WINI)QWBLINflS. ln de#. oawtlesîrottat iltysua&M.. uru - DOMINON PLQLGDIN MKCll! Ynfadejoto i ld prinipa UtI amh~*.t4~&~oper.1 or ht4i 81bulmade» payâWe t i',amoen. n4 lbndng Orebmaro tUmm thi. len twehte :.ars froqu M A=:l .xâwn hi, th. tit». this by4Jw oali tksefOrt. sihp. GkÈEN. Bm& qs ~he b.D.b.ntaves go mad, B O To E-Two mdPb814"PeuS f@iý *%@eu" é sah, urn this h-iw wj PotwhbnLAd Port pev*y ttelway1 cm to en~ b. by tlw's uWd and 1021q.30otbrf cod t44od,wsver, ibt boi, edoligey of thb.aid1J DhliIUb tth id ltIFray Com. pany, oneshundred thousand dollars WteCapitl.0" eof tb, Bail. *ray c - "yMo7ail bave tfrtbben 1» (b. nthestock book. of*e 4wafjp nmi addition to AU ATHLETIC GA E et 1r ite, ibag b. rmi..4 md leid '0 - ý t! t»pon tb.eiboo l aWblo propety of tNVER (h. patronage of i the the MutdlalpmIf1 is ye* durlng xi Mà "p, nd thé auspie«Wot he Wmt the podj@4 of twenty 7071 ne tI.i Mawue Muiwuiu fitla (bis uyla# ibhaftitK (0fo.e lag tue.«M IDhebt esta4 loWi TYG'MA$JI $T * wUê tltýO». 0k,4 dth.' Tbet thlm hy-4uwsw bdlýtat e t "-'-- *-M".d çt. loto oporaion on thegrât awuu,2t tX 88 day ot Jüly, lb (b. yemr ofour Lord A te tbbA rionltwmlGotbn the- o .a au iib4 huodred end "ý l "nadTOWN 0FwHTY b (h. o *ê1z a e jüne, ple ',Ilop-6t u.ap~!weIg. ~. 3> 3S08 *~ Ime o#l ,, At rce, TournientM. iarolg Vder race, (f(r, .A. D-1808 Xoinnter ouy piuttlng oh. aOWU0,Whee' @,OWi0p ùo ;0, Wat-puil re Nnftb Werwta Me Ãcanico'hall ; J, luloStoAnd çiing. th lo0n!lr@iii.74 tgh.Towo hall, C; muà rntlLis by te Iembers 01 tUe tClUb and lu t@,h ~ubWard, aI tho rame boum e diuu4by JaMes' Ommron,1 CroquetArnlaury, asud 4untL SIy, .94 the> of ElUeiond itrit, where- (. Er«,' *analBill% contaîun (nitherpu m,îuajIbSm~lI weo «A belal, andl ti ulrg i eamoancalaisorti a 4eu Iortiubreb7 appoiotcd ;OUITTEJ&-Z, l >,tel(t.dn ~.,lgOfficer for (te North of the ingtltawa), £'balrmsrin, J. . .LJAMIeoU Va lrg Y Sith, fur' the ceon-l'Wudi41")". 7DDU 'ab Visee- are ,~Ton8W g, p tiIoIu1Ihî4and i Mems. Yrmnr, Soïnervile and ThmsW*IS 01Tw* oeDonove,ffnaLf4.11, (gela A.4Iuýtb Wevlin te g4JJffl5. Ie -hlinlil.te J)i.t6ilit114dl o ay# 5y , Dt , 1n dimao og aIs4.~i 1P, .nb$hot#. (Bignol,) H. T. CHAMiPION, TV1 NOTIZ tbr4ou. beaboya lu a I nopy - of a pVo« bi'~ ,which val h. thAeninto-oomlderat on b thes oÃ"undil of tis muciptility ci (ths TOWN 0F nWBITBY, A6&- que ontb <rom (lis Onit publie- fin thsv.fnf ths Whithy CBbnIOLz 5sppthe atle m.otwhicb Onst publ- *1o ew t. nartenth doy o o 184 4. (bereon, on tho fizth dyof, l, A#.-i ,1888, Atn ,an o ' 0s. &% M tbee tolbowins Y'";' Ir the Iaortli Word ett he *WOPO hall;- Ibrthe soutbW'itd, t le fismo bouse owned by lu., CAmoron, *ut of Richmond l.truttanal whero the la télection wua h.ld., Il Toffli OLmux. WELLINGTON, H0TEL4 à . ~fEhOONa a vopitnre CONCIERTI. tU T1AREPLACC ON MUoZMT a a Uv.. .1Wppl1k. I MD'> pAVE TMU QUEEN J Fores t Ml connanti tose publc, th t atla .pepsr. 40 oocute 1ai cders for QRITIN & HOPPING 2vadynhwe1cwlth deatch 'A fuir B. WE5$TG*Tgé piekerimg, Aprt i l , 4.1-t FA RM FOR 'ESAIEu COEPRIING10 ACZBS. BEfIG thie Eat-hl ol Lot No. $4, la 2nd CongepioD,,of Pickering. 'F OR TeILgol l iterparticuîleraspply E0BnggT -SECKER& Xavz"msrc.Honga, gîeohmon's BAY#. For satlé. O0N ifliESE ANU ONE BUGGY, -pl topLy 154 18 C. M.' KELLER, - Zin-IS FoaýL%4tiCoal!lt4d 1 ijiUE aLEy 6 io.ndrsuwbetq in *Cod %glu, ;b *Pdby,> #.I ,86 . 18 tisa ea,. Ro'oms to-0L.ti lnWi w. are aobr- niped té on e» ý ÇEAP â iOKCASH. EVERY rARTICLE -WAIIRANTED. tvA VPUOLQST NGdne *i h eatn sand ispatch-. Ce sýat e and made m gooQasowm ~' Ù ljEUTAïtbqG otenaed to on the shortet notice.: laie'W.TW Furniitre Wareroo*Ui, Wz 014.'sof GCo :l a eIers Wapted. T MES JOHINSTON begi to clil ,1 0atet t intn ng GOLD -4IND, SILYEIL WATCIS'JEWELLEtY, C1oecksl bo., il of whicli wil be Ã&i he ioWespnes, a.n islbtn' -with eood tquaIity. , WA~CHI, OOOKS 1~WL~L ,;Qaref4ly *epaired. w4iltby, 34y,,4, 1868. 18.Iy 0VÀ ELTJES- 1W m v r NOTED CJ'IEÂ'P TORONTO STORE Goo4 Francy regseg for - $ 5 Suýperior Camiet Dresses for l i 50. ,The NeWVýî, Granite Poplin Dresgs ftotn 2 00. Spiendid, Assortment, New Materials for Promrepade ýSuits. frontî $2 to $4 00, the suit. oj», Donlt (ail to see thege Goods, as they ar whon± ept AhoCEPEST- ever o ffer d in ýWhitby e,'mICKùStON. heF1II CHETU ~WilkigwuisBlook, rock-tWhby Ârrivals, Spriog Goo4s of the Latest Styles, 4t Tweeds.-.E*lngliish, Seotèh and Cgna4ian,.ut CIothï-ng-Ready-made, and 10 Order,.at M. ..C RI S Groceries-'-A New and Large -Afock at X. ~Il. 'COCHRANE&S Dundas- Street, Whitby, Whitby, Msy.4, 18G,$. Notioe of DÙ.olutiozi ef Partne rship =u4,lre mainsIP.tOTS.iiglal. le "a anibiso"u l os14 wua thios dity dfsoltddbT imtis4el Mant. ýAildebta du tot e'ddai mid oOnh.pelt to(liebMèliug pestieilIalmTI, nialdebt. due, b> - e JOHNTIL wu TZLL Wsby, May '#t lt,1Es. Dal iNBQLvEIflACLT, 0? 164L In ii.Surogao Cuitof ii, ý,Cowllty of IOnUtaxlio., mons1 am u buta a, Plito the Jualgeofc the surroge Ct tr ,.ty of oistarlo liai neS1biont ebildrinof th lams John J(eNib, o ho TownshipetBrç*.,edimlr U1.11b, wil tt. "Jon î__ r âtsni Ay,1 lMt iFo8- kAR MdA- O OWL14 8 arcn pop pl R pomoçou , iboed to- offeryou- First'clas« Go 'ot , o iberal(ome favorably witb tùe tfttothoufto, n b t4ËPARTMENT, Undf 'the superinteiidance of Io -fally çà ppied witb the moit fu1i~ ios>able goude of the senson. OUg ANP res alking DPPARTMÉNTI tYnder th~e superintend;aPce of bi .oked wit# Goode suut'd o the Mos ooofnll> studnnt ts&i sna;afd u Prim stg nient thse timeaTRE Departýnent, uncer (lie superin- tendncé i MI. MIL anlong sud ttvorably; known tu -the #ida witb.~ ~~te MeuaïBo.cclinsm on (thoe,"M an. m AU ordena prmptfr~eitd n ol ' fasolgaiahouy là wg A t m~vk J"i eeie Mu&d Purnksbidg Gonds, an immems f s ( w t ' w T: i )* 'ST~ ~*1~AftI I~LUrft~ s ~ 21 LOuM ' T r U '7=dDombulu flo nuglhug MatèIf - ý -,.iu4rýbe aus. é,f, w ti ,Jm In fref'erenlce to an announcement of dissolutiQu of thée copartner- ýâpougae nmeDiiin ?CnA o ifr bsfmnd q nerl~r~Wtu étiictùe~biè Tb:ri4ayý, Xay 2lsto, ýL8OOj is9. t fa1ierin l. Vý6, atti bLDStANà DNos.1, sd 4, ( 1 ftE1IB PÂM 01 rItlS ~ BROO STEETWffT) à h owl ~alway- [Ã"nd rcs4y to htend tdthi '0' f f é>wêmto'mer. A ni'l e tko~ M IL. N O . OÂM PLJ.N 4 the ben au nufactured Farniture. IWeIOSTR AS' USIAL o o1,l b U o. 1 h q)8=i.tNt 9,ifhei -cn'o h ONJERTAKING AND FW ERALS8 UppiD a ertore,. TOW~NSHIP 04 WHITBYi W~Some splendid specîmens of Picture Franies, and.(jj4, CONY0FOtAFO -When the tollbwfntgprizeh b, ea*dçd to flemmbert/wO&Z ta ~thse aëc"lcaalulitfof, -vit: Ffli»-OLABS MEN., Ãœ, E. -MMR T.PI ZE, SiOO-By theHIon. thé Czpamier ' meaib rs 'of thie li s. 1 North and IbOnoit Ontaro;, Bownu & Pttuére>OnjWI, r. !th *8W t rze-*1O Cashb. - iotPr 8-À SSd Dill hFM É n tiai a î W ea t l Third Prige, $23-m-Wsd cfêverymarticle 'ni- * UfaitIiîeJby MUaari- IWL!ing C0w4 mn, lalImws. F it Pze, 0Cash. A.ND UN DEI. , vinat prize, 0ByOlollon, John lp SeodPraze, *10-',jair of TIarows, by Titird Prize, *4. Colh. Fourtis PrIze Oâ-A fi rt- rizo Uor5c ralrim 5 ECON -CLMS liBOTS,45IE'sSD ueod-z - yWa.Tsmusn W, H;. 4lnu 'E be 1g Wo intirnate that'oUr Spring'and Summer Stock i eodns,-cub > . ~ olns nowcopltm~ cmpising the largest, andbeataéýorte Thsrd Prze, $4-A Eridiô ana d tsrtls9aC, Stocl ej ha jve evcl Ã"ffered, hèsa.tnuh ?Ã"er p!ç.e, thn te o- sc~so. ifithprike ý 2ý-i Whp, by- e. KeEdie.' auyDeGoo s,0 emt vadaity.) Grey and WliieCc:tOns. M- sWa, b. :oiW , osdeuaOGorgeot Bla.k Silks, Grey à ana -Whttç 8hoIu. Osoé îe~ ~y Smili cil xd ilks.e-Msr. T. IL »au;tb, C. Daureai BhwtjnW.ges.WAtkinmouj, Ae.cKniJab; .. anc1~'1MnfelS~ -Foxt3. ýw, niB.,iowland. Kainties.Oi MuagrcatardBoc ,tali tsei cnyaîtani 1'aragls. Tmiiiiig. menoispen to Uil czcoptiiig S ouI>' ploasihuen wbo tokl the fi r»t or ascnd p rx. t lu iaaai, or ffroiw u*aeosd-elas Black CqbôUtgieýbit (iloth; tustres itiaÇ~?rm- ~ Zi1î.,lua-ie ta F rend' Meriic. sanonotîace fisereqasaîcti. -offutii Hats; 0a1u, Nec,~~~~tif1s, Braces, li great 'aitiety. §pecial atten-are ownt'beatle bU ~ nt'I3r~d C~ptigiqi8uutcb anal bMiaý- six luches deepè - di!an .vf oc (11q, 0MuarceryLuW ±iIcE$ FOR.C%§I osaltno'rbnlagriwds 't'00A bf Whh eOtc~dsia- a; sot. hffeâtu o ndrewn onisgqUd~Uf' à U& rn- t h o nidW OMssese ut li CIO hltu iet eMde Mr;tbM(~t on (the sho1ftegt notic0, tdu the most Fash!o)gble ,Styles. FIT -~<" QIJIR MIj4JYNEY44»Q 41QQ4., ~ WILL B IE ON THE lot 0F MAY NEXT., Wlien a spleuididîamrtueflt ci Ioïel.iei wiil be exhibited. 0~ ac li idacopeesotmg freth 'amily 'T 4opefies1 Ineq and Liqnors, F'ield sud Garden Beeds. WiIy 4 I p le16.161 E Vh, ~ ~ ho., 0', i - w - - Town CLUB%. Fre~h auril4t 1