Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1868, p. 1

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"1 uTs., -1 ST Toronto, Suly 20, 184. f. M.cocau4Nie, LLt.-'. L'OUNTY CRUWN ATTO1?EltF-% uB ON- 'ii lor lin(lhsAncry, lq6tay pibile &0. B Cor, )e putyUl*îtrar, iLalur hlatraordf. usry, sud exemffiusrin eCliîaery for thia(oiaU- -goDEILT J. WILSONe T> AIISTEJI d& ATrOILNJY AT LAW, R> 0SoiotoriucbanceryAta. WbtbyCI W. "RA4IISTZR-ÂT.LAW ANDI SOLICITOR JAXEM KEITH ÙN5-oi4or< BARMaiT di& ATTU#N4I-ATLAW, B sollaiog aChusyCinyne o 10taStors e E.f, J 'Cauupbell, rock dl Wib7, Unt. Whilhy, Nov. lb, 1607. 4 SOLACITUlRçOTAICY UBLIC, d&o. &te. Ohw,2W.I.IlIL G, UlAS iEMVED hI, Lau Ofce 1 Ontario, .11. ChanaMbiro., une Door tSouthof tho Wbiby, Jan. 28, 1802. CRAILLEs C. KELLEIR, A TTURNIiY AT M.W,$LlbItORIN 'ton, rogk, C. W. U# J.Je RA(l>oF4!Ii ARRISTER1I &iA'10lN EY-AT-LAWîV Scoitilr Couuat(:Oýncolutsrlo, Notary mble, do., ted ic y J. HAMEJR GEEENIWOOD,. tex tg Uagi4ti'yf fia. oiîBrock itro'il. 48 A TONY.W.LAW, SULICITOII IN Dauciam treat. - jarThree 4qo»s West of tias lpnsi Office, 1 et,CIIR*4NE COCHIRANE. B>saorf sand 1IEtrlbo Public, d&o., ic, Hlsl. Pour Pv-v2a8giwsBlock. 'Q Il.Cumaau», LIi. iB., 1W. Ie. onlAkara ý.cuuty Crowai Attornoy. C. A. JONES, qerylpt;ogpSollctor aU Chaacery, Atm I~oViz-N Mszt door te tha e fmtry Q$aWhltbly. 41 Iy W. ne §T£iELEP 8Solitor. &o., t, gr. 44 Ciarch stireet, Toronto. JO& Attoray-ah.LAW, olao..isi, Cou- toYancer, &.U0- -Suco Nit.t,1<uth b (itoa. oiUfflea, Uâasa, 0. W.40 LYMIAN ENG1LîSII, L L ub.. n AiliLIlTEJIA LAW, oir iýr I- S.URGEON Ir T U 1e0CUNTY GAUL kJhyrou'$Ltra, Witbh. uIt, W.PERMâIol, m. p. BROUGUIAb. Pr Oivaea Mota- to 10OA. Mt, sud 0Ote WHIT13Y. D . B v r ,D u . W ia's , s r »IA. »Buiatew a. Tjuo1uu,194 Du. lc,,aila, Da.Azîs, (or Surgry.) ltuwark-Cen0e Bousa, Byron Street. TOWNOLCI.TlAUEiWIB STILEET, OSHAWA. B~ONa"s ougz) OIW* T91LITWliitTr,çbWo T bEoab r âbrbg .enwe ath rlieu toedlias ba iitn foraaeriy kuovn awdcrrlliwe'ua IlIwts lias" been ritovat- agi, rel'r nshod, sud tted up thrôugbout, lu thes betof itylls. Tlaepramlseoare plamaal coetc he Town, The JsLv t)la als lie e e' &i,sud hb. @tgs for l3xtarldge sud Boaîerton lear. thadeO"r eîeryiorting., Board 91 perday. GEpORGE RomeO etlibyipttv 863.20, GIBORG601CORMACE. L UNBEIS MZJCIIANT, (Jarponeair, sud Jclner.0reeu Set, WJillby.' A largequan. UN DIE RTAIKIN G. EAfal u pl pil.d and :tteuidod band. WîA Hearse to litre onlberalterms. Whllby,Feb. ta, 162. Brooklin, Drug #tore@ D HBALER lu DW uPatenthMedcne$ -pPalials, Olis, bMe stuifs, confection- ery, &uo. Wint ena sd Liquoirs of liasboat quaaity for Msdlittl purpomeg. foiIf Odua*leM.(dfcfnAlwaoln Brookliu, C. W., 186P 2 (Qrqcfriat .11saint4' C4qsai'. 1ib~. TS prapared te gira endasi s iliink les .1. 5011, lu aliinited nu ber afpapils. Application ho honbc gýitaItue (iflo of John L. W atis, Surgeoni LIeut, oW uJmes Byraa's Itcdcul. hall, Brock S t. Wlby. 010ÇKFER"S H(51E1 (LATE PLATT'$,> NELP~N ST-.1TORONT09 N'>ILTIL UF KING ST. BA$SE'TT ik KEEBLEB, - Paoiouara. IIJE propyrIeters resçpectfuiiy anuoancses te t.i Uaarriaids, ut a diotaince, n al li unuesr IhIme, thut thauy hâveaya tigte aboy iis*e arlichai ari lu evuey reaptotcoî eoienîl'l'M osta(ortiahly fiud up for tie ccouauiodstloai 1b. roýund i -ou&tdut peraonal ataudue, sud wil béave uiotligf uiaidoaae on thieir parttto ulve satisfactiona 10 a#IfWhao xasy gaver tbaua with a cali. .3 BEST Wlnosadlilquor»;,su perlorsom uBndtoiifor rave!laro; good stabllngaud attentivîe hior. YEOMAN GIESONM 0COMM1SION MER CHÀNI INSURAIiCE, & QENE BAL AGEN4T. Whlthy, .JsIa., ýtku 1860. EVERE HOUBE, B. PLANE, -- -- P~~tr Stages 10 and (roih WhitbT oeil dally. E4rry attentionî paid b o sîs. £s-rcful aid t£11 on- tIV. omIlers. 9j CLARK k VIOKEET, - Proprlitors. B3eg mntosrepctioly te f uforni lte lulabi. talais ci dti4'oiity of UOntaro, that llîey ligi leuned dit. ahot'a prarulsea élatoiy occalod by saidy l'orna, ulinili ley hueiaeily %,'iea ed suid roovated', end f Iay are propaa'e'd to secommodaie thae tiravsllug public. Thée Br iqtockad vîttu the bst liqatorus sud citais, aaid sr. attentivse stli lways an atndaauce. Proprietors "vr kiin. April, Iffl. - ]g.Iy YVA.RS6 &DEVL 'IN. P 16 ý1A0CTIcA i, Dentlst, Oshavas 'Fc)nta.I Rootua, dlrocti>opyo- glmoot§treptlhi.rd iloornortia of tir.Ontarlo làank. WEXRRE$S GENT, e&c., asto 4gent fe Àcidenl aud étandard Insursunco Com. 17, Quer- -- - î'! XEOKS.--Ã"er M. H. Cobin , ès store'. Wiîtay, jqouas 7, 21 M1E ASSUYRÇICE CO69 R$LIABLIXRED LW,72 GILLESîE, M f.A'T kc0., Ag'ae or canad. JAMES DAVIII(iN, IMsuapr, rNOUiA1ICE a&gainât 1LO138by 7Ihs are J.cfected en ihe niost fisvonahla tbrins and 1.05118PAI1D wilhouî rofore on he li.Ilad lu J4ondou. Apil srd, 1806.* YEZOMAN GIBS mN, BOEIT ANID CIEAPEST plice. legel andyan.tto <sio. Tilis the Mon IBAoTioàL srut n*ganîzad bushuasa mae4ol -la i islence lu odbiequèee orfthie dealir of Mr. IL P $8:raîWo, IfueBryant aail Intoreat ho* beeua ditpeaad orf lu ariy aIl tho Colige o lb etat. erosfter, lIa colleoltziewaviho uucir tbimauaagcmno of*Dr. 0J. C. BIIYANT,1V'h viaoie lime sud eorgies, 1th Trainilg Of yo n'a mon whîo vilsha tcuai s4 thorouglà knovltodce of aihe b, rsnlles op- loint t 'b o aBusl,i s E0 d pston, FPEN- neC, BUSINESS PILActicE MEECiItAN- DISINO, COMISSIN IqBAYKING BUII Ms (¶JRRE8PUNDHOHC, &'<iMkil'C1AL LA W,FINANCE suid I'ULITIAL ECUN- tMY ire isaqht lu this And f uliy 1llotnati'd "Y rPEÂCTIE tlta Col- lag RMoouns, ly a tail corpés of aaaperlenged sud t arouglily couapelent inslrutrs. l'upiis cun couter at sny liane. Thon. ane no vaca- tions, For torins hîad 'ethen Informuation, addresa iJ. C. BRYANT, Burrato, N. Y. April 30, 1807. 12s"010-17 1DONNELLY'8 A CERÃŽTAIN CUIRE FOR BURENS. CIUT0, FEVEJI SORES, $CALI)#, AND) ALL LPUX!'. ThONS )F TIE BRIN. IIEAD TIIE FOLLUWING - iaoo, C. W., 1886. Sberehy certify ftat uiu sounitoi a fezarfu more ieg, .*o0ncbgo tuaI thue flashtell oil, maid laIct the boue. qaito lbore. I eomimencéd 'uslig Doî llysioater;, and in a shaort mt Itl curced bina cOinMp letoly. 1 strorgiy reconimeud It to ail su:terirag *floun eruptinua of Uic skiai, asf haie $cou aà provald iii aIil casas. P14eCs OWENS, Piurox, C. W., 1806. This Im te Cetify to ibsi astys 1 allisat a kattlbe of hoilluua ton on lily arm, ulicha took thie ficlo 0, ieo'viuag the bouesinisait bore. I suuisrod the nifostemaiiting jusins for titre. *acks. Iithon osp9ilOd Ilouel y'A Pissier, It ai ta ueer I el] short tin e. , soid b>' JA±(E Il. GERRIE and JAIF. BYJINE, Dru" agusiWhby- WÀ T ATRIN SON, uud MAIX Jio1IN..>()k, Usava,> and b>' sîl Drnggîltplu the scaunty. JotuesMSi, 1867. l2nios-22 Prof. J. Post A4 A-the bonor ef sinuuclung telinsa ni- cui frlenils lu W hlthy, tittoire I.pre- pand lu rcacolve puplîs for instructien 'on the flavlIug bîal tan ycas s aperieuce, ho fteas couiftdeuuîofef htg aeblet£0 promote ara ut Idl. vauuccnucîentfpuils, Who aa haie plui nder bis tiion. Instr'uctionigivon lu thorough Boss, Hasr- Mou<v, Coanlr-îlualn, Puge, Tiiory of lüA. ex! compositioni, sud puliculelar ateon u iii bc givera te lte cuItlvstlob eoua. u'leoo. 'LK~LM :-nstucforthfla VIuel10, lacer>'ef umushical conipoiiiou, d&c. iextra 58. WlulLby, Soptenaber 25, l'Sol'. 88 Larnd!_Landi PI. Subuscrahar ffoers lbe foilovlng liaI ef T aIao, vblci lac vii m"Ili ut a #:FAIR VALUIATION, Ç8 S. ~ No. 8, la 2aad cencesfou or Ranch, 70 E.3. No. 19, l in br d côuaoema&ou of Beach 10acuas cboareel. No. 28. lu the l0tiu ýoneason 'Of Darligton, 60 acres cleared. No. tin l 61h con., Mrs, 8 ocres clearad. "N. E.p No. Wf7,tui 2nd eoncessloa Whitby, si oared. Iwo0 gares ln sonservilo-fi00 ocres lu Boxie,' 200 seras lu Laxtou.i.40 ocres ;u Esînionl. R. B. PERRY, À Jauarso' Bb, o 1845. r mtpa l. Igloo0 ié'*e te br Mie laire moe- monY i i a atcMsWon Fanai ud Town pro- p«k sveraî ond lan.lr,Ml;arn or mata Oiy er âSonfy, offh u od JÂIMBHOLDEN, ()fflcls U Assig ai 4d insian&oMd (lobe- <>YYICk.-M~M i'.Bock, BrookDl, -0i6y p.t, 1867. ' 8 Tii. INgtJRANÇ1 ýI comp'Y. 1118 Comnay l now foiiy 1gaue. sd illousei, sud Churcheit. Tioce rhing te ia- pure, aiàd therely u4port.a féHotlu.arxnc Comp'0 lutha ' n opruity of doinc no,. y ;lpyin ab erleadoffie, or to s511t7 0f 1oc a*111 brs~a~ itb.fcuuad alow âm tias o ny reispousiblo Mttuai lu- srallée Uoupany lis aada, L.JIRAÇS, J. imà eAr3dOFYIC&-4 niOd Bogistry Oflice PuiIding, Brock Street, Wlaltby. i OHN CARTEFRI PIC13NSED AUCTIONER. roîtroz cornrnzOIY ONTARIO, YORK PFEL qr REOIDENCE,-Lot t, 8th Con., 11larkham.-Pcst OlctItavle SALES altenaced on thé aborteot notice, sud on reasnabie ternis. Tarin. caiaihbtmade aid bis priatedatthe Chroniceo OfceforlHir. Carter. 17 IiNSIJRANCE COWFINYO CAPITAL.-2,QOO,000. 1IMED 0171E r10E (mAat-N. W. corner of Kinag ad Charcla élrcts, Toronato. .C.DuxoA-CLAiig & Co., Clalcf Agott for ortoatio. T IIF aaderosigucd litàgreaf ptcaMare lis in- fOraaiîî'ffliC"IÏu<fied4lna Wllttfy, sud tilt, Coonty of (lrtarlo. thi;t hle biasbasi aP ointed Agent fur llio' thoe rât-crsL.i sEnglisi a Cola- pauy, and tlaat lie 1% prupared Co réccive upli,- caruunr for riskuç, asd obtaara prsuaîumsit ùtte itoot reaà§oiibl tenus JOHUN AGIE W, A'Ã":xr Foi WUI70Y &di Vaomi >Vhitbhy, Dao. 4, 1867. . 8io"~81 BRITJII AERC ÂS8URANGE ICOMPANY Capital, $400,000. T R1E undermitad b aîing beon appolialed Agent for 'tiie abois f.omapuy, lnuàiv re~ad to Iasui' oert aginst LMdBY îrlÈ,on tUae utfvrmei. Apphy te, LÉVI FAIBANîkS, .Tm., 2-I2aos.Agent Wbitby NOTICE ! NOTI 19,IIEAIBY GIVEN, t'à I ire Nunoiignoi isopetor of Ldexâwil SHOIP8 OR GROCERIE89 Of ehviaa iy n lms 'uamaittlea titanu euegaI-' REÂAL ESTATE irou A LEO CNSSTNO0F PMUK AND TOWN LOTS Hou»s and Lot, Water Lotist âuttable fer Wsreheusing purposeu, &o., tn the TOWN 0F WIIITBY. PARCEL Np. .-'l'rk lot, cotapraiug *tkuslvaluable traclotlasue, kzaoviuoslua -~Gildernleeva pro ea'y, Iyîng north of te Grand Traunk Ewy otülgb Io acres, anrens lbià. cuknn bu PARCEAI Sol .-ýPsrk lot lyîulouta cti f itaivsny*rack,' sud boundel pu the fSouth b>' tba resd lendiaik te %Illf7ay Station, aotstuW about SU *ocres,nions -or lam. PAILCEL nos 80-1ot of lan4 0oontu sbouat oue-ud-.-ef pore r ceau Front lftret. - ' PARCE!L le. 4.-" t ofI lafimenlmg loy Nar youa wîî-s.4 w , yé 1î@uw.re-lay bnguecouid1aardly.q ~e î ove YODn m orethuaubïr 'e, àAua ~'No-no, lic <&irer were yOU tIli han aI hal hour to me,. And d4aradifome t i gaa dy, io*coulzd »zndeirer be Z ' lý As Pwcet yoiar a.MIgi t tdypnlI 'Éct did 1 knowyour laeort.oausvell wholiais Cid ring Wu e*1ev w-hit griefla tlaere, For ne you would nolbroveiy tacs-villa me ydou wouid not shitS 1 whta4weryvanî ad bsen 6very day. If koating th$ love thast Oodmode auine Whou tlai.old ring vWsS u.w V' The Cricket du theae stlf. '(É'rom Diekenls Chria'tasaStorw.) "The beartia sb~ ias,8qacb c'den 1- bIesae sud brigbteod,' ssîid tiie Cricket s "ibth bearila vbici, bbt for lieu, Wofreouly s few ýto1ia ud'brlaid Ilrna -f fty ar,boî wbieblis !ieu,tbrôkgb Ler, hqIeAsar of jouarhOme. Oia whicb ion bsveu',gbt -Il sacrificed sema 'peuty 'pessou, sllbe or car., end offsred up tbe bonape'of -s =ran>al*nj,4's truatiug titure'-,'» al au ovroigbesrt; go tbhat. theamobfroua ibii POoa' chiuauey basgone ýpward viii: s better fragranceushonthe rfcbasî incenu tbât ia otbalfie8aharicitiîhrinés iu al the *gauady Tcmpfes of thi World I tlpon jour ovai bearîli; in its 4îaie; sonia tury; £urrounded by iti genîlsi influences aud associations;- hear bier 1 Hear every, fbiug that spealas the lanuage of tour beartibanad bomne 11 "And pleads for lier?1" iuiired the. Carri ér, "A11li irga Ibat spesk lhe iangnage cf jour bearb und bome ma plead for ber 1" reîaarned the. Cricket. 4Po~r :hey speak the Traîla." And while tiie Carrier, Wîit bi& bead opon bis handr, couîinueil b ait medifkiin iu bis c hai, iiÉresence uîood leside him; sugferting bis relýecticbÙ ýy i's power, atud preienîing ibeama before biii. as in a gluss or pictnre. fil was ot sq solitary Preacuce. Froms the bbarulitous. from ithe cbimueyi (rousîle cdock, ibhe pilpe, the kett le, sud the créïdie from tus floor, the vallu, tbe ceiling, sud'tbe sgalrs' froua tb. cart vitioiat,*sud the'. cupiacard' froua everytblug aud every "place .,viii whicli te ab& b.der bae# fainiliar, anal Vitia vbilaseh 0 afWvere aiawiliu one r. tollection or Iaeraelf in ber uuhajapy bus- b.and's mmird;-- aIies ceetroopiug forth. Uot to stand' bei hiwashlb.Cricket did, bal wo busy aud bestir themashvea. To do ail houer ho ber image. To pull bis b, the . iris, sud point to ilt vian il àp,eared. To bl* ater round if, ahd eia. bracela bulstrev floveus l(or il fo treall ou. To lry to b'orn ifs àir beaâ1 witÉ their liny bauds. to sIao-* ààa t Vy vers fond of Itilbs d iti; e»WlIthst lieri wus Done bely, *icke4ý, uv sccnaaory creature 10 ciait holae4e of il; nons but tiair p>ayfut and approîing salves. Rilihonglifs vere constant 10 bar Image. It yws always Iliere. 8h. sot plling ber needîe, be(ore tb. Oire, aud siugipg to borseif. Bacb a Miille, tbu4viug, ataady lihîe Dot!1 -The' fairy ligures liarued upou ima&l st oca*, b» one cousent, wif b ou»prodigiona *t3hcela.. trated staue, aud seemed 10 5k7, "Il liais thé~ igbt wife you ara moarniag for 1"' Tbere were soaands of gulel7 outsl'da; musical instuments sud uoIby longues, alad Iangbter. A crovit cf young rnerry.makâks cama ponriug in aoeong W:w vrae ltâ liieldiug aud a score'of pretiy girls., l6 vas tbe fairesi of lb..aà Il;1as Younug a any o et b% toc 'Ths1 caa ete summoaa 1nhitth e's<oaîi4 r1te ofbsld qoueral, aid of I ooiaake of pprsli w-bom il vawuc Do i)listail 4toe'. Moîliér; Jet fla îiin ' b@rst~r~ib tey sboved br, hdég - t~ hae Carrier for enil< aie borlhoin eibsit tiaiiuuCaleb uaier. The Boi liaI vory lis 101b oaei hM iiba oà thaishVeril'lir"'916 eîl f'ni« 'rlog or shôgiP e. isi ed" ' éte'.rfm sd niud! mumouwle jhe bu. iierosoeOfb veoui's e b olniuuai i ' o,> Cala Ham Pis Tha Bd heetlés ouforflier su dihsî littb-a r 'd'rndtte éo r; sud t#via godsy k;ahey o( Jeotl evBrio ir haul asile b'ersi -terouDi t î. rl't'f' or' tmgý sootbiiig usabimi <0 lie ousi Su rctaly vokuua'&ard, biÈle eééau; ho maka hbi oald; Wrbonithl t; ,qi s- o the Ësiraudri duli11ai, i oed V'eslsnd la.t Ppi ud ube suotileacioerI lier' r a- tw.liés leai botanfaal orprosinor l cre'nu dof le he, c eng atbÏcf th kb bbisî-royed ltbtmg ece-ilarMore ilu onice, olptw ha v Ibiholi tbIcs tbudho i gin <bey aleouberapoi! umaaI Sitn somner auou to î,. u ias t#d'bler test b ond ber, "lb tua ed'n bîbr,wi tb aln onc, r Ivuice, r tad " e, lutuelo And wben ibay bail fouasad lier'ues, hlay neithar rnaed nor looced opon "hlm, but gstbered close round lier, 'Ud coYuforhé sud icissed ber'- sud praeud ihe 'snîber gc ih'o* ympasiby sud 'Idfhui uesmhalr; ibid frgot bibi 'kftogbulma. t .1bums ths- sfgbt pâissa. The mcc. vaut dovn ; be "strs rovpals; tbe col day brolue tbaeai rose. The Car- lier ptyilmt, musiug, lu the <bîmney cor- mèr. 'le baloest ters, :vltb bis if md' upon bit bande, ail iglat. ,Ail ulgbl <lis <sifai Cricketlbait basa Chlrp, Cbirp,- Cbirpins ou the £Wsrti. Ail 'ai hsa 6a bai l iafemed oI 0 i oes; Alîil , the ionuaeold slrlea bat! beau *vit> blua. Ahuilgjb bah hibàà i uilabf BLd bîsm.l'as luinith *1s e dépI vbin tbat on# sbaov fehl upb1 <.I erois 1-p *bnlm lilfrai bromi day, sud Wroaeild ahbdIl binoif. Heicoulil not go iabdOsauI icmsomary ebasrul sic., batio * i ha stod spiriV -for thoes;-but^ il laaûaÏred tba leu, -cs lvu Tackilou' in~dig.dayq smdl be b.d S'rrsnged 'té iake bis rounds by proxy. Healied tbopit te bae goge marrily 10 cimrchi vill -aDd But sncb pîsu vire st su eud. ' It vas 'ibeir ovm veddimg day toc. 4 A"ý litie ha bac! lookol for s0b à - bibe li Ths Carier e.Tpeçta4 tiat TacilPton voaald pay inif eoéiy Wiaij sud bl.aï m riglit. Ho ba1ýul Wb 4W tkisl' ndufr beforo W4ld.ook. 11 iâb'ÃŽiteé;, *bbu be maos'*i. o, Moi miW1 -f la l bi cbifse alcong lîbe roal. A4 i ' 'UI*li lraw learar, la e a' '1e lIal1uaklatola vas-rbited ont suai"'Iyfor bis anarWb aud blde'éoiàéd idbé orua't bad gitla Hovsrnasud favours." -Tii. borle hooked buch iporb 114- ba bridegrooli a bmTkaelletou s- vb'àit, balf. cioseil eya vas More dl.sgroaably eipraa- sie tiam aer. But ti a brrier, tool hlîlîs heel of Ibis.- Hi# îboigtbâ bal uler o.-i =" J obirrbimgle VI said Tabhleton, vitb sa it ofoudorelbk. ' &iy r S< fellovr, bgv b o14linat >oirslf luii moinig7 ' - "I bave]alW boa S joir slbt, ,XudIik - Tacleaic," letaruaad uth rer, sAkini bie boa:il:for I1aebeo,.?paogond deal disuaei lîamy lliid. ut li6 01er uôý I Oo -bai e1fisrea a; leamce, >Ené lus aay of! bié ovu, lié wyul. llgo out" ' 51 'e17 t dbut door,'aadbdg'iy bnae.4 roma bons. CdIo.,f or ife, if 1 ae;ld's$0 chsage tb. pa u$ ho hb ilein fercomp. Btb Ssa eomne sud goue. TmInl I hava doue inth ui* r do "O1-vaelo , Itiiank h.olisegot off M'rtyely ,"sdTc ao,-talulg 'tiie Cm'r vas hoe - apon tbo,,Cèrr vhi &al uloi oe t. sudedil isf4u viib aina,,for soi'.elittie îiuuç, le-1 l' ouasid,6 laitus1 igi, i oselsj,1 at leugtlb, * ic ;lËïV14e iilve *iC~islving h î p'a ' u'dsgie, sud alome. 1 Iblule tbieo's noý gbt f vouldu"'t bave raîatire' tiaq bat. Il tinul îliie i o aiktonwctdIvo td' bai'i~ trtb bi'e %vfiia. e~l"me o *ecuiontbla liere, tI> jpuov." * a" yen013 iov il 5se1 pursuedil yea av aer'sayvif; u>"'if - tbal love" ~ -si ilsvot. adday. $il iamlgrev étaodieî aa ÉfrlIer on , hé'repesteil thoe. Won&tag evileuîiy lsa purmèà.a*ce îo a étend- tut Pnujo-"as youa'sieber sethua 'dis.;- otdvube, ef uIo hî su ad Jyù iai %Ïýyon siould lgo ie ait i r ye, uMllok tâte m> breasi, ià kaiowv ta i y midi us, upon the subjeot. h'ok it'ms ettied"l su lsCarier,"regardiug bi. sleisi- 'rey.'"$d *n'tiblg 0a ciakeil mov. - 1!sklewla ifattereil s fav generat vorda èl sm4eblaboutu ha beiuag mecearyo10 ,findcÙale aouetig or ifllir ;' but liewvas oversved by thée mancer cf bit çeimpanioui.j Pleini snd ouiolisbel us1 ai o, lubail -s aometig digaiifiad-d'sall ilelu lb, ohiéli1 uouhiug ibasl the oéfo"tgouerous Iouobur1 dv.llimgln lthe mu Sculd liav'a.lmpalie'd.j IIIam a splain, rougha biu;'ili îrsueâ <tha Carrier, "vith ver7 littli tàicom'alaod me.- 'ItamDot a èevil'680; aI joli ery welI in'os'. faài Dot a bung inm.». loveàù i an e Mlt#lsbb'ca6ie 1bi":sa bar grofr6p, f " à s cildIo uibau.'fatia' lioisebbi' kev boypreclouasseo1 lie; .euas sasliad beaau, cy' I<fey for1 Y4s kh 'aid rs. ltbara ' ' mny meu I cs comparé vîi, wbe'uever coual'bays- lova ml,1httîs Dot like me, 1 ihink V" Ha ,pausaI, ad'softlj hai tie renad.i' s short ima with J0isfoot, hafore remuai- 6 11of"eai tigil <bat lieugla 1 vsuu'î goo ec.gafor lér, i-f oh6bi aak ereu j batt' Im' polait aUlu biie beFy 1I recomcled fi t ibilf' sud caibe to tiul1 llaèried. And ii bf ie , l, hbaile about,1 sud va e' ma'tred."'; "W lui!id Tacltopiaitb a s!gui#-i émnti heke of lisiiemil. "I '1bail sîàdied imyself - 1 iad badl i-1 psrianps cf iysei; t he.avboy miueli' i lonl bar,', sd liovlaap y I'bould ha, prolbd the tearrer.' at Wled ot-I feali Utnow-uhipiebllty couulerod ber." 64eohasIr," aiATclton. l"tid. 'dhmasqi, ihty, bcklinp,04o,' of adlmire,' UIom $ Net cosdaol Aillini out' i 1 "Y1on l&hod it mot li<ii+iapt s bia,') eu 1 s Carrie, vitii some steamuoe, 'ihll lton cllbIrstsud ama j' solyoi'u. 1*i4 of 'doiag inudovwnhi b' blov, uwbo ,Çar.d t'Ã"bWeafh- àa vordl agaiüfui hr'§ 10.âlfà>-'dIbii fbool aipon bsMae, If lis vas 'MY brotheri t" The Toy Marchanàt pied at il.in ions 66- 1 'On bosdeé,"' mail t1êédt~rrle %W ta 1, took ber'a«;bet a 'age,&Ws'i vi 1 ber'iieeuaty' ru ir1n coiulsuon&,1 sud îbs misb~aeiaeèof vbiËhe fris the orcaiueut"; iâi'w<bhich Lavas' <he brigbtes littIe starllaior aboui'i te 4tbert isupt froua d lay id i cy I)"4a1l.oio and ve la Ont 1" , !". ýb7 comioeliug I i ai À nigtbt 'b. as' imi ', thau'layîOfainou." Tinkleo4 $0S, loI bau. go M purmuel ibaCarder. g~ot v4ii; yblessiuag!for -'tic manf baýpyh bOum sb_ basgireni ya, ead My forlaee' or smylarug sbW basue 4' me.' t»Ltilwrgo a lp', D 4 ,lé h !é a.. hiniu t"wish lË41 été,,,l 'e$r ite 1ee. Sbe'll learateho Iikea mq' better, vbeii l'ni nitlà ag Ïs poua io' .sd-gIo nr*,li ,blû aro nivse' 'ino re igliuil'.- FhuI Id thOs'y ou iiil took'ber' &ld i k ih roub-lâ-ai ér'no,, More. Ber tatber sud moîhér vjilb. ber#, to-day-va biW mal. à pîiufor-keping ittogetbor-kine tisyloalsîttaka ber bomne.' Cai ta-fauber tiare, or aupyvhone. She leavefa iEe viii o nt bi lou bs vilI'lii. 16, t amnsure. V!4 ionldia-I -uap pït6pirpbile sbý la mtiit youpàag; I bu t butsue coira*11 in a fov, hours tbi'll hud tiasi 1 remau:. berad ber, snd loVed ber toth . lutt-l,Tbli is th. eund0 vba w h a bowm un#d o iî's over. ' ' uiohoe fintàovr. t>' met a" lis ove1 '80s-l *o1ate Utîyet. I1 Lbavé beara- ' à*urmoble vorda. Icouald m't - steal_îva, praeéading 10 ha ignciamî-pi' ihtt 'bdt ffaciailme' VUtb ulà &ej grafiltuda.'Doucu asay it'. iery Ï111 tbh clock ba huiace agaill - Sb. bail enuerea borly errer Tac kt1Wa sud ba! raomainel tbeaé-, ' ba nu'verar l100 al at ;Taoýklsîouýi, bmç - zOl b'er 'oye. uapotq bar baul,'."b b ap àý i 'ray froi hlm, a poi.ims:vid hatveeu 'tens a 4 ipéca h tepolié-l ireut unohearbu te lim n" heu a. Hoyr utiffarpmt lb ibis Ï'rotâ ier:gl séelf I'1 a aNo bdoinI ra hle ii..bokvb vili il bsau'c b sia lioa rs'bhat geaii, îothlie tarrvtii' 1;a Sain smile.' Bai lot It: iesoi1 on vil!, miý doaf.; tg vili wkie ioon.'Ws etoflittlà isater viat '10esay. ÈI'4 ryt'o' plomé ionl aak mbain h .s 1' umy 57te charch. God mona.ng, job' Perryblugle. Pa s#orry 1 ha eisl o! tbepeasreof'youre-co.pauy. &riy for liüos, atb oM.io o1i.<1l M'I e'speo' IMMiam miltb "And you'ui ib f ý Wb" 1 i saillk"0, 'l 'V if job boilpel *lIoe temalee ié olsraaoa" ald 'Taèkfeià6o, f pisl~ taleimg thb. praeaailoh of geu<img luto i chaise '4 mus sa iati vai'ofr'ery un. obpecta4, thati la'.fer, frodu- f ing hikel3 te fergbt k"f 06'Tii'. be f r 'a uIbotil,"'ra<aermed <lirrier, . d'- <boé; , 1 ' gi'e yen Joy V" dit visli y'coild gwive t e yen,"' saId Taclleton. '*"i-J6 t ca's;- shamie'-'ea. :be;veea aurolyve(ml touldj~ou' bfor,' )b t deut i'laecuu ulule 1 abahili ais jl [es jey i«'i miarrlel lifa, bécaute.' Mal utba"satee to Ëîchomas about -me, and îoo' deibttv@ boolf býe t'tales sara cf votirinif M. - 1

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