Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1868, p. 4

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Ur But COAL lL, the cheapSt, la Whl&by, Dec. Il,,1Ï667., LIPE LN A PILL BOX!1 ÂNT1-BILL1OUSI rLLS. 014le 'si 1< IA DOSEt Whut 100 louer.a dairsy mar opagenati8ail verîha libalgble global 64No avrd osiOlOUdo@n(« minlove or ton pi lin etc lîse. Qolyit llIS cur i . "&Tbsali", eeor. 'X = =IZZ' a«,sem ca lesothr bas C1 M'fe er &Z ag Utel dlli blm obolle, 4*0 e lliead me, sud I havae d neoeaa lb %ba oâ ifen ethm àw w coud Mo., venir Pilev. smrilos." "j mm f or astuer bot*k, e ap lus la *0i i.M48181 bau ourad My liosime,,whlcl wmu 6.1 Ïg a tair.f me or jour pille lte mytNtt!j<W febiolm miorbua. Tue 4er Siltiétisg sOt t wonlan 410Y m"na Otusia fauulg le uow cared" 6"Tour boz olMUR1l'à damve Coral me M in be d.X :: ol)t o p0(our di ami-M t" uuÏ te nef ola;ysu reet vai.'V st 66i tbiondlci e uis1wont a for 4Pmv." i 46Seu&d salve toxeaiyu il. di at me bave ilrea boeffldi(your MSalv e- For ml diemaea o<fluhe lilduai, retenhimof urine, Mpge1q rus &a Ferieipure. IrOl R EE xDISy£AzES, Nervolis 'rositratin, IWealcim, ieneraiLo.eltade 'afll o<Appatt, Mggeli iliwlll b. <od mu eZ l'culretuiady. mAoouIl'S ,»PIWS 'AND SALVR. AWre malàut iunîtersal lu thir iS, sud q cure cas himout alwiya bu guvsulceed. LACII BOX CONTAINS TWVEINB PILLS. 01414M IN 1À ADOSE. Al eigur o(tiuueprra r*Woodâ uCI 14)purcbte MA00113 a PILLI'1or SLVo usSîleselianse 0< J. Rexaoc%, Preprltor, it ddftm 10 Ibolite tcfJ Ma8ggle4le lae 1Uic igaed slIiaouiiudig eack box ÉlwScld by afil recpemelaudoas tbrougbouilte ti ted statue orcdm*, si 26 Veute a 1BoZ In Pot. AllerrcsfWer uid Stils lia dd4c oi~l 0. i1aydOceýItO TEe. ilixiPAna 5tf, 141 Tark. patmcttba e rie tcly 109 t* epbb5tm 0 Bcisha r. 1M0.4-y F AR M :E R S OOL dliyliatesrstton m I bocwierpdirect. T.MtIiITeu uiiepY, 05114 spleo iut. uiuaclie s < Uicdsecoe tict ia Iod recaî trc" t Usli înu, »avd toi good oriel. Tine il>ayspmr tmul ameulut, saipecesi c i udib 1 M ta ~ teaecqualt YOiilta isgv a. WIiLs E5E RetS issrSsai, Moi;aaDMe.if, 10017' Oiulies.i.-4lia busofe Igliait Brefelm md 'fou Yom 70% whlellYO ont e fll cve# gccai ee. Vo stipgimylh'lra odcrc Teano, DeruIo, t#MI. OOetMcIi,r.4i W0 wo cioi(0<TomalIed ùfroiDTe boula woerb itsisslava ptro iufetasu. Tee wlaj plias ('wd to a f(Mui o( suwt impmtaeu uet PiaWiarleoer ew Esta las ons auanaiomer lvia, al I 5 cus pt l. ours, *e., JAMESEOR demois e . 5,55 tieiiiut,-luni maireouuyoua u ltit*9w"lya I.the Moit se t4arecm@.*ilail umii,.1uahl box dM o, iita«sma pne, u MW gep7,&u., Titi ooodcbumto t». ic td el orW u,#-av <remuilr detre ltai.s~iel< tu n~o. iiée ut 1.4.4 ni vil>' q Flac, iii, $1; I. fQr ut *oré apdbe ,o nouneuath 5iAsi0w CÂNAiÂNENGI1Ion Twee, <ptuicasetemers.e roitdolotlav, 81k là Which ho is prepaied to make Up to ordery un the ésuc etateyle, sud où the. mositruoublee*me. Brocok ., Whitbl, Karch 24, 1868. ' DEfl PEUIG $,15 0O0O .INi~E L T ! IOTSN EW pliOTOGRAIIIGALLERY, OSflAWA. COùéît?0m KiNG IIO TtrtS IS L0t jzes cejus fGl n ivrWthsGl~a»,B00e "su Jeelr e ai lddskle SeingMahine1 Paiîntin" Albums, and a va-- r=t f xelent docks. Life-ike'likenesm etake,n i î> fév seconds4 u in anneèr twen-i sur pefet etlfhoio. ~ Se Bll for manue of distributoe pe sent& , Now1le Qie chance for at-to seunre endurlng rf1OTOGIIAl>I; and voluable presents, at a leue price than moet photographerà chate for the pic. tures ulone. Osbawa, Ifarcb 24, 1808. Î J 12 TORONTO, Msrch ô th, 1868.-This 18 to certify that the Ce!ebrated' cooking .sto*eceçaildthe Which- has had snçh a great rian and ýcreated suclu a, sensation; amoung ail the Store Dealerg, le mauufatüted.onily byus, and that Mr. Wm. ]3RYAN is the only poion authorized to seouthemin luWbîtby. Parties jufchgsiug shuidbe. carefal toses tuteur naomes aire lettered ou each Stoye, or tbey will b. greatly dieap- pointed, as there are coonterfeits of the IlIron Duke" made wbich are vustly inferior te the genuine eue, aud those who siland purchase tbeso 9 BOOtYS STOVES, are liable te ue for damages mter thie notice, sas tii.deeign of the "I1ron Dake," le copy- righted and duly 51 J.R sRM TR0G &00 in-leO'D1),10vain, PRAGICAL CAIR1UYAGE AKER. ROO0 K ST REET,ÇýW1ITBY'ý, Offere -to the ablic a large eaortment. of ,Cutters ,ýaüa Sleigphs, rolling seated C.utters, pateit front Cattei's, Covered Cutters, P*rlan!d Jumnprs. ¶¶e abbve Cutters *i11 be found superior to,,anythinge man- factured in the coupty, lu prise sud_ finish. «"Cati audexanine .vyuat Cutter for $25.7 Partielar attentionpaidto paintlng ùn repairing Cutters. »â Ail work Warrauted. -6 How Iokeep thePAeel, DRY & WARM JOSEPH A.1 A ND EL L P And- select a ar- of warin Oversboes, you vil flud them of'ai kinds and of the best description. In Ladies' Gents, Miuseà',and Childrèins' BO00T8 & 8saoÉs, of every varet, due,,establighinentofthe udersigned . n unsurpaased, by any other in town. -Tlie sto'&k large to select frotn,'and the worknshýoipgood, and lu al 'cases, WÀRRANTEID. REPAIRS AS USUAL. £D Heaàds f Faillhes, iVI fiid it to tlieir interet to SaU and examine. Wbitby, Decmt 49 IW. O $ H A Kuow ail me5.IV thmeaUtà1.thatI cau sud do Seil th"pp0EA'ESTO0DS lau-the- COUNTY -of- iA0 XALLt -PROFITS T.CK1R UR MSTOCKQOF FANdY AN' ]tPle DryGoc, Is now conulete, and for 'beaty, sotyle sd hepeu cuutb. staid., Iiu tis m sois ' , M-areand more.attràctive tban uSuI, suDd parties favoilugme wiîhtheirpattrouage, '*ift fi'udit 't6 tb'ladv&àttge 4ht point of style and-cbeapness. A ttil assertment of MUNN<GOBcoùtautlyý os Ïnd, addoue up lu the li-borteet notice. A1o, a cholce ollecti9ýofTBIU EQITIPMEf'rimdto order, in the latest style. W».DreusButtdns sud 'frrmu- nûpoglu l qdiese ariety. ~TAIL0RING DEPARTMENT.-Clothiflg made'to oder"onu tbe proeiq y firstcelais workIuunq, andt î immense stock of the most Pashionable Clthebsclectfein. '4go i ýaate Spéciif "sttentiro'cal1ed' to, a lot of JBOOTS AND SHOES. ln mens' addi w~mn~s.gls'~pdzl~1e5. Aso, over Shoos for dam p ehsGoeiUr. warot&e Inspection la respectfuhly invitcd. Cash paid for Wbeat, $alrlcy, Rye snd mPose.rl à l I 'O5HfAWA, OCT. 28, 1887 BOOTS &SHOES 0fileRgt Fit and Make-, 1'Lc subscriber begs to retufli lus sincern , thaniks to frié'nd and customers, for the very liberal patronage extended to hsinctie ho commonced ,busies for himeoi. In ordo te meet the present requie' ente of business, ho lias eempya td wtii.pp fses, O>pposite .ýBank cf ,Montreal, BROCK STREET. WIIITBYt Where lielias introduèed a large, and lvaried, stock of Ladies, (4ente, Boys, and Misse, 1Boots aud Shoos, ot superior quality, and bf the latent stylo and finish.'Mle ha. also employed an additional numbor of bande, and le manufacturing work of very superlor quality, in order t meet the re. -quirenuents of oustomers. ;Obp STYLI S LPERS, REPAIESNÂTLY. DONE. JW»,,,Try..Saunders', if you want Boota or- Shoes of the"right fit and make. uy - .K WX>Mli ~Ww, Wbiiby, Jauu S, 1868. ly B EST AND CHBAPET ýAs& to guI sud Otrattor. B l*uec ooftolia ts IBof. Wi Thi ugunzetiuafusc tite ualîcit lu' couseunco cf tb. duath orf e. JI. D. s#:Atton the oryauilmenA Interesthui bec ýàspoofcf Tu oirlî aIl tbs l3etlegua oloi ll. Horsufier, lb. - Collage .fflwilI b. noder hoe unsngemusul of Dr .e. O. Bltyayr,whbo w"Il Arrois bis: whole tisâcud e snorlsto the Tralinu f 'uu uu h lh* bAin* a tberour'h kueowlaedio cf aIl lte brauchas a,- TCB eSPTIC ICJIME.TILAN- DISBZ4G CMeux IO B*IUGBUSI. LAW'; MI 'NI'sud -Pu ' MAI; st..N- 0KV, ara taught lu chi% à nd funi fila Tratst y,'rnAom u the Ç01- cL i ITand Prof. Ja P'ost t o lfien4 ,ln Wllithf 418 .lap 4em 10 assraupilbq t~kuo h l uin a1ton yaesp rieue feeus ;c o d d dd e u $ o f 4 u 1 9 1 9 i i s t ' W o m t o A . 1 . » > i d $ a vacement et pupil, who snay be piacednudor hi,' tuition. InsIracties. giroenlunboouh mI Wr- MM9Oy f Mmi. b. gvqpte. he ultia'Lo f the gVica. TIKIS:-ntruction cf th~ in,$0 thc ry f u al coupoitl ' ' ' oxva 5. Oeo. AyerAND ff I-PRIZE IHORSE-8HOER, BiT THSUSE OUT NyTRoitsOIOLDING A, ILC S TH.7S<ZW' ,ý ~4 IN GIIEAT DIVISION cc COýU -N TY Ol 8, Mauecter l rince ÀIbert. '77, Atmrley. .. nayofa 22 ..... . 26..... ....f$ 222,N. 24 ox I1~DIA unua TAiauun pl b'àiarpetua£ HOEDEO, JNON ',& LLYERPOOL biesou , ý M:uodarntteliste No 2, oeitl t5M ntreal, T" ine ure sud GENUMIE TZA& f Pl ndid naturil favôr, mmported direct t l~'1Ai ro th Companys atn tit 91si ASSA b , aud on the slopes cf the fiMÂL Y S SroBoti blended witb the flucat prcducts of CHINA. cgar; 106 Bro Only Two Quaities, riz. ;-70c. or $1 per lb , eithcer Black, Greeri or Mixed. aepdu .& Fine llousehold Toi, couibiuiug Sttength and Flaror,,70, cents per lb. LaSalla Street, 0 Finest procgrable.............. .......... 1 dollar per~ lb. iieo.- U& SeId >lu Packeta sud imisteérs by the1Compauyts- Agentst .uuuryCity anckpjl Towu lu Canada.: '. 4 . February 2w, 181 TRA 0 MR. MAÏRK ROBINSON, 1Agýenfo 'Cabinet makers & LpboJst ers lu aitld kls of Cabine4t Fur Hav np o2 had~ ue~argsteana moat' Jr., T W. iH. m b OLICII<t TL 1.Chaimbers, :4 geglatry ofllee.J! CHARLES TIORNEY AT ton, Brock, (i. W. §l olicitor CotItity " aii,&-i,'*-, W' TTORNEY-AT- àextto£st7w DaSs treut.- rd CtCllEANE B "EiteTES. & j> ncera anANlut HAlL t'o 'z re 0OFFIC-Ni . - B"FEISTE] Attoruey-at- Law, So lfbyauoer, &a. Oeb ]LYMAN 18W coi7'4 Conveyane -ItRGEOY TO '1 %ByrauStr'eist' BRO 'DR.' WH KREIE il' TABLISHEIJ 183 W. D. MLCUýL-) c4pner or Ring and oelam. ý

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