Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1868, p. 2

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* *I6rius Newas1 ÃŽFLBNDJb BS)OCM el? O UADYS. 81NIÀN tripÈDztzoN1 il * itSG TËÉOIiORK ÉILLâ l t19 tUE CAPTIVES UFLEAS!D III1 Th lattesc owabrougbl by itbe càb?#ý teap.ctlug thé Abyuinlsu expédition, met bc eouaderd tbe moiImportant sd glati. bans gtrlumpbaul suceec or 5rfllb Àruss *wc.lved la ibis' couniry, or Ërtain, gfie the lii of S.buapol, 0f tlb. rehef et lueteuow. On iii ,éhacleuof esb 'o? tb. lattÏr evet,snxiely sud spprebeO Prevailed .to tbe uflbeiextent, .114 h'elf th. publcmd é'ielvere throngboâti the IBrkitshDominluon tohélb.itwlh.b,, vu b.d Iben tie ddrabtsge 01 po*Whlg a kbubvledge of the uoutry snd lb. charse' ter aud resouelor !thé enemy. -là tb. cma.of .Abyclla *0 mev nesI té nothlug -Ilutle more thai îb.t the march of au army îbrougb the country va% eurrounded wIth duffleulies santd bag'eruthat couli euly b. surmountsd by tuperbuman et- trtions aud cili; ibat *bile tb. territory of Abluis [<sef vsua ert of fé$frtiil ao'we o fth aie rosourses of ils varllike montah, Theodorus, vête absohtteilybu- inovu, and conlit b. bsrely gossed ai. -We.rucbed te miet dangers va hbàv ol the salent of-lo eucoeutt a .ndoy lu tebébat of bis evu stérile C.olntt7î UIT. tounded,1 h mey b., by bis hostile iubJ cotu, sud for vemoved from saccour, -Therefore1 It 'la 'there la tbe (Tester resson for liongrstnlsîion upon tbe emprasîve. ly oeyasnsd expédition@s .îriempbî %basi ba been obtained. Ring Theo- 'dore bai been tborougbly defîstedin l the Iithostile .encouer; bis' srmy gieau.reà, bis boaated impreguable forîreos of Msgdala Salien by aussalitand. the ctubboro monàrtb bitDuef, <wbo, perbapa, deuirveisttabler <aie,> ulalt .And, iu a vordthé bi otple objectothelbexpedi. lion sviffiy seeuredg i lb. roeufsfail lb. IBrtisb &objecta Whu:boen, elong hsld iu caplivity. - AiU tbe prsoers-prisouers ne longer-are sait! . osafe, sud cor. tlailythis fsut rebonds te 1h. credit cf t1biodr'o bumpity, barbarisu tyrani as bol wwv;Ifor imuet have been iu bis powrfr aI sauy île.te have vreskcd bis' teugbato*e pon them by takiug their doefeceleua lites. Otber tyrauts, bosaaiig à bigher civillzalien, veuld,-aud bave dons go. Histery il ait fuîin stances of snob atroeitléb, sud Ifils obi) wbsî vas vith resoe nfested (from tiug ~bdr ét n~pbtted lbrocky. Itle, iài leÃŽi, eue greétt bdeehiug trait lu tbe mfentousse sud au4uklidfallbunmensrc's cbatscte vhtcb cas bo pekîed àt vlth cothmebda, lion.1 But bore le ilie tépôrItdifs cabls briugs s Xondon, April 2à, (ivènlg).-l'be fo. loving intelligenice wsd rlculved frem' Ab usails. A battIs-vas fobgbt bu Good 'ty fite.Magdtala, Ute*êéu1the lrIM btroupe, ýcemmmsuded by (1.11. Ifpier, sud Vhai Âbiishuiau forces, uudr Me c. n mand of their Kug lu person. The Idtter vert defeateit and retriated imb lb.e lb*t. Ibir lu l iled sud woouded vu, v@4y liiavy. Ou theMer.diY olleviug,,aIl bis reparatîon havimmg beau cempleted, Geu. ,Ml creo 9ol UbI4-Ot, itfy anoiuu dollars la dilver, tbouMàdi of OUYÇFPW%*e a.veral lobs uf tiry rbbh jevole, siudnem, ercua, duhr srq6c$ et gréai 'Value.,-Gan. Napertm Ilbi us voryI.8 arge Xu5,- 5,00 st o maisu.000 iteis 1000 peuand sud eau>eer articles of va équipments.. ii.lberatetd, rhtiab1 esptiitea yl start fer bome ounIla. l4îeh f April. G«m Naper'. army vili roeygma. lau, <l lu .Mdatreur £ idis sud Bas- tend tg once. Th RuraWas pecll, dted Zela, 151h April, yu The. ver> lateet reports (rtbu Msqdila rppreuut iual14,000 usîti rooesb.d laid dovu Ibeir arma to (Io. Napier, snd tiai Thcedoruùs lit566 soltiieru kili dn 11600 veundet i tl a t* sfémgagemeut. hre vrions delbs u bicihavele take ftate ln the hotusébalg. broya 11111e id. 'itiîlcal lhgbt upoit the policy oetlb. Gev. eru-meul. Iliter baie, u à ml@, pr- sertuil ttt silence, liavlng, perbapa vlsely, teir future courue £0 b. cb.ped b> tb. opinion cf the bofflbiMoutltnry.liTh lbe-vie. has1 à7ôolbt iewel ossk f 11,1- tely organisation suit defotee4ls leb. ceasidered fromt s pàtiotic, esui tit pitty, -'stanld point, il la .eli ib thuilet- lue cirbilitaithee dicatmitb Bill lIII b.o w fsr dlaifiid i ticiredet the opihid Ot cft6éébahitryie1 sîpimM, by hat reprsentâtlréi tf a1 ibadu M oftitica, sud, la ueu, Mit 1bothliti -ca hlretly gevirneot, bta pirely pÃ"piIta t essul'.1 fI hum.. tibomombers roe lté irovllWi cf Otario te- stand f<sasin suppidl of <tel maproccoitopluldue. 4If lb.> do ici <tub Justito vilii hodonc £0 ibsI poplous sud v eaitby Province, wibcin luthe ivent cf 'au iuvasion, viii b mt. eepoaid te lthe ravages oi the iuuwy. ±Tué intime Provinces are comparatilait Mure. Tibmy bave su filon heannitcest, emlly defensible by naturel advatagîs, sud by tlae "-vood. en vals" iandt Iron Clatuet Od gîtnsd. Their riprrseuiatites bave bat ne psut ix. periénce es te titi organisation, requlre. enut@,er délectaet the Veluiteer systee, aud vili hé Ridit by the. opinions ef thoir Western 'bretiera, whiltbe eFrench Ca- nadianu, it m lime viry enthâsiastie lu volunteering, wIll do -noîbing beyoud oey. iug tii bebleuts of Sir deorge 0. Cartier. Ou tie members from Ontario, Iheretoni, vibi devolve- thé daty cf moubdiug Ibis measate lato aach à shape es viii mahe mi resbly usoful. A number of Voluntuer Officers havi hait au interviev viti ihe Miniotur et M. litia, lu ibe couruce ot viiti Siu George made lengtby. ixplanaîious. Ée taîed týat Il, was inteudi to£ incorperatbeahli t velauteur compense& ai prisent eitiug imt the preposet Battaiona efthie active 10orce. Volunueen Oficins wvoulitb. pre-t férmeitlu appointments £0 commani tbli Mrs torse. Bnlgsite.Majors vonît bedis. pensed vîti, aud large diseriiiofamry pov. ors loft lu the banda oftheiiGaeimmnt. Tiea poverv buit heen expressly erired, ho ase te réirurheBill s.eîlmic eas pai- sible;- salist st itt tn scoulit héogid. et by uatiOcetatipublic feeling, lu ateiuiutti'ng he.lsv. Vcluuteer OfiE. obit deusihg to meirfr wouid b. alloved te, db so, rttluig Ihiir nibt tak.- lthm hiniser of Militiâ bas, t» doubt, femwd tapoy diieuileieràlimtthg %mes. sure tméet the ;vievaof, lb.ie iit ts authonil t a dthe peopleet' can"daut tbé &ame idi is-ti JlII, borel'e, thie aà réàso eau f pi'ct, vil b.ofiiluodittéi lu the comeiteftoet i vols, se aitue eudor il moreoaemjuàblhê. ' ' 1",- The prepeaed large Utiphhdlhbn'fofffor. liflco'eusla inceparable, fnWilb. mls-u! leris Programme ofdmelb îDoé nt' seie pruent fer asi anheeué ain te bu volet en bloc, viit se tm# tilt1lettief sciemeofetdeleuo, vhhicii ahouh riéfvé db. saetion cf military 'pp Al sta simertance vîi vwbieii IL ipenitti ishe uhihibasei. Titismene>' aunot bfu uxpeattfer the moquer oformer "yeasé nobe otuer publie Wer. Ne pamleula plai ud hi bavesy caim tte b.eeelon of forlifitatioti O nnhMca ses lhtltac e- iBtyqsa itftb.rsee of tome véli 4elacitmutlrpl"'I* 11% o be fesant, naissetcme -bbM. 1 -plaigitspotu lorlife; I vomlds'VOeDe a samri ou lblng. ý Doybe-Whaet at 1? WWe-Tbe oti veman. fleyle-Jim, Vm sony for YOÉIthi wiole verld it viii mev 11 Wbale-Te, Im'a gre' al(lu«v; I âbM tbat fellowl bav.iYOB, 1po«r bugger, bore, sudlihmé1 àm syalfg vblckhwbe tbrse of M. Dole àckedblWm*SJStdal i h stme lime ,Wi1UM4 <Dot.cdv.01.1 us ed round le Socs koviug bic baill ml alteuhen toste sed. Wisalîualu seépested t h 5 im t .iu tbici-voids "1 uot hlm 11h- 6 "dot; Yen',. boe.; lm ubore, 111'a, s reu 1.110w ; MI aime vl go d.t pb jlélf Thereis la ms amulailon t ~bW- désura$gaina, sîh priionerc, anà il1lAna- mounced tIbat Ibey viliprobabl b. Iuiei by a specialCommicsion. llallay M t a iachestéf. to e bM set aIliucecler to-day Thor-1 day.) Tic meeting bas been caiet iu pavannâte et a riquisiticu £0 otic roye ef Reeto tfascrtau vhaî amsiounl ubat tlevu- ahip aMilI couîrlbute levrda b.hensimtue. lieu cf the Wititby sud 'Poil Ferry Rail.1 read,ttiir lu the aboli e o stock or bonne. Tb.re vibi b. s large galiuiring; the mel. lng la a niosî icipertait o end sat he tuom out ic e a own of Wbitby cf the promicnul mon tutirae th l.ecoutri- lion et the mou, ahcld b.eeommnently large w ittiquienîhal. Alfred* Avlttesitavebw emeiteiein lu toat le 24îb tsIt., 'tuidt tegiaphditetb Oovrernot Ge!>iashtbt Prince Alfredt (h.Pu# Nti f Édiuburgk)> hitd bien abos- et Bydne) Ibutu nstai os lUth Méth.* The partietlars, se fat rbiettl uate liaI lie vcuiit-be &»in lta laaIrish Fituan, bamit Farrell. 'lhb PA% u ibsttài tie hach antd iîugereasly *bod, aait ihé bai vas mtextracted lut Ive dé>c Thée. .as à,ýhovie., itéi*ehh *bn lset board fiee. Faml vwal proibtpli> avueitéd idt,ty intiete dpt toml a t#l sud edéituti e toiIL Tii Wnlll Sîtrôclty butt l imi to e aki aa3vbm hIN ofetd6h of-I tcuding yauug 1rlbeé, sIf jléd vitit the cruel muri ti f Mr. 9it,, stamp men of lb. Fenian orgbiulaioh s vîtieut jndge et jury, and mairk thé o- gaulcatien ltsehf to, b.eaIl that fi viekeit sud daugireus, vertby only loe b. aigma- ti'eud in elivurycivilazeit commuuity, sud dînounoeit everyvhie eb>' every igt- tiahinkig eau. Pikering Piougbaung nlob, Tli'f ibut#Ipoughiug mtet cf the titiherlng Agrituhiaral Soclaty bock plac o hé i.arit et' M. lchni'Hamiltcn, niai thé ilîlâgiet Clanemont, oh Vnldday Ilut. There 'vuaaYM > -largo sitendance, sud tiie wiaîheî vu exeseily fiue for thé, wenIr. The plougiing vas prsisid 4 y 1h judges, ad compéetent. percOalprient a bust the>' bat ever vituicai. Behov vi give tb. lisI t fueuf t ompetiters Win. Phippe, rd dciii Msnqms, 4tii John Bnsibey,'Sîh. usiBNds ctwCOIiobL5. Wms. Pilkie, lui; John Haittem,2ut; 'Mime Nolgb.wsuden, Zvd. ilote OLAS. Ji oTpper, lui; ýTbeesa PtIklmtu; thé. 13toedali, Sd ; Jobu Prceten, 4th; JebtuVo*le, Sàhl; Théi seîbelI, diii. wu bol Ibal mrn. J.fi. ýTall>',ih pelumeultif toalsupeatstidiat of Sebeld f* Iltbb tir y f Duban. Tbla 'Sia pociolàumd.tibmù#Iubeel bosrd'herî. lU ~é Tie laiboau vWIlm laWb .u*t*e1of-s Immai lo b,éuati, amui effdiett a 0e " oe hSbcé - yul b. difiemîtli t IL MEs tisé inliàl bi e. £lpbtrPof tcsfonéutbi ilu,». ad o'*ot fl lu la bls tbe wbieb tu ore Wb.&W t O Ul1*hd"but ovbrseordoilas o.ludh-.6'frl'Md .sêhbý oidegned .4 'CgÃŽdpSWful e euc to Ltlu ia propéi place, MIAPo- dite., visa unitedibdodligbifal uiula drains vblch1aum l> b ourd lu lb.- Mrv. Ea"lrsjI ae tà"'i foreeuly Msubb~fh#riAbb hlmvoit enly lu tué édesigut, Lut mer.ehlsl1f1ýdy lu micrlnu setarsheand isitependoi V ibra- tions fu lb. bm,cjud t lbi, an fllvatage,. lb. valueort vby , uid&anmilt mait, underclanit. Inetîbe' quafity , the iwerk téo-from îthe &ee4hat,,gih ubriagid capital, hob bben enablei og Waeke U u ter matinal rom Euoglsnd sund ellebher.. Mud le procure sud Ihop 6 bfmd a large vell.ceaoned clou k3 i ti dfleritl ds of vod, equireit lu the manufactdie or lntciliis-the plamai at preceul snue £uultfet thébesitalisismenît f ,ilainer & Co. *111 b. fouaditssîly impreved. - At lb. limse cf ont liait tisere wvie lveuty- four eai-elptle aMd squaré.-it arions promuscofes msâus(cer-t1l4prces cf vbich heu «flulabeit vogît tsyire are told, from $800 'o $16Ã" atlb, alcording te the quality ofthl.e ace arvlqi, te. Tbp fiulched von antprient sctuullV tm. aot stoaabout one luatmem ur .:*ebk Tiere varlogeihir 14 mon emploe.di Wltb athe AMeanfor further emceiuiuthe bouec, profitable eeploymiu olbub £0 edtb dirty additlouul banda. Bore lsele a luidusiry lu the tovn u,0 vieb iboci vbo talk about establlabiug msnu- factures migbî veilI u tbteil sîtenîlea, and iuaiesd cf faeliabiy prating about beiata sîransug.teieud 'nsu aalt vhaî la alteady permueitlyplsted lu Thé ClbrkcuweiliFenians. Barretitheb.ouly eue o e ietrkeu- "IlI Peenla Who vbocaucothebr> xploailcu, thst bau botfouud giîty; go aaita aemteue eoft th court for marder. Ait the. ethir prisocet boute bien discbarged. The. trial ef Burke, Casey and Shaw,for Whiou relcshi the fatal eiplo8iot t tok plae, lWgasi b'uthe 28tbî 4 AitbÂClaltraLo."-Thil la tue tiioo Ma beutiful n. icef si left ou out table; lie compoeltiob 0et ch muai- osai tovuwnS4Mr. Joli1bd M t filapro. ucuned à ver> ilterltirioU iproductiôu by good judgës. l'ié verdi * are by lirs. tJcy Oshaudi Àuus " r Iâr Lee Miay add, vasa aebhern yeuui lady, dtgiter of General Lee, h uhe s.ltkllbed n'Jitheib Seti dariug th. var, oùit sbcunt bf ber atrong cemîberu opinions, ensd dië4 *hile lu eaile. The vends aud ituuic eXpmvcc s the baat m'seitng outhebiToUa Ceuonel, ià mielloh jisiieti lulisg Ms-r. Ëloi'a esigenaî»àu suif i4mitlité Mayorte lu. bila proclaînaton fers dew election. Wic wl b. tb ,bic .coaiug anfor "lih petty yard," lu tho place et Mr. Bowv1 W. boas' ha &se iltîle itenéatgkenhin l the mattir Ibîre la ihel>'Io e b."splînîl. îifuh lu" c fcandidates. BR.But r Lus'sate tsnse CoUl.as -The imeihg proapérity ',f Iis IW stltuthcu la ssococf gritifloLtlbhb tII vie favor bhoreugb u rwél thn lion. While mAuy or.tb. Bsins bl. liges o e outry are bel' chocei <tr vaut cf pstionsge, ibis iutlitptios la cor slanthy gsluing lu patronage sud pcpulail. tyo. This me>' b. attrlhuteoit heb.excel- lent mauagement of tb. propaielor Mn. J. t. ryact. sudescii> ebftha bb bhildye the bushehiru je b.fomud. Boa atl'lltt iulaîlu a t ejlaiereiîid lb. ityii>'&bItS beul5é b lite Omcmmui. Ao» vi5 CÀ I."4al Iitl sîle Thempem, #ttibis #tf, arrvpit béré til Salua>'merhahg laot-,frodài 'lb. "tilt ioantry.1 Tb4e tl tb. vréeibe e asD "subiaiusntWisl n. W.Ta>'- hor's, oun.t ovallùifri thmt hey veré heepItàbI>' reuit. ýklu yotang s0upl ha, tiAt i, t fou&"han" of At elme<atacipt t0u sitnâte ni$a'Royal Higbneu lb. Duke eoF4d'inbsriksMd tle touvey ,oui deep sympatby i- b y oui maty ilu-tb. dialiec ansd auzioly bich the endeavor £0 laie th.-tueif. oee jaiferbacoccasioneit. 1In uunitingviîb.your Majin lu h.1 givingle Alegbty Qd 1,ais bas pled iï 0i sare -thmp, etf We Royal Hîgit. 'uc,:o rochl@ssl> sud vcei cald îsud ta ferroql prayer t tha hmsy ,plimse Qed estuotSe s peedily 10 bealtsud, -treugili, vo big 10 suire youî Majesty ,tbal tieigi persemai estieste vih vilc i bis Royal Hîtinea la regarded îbmugioa'ui tIis Demiltfr* om lte litay i> ec1toclic ofbii aa"oioa enamo? inongdt os 'dur. inX bis vbsl 6I.i bis en mu Y a the 'iteyear 1861. Tbué beigbieued, if- possible, our sihorrînce bf ,Ibis ditettable ace.W. taki tbus opfsbrunity cf riud*lng le jour *Mjesty oi.u' usranescof our defroîlcu sud aitacini.Iul lejour Majetiy's ltroni snd porson." SirJohn làtîimaiid Ibat auog lvwu the poîicy of thé goerumeut to establii s -court ut à4pesl uothiug irolit b.doue ibis ceuloit. Thére *à$s agocit dm61 eft îit: usal biicombi about tlie dattaii ein-lu demnity 10 fuembirs. îMr Chslbirlgu'a bill.ou ibheaabjet wu éatteteit eàssecond toidiug, éttt 1r. Jackâon moted iu amenit. meut le abolisi tii îudéliiuity altogetber. Sir John, lb tLie bscal vay, joheit tb. viiele affair, saaertiug that if 'the aigu'- mso tftiéisoleot!ii.bih éiimmem ment vire icarne e teilegItiliate con- clusion come oîi lu'ihu1làgbsmole Ibt sci tc mmber osbn!4 pi> ôllfor ithe henor of aiîîing lu tbe IEouu;asuitmaby of sh.m péd oaismore "hat io tle ili contitbbtl le gît Int patlialileht. (Hein; boear, and Ilagtir.) Of woti*, bot ed"ilcusud siheudmseuts vire lait, uthelb.faVce vasplayed eut.' Ou tb. Ibitd readlug etM. Bouedbib te euable banhu lu auj paût af Canada 6 use notes cf tbî Dominion litested o issning tbir owa notes, >'94 Èo"frI3 amendaint, accondét by Mr'. flbbi, camé op, lie amindîneul only <iiug b> ithe clore vote of 60 t0 63. The currency bill ; thé bill coshling -the deparimeni t ofuIaitd Revenue, tic Marine sud Fisbery bill, vre, severally riait a third timi sud paaid. 1 On Taesday, théeaisimaies for the year éudiug 30 Jane 1869, vire brougiti doau aud eccupied thé Haonse nutil ia :risiug. To lie iemery cflte lMeu. T. D. 'lii enni to11M *ho gare lut fige (4od lui uit to itâ4'ong repoae-- île glortaus rust Andt theuiîh the varrtoscsun bas att Ils li'mht 9 lsh ijur rround us >ot, B ight, îat'uaul, blet."1 .Tinged vitît a diamand's richlst gleuxus, Th'e sasrygeins adi tram onu- vhew, ',Nisîh eutly marnnu% orient besan, tutreil glcn voti e brigiatesL raya, Witcu gilé! enrobes the. brcsking de'wa 'fIla brighteut anoteor star lias flotta t mKahn for s éuelesman 9;bnm sud brave!1 l"osy clail' n nii'tW edhame, UnIton> curai with pridu, A other t.,)tise tanks et Ilthe. TIse uf- tthe l.toiLtie hll, Theiioonai CRitiea UsniIlgi, TI1,eau 1 ,fi ci 'd a, sait era*did u'treot, i'îoclatînà6' taros' miî*là doué Gtttldlng I"aur good %elp" tuiréi thé maves (.f tise Dana'tamteu'm eangipi' tutu, 'ieelée-i1iadsùtetttbiidt isisl flie irou titi tiet'ry onu hiqLded, To Are. bis seul;-te i'e'rve hi4 surunp'tli &:ronger escit condli e lte rt Conqneor crowuad-hb elctIs a nains, Fur myruitdages j>etuitéita. -Wcop wth tlîeselnugable l'obus, Orley@ for Ilhe vidovéti erptsau'ti terlh5j Curte for thosu hom sa *ii4ft buattloted, Be .cîsepe itîtin théi s ddeeh. Iiuy the ratiless erriLng lisia, Whieh loWly Wlai lI' riat Inné, PryI'oil1.brookihai JibartIl"Fntler Whltby, AIIuIl Ïth, 1lait bazoiîki.-Ut. Fleelvood, etf13e. ihittibe, a pWasngif ou boar tb1h.Stua, du>ëfeninjg lut, aetl'art htoané. TEta body) hMb'ot 9itt iwuia. Fiits àf &tb o.i ati"OLih6siags' von de&tmped by e à i fllgltoit, au Monta>' ulgit luti. TÉhh foitiiug Aré the lueeri - C. 'B. Bullhee, j&' 50 S.~. Goau miehatl.$3,56 8-intutei for $2,500 ; B. Bsnher, drmggial, ,Ot -,-noInscience; Titos. Wobb' orcitanlt $3,000;j Albert Grmcaaqusushi>'oe. far- Itâre,; suit lir.Chaue,'viio oucuplit rdolaitfl Gt Omas'tore, lt ,evoiylhiug. tbig u6k at. member oth.e foeit. The clerk suad theb. cumeuts-atÇr AI ln lb- tw slnc n Aluin, #bat Mr. William Ticilijicc i permîtd'te carry a <fritacrci Greenl streel se m le drain hW cellai. 1L mo- llIOCv wiidttlareitc6rd -'nt4~ lime reigued utipreihu. On motion cf lMr. Draper, itucendedf b> Mr. golden. tb. majorva ujetlsd suiborizei go lu... sud aigu debeuttireu, nidir by.lav 145. le lb. amounteof $1,20P; sit dîbeninris £0 b. cf lb. sum of $100 esph an d te be.made, psyablP yearly, foàr t6i niei 12 yesrs, atlte, rate of 6 par oent per &sn, Msu ual0en receivingý fromt tbe exeuteru cf thcecetate -cf the laie Aua Wordeu lu freesudecar deed, lous 13, 14,, 15, lé, 10, 30, 31, sud 92 in lte Bih double range, and lots 18, 14, sudt uorth j et 15 lu 9th single range, iu the. lova of Whby, thb. 5570: baud eter tbe debentares lu payaentl. Mr. Draper îeelc occasion le infere ithe couacil tiethe. ielay lu laying ihe Andi- toruport belore tbem, arose <rom ithe lacs tbsi a correct atatemeul of'îbte mueis sud, jiabilities o e t ovu eould nos be made 9ail outil ibe malter cf tihe purchase of tb. Werdeu lots bad! bien coucludeit. , Ounilton cf Mr,,Gerrie thb.'tIreoucrer vas oreirei to10pay ihe Mayor 17.>50 for coats iucnored by bim iu geiink thei opin- ion of lEt. Reifsolicior; lunithe Houmk cuit. Tât C!ANCIrT#ILL. Out motion cf 1fr. 'derrie, ibm ebocl veul Iinto cemmitte i e lvhole £0 oz- amine csrelally "éniepr*eas ihmr opinion. cf tb. bill sud ansir. Brefori tie bill vu baif reai t trnug-tbe temmillee; race, eh motion oi Uv. Gitua. ka. itoW's aiâioe(. Mir ?hilp seconded b Mr.tI)rapér,, moved.tb.tr. illo*'s tesagnmlîeubc me. cepteài aud l th ayar'issue bis proclama- tion for as*te cbetion te f611ube vmsueyé Klbeg scuselah euslacd, lhe mibék geîilng off lb. subjectinluquetian and argulng about the adt'aiility' of revsiug tbe commiltecu again. lthe motion vas declared catriedntheb foll'oviug divliý ion-- Ycs--Mesurs' Drapet'IfeXillan ,tiobhl. rani, Pbilp, Genrie, aud battapb.hl-6., 1 Nays-Capt. Roue, Meure. Camrbb, sud ffalden,-3. The conil sdjouruud foaioeeeh. Te the~ Edif or of lte JYkiby Ch,'onicke ]Picecring ifambeur, April 2T, 1868. Ëing noticeil s report lu yOur issue ofh lOti mat., qothlis Iepti of voter lu tbé acterai Luhe Ports,;lltlltdibg Ibat et "ickering Harbeur," vhicitvas saidtol bave oui>' five foos cf valer, sut tiaI in $il probabihity thé Schooner "Roýyal Albert," viiib.d a cargo for ibis Port, venît have 10, untoat 'an Whiuby, for vaut et sufficieut depîi of vatér bore. I viol: you tu, correct that tateméutas il tends t leasver>' injurios effecî ou the minds efthle ovuofrs o! vesuhs, aud lu a commercial point e ofv, ou the mmmdi et merchants sud aîhors vbo are inueretet lu ibis banbour. Tiere la at prisent a amaîl bar of saut vithin th i prs thiri>' fuet vite, (ormet ba amahi aperture in eueetf te pierM ovîr whieh theeIe.khariy étlttfifèoc ésier i vwieitbubeing emoved, would altae à Channel of cight <let et ater ail siroaghl, sud viclci inuIo tare move immediately, 50sa Itbère viii b. a saffi- cient depti cf valet- fou- an>' odinan>' sizid tiaseli, 'especlalby use evoter la at uts lovent point tuew. - By cernuctiug lb. shore satlmiut. you .111 mach obligi. younoemiit eul eant, -WILLIAM WITESIDB9 Lisse cf Pickering UarbWoé AcRil alagsluéàdttlt.eiis 10 éliii great atütilon n' luuid, Luntlïyi du the Lofuten ImttituW»n; asys: léIf posiile £ t>' >'nichnialnibai thie dkigir con#cquenl upon ét*én s a ie meulai>' failmiee of mactter'*uten- de: Iyiug 100 itazardons itebhé o! iau practicil use. OD uol>' hep.etfseria naitiln han by the, nid of bicyan -poer -lu ober wmfu;*6 #y là le.tt M ý%,thiit t'ia à hepafties ihtmteti ohm_"t Sofsufficint'ae, asuit lu>' im» mlug. aucehofi lauftsia. TIre. laabun- datil meclaiblt icence to c omtrucl suit- sble steaml gaé le 115-it énginét, *111b epro limg apparRltIiJ adtlbe vêlgi c o <ne bis no obji4 - se gUtol bcuse!l --olved lth 'an esas lt*oUld 41 tlII ,world wondernattt vi ît ment a0to b. tort; , ucli buill ofW Widi lotsi and, poli and. verseer 'ci Ottava 2m'mi s's -There is sbainds étidendietbte caceldbia iàdstn otl lat Hou. T;.D. MeGu. t " le atagin ef lii monti. Tiih s ôtô(û Aprili, coutaineit bis beunifut peuts "'1'ritus Visa',; the atiZkW*rlJ h olîhét inu pr*-ulor ta baud, a pipéer ire bis peu, vitici vu fonwandet but a sbc lime s'goe sud Siffwarè 4leUCMW QU& ,te4'MagaZtIle, for- April, toàtai 1 'article oem6"TiteCil>' et Celiegi," -vii vWs retiseid uder hi@ o*n isutlu î Wvet ýr129sunurgenaw ppat w lse..,tue t- rolhimelves, igirsl te match 'At once upob(au;a u Inapp~ésIing tetheub te take the, flelIt le siitt-.e are remit> t6 place pur art lu tle.field, A"eyosc men of ChièM, adym? (CjLet "T11es,"ý "'a1Tihun, if Yen are, vien niaI wê' qUfuni ithe a~~fg il allit tiotclb. furle4- - again, and we.i ul net codu*éý btie. sha w.e' up th,* am.e.p e vi d neta soce Ju n j 8hll Tmien vbd Itln seare <uilt te' pa-in suoh iioveent, suit thé , iêe th e oufé ii nanlis lie bettér. île .*501 11mt3¶a wite 4imnster mitre e oi n tithe, luh conclusion, lthe peaker iii 4 1t h question vasto' - 'tp-,lbd qthé taii would b. eni-chiet 'of aliciAs re re sud viliing tu join tbé au-ni>'mî ât Le eau>' arathere héte vit arè' i'ifflng 4À go villiustimmetatéW, .t AIloesS404'- hauts vi e nset1 Suçitas shaih met enroli tliefselles v. vaut fo<o ez-iinte sj cvilorganization te the-careisibe wraç sut citiltren cf litoe.wito,,go. , Tlte &ah vhiteviedt te orditheir nilo esWél directeit te repair teltbe Fenian- mtatsr- rcem,an sutlie a'ndieuc -dspersd.& *Thru-othIe Wusltb ripfiff . , ptar t leum aking preparallons iaup- - tition cf ihelir efeolisi t atenpt lu Jue; 10.W. muast b. prepareit for liçe, A RaireselWnr.ý ,Fo- monltho.paI 1wb et bbn grestesl railvay corporations,-lu lie 8tateos, thé New York: Centrâtal sd'bbth- rie, havi been enlerlaining thé public, çud izçiini te gueat iîobk i-ýbokirs of Walli5stneél b> ïi seties of! helligenent atutdaryiuz accord- iug te lteé tactlcà éttplcitfor the limé bW- ing.- Thiebatité as tirâml Éaged. cni lbé stockèli ecitugte, then Il wsh'tvansfçrred le btée local courtsi sud again litbrobe ont iti- thé S.tâte L.egialauté with irncresébit vie- lence.It appears ltaI the citiet ha Ibi slruggle are Mr., Vauderbilt; "titi cli Commodore," on boitait et, thé Centrli sudirt,,nDre*w, a protlntai tian eau lhe Stock E.citange and Tréiireri >f lt Frie,,on beialt o!lte latter rosit. Tite Igiie sud thé Ountal are competing Unes;h lu was ltougit b>'the dirtcors o! tIi. Erie teali-ble ItDeutiteir vite gang. Ilinangitu Chicago ge as te liste an e> Re tirew broad gauge test le Ibat market. Tié Ceee"odori ac sulsupporters, howévexr, bcing li-gel>'interesteith ie opposition une aipposeithie slcp. Toe nsile them tc do Ib-tis more eflectually theéy commenceil bu> ing the stock cf lb. Brie as fut s If ' boulai b. laitau inthe ope cf <tus acqulvlug ' aâ nttoIing intéesb lun1h. ýEric. M:r. Draw kno'wing lie Coemotoié'a gain. sécr tIy issueit $10;000,000 of mcv stocké Witén Ibiu becamemuiwn te tic Vauder- bull< part>' an injunction vas applicit'fer, as we nterstanit; ,te preveut lthe sale ilorf ilsll icoîlt opue ttis nov st.ockimn thé grouud of illega.- j derlving thb beito f lthe proceets. Afier a number et, scIions sud cruss actieus Uýth nuatter vas carried 10 the State Legials ture, vwheti tiera 15 çvery rçaâOn 10 bellote 'tiit 9 Aichiharvest 1v'ak béiug ret,e4 din lthe i bu- tices matit neusineflstate memers et:lthaI- body>. Suditeul>' boy. étui, thé ýontîsî't a hein. cloteti- b> a comprotuas b.weei.riaswic' catid io embi-ace&H sbI sIlpc'.ofmis>eu5s e agreement; tIhé annonéetof tiis faut gave rime te gresl excitemeul -aS AI- ban>'. Tiose vh ite tei4 suudry peu. quasî tes' (clt mulci pd . Titi friend ofli. Disw lihin toweet tlthe-" pàaage of 1h. Senste ibil aln . tHouai, 1; bu6ité membîra veres se indignant snt 5 ýMi*. Drew ltaI lhéy'imnaitistely tcek ut lte bill hegsiting lte, issue cf theto it millions dti sbch, providing for complelLj Iltg lie su foot Iraclir teChilcago, asu pioiuitiiigtlie Directera cf lte Centr-al ;00 TUE OHEÂT PILLS HAUVE bec. ]mye beu ,alstd inub 'asi sysacn suaut-ics hde. Mr gi, ariter ioves up. me us V itsorder on flie' wéfi rer (or lte puif o $&0t, foi piank f là e6ià lî't'ro inl on, motion. etMr on, ofî ep-us ;Was ordered to£0psy Jobn Sitier, Fà *.y P. L.S., $4W, tIb survey of linos lteen lois'g 21 sud 22 lu broehti '(*ansd 32 *au183 Mr. Wttbn itofre§ that wbetesàaa pétition bas bien ttis day presented 10 ibis çoncil proyiug for a grant of fÙonoy a th pna D kepassable lhe aide reait belvien lots 32 anit 33 lit lut cen. oet Iis t6vnsbip, and wberras il lu iabepllitov Ilit tw-ould require a large à4imto£ make taid improvements,anàd-,liaI Il oulit b. advisable te lay out snd estiiblisi a- roid on lot 33 lu lieh uhereaf;- 1hât1 ,ebn sieir, P.L.8.,blé atllhufed t ialié ethé necessary surbey an-dIreport te Ibis coun'- cil aI lis neat meeting. Antaltôiake; a durvey oft1h. rosit as new traiélltied lween lots 26 anti 27 ina 2.4 con., suad rn-0 port said aurvey wiît d'îsgranicfi tib camet at tb. next eetîing c'f the ,couni On motion cf iMr. Park.: aà,by-Iaw vas rend <breseveral tiis a sd -passei sp- point'îng Thoo. bMootî, lmra Qis, Jamus Birrel, Ambrai. Dowuell adJ. Buiisor, oveërséirs of itigitvays O0 motion cf Mr. -Wixsoni, the folloying sumo wcre orderci t t b. paid-to achoolý secticu No. 2, $2.10 ; te acitool section No. 8, $2.88; to uchool section No. 4 viest, $2.70; to school section No. 6, west, $20-87 *te Union scitoal section No. 4, 49 tenta, non rusideunt ta% duo said selilions for 166t'., Mr. Pst-ler movt bal lbe several pall- Iions toi grants et tnoy fur lte iniove- muent Di ronds and bridges in Ibis towrn- 1sltip, b. laid ou thé table ùntil,>thé nuit meeéting of lbe council, sud tiat. d com' miite b. Ilion appointed ta£0intestigate liV saute snd riport Iiretin. lir.G«t-en moves liaI' lb.petition«cf Geo. Ballant, andt othero, for lte survey of lot 18, l inte 4illcon, b. grantei, sud Ihtat tbe t-cuve bu instructei t t petition gis Excellcucy tbé Lt.-Goirernor thilibe muy b. -pleaseit té ctiuse the suid lot. No- 13 ta b. surveyed, suad 1he. boundarres titereol . prmanently munkeit by placing desirablo monumeznt aIttie front and rear anglex titereof sgre'éaity Lu sections Il undt 12 o! cap, 98, dilté.con>olidatei t a tulcs of. tipper Csaada, and, tht Jobn Sitier, Bsq, P.L.S., b. recormenitdet make caid survéey; Mvr. CI-beu moret tlitthébupétitions in behalf or widov Rysu sud widow Gales be grantéit by giving widow -- yân $1 pet' week Luit wido'w (Ites hO cbuts pert veeký sud tbal P. bMeen 'andt John ,PairIes 'bc appointei totefurniéhi Itemiiit neesearies £0 ibat athoin. aud report te tii counçil 1on or before thé first et Juttb bcxt. Mr. 11i1lcr movta litIail jarîies visit- ing 'b apply for niions>' on thâ,reads may liste i pelilions befoné thé counicil aI ias neftmeeting 10 b. itcld-'on lbe loti day pt is>' nuz it 10 ocbotk a., m. Ifv. Wixsou tdbvus tuat John Goulit b. aulhoioned tb procuré and,'cause.,te b. drawn ta conventently as;u>' be 10 lb. Town hall, aguf5ciens qusntity ëM atonç sud otite: uaten"si £0 builit àigoot Oând sulialsutial fotudatiou untér matit ToWna 1hall, and report to lis éotit'il on or. be-- 1foré thé fluet of Jahe nezt. Ou motiOn cf Mir: W ixon; the treasurek w ss oriterei t £ p y o Ja ines Fre ed, 41, D lte aum of $13 for services rendered lu 1lnvesîigating tite cause cf lté bm.rning etf s building in 'tbc villaàgb'of majorvill, aht l 113'King tbe smai tf $94 for ex#ra 1 orli ounDtcon. rosit io, frtt iflot 80. 1 On m eig otf1Mr.; 1P arker, 'uith- e ssllee.t- , as, erderet £0 opsy 'onC. Midhel lte 'mmm 5uof $20 for bafanceli of, appropriation .sud extra work on4thé Brock road W lte 141t cou. 9Tic cuncil ndjourued until Saturdsy, lb. lOtitday et Ma'nuit, uten o'clock, 1a. m. Thon 10 meel ausacourt ot revasio.lt anittor clber business. vasa l a t -Psiiwnrrausa 1etS by utome Th ise il en ver do s NEW AM 'COIT t a i MID ofn, fll.

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