)YAL '- ema p . oa Im rpovdPelSfotLr.s lilctreul lw k&bult u o . DUrer sud*u"rcUu OeM wk.-MJ ro,'Broo. Ot, 'Whitby, Sept. 25, l"f. 8 lus, 1000- ,rîlE iLWEItPOOL ND LO1DON Jla n ln eslsntuio UlrtY-twO 7yerOq sud OurliE uaL p."ridd lise id JAi'OX ,xciliig fle una 4a ali millio Puudl e88rliMOs Th Tiim lburmoil*et 'itis enerlnua9014 ~br aWiteavos, ili*, witlîeni iobt, aentrl.> lth o theno o l of ï ixloluID ¶rnAWllIoIOtZ, sud bugiuesme ongen- urliy, ws'esySf il ln reprenouted. te lta tiret 705f, 1886, tli, lire I'rim lisone Autiit*d £.........0,7 lit ils 101l YO56',1846,............. £47,73 "styeur, 10......... 982 46 e yosur, 1806 -........ tsse Théo liseXdoaervo Fund laflow 84,1T,4 Vie Lire Bomrvo Fusîd la new 80,Mft468 The Q0 > fly la IopitOOîo'1 l ibbonO- trlio t idO, by l,lttucrniisiAgents, 10 hlof pllail*n for luisurarico msy 00 mode, t0..y. 0. ggKs> Juý, Yobruary liii>, 1848. 7 ýjCOAL Q IL L A M I OF TIlE IqWEST I'TTEENS, irolà ionde L AM Ori,$S t o aiut5er-h1 Sh ÉotCae0,,to haà l ' limai VcOA 11,1., h 40pdtl CIOULD lhuy icree rntieliocedrc. lTiieMontrenlt te (]vm thye tal=a ftct enrai bvea si ei n l!huuau foc e i iuasStite tes g$,eCile .1uilloii.. 4 arel sa 1mw ortbu eieom1*liiliUi unealie. mm.ticigeetiOfde'. ~Te 4uiuy lx pImm isud ecelant ani pC h a.As 1I aeparicular ila ýIiîg îte Im gal= y ut'l'eslaubu bal fu ulr nquata, liuplss eacquaini YOU suaii ivea gpu- flt c a ts, 0155, Due e1, lm0. btwià aitl,-The box d Englisis reéltUai ît <ofgIyeuTiwliit YO cSet itue gvea grfflaitm, VOleici U imaT especi it- isterde emi ii.ari 0 . SINNER, TeOîRT, De"euier le,1507. be teta-rs wo chess od Tem 1bati (ronm Yen - esweek4 amne bhavte i u aae<aclluit.Voil wl f*gw go s uetivtri e r abiertg D l M i l Finekz ia M cetNewpetmucosb. tLeWeiat,-Ibe luluobun .Jan.6,01 u& t[edomn,- bu totofrm j10 "th@im u twIxb 4<Tes fou @mU mus *re of asce lleti qtlity, apecialiy 'Nb omtoiilm ltiste "bMeilal outi"ogbis treqeuitly dneeoti*dtargualitthenervec' dieuses en a ImpureTn. <rets priauseas ý1re' :2ldt>j mIirnt aesu40e 0 of i eauu M 'ht il0sbuWeS1l5l1t>Il'ailt'lavre o . 18e.o ai4 Ohtola, 2c.0,l laeoi de. 1e;v -0 laot iii. 1 4,Uh.&iCwTBTgUiitiaT Cuiiiiiott.15;ine h4CT0 40 Ot0e inYlawmdWo c-d meat h l'Ho TWIN lat. 2-IY Pnizes and Jeî Life-like likeneoses taken in a fevr sewnozld, ini à mat - er Ito en- sure pel:ect .etlafaction. M Sc1Bills for minner tof -etributionoILpre. oqnt.I Now lete chance for ail to oonre enduring RHOTOGRÂP1I8,;s nd vaIut*le presents, nt a leu. prie than mon photographers chargeofer the plc. tureâ alone. Osbawa, M arch 24, 1868. 12 Frosh Spring- Goods- Arrivais!. of the Latest Styles, _at M. Hl COCHRÂNES. Trwceds-.EngIisbi, Svotch and Canadian, at $ M. IL COCHRANE&S Clotbiing- Ready-madep and to Order, at Groeres-i6A New andLarge Stock, at M. 1.COCHRANES. Dundas Street, Whitby., Wlb~ My4s-168 IIow o Jeep 11w I Peel, & WARM DRY JOSEPH'<A-8 AN~L' And select a pair,.of warin Overshoes, ySu - il ad, them of all kinds and of the beatsitin SupoiorBufllo verishoes.' In Ladies' Gents, Mi sses' and -Childrens' BOOTS & SHEOES, of every ývani'ety, the establishiehit ot the undersigned lu unsurpassed by ayther in town. The stock- is> laitge to select from, and the worinanship good,, sud in alilcases, WARRANTED. REPÂlUS AS USUAL. DHeada of Families will :flnd it tW their iuterest to aU and examine. Wb1tby, Decembon 4, 1867î O 4A$BN>EL 43RATBARGAINS 1 CL 0THIN Q )a in Ilats end Ce no in I3lankets, l"Éua tri zCIYIT ni B3ROCK STREETýI-, The nsr, iidires .,to, inbrm his fiendd' b. Iue~oiewd boi te Lb b=70 prses. wbere ho bu loo4W-e ei eïwte6to1 f e* e cotmprigove ihi~ E~ l~ Ma r r>«Ot* i vi efru ~v eek, ew1 SHFOP I ML DWSRIPTIOs, and 0citee,ut ake,-- kmnshit.nD4aaU& IDLDMISISSWES', GENTSAND CHILDEES>WEAE Nie trosts- that tbyiceeping Énoebut a good anid sufîtable arti- cle,a -# b.h lewwet vicet vich à arely;go articlemcao b baned--snitable for' ii kîndo cf weath.rté ment i taIT of p'ubli tttrenag. g X o efforts-wil be s9pared-o n bie payt to do justice t> hie1 customers, or inbis oudeaverls te givo then e««Y satiel'iitieu. t"Pikes marked in plain figures, A eal repectfully«Wso- 'e J *XAMUALUJ3 NIEW GOODS! MoMilan & Côn* Wü beg Wo announce the arrivaI of a portion of our SPB.ING STOCK, conslv iug oet b. fellowing lnc Hoyle's ]Pnints, Ashton's Pints, Peel's Pints, Brilliauts, Panoy DreésiGoods, Pancty Shirtingse Grey ad White Cottons. Ail of which will be offer'e& 2à perù enit, 1085tIan 1581 seaseu's prie.. The balane o! ut Sprig Importains viii be te baud lut ef Âprii, wbih wnul be fonut uuaaly large, aud viii be seld st Lb. vry le ermnueralive - T. ]EL ILAN&CO Good News for the lllin 1[ncw ail mie» by thcse preuenato thai Ioli sud db Seil the CJHEAPEST GOODS in the. COtJ1XTY of ONTARIO, 'SMLLPROFITS_.,& QTJTICK -il MY STOCKOPF FANY ANI) 1ETURNS' Staple DryGos la ow itobplà eeanti for bOnty, stylo aid Obpes a' esupuei lu~ ~ ~ ~l 'ti iy tc sVery large, and mjore attractiVe than nouai, sudpal!teifavnig e with tbein patronage,,will Sund ilte theiriadra ntae otb lu poltbf style andi cheapnusa A full assenL et MO1JKNTNG 60D toaantly on baud, and doue up in te hortest notice. Aise,SaC.boice collection'of BRE~A EQUIPMENTS t1immeti to ero, flu the latest style. W-V Dreas Duttbns and imn-. miiein entilm as siety; TAILOII<G DMi PARtTMENT.-Cl0thiflg macle'to oder o tbe ptisls by finit-lan workmen, aud ,An imlltouse stbck ofe tb hostI Fhiouablei loth, tg wlect frein. uA lodit grauteed. Speclal attention cag t e t of BOOTS AND :SH'OE, in moëis anti women'o, girls' and i iees. Aise, Ovon Sheca lfon damp wcatber. Onýocenima, nard- vwans," 1: -se I avspcful nvtd -Cshplt Wh ist , Dais>, 7esu W £1 J.VWbbstI aLJ BOOTS &s 0fte igldt Fit and 1KTHE .4OUNTY 0F 01NTÂR10 They_ direçqt special attention to the following -Iccadol ordSilks, Real Irish Poplins,. Empress Cloth, Panei Dres>fes, Muulinl &c., Shawls, Black Laceý Plain Drab, and Paney Colored, Hosey Gloires, Ribbonu, Lace, Collard D uf, "nea Are now opened, with a laitge stock of Timed Bonnetsanad Rate, Flowers, Feather-s, anies k.,lal the new styles ýCottons, Counterpanes, Lace' and Muslin Cuirtains, ticking, Towllng Crpts, Dambs&eloh, T*eeds, Ganîiberoons 1M"ens MaHté, T ies, Braces, &cl., and 'Ready-lMade 'Cloiing, In Menni' an.lId loyat Costa, Pants, and Vest&e. lothing madle ap to order in the latest styleé. Cro-eie, - Classware, -, licl-±£-a -Februar INDA &CHIA EA COI De- HO1ME DEPOT LONDON & iJIVE RPOOL.N. A WEI à PRESH TE No. ,,,2,3, Hospital St Montreal. Pure ant i gENM]9INE glcf ,à blenaia t trà 1 haydo, lnewtd irect W s hai frem teCoelupt*y's Planttions in- ASSAM, andatiou tt.. leues oftte fULÂYAS, may meh, biculdi*<iith Ll inest pr'oucta.of CHINA. OulTw Qallc, rî. -7c. eiponbelbnBI"ckGreén on ixeti. Fine Ifoüsehpld Tes, èoib!iiu g Srobgth sud haver,7» cents pev lb. JOHY Mie urble............. idollar peAnb. ~ Sld u Pctasu aniýýsr tIt* ompany's Agoula, 11eelây City' andti ý Tg =n la Ck Street, TRbE Agent fo~ Oa*4, I aIUaII D)udaa teel the ?ost offic. B AP.i =EF 'iw 1 .a Pean Pruer--4 Pq4PeIi, 36 tuf try office, Whi! ig-r44, Chur ABE TE »fl W. P. in. MAR k. M.MAUX, R4 ÂGE i Brock St., Wbitýy, 9ýrch lt 1868. A- eau is respec 1 «d MOWO, 1 1