tar pri plus. usu, rm~ 0 «. : - 1 i- T15t ' Rbon. IlLelêltive Bohi.Uao tO LIsuL &Grasmus. Soboul Grant. nà 0 schoo Grat- . 16000 1 Cbry uq, Fai. 04~ Notses *iuistToi 00 10 ColçUTouOctIS'i s madee payable it a1 venty year frein1 tare. go mad!e end by tin siusd an4 R b aise,, r.sii Insg dise "id 1 an a sous int day er July,1 onéb . tuit bme tors of the To Mine o'elücl, a places, via s-j ', James Cocm aireet, viser. "Uoavus bUd, hà .by spot $ët seNorthis eor tLiseebnssi W. Clogg& foi bai is ist Shd Pal for mildr>y liabiiltls [ros La M0a7res, "la. 71 qui gsese,&o.. 6-, m Ysid avkt D.b. Nroi..588 Jlan, h J piy IssLréâton biark.ti»buu... 09 ostrt onles., mautou Nt.~..4. mRU os JALAISU AND ogumalzomo. Pld Town Gli.,'k *Tramau. s'.r, lifll.,.....4000 " Âdltor, in fusl... 4000 -K@opbr, Bull fthsger....810,19- 7# Fit, a#,. Toc',, hall o4r. ijohool it Drill sj 7id4m "aiuidtW isespdoobtrol- ed oil 50 ly es:aiseO rst benemi ui.J15.al *ii4Ioug, 5 Lb.~ ~ ~~~~"*o pr6tbosofLs i~ is witig repésirâ ruad tesi per cent ih«W. JOfihi @ ..... 69347 loe on. of b. ibarter ' s bfà Province, as qutretimn4sINL inooporatisath.eni 'ld, ouordéi t Cl'irsssn of fu oi'dtlle ce,. i.possl Lii p.edl rie t@ of . -Board . T..ý.-.'. un a t-tbrd f tllIln thse "meparaternslul 10 por. nnuin, lu addition Lt hI -tfou of crgy 1xe2rrb ils riteable property etf rmreAxi tr« ; ity.; ln «ch yuiri durlng Fe or Brook Siroot. ...j04 1 «< tweuty yn.aLe lsDai " .. 82 hali tac. cc, forp1c- "Bfsse. ... ........ 10.5 57 D.bintss, and tIse a. ai n ad'....25 ceeLé Wr.......Sa-.42 9 t* ....a~ef.t Sjarc...........45 it fre& .t 0 i Ist 50LAate ln the ,'îar-ef our Lord Puîd on aà 61 Drill $ised. .«.. 1loge tsfLbqsalted 0100- Har.. of Cas lu lande of wn WIslLby -sstht. re 102.î e7 b. tales ci b.Lu-$197e 4 Jan@, A. D., 1505.ntL a. M4 stthLIe following ~* té à e Alnd îbora fer -the Cor- 'lis the. lirth Wc,eal ptorau ssor thse owil oi h sby, for the yen' O' 1 halLie Contse Ward, S0eusilfytbat the toregoisig fli a correct hail, and *ln tise Seuthsà b*tra« te Emeidptsaî,d'zpoudiisiroe et fiieboume ndby caldcorporaîi in, L(«r the yeuï eadlod 810stot. mosi, west 'er .Rlcbinend 16.RBE1U*L ADS Lb.h lait unicniopal lée. NOBEis ILT . AW, 1ansd Bertrmm Fowle la Wlsitby, loch April, ;848. .B Int'trAic Le,,,i.fficer 'e Word, and Thomam r ie Sotis Word. &y of#à yt A.D., 1860. Te*w C&tà it T-AxKc 1ti1tË, thaithé . aIte 1a tb. Ceaut1l of the! Copontibb cio tLb TOWN 0F'WIIITBY§ Afte thb. mre abali havi bbln tiret pabllab.d at,)east four ti meà inlué snwspr prldkinti timtbeiitatBof itlsIon wraon t». tsn theArhIt y iay, A.oie o858 andth trt pblicts-o b. ttroka the Wof wn tirt L b. - Ne% y, @D,186,und thA. bir, 1868, Â#ltni o'eock, a. ii., ai Lbfollinw!ng C vew il ls the oth Ward, ith thse kImm$ hCuw4wn.d by .78. -Cameron, Wrest cf Rchmond #treLý and whore tbe laut mniciopal, lction was held. WELLINGTON .UOTEL,' Grand Vocal *Instrumental, MI4BA! CE.OHU Rùl stateissst et the Ammees mmd Liabliis bcf Oie Corporaibos et ilie Tuwuçef Wisltby# on les et Jamuer>.,1868b ASSETS. Cais la ibandse ofTremereL trous 18017.......... 9 Balance or. d$ol Gl rantg or7'614 CountyOrast 'for IiSid, lNO 00 'blda toLr euree,.b. 625800 Non.bL'eidntisak. is aban4e of Co. Troue. for ooll.cL lity, for;7* . L1> .bôô00 179 S Mir-kat lt, Toirn hWana.d ius'nitsroiand Welgh "3gb., liro Engisse snd equspseisi.... t.,... M 00 ture, and Interee li Or. lâIsool;. ....... ..... 6000 001 10989 ise Jurorns....... ... 118 001 Centy Reteb, 180r... ' '. 181846 lýalan ,os due on Drill,8uSd, (eiol'sulve of extras,).1975 0 sopai'ate Jiohool, bal 1867 .... 47 76 Markt Disb. esttandng ... 1888$88 Balance ehewig gexeeesce Aceocte over Ll*bL.htie. - 772 78 th ýuisdrai 7udltoirc fei the ecv nient et tise Ancote iLIabhiitlee, ofthtie Cer- isorâtlen ot tbe Town of Whitbyr, on lct of eenà ,16s oisur an vo'have bo.utbla te TO o FtJmkiepRl CO"si f**ario,é mis T ff lb>.%t Tqur Auiters et hvi to tPorty Tut tise> hava examinatip= Bocks ef acoosnt, srd the.%louche'% conocred Lierewiit - lôr thsé Yoar1861, andtbavit smoeh pleaseure las Lectfiitltcthé, ver>. correct ansd orsely mi4er ls w ehbthe caMea aVe isaiu bastwtklr énsist t tr vyOureul6aes. TOILAKMIIJ, HATH &BROTHER- Ilave purcba8ed a large Stock. of la.r' Trou, whioh. the are prTel Sto oeil atamail advanoo4 .Aise Springs, Alles, Horgi NPiis, R;"p, 1TO PAINTE)IS .-H.& B., hav#e 4tfrtcbà a&à a larg*e Stock of Jam'# t,ùusine- An&otlierPÊditsi, Point Ou, ise., Puttyt- Vaihhc!ho., Wholegale snd Retai', ab Lowest Market Rate..- 1 H. & B., are mow receiving their large Stock 'or Itoitse Ëid: ing and'other Hardware, ýiniking no e e ftho largeut siocks beld lu thse Connty. Our facilities for uiremisin uthse boat markets are ach ül te gsate ar caïtbme ri tho benefit o aving;qod goodu ut very Iow price. 500 CegaofOu Na, Tinffare, -Painta, Paint Oüi Cbal Oil, A- variety, ot Mixe& Paints for' sae,. 8ptdeÃ, SÉovels,- Forks, 4»sd other Farmýing Implemento. ut, tihe "Neted Cheap IIo.o." A large stock of Superior Tinware now on hand. Peddlars ftily'sspplied;' ratent .Esavqroughs ouly et Hatois aud i3rotlsors. IIATOLI & BIOTHE I'Sý, 29 "NOTE»" 'PCREAI' fOUSE. Opposition i.s the Life of Tade NEW FIJRNITIJRE WAREROORS JINO6 ýTI.LL &Co., WÈIl be foiünd a fuli i 'a'dd oihplete tortment of well made Fur- nittiro. Parties wuntissg à nytlîing lu o'dflisse vr11 finsd ft tI tbeir uclvustage te cuit sud inspect our Stocki befossi puechabiùg elsewhere, ni we are doter- mincd te »Ili r C111AP TORt CASH., EVERY ARTICILE WARRAN'TiD. Or UJPHOLSTETfIttcl one Wkit eeé 'ad dispatch. Caué Soat Chaire rets*ated aisd mado as good as ne*. £Dt UNDEfTKINdx attended to on thé ohoriest uoticô. Reânicmber ilie place, Caldwelr8 Block, tkree doors &utk of t)e tate Wm Tilt's Furnititre Wareroom, Whdtby. ZIASO H.SAXiO. JONmiTi±tw. IOOlbo. of GonDd Clean Feathers Wantëd6ý WhitbT, May 18, I8M8. WÂICIIES &JEWELLERY. T MES JOHNSTON begg to tùAI1 the à iienîidn bf intendiut Jpurchasers to his NEW STOCK 0F GOID A.ND SILYEIR WATCIES) JEWELLERY, Clocks, &c., Ail. ôf *<Iichi.wili bé solci at the lowest prices, bon- sistent with good qua1ity. ýw4T&EMSIOCEcS & iEWELiBRY; Oarefullylepairad. WhILy~, ai'4,188 18-IY1 KU.NO ,,.,STREET. ;ô8HAWA 'STÂPLE & FANCY DRY -GoOlS, MILLINERY,' &e. .MAN tiÂcTtutIt op ,W- CL0TRINVY, BOOTS--,; 0E. &O IW, A Good WÃ"±tk 'ë ~t o do ýi.s8w4Work 4iwq.rnb~nshSoe Leather, En~Is i,~e~ 1* OtNRTATIO~N 'Or STÂPLe & 'ANCY buDry à Qouds nth, S bünià sudtise extraIoiiie'we m * *eare enabled te e ffer you audit Primeswhich wiII èospeimoa lýiorably with the best houses lu tse, trade. ouit DÉ PARTMtNý; Undor the superintendance of misJ'y Jokn8lon, la ully supplisd '-h thtie mOet Loh- louaible genS. of tise mon. OUR M AN TL E A-ND Dress Makingl .DEPARTMENT, Under the superint.en&nce of MISS GRIAVI ls iboked eti 4 QOeddiutea te tise meat curefully ettideut testei , aud ut pricà to ineet thre tinied TE beëpartment, ùuer the supei'n-1 teudance cf MR. MILL, ib lonk sud fstorbîy kuowu to thé e jîblI aè41 FirgL-olae Catter, le 'fully noe4i wlILh lifossan ad Boy' i iii . nad on tise promises. 8"Afil evders prousptly ozecuted, sud 'ur4rl var- À L~r~6 St~Yck jilît r~coiied, l'RICEa MODEftATE. Mid U'urui4sing 4~oeds, ait itnmous~ t f t t- t t., t~t t' ~ ~ wN I1 CIMQJERED 8'iY i iefrence to au announeemerit of dissoliution of tie topartner-' obip, heretofore cK b'iil*~eén1TILL .*~ the undoge dd eafreÈ ýto înfOrr'lltas aid> umerpqg patrons"lià tbô stili coûiinui estb'busine* emtl>iéed ~ ii I~e siin.u0993, A thse' LD'SPND; . sd 4, TItLkILOb' t»t~tX TRHEJ 'WIT8Y, wiêho' 4le, v l Wayu i OUU dreadyteattend te t't) t ù4 ne't.A n iir1 el.w St.cof the best Maisufactured Furositiare. tTPHIOLSTERY'AS USUAL. UNDERTAIUING AND FUNERALS upldahooe £WSome splendid, specimens oef Picture Frames, anud Gildine. ltome iber the-,OtîÃ"Zâki&d.. Whltby, May 4t 186,9. w-w --- * i~ l8.ly Il iStis, raper and, ¶Vib,~acs25 iiEWLY cen Piy aPERk sud Paper, sraslikte and 0 W Eegto intimaâte tha:tOur Spriug and Summne St ock is noi r oplete, 'comprisiug the largest, and best -amsrted Stock we have eéver offeéred, and a.tinuch lo*er p~1e la last Fancy Dress Gooeï,, (lu gret variety.> Grey and White (ottons. Black Silks, GÃey and White $eIg tCOloured811km.>-Shîrihgs Printed Xueli.us, -anc d i4W~i$ ts Parasols. -Tjmni Black Cobourg, ThebitÇ3ý Plt1Lsr~,Ycoria od,1a~U- ta And Frenchline, t- Mats, Caps, ekties, lËrâces, in ,gueat vaniety. *Spe cial atten- io'n inisvit-eJ o a ire tcko'Bcd Clotho, EnglmSoj hadjus diil Ttep ýuail t .sck oilrou'ra cth n'In à aà Tw0j_'0!ýýwýbIircoJIýé a-vryLOW PRICES FOR CASHI. 'Olthig Iadoto Order, dn the shol'test notice, and in the însst Fash'ionable Styiea. 'IT OUR m ILILIN- 'WILL BEIOtPEU whein, a'ipleà { ii& §bi ~'AlSO on h'an'ta-4 GoeiemWiites ind Liq~ Whitbe- Avili 22, 186 TOWNC Thoù. , O b.ess5j 'lste end "- tg-* above -emv terme. Fp er ricule"r0 * WhL>, MayG188 Goal! C ---- --- --- Y SHiOWl IL Ai. 1,