Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1868, p. 4

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14tw 5la OO*lAutf b.peil LIFE IN A PILL BOX 1 ons fOINAKY]lot,& D"m0i ON£ lIbsi I. fi AO PMU ONU PILL 4 Il A DSE sdrnOe<OSlei1liM " »Uf 51. iwg om#*b=oVeM me OIS 11hw0(. .f**o ooe ma <e e ëftwiis pl ILIN 00185. M IIflf«e uTsOM Dote t MmW1~I!~ O is. se rII o endolne rtrdh "Y..' lelle or. eonel114 Ai. Dm« salroibus»M neo utile t4AOIZU IIIA2« S L lem I. nu orer.i J, ProYd11ne(BMf:tie*Io 4 0( d old y l puiMs 3$Ote (f O pont oU « y"t U0460 *MMemu« oly4vîuml n Y WileWa dodar/' 0""« eAe oedeU Il. F~Ar'M E R$y tifnesi inOwd e5 ru ne qe i drM» x uudaeà(e.(ts uueoeIslulimiietr#ed * Eoe.& Uogc, Qeber Jeu.US «ontla.-The boxochie ctesIirord ent yr Ysteom 70%es. YOD t ineivage s f= y epuimy (uheW@ileve leur, L., - S. IWe, W CondoelesenTe two ebmo les .!b.d front yen emeveeke 0"beeho OWWbeeoméit Yo vio PW PII5eOfO f W4 Mudof mm etomi tIuFOO ondmlmis,-Jleblu orsdmou bo il Ivbouem « b eym 9 0 M mue o o cmu8tl4.qbt 0 9 ep mcW 1 y 0 60 eftOcomm. VWü ensrd coolie Tb# g routb Le. ff#»»O dow" ^Y , OLImwR *reéoieed l hyd$o*etg ImpusTao,. Ti&iTpeea, hav or.l .toui Imbol appiyoua Oiel i '.wrr¶t ur oi . e(rmPaeo firm TaiM .$ .mbor M du seuo.Ioed ca ; 4M1, MMlsvored do. Ob., very pine 10.4e, fq Juua00d,'t .OUi V#fvyîi me éeueae, dne , noM IiS. '4monda"o *lob IV Md kew'My te MsW=-ldt m, mskgom op., ne antlovw The subocriber desfreto retwnu 4bsk for pea -faoon snd begu 10 soounie. bat b. stc, se*aDly oeMtd by 1 CÂNÂDiAiNI ENILISI éoisttyltanid Pon Iho Nom t UbI ténu;"-, &o t., lmby svb2,18. $i5eoo UN --PR IIOYVS NEW PiXUTOGRAPU G cma9oi7 vw* & smcoi a#mm PrimB conisof Goid aud Silver Watýhi and Jewolry of al hindi; aine SewIng >fsMoý neft> 01 eolni lca Y, OSHAWA Mr P14019 ~ins, Bocbhes oAibumasu ava Lie-ik lkeesestaenin ife sc nds, lu s manuer b en- sureperect.atlfac 3ru 0E" Fe.BINfor rmuer of dWsrIution et pro.- vlttbl presnt, t a à lm pnm sthn mm s$pbotogrs ýphâ bi»efr'tie plc.ý Oshuta Mrai leu1,8 12 M. O'Deovan,' PRAOICLCRÂGMAIR Offers t0 the pub1lc alarge.suottmeut OfOutrsd eib rollbug sested litteli, P"t nt*tcutters$ Coyereâ osrPr vI>eabove-ettmen wIU b. fouind superio anyxtbingmanDu- loteIo kep>-'ik eet DRY &MWÂR JOSEPH A.- BANDELL'S And' select a pair of warin. Overmrhoesý, you will md dieui <sofadl kiud.sud of tue bwstdeoiption, SueriorBuaoOehes In adis'Gen.,Misses' and Child rens BOOTS A SEIOES, of every vait, the establishument ofE the undersigned is unsurpassed by any otber in town. The ,stock is large té select, from, sud le - workmanship ' good, sud lu al Cases WARRANTEt). UEPAIRS AS USUAL tir Hcads Of Feaies will flnd it to tbeir iuterest to eau sud examine. 1Wbitby, Decembor 49 1867. JOSEPH A# BANDELL. -48 . GREAT BARGAINS. IN,. Gre'at Bargains in Bao Hesv Sfti, in, lankcta, r.Flaiineles Great Ilrga 'iiHeavy oulean Great Bargains' in >HIeavy clouds, Hood, Gret- argainu in HeavyGles Mitts, GROCERIES, FR"J'TS,*C Alo a lare ssortment of CROCKERYý, slWays ou band, slof which wifl be sold cbeu, for cauh, at JOHN FARQUJHÀRSON's. ORBIJOF IALL »E5OJtPTIO1N5, 814of, tfbe t 331ke, workmmi~sbp »d qùty, 19e trusti tbàtb y keepiug noue but a good and muitable:ai ,de, ath hioww ie.B beb 4s iinoed *VtiICI.maob. obtafrM-salitabfor &U 0Nà effort will be, spareon, sbis, prt tb do jsic ois catonsii, or Ib118s edirorn togiv. t4mbe m iri>'usts tn. gPriesm rmked ini plainfigues.ACali respectfely sow. IL4., YARNOLDr W. beg to' sunonce tue arrivsl <cf & p«tm fllne a BYSNG STOOK ooit 1ug oh-be <ollowiog lises Roy1.f'o printo, Aikton'siFrintot, Poes' rints, Brdiisto, aoyDregs.Goodui AUl of which will b. offered 25 per esot lmaisthnlait unions priais. The balance ef our Spring Importations vill bhalo baud lit of April, .131.6*oui b. <oued uuuiuallyilarge, sud wili bu eold as the, ver>' lovuas r.uuuurativî T.H.IL IIANCO# Good News for teMlion! $5io0O9WOITII ý0F -GOODS Knmw ailmes bv Lb... premnaIs £581 c aus &d do Seil the £'IEPEST GOODS in the COUNTY of ONTARIO,. sud why? 'Becu", adoptiug tbe cash systere, My motto z. '"SMALL PROFITS&QUÇ MY STOCK 0F FANCY AND RETURNS9 Staple. Dry ',Goods,-ý bu D"w cmplete, sud for bcauty, stylo sud obe"mSpu wct bo sur""ucd lu thûiis ny' ok Çvery large, sand more attractive than usual sud Partiais vZ=g e wlth thrir patronage, vili £ud it ,b their idrantagi botb lu point cf style ad eapnaae.Afit -asiortaet f- OURI(ING 00005 contant> onbsnd, and doue-up In th. abortait notice,. mo, s choie. collecton of BRIDAL EQUIPiMEITO triomad to ordar, lu th. latast style, 1 Dieu Buttons sud Trim- TAILORING DEPARTMENT-Clothing umde to, order on 113 pumio b' irt-clas workmeu, sud au jimn, stok of tbimost raiouable peIsi steniou calIcote a IW"Otf BOOTS'AND SQS nM ns'sd vommes, irls-Mdmises?-, Awd, Oroshoos for d ips~Î.the. ,Giocurias lBard- vote, m. Inpit o; epci;i lnvitedL, a 'Qe',hy.u onlPêeau. b« aii î n 1O90AWA, OCT. U, 551 W. D. MICIIA £bns.' 0f Eq aisé dfraàe Mies "J, Thej e¶irects Silki, Muij; c4 re K-ibbous, Lace, TEE ILLMER R0E Are now opeued, witli a large stock of Trimmed Bopnets and Rata, Flowers, Feathers, Mant!es, As., lil the new styles; Cotton u on4t nes, J.ace sudMuslilu urtainsi !icking, Towelliug, Csrpets, DamsùskaA.,-Clotho, Twee4s, Omberon8, Meéna'asTics, Braces , ., sud, Remuy-iIade EJo01mg 1 g' -to order-jn, Xe Iatest style&' - -Crceie, Cassware, (1 rdend; ie d'oeds, oo Acanlis repecffly Whisby s anciotAri 1808." Ig-y INDI .&CHIA TAO'Y API 5.' LUiT. r HOME DEPOT. LONDON & LIVERPOOLN~ N.23, Hospital St MontrègI. Pure sud exqNUINETBA f "ei4swlfao, .edrt (rom th. Company&s Plantations in Au A 1, :14onsb t]op. of the IiMALAYA&, bliuded with lt.efiuort productu aof CHINA. <Onl>' Tuo Quaitias, riz..--7Oc. or $1 prlb, ilîtherBlack, Grain or Mixid. Fin. Ilousiabold Ta., combiuing Str.ngtb snd Flayo, 10cents pir lb. Fiuext proccrabla....... ........1 dollar per-lb. *' Sold in Packita sund Cmleb> b.Otpan'i Agutu, in-e ves, CltY a8 Townfn Canad. TRFI ADbE' MARK. - AgentfrOha, 1~O13INSON, 1~. o7-~j WÂeé. 0»» tek e=,. to, rock rCt.9 Ar.WblTbys OeCLwA «liT!t tit, Whe< ILY1A B uyCae Pstoe Axi D RI AGRICITLTTIIIA L BOOTS,&81 Tlre ubseilber, bega te returu customer., for thse vei$ibuisl patrons4 buimees for himseil. In order 10 me bu iN1re1mi0Yod 0 ' 1 --

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