IL F. LOG~IKAET, MAssais. Ib8JOIkIIiongooawi0. yA1 ~%,ssvIm4 rumcourt C. A#A tM Tootom, julyI80,101f. ' ~0 DITY 190BW # ATTULM£YFOIS ON- tal3 aVV1bteT andiMou'o-w is'ysfuSsrotu ..Eyro-a1,,fWhtby.Ou 3@BNK 3.- CSO W *o. IrbItSV, C j> iatela atOiamBeros-J oto-th.. sToro'qlo. , , 'Bi eim eien" Uusom.2~Ixtdo S.Ske Itor 9 0( X. à J. Vinipbotl, Break mi*, WhilSbr Qat. Wlstthy, NQv. 16, 1861. 44 ,S. B. FAIIRBANKS. S 0tICITQM NOTÂIIF PUBLIC#,&o.,ho. W. 11, 1BILJLINGU, <3L htmbersl, IW:Ou. Dsor sonmîkof the seolctty Ofll..M A"flUNKY AT LAW, BOLICII'OEIt Jhanedery~Jneaer iesuu rocI4 (J ilH. J. iACDoNieLl. p bARUISTEU & hArtOUSEY-AT-LAW, Stiwétor CatyC unUitoe, Notary J.JAE ajigEBWOOui, ~ TOINMXAII-LW.SOLICITOR Ml Noucr KSr7 Pubie Vonvo7ancer, kogty iffce.onBrook JAN Un LAtO, A"09<)ZY.,AT4.AW, SULICITOLE IN fjhaeery' h., ho, ho CtClfÀNE &COCHRIANES. T>AUILiTSI$,ATTORNEYS6, tCNVEY- .L> aueri sud IfotAries plltc, &0, ho, 1>5w. ,.sar-Urvoa- ppualte Town 0 I ooxaaw%, Lii. B., f W6 M. coominà mrs. 'I3AA l'ery, 05h Ucember, 180. 81 At * Ylc FFJ-Neott door *0 th« ê Illtru' OfiioW*mtby.41 iy 15',44,Ciurok_ Sîrsel, Torot.. .Me LYMIAN 91NUà L»ISI, L L B-, latihsTiCiL AT LA~W, toitor fisan- 40 o 0-EGEUN TO TiltCOUNTY GUOL, sByron Street, Wb1tby- 4 * 15,W. FERiSIEIIIM. 0. si 'Om oz Iocu-0 to 10A. M., sudnt o 5 DR. PAKE. WIHITBY. Dué. iolsamNo, Din. Tucîtuuit, PaM. Ilnvmni, DE, AXltais.,(fur $urgecry.) Atit o( Toronto# 2 I<uwaea.-utîolionie4, Byron Stroct. THONAS 4HUSTON, ATINNà BOSWELL, l<tmîg Streut, 8 doora £ast of Street, Torouta. 4 bAiLir? sixTiI DIVISIO>N COURT.- ,b>LIUIÇNSED ÂUOTIVUSEZlll. Addreu- @avortoni. 40-17 YiCTOR-IA H fELb , JOHN eODiNSon'S U RDESING. AND 8SHAVING 13110K JA., WRITBY. tir on r usBave or Murna.. ONTARZO HOTEL.' 0. IDAWES -- -PlOPRIETOR. Slion to th#e ro.ieluots -of tratelfr4 sud di i r$sea u e it , i i elvayalit St«"d.t A llo htel, ?Mt mérites Ssbaie ' I 9-04, tbegsieaoune $0 se 1. li oliw4udl4mls fthe.Isei sudi ffIijrodo-ee*ea 1 ûr4i I1QtTeW*d*.lSWevrk, wftb desp.toh. tba,3k51fr h t as tve Ito ý returu- >iewre tusfrput toyavv,' W sia01c@ii STREET, oi;HAWA. A7ifOh,lu, toi) itt4detbrtnatibe the betoft'ayIe.Thi psnlmuorep eaauly tasted,0 oppoito t l'eso thO nSe TiwLIiayUinUnsulilat the Ute,ad Ch, otages for Ulhîldge aud Beav#rton cave theokr irryîonig.DonidOl petisu'. E botutit.1,1ri O PpE RonsabSON band.,4, WA RineS.kilreo lbefflterma. Whitby,yob. ath, 18. Irofla lDru#'Store. RýALEIS t» Dra, 'atent ModieIçesi 1-Wlne and Lquors of the beat qnalt:y '16for Mdtal pirpoisea. florit IfCaille à fdicinaalayu onkand Bîooklln, C. W., 1I6bop 28 (Orcaé 11SolsW£lc,4,Wld4i.) noitise oialed namibor o! piplîs. ApWleaSlon te b.tnmade et lihe Office of Johmn L.atsis, Surgeon Dontiat, DytfreJanusa lIyrno'a Modioillll, Brook St. W iîtby. (LAT£ ?LATT',) NELSO#N ST. TORONTIQt NIjETIS 0OFRING ST. TIEporietorsm respettnlly announices te tbi iedut a tiiance, as wel ns near homoe, $haltlsey bave Saken She sbss-vrronmsoo wîîîcîm su, In ovey reapect convem,îeiit &auJ cortfoitabiy *Ucd up for the seeoodatloi of g fuessd tho traviîlngpnkilk. Tlîcy *111 bot osud ln constant parnonsi aSendance, mmd wit IAv lereiotlimsg umidemmo on their prt,to'sive sattasctton So 011- Wiî seMY fayot ttsous witlma e411. 86 STAG*E H OUSBE' NAXILLOA. 18SÂAO FENTON JOZT Wnenndliqol- sperior . Bj pSWieredi oi:ul oeobm 0O 0 MISIOF MER CHAM ixetY1IÀNCE, à h GENiERAà L'AOFT. -Wlmltty, janm,, 15h 1866. 2 REVERE -ROUS£# B. PLANE, -- - & trpee. fftaga. te And <rom Wlithy bail dulilg Every attention paid 10 gueta. Carre!»! *cdAatten- tive caSIers. 9 CLARK &k VICICERY, -Proprietors. Bog Mousrepocltuuty te inforni helimhébi, Cnt* ot Sthe tL omuty or Untsle, tkiat they hiara lasead tkia abova proin"l.aéley ocooiped by gatidy llerrlo, IiihschSiey bsave nowtr'iisk1 i. cst mutAronurated, and thcoy aret Fepsrot swcoimnodste tii, trareiblqr, puihuo. Tiie Ber atookcd wltlm Slo boat liquam n ent cgers, esud sa nontvoostier always ln ettendeice. propîtetors V/ARS 9tc EVLIN-0 R ACTICALADenSi.e, Oshavat $Mr CuI R91joomis, dltectlyoppo. at.~ ltoe rtorUe.-nrn on Wlaooestreeî Siird dobl'nttth o<Chc Ontario Bank. WEXPRESS AGENT, &o., aloo Agent for Actildeit sud ttandard Inauyanos Con. 17 jQueory! Why là it thatt 11cm0ela snob à rtmn for picturas A&T CLARK'8 GALLe , T Itla becune toe-basth, béat a îery lu tli Comnty, sMd ber moi patience aitCbliree tishAi yother "rla lu the Conntysud an - a do-quit. &Asgoo40 ti tc 4gaIy ?Mýft %-anl 1P ý Couhty. W»Tbtf4whates th. malter, soa*d&nt be baokward about oomngfonvrds xViS7 ov. 12,"8?. - 4 II0TIL ê P.REMISES ORSALE. sund veR kmowmi Be- lEmNTRALRoui ?O Splendid noomy stabllîmg, anti drrvlmq,lh, t4uet,wuim eue or 'tvo sces ot land attaoh- -séMoinybe boei éd l.o nbe- ln; Urtstiù. Tkié,r sc vo. IlWfi a 1 >Mo STe oIwill lbe moitia a ln'&I, for An Satlvea businssMA. - ' * WILLIAI(B9OON Ooleber 845W 1isolé- X; ,'O*T.ILOesee.b IRE, uit R0LL3LIRZDIN 1782i, GILLESPIE, MOVYTÂT..Co.,, Aetor LOSby &EEto AplilIsri, 164 agnsfWl&r R]EAD TU1E YoLLOWIIIGe 1Pioros, (3.W., 1880. Sbaraby .aaC1 thal m Zn' hsd a fberfa moeig, »0, muoh eotIia oi;e llh pff, sud laid thé* bomi. quiSe bas. I eoomnceçd ni Donolly'aI'Iadtcr isud iia short tii», It Ourgta "'In" ' elA. itrorgly vec)mnmnd ik Cc in AuDerngfio ptiomi 01 th, akȔ, as I hâvo AenA wleIl ail e. PEAUCI8 OWEN@, Et M.êrost. Tlai ii ~ nrCiy ?Joramr, C.W., 1860. Thi lj t, 'yChat letisaily impset a kettie ollliggtt on ,ny arm, whtiolî took tii. f lcetîn vimti te boue utm-tbure. 1 aiîtercd lthe ImouSerocrntitng ruia »f'or;hrec weeks. 1 tihon applisd Itotnell y.'sslr, 15 et jue ise re u ai.V117 .dîortfiame. à C.('TAIN4!KiNs. go b JAgoIl.tFtIEUÃŽ iz "aJASIF. BTilE 1nDsAVg . ~T.ÀTKIN sus, sud A NÂKKJUBINgiçuk, Uilrs, enud br aiH Dnngglite lu3Stie OQUII5y, Jane lth, 1867. Iiom2 Prof. j. -Pot $nMo. ibmtvlngh4Cnycr xprach cl coltifleit bîtb itngaleto p o aht d . vioncmen& 0f pujl, w o may hplsMcdndor litg tr:iion. I'saîructtoni'giron In thzorommgh Basa, Balr-, cul Compolitin, asi prrticmmisr aeentioîî wili *b. giveri Io thée ultiva&Ion of the vo".. TISIISI :.-hntruction or tii, Piano, si10. tbcory of inueical compogition, "Aa, extra $j5. Whfilby, 8epteanher 25, 1867. os8 Latd!_Landli IUE sbunb«èffka the1liowing liaS 01 0:> FA 1R VA LUATIoNNo -a 8. ~ No. 8, la 2n4 concession of Rempli, 70 «acrsogerod.- 1 E. YNo. 19, InStie arc! conSeesl of Roach No. 20s la CLh loti, l ao n of D01 arliogton, 60 acres lsared. No. S, Inailu"Gi loMMu, 5Usoes ulped. NE. No. 27, la 2d d emason WhIsby, ém lcared. lm0 acres lu Somrvrvlle-500 seras In Baxley. 200 acres tiiLaston-400 &«« In lm enont. Appjy peraoumly, or bu' loUer, posi-paid, t'O WonsD.. Jannlary 8h 88 800E TOOLS & FINDINGS. Pego, Mum e nalle, 5h$1-akalmst aiTas 'iaea W WIOLJSSALE AND RETAIL. ILVAN & OLIVER, 12..iy 114 Yoxcoz Briiemi Towtîro. .Ismenta eanSersù Tmnmui'a mad Poitsia ! h izos Iqiimracacrreai &,uit-,irmigisit eaIumprured érmis.. idigui.isand Amsi'smnyosietriNee. &oTpat., mia im te i-Mesot s. ansd at oweai - BYAN &à OLIVER, Ml-1 importera o<Hardware, Yomge St., Tsmiomto. TO'M ACHINI$t81 ftesl aleu 0aSel quares, Ceune Gougfes, 'Verrier C'iaUpmr, 8ieui coup" e, noisCpr oquael Amos, UiivsmsaISqmare, SI(legîîen.mgLaipers amsilM vWier, Gula FAges amid Teila, Paient Ou#a, Shnift Siset, be., for sale by 12-iy 1 5tTpgeS., Tpor. TrO CABINET, MAKERS Toili eaiCUf'I" Tas 4-' noea, Twiie Cai'weum,1ums' cei' , fl05a, 1 s Ta NFi t "peGs,naoot 5erew.l Cff u ]RYAN 4r OLIVEBP bm.rd uaieim r lruisula ýl otllb liTREET, TOmONTiO, ad o1herCnteIéq,' 'owe F"ddmml. ulsar ; igu, <aluhii, D'einig an"lFa=mi in ielino, et t i cipracos. 7 Teei 4,,JtnouI4,Sr l COMMERCIAL MOTEL, me, o lt . - MtTUAL Cmnnny;ù, bine now an op p1aitoIin osa low ow $houn o* nu,» tonble 1LtuilInb- 1JZAD OFÉFI4b nid 4 Ufry coffi Building# Ilrock titrect, Witby. JO'H4N V. HAM, 1#0'tAI1Y FVBLICa WIdUmy, Apnit 155h l,18, JOHN CARTER, LIOEN8ED AUOTIONEER. ONTAÂIIO, YORK & 1'FEL. f SIà DENcE-Loî s', 551 Cpm, SALES afttudcd on th. shortL ete, and on reasonable tantna. Teruii eau bo mamde s" bills prited et tlii. Chropiioloc kfpr]Mr. Carter. -- i .THE LANCASlHIRE FIRIE AVI) LIPPO INStIRANCE CUMNY. Jting and Chuirek Strmita, Toroncto. SO.DmoA-CLÂax hCo., Oblet Agent* for onCes-jo. t uadcraigmhgr.a<. pleasiro ln in- Tiorningils tionda in Wistby, mantii. Çounty of Untato. tisS ho lisbeceri pti Agent for Cime Aboyao 8,-st cIss Etiglisi cer- pmy, rand Chat Iu Jla propared te recive alîpl- osoé.for riais, and obtafi premulumo on the mootrcaeonablo-terni 3071K AGNEWI, 7 Absic rom s3 &n' h iîwmr. 1m14,Due. 4, 18«,. Omo"~4 ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital,_8400,000. udtie having been appointeil hIAe.5fo tteabovo Ccnpan>', taniîw pefro d uto ItacrtperTty ugimt Lms BY ohn'J *ho incS aorae Sris. Apply te, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-1~nosAgent Wlitb.y REAL ESTÂTE l'OR SAtLE., CONSImtIG 0F PAKAU T.OWN LOTS, lIusée #bd tI Jeo£fathv Lcfa .it»ole lit? Warebonsimg parfme o,, in the TOWN 0F WITITBY. PARCEIL no. l.-Pa-k lot, compistng tiet vatuable bs-mtot o uîd, ioîm a ste (fltdec',eere prope-ti-, iylmg nantis o!tise Granid Truik lliilwity, couts.iug about 18 fmesa, iioneo r les». PAUCEI, No. 2.-Park lot Iyl-ig Sontli o! litilway rtruck, andA hounded un tSfontîs by tise rond lessdtng ta Risllvy Station, containg about OU factes, more on las. PARCEL Ne. 8.-Lot o! land contaiuing about o»e.éind-slm11( acresnmore or ls, stitamç'ton Skie cornes-tr (eRicmond and Front ttretq. PA19CEL Ne. 4.-Lot of lautA conCsirnn about C-vo acres, Imore or longai ated oQm tihe corner o!f1Henry andA Boni *ts-pcia., PARtiEL Nu>. 5.-Lot No. 7, Blockr2 wataida o!fiLiehmond streot ectalnlmg liif-au,.acre, oonvlalokithore,a crmieand , a-tuif aC-mssoy traumaetouao, At presmbt Oc- bcp- y bMr. Ilugl Arnrirong. PARCEL No. O.-Tvo vsiten lots at Wtslt- Z b brbuÉ,lyfg wegt 1 biomsoe.Jas. wIsre 4 C îge'$Wrloosüd 1iiua frontage on tue li mma, al mvn Alil Sueaboya lot, are mcs.t ell7ibl7 aitusted lu excell1ent locatlions for :muuufacuinç, ware- isonstmmg, amnd building prppaos. itin Che aorpom-eton o!,110 conty thei'»b! W hlthy, Oto oft tise baft imai-eté oh Lisie Ontario, In rtew or tise eisray eom-truetiom of tIi. WliSby and lPorStl'enry Railvîsy wlicki vonîd more titan treiia Chein valuse, tlaey £ffOr a de- airbl opotu u fr veuîment te tisee- Aoanatl d np o! tlis etaiatelasen- Muas e eofeeteil. euaay nusiyal Appîtceon for furthen particulers aieIn- formation, to be uade te J. G. MACDONALD, aenc of Commeicoal Bank, Kngston, Or to TIIOS. LAWLER,a Marchent, Wbltby4 WhlStmyo Pcb. loi 1869. 0 ONTABIO Mning ,Co WlO Ia ksF ei' tenlme ie olol Ce~ Caf fo tue V sAi 1TLSTCK ftif Copeyhae itady. n aie Yl r 2w dé5Ow, Viii 1aIo~ee~raaepaal ll e,îe Thtifl l $ 10 " *h q ' wib 800 U 5'kJin shadove AChr.=-dnr Tise. to Mt iprotmo WlîIItllicsteroo c Il1~ 'rnedarl, licpn ait provlnc oIt, nMy moth-Iy seon I feel tisaS tilon vil sret lu ti#land"or t Sie, iaeaflé;' ln tieigions of tie bteét howlc vî tJv iilic, u, nirotbmer Wtiem Ilaelut lire obiord 1a niîromsl limuap S Io ot t ogetisen. Ca wlltke usa*aro o llcasen. TIm6 Cricet on the Oucarth (Fromen ckgp' lsgins klolea. Thme sfi-bearied Bolo I riluif cef ti Jancinae, lote sOc: s deplobealo bei] tbe more tremindou (nom ltf Ipug aul Miresio; <bat sho intit lnl'llibiy bav saeanedthe Baby3 entA <nigimtiaf Lt loto &omehbiug ses-lons (pnolisbly coný-ml lions>, if ber eycs had not enceuntsie Caelb Ptamma, ledig l in btAdaugi1e This spectacle rastorng ber toa ea flo tihe proprlsties,,the stood fer »OMOoic moments tilent, vitb hanspmoath vid, open s sud thsn, pomsing off te the hi on vhieh the Bab eli>la leep, dsmcod il eweind, Salut Vites maunet on th Blout, and et the agaeiltu rhmge, vit be hanfae mmd blisaimoug tha bed ciothia ; fPeSreéIy denlvinglMactic rlia <nom thome extnaordinçry operatlins, "Mà ary tl, siA Berthe. "%Jot asi b msrriags 1M 6,11told hiryon veuld not b# lier, Idem," whspened Calcb. dit bec-A da ma0mb lut aight. BUt lilcisyen," nid tbi itte ca, teiug bIoléteuderly my bot] bandAs, "I dou't cane for wvimet las ay 1 don't bllava thein. Thare ain't muec of<me, b4t tatttle shoold h6eforep t pmeces seonil-than 'd Crust aà utitd aaim, lie pat liaarma about berneemaisut hugged 6cr,s a chilt mighî bae Isnggec oeaf e!lmovn dol. "Berthea coalciu'slayaîi t omia tM mos-uingl' snid Calai. 6"86e vs.afraid I kov9 etoear hee<hehlls ring s an( eoulnltrus t hersaIt te ho so enar to ou thoîn vcdisg deyj. Se vo startodii gond hue, finit came haro. 1 baie liee tbiukiag of vilabaiea Une, said Câel Aft a emoù"ie use; 1"1 bave bas: btanmiug imyel! titi 1 bardly kmmv vimla te do or vhite te <une, for tha distrais a mnA I barsrased lier, sud l'teesoineîi tho conclusion <bat I'd imttar If yen'l te> vîîh mme, Muni, lthe vbUtll ber ilun5 Snuîh. YonllIsy vitb me sthe white 11 ho liqainaA, tremblmngfro eilsalateefoo I don'î mov vbst affet it msy have upo ban; 1 dt ou'î 1ev vb lspe'lol sel mea 1 iotonevthet aboliteîr a s for han pocr father afterwards, Bat t ' heat for hber1ibah hsoatd ha undactived sud I must ba the conaclluences sa desenii' "'Mary," #aiit! 3erths, isvbeaI. yooa hand 1 Ah 1i gene ius iu; haroit ta 1" prs-asinug k le lber lipig vitli e siile, as trving i throngh har arm. 161beant thon: opskimg psefly epipug ihplv lest tmtgit, o!f mb hà b sgaimat yoal thay varo vnong."1 Tho Çarrienes vifs ag illeut. Caleb suaserelot boeha. "Tse> varo vrong," ho sai4. $11 kuswitVIl "crisS Berthe, flrobdiy. 411 SeItAthon: se. 1 aconne to taer a vo-S I Blama b«* ith justice Pt" he presseà tha hand batveen bcr ove nd thme aoft checik agilust ber t. f. kol* j amnk g)So blaS se Shet."1 Ilor fathan vaut on opa alda of- ber, vbits Dot rtunaibail tpon the othan: botA- log ber heuâ. 'i inov yen a0," seiA Bertha1 "bitter; than you Mhisi.Bat nou@ e o'5Il sber. Not evan yen, lather. 'lisr lob motiiug haîf se rosi mmd se tue &bout emes. ha ls. If 1 iotild ho ramiorad te sigit ibis iliktant, aad not A tord vate @poison, 1 beulA choose ber (romn a cnowd M- iltater ri "Berthe, ý auShrt"o nid Caleb, d" have memiîblslg ou ml mind I venst telaI oup Whiteir vsthr.e &arc ione. Hesr me mati> ty 1 baie a confession te malçp te yen, mi "'SA in WsI b, faiii' "I haie vndared frein lime Traîli sud oait mysaîf, rny chutA," seIA (Isel;it ih s pltiablo expresuien lu bis bavildered lac. 'limr ai.vnaéraedfromithe Trtb * Intead -,,me tUrned bhan vedér..sinlo ,fac ÉPvAr 1:104and îepua e bnéil , ,e,ýý &â ý-ýs imdt"taoý tesroUgly, le-ntha," said Dot. "6Yen'll la> se, pre- ilet irl h Éi h'ti v rup & StvePliO 01 br budsas 1< h. ~retattbmasis yon lo-eeldBIf m nh md Tabiutooammy di.abacielorl >Iqbervay ilen 1%dS~im~ e seimuideve hppeo.,îWesmd aèas io'-. I,#ma hePPY littIe won=m, May, Qed bleud asoat <m 'oit flod 4 ýpts ier re Mthope vieels oap imDiraYTou l oci"- tace. À uicirfaar, Berthe., 4u-e siey' wbeeciuIf" Skie vu au inresià sable liftle wolan- "'11e arne1>4h sepe lae tdti',' "pv Çomtmbg vpry fsstI" 'if imat le hiiylliug 10 lme pIroii 01uà 04id icatco, 'dis vith a Ateme ondid, grlmd. H-I- ibu "O i660Iuii e, â ei6êhgo-eomplateiy -hreesiile as luibei lngman . bid mtpmr e yn ud meni De~,Pr" ln Ieimeimd uipc. j6r beart, preseos transporte. Tbare oià er .were may 4#0,frmm't r. Il a vdmtyljisO, amatn ie mramalpg ni dearimg aud tApiious, lioke;ADJ flm , eelà d 'Acillons ceoid, te idh.WpsIt ptagfate, tb. s lie melatis Ohe6 i, ad aiwae. témile wls I avq almItA am 1aseIbave imtiae4 it oe ,aM4 mesmmuc'Sime Bride. . o ..a< i pveF wyMIysJlw . li.l vr'Ionyen rs fe qmlbk le 0md oqt Chas smringe ,Ami d ttiSlmut, of e'motionas in bit asQ by, crid lme Biam qui ~ pl u nl i - fgim Wb 1n lmilld lirffl.t6imeioest Carrier hWti eodc Si Ia4 id a tvsu vliYe5te1 o I9Ii&.Filng, now,'lop'ard. tien, Dot ure ses eclmêd ama.i â *om îur- 414 amy, Berthe, 'whoee Uap Igth" 'mdatecmdoit ber band so stop himp, u anju, "5obb9' dlon fever db tiù 1 Wby pi en.und aeFçla eygeIr*iW Se b efore, dli evrfii*y bourt go fulli, e n b eigr!à tldnm91 it $1et4a0aje lep ' o, no go'Ru9111 bonl iome inu litre desîif u uiaa iepi o' mv iog sIsijlafie isumd' lmon,'$1ii tit o4'*board jeots o1 ml loveIr e 11 vpÈ«j, t4 lie tber ae it ebshangea lIbohe*bld:.1e, 6 1 aît4nn.isva blîmdI ami byIelplee amd alongi" gusSifuet * ýëh &t do ibotter hgm te bais a secret fnem yo, 3o.-a l= lin ffhoedfaha hmgbisliai, mmdpreppreoueives tabmurprisd t hrdyVcra o~.I4d1 s~o rpyl~ offared ne veply bat mmd anytiing. 11 cam9 mIéttd s > sontm 50e.'Csleb vidoed vhat ibis ieint; pçr- utie lstool liis i but vLa T1'1mev ilme bg~ eau but s short tlmi lu ibis eeIviug shrt " P,h spo l a ii., m ta hanb, vhs; vausvritten lanjour facemt yeaI pasion 'of regret, yeIbe h o bekt ont<id*0tais6 dspgmte.flse à a v th »taiselo- bad-men me alking la ime gsilory yritS Hesrth, muheà r4 bà 'il but bar, boien la isimepir,afntred snd distrsed,-tbat Edward;,enA kuevv!>t loti(hbUgLsht ohirp. Neêt 11ilj1 LII Iiihà icrê, tinat, t.aim :u uu saoly breatimb 'u e l igidd gnSlioi' 'rong it ibm; ateorolo vy.It vasse-übntu that le £5lmglr, té avrseî< fl-bfIig. hoI IIIcder Jonohn, coulà ý ber ese hegan tei o;,,d- wmeu thse "'16e> are vimeis lmdcedi" she parited, yen,:thinli ol Pa Prenevml n ' bpoelde im Car- epa ere pnrI e>pocI Litde voman, boy sh a 'sbmê lial it y@ier alil mgfita; %eured belaioerg poIns..AlAd n hIonber them atoppimi Itime Jolie Psoreblhglb -*oonl-6yavcegim bar ým lnç S. be« laShorp tie, <ifou in litre garden gaué f And' %bé, ryornboer lime step luD.<15 ûtas.. But no;.s&ho i@mldo't let bisu. ~au.oulside the door-îhe s4sp 5' , nb, "Do't love Me jet pleame, -JohunI1lfot A bo bard SJie Çrlie"tolco mono u ta ita î-mnd pew fil fer a0:lo-g lime y etf 1 ýhçn i§ de r. pIaaiy seop 1 tue f v a ouots rough Sie attered a art r5of. 4étaeià llsbie 'iment t<li nteui dme tas î 1, a f beri hf tdn a , of the !r pauce boveri g delig l anmd m suntg p ; à e a et us be ac u se I r, m uht e d ay si d ýw aiment ber tather adsoPO l'h es,. eau &yInug mae rubh-snoh b bg,, bmr, and bues bas ie le "Rary," nid tha Blid 1 a eI eedio t ti.roomu4d, m Sng way' , bUri ,*as fea, avi trou Ts"0 d~~~ ~~ wje p Iou s it troll wnl>j, bai laie othe gir, came awasrpiug Seu n ei eve rëtisnoo1on'tbd, Jh in "It 5 lea poon place, Brh epoor apçoîiiem. 'Jéhn vas gdfij 14 make moUler rus# se mmd ber@ inileed. The hong. vili »scareeli $-la ik oven?"11cniod Dot et Chia appaai; but shp 1o,Io MIb~$ tA kaep ountuind entA rein aoher vMater. id"es!" -& gain. *ý,.0 iI hs ta saroughly shieldeiifroi tbe watetr, "HappIlj oenria "tM; lep tod iee ichni 1Wmbeil ef Berthe?'Dot conitipued, iluà a'lor, cdest, "Yete " I ian g i o,, meI qopi»tiqiesdo, .jobtu volce, l"as yopk pogroir ierlubis soolb "Do yen reeollecî lime voice, deen and cati fyo pl ani.,sd a ean old gnose l ese Caleb ? Dld you ever boat lime litre-of! k id halbIs t îhùt sot, "i't o "s es lo Tise Blind Girl, sreatly agita<ed, ros m eo»1 rl'-ed Dot yë ohn, h a so el s mmd.tainmch pisa-. Po »04 led iii.Carrier'& titie aife astie. "IfRny boyey <6 eAn Southm &wri sref mjoumr vays; aud o dnts om e1 "Tmose fîresets tj.g1 I ook sobeh cas .vere alivO"-sad Caleb, trembliug.ltced iu, lb.o Mat respect to bae o le et, ibas cam alfimoit et Mmy vils, sud le i. aliel111 tbiekad Dot, removrag mostA a king So-mortmev,"i li v6 ver0m dearty veOIome le me," sab$e&&id, ber bau'd. (nom lais eyes sud clsppimg t1li.. "H9ooil 1 gelSCîitlb ïà m umauMi inamiliag; f"vhero dithey coma frein? in ecala,, î "loeto ina h 1See vbere tl*e1ir. . - "k"pmios J"9' hb D13 Ion7se atiuid <halbii"la iands Imaore Yeu, ÉIliet» ýêd iiromg I 'Ud vhs I spoke 'etf peoplp lhm w ~eh Yonr ovu dear seul1 tour ewn dca, Iii-- middte-asd and steaif,, John, pà ~jio" Mi "#Who, thon r' log, levimg brolber, Beriha M" test bas va are a hqqà dnua opi, oS' Dot amy shek#a ltuv, sîre and , wu a Ail ionour te the littio artatmrc fer lieron lu n je-trot mort cf tva> !, 'ouly hp-i Id aillnt. The Blin'taGirl spneed ber bande transport# 1 Ail ho pet *0 fberjeir m tA cse m .smbh a itiy liUm < bing. JoImim ýd beforc ber face -agamn, Bat in quite laugte hton i :111tbrb wi5 Ibiih l kas t lii. soauiiies, toi >sal a md e aiothir Uanimen now. en uté b ir'serisu t 411boa«er *0th.etPlay vith Bmby, sud aul sha and â4» ao "bean Mary, a moment. One Moment hortiases ithb ielm ahepeit 1e ms-n ebv. , Moro thîs vey. speair seftly ta ume. YenDIbprnî Il'p.elvî bsdnsreau- 8h.amthat ha vas coanfng d ent sta. id arc trua, I knev. You'tA sot deMe Ivee, htg ir, L ait.vay, sud uover, urms ed h l bm agen. But sho vas _vert iifnb m nov; vould Ion ?,a - - rogy liStleiuoath seideglibpt spirered hlm >5ta500 jeta. an "4NoBerthe, Inieed IJ,' iu is. âaiy, id "t'O'prahLoir, 'te lIts 614t. don't loie i e ér~a'osthen minuta a &NO, I amron sure en vnld ot. Ton lipunding heani 1 or tvfo, if Yen piose, John 1t-Wbat I bae too mah pi, <for me, Mary, flook AutA bener Sa sbo taco le hy vn na eti oIbv et$ h * mros e aroom ta vlaere vs 'vore just moi I-on bprating oVtt ha trap.door n lu tst>My dean, .gooti,'goekbli Joha tt Dov; ta vhere My fatlmer lis l y ather, mtIh tlePlek 0gb, litre a iombresakr, wben vte vatet gikin 1te othen aitt >f go coimpassopate snd laipg *0tpeq-aid d 94 11,0ug i lvauspp tise i- aiment the Cricket, I hait h oue My 'lips, ,Io ntoit mne vWb"tiyn se mbsIopsy ef haiad'got dtAnaimy, ibatai final I dld nos lova loc quité ' il seiass mmdDoit 'h llsrix ood ber for >oy i9aeotearly a 1do nowv; mmd thui . au t w vcli, "an 014 ma tiogstng as chair, sud The carrier, enteriig, ataued bok; sud firet hanor, 1I vas -bai! afraid ý leausen orovfuliy ou thbacir, vlmh bis vait ha migit : to ISud himaelf in *mch îigimtm'1 et fru te lov~ en aeny, biS ui , faite Meuh5 ois hi. band. $Mif 5Id&is chtA oçprsql. b0t04, e gaIlopit nS-, lsycd 1 a sisould comfoit hlm, gbttba." "-iooi lomu " ef Iafdrilbioldmgly, q hsbelngsg ail > oang, John. ,Bai, of "Y«s, yu. 8h. *11t. Go on." " éai habre 1 My ovn boy <nom the Gol- daar John, avery day, sud hour, 1 lovad "g1 " e u upldmmn#veonvith caena do SmahAmoriss1My evu sou 1 film you mure sud more.. Ant i f I conld barS aesd, ion, .Il le a spare, dajacied, ibat yen fitteontu, sud ini ava>yemrself, toved yon bettar Ibsu T1 de, lise gpbte thoaghtmlgnay-haircd tman. 1âgsco hm mthat Ion wva alinch saeh trient! vords 1 beard you may tiia fos-iiiag ýÃn1tA Inov, despoudeut sud bovati dosane siivlug toli' lavib iaime. ,Bot ë a '.-Ai t'bd egaluat notliing. Bat, Berthe, I have The Carrier ailvauced to seige hlm hy effectiop' thet I bail (fiwuvas s ret deai, S seen hlm many dsesabefore; and strlviagthe handA, but, reco*Iliqg, ag 5*0111- fcsmra John,) I gava yoa, ýas yon veildeacnia, 'hantA iin auy voiye fprone grpat sacs-ad lu bis fape awlskueud à relembranca pf long, long aigo, and I bave no more lait tl abject. AndA I bonor bit gray baud, sud the beat IMan Iu the Cent, aaid; ta gire. Nùtv, m!y dean huaband, cake div tl bleu hiqi " "Etivard 1 vas it j'on T'? to yoan ieart *gain 1 Thmas My hoss, 1 The lIaid tiri brou. saafrnm ber; "Nov tell hlm ailt'PI crieS boût. 4Teti John; antA neyer, nover shini of- aenuiaiv e ndA throwing hirsetf upon ber insu iim aIl, Edvard; enA don'î spare me, for me to-any oth*e." liefore i.,,tteck th grçy he a er bar tbiiug ah-ill mélibame sparo mymol! iu bist Ion uoISr îiiiI dêîva somach teligist bbrout . se, er mgà a»' -fromt aaeiug a gtorioma ittie pvonianla the 611t le nmy sighî reslered. It ia myl "ii as die msn, s&&idA Edvrd. arums of a third Party. as Yen vould 1hbaro -sigiiV1',hi erlad. $Il haie beau lilinA, #And coutl Ioyn steel, diaguisd, loto feit if Von hid sets Dut rmsù'inuo-the Car. snd nov my ê>as are opgu. I neyer iaev tha homme of your old frieund ,' rejoineti rie's embraca. It vas ukie'nos: complote hl bm t 'Te thînti ighltbt eadictA, sud tise Carrier. I"Thons vuas a rani boy mumitigeted, uoal-frmaghs ltte piece of p nover tColl seau tise fathor, hbas bubeau once-boy mane yean-la it, Calbl, sfnce a irieqtbbtiba ier. Ionhahtld la in& se govipg >ta me $l"Wuve hird thit 6e vasdesdq, ensd had Wit ùeimrtys. 7he b *OogPirevo*r4fnÇllipç .protéd,,wvs«tboaghtl?-vho noverwvoid Yen May haoue meCrirorsl tiepf have doue <bat." cIsC. o! perfect raptue ; endAyou may ho * "1bre i. DU s galiot figbre on, <bis " IThirswva egenoetr MWof qine, mure Dot vs ikiiaiÃe; mmd rou susu' h eartb,"Il eloaimed the Bind AGirl, holding once; mores ftîer te me l tei à fà lbmd,'ire sima> ail Sera, incluive o! Mi s Sow- hlm la ber smnlrece, ithet I vould lova mald Bvad, i"îho nover veulti bave boy,,vimo erieA. mei.ebpiomsbly _for- Job, go5 dearn, and vouid cbisb go0 féîotcdly, jitcd me. or ski>mmm timimard. Yon 1an&- 'lsIm<i,.oieIndc e »ryougrcharge ils r bsalqo otÉi s let efitorgniesý A i m"ý "4SIea~s aI îlfb> Math -* i r -C' goA j s 1 é 1,1 ,rý