Whitby Chronicle, 28 May 1868, p. 1

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- S14 B>RED IN 1782. GILLEBPîR, MOFPAT5V h Co.,Agente loà W. Canada. JAMES DAVIbieP,, Mancgeu,: tie NIJACE agalnt LOBSS by YlkEsi- ovu ~ ~ o .L e theutic tsthfaroi-alc terini.sud va-LOMSSI PAID wlliut eueciumce hie kar ,tua leLendoe, aotc*.-*t doer 10 tbe 51r of B. &h.. Ocanlpbq1, Brook if., Whitby, Ont, *WhlifiY y, 18, 1847. 4 ai P. FAIJIDANKOP CSOLIOU A1NOTANT 'UfflgiÇ,h.* WIBILLGING9, soLa"?O, £., tu2 O Unis, lx maus a a Ege. Onuca, ~ kstret. w!i tbr, Jan. 23, 1562. CUAULES C., KELILÉEU,.. A TTOBUZYX AT.L*Wl SOLICLTORIN IonDBrock, . li e. je ACONBLL# *UXEU & Wrh ATUINJCY-AT-LAW, SoUiitor Coeonty (heeel4, Uilaio, Iouîy AT'TUUJYAT-LAW, SOLICITOR IU jsWlitl,yIi. W. Mds u3ltwaiok à.ThgtsitryU)fflc4 on Brook 'itrot. 4 J &MES LAJION, *tON8YAT.AWSOLICITOR IN bohno.ry, h-f off"., . pot lh.cÉKAEE GIRN AltlNZSTIFR,8 ATTORN EYB, ONVEY- B> aurtsaudti 'otarI-oBPuiblic, h0., 40, Pase. Arma~-vuvs OposteTown Iw. ipow pSotiT-Ofl'iO-, BigeifW'look. IL icoq2a.IgIwv LL. I., jW. M. COooüAveÂh. ýcq.mfy é4ôvn Atteirngs>'. - i'utl'.rr>, 24th DT>eounbr, 185.. 01 <lisA. JONESt havlsise Solctorlu hacer',At- car OICEOt-Nekt doortc the old Raide, 0ar Ufl, Wb itby. hb'44,Clairh Ivutf, ToyoutpbOs l A.EILS't<M AT LAaW98011iotor la Utia- tbeut O15 "e, Obava. - - 1 ý 40 S..1lX90ZONTO TILÉ COUNT>'GAOJL 1ýRyr6urtraet, Wliîb>. p. m «JO MN V HAM# NOTAI1Y ttFULICý Wiiby, Apii151h, 1888. WHITB'Yo JJiu hi.uuea, Di. Amuxves(foi Sergei>'.) Al ô( Toronto. 24 ksiau,~sek.-àtito*lieue, Iyren Street, &TBASIUEUWIIITI3Y "J' AI!? IXTil UIVIION COUXT- .1 IJhS»AUCTI'JNZEIi..ddrea- eaveron.,40-1>' VICTORIA J10TU160 Win. 1touon'.) 27 1INR-DE8~NGANID SHA<VING 'SALOON, IJuocIL 81, WIiITIIY., W' omaor suisl DANE or monnmuuL. .0 Wiisiq, Jan. 24,'0 8,m OZiTA2ZO KOTEL. WHîITBY. Ãœ; DAWES - - -POËgO uiPrdraodeaunoton . Carefa 'i tto Ïi'i )Ago" iAýltu imebe-ro, nd rendy %De ttse* fo Uer xiicge 5andesvertoai ba ths~oqrev.ynioulu. iOard$Siperdayo GEORGE ROI3SON, - E R O0,Cëno, n L JOI)eorei)fit Whtbya;Autr, sudn tltyefal kludso attezoasUon bnd, U N DERTAIKING. F UNEItALS fully suppliid and aîîeîueed s'hoist oîic6. (offlt kepI consranti> bonad. W'A Hoesto Mie onllbÏraltornis. BrookUi.iDrug Store. T"1EALZRUlu Drpgo, I'atnntUodîltun à-J ,ais, '<OUa, D'ri tuEa#, conftn- or>', *o. ', o-Winea anud Liquorsebf the. bent qualt> for edjola upa [Ipiepaied te Rive Msiaic sud Singlng leu Aellstio toha mâeaI thie 000ofile John L., tkisourg J> Dntlt, orer Jmes Byrn'. Iledial-lieit, Brook St, Whtby. (LAT£ I'LATT',) NEL.SON STè TORONT09 NORTIL O9 kING ST. EASSETT & KEEBLE, .Pungow Tirr ro A thoirel4uaâ,a Is tance,n Weil aa near hem., liaI tley have taken thue aboik pi-enlia.. widu are in eoe,>'respect coevenienltiv sud couîfortabiy- Illsd up tor tuesaeeSnsaedtlon of gaek' sud lthe lraveilg publie, Taii, ii b oued lau entant <¶eroa td'endance, sud liii basve ncliiing unou u ntficir parhto give natithisfsotletoaiv ir h ay' lavrtheini vth a 13TA G*E 11IOUSE 19ANILLA. ISA.A0 FENTON B EST Wlnsesnd Ilîqurs;n loraooom attentivse otier. 0a OJJUSION MER OH14ZQ Whlth»y, Jan., loti 28$0. 2 B. PLANK, - Ptopnetor.' Sjtages ho aîad froiýi whàlsy cail dal>'. ERiri> nttention Pold tW geestu@. Crefe1 eod atten- CLARK k-VI0EËERY, - Prpritutors Bc; moat roonpotfull7 ho inferru lie iîihabs- tante ou thd i. euty or outarlo, tisaItiîey bave aed the Abov'e puomi... letel>'y oceupled b>' Bondy' eo, visi htîuey boave uîoWIy fulfulai- ed sud reuiovuted, auud tise>'aire propsaied tg acowunnodatto t t'vlluy rpublic. Tii.Bar stocked vith tlhc bosatlilqurraeaucigaen, aud au attentive ontler iAhîa>'a ieattendence &LlI hVICKIIRY, * I pi-eprleoes Br)oo!ltln ph S6'1.> VA.RS à DEVLIN. ULAOTJC IL Dntînt, Oshava LlnlomdieÃ"hi>oppo- îlanobbreebt hhrd ioruoih 'of the Ontaio Bank. 0<EXPRESS AGENT, &e., aime Agent for Accident &Pd Standard Inmuueuoo Vos. 11 Que-ryI Wliy le Il li ia .zts lsuch sàimu afor plctures C 1ntv AKS GALLERYLvi Itlà 1bocmeseb.haie boot Galler-y tu the. cooutytand bat more patiobene iti chiallren f ien su>' otii-er Artiale Intii . ensd eau déqne asgod ir ork fsa an>'otho mauseIn tle bgrThsL' a i' the mater, se don't b. 0 feowrd àbout eofnlang foi-verdi BR380Ç1<., HT . Wbltby, 1f0r. 12, 1307., 4 AprIl Ord,1568. YEOANGIBSON,' DONNMLLY'S PLAST1E,ýR. A CERTAIN pugz FOR làiRYÇS, CUTst, EVpg lý OBES, WCALDU, AND ALL E:1RY'a TIONS 0F T1E SIN. EEAD TUE FOLLOWING; Vtva .W,1866. moto eb le thf ia it t squnlied a feitu gr leê,so uucb go liaI 111the u feuoff, aud laid Vie botte quit.e bar,. 1 comnccd uaing ýDon.lIy luv.cr ',and In a fshort Uieîs t cîirct hlm oomplisly, I trrgiy recommend àLtut aIL suhriaig hm ep uptttof oh the akln, as I hâvo #en L1 proVed lu aIl cases.'* FRANCIS OWENS, piT C,-. w.., lise. This li o te crtIry tliat lattMauy 1 upuetaà kettle oh boiumer tai on ru> afin, irisili took tis. ticih ef1Icavlng tise bue ainost bore. 1 *uhred tihe uxoït errautipting polun for hre weoks. I then eppl:id l>ounely'a PIa,.r, 1h At ouce caired Mo lea avey #short fin . Goldb>' JÂNÉS il. ÃœE1111E and jAbl?Ài fItYINE Drugglnta Whily. k. T. AflCIN SON, #sîUd MRJç îi6BLNS6uk, Oshawa; sud b>' Z11 Druggiato lu lie couint>. June fith, 1967. to-2 Prof. J. Post TAll the bhoo f aîncÏnnciaîg to Ili#. Mui- I.J. cl(riend%, luIn utbtitlie I0 pic- yrd te recelve pupilib for fuisrucîion on Io flagvlug b ha in «évmearaepr4ru, lie <cola cnfident of lîeIng S6eote lyroinote e ratîid Ad vistcceit of pupil., Who uney'tic plieced nder big, tultlon. Imaruciou len lu tboconah a le- nouy, Cutz..sioNae ie r fmui. oui composition, anal jiiiticular attention viii Ibogivri oi itsculivaionorthie roice. .b,ÃŽ o -Itu cti on or tisl'lin, $10, tho6ry o o mucl cormposition, &o., eotra$4, Wiîlby, Septoinier 25, 1867. os La'nd 1_Land!1 T 9 OnSabscriher ciTera thse foliowiug 11.1 of U Lacesoirl ici lie vil! &adi t Ia t> AIR VALUATION, 41 0. X, No. Si a md concession of Bech, 70 acre. cleared, E. < No. le, lu the. $rd couccalon of Beach go cîa ceed. ,No. 29. luethei. 0th boncossion of DaÈllugtou, 60 acrese. loard. No. i, lu 'Sth con., Mara, àSacres cleateil. N.I.< No, 27, ln ted conccssion Wlîitby, J00 acrges ln Someîllë-50 acreis Flite>'.o 200 acîca In lrtton-400 acres Jo Beluiont. Appi>' penonaliy, or by letter, pout-paid, t'O R. E. PZftUY, Jaunar>' 811, 18M. .3110E TOML FINDINGS. pi'g, kbids ultai', bCisc. Tr .iol etaud Toc liants,-1 & ci. ke5 SWIMOLESALE ANqD RETAIL. BaYAN Et OLIVER,9 12-1>' 114 Yoxà.a Srauxý Toîuwo, Anerican Aheu',.Trianr ndPia'f.ina 8qaiavr, eaivrd fur.CA'riffe1 npeaa 1a". Tape., &c., lil of tis e ,rqqaiity ai au lovent 124y fJnsoeteu'n ?ofiisalc elY . eSu., Tontn. TO MAOHINISTSI gleel IRolieed t ïuees, Ceaireoouecs, veraier Cvui0seiaô. sfi.ei Cofiper oiurn$. Calier SsIWOD§em, Amr$? Uaavfcanià', [..SpIffl.s C ol'sg£'eIssi aaiD.. niaero. l viSsi Tooi., Ptent aiiéz,, tu staeei,&c., for fai@ b>' a tg.ly* 114Ycngobtu, Torontoi TO CABINET MAKERS AND UPILOLTEUE. goir DeaWig, CarleaiIlsIr, Toibpos' Srnç Twis, Cilbar reSo,. Uljiu;s,areim. fWiaaue, Lca.M4 Tocto's~, UPioIlsuer Gus e posJ'e id'Inss elî. JITAN Et OLIVER, 12.iy114 Vunt,« S.; Tcroeuo. RYA N & OlIrVER IIIPORTSrRB OFM IJAbW,.AUE,: lisses alearuon on iid e, un aso'Mpaior BuiId#er"0,Ca. Capital, $400,000d' nndsaI~t.d hvhiçbe1a pInted, TIAe1frthi oe C 'pa 1, nw- ,re7grod te Iu ris I nf ot L)ds i3Y £-ltnioa, gent Witby REAL ETT ?0oit sALEC70NSITING 0F PARK N» TOWN LOTM Hou. se4enLot, Water Lots, Puqrposeo.,t. tihie TOWN 0F, WHITBY. PARCVEL No.i .-1arklot, comprialog that vatloale trctotàn dkîau nt Gil.lerlee 0, prperty, s'g oro Grand Trink Eulwaycontaiuing aboutI IPARCELO me. 2.-Parfk lot inçr 8o0111 of malwy truckr, sud hlindcd on thé $onti by th. roid Ieading to Ualway station, con.aifg aboltitjtu acros, more or lesa. PARCEL Né. 3.-U»t cfland containing &bout bson-~gfare. more or les.. titajcd on th. corneér tf gUeLuwi2d und Front gtreetp. pAUC'ELz No. Ï.-Uot of land contai ning a~bolit tire acre, moreor &les, ,Situtcdon tho.corner o( licuury and Ãœond àrects, ÈAULEL No. 5.U 15No.7, Block 9, we,,t bide or llchmiond Street, conuuluîg iil'li4roui wlicb there is a one-and.- llalf otorcy frge im îne, at preaet oc- ouied by ki. ilugit Arcrnstrong. PARCEL No, E-T vo Water lots et Wl.t- owe& C'»ýàlellnsn, nd âtialug a frontage on iefi*arhonr. Ail the above lotit are unofit elte'biy situîatcd lu excellent locaftion, for intinufactuing, vuS.8- lioub.ing, anid blilding plirpooom, rtila tIbo lorpration of thle couetytown of 9t h4uM7, i or tii.e brait iarkcte ona LL0.akoflo. In vlow or tii. euriy coiatriivuion oftheii Whithy and Part Perry EXality icylia wou'd mrrée i hu trahI. tîîcir val uê, tfloy c4r a de- sirabie opportuuiy for laesgtmont :0 the e- pitelixt sud apecatulcr. As agi early wluidiuîg up cf tic ctate In rcty- Jcred linîpcrittively ncsay uerysl munit be elleuted. ccaaanai>cul A pri e: Ion fut Ifarlier parlctularà and lbu- formaLlo4 ho b;etoude to J. G.MACDON<ALD, O T1108. LAWLEE, mercbauut, Whlby. Wiiby, Feb. 12, lus8. BY-LAW No. 158. .a43yaw to aidJand afit thelPort Whitby andi PortParryBail- may Compny, <n thé nrm'atruc- lion andiequipmen't ofta lailway ommencing ahtte Towon of W4ilby wit/tin tm limita oft he l'art Whitby Harbor, andterto- mfnating at or near Fort erry, on Lake $&ugog; anto ta ake andgrant to theâsaid C<oipany tiierefor the Ddrentures of t#ke Corporation of/thée àaid :own, .for t/te sum of jIfty t/wueand tiolars. Wisiee a Ciompany' ievi g b>' an Azt ef lhe Perliameuit of tise Province of Ontario been dat>' lucerporated ander thée neue o!Il Tise Port WiitbT7 and Port Pery Railla>' Company',' uits tic perpose, pover sud sutsoi-ity. tinder saci N4ct, cf iaying eut, pçou- stractifig sud iluising as Ila>Irosu vithin tlimuite cf lise Corporation cf tise Town of Wisitby, or tise limite cf lise Port Whihby Hai-bor, lutise direction ef tic-Grand Trunui Rall- va>' cf Canada, se as toe cus-e a fa- iorable conneition tiseremiti, eh somc cenveuicut point vitiu ise said Towu; thscce thsougi seid Town,tise Townsisofc East or West Wisitby, or botS, sudthie Township o! Roscis, tesa point oui LaieSdugeg, cI or ucar Port M7~r,: bave Sou. luto operation unfder tic pmovietoua cof lie satd Act. And viscieas, by ttse sielAct of Parhia ment, .MunicipaliCorporations. are empomeed tle rant êo tbiseaeConi- pan>' sucS sunn'orisuso of moue>',or lDe4ptbres -of the COipouattuo! o mhil, Muicipa.iilcs, asnia>' b>' lie said Miciepal Corporations bc thongit sdvlsàblc>in the va>' e! bonus, or donation 9ead u iecost-c %.nmre, tu e sunmot on. hunàdd ndýwj(tU,îollrs, and ne inlerest le in urcar. And 'wbhererOs, lb. snnrrti uýpecii ate luijn zuatamenticf prncip l îing due, ech b yta r f or cr aing san,,quel >r.rly Sti lingFo, *tie pyaen o! lb. principal 'of heh"id dcbî,bore. b>' lundêd b obe crr as- cordiuig tbthe Acf. respiçting te la.u nicipal insitueton of typer Vseàd.a, le srvenmilis sud one+tUird of A Mtll laehdoillr. lot. Be it tiserfore -enaed. end !1t lu hcrcb>' enactcd by the' Mbunicipae Ceuilof the Corporation othc love of cfWhitby, liaI tth. Debsno 1s thse oerporation of tie aeid - en, fc thsee amounuof thsum e0f1 Bit heai baud dollars, iuneuuIns of netlIe tIlîs 'oe suinerd, nor mnore tiien 'flré1en. dfrcd dolisrs eci, beariuîg lutcret at tise rate of Oit ercent, par eniuan, payable at the. Oultatio Bank, 'tishe cIt Iy ofToronto, shall fortbuiths der t ac passing of this by.law, b.canýde and exccuted by Vie Mayor of the said Co rotionî, and by, him dii> signcd adsouîed with thc corporite aohl of thse laid Corporation; or b> sucis other pereon, bcang a member 131 the Coucii of heseeid Coupoi-etiooa nasy>'b> any by'law of tic said Cor-poration hercaftcr suudoe nd pues cd for tint purposc, bc Appoiuîed t ecx. ectite end aign thesuosaie d Deben' tau-cs te bc se nmsde aund o>ccatcd thal thé suni of hwo thoasaun fic bun' dreel dollars, o!flihe aid satm of flfty hhousand dlliars, for vlîiciî Debcn. tuircs are te l>o isucd as aforessid, tetlicr with thc interest on th. whoie amount o ofbcîsturciu go it ouied, end ne more, shail become pay. aile in euîy one y car tliorcaftcr, anti the wliole of mach <tim of fty lieu- saud 'dollars, for which Dobontueci; shall be)ssuid, hall ho mrade pny- able lu rient>' equuai annuel mastai- omts of two tiîouieand flie hundreel . dollars each, witlî interest et the rate "fi 'ilt pir ce' nt, per uaîuzu, payable liaîf-yerry, on tule fiIrs day ot Jan u- ary, end thc ilrut day of July, ilu ceeu ycar, and no p.i-t ohf tue aid principial or int'cretsiaii lbc madIe payable et a lime more than hwcnty ycars froun lie lime tilt bylair shail taliec effcct. 2nd. TsaItishe Debeuturcase madIe and exccatcd, ali, upon Ibis by-lav taking efcet, bc dcîive>'cd te thse saiel Port Whitby end Port Pcrry Railvay Comupany, tobc bo bhem used and applieté te purposes abovo uccitcd, and tu ne other, couditioned, hovever, tisat before lic delaver> o!flise saiel Debentures te thse said IRailla>' Comi- pany, one hundred thouFind dollars eithle Capital Stock of tis aid Rail- vWa>'Company sail have tiraI been subscribed iuthec stock bocks ef the said Company, and hou pcer cent therc- on p ad Infose ne eof tise charter- ed Batliks of tItis ProvincoCasrcquî-cd b>'the Actincorporating these mit Cmpusuy. Oi-e. That an equal special rate of! savon milis and one-tisirel o! amiii, in the dollar, par annu nl addition teaal otheir rates, shahli e ret.cd and lerted upen tie viole rateelile rprerty of lie Muiic"Illly1li cciycar, dariug lhe penioo!'tw$"ntyyearsaefter lis by-iua heli tale oedc, for psy- lug tise said DebLentares, and lhe tu- terc8t themeon. 4tis. Tisat tuis by-Iav sisal!l aite effeet sud come into force on ticefluat day o! Juil>', lulie yeer o! aur Lord ene ihousazsd igit isanered sud sixt'-eigst. ô Li. Tisut lie tveseo! tic qaeihled cec. tors o! tise Tomne! Wlittby, on tItis by-Iav, sisal! be hak'en o eus bthir- teenh day of Jane, A.. D., l8'd8, at lme o'cîock, e. ru., et lie !llowiug places, riz --IuthceIiorti Waird, eI * he Macehauicse' hall; theo Centre Ward, attise Tawn ihall, and l is.the outs Wei-d, a£ tise frame bouse, ownçdb>' Jameos Cmeren, vernI o! Richsuond atucel, vioro the lait, municipal cec. lion vas iciti, and Bertrse, Vowle la herci>' appoîntedi elaruiug Oflcer for tise Norths artl, George Y. Smniths, fou lie Centre Wemd, andI Thomas W. Ciogg, for tise Seutit Watt]. Dated thitiI8th day o!fMa>', A. D., 1868. TItOS. HUSTON, TcwN CalERK T À.ENOTCE, liatt Ib bo;in a whici, *111 be tuikeut inte eousideratioli b>' lishe Counil o! tic Coporattea eoftise Affer the saine -*hail have cen first pubiaheel aI lessî four limes elu oseS uem rperiied utie, tise Ilnifs c!1 the y iz ..4n 1Ohe.. Whto 1: * g~Wflu n. CONNQR. Those words y i vwhite saln ale fi-cms eew York; s beudred ttmeq lia lie tagedy tie, lng the. hemble i, the placiD8;of<tlm leo one 'noormsd1 ýduel 1 n ject as bc walked imb Mr. Bav' <reasi li n d hardware abo» cone dsî, aa pi-e a eeted bimelf a et e oune'r vit aue1r" "9sl'ire ,bea tonid y, sdre rtlad for liÂuds, yeui our." e "PuFll>' suppiied, man>'mnul' aaid Mr. ëBave, not lifting lits hesd fi-cm.bits Se- yceunI book.. e lId ývork <altisîni, mii, sud talýe loi F egeo, 'il!i cceiJd do liettiier, sud I'd leap thady-I voaid .tisati" telt vas ara Irinis brogue, smd Mr. Bava aiveym dcclared tisaI lieneyer vould cul- -plo>' auineompetent baed., Telthte loue aîîrjactcd hlm, Ile tmmcd briskl>', sud wth bim pen bbiudIse en' addresscd the Man isehovas Oul>' one cf the. fiffy viso iad snsvered bis advertisemeeî for Cour vorknzcn thef. moreniug. igaaet Maltes you expeet le leere faster tbsau other feik$-arte yen'-an>' 1 Il net ma>' tisat," maid tise man, l'but - I'd b.cviissieg tle; tisaI 'ud!malteilt "Are yen used to the. vomIe "Pio doue s bit ofil." 6 il1uch 70, "Ne, ycr bonor. l'il telllane lie. Tian 0'Toole hlil'thc like cf tis place ; but 1 In' &,cisbit e!PJroet tins." îaYou are îo o oid for au appreelice, *and you'd bu lu tise wvs>', Iceculete, said Mlr. Bave, leokiug aetishe brave>' ans sand brigist eycs tisaI premiscd itrenglis and intelligence. "Besides, I rknow yor eonutrymest-ity,. i«oodfer *notiig feliovi, vhse nor 'do tbeir bent. *No : l'vu bee taleen 'e byJ Xish bande be- fore sud. Ivon't have enotber." . "dTii. irgir. vili bave tbc .afliier. bringing 'cmieFerleuJbertlic si, tuen, * sid tse mne despairingi, "fer P"v tram. *pcd ail el» for tise last forteigît, sud nives aejob -cmn igel;* and tlite te lu st penu>' I have, ycr honore sud it'à bet a beif one." Au b. ipok0ho . prcad his palan open, vish an Eusglisbaîf-pene>' upenilt. "Býrisg clou cirer 7" sked Mr-. Bave, ari-eatod b>'tise odd speech ap,, b. tureed aspea bisible ,and mcdbac agate. "JisI Nora andJames>'" "Who are île> ' "Tise can's me, vife, theotcher me cisilel,"said tse mane. "0, anaati-,jinl tisry nie. Hov'JI i biing 'cmn over te Me if Dneno ili ire zoo a job?7 I veet te b. airnieg, and tb. isole-lbig dit>' emns againat ite,aed me wvus me arme liko goe bareel bis ai-ms te tise shouilder as ho spolie, sud Mr.)ave loolicd aet:leml aud lien st bis face. ilJ bire yen for the *veekl" ho ïaidi, gland uci, as ifs Doon, go dov'atb tle kitehen sud tpIi the girl là <0 ýon ycnr diunei-a heisgry uman canIt vork.'e Aed îts ceaI-Mis bleuing, lisu e n baud obfyedj wviiboMu. Bave, ubntyiug bis a Prout vdssl op statua ce biâ ove ineel. Suepicions as hevas cf 08 3îe alipdl's integrit>' and ebilit>', hq vasagreeébly dieappotited. bonuolor worieed- bianud actusîll' Icaineel fut. -'At the end o! tise veeli ho vas engsged permanonsly, and meon vas the besl corlmaninte leshop. Hé-wva sgreat feiker, but ntctfond -o! drink or vasting mone. A h iebisvages gi-ev le hoarded ever>' penny, am4, voue tise samne habi>' cloîbe. '4u -hiehib, bad, made s i 'ret appearaue. "Boom*- coula money,ee ho saiel cue day, tl'and ier>' oint I spted po e t htie ie: Nàrs sud James>' ever; sud an for clct-tle isnI: haro luselde me-botte'r 'o coaîtile an>' back i ban no ettfe sud bo'y b>' me Breside; and suyliov, iA'slov vorli savisî." It vasslowyerk, but he-ept at il ail tisa sa16i. *Otier men, liugisansd- full o! fou;1lui ed ho, malle h h, an'e- made s jest of hie ôavleg babito, ecazed bien ' th séompan> ' them, te Pl" éof afusemeul ortb sain letiseiy, Bande> froues. Aite vain., Coeeer lilied boor, likeel fou, likeel çoospaensbipu, but ho ment neoIiveit01e rese, potatoesand c00W water, asad c9mked as foets 'a'cr i-k.. ed'before. Ih <roi t e e'ta 1.k cf tise rmhop, sud nev ubat isyapatlsy vas exciteel ercryoiie vsuied talielp Connor. 'Jobs veethrovu i$ I. a>',l ied' icidu-sud friendi>' wlishm s eiped ui m ghtfIy; but -00 pover , could malte ýlim sai-oieh fond or drie of an>' other vorliman. Thal see Med a sort cf chari-t i bihm. 8t111 ise vas, ielped loeug. ,AÀ_premleet rfuom Mr-. BaiVp, et psy dazf,@etl oa, as: le asid, 'dis ck ea -s ud tht. and liaI and tl. other added, 10 tho. 11111 board. It grev faster tise thee firaisudanl Croanou's beuden vas nol mc iscar>'..At lut, beforoe heoped i.l wugvas ocemore, aile ho se>', 141m. goiug ie briug tisen o nel 1u t showr bis haedkeucbief, in a'hicis, asbefore, h. tieleop bis earnieg'e hhi.iuushceor, ly t10 hie ,frieudu. Csutions amoeg setaungeus, , ild tise trenrc, sud kepi hie veal bnhtoucd over il 'it àî neday outil lise tickets vere bougist-end sent. Thon cirer>' man, vo- man sud cbild capable of bearing or sin- deustaedseg, kueur shat Nou and ber baby vers eeeuieg. -Tiser. vas John Joese, v'isial mfore cf tise brute in- hic composÃŽtion tisu usueil>'falI teselot cf man -oven ise, vise haelcocil>' isnied ae lammer et an oécneter'5 leau,, misieg Ml- b>' a bair'is brenadtbi vould spendceeon ieqies o! the eope boum i-eadtug tise Irish eevi fe Coui- uer. Tiiere cas Tomn Barker, tise eu- est anuamoeg -the number ciao beel eevei bee" n en otegure auyd'I*ng te au>' ce0 beforee ismoletel 'bertered un old :~ket for a pair o! giit vases visicis sý pedeller brougisî in bis basket tg tb. cbop, sud preseuted t15cm te Conoir for hie ligjra's mantelpiece. ÀAnd ber. vas tidie Dicli, lb. sppieuîice,,vbo sctnsIl>'. worleed 100 bonr is acouusr'e cwi-k n isilineas' SepI thse Irsmen aeth o e eday, Cbueor foit Ibislilueessu d retÏued il ubeei t wuele bis pover, snd the -deys flou b>'sed bi-cagit atIasI letter fi-oui bis vite. .<L ilt Bshe oufkl 'Otan-las Le 'deatreel, ise vas veli sud seasulise boy, and migli tise Lord biug theon safel>' toecd other'c aros, sud bleas home vise lid> been 'ab lied to hlm." ,Thi wthvs îeubistance o! tho episthe wiid Cousuor proadl>' ehured hie fellov-verkuneNon) vi-ote hersai!, Bshe bildlircel i ervimce aà & girl, vitis'ai certain good lady; cisc bail giirnber au edacation, thse items of clicli Cùîn«otld upon' bis fisigerm. 'a Tise' radie', îisat's oe09 su,thtie uri'tî', tisat'. hwo, sud tise cypherlut', tbàt'sà beec, and,, moeoyer, sthe- kuosa aha onie au." Tlsea ho look. cd ep ets bis fcllov-vorkancn vh urs a - Le lits eles, jau4.asked,-.. "lDo yo;vouder tlËe tà fe cas long1 betieuaie auâneue, boys 7l!, go :t vas-Nqra:et tise dace cf day- Igomet nép-grset ni3gl't-ntilth 4 newa casse tisaft tce"Storan>'Petrolly,'hmse como to port, sud Conuor, breslh!ess and pale vilS axettement, fleng hie cap ie tise air and abonteel. Il bppeued on s holiday ofîhrnooïan ad lt a devi i mon îi-sud>'yte <go viii Cnor 10 thee steamer.sud <ire lie vife a greetieg. -11cr ittie' housse vas ready ;t Mr, Bawn's 'servant bad put il le creler, i sed;Ccueor tcek onepeep mb h tbefor e satie. d't t i 1 'of ethatIu the ouldn countliry," h. aaid, é"Bail sho'Aikhov hoevt ko l i intidel>'." -, f Tho e .lcd »tjiow rterard'stise dock0 vise.the seamer la>',eta pscjee htcb mades ltbard for teatest tg follov hlm le a teady blunseif ; looli ttug tIhe capt&iý îith bicg>'s dry as two ktoûei. Thons 'leneel to litl fr! ends' .a- "i 'r e gt an>'death, boys,'! Ihoheid, and Iber. droppcd tle1lise floor like a log.,[, Tue>'raiged bisa andjbore hlm sway, 1u su boni, b. vta t home Chuhli ilt bcd wibd bdbecun made rnedyfor'*oF cear>' utSb er'Icug voyage. 'Therp,' 4ý lait, ha cpeneed lia eyca. -OId lÊr.;,hawl lientcirer lise;hob. id lice stmmoec b>' thi.e ntvs, sud the i-cern vas full ef Couunor's fellov-vo nlemen. a Botter, Conuior 74' <ak.ed thb. oh Min. ".A -dale,'l seid Conuor. tIl ' atm>'y eov;ilhctthbem son. And looki ye, mastiier. I'r eieaue't one tig-God lii good; Hgo vouldniî let sue brlng Nor# over tes me, bei Ra's tekitug ic oir uto ber-and ,Janeày-orc*r th. river; don't yen mce i, andelbeu stending on tbe otiser- aide Wo icîcome a."y- ,ud cLtb tisoe wrd&. Coninor aîuetcised eut liisi-rms. Pei-haps h. did see liera-. Heceu onltovsaend no dicd. i s Richmnd Pr!non dumaag the Waar. ýTic fcllowing is froan "Jarpcr's New 31enthly Mlagazine, eetitied "lHeroic Deeds Ticre were sereral gas-huruicrg li tb rocn, vi eiswre allovee te bei-n at fall 13ev tintil tc'u o'clnck, wien tise ordor v", giron b>' lie-offlUer fthe nigislr "Llilstg 'out I "Tien lieprisouere vere reqaired ,te tai-n off ali but cne, vieis as ieft diniiy burung. pOue nigbL b>'Mutuasi agrecement, Olt tisetprtsoners la>' demsand *appamentl>' foL 1aslecp wuts ever>' 1iWlt. su (Uil lk - .At'eneck eekl.usua!order - vras <ien, a.Liis d uit1" No cee stirmed Tise réquisition vas aherni>' repeateel. As, well gir. ouders le tlhe slunilercrs -inthe. 50 profounel. A lieutceut vas on duîj visose kintlineas cf boart, il vWas ici! I kovu wod')sho o rash-n acL_ Ho vue embarmased'le kuci- uatIotedo in vîie o! tistrenge insubordination. Bucis eblividas sud shentorisi l *iep bcd neyer been witnessedithbe prison liefore. Af ter a llide dcieyý.tilie'uteusul bi-eghtitnlea s4ad pf soldieus, sud Ilion tie order mas guven, ."Put, oatî hoPe iglits,.eortake tise censequencas 1! 5h11 net e muscle moved Thé ordei- ias rcpcsrted » "Put ont f boge ligit8,.0olnlu lue nuates ise gussi-ti il! flre upon yen 1'" Ticre vas succi silence that tise ticking o! tise varci, ihicli'the lieutenant field iui.is lsand, eouild b. al-, nîcètiheurd as lthe , m iinotes glided swifly'aay; Tise order, IrMeke recel> 1" mas giren. jEvery muskel vas bi-cagit te lhe shuieuder. 81111 net s piouer motedL Tiey aIl mcv tisaI a kinel isàrt tiroibee lliste, bosoul fe! tise tenanti Tisee va e molels puse; as hiic conuaîtin vils tise gcaue.asd tien a4 turneu-ou theie .>arsa bitter mas beard amonl tic, Captives. lu thé. adj -111 uc f m y- umov- Y i'ei.rEM ~ B. J A.EIIiSTE-A la Citao@er~. oroah4o. uoliw- 1:

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