Oort cf WbýbiI T brsJsyo Ray 1,1868m. the mlltary satbedltle, sur rue". WUIl h. plemulisturcav, bareseisus4ithse desy *'dtttlIUtidlary dluplay Ire. Sétarday le iIsYlW. sice erta La iistheise bl*@ vilt b goly reeslved by âÃ. 1..tise dill oethtie voliloera .111 bavetise affect o(euereuing 1l al;stve nd sud joylusési W tise delle preeediags. aWitby., isle voleuteere vIlIiparade1 ithablf pt Bine a. m., aetisbe dulil shed, sa afer pettlog tisigsa mrng's drill vili dre tise «aoary f feu.jok. et 12 o'l19aei aeoly. Ample aisuemeit bu-.bien sprovided. for Ste aftereott. Tise Whltby Meehaulos Institult# W Ste Gymuuie clubbhare ar. rsngid, M annoieuued lut week, for a écries ef stibtiogese, laeludig roaniag, Jouple<,aesokréc., fenciépsinlge-sticks, hoai jymoueios. Arebery, Croquet sud, Aunt OsilywilI b. providui for tise soue-~ tent of tise ladies, vise, Il tise vether bc Dose, viii ne doubt gres tie' occaaions -4i * large aumber.. ?is. êbouvene t a ie Kecisules' hall vili eloue tie fwtltitieofet te day. S4visDan'Lîew.We adertand that Lieut. Col. Fairbanks ha. reeeived eider te vara tise officeroanmd mais cf tise Bat- talion, te, b ou Ib. aiet, lu'case tiei services, are aaddeuly requlred, and espe. - ellly that thse arme are lu god order sud lies .pply ai' attioteultion complote. W. bri glad ta loaroSu b& tihis Batitalion, viiai oiféai Ste rra i Bottlions tisai veto lu camp st Tisorold, iu thse aitemu of 1866, tastered lu argest fore, li.(sesfiling op Ita ranki, sud tisat tise period of inaction isis huaéelterveaod, hai not materially1 injared Ite efloieeuy. No doubt sheIld1 s"Geteral" o'QNeiI Malte anoîseî trip1 arOfl tise border, h. viliib. reclived1 la a maunrbefluing bIsis igis tananda1 tise diguity cf is eommaud. . Orsuevs ustvicu Ai -ras CATIIOLI t Cnioao.- fho suely enected building, deiguid a. a place ef wcrabip for car Qatisl ello lbvcitisen#, vii bc na.d for ita iqured prpous for th isAnC Urne- on Bonday Pest. Tise euremouy cf -0 Bleu. loIg" vili W e ouduotcd by Bis. Lordship -tshe 96Isp ot1 ?croittô, *bil1e the sermon Vlit bc prohed by Bisisep Walsh, or %ausieb.. Tise edilee le ahansaouse euel tad Vow deai- Wby Gaadny à ; Langleyo dreisltU f !Toronto, Ticket@ cf ad- Mélacou cati 6e ebtaiued ttse Peut OSe., at o.1Wstore cf i. J. Jehisuson, dOftlUl4 and of Xe. Menphy, teaeher cof se h, 0. eponuto Saool. W. are satlu- lied tistise mon datidu «Il[ be lange, and tise otatistloaac-te day affond a usiterialaid Wta aitrugglbug cagtqatiea lit ite oeeticu of a imitable sisirdhig ilh Will adord a decet utnd thug pla& wiseneimtbeaunonversisp aaording tu thse taitis ef thisufisers. %AD iClSor0V Azsuasa EXCUusuc.- 'Iwe lougsment reidiug iluOa village not ta' béât et fWitby en pîoaura haut, 'en. iisgsd pasige cin à theener beusu fion tisat place to Picton, a fevw oceki go. w -tiü p tw.. h isoa »is i»geeteiog irn S la.ê e m.nee., titiat aSm bulW be &0e...m hi. prfie<s udatlaiDr. - mm Huecviii eotisae la cauge o!tie ton, Berbevo; lac-. vorait, West Wsti>y Jouis Rleisiugbottom, pusl oa; ;«»e Paissa PbrlgsWlilblsîtsAmtrg, BearhrieJoseisPllsy,PiéheifgJas. liasis, 1mut>Witibl e.John a Kenie, "ai Wiiy; Wlliam MoKatîseg, Eu ýWhlîby j Tise&. Ireldà ej MUCWhtb,; H Rouil, aiWbistby;; Anrw Davidsba, Pieksing;Jas. Strueio,Piera;H MeNuIise, Toiseaio»nald Carmicbiss Broek; Jas Benluai, Danliaisgos; WSe. Mublea, Mrisaca 4Gerae liagerman 0 Morkham; ,7ee. Morgan, Msiiham u 000. Marqnis, West_ Whltby William Phipp,. Pickering;~ Areiild MoLema,,Mîrishain; Wm. Vol, Bevmaavills; J. L. Joents Bevusauvillî ; Jas. Waîker, W. Whiistsj - Paris Thompuca, W, Whittiy 1William Wood, -Pickering j Ose. Dodeu., onus Whitby. li"i CLAos sour. John Ceviept lckeringr; W. G. ie Pi. Whisiby; Wms. Ogsvie, W; Wiby, J B.Uoi . Wiitby, John Lamis, Beh Ediand Beisantan Rosehf Wm. Turner, Tiserais'Joba Toîpen,, Pikêlg-;, Tise.' C. Pilisi., Pickerng;î WS. Louis. Eugt Wiitby j BobS. 0. tatii5', E. Wiitby ; - Dis, Scrboro; Alfred Lynde, West Whitby; Wm. Miler, Pickeriug. 2oD eCAsi soT. Jaon Stone, Brook; David Pilisie, Pickering; Wm. Hieiigbttom, Pic'ng; la. LyoeoW, Wbtby ; G. Robis WWis.- And may-tise buti mes vin I 3airloy Greva froinOates la a receat ions of Elibu Ileniti <(bter hue un a. tise Learasi Blackssuitis), b. satlmtIsa ho saw ce tIse farta cf Mr. John Blins, cf Brntiehant, usai st. Ives, cn tise iver Oui, in Engla, a serions natural pienoman, ibicis perisape viii b. regrisi a. a fictionuocf fsîscy by mauy a roador. 1< va. a large field cf harey greva freomcals. Tise grain aui steak vote henrvy aid roady for harvut. Tise ieasudan berry ver@ barley, and the steek -and leaves *voecGai f-ere, esitalul>', va. s mysteiy. Thesa bsiiey sein oI fieId vwstise Ouit bores olspncl cfsats. Tise isole prou» by viiai Cia veander- fol transformaation vu vrmugst *&s ispl <hli, sud aetblug more :-Tb. caca ara nou about thu but veek luinn.» sd beforse miag loto esr, tisey are est devis vitbsian laicis and à s hait cf tisgrenai. This eperatica lla repaatedl a second time. ':ty. are tisea alloei <c stand Creuis tise Wiater, ausd hu fllovig ugsmca tisa prodmat la barI4. Thu p"astloleit elim. la Cie: ct t e trie of tise banla>' Chasprcmed laestoaten sud iauds more ereat, and, tiscioe, lueslbe te ho bosten deva by huavy iii on vain;j beaîdes, tise netattrai isiedi ti hatq in more valsabte a. touder for lire aton! Chun tise natul bsrbey aIrair. Hors ln a uet for car agricuhnnral friend' te caseS1ITiso lus.etof tise esperiaeut appeari te prove hu existence cf a pria.. oili onlaw i islerto uudisoovrrd visicis ufay he upplied tc many kindu cf plants for thse un ie a and P beuà t.Tisr. in no redsta why, if certtain grains by resson cf aegleet, Otanfaticu, or blgit degosoîste untc cisea (sud la titis perisapu cul>' roeran. iîag te <hboi natiglly *ld state> tisotghttîb Plamnemesthéondr o Ch da; ui iurvaticu uni .xpcriLultutmal nos de- gcai tiSew nait va. u ticstTise1î-------------- - plilanoelloft hu porC latise evealisg fin 6p Viaf#£M eba s...L i....:... alo...- leobepe mb bigber ter=me uS sus>' etees- jgreva- for tise useof min. bont> théeiilomi, nnfonotisaatde, didis't bnp. Gssu» Tsurtaaeos DevooiouArfe Il peu te beuni tisai igbt, a. tisae v a. a Dursisus' Cassg.-Âgrand tempergnstu -demd ias. Tise yenng niisesjcy0ed demenstraion is unuonnesi toe ece ot Ihemielve sa. boat Cey eould, iuid si onll uWedn.dy ts n fJis iPuss aftar ton e'ehcch retirsi te their virtouei re. Bande of maie, me esnn, are en- tôunee th& si mre Slacs nncoüoclcoi la <ho gagai toe euhi#o tise proceediege;-1sud farms of tIse god of sheep. Ounîusing in atidreises b>' seront gontl.msn-Maer4. - the moralng6 se>5tate i su srpris andT. N. Gibbs, M.. ; Dt. McGilîl, )P.P. j - entica, dlaevrd chat tbey marc aeurby A. Mie4b, police maeititit91ofTorenie, ,.tffees miles fîrrcisas frein tIse pert cf p. j. Wilson, Eaq., barrtt Wbitby, destination tissu before tie> lifti home, sud ochus-are promalud. TIse dessous. tise elgist pffilieu-n <mettisa>' v1e cftratien, doebtîsa, iI llpsoiea petit s"c babanton isrbor. Dlognat vas ploessir on tbielirespective miel>' hreis; aid piseiag a dollar bili lu us. bauds of one o! thé meon of tiSe teesa tie>'dred te - ho plseed ee laibedistoly,-On aud- le g o n ferraflud tis>'t made truoks g btgCh rlreaitiais fer boheme t i rIve asutthé Wiitby station metth I ime Wo ee tise Mpies train fnem tise vest cta £eè Fana>'tisir fesiioge 1 Te alk cevaes~ alluad s o o iben is i tisir Jona'e enýt utthoetta.b>' tse marafréin thé 9cM>'pla tem .hietise>'boud jus ut7 é,i 1 CeeuesDotttond' bat despo, vert llsad bl b.tucoei1usud It te repori tisa dse of thé yseg eg »Msaj,"ise: eat uOmo be #eu fr a Plae5r tp où esisour, beli. stSborne," - 3u*Qsuuw 3IVp4*Nil 8025 -4ise toapaNs. (es». )4pa of tuf-h. net.Csit.' muayer tiis moraiisgo bargea vu t eabsins a caS tseprpeuye!J.s ogene.Thse =eai1v41 <Ooud I. pesieof s!thtpriion- er, sa i sfliby Ragera - ie. Bs va. eossmitted fer trial as tise Quarter Tie iitia DIII s"Iiypusaod tise Homo ofetComosolus on satardy lut. KÀfseW UCATUE sME WVigo"%*corA WîsvavBo.-The Oilll&,posteiays - Bmose Lli'ee oki agoa youug inan of tise nause cf gMuai, i fe susonployof the BeUl Ewr o#s l peset bmeing on pcsed <o hae isoisdrovnad. About Ire. dalater <ho uccidout, lhe va. ioui<tiug usai Ltherfiver bente, lu s otate of xhausîcu, he'hariug geL ont of <lue-vuter lu souse vay, visicis he vusun- abis toi expIain's, himni havung beon souosht sfeei b> tise shocit. Wu undertani hho a. eiit1lryoeveréd and gene te nie hQe.user W,$bY.' The youug mian rafere tb, Ioh lets ef bira. Millar, w-iho voues usai h. race- course, lu <is place. Thse Princely lmîi.ier1laid. *Whou ilsispor came In friondiihlp's name, Acrosa the visco csreeriug, And Donmrk's lPearl For innlistait wrvers tering, To evIry Iseart It did ftmrart à Ajoyaa rare.. hril lhng Tho' noiabu sk Sc yto spoak. Tise0 sprit,* mors than wilng, UhcoldBrin i TlisaI înnie'of h.artos eootLEns. à Akindl doit WIl i Ica usee.1 For even la li Brin I Oh i net lu vain, lu Poîrick'. fane, Sbould b. the Installation TIsStuakea à kulgis Of onue bright Attilult a g allant nation; go nlgistlinod4a vu* Eeniuug hev iithé m sit $aro Thse Ioyal este,' As veil s zngbsd'i noies. O)h, oid -Biois1 Tisat houm. of hoarta, sweot Brin!1 Th isa lhtsus doci Wbl bavae se ei For oven lu l Brin i li lltoni'u psge Prom sgo te &go, Wist choéue-vut uaei ne ; Thes toreigu fou Ott nieCitisblema, MIay cme atubasettike us. usa eu DU51DOW a Pane9 W lit sureS>' gin1 A emmling viotory cler W., Oh, eîd Eins i1 Tho isaIlofetheurté,s aot BEns I À gontle desi Wii iii blts niec Fors@voiliu li Brin!1 The Amssoalattoe thé Ottawua Ciiuso e t a soeyas "liv1 O'eilly, wuts hls usual auergy sud pevserence, le st111 doopi>' angsgodinl bis ;ood work et rootuug ont tis eedg ef Feanuu isItahishbave beau aoattenad arneng us, sud isandl>' a day passas but res developuseut ta vnbis patient ne- scoatch.- Man>'ef tiss,,il in, cf course, net prudent te gins e tiste publie aI pre- sent, battea>' ili ui douhit be miade ituevusa. soon ass lcompatible. Yester- day a meet cxtm'oriinary place of eviaiioe turuai np ln regard o Byl, tisepropria-1 tel of t bsheIrlilb cadian,e visoispute beyend question bis conuoctien vils Fallaulsoinud vili renier IL diffloull foi' à ny ose viso -kucs tise fscts o bliers tisaI ha had uoccinplioitT Iu tise cladll asisnaticu of Uti. Nc&ae. TISe eviience lui, bovever, t a snature wviih iL la net ubi expedilaut tepublîmbi dttsai-ines Journal atatés ht h Police Magistia of Torotithttuiutei Chuit teV on Tuexdaj',fo'tishe ptalpose cf aonfal'nug uits M.iRoitii MoDehlad, -Eeg., lenk of tise Pence, In rêferance te a cemmusuish- iS#oat ie istas a. iseu receivai froin he iutbsoiies cf Jackson In tise State di Michigan. It actes Ifit a min le held tisr. for bora. stesliug and rabbbil' and ie elahusa to e W h. veftib 131111 To*Vu. sou, îihsu iapradatiols lns hie pVatcf tise country>Soseasrio ate aie al tnown te oui' vaedas. lie aeme hai# a iis- likt <U. .S tteprisons, sid tusses te > traunferai te Canadis utdor h. 01- triiîton reut>, sud bW triai for eIl'autee coottilWteLre. Wbehîh ,. ili Wtff dut të,e b. rvuseni oracinaothév 0415h11>' prie.rééu!teomains yettb e W",an - 'TvoFreusisoiuonries' bave arrlvoi 1Inis NewYrkt it tbbWnsaid:sud relief for tise A.ruba ls.Mgeila, vise araelt'pre- sntsud bie 4besi-forseins ime, endur. rpeople, narüi woui bars b im dqcéd op the dea lbodies of suimal Cat baver isa of tise plagie. Oui unre hn ssd of ti e .diOd of lUn tamisa, e tse Chsoems-vithp 1li intié, Tise t$utm tà ulanbthehffb ozièýo exé*rtfl iih b rDô ibýo~ls*& a uasivvay ma&s -. e co e ser., reported pregr, a and -leaveýte ait The councl,,reeoWed lti folecern* mltteeb cf Ch. irlola .ou Lthe Auditosýi' e- port.-Mn Draperi;tbgrte chir. The otinmittes rose -and ,reportb tis eport' itisout ameudment,, wblchvasieuesrad, and adopted. ;Mr; Garnide d-tëhut or pis fthe usent lof -thea r oia s *paItare for 1861 be rlut d ft 1at Leslrk q>e e quined to post tisesaine lu, eu oat four comuplotions places ini the town, sudalo toadvrertise iu thoeOlsronie-1.and gazette Chat copies may b. bad on application at bis ofiRce Tise motion afler a short diséussion wus 'l lTo gmtlw i5'PnriIx. Mr. Campbell wvenu tek Lb. liccisse whcemittes wbat bad beau doue vicis thSe batchers' pelition 1 le believed hi* frleisd Goriowu thse proper peracu ta, anaver the.questien. ., Mn. Gerrie sid ho vas not avare or auy salnistivng boon aiton lu tise mat- Théo Mayor sadlieho, lusoîf, vas Lb obairman ofthtie lîcenso coissuitto.. Thse malter ba i nt comae beforo lthe committes asà à ;bt ho assurai tise council, hé meutirng SIL ap st tisa noît conmitteo meeting.. report, visicis rocomînoudai tise paymenC if lise sceounts cf the tevu nevipopers. Thes report vaes laid oern suggestion cf MIr. Campbel,LUIi extmeeting oetChe cuneil. Mrt. Garnie, sacoonici b>' Mr. Milisu sscvei tisI lie Auditer' report sud ah. itrâct ho publishoi la tiseGoautte fuonis weete. Mrt. Drapaer thougis tisa moCion vAs 'mISer a sutîgular on5e. Tise malter vas, n tise bande of tise printifîg commnittee; was uci unian consideratien cf.CbaC coin. uittee; sud h. theught IL iras hatil> fait to interfèes iltisteir ucnk. Mn. Hlcen tisengit tise ropeit abs'uli he publisised iii bolS papotas. lie vaulci te se tisemork equali>' dinliddbelveen the <me priutiug offices. Mr. Gersus-Tso repent bas beau for' a Iong t*n cothlug in# ansd a large nunubar of lise rà tepà jyar» are gi'utnbhuug en se- counu cfil&tsnois.appearaucs. Isebo ouer il Io publisscu!t<eobeller. Mn. Gernie thien oxplaiuci tist ho dii nul vaut Cc Lake tise malter eut cf tis andessiaof tisa printing committos. Mn. Phiolp îaii tt IstChars vasan>' onse <bing cf note unteresltissanenther te ie ralepayers, il vas tise auditors' repont, sud ho tisougist IL shouli hoes vidai>' eh'cubated as 'possibblie vas'*is laver of pnblishing ILin usbotb tiseL7iucsucLE and Gautte. Lait year, ho as , IL vas pubiliscid in bols, aund gave gouttaI satiis- faction; and bo meuh vote for baving Iha report puablished <bis yaar l ise osaisie maunorasuit saune tenune. Mrt. (errie-But, viii tise pritiuel agrea te tise arrangement? Mn. Philp-Wéc cuisroter tise mater <e tise prlntiug commitlee sud tisy a>ouai- Iy fini ont vietiser tise>'viii orneto lit. Draper sId <bat lit. (borda aiseub have boooIntt h.matter hetore o alem saidîh Chu iaIord. Tise prlutqg comn- uslttec ha reportedinufaoer of ,tîbllubung It on tiese re ternas and lni 4t.saine insiuersa stepaer. Mr'. (erri. naptudistai thise athat ho vouli savor oua papar morstisais anothar. lie vouI, alter misat ho bail board, amond is s ution seo'Chat IL vould road tha< "lishe report ha publisisai iu botS nevsapers on saine ternssasd lu sains manier as hast yenr, aud Chat <ho clark post up a detabcu! statemnant un bis offics fur public inspection." The isoîbon vas carriad, TU£ DISiLL OUED. Mn. lIchden vouli si, fer thse! iAorma- tion cf tisa council, if tisa $6265'bai becu recelivai(rom tise goveruiment on lise dri shed. Tise Mayor vas giai Cc sa>'IL ISsubeau recaivail. lit. Piihp id IL mas a malter of cons- gratulation Ce the couancil sud ratopayers of tisa tovu <bat tisamono>'ised beau re- coivad. le thoîsgit, Mr. ilolden dasorved raI pase for tise activit>', sud Cisc uergy h h i dlahyed iu gaîttng the matler settledé * IVLiOLLAN!etTS. Ou motion of Mt. Alun bave was grant. ai lins. Whsite to open a drain acrs Ilyrn ostroat. lin.lclilban preseutai tise petition et <eaaro. Louas & Powell, sauing lave te 'Iîd a veandain l front ci tiseir stno on oct street. Tise potition vas grnntad. >r. Gorrie moed tisI lis. lalcrcY or, au cli voman 66 yeara et uge, ha ra'dtad$5. te asia lier le getîung tcliser erinds lu tise States, Tise uoticli, alter a long discaasion,vras loit, Tis eyi sPait Se would t6eaition te tiewuncIl tisaI12 -'enîgnants-man, vomeansd ehibren-bai beau sont Cc -the <ois on lise Mouds>' nîgit previotis, b>' LIse 'migrint- agent , They-îpre-uitb. cu al s i and-autiser <cm bai >toprovido for thein, liougis tisl a>'issnov geL menS at thâ ' fourndr>'. Beovasafraid ttis h ie agent tnigist ropeat Chie set, sud -tisugisi oomeChii subli bs doue te pravont Che iecurrenéo cfil, viîhcut, tisacorporation fine baig notiffiaib>' Ch. agent. -Mr., Draper vas of opinion tist tise Mayor shouu! iuform Mr. JDoualdun, tise Eïlgratibn. Apptft, hat baneai*sond ne nove izftsdevi Ciii élisevas neîlfie Lliae iiaset ecula b. gaI for thon. " sneloof Jir. Piip tIse ereasurz "vué lnatvuscti top'#à y-. lobatd Dodu blini>' hviusthies ap shauit>'dga 4ie nouul, lbalf-putioevan elocki ri djournesato 00101t-. ho [0u4d luauy port OfS ydneyl; usiner About baf»pa.L eue thse Prince arrivod, In a speclmnter. eLImsusédlstely upcu landing ho vas eoidtieted te tise luncheon thiut, audin companywlth tise Gorrîsor cf is clny, Léady 'lmore sud: uevl. eral otisers, parto cf- some refresis-' msattn. Wors aay vith Sir ýWilliam Mauning (anoid renfient otBSydn*,y) <ctOy a walk aboUit ha groundu. -Au ,hé vent *long ho handai an ebielepete 81v irY. Mfanning, aaying,<thIL tcontairsed a doua. tien te theii. alea Home. Scarcoly 1usd iho inltuhud *pralcung vison a mnen as observed te run quickly acroas le viere ihe vas standing sud tirai witha . revolver at tise fPiue, who im- mediataly fell forvardiyng out "Oh, my God. I ain shot; ml back lu broken." Sir IVu. Maning turne'! hsstily z olni upon hearng tise report of <ha revolver, an Laan t ho minu visebd just tia a ointadI ls i vspon tovards hlmu (Sir . 'Mtnuuuug),hbcstooped te geL out cftish@ lina off itë,a, ndiniidohuug se fcli. Titis ime, however, tho revolver snajîpai. suni whil O'Parrt:ll vwu agais levelliusg his piatol et thse Prince, a gentleman namei Vial, vise isd sitneaedtise whloe occurance, rau up sud pinioned bis arma to bis body, hus chunging tise direction cf tis e epon, wisicb, isuvevýer, axplodod tise bullbt ing a Mr. Tisonne lu tise foot. Afler a while tise police siscceeded iu gettiîsg hold of O'8'nrrell, but net before e hidT been torrubly'sud brutally boston. The people fougist dcsieratelly vils tise police te posss hemRelt'es of his body. th. poor vrotch gotng a dozeis kickts and blowi foer every yard Lb. police progressaod devis te tisa wrhzrf; but ut last, bleoding sud un-zouacieus from h. Injuries ho bail receivcd, haovau couvoyed te Sydney and lod.ged ini Darlinghiiît jolil. Monvhile thse Prince bail beeu rsiaçed from tie grotnd and canviuyod te isis pri, vaté ent. Altisougis vary ve'c rom Ions cf blood ho did net becomo unconscioss. aud noticing <batth. people crewded nroursd tho ent ho deairod a gentleman te assure <hem tisat "ho vas net mach hurt sud voulu bc beotrpresntly."' Au oxamissation cf tise vound, howover. ahoved il te bc a very serious este, aud inedcciin i strange tisatishe ballot, enter, iug vsere It diii, au incis or two tetise riglit cf tise opine, about tho middle cf lise bacit, did net produos instant deatis. Towands oenung ho va. placeil ln a litter auJ taisc by water te, Sydney. Altisough for several diy.se opiysicians vere unable te ettract tise ballot, and lise Prince vas unablo tc lie dcvii, lest IL ahouihd change ite position, no unfaverable symptoma occurrcd, tiser. *aa ne appear- suns of hnsnorrhage, -wlslch vi aisturally tise cliief danger, and Malehasthe ueossary operation vas successfulhy accosuplislsed. Tise dey aflar the pic..nlg Htnry James O'Fsrrell vas arrigned befere a -speciai court iu Darlinghursit jail. A vas'>'fev vitueaacs weoe xaminud, sud <heIn <évi- dence gave the saine accoulît of the affait on thal dotsiled abeve. Tise Suiperinten. dent cf <ho Police teatifici <bat ailer hu lied been tslionu mb cuatody tise prisener bau! mui, "l'y. made a meus cf il4 sud aIl for no good, bust it ca't b hoslpttd nov,"f addung sbcuaty Iam a Fenian;- l've doue my dut>' sud amnnet afrii le die ; andmay Gcd saoe rland." h vas aIse testiflcd hat su addition te tise revel- ver witis viicis lie &bot aitithe Prince. ani visicis va.founi cii Ciscpic-uic. rou ndsoithornixshotinx rervov, tute. Tise wcapen vhicis ho fied 'vas au Ancericsu rCvltet, bearing tise nameaoc Smiths & Waon, Massachsusetts. Aller tisa testimcny bidboon taken tisa prisonor vas Clii <c stand up, saddvwu thon aaked if ho a isnythhhg te su>'. Ho rephicu! vithout hositation, "I have notli. ing te sas>'but.tisaI lise ta cf eicectstuug <ho Duke wss sent eut and! sllotîed le me. le &gain ssid, "Tise t<sktof exedut- ing lise Prince vas sent eut le me, :buît1 falcid, aud amrnont ver>' serry <bat I did fail. This le mli 1 have te say." O'Farrcll stands about five foot ten incises ini beigist, bis hait ia dark brevu in qolor sud rther Chin attise top, and ho weara a net ver>' thick board sud mcus- tacheibIis feuures arc deliosite sud te- tlucd, and bis geueral air la quiet, gauChe. mmnl>'sud self.possossosd. lie bosoms te bo abeut thirty fivo yenrs of eansd s a native cf Dublin, Chougiheoflft Irebaud aI a vcry aarly ago. lie ,egftn lire asà 1storekeeper in llallsnat, but abcut 1800)ho weut home te thiee odcountry, iuteudifng Bis counssi rested tISit deoence vholbT on tise grun of-tise insanit> ef tise pri souar, pud lu support of tise tleory cf in- r&sie>, iss istet f anderalov f bis Balla "ii4deTeý supyp v d hut but- thelb r een a ary iriinker, that h. ha. hat ilu a ' eo f delirium tremeus 1o Cie cor Clie. ocsIlons, sud Chat haenlsud ftM fria forme! eépib osY. I-_ Tisejut' *"brea nt about aMs ous, 1.sud- thon returusi- viti a verdict b p. Thajuige, « ln- tin etno! ofdesti idddrbosadtie prisoeravmfollo'Wbs t-Heurî * la a i srolLtbe Jury have fotunairoc aria asiisr srmirqnsu,,gm P.., o taughtby your ad fateh"av sîlfft, uerf- Ilng sud item is <lie. puriabinent vhicis ail civIlizei ntions susst lufliet apon sucS I a terrible crins as youds. Lot me again exisort >'ea te iake tho bust use etftise shoert dime tIsha'rsunaiu te yo In lulife. ai at, one pl o ie. miîî'sters cf Irelgon vho ina>' villiugiy sniît yeua lu yeur sorrewf( rn4itatlens. it ouI>' ve- 1 sasfor me no« te ptcneuce tiseà sentence cf tise lai for tise crime of visicis you'have beau couiol" Tisa prisoear1 expresaed ne deslre <c usak. seh, but remainsi hrousoat qaie sud pcern-4 A Hzsse .Adf.-On Satutati'lest Ste-- p han kIeil'ernuu, a Itreinan on 'tise 4 Vert Central Rilreid, peiormeis meu ierolo net, by vihsidihesvd tie lie f a& litrte cili vIs bai vils a, conpsnion1 strayei upen tie tract niai tise Arst mile poe cii Green istand, aud huen deoeîi b>' ber langer comnado vison tise l'aui came aleng. Tise litrIe girl est ou tise rail paralyzedi utS foar usaise si atise poisiavous enigins basting devis upen hon, throeoing inxtant dostruction. loffer- nan osv tise chili, sud at tho riait cf his cm 'lite etimbai, ovor tisa englue te tise cov.catciset. aud as tise locemetiris came open tise helplegs.littIe, <bing, h.ieaecbed dovu, suatoisd aicr freinLise trick, ani lifted ber uijute4 upon tise engine. Dauîiziý 'Censsu.s Joxms.-Tise gui- lor t clieHoua. cof Commons la nt open te tise publie. Nd oue bisuas ight te ail tiser, if su>' member cisooscu te observe tisain peane Tt le sufficient te su>', "Mn. SpeakeS, o seetrsr'era,"' andlise>' ara remoede. When Wocincell arose te' apeak tise tiirtecu reporters of tise London Timeq arcse, fabiod their aurma, ani placai <îsir peunc; i- çîeitaticaaol>'belveen Choir <humbis ud lingera, as an Indication Clisi tise>' meuh net. wmite s verd.--ýO'Csunl got ap and! ssii, "Mn. Speaker, 1 observe Ciirteon attangonulis tise gallery," sund tisa> veto rmevred, and hat da>' ne man iu tise Houaeh. inof ubc is siseebisre- portai. 'nThe neil merning, fer lise tint timo,lise London Timeât criciqarter, Oud said, -*If Mn. O'Cennel l lgive op lise quarrai vs vibi"-WVeil ho noveér met hat treatmcusî agahu for ton Te-ora.but «iaisho iseld blis meugler rmeeting un Ireland, 50,000 treng, lise Timua gain fcllcved hlm wuts abuse and ridicule, until utth<listhst meeting visicisho iseli, nt visicis tise flmW're- porter wss presecu sud vas afraid te at- tend thse meetinsg atone, he vent te O'Conueil ut his hotai, ihe kindl>' gave hlm bis broskfssl sud toot hhîu te tise meeting lu his carnage.flIe precurci lsim a table ati eftely conveniee, aud tison ai! i 'Are yaarosi>', Mr. laportor r sud tise repoFrter aiisvdred tisai ho vas. Mn. OCeusnetl tissn turned arosini and aidressai tisa meeting un Irish,. À Ieaniei ProfessesInua 1New Englani .cottage mu aocustomei <o demand cf studonts an excuse whoeverthCs> e o diiatery at nocitation. Tise excuse givan, e ei îbut ics't loLt It hppen -agasus. Une moz'niug saiaris studeut hsappeninsg tCcb bhiui Lime, vas prompt- iy intorrogatea a.tCe .caume, Bligiel>' embarrasod, lie repliai: IlThé if usthInl air, Iliai-au addition te in>' timil>' <hi. morusug. u ni Il vas uct cneniont tu bc her3 sooner." "IlTony wvolt," raplied the Proiesser, ini bis quicli, usrt-ouls snane, "Toery val; but ion't lot iLisappan again t" Tise rasults cf lise Fenian oxplosion aIt Claritenvoîl sre Chus summed up. Six pcraoius kilîcu! outrigist, eloyen ainco desd, eue youug veman lu a madisouse, fifty . ouson prndmsaral> conuuucd, sud tiont>' e f thiaitolîdron doad, uhilo othera are uhoalts>, oeeinoIser Io uew a raviug ;manaie, sud oee huniredani fifly porsona vciuded. An exploit merCis>'of the Bro. 1tiseriseci. population lu Ontiioha. beau (foi'a per.. ici of yaars 41~ per cent; lu Quebe 2j j [n New Brunswick 2j; sud iii Nova $co- lia 2 pot ceint; ami sîmoal axactl> tise saine rate per coul cf isceasse bas tatou plaine i.namber cf rate-payera luntise variotis Provinces. Jas. iIta>', mail'agent ut tise Ilauil. ten station, -vas arreslcu! un hat cit>' ou tho 12th imat., on tisa- charge of rebbing tise maill&.Ha hà i pievioualy borneaa zodcisiactet, and vas eatcaused ver,' bgl yai bis acquaintanoas asau al- vas corniitedfor trial atSÃtiFaiAiz Thse bcd>'of a u'lig-usatunai BoEtb- ,iun, of Shâinonvillcirownei lasC Neaun boi, ws eani lu tisa uater near Beillhe, uti- inigà nalimu la expresaeinluTe. ldutost, thisaarait'of Ba1 11h isfriui tait oiptostiur-oîîs(uhoabidinfo.' matlon agluit hlm) for pafjan>' -Tisé cal y Peciet>h s a anr tninte bslcng te heis theèTyp.grsphiealSOcelity, of uhîcishoavas once PiesMent sesj ,atiave cf Botisud, lei hirbis eu lalui:nCaI Thm'sAv fotemowùn à a Another detabmSflt of Zouaveg (Orfthé papal serice le to bave Montrcal lu a foir rhere are 40,00 workingmnen, colra, !i-érkrN an sd others on a etriko in *igland. 1The' Britiali uubjectu rocued (from King flleiodorecest -uasly isusillkrn sterling lt lais od It L.th Prince of Welles wil viait Ceustintineple là b.era loi WARREN-Tii Osisawa, ou the 7th I nst, the wile of w. W"re, jr., &q.9 of a son. WILCOL.-At Whitby, o ï lait., li.aairiWilCex, cfaà oua STOWÂRiT.-Ât ýWhitbyr, ou tise Ti mus., tise fcM.LbaSeatfa son. HltBAfD- SQUYLeil.- By the' Lov. J. Boeuîh, ounteStista., Mr. Geo., ffubbard, cf Dar!iugsou, so Bilan,> eIdest dauglnier o f Mr. W.. Squelchy cf Cai- irigisi. (No Carda). BILLINGS.-Âs Whlti, bu tise :0h unst., Mary Jan#, eldest dà tigbstr- of W 11, Diings, Jlq, Solicitor, aged 9 y eart sud 7 monthe. .Thé funeral wil toks plm* n oPfridai naît, at 2 o'cok o h eSi. George& Cerne. try, O hawa. 1 011E-At Mfadoc, on the 32th flnst., Catbarine Martha Sfpandon, the beboved wile of Wut. Çoe, agcd 88 Yearu. HUBBÂRD.-In thse towueisip of But Whitby, ou te.lot lina, Peuuy, thse b.- loied vi(s cf M. George Mubbard. Whttby Marxgeto.b '7h. Inarkots are atIll 4ery dulli uograin cf suy klud, aotrcely, ooîntlg in.- Toie prica..tara romfinal. rom, are qnotcd at 80 a 85 centas Data, 60 a55 cent.; ptots, 50 cento. - NEW ÂDVERTISEMKENTS. '&Kennedy la Dickens In 5ongo«99 SPIrsIl or hs ot MECHJANIOS'HALL, FOR ONE NIONT ONLVYé NINDAY, JUNE iat, 1868. KENNEDY'S c>- Scottish Entertainments! As difbu bof are au n inu audience lui Stoin» way Hall, INew York. Dotnmisoli g, 'lu' sinPiréoçldo."e Fîanwife's soII Clim r Ilerrisibi Proverbial aong"liks blinde 61 fltata.4 - Hlighland 60118 "Allioter EnAlhtolaer.ti lriai aong "liavoureen Dccliii,.." 0 utiasw'a long "Tis te <Sragor'o Qatlieriug, Ildaiorotis *ons 4"The LairJ oW Cokpen."1 EnUehh'se ang " 1Tis Dath of Nesui. P20atioeong "Auld Robin Gray." Deaeripiive ong I"Lord Uliia'a I>,gts. dacobite îoîgas "Te women ire a gaon wnd. 66Wn.'s me for Prine Charli Pattlotio gong "hootu. *IIi hae wr Wallace Finale. God save the 4ueeetr PIANlO FoitTE:, Miss iciqENUt. Ticet.siay a otaned nt thoDbook.tôres sud.1 lsooor DoraopeunIT, Verfornnînco at-S c'cb-ê r M E ETING rfEA UAL MEETING'ot4bo unembOrs .LoTiE &NOuv*é A BUie Fuxs'> rut Otu- ttueCoxrè'v wll l ehe ld, at CthcTOW14 HALL, la th. T'OWN 0F - WHL.TBY Satnrday, 2th of tmne, 18a8, AT 2 OCLOCt, P. . #or1 ti rpoePf rvnclngthe RIeport cf Che , M e t r sdr ct ie é le c tio n f D r co s fo r Le 7Àn~AXES, r., £WA 0009a. wlstbt' nom" JAMEStAMN WhSolielterWmlm. CORN TOR, SALE!f 'A t..é% DRAnPlER &0Co(o'ELIVTREi' WHITSST. COURT 0F REYISIONi gline for receivilng Appial.hgelen aewnd ThursdRy, the 21et Intant And the Court wiii moet on th. '*UUESDAZ fo)ibowung, tba tSth Iuai., nt oeso'iock, P. m.; at thé To% 1S HALL, to fhast aud déermine the. uine. Town Chenu' Old whitby, mal' 1 Tome .aax BY-LAW No. 158. A .By.Lzzoto cddancl cu*th e 1'ou TVMtby and .Port .Pey Rail..ý CeI, Company,, in tut construe. aion «ndfequipment ot a ailway eMM.n=dnb/dt the 2'OiOn ,c0 Wèttby wietfdn thte limite of Md Port Wldtl'zj Harbor, and fea- *tInting at ot nearPort P Fy on Lake, &ugogj ano mahsd an4grant to 1h. aaid C'ompanyl tli&qfor the .Pebentures of lAd -orporaton o/me sait! owIm for thte mmi .of.f14'touuand Whereua ndompi eîisb n AcÀ c -h SaPari=rnent cfthe gPrevince 101 Ontario bean u l> incorporated under ths nause bf I"Tisé Port WhiIby ani Port Pery Ralhus7-Cetuspais>, v ith Ibm purposa, poerand uni ahon'ip>', uniers ch ctoIcf laying ouf,'con- ,ntTudtlzsgaid finiaiug a Railva>' itoi vithin <ha limits cf tise Corporatien cftlieTown of Whhlby, or thlb0lts cf thea Port Wbitb>' 1It-bés', iu!tise direction cf tise Ganni-Trunt Bail' va>' tf Canada, se as Ctoeiare a fa. vorablo couneellen therevith, ai soisi comveint point vitbin ilise ssii Town;.thsuce lteogh sasii Tovnothe Townssipusof East or West Whitb, or bolS, sani the Towship etfIU= , <osa point-ou IÀite Scug'sg, ut or neas' Port- Perry, have gene jute, opetatieut tiietr tise provisions cf the. nid AcL; And vhetasi _b>' îe'$&-id LAc f Pslaà - mnent; Municipal Corporation& sre anpovsrei te grnt te tisa iii Coin- pan>' ssoi sauraor aums of mono>', or -Deboutures eUthtIe Corporation o! <hais, Manicipltlas, sa may b>' Che mkuA M n.t.i i i'nat Lukfi na li tien or1 dr ,cf7' b>' Che Andi weirui estsud -lzeerew lrSole aie ablo in gay~ muni dliii, -able in twa mausacf ti dolars eacl of six Par 4 ary, andtse yot, and nm et iutretr lima imore th CetimeChi tesiTise Port Wîsitt omupany', applicu! tu t and tenuooi <bhat beforo Debeutures -pany,eu.i vWa>" Camp - sai Compi d kes01o b> tise Adi Oompany. OrL 1'sMt an1 S iuls and dollar, per bIser rates, tise Mliil tb. perli <hiî by-hav snd coma Ay of Jisi: ûn. thons loocf tISe' hy-iam,Seh toontis day nine O'clocl places, 'rie. aiste Mchi Word. attt sereby spp r or Cthe 1fiv for tho Ces W. Obogg, 1 (stic foin tisa Countil i '.TOW N i Afer tisini publisisdat a1I neuspaper prit tise &ai('erpon Çnauucuic.xandI lifter oeamchls. tion tisareof. Lise lidatien wusor Ma>, A. M, 1! IStIi day-c .à nise w Od tlse Temhall -th tIsem'ie heuse Waut cf Richmc -luat municipal WELLTh MA - 'i aras, anssi ai v*%0 efaln trous ,à ttendibtg, në are certao ini mssa tiai. Bzuvuni.-We vonîd remind ouireadev Chat M)Ds Hiltar>'(cf TrenOte), au-sst0d bl ii., Watkiienmme> amtedrs of tisi teVihae hnd>' eaeite ilV îe aa n- eertin aid cf Cisc "SpireNV, s.'1 ftAil Balis' Chareis la this toma.. e-b.al* no buSct tisai s e g é ue noetstia pieidd ertisa due basnsa" o ii nationalholdaynet tll;Sdt villiboetsl iale ort, bjeatnla 'mv vii ténd is emoa lane sudiceués pones il. cces"el -W. mare lanfei dtist tisa praes«tf 1 - whitby, May 0. iLse 9. 1 ' , tic-20 1 and scientine mansociduon. «Ulaec Dy ou- 1