Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1868, p. 3

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r hician Who neuv #nt[ lite wlth hç+ llty lsw i.day- Dils, cor olive-brançbei, le-, witbot wbhic »no plpte bide eut« 'e ait nt nallilnfn ad-' Part lii thé Ofili $er- ofemtiis' ry auea Wlsl$by, April 90, gimino aluy kiasd asureely' i$lah gt lest wo p'aqit. OOQTHING SVYRUPI FOB CIIILDUE5N TIrMIUUW peatly faqIWt.e tihe pWroaf tetingb #Giton ilg theguiha, re4ielîa asimit a~:on- wiliIalli Ay M.u11,4[Xpal basailodiloaion ansd Dopeti up J#, motiaeri i i yU*niles 'et ta We kg0e put op au d i tila artlole for halo iète b"nable tovo qtiwrnsmallc £VERIt 11,4dsu'sil À~z>5 MWYmîi<aaEver di *p1<3)45Vsa n 1îtaiise o nUs li j sg uiter ,WIUAT WjtlUi£Nuw' il f ar !apelotie,iud picâge or re- petIpItth glltaient. oc ilsha belr alieare , p~~t,,eryloisatu wwe ,tihe litisit leu aautqw r <om éaismis o e*itaauitoi, jllfiwi~ll A q4wd ils grumu or twouusysas- tsurisIgle' 'P uuu inssti.tc lài oc thei. csi4de wssppe*rô sciai by >,oggaithhrosglsouit théeworld. PRIVE--On 1Ir b lelàta*p iù ouie, OY7Ki$i.-5ISbsiiu uoe. ewTôofk, 20 BJiigh ulbçr», 4ston u~ ,ial41Mli. THETNUPT EXé%tPPXlPep PILU RAVE lbeuuppiia msd Sa bave brun u*liuaainl by tise puitid. r. Meiosi 9' Iwo gruaid qmu. are potsisaf ast 'ajo te. "le os m of >!mud"ti6ia. osp, Cote go i DL .maiail'mte i 0 là an bur »ha soisgrp..tIq .00t<a $sable 'l'bey cris aa lgoraa ppesMt. usai vrr !Puadngiy qlreqibo eo is"dOd<las.s, TIay sosmethe tiroir, dusloanhe hea4, sud 4y,* iii. revu h. (rum os ocro(aIliu d5*4»s. musreotiit io 4u5s6s au sopecallaio(&t@seMaie.,Turne, Acaeh Cu.re ail aliebr.iii,14 yula (or DOTDm, bidl#t Chi"sihuOsdait sbrasleue cis ie abu MAGOIBL'8 11SALVE urne o1 J. mqgie ~M. JD. Tisegaaisaelbaé tise M su arsuasuà whiste pcwdar. gol i y ilongr timptu & t!, KUalrual muai Lv. ]PAIN KILLERI- Ais exteroaland i nternai reseciy for the cure CRAJI VAeN M theb. TOUACH, Brii,ssane ausd $8.14, Spraii'u, ilwelliag îeuahii .~ .uian i boe rhost, Uurdote Cosol4uCougbm, *P. Uitc» wW Si," lsem euw . 0Bewr.e ofiolltateMel#*Id ;q$J PEUT UpAv»8 $ON, NEW DVMUEEEtmS atl y" tle idVA---P - >Iil - Il48. BILLLkRD) TABLES F R .SALÎ( bine or bothwill W odt omst Pnrsiia.et 4ro pre.a4 rtlser particulrsr, apply ta tlis propplri.t:s. oeliu I1iOLYKTACT 0.*W 84. J» the ost. fBCIAD1BIE f TL tisat bau laois t 0ein aaaignment or' him. estatl asidre#ieote)@, sthe uarder*igneti A. ilkli.., ou& they aie requlred te timisia lne, *ltrii tw e aostis, hrom lii date, wlth tiacîlr Wallaiî pUe Iasd f 111-suu l.hey lielt. If tbejac l'the ehle tiitedunder ostis wlt i tIse vbtbhevmin support 0f a»tubs splu. - litS tWit -by,-tls a fnidy ot April, (IhISCIÂL Auaiîeaxz, CARD 0F llHANKS., ANCit o A~<CAlN oos,,for tih Arom t phymAat eusN m !$200 o le.staslncd lY the <ictruction rof's ou. Ausa wocalàaiegl hy fir, ou ',the IIth Lb. bat. Cuiss or' lire- uakucwa. lin-17* -JOABELlLA Dow# O T1 TIAT TUB COURT OF lIEVISION' For * t.ieTOiWNSHIP 0F PlCgB1týitG wil QWM iýo #rot svaes4ng la hetoise e*Hall, lirosglaenn, ous eýtt*day loth of Nay, Next, Àt thse beL.? dtbrn tiloek, A. ni. Towussss' Cszz. 1'iekering, April 28, 1848. în1 Fr t og a o e x c ell n o m p it o "b th eet, I n t h e whci pm tpacuocsi ud wby Mr, iongalI, WhIis " te IbotIlilitthat coula b. rW usrlsudls b1llntitc Ofaîqe whc n4tlit wv»uil a sit:60ce . Aiim prpqujble buulai. B Ent1no4acate Aprly te, viztby, Àpril lids 88. sin-17 N OôU V 41 i IetEBY PIîVg JlOff TTi1 COIJIIT -op REVISIN, W tiîe 4,5»06"«fid" w fthe Untë ToýW- MARA ANI) RAMAI P/iD lie isalimuCUDD&UWIPOIOTIZti Mars, on Saturday, 23i& b.Kù Est gi "tbtlSG -3U1ortgge ,Sale. 1199 îlIlie asold pprmist to y-oer or ul ile s -sl ie l IN TRE V~f a> IL~LAGE 0F O$IL4WA iiipORTAIIO ,ýN au QI? ~T4P~ PANCY ce e fu 'ù àelecw In1»the beat Mar- kets. Prom Our long, experioncoia business,4 and thse extra fhcilities we Pose.., ve are cnabled te offer yorz pwg.,1oolaSd, oà libère1 té#i f1tvorab1ý ;iilh tiie bw tbonui 4 tbo tradé* DUR DEZP4RWMJeNT;, ionible goods of tise *ehibh. OtTft MA NTorLC AND Dress M-akingl DE!'ÂRTRENTe -7 o lar THE î]WQUERELÉ 'fl BIISS VITERILS NOTED CIPTOtNOSTORE Good FancyDIesses for01 25. Superi0r Cam'Jet D-t'sses 'or ï i50.: TheNwGrhiePpi D r iom 2O. Splecindid A~rmrt e aeil for Proinéniade Suits. froili $2 ýto $4, Q0, the guit. e Do-n't ,fail to see tbtjsc Goods, as they are writhout e:icepffhn the bHEAPESý eever offerbd in Wiltby. 1t-4.Wilkinson'eBlock, B'roil-sî. Whitby. FOR -I1,E SNIING ,TR bEI A*~ âtid Beautifed Stock ý8tj3éf d ànè ooos, In ail the newesé patteiaè', and Ëhoiest cÏolors, Comiplete incevery depailiiieit1 tp bzop tb wt$tof my patrons. *d jQ 1NJ i. FkESISUPPLY 0F FEU) & GARIDEN TOOLS, Âpd A jarge Stock of NEW FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. 13» Hardwari ~Pairitgj OiIsoidWin4ow Tho 1kr Brcst ~th<~L~ Under thé supéýitýtegdgnee of tj AJi Wt$IV; Groceries, kept constantly on hand. ~swmoked wth GOOde sited to thse nfflt çarefipj mîdentutat#o, and at Pimiie.otnmmtbe time& THE OLOTHIN G De~ar~iué, udelt thésuperin. ~l~~o~tMF. MfltL, do long and 'iàtiaas C té er, vtly Mcd irith Moe' maIlru clothibg. made on tise preWmme.. AuMlord.it ~uA Lsrgp 5tgçk j49 ,Pà4ýed, .mouE MDLiE And Furzslubl4 6;àoÈ $àdi, ONTARIO BAN K. Y. evqeg tst àIMildond ef tii#aa e ur'Itre ust îîth , t;é smwilll b. payable mStle I3nk;ati ti bkrs.lso asd ùaf Xo4y, 1.t of 3ie no, Thse tipai à d~rmwil b."dloacithe ~Ii ioh$p thseéiatOf may, niai -cile taaime <ien -that tis aul ê,rral nseetug eoftihe Sçeckhaderi, fer t'.a4 6Ieoflo oftiupeora for tg1 _q opoulsîg vear, .wllb.je belt ut iiiIJuuirrig1'JInae a Bowuuaaenvhle, <ns The chair tà b.i e oL w lveowlk Daosn, NOTARLY PUBLIC* WLltty, Apri 6lulIis,4. LIVÈ~Y!! of Cýhoi-ce Fa Mly -a l, fsr .8m~zi hip4ze-Z 4~!1 Ltt9, 3à~ 1WLY IItPORTED e.nt ,synJ.gau, ilot o! Mpýx4lD Selectaicarofnuiiy by bumoei vhh eli.on saite IrT Ve! "dgipriLeff# asu dane Ilapin, x steli a w«r 'uDnud"Strftt5 Whitby Wtb pl , ; , '.1- " A8FPsW$, V mae n r CO c for bire plibh I NeaiS 11 $10 < C 2. 00 * Iaf, Joue 6 90 hO t tclJiv ' iq1i~s, s. Black C~bbýurg, Thel$it Cloth, Lustrez VitWn'a iCdrçb, ?ara ta and Frene R ~erinQ. Hatý,Cap,"N' ie, S"Braces, in geat varipey. Special ut don iainvited te our large stqeJ of Byoad Clotho, Enghsh,,8Sotch anai diaui l]ieds, ail of wbich arc ofere4 sveryrtbW PIIIOEW$ POP.,CA (j1ohing Ilade to rdE On ~ ~ tVp d e#hrtth '~e m >Fsionable. Styles. O~RMJ4i1 ERY SHOW ROOMS -WILL BE OPENON ,THIE lt O1 MÂ,Y.&N-EXT. - When a splendId nssortriieofNovelties Will b exbibie4 gm"' Aise-.bh 1ii~nd a comp lete assortmeat of -Fresh.il y Groçiries, Wlneg 'âhdLiquos, ield and f'Gûden'Seedsa ýWliitby, April 22, 1868. 1-I86"89' H4MILTON & Çog. 1868. flEG to -.nnounce the arrivai of their Sp.ring Stpek. Haying Dbeen pnrchased in the BRITISH. Markets, by Mr.,, Robert Caunpbeil, duig the late deprçssion in price, - bey w11149 b~ ile teo fer tbe IU&gest as el as tuie gUHEPE;TSTOC IN-TUE CQUNTY 0F ONTARIO. They dré pba tetQ otefloig-lc u o. ored. -Silkf5, Real Irish Poplins, Empres loth, Fancy Dresses, Mus1iý,. te., -Shawls, Black Lace, ,Plàan mb, tnd Fanbcy Coloredi Hbsiery, G39oye, Iibbpns0, Liç4,oltsb4C~f~Cré Arei# opeénuud, vith a Iaathetbk of Trimiped J3onneti bd gatý, Ilowers; Fèthersti Mantles, &c., in l ithe ne* Ilstyles, C6ýttons, CoxutrpaSeLaeand, mh<lin çÇurai 8, Tî6g, Toweilipg, Curpçto, Dj 4 c. Coh, wed Gmx ros Mens' Hats, Ties, Braces, &c., gnd Re'ady -M adt CIoithtng, f-ie a~~ nd Boys' dCt, Pant' nd Vests.. to orderin bée litest st> les Clothii"'Mad up Croçe ries, OIs'ware, Ç'rockery, Garden and Field See'ds &é. A ~li eet4 soliéited - WhkJýy and Maszcbcster, APril15, i860.,i4 I - Whe~sWd>. 1ç OF-02TA oiO, -- X17 p- N5i'i6 ohen tbe riea1 wii be sarttedt i the ohciuceaalcômýire-oI, vizs FIRSTClAU pMEN. rIBUTFREIZE, $100-Bylb. Rois. tiO lSIpeer sud rnsusberu 11 thse Hontse of BEÇOND PURU,, P Yythébembwi ofI othseCommobs ad LotaILeglatnse fr Forths anal 6ontis (Ftroiî.. TBiR~sHUlZ~,PG hr4Jlow by Mao add~dhsltby, w *¶ Ut- rille-0lO caa1s". Fitt rI~, SO- SedDrll by 1i tln, o tu5ssa Seconti Prize, $U î4 lPair 6!JIssro7,OWâ, Waltera s n4déridyjAicresI1 wL $20 afd.d, by the municipal eusnie lors of ',Am sd West Whithy., :Pusfoectred by Meurg. W41999-g a4Cew- an, Osh&av. Poiurtis Prize, 012-A 9Bprfn -b8a5s4fi sy J. Dasu, otBirooklias.*, PArait Pirix., S20-By tise non. John nsim, >son. Thîrd Pzes $8Casi.i; 8WCONý.CL4U BOýYx TAES ov' - i ' "byý ND , 'l Second PrIÉe«-4ý C"h"l ,bW. H. Bslnpgo 'Wlatby. Tirurd Fri:e, 50-AJrIdJe anti Martingale, Poipî is? ge8A rdie andhbiI pi.byJLIiIWiitbuy.', 1p1b Pra9e, ýA vrhiRul ,.Koddie, Dussortsm-daire. IL 8nitis. C. Day.., W. k~rr, Je.. Atisinson, Aie:.Y MaLnzie, Jie Firat-cIvan. openitteailf Teemn. ber» or tiseWbitby, andti JAM, it ISy Union* trun e.- teai cxc.ptliké only p»lehiisre*hosetoôk1< 45e Sit or gMon l'rite à* lirat boIam M0n4or Suit AsUecoasi-ui.sg mineis aeithrsr Provincial or County- Plowlo ,matches.-4 xPtvsno-'i.mbevî Ïsd i ti sourenf N<on- mombeà ta psy the tm ef $1. Fira su aee»d dp.x hoyue.-UOon te aU anti ne entrante lie re-qureti. - .luë,wtob=çonPulsteth ts ee t fenortee» bonru te an ar.plowing te bp flot li 04tisau àiS biaise ep. - 1db nsisraneo! hindling!rliWWod after tis TliM.tstq - c 4wa on tlse gronndstaie o'uok .11 Icwing te commenc et 1 0 Al entries to e e wti itis tboSecretary1 on oi before the bth vf MaZ if by letter, (proS pti)WIiS, . 'W b, . JON15' 15Bsaa1 rWB~ L [A MRN 61 NEX-T

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