuilgo Io cuquiro vbîamnount of amages soulti car-y ful coos, anal <enuithat tho court se'a rilJurr.cd, sud Ibereupo en agi-cmatc lelavor a sçslil -verdict tle tsofileer of ho -'court, anti neut -mel'ung Le appeau In cli> places' te assen't -' Lt#muid verdict clu;g retIordeti. 7Fbtt belIÏ*ing oeedol- lar WouIl Carry, full cishs, anti met beimg bic le Trefui-teieJuil;. for Informnation on tbe poidt'se sigatei a memoranlunu to tho cfl'cct ltaI se lounai tlio iundua preveil, ansd foand $1 dantages sud casts Df suit-!nýtteaiig tuscroby teswari, un- der the direction eft Llicjutge, sut an emeunt cf ditinages- à O wouî-d Carey full cots. <Iat'mext moi-n se appea-cil In Puarïj 'aces expocting te .askkotu moente t te verdict- betore lteame was recordaet, sud'for the first <uie as- ertaineil that $1 sus neti affli le cafry ii cou ite e salt;1 hat tho fler-ailJucig, greally le oui-surpýrise, teckne notice wbutevet' et usàh i nceiied !lthe verdict a thie so-du oftheo utndum silli- )ut amy referme * batev Itci un, endi i- baeai te show lte;cleni luithelitaUuai usumur te amý i t tebesi-en te car au-chut beiore lb. caprI rcarde IL Tit id se beenuaéilIf ' $i)e-utbe vere cpi- rriit, *0e sÈ6uIà > liosaId.ne,,ase ur MLentien, vus 1ho -uai-Id sucli a sain as 'oulil «arfulcél suit That Ou- ardict sus coudutional, namecly for $1 images, pi-oviuled - lthé me *as suaff- jet ta. carry full, coite- et suit. That, id tlhe Juil;. retusel -Le accept the saute Lte, ondîtlinl 7foitn se seuld aIonce ivoi-Warded à Suoïiànt sainto10have ,rid Lb. coie. ,Tba f ibtrougit ouri norance-of tbeh:law, andti Lbiteaccof eo learnei- -Judgefrein lthe court sbeu va deaircl hnfofmatioul fi-oui hlm, andl bis fusal i, a o've a au 'ppoi-lanity ef ex. cesaimg sbat we'xeslly inteudeti wbeu ae bail au eppi-tauuily « foin; se, hè 1pàintiff' lbc -depivettuf hi Costa o ail se tinkgreatlnjaslice *iII1 ho due 1 adif te 't'lte si-cauga lïbechbu alteidy db-cild irom, tbe defendant Ttbeoelr imscnting te aigu sucit menorsnla iîpat>a ring s4col suntî for' ulMnxsges as tbêt'èin aullioneil, we unaii"uly Agreel Jhat scucit sua$L *tas net saiffictoul ntàg<e te Cairy ,<al las te. zetu-n te aulil b ,us>qnte,,4rrw Costt." ,n, . &amn, 1 er Tho"as, Jatue . ir, amlu. Tsat rPtJ1Auis ritra Mongar for c 1

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