Irt Tbos. Bort Wilson Zs 2, tit i tsprtscof ibe Provinces Dr; The »0ports cf th.-dey vw04 bertily -e. *,w ge, <b.the K or, fisid bis Isolaustion tre yJJ*a îedsd, sud b,pu"ral oà leý that affect feaîl thé<b.otIPIp15@ul ëR gcod eirder .pére&e(bighiy :cridUltby. <o ,on lse asncs sous cf tbe 4éidbsrmof Tbe gentlemen living <lie arrangements the tb. tgomtteof the Meebanltts' Xsttute, lue charge &acderrîeg cf ilpsa o êmd thp lis hiaie (Clmi, têt vlgorously <to tpîeetîu dv r 'ee fory le *cr fu prrldug<h.vay su mensgîsit <lii <iir efforts vers g ellnii read- trisi for girieg priées for Atbletie sports send ad h rvedsbnic wlb.'-< gamme, &n4 ifé6urtinlg lb. Agriluturat ebslev us 1i.sots b u u groud, .bîb vropliedil her dsof $109 vos coIectedntthbe gâte) isud ai- h posait, à e place, cf recceation' sud togetbec'neail $260,' -vqre realiked.' At gb. lmntimsueutfor <b holiay.oee <t duriug the0 j y thiescould hveof 'ruaT0L1T55 corasus. boon lîttIe short cf 2000,'persons ,on -thse t On Boadsy-aptain Diitasiî's Compant ground. Oue great dri . bbick '*u the parsded et 6 p. te., sud tate anumbur or sne fmnm«,tvsdtsc ro c atarly 40 mnrched to Divine Service il ve regr.< a hetter effiort va snotitade. re Ail Saluts' Church. An, sioqueut sud ' . 10. spt parilotie mermon vwu pyeacbed to a crovd. 'The CîtOChicgo flc*,fouu b oreai'by »the Ber. Mr. Cqyley. - r- h. md eongegattonGENEL GRANT t«3MINATED FOR o' *'odBSire the Quoc9u" vanug viii t PRSDH fercur by th. congrégation bet'ore dis-- pering. '8t1JL1i OLoX OiVC , At teon eook thé <vo volanteer eern PRESDENT Poules cf <thevu nhad assembled ou th. ie grouud. The Whitbl Jufaubry, under' At tb. grei>t Bepublican Ocuvention cou tient. flonofin, sud <ho Whitby Rifles, field ait. Chicageou n Tbursdasy, tie 2It and tiudmr confiant! cf Captais Camnéras' i., on motion of GeneraiL ogea, Generil The the shole under 'the eeumand cf Captea uGrant tase iocuisied by ery State for dby tla'rtnell, wi<h Captaîn sud Adjtaut Joues* Presid6nt. &fter ssea blot*à ng Schuylie< se'u assiting, wfic vore pot througb varions Clfax,' speakcer cf 'the Bouse cf Repre ,vointlonsi cf a fieId dîy, ukirmising, &0., suttirci vas uemiuiuted for Vioe'Pre fnd «aqlitld themselrem mcml ceditbly. sidontb. Boti companies made a strong master, ,Beoiutieus vers passelc cngrabuisting vi iidb.dispîay vas vibiioesd by a largo <he couutry on <ho assuned ucceosicf the the ocowdusny ladies biug aime ptoeet. reconstruction poîicy of Congruss, on <lie vs 'At iweiqre oiock prcciscîy a feu de joie guaanulo by Congres& cf <ho right cf had vas fired. Thrco lusty clicers wveothen suffrage teoaiiiloyal peoplselan<the Soitti, mn glI'en for tlie Qùcen, afier whieb both b bci vas due to hem, aud muet lie main, Wei <teupauics rc-formed sud marcîîcd Irongh tsened 1 dcnounnig ail forumcf repudia den <ho os. - 1ien as a national crime; <bt tie national duy 1 4r ÂTiTOe u'9ro. c<lic Àths-mathocpaîd secrding te <ho sec Esîvees <vo ent broc o'cîcck teAh letter sud the spirit cf the lis ; <tht taxi Dm. lettn sports hegan, lut the premî ian ticen shoutd b. equaîited eud rcdacd shag limnuscouccurse cf spectators. An u rpcl u1aii;sdta b cep E uesiug streamu cf people kept continusill ieno f <u national debt sbould h.e tcnd.'crf pourlug imte the groundi dariug <bei. cd orer a long <me, rcduciug <ho raie cf ilu %ports-tb. ladies formiug s large sud lierest shencrer it, eau b. henorabl>' ut fai-cf course <lie <iret portion cf tue dunc, -'r:h Gorernucat of th. United le auenda.nce. The sporus paisscd off oit States sbould b. administorcd witb <ho Ics ceedingly weli, end sffcîded cuill>' gcod stricteit eouem>. The corruption sud ma isîsutibuent, Tbey sors notet oancdd travagauce fostercd by Audres Johnson hig outl dnrk. The. rsi avant on the pro- sboud le reformed. They deplore tic tac grame w a-deth cf iAncolu sud tho e ccicu cr Hordie rae-200 yards, 6 hurdes.- of Johnson. They denounce the latter se ait Paor <him <er. sere ire enties. T. Who.c a usurper end violter cf <lie liv, au oh.A la, A. O'Leary, C. Miller, U el& oI sud structor cf reconstruction, sud justly iu.' lik Geo. Mathevi. peacbed for"' higi crimes and misdomean. hi[ O Léary teck ti.e lesd and kept it roui ore." Reptidiato <lie dottniate once'as mb. tic <lie tant; he came in a couparativeiy easy j-tawy ujc.N-ctzno h Wiene~rcf <hoetlnt prise of $2. Wbaten jet c yssmuji< c iie f<. tadprize, $1; United States, native or natnraiized, muet so Ths runniug bigli iut came off~ nexi. b6 deprired cof liberty shon ahroad, except Ti Par <hlmilicbre sere 6 eitris-,Gco. Ca. for violatiou cf <holem. EHutogises thec iactoit, ù. Ray, Guo. Meîbews, George teslir n alr;terbute r Bai, Johne Matbews, sud T. Wbeiabi. csiin n lr;<enbute r 1tay mode the hughemt jnmp, 40. loin. unS Obigstiiti no'Vcr <o b. forgottenl <heur teck b.olfrsI pris. of $2,9 Ge, Ma<hewo, widows sud crpbsns arc thie nation&s varda. c 2nd, $L. Imumigration shculd b. forered by ailiberii( Thre-tggo rce-4 ctnes-Geogesud jusI poîicy. l'ho convention, Itey sud .Jobhu haî, N. Ncwbury sud W, hsssiislcpcsdpol tugig< liait, Thom». Martin sud P. Malhesson, tis t &lopeelpoletrgin-h Jaum Black and seo. Knuvting. There for <beir. ight.. .di vas gram tfun cicr- ibis raec, -'hicb h '«ofefr boys entier 14-icats. lIaIt sud lalÀ1sS 3t A ut I tKEN risto.-N -Ray tuthe <ifrs< huit, Merdantnsd Ma-.Anoîber burgiarions cn<ry wv and. intoM ihosmon <hoï second. Tbe <ird besi sswu lcbiu sorecfMi.Acx rigef s dîmd bout hbesethéosmuie tompetitors. Ii g toe onfis r.igloi, PStmndye f Aitat à a mbsv8 tihgglé, Martin sud bMa- hstw o tengl.ofBlud r thbevmoh brried or( <lie- lis prise of $2, Sunday luit, sud <vo Dow suite cf, eletheu, vinning hy scarcoîy <vo test, Ray sud soma cloth, aud otber suali articles cir- Hail 2041 prise, $1.- ricd off. The berglarious <ieves vouîd t.Floiacec, $100 -61#s. prise, $4-, 2ud, à appeau ta bave been rury paîticlar as te buts. Pire cntnls-Geo.Huit, B. Am- s ktiong, .X. K.unlie, B. H. Jamieson, A. à gccd t-mgo mucb go <bal setcral suite O*Leary. Arnutrong came in finitlu 134 appesi t<obire icen hsuied duwsa romn soeondi, O'Leary 2nd, îhirplse ilu deusniued hy t<hembefoe Uunnlng long jump-pivso $2 sud $1. <bey 'voie quit. suit.ed. There mnt b. ivie conpetior-Go. é;Cîmercu, James more ihan ordinar>' tempttien &bout fi ftau nes .BrtvslWu. Blackburn, f tirîruen, ,,tReacl~; Fatd te h.ra~be Gospel for lbe dey; ,j sdocpariag itSwltb tb. 16 Ipisas of 1I a, lba,<ccii b1cbbh& presbid la f vbriel oliid anufEeted sntaes, d tbelr s s retlg saltable lun bot lb. afseul o f thé day. Tuà t, la ïvord&ooucr bleised Lord, <h. jot Wtbi beau fog, tsud <bitlbto. cf !bbibrot1ý ub mj, * ga erty &land difflculty, >bad at 16011gtb ucutsd tbesuves a sulitablo plie OffOieslilp. tbIs, be$,%ldi bit moet beattfelt viabes been rea1itÃd. '110 rl'yprid 1iberaityof tbe Protestant cOmumunsiy WhitIy, sud tbSaked <hem for thb. mb. ttai id givea by .tbOm toad b cionole» e' bur, ,.eh .deeply :retted <the absence' of <boBiabope, -and peciiily tbel -of Bishop Waisi-_ýnot euly hls'(Fitber he1) own accouai, snd, SI of tlhe coogregatioi, ut on accouai the ccme-suddon Suddaugerous ii su-wticb beptIbis Lbrdsbpaviy. 1H. ute .d,r bowever,; <bai befor long Bisbo0p aisi wctid lieenbled'to ma>» gond his r-si '.sluiee *id *do-sud ne imogt à et il cme.todeiigbî id edify thêmnt by bis gitted eloquence. bc »aie of tickets abid oftîerIug f -the rhtdouoted, vi are tbld, Io <b. bond. nie sm of about $260. The Iâue Dr. #hakc. In our llat e wé ânnotuced tupon bat wu beileveà tô. bu good su- irity tbat Dr. Peako, of <bis tovu, as recoveriug <roui the ilineas vbici ad se long conflued biens w bis t'caidhuce, d noir, within thé apace cf one short cek, we arececlled uspon t6 announhte bis atb, wbieh toek plaue muddcnly oh Vlri. my cvening, the 22ad iusi. As vii hc !n by adrertioemetit in other colamus, ý.Hancoci, who ince Dr. Peabie's illnesa ned chi arge of bispractice, will cou- ne to sot sheretolore la tbu, lturest f the bereved fsà mil outil 1Uri. Peà t. is sa pouitionutte mike perminent 'arrange, sus Dr. Peate ha net rescbed- bis 5tI ycsr etth ti <ue cf b4. destb. H.e tics a widow sud live Young ehildren to saura tbcir sad bersvenent. Aîthougb s reidence lu Wbitby bsd scarcely ex. unded over s yesr. Dr. Peices smisbiîity dmaniîer baild secured hlms tbé respect cf 41 Who *are fî,ored viti bis acqusintacce. nW bis lirofessiebtal skitl sud tact voe ikely, bed he been spsred, to bave gainsd di <bu confidence sud estoosi cfis ps- ieutu, and secured bini a lucrative prao ice' lu <bis ccmntuniby. rhe Concert iu nid of the Spice-ot Ail snt'Church. The couchri oh Monday evaniug vas lu erery wsy a great succesa, <le :ooth belug erowded to tzass, msbmy fromsdistance particplarly Osbtwa,) bsving attended iu arge numbers. The conctert was under be management of TMrs. Wastkis, sud inaid, dition té <is,>acompiibed lad , ongs vere ullotted tea ila 11'Vie, (cf Torcuto,> Misa Norah Hillary, Mut . Wabsou, aud mis" Mockridge. Professor Poit, sud Miss N. Hillary, ali favouired thie suiiencs vitt severailnstruuietii plecés upôh siptani- Ëceut ndov piano, lciudly lent by Mdbsrsý Xing isud Ra0ine. Oui spceil!'n.ot id mit of a langibeed notice. Suffice it tc say -<bat the selectionu cf umusie *as es ilîlent, sud tb. singers *ore ail lu poi roice.- Mia Mockrldge, in partichiir, a r. 7 M. JusDarlinîtcu; Geo.'Dodgp, Wbuby-22. 4 Bist Whlthy ;Wmorat tiea qrng fohueà MnaweatWitiy; e btfllceing. bottoni, Pickering ; James DunkluiPlw @riag; Wm. £'rms<rong, Scsrbotcugb; Joseph- Pilksy,' Piekering; James Lesi, llaJohnba eaiE Whitby j Tboi. FiieB . 'Wlýleiby; Heur>' Randel, C -t eambus ;A<drev Daridicu, Pickering j les. stnsa&4 10ickering; aHgh McMilsan,1 Thoab ; Dçb a-Id Carmicibsel, Brock; Jas.9 Borfand, par,îingt.en; Wmé 1illiken, Markhaaui0.rcW. ,:,germau, 'Xîrkbru;1 (dd net $ýongb» ;,ýJobu MorganeMark-1 bau G«eé. MarquisWbity ;Wmn.Pbipps,1 Piekerînt- Arcbibsid Maclesn, Marlcbim;1 Wm. Fuie>', Bosmuanrilte ; J. D. Jonces, Bosui"vils; Jas. Walkeri -Ashbun;1 Punis Thoupseu, Wbitby W.m. Wood,1 PickWnfg; Geo, Doidge, Whilby-29- lir#t -clse Boys.-ýJomn Cowie, Pick. enim4;,Win. Duke, B. Whitby; William Oglîrie, West Whitby; John M. Rose, Oéa,s; (diii not picughâ); JohnLauub, jasci; Hdsaud J3uchisua, Beach.; Wm. 'Ilirnere Tierali; (did'not plougli); John ,?opec, Pickering; Thomtas QI" Pilkey, ?ickering; Wm. Leiak, FuIe>'; R. G. Satcliff, Columbus; Wn. Dix, Scarbor- eugh ; Alfred Lynde, Whitby; Win. Miller, Pickering; Beujimin MeQua>', Pickering; John T. Pbillips, Mîrkbum-16, Brook ; J. Ccviei Pickering; Wm. Eeck- inglioticin, Pickerng;Jas. Lynde, Whit. by; George Robi,, Wiby-5.'. The fint.class wa open te ait comemab Two c f tbe principal rulem voesth&& tb. <lue lie computed et <lie rate cf fourtecu bourestte tic acre ; <ho pioagiiug te be net les ban six inclies deep, and ne as- sistance or haudtiug iafter thie stakes were set, la laying cut th. lande a titi!. more thait the exact qustit>' wu allotcd <be firsi dlusmou, sud s bte teu thn heur proper sbire <b <he second clansenusud sud buy#. ,Bhortlyealter 10 ' ôalock, aIl bciug ready, <lie 's<gOil' vas g$en itid tIhe plodgaghsset la umoton, cicr tie splendid tsenty.folir .acre field sbieciVs mini excet lent condition. -1< vas à s tlighifnt 66flowery May" lhoruiug, BII4 thebe suer proinmed anapiciouly, sud ishule thie meu ,are il <licir vork vo Witt taie a l001 cftmi tUEMfleo. Amore, aimated mccci couuii ucareiy lie visnesmed ;--non@s ccntin, i nyvier, botter ciiculated <o ezhibit et once th setil respectabitity cf <he Upper Cà nadian furà 'er and the immense stridesi tade tey hlm, sithin t'O short a period iu idranciug agricuttural improremenî, sud secaring in prered< agricutturst appliaucem cf every description and kind. The lut concourue of persona scittirtd ail cicî <ho ground- cumberte« ertain>' bot 'ÃoÃŽa <ban, fic thoamaud persona, 'msd estimited lyiy eo et ou higli a figure as seven thousand - uhowed mIme th. deep iuîeremt< akeu by al cuasses iu thc cause'- cf agnidmflure, aud iu cucourugiug its grovth isod prosperit>'. Au ides cf tb. immense craN0 present msy be fcruied fromntb.the at <bat 0aiong both aides o'cfihi aide liue apptruing-'tho gr 1onds, vebicles sud boises as close1>' peked m 1<bey could poseibty lbe extendcd icrmi than ra mile lu leugili. Many persons aise lofi , theu pcunveysncci nt Columbp sud Brook, !in, and numibers laid <heu farien fricuds iu the vicinity nder contribioin for hbou : pi tb e e teritin nc t hi cb as presee O pen aIl concis viti au ove9floving goad *viii, Tente sud booths innuucrsble i<pdý hded tle grounds, sud -Us9g0'd <hing- 61goode la a comparative sease - au $à cakes sud ale"-atongb, perlipe, nul Lquitese vwhoieîome- vere te ho badil l 1abundsnce,ýnd *vcre'ýextensl!l> paroi 'cý d b>' &UlWvo b.d <à . wh*bottéitha1. Be cit vas tic immense, vsried; sud'.ve Mus m4 di nois>' dispisy cf Agriculuti impieý meuts <lit divided lte grestest aniouut c St sîtebiion vii' h -heplouglhî,n,'M oyer te Bespers, Self rsicçrs, Hmnres<rsrand othe trees ici uuupbertld<urtostyi&bout j_ sud sacllfiug mewiug*etlumVnd, orami lm provre0 jtougbeatroqted 'fir.,q rgçt;se 0-giveu by the niembers c f the Cou.- nouse sud Local IL.glatre for North sud Wiliu bc, srieb a d is-A *eety, hlaiploughi ithe già ocfMesus. Birown à pates ogeshet vih $20 added. Je" E1orresb,¶Vs< V'itby, 4b prise, S M Mnc-claitM Bd-W ilislib Patto, Scsrbcrougb, finIt prise, a seed dril, vslued at $80, the gifi of Mré.'Gten, cof Oshawa.: John Morgan, -Markbsm, Ãnd priéie, a pair of harrô, iu aied tai I, î<hogift cf Mesrs.W*Ier BndyAudlby; tigeîber with $;0 sdded, by, themuniqlpëi codutl lors cf Buastnd We&It Wbiîhy. JehnuBoune, West Whitby, Érd priïe, $25 wortb cf agricultursi iotptduents,'<ho gift cf Mesers, Wbiting a cevan, Osha' vs, bslng oue cf every à rtilýp minufactur. ed by <bat firui. Â vtdevidsu, PicleWig, £tb prise, a oprlng bur saddle, vainedaigs$2,tle gift 1Of Mr*John Dte, cf Broobuin. -Johu Hickiugbottom, Pickering, Sth prise. Firai-dasa Boys, 1,8 and under.-John Cowie, Pickering, tiret prise, $20, the gifi cf Hon. John Sià psoui. W Milliams Leask, Feiey, gnd'prise-s pair cf harrowi vslued at $16, <the gift ci Mueur.Hepbau &Ro lberts, cf Bxeokulu. John Lsmb, Beach, 3rd prise, $8. Thomas C. Pitkey, Pickering, 4th prize, s first.prisc horse-rake, ývslned Wt$5, the gift cf A. Ltcbcu, Brookiu. R. G. Rateiiff,, Coiumbus, Su prise, $3. >SeCmd claà ts Beys, 165nd Ud Ueo. Rubb, Whitby, firat prise, a bridît eud martingale, valued st $6, the gift of Mfr. Wm. Thompsou, cf Wbitby. Tb * wbicb vas subseqncntly sddcd, (after thei advirisemefl cf tho prcmiums hsd bcem priuted,) n sewing machine vsiued at $16t the gift cf 1Mr, G. M. Green, cf Uxhridge J. Cowie, Pickerng, 2ud prise, $5, the glit cf W. H. Bittingi. Esq., cf Wbitby. Jason Stone, i3roch, 3rd prise, a bridie sud martLigale sulued as $4,, the gift of Mr. Msybee, Brooklin. James Lynde, Whitby, 4ti prise, shi, dl. snd martingale vamied et $9, <ho giti cf Mfr. Philp, Whiz4y. Front the aboie It vili b. seen tbml Scarbercugh and Moriebam carried off the higliest sud best cf ail te vîluable prizes, AIl the plougbiug vas proneuuced excel lent, snd the jndges had noegesy tuk ir arrivtug At adecision. Theirisward1 bow ever, was gonerally aequiesced lu s. salis ; fact ry. lu saw rdi g th c pris es f' <I4 seccndclass men, Ib. judges, ibreugli si rerrr, firai gave ho second prise ta Wm flood insîesd of John Morgan. This vi causcd by tiheIncviug cf Morgsn's stakes s u a d f b is p i c ug b t ug A t <le u cr t b, îuste w 3 of t bé sou îb a*ide f <lic sta kres. O u -ex . aomiing l'uo tho matter it turnid ont the 1 M rgsn'm plou hing h d nt been judgli 1 A il l aIl nsd eiugten to c laa e thé M a tt v as allo ved t<cesand over i ii thi eDe 0 dsy, T ire . f the jud ges tiemhin cd . un î aFr! day morami, sd aidg pase-ove 'the p ogbing ag sin rectified the mistak s u d î v a r d e d t i c 2 n d p r is e o M o r g a n , i ngirlon aboi nein ivl il rt The sewÃg iapg d iei fâ t Crsir prise te second clase boys, vas pro jsented by tie denor, Mr. Qrcc6i, eniy g ev days before thé plonghiug conte 01 ud enmonequentiy dld not appear la û Id printefilis10. - vers Meurs. Walter Dilzel, iaOgti M Jà mes Wei, carborouib- John lx t Wbiîby; join hepburn, ast 'Wblt 11 Charl'. ]Pixton, Beach ; W.. Sinulsi z-Whitbv ; and John Whitcuidgc, Bowmac ut ville. M The. Oficers cf',<lie Wbibysund Bd e, Wbithy Society lad no emmii dilÉcuIties, ofegonter vhen <hey under<ook'tb. ente 1"s prime cf tb. Dominion Pteughing mate r sud svsrdiug prises imenitlug inu 3L tgaesb «â sme $500.' Tbey mai ys Permit met if yen ploim, ëben, s&»It spa..là th. CâmonsoLato reterleuMy of # slumers bids t<e lb.mebmrsof <e ova bePi Councl for <heIn iciulj ift ef aà nDowsalI 001 A. CMEoit . Chief Censlable, Teown of' t x. ià may 2t, 1860. "4bai t' i Fîlïenisi Cà ucl o '1te iCkeing ceuncil met urs nm t ole üun d onrnment ; nicbenS Rs t present; cou~ minuutes ofiss tnlgreadýand laPPrr- nez S M t. . W lxsen mores <bat lb. council sai resoîve. itself ltla'scourt ef Rerision for d h, UPOuroi, ofrevisiug tic assesmeut i~1 or 1868, ad <tati. reeveb.liebah4r-- man cf usid court. .Sereral cases cf appeel bavlng becu dis- posbeS cf,' c oti eon of Mc. i,' ou <lite aeslihbnt roli vasCouflvnied asamended& jonrncà ý6d iel The councîl soeraýii petificus vere 'preseuted pral' iujt for grants or, Mcny te, impiove lb.0 Tbe tc5o t*ds 4umulgtln ro th. LtA3-ov.'s Secretary iiu reference ,te-fif th. surie>' cf l1 , u b.4tb cou., alec Mo the report of Johniubtief,Esq.,PLSic4 ut1 <b Bheini.>' of <b. ihude befween lots. 26 v iud 21, iu tic 2uiicon.; abS Uiswen lobts-m Si sud 99, lu the lai mdr,. Me. Green pnosentcd <lb fpétitîin cf h r Mi. Pyemu Inigent old votu; pf,' S M . M ille r m o re s< t s o rd e ra Ité î f i ë - i l <o tie folîoviug parties for cond uCrsi%cns ý M iz-.-Thoi4 IMoore, rond division a Daid Banibohlder, No; 68., Wm. Smith, jr., No. 60. Ou motion cf Mr. Wixeon tbc tiesturcu b sas ocdeîed, to-puy Au %Wbutier the suthi ci $9 for lime fnm'niibod for foundation cf S e b tetown bal.t If On 'Motion of Mr. Parker, tb. reasurer enc v as crdectetopsy the folîowing parties tai e for scrvices reudered us returuicg officers a n ai the lutsiuunicipal elections t James S 1pLinton, $2 ý Aloi. Ferguson, $2; Edward m .Iaeckonn, $2 ;'Ueo. Utichritit, $2 suad Jabs. A, 0Bell, $i. S O u motion f U r. M iler h o tieusmier f ris orderd o p y Johne Shier, Esq., <le nti 4 sum of $12 for surie>' anS placf rouesth c )f iciveca lo s e26and 2T, <i c he 2 ud con., tof sud bettreenlots 82 sud 88; lu tic B.rut m cou. Ce t Ounfmtion i Mr. Parker a as rend ihre morveral <Iicsansd passedl, ap. th atpointin 8 Ilester Boyce overuen of road iti le Mi. bMilIeu mores <bat John Siber, P.n 5. . ,l ic i is r c e d < a e a s u rv e y f t l. telnorilI ortiu cf'to midclluc be<*een f in los 82 anc 88, Iu bic first con., s no s i g tr <aelled, viti tbe vicw cf estsblisiugM isthe mime as a public higbway; <ji. parties a tnteniistcd doehtmingt ereto.' ce Mu. Mileu ncioes<bi t ho reeregant fiu hie eider ou <hO tressurer for4bemuni cfg< i. $72 tc Jobti Shier for the marre>' of lois nm 22, 23 sud 24, lu th,Oth ccli, an ti. m0 recip i or h o certificaf o f tiec ommis- ,c sioner cf Crovu Lands of the. vork bciug Z. Compitd.. la, Mr. Parker morenst he<b conucil Te- r bd soir.ltisolf inte committec cf the whole te o idinrestîgate tic petiticus for grauts o! cir m on .> for ro ao . t Thé m etu n lu mi mtt.éo f !tho *bolet il tiIi Kr. Green in tb. chair. 'i rr The commttoe, roe, repcued progres,a lk . sd -aked lev e o it again at te ne xi seMeeting cf tbe conucil. S The cosaucil reaunaci, <h e rv uin<ho Chain~ lie Ou mhotiôn diMbit. tticr <ho tr<tssuter t re was encreS te pa>'Samuel Adamn t he. enif of $120, foc uis serices as ussessor , f f o u <t h e . p u s e t y e s u ; <-' o A u s B n c i ' t e a eay ucof $7. for seep billed b>' doge; <o lis Caipen Stotte tihesaun cf $6.00 for cd supplieS tu, Samuel IBitton, 'an ludigefit perscu; anS John Wmndeor<lie Oum cf wiîlîlboaffdsndgi ýnlig l *eekwa ant "Ie tire cicys. e7 On'motion eofMMe. Greef <hOé conucil se- i, jounued tilt Mônday' tbé iSti mai, 9 Meunday, Ma>' 151h, 1868.- tut Thé co'nutl iitet pui'isputtô , idjouru- < o ment, mnmbens ai l -emb er- The counuil ve t ntecuilittte ef t ic ciit vbole on t<lie cilions tic aits cir moue>' cIi e «- iow demni>' *E ba hâté, A situation u l I~~~ <bl 'tirsd editot toee of tself into adieen 4, b>' bffl 4ueer hing is w 1 aT sa si4 i1 cals r: Wheu is aplai< ir avé begimsto rcct. A eddie? Wieu il Ir., of Toronto, lus ~i5- . -'lion of bis commi terSi> 4 '4oluutere - If afaoier ln~ Spro.. oft.slgtie vorking onute<is u ut!"u cf etiese littietee live., 11b orticultuni id- <ia. of $1W0 for fnti piaeeshe<ud vnat'dTh . o e u' 4a e e hieS ulcoli mt ta lst UdaoldDtb umitl . luAb>'uinia report *cMay I, re'ubol lusse tlhe ouub -bmrhlsg for Bomba avers1 . by tbe British St b es No* hts inst., by the mricat -ai tb. residence oaC o per. XYîitby, Mr. Alue amevL< is lsbl à à thé~ %ahi - LiWia imala - - Osi....... :w Pu'bli« ý &e P' $ hislibyri, the tpt pfo a lewl et efr- 5T AnSdi pomons are iufningtng eau>' t ý gent. ,oftaet f'l ejo, anl fiwtjfiafns Tm ofJin: -zt ig ofita*i n lO pà rîement of Canad*a Zen. ntlma& <rnm fthef 5<1 Blt.£t3S 8 TËD TO. ParilimrenýI.Ir - s pissed for-renic ()n Fnuda>' the 2 2nd inst, thb. Sam-stth-eb.Domnain- en of tic parliauaonl ofithe Dominion cf yonc-comintry' anida vas prorogu 1 d. :ab'eiject'you des Fb. eintlo amber presenled a livel>' meméres wbic pa a ncsd ai - thé , gallel-es Were- reguating lho" et'po l fisbîonable' audience. At ibautn, wll' 1 Vemiuciee afteu2, the. Rouge cf Gem- côfuuueciatiedi jns,- procoded by <lie Speaker, assembicd '<>' of'publie, i lb. bic cf <h. Senste. -Tliciniumbers n<.psae s quite mmaii, not, cxcecdiug about, 85,1 ëcUîre dcpacle ta>' hîving gone Aaa> yestenday. been organitel ,The asenig taebillsoccnpicd about q5jed i on. 10 If'su heur. Ou thb. lcoucof. tiche Hue th'e éaà urms ieë a Wa s ait but hrilllianI' diepisy- crminsila ncng thl uces pi-ceont sure Laedy' sud îbel)omiul;;ý seis Menfckf, Lady MacDonald,' Mca. my dfrctiolii [ucli, anS Mise lMonck. ' piesueted feir TitU Palllaetit *,ýs proogued udl theb. end.meno.t f9l: day of Jul>' 1i foliowlng bis #WSte aseuteel -ot I t1itk cyen ry lb. Goe.>Generu -An Act, to deftue inide lor- the ei fiiticgâi, le1<mtunitiesf sd powes f 5atsfied il uill matons of thébotadùl ComtuSus, aud taeffieene>' an Dgir. âà miiiflj, protection teopersans .Ion. Gendtem mployed in <h lif, blidation 9f parliamen- T reloico <li l-yj»Itpf& AAÀt t loÃiding fou thoe'gralulats yodl 'gmnition dl <litg $epirtuieul cf the <bat preraim Wcretar>' cf Stsle cf tjeusda. s4 for the and 1 feel asa riager cf Imisnand Ordinime linds, botes, 1yod vw Ln Act repctlnig th'é >éunÃœrenéï'. An Act mnotibg obediet espcîiig inqiiries cegnnin 'publie ing- atla"bmn tiers.AA i te tegulate 75 l'es<riet under vbich fi he contingent chargesairfhé>ieécpfttcat *Tiie 9peakre d h. public servics te cuetahuisi A uta- Hon. Gentlmu unan>'office. Au Act respectieini-t 00mn liaionssud oaîiim cf alleglauce and5of 't lu Hi, lc . A u A ct for iton <nu ng th e ic P l sa- neut cf Canada uiacf <ho e dem , 6 1 sul ad pleass beCrwn. nacreepectingih.secii* norogued on ce ~ ~ ~ ~ l Crs. use 1!ut, taci tytobeiven.yofficrsodfanadaavo - h ,bd vidow aud'cldren corb,lth WHou. -'"y l lies. D'Arcy MoUe.. * Au ici for <lic ou-- a'nizîtion cf thc Doparttinut of Maris. l'i kagit in Pishcries cf Canada. An sici nsecet- tg acceesonies <o sud abettori cf ludiet A itfé rBeî ible offeucUs. Au, mot <o aublioruse'<ihe scarcely iayîlb arnytng ofgaspipei amclss thb River Xifa, menti bet iara, lu order <o facilitate <ho: ligliting cf Gon dia li th. <owa cf Clilton viii gaz. - An sut te a vt ù icorporate tb. Cliftou Suspension Bridge Dy~' ii u coupany. An set t ensd Ihe a te- sels, bal! 0aIî îtiug te ttceI4iagmra Disticlt Bar .Au York <e Cave et respc<iug lie Department cf <Justice. yachtsmen vb An set tô amcuS an sot intituleS 'mn set fdratane eof respectingt<le Statntés of Canada. An blor ssii rem set te mmhile banblIn luan>'pattcf Canadainig. and Il *à ca usa notescf t tb Doulinidu' ýilisthsd o anffs voeegi meeiting notes cf <hein ovu. An mdt cee' lBrdo r pccting alieustsud nituusiizstou. Anu id tWr set te confirm<lieamalgamatiefl c f t. th e lxltatione Commcucimi Baub cf Canad u.ed <lie Mer-e<bal vs. e rs éhituts' Banik'An ahitea, épecting oeu. Alli te Pme teatiautea and deiroctoti tberëof dtSfor liau la M1ew thsit u' rpoces. An aet te' imiteS.'dut>'ych toi ou fôrtigu repninis-cf Britishi 46ilYnIÃŽzt vhîiise a rni. Ai adi res<pcdtlagbte inspectiondutat o of steanilicu" a (utos'the'gl'ét*lsafety of passeugers b>' <leu. An luitrspclgtueg b the CousolidatoS BerenuoFua4. An sot ef Midc*ai, 1 coustitut:ug <lie Departimontcf Customs. Pnineil iem Anut téIleannex a portion cf <h. meignior>' ing made the of Beisir te tic couat>' ef -Qucbec, sud viitii Jas inother portion theceof te tb. count>' cf dtsud a - Port Neut An set fou the bottertwcity a h) ansu cf Cco#n and Goyruent., Act respect- It ~a iug jicsbu n acaetoy chrgeS viîth bih g tlofi & troason er feicu'., Acit.esplallug , b e Vs mW& *bol service of Canda Ac'fo oguliion hyachdbia Depsutueul of Agriultur. Acitle'couz.inizpasticait ,cr cran by-aws passdib>'diticters subject cf i cf 1 be MAupbsamttg Navigation Cd., perccilx ço andt - fotcer pûrpe1cou Aét Ve incolpor-<~<« îe C n ad Sip ing ;Ã".- AdL <t 0, c ve a r m ii certuin pcrsou 8erein mentioneti indemt- nifle fou hsaving s't-sud 'reted s meut- mieç ou licar bers cf th. Bouge of- Commette, *bile t<li031M -'ai holding certiofices under crovut a çt poI~u - to <o inconpdraté 3Merchantî Expremà ou. cfien4inMp r, sition te i pfo: etorn <e "l'es im] and ine 3, sustitu < heu sal ril HOU