Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1868, p. 4

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The subscriber, deufre8s Tt~nthanks to htý iumerona patr6pi for puet âvors, and bcfa te nnounee that ho i. now supplied with aBlaÏe s , e- arefully selocted by himself, of %Twed., Voa$Irna, Casshrnermi mooI, Al N~irs &c.e kp. Which bcoIs prepaea te 'ýske up tpe order, èîi the shoritLi oioi ê,hi the'Ist. Brock st., Wleitby, March 24b 186O& E $]5,OO N PREËSENTl AT; IIOYT'S NEW PIITGRPIGLEYOSÂW DolrNtlz or VNG & SINCOE TerEETS, IRST Fo3à Prize.a co»Bist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, 3RI-oches and J wIye i id;al$se Swig Machine, rainth>gs, Albuuis,'and a va.; risty ýof excellent éloékis' t ife el Èkeciik en11 e 9 taken M'n«a few sccoù&", I a maùùer té'eu Cure efct u,aefition. - £W'¶ se. Bu, fur manner of aisribution eofj*n s<ns. ow is the chance for. alI teowure enduüring'PHO!rOGRAPH9t, and a ales» price tha Most photograp)hers charge 14r the6pie. tu éce 10,q12 Oshawa, Mareh 24,1868. Fresh Par ai dlailit' î f blclunali),retlison orf urine, glaitsPi acAtLerf PIcue- Z S fmouil rano>. 'r iuieoîU.s rEi ANkD SALVE, Wziuimtlwaya ha gtraiîiced. BegtCIlKX VoNMl&NITVIyg P[VLle. ON:TW. iISt.îE Wer. Contcrftla e réttÇit Alit fer OMISpaOrwilnied îtiu porchaie 08 rtDjit L5oOiIV9 upîcamîthenanis <)f E, Mttcae t'upIc5r, iais atdiontu Ibthe or scuuj iel, la Isrl-he cugaveimlp a rrocssdiff Liacallxi l>15r roi. tr pcabeulile' titgliiithte g4! Cent$,. a Box or Pot. J.lasnrNo. L, ina tretWog. PeinlO ru! 0. I 48.1> Arrival-is- SprigGodsofth Latest Sty les, at SêriM. M. COCIf. the, e Tw'eds-mw»En glitý b Seotclîand Can.adiang,rat (lo(thing-Rendy-made, andito Order, at Groce.riese---A New ai Large Stock, at M. 'fl. COCHRÂNE'S. SiOK~i~'I~Dundas Street, -Whitby., F A R IVI E R 8,WibMy, AND OflIEliS3, ,iO L uy u l le ruiI m rtll drei lhe Mu iual T a oupn>,fioepi=tl Ue. 4jtrcal, haire gent o.ver 11, Ic '(huumnd pi y,,gel Oiw b-o eep the Feet- àuairau ii , t ta i o ie. .0alaiirae aIftiiiI a> juilled! ore a l'eW ci' Uieuussuln c siitmonhabl tenê&dy RWSEL. Rotc4 ,Quebal JaiS. 1, 180 , I tiassii0,msa.-Th0 ni thoita (Ih r"aK 00 D Rso&WAe Jia miner, arrived lu gweuloriior. Tise qualtl a ur ln bu> it g thhe bsi t saty licfi 'les n, ha haâtifur our afflâ ùrisixeyrv, Oittiwa, Lieu. 14, 197. - a>iieTlml~ fIiils Delua niJOSE PH Au BAN DE LI . L%$ ,j ~ i.Youissy exIlaI cy future crder.. ellst o Tsnd seoiecu tt ,a air ofwarin O'jrshoes, you FI#&f uti'auci ou0W8I will flud themn of ill kinds andl of the best description. 1.8r v t New il ulut &=O(llct &or , il>ffaY uvi.h es, ettel bs els(Mfurnimiîlis tw? boxeSupe Tmyu nttue.areof el e»t iquaiiy, apeebtly*ir B fao .O es o s at Ueemltine leiiis. enw4 isoli( T TI'W e, ,Sî' m.b.sprice, maid u:llg puis, tc., A1ln Lladies 'Gent~s, Misses, f<ja.~îuîeS .OLIVEiR 'F, tlié uo s oUc'eia eau l"have BOOTS & ti,>û, jýof eerVOl ariet n etV',îmn e n "dl., i elîîîT~ant Theii%âtuotndersigned is unsurpased by any other in.7town. , The stock ià < Zfrem(rua pim'" iIlargeto iseec,'ok M->d nîalcse thet ain, b4warralietd phreua. bcxam. etfrom, and the wrManshi Pl an 9Cilcae BL.Ck ~ ek p La4WARRANTt) RPAIRS AS ustfL ~ 'i 'aue u.~ileHads fFmilswilfnd iLte their interést te cal gaid olol 4bâe. aRilIs luvutld do. 0e.; y and exâmine., anà ift, Finsdo, Whftly, Doember 4, 1867. OSPH. 48VE L ittv SU, a roue à imo iraiu lyell"' m e o i ha l er te âG1nUBAT 13A RGAL S hlow ti f ent frt100; very gccd.10 coatpl a lsiPou officeor Oie IoiCal es wu] Bargtmed in 'lytsmàn Cuipm % ou"g o-bl-.an 'W i.ShaIttigk c. 'N&RT,'iDOO TO RUaYA4kOANADIA-NBANKý- BROOK 8TRtëUTYWIIIT-IlY.ý 'Ie stibseviber desires, té informis friends and t'he puàblic that ho bau opçd bubinces lnheLb abài*, piemiaea,"wbre ho bas plâeeâ a large, veryaip rie,', and well u.lected steèb oF-gooda, cmriiusý cletytbig W hé I3OUTgnd S'il '0 lino. He fà alo onatan.tly recoiving, every weelc, zew adiditions ci 100T8 AND 511025 0Fr.AULDÉSCIPTIONSf, emdiof the- bçât'zalie , 'wrkmansbipand qspality, suitable for - Hletrustsi that by kein oe u odanid sulitbl arti- cI., at thé low s uï pri-e. at,1wbich à roully poil article can b. obtaimed- -q b1o for AUl kinds o 'et ahor to' suenta hane i-of pubLiepatronage.g - I- 'No effortsý will beý spared on' bis, Part te ýdo Justice to bis sW>1toknrsor l.bis'endesvons ,to gir. ibesu eVery satisfacion. g 'Prîces marke& lu, plain Jfigures. "A cAft eseLnlyo licite&. Brock Si.,' Whtby, Mîrcb 1868so.1, NU~ GODS! McMillri& o We beg to announce the arrivai of a portion rof cOr-SPRING STOCK, conssi- iiîg of tho following Uines Hoyle's Prints, Ashton's Prinits, Peeî's 1'rints, .Brillanits, Pan'cyDrss Goode, Faucy Shirtings, Grey and White Cettons. AUI of which 'il be offcred 25 per cont leua ibm liat sessoli'a prices. The bilanse. of our Spring, Importations wilii bto band lat of April, which wtut be found ununalaly large, and wiil be muid at the very Iuwaat remunurative price.. T. H. McMILLAN & CO. Guod Nwsfor thellion Know ail men- iy Ute pregento i hat 1 eau enud do Sellth r4D1IEPST G!OODS in the COUNTY of ONTA1IO, ana why ? Because, adopting the Cash system, my meotte la "SMALL; I'UOFITS 7$&,QUICK'R' StpeDryGOodas, Io no* coflupleto1 aud for b0auty, style -and cheapueea bd thasurpassed. ln this nuy stock is ver y large, and more attractive than,,usual,, andi parties fa nigmu with tlîcr patron ge, yull fins iti te ilîcir ndrantagl botb in point of style an leapncsi4. A fuîll assortinenteof' MOURNING GOODS, eostantly on hband, and donc lup irn theo. horteat notuée. Aiuuo, es choice éAollection ýoÉ BRIDAL BQUIPMENT8 tnlmmud tb oroler, in th. latest style. je» DresasButtons-sund Tisu-. MAILORI-14G DÉ PARITMENT.-' Clothiflg mace te order où th*..riemfscs- ly Orst-clacs werkmen, 1-nau mhîmense tock-f .n Fasioal Clohko'select frosu. A good itIi guarariteesi. -be 'pca teton calktd te a lotof BOOTS AND SHOE8. iu mens? and wosen's, girls' asd misses'. Alao, Over Shoes for, danip'weîthan- GrocoBTCB"-rea rd. vire,. ko. Inspection la roospetfullY inuited. OsaItpaiàiro, Wb. at, 3anlbyi, Jiy su Peaa - .- pal r ,,-r' b a a ar 'IWr%). 1Arlr. AIr~ . esllAIA, <ocT. 23, 100? sa'RnIfOieg and MV sIs.uuwdr*, O&Cwagd BOO0TS &8E)1 BEG te alinonnée the t.rri' .al, ôf their SptïàngSi bien ýpur"èias6d in'"the BRITISH Markets, b 0.ampbel> dtiig' the late depression in__ prier'-th( to, offer theiLargest as well ss the- IN.'THE,ý COUNTY 0-F ONT. They direct speciaVattention t te uefollowing:~-] Qred Silks,- ,Iteal' Irish- oln, mra loth,1 ;.s0 u &z , hals B l ae in Drab, and Hosieiy' Glovesýý, Ribbons, lace, Collars and THEIYILLINERT Are,-now, opened, with a largo- stock ef ýrimmned Ënnets and Rats, Flowers, Feathersre Manies, ici alilthe new'styles I Cottons, Counterpanes, Lace and Muslin Ciirtains, Ficking, Towelling, Carpets, Dauký,ý &c. Clothsï, T'weeds, Gamberoons, Le Ment' Ht, Ties, Braces, &c n'd w Ready4ladc C In Mens' and Boys' Coats, Pahts, and Vests. , Clothing made UpTt te order in the latet styles.' i Croce ries, Cr'ockery, Garden and Field Seeds, &o. solieited Whitby and Macete,.pril 16, 18681 A eauim respectfully INDÀ &CIINATEACOi.' HOME -DEPOT LOINDON No. 2,3,qHospiaSt Mnr'eal. Pure drà4BtTINE TEAS, of aplehàd dnaturaýlevdr, importéddir ect from the Company's Plontationis in, ASSAM, andi ou the àlblps of the- iLMALYAS,- blondesi witb the ti'noè,t p!ioductaof CHIN7A. P'Înlî Tiro Qumlitics, viz. :,40c. or $1 per lb, eltbel Black,- Green or Miged,.* -'Fine flousehbld Tu, conubining Strengîh ansi Plîvor, 70 cents per lb. Finest procurable ...........-....- -Idollar p.-r-lb. SSold inPale*an ai t0b iCosnpany"sA gienW1 in eiery Cl'tinc m1 Town in Caàada-. tA - D Agent~OhW Aplply tol La FAIRBANKS, JI À.Jmir, wms leDnar à^ q155T D. F. 9URKI Passify Grocer,'Wiae & Spirit OROCKERY &GtLA93WA A WBLL SXLECTED STOCK ]PRESI[TEAV, EFTi wed on ait 'EAU5. 4 vD n d a S tr e e t , -. 'DT 0" Psuerud3 bcuuyro-&Lrt-o ,pt 'tfrry, 26UL i W-44ate, ourci il LXIS9 MARk. MIL. MAIIZ ROBINSON, J Ptuggkt. AGRICJJTYL I W OI1KS. NoLiÉ -r 0~----- LiFE IN Af ILL BOX 0149 FJLL La liPOSE 1 ONE PILL 1N A POSES1 or ag0itVi, y m puies atiasma(iil cours. lu. m,.r. wi» des(k m i iv or ten pilla 12 1 '. ýl. . l' iee LETTJRNS'ý

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