Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jun 1868, p. 1

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ONTARIO IBANK W1IITIJT ERANOIL L TF. LOCKHART, AiIÎSTERS ANvDATToltNETS-AT- iEO Law Solicitors t6te isBnk oi Mtre 1, ltederporatioeuoft he OouutW fOntasrýo otals,ôf,~.,Whitby, 0OW *, (,. C4es o. . H.J. MAoDOIlL,. #, àtt1@Ofbo ,tolxpon geod seurlty.- Ap. ~7sjUi.Ofi 'albo rt, Cours llou,- bANRISTEIM, Attorucys, 8tlctorsMIs .LP FYFIO-Went.rn Assurance Beilcngo OVNTYCUàOWN ATTOICURY FOR ON- Stas.lo,Barrl*tor sud Atteruy.atLLAW, Se0 .1Er lun(llaue, Ne'ov'i£lll fi. % b-I ais>Ws à vI. Id4,ad ïtlr.,Phltriv. -> 81 G EORGE Ia. »AILTNELL;,! B Y~i1 J5TEU, ATTORNEZ , CUNVEYVANq ;0t, Pmprity Kogstrair, Ilator Jxtraordi sui,.d aezsuutu cn Coury for theceotu- Sy o!Usetalo.Ofie rocalstî, Wlîtbi. T>AIRISTEit ATJrORNB4Y AT L4W# B>aIal sOisor,4.Whltby 0 W. B AURISTBU.-ÂT-LAW AND) SOLICIT()B jAIES N.UTSL GURDONj BAILRIWTElI du ATTOB1NYY-AT-LAW, 3 o0Ioior lu (Jhaua.ryo Cosivoyancer, so- --tary Peblle&c. (uw<e-*.t dogr tote .SIen of RaidJ. dampbeII, »reck 8L., Wiltby, 0"i Wlulîby, Nov, 1b, 1867. 4d (3jlTO NOTABY 1PUBLIC, sto. dc. W. 11, IIJLLINGS, I, oLtiOTuaR te., tc. W" oie, INTavs Onu RBsatsn'a Orwws, CIFAILLES C. K6ELLER, Â tlOt1IY AT L&W, SOLICITOR IN onu,irooak,L.W. J. RIAMEZR GfIBENWOOD, 2ATTURNBY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR 1IN -AUtiancery', Notas'>' Pub lietuouqaysncer, ho*.§ Wlltbls. W. Ioots, lis ITtorla Biock, .mit b keglstry Office. coi Brook traut. 48 JAMlES LAMlON, A TToUNIIYAT-LAW, SOLICITOI: IN Dudau Street. gOr TIroo doori West ut thé. voit (illic. 1,f ucer. aud Nutarieis PublIc, duc., &o, l'muo Ls?-;Pi poieTown Voouty Crown Attorgs>'. C. A. JONES, Sp iýtfrq Sollcater tu Ckeauceryé -At- torgacy dc.8 &0# ýr ggýWhitby. 41ry W$. S fTYZEYE Solipltor, d&., *ou., - e 44, C5hurcýýýst!tIToreut. .é t-b AUISTER AT LAW, Sollaiter lu Chan- Btmooet,-opposlte the ['oit 01llic, t.'lîaws. R. .J.; GUNN, Mé D. S 'uiYÀoito TO TE COUNTY OAOL, Biyron Street, Wlîtby. 4 Du. W. 6FEUIllER, Mi. P SOrws Jopejîs8te 10 a. m., sud 5Sto 8 oocP. . 18 404-N V- HAMP NOTÂILIC )PUBLIC. 'Wlîlty, Aprl l 1t,688. -"rCTORIA HROTEL. JILLIAht SCOTT, POREO (Lt Wm. oyntonse.) 0.7 JIIR-DRESSING AND SHKVING à SAILOON, 33110CR ST', WRiTBY. SSOUwH1nius BANKu or mouTRUAr. . "Wblltby, Jan. 22, '88. oNTARIO HOTEL. WIIITBY.- ~. i3WE8 - - PROPRTElOR. supaiQr acemmodationis. Caneful sttcn- tIon to e ionuqlroments"ôf traVeîbrs andi guetéa > " , Iscous s a nsd sboi-t0fhu, sud raid> BUotlTON9S MOTEL, ~XM. BOYNON ,ta hform tho lu- habitantelfthe ÇoeButy et Vltenaatid 514.lau' 111a18 treat lati ' uthutd b>' od lu fland se l'ia8hd> %. udurl- y!., h4MsLteii d g atsyono Aoû à -~ost i aIwa&Ya la attult e0MMEROIAL IMOTEL god n tepie ta h a s r 0 ýum5blYkuowisell-vllch la nowttallt 0100for the 'eesptîon of, j ussteu- sad;th* iv ---itaI aloe %dandaattsonv oA Sa *5» ýOsiIls.Promisse. Charges g,. rt E.-DM. CAILDW1ËJê' Jin#t ' g~îjid, i'~'Y' at., md l maos'- tassideieu te Iisu té muiLtehre. t'àusswulo aeg vs stravelling OaaUnuny. .,IAIES C ru. Aibloe.bali, EBoit umarket Squar, 8L SotouorItî,188. 1 MILLINERY 1 MI SS Stuart boi te s>nuo éte tse Lu. dIos#f shîuissudVlinltyj thatfsle i sud log prepsr.d te xecunte aIl urdeîs-.. u inl Inutsw and toit wel'k, vitli despateht. NWa làoe-,tiu l e a.to rtr in sue Ibauka for put otas< THE ROBSON lKOUSEz (LÂZ5OtSPTI e'abz&,) t*DASlSr£EIZT, WIITIJYC.W. TMIE -sbsorlbar beghs4 te a»senîe that lie seanu tosea thié bliuIlp# forniseri>' knowu &#etuîa Ht el,, lwh lc h u beau relluvat. atat *poiitçýtlia Vléot (illico.41)4lu the contrit et t Town. Tho talîvi'Omnibui s li t[hbI, ltei,ausd the UtgOstusr Uxbridge suai Boilvonton bave the dourov yîorî. 3baidfi perdsay. bI4POUQOE ROBSON. ONEaLful l siori ivsy luatteudise W hitîltbyMs 1b. kl 20.ntli TUMIIEJIn.MBkruA, atnt .r, it tityofla isdhsoflem, ocutustl coufecaud. Fic; n UNKLi ul>s of thdesuoattesuaitd foreil uoi . on.kju onh . 1'e t A tilesetolironlealpyoF xs. Wholty,,. 8W., 1882, 2- 8 roe oliteio rud $tor es TIALER lu Dmugi Pc antten MofdJon .L' lt, Surg eon Stitf, onfoution for01 odI.Capro es.l rQkýt.Wa BrookIn, C. WS. 888 28 MZ'L9. OF ING TLI J propsieto uaes be r crpuplannis t rîieat fionds to a redetat te (Wiln fpJoh home Wîîtlshavre eDn tetovo reJmes Byruo'sam litedraj»slire.tckonveWitby.a orge»* . N thetiegbi. TORONTO, toruad r ýus , t ad eaga as el as sieurn will tiare uothiug undoue onuisdiit artto givo satistisation te air-Whîo May h'svor thonswltlî a Cali. 8 STAGE HOUSE - ISAAC FENTODFI B EST Wtiuosantl ilqiiors; quperlou.ucaoml modatloîî fore, rav' lorm; good stablingand attenitive hstlor. 18 YEOMAN GIBSON. C QNMISION MER CHUNZ7 INSUnANCE, & GENEBAL AGENT. Whitby, Jans., ýfth 1868. 2 REVERE HOU$B, B. PLANE, ~--Proprîctor. Stages te oauJ from sWhitby caii Juil>'. Ever>' attention pahd tognesas7. Carafilsilc tten- tive Qtsgstir. IBRO09LIN HOUSE,%'J OLAR1î. & ViCkEjRV, - Proprietors. Bcg ment naspectinl>' te Inform the iiiiab'- tante liohIe h ouîîty of Ontario, diat tiîoy hava leased tha aboya promis«s latel>' ocuupied boy $andyIl'enia, vhils îtht)' hia1a sievl>' siusli- ed and rcnovatcd, amitiîey are yrepirud to Wby l Il tisaI tIsai e la stuýIAa n for pýIcbures AT CLÀIRkÇS GALLERY lt ls becansa ho bau tiosa bulGaller>' lu tise count>', sud ha. merq patitice sis ahilJreu dquite au goOti work sm any '4l~pban lu tIse B'Tst.wisat5s tise maiter, se don't bo baokvard aébout coning furvard. 13ROCEK51T.; WÉUTBr.' HOTE & PEMISES FoRFi'6ALE.: T UÂ,T aid establ6h libd 4wll kpewulHa- tel, thie SploudI >'~W7atablilg, sud drlvlng ,isd, onee oeNI~00 7~ tmes eofilnd attlj. e-Pa ma>' ho doslrhsd, and adnus yousubcan -jsg O)rotard. Tiser. are tve yellu vhtub gcd p1m1 ,aa4P RATA &t a 5ýin. ONTAIO -ng - o'iICzileibvoZ l' ven (litatise fellovlng SCals ou tiseCAPITAL -TUCJ)cjtf-IbI supsu 'have thisday hein osa'. and ar PaYab<o at tis efTeaaar7OffCe, h TOWN, 0FWHITBit, Cai1 *f4oets for ahanepayable Jlîb May',1888. do'00 " " itJu~ 9' 00 fi if 5 5 ' t' C-O ic 01,]OtIs Jily * 'fluaI Iff aircfr tlie foregoing as ho t pgW due auJd payable, tIle mglie or siîîrua ou vhîuh sii colis romain un poid, v'Ili b. hl" tofor- fritura, wîshouat fartdier notice, acerdlng te tIse statut. lulsuichseusse ftoido aud Proi'idedU TàIOS, ÜhUSTON, Sec. d& Trouear. Wlsitby, lMarci 4, 1818. >, Ems. CARSON & :L4W. 1 OCâlce-»Yron St., Wbftbý. T 11E andansigusisi baving unhtercd lute ce- thse prigotice o h rééiino Mdca o getiier, decîre te inforre tho publie thi tisa>' vilI hd fsuîuid flropbrît and pindtnai attend- asie1â'upous aIl calteA requirhng thohr protesi.lontil seorviM. 1'utionts lviii VceivocIl tie advasu. ages vhuic el uepea lias brocqist te Ilizlitlix tihe trealmes t of di*si. >IsIea»efof ethte Tltroat andi ChusI 0pechisliy hru.teil sud prescribod l'or. The preeisa of tluIlnition, lîitiîro r rIilce kuowu atul acted upon aonngt tise Modical. Fusait I.i. part of these e' tem oft reatthetit adlopte iby Dora Ceoundu Lasw, for the, s edy sud effctuai uure of diseaxes cf tise lqiront and Cluct. Th , iuîsiedton ot Medi- cat.esivpeurs and the rndy aîplleariolb of ato izul hild»i. nov aumitte t > h. irst modial mejs of tise de>'tu bu tise umont cfea- tuai, as ws'lli§ he ise ut taticuial truatmoi lix ai sncb caust -lîrruigng us It dc.s;a iu nay illic eirecît ,o1ttiîIWth tise dl'lesist l uini- brane. Wlhh*anIntimate luowcioret isa tréat- meut of ail diseusse,, na.sioîw pract*ecd lu tisa hiet lne',ltsi Q oî.'rhue eivilhêed worlil, ausi tiieti' swu uire egpuracuoe, Dis. Cureon du LuW r tttha>'ar, notIce preosuîspttîoui lu 110 utig tiat t1iir iscrysc.e nuil>' ybc fouil tueo fi, fil ascisuisig ln tilacare cf coma ofte Sais> il>, te *blhicsiumsaus loasble loIr. -t;i' AtilSurgical apeaudîons snoceurl>' f~Parties dasiriusg aensuitsiion moavelii ;tiut 09 tlîo parts:crelîip .friesof charge. Ca(llell ttendasi l e t ail houri,'la>' ands O1FFICE-Byron Street, Wlitby. Apnil 115<ii, 1868. 15 JOHN L.., WAT-KIS9 S BWPO»N D)NTl8T9 Omt-O'rJAS. BY1LNES Medical Hall. Brocit itrect, Whitby. W rAil wcrk warrauitcd. Fa'mille attcuuîied at privatu resideucca. TEETII ZI"EXTJ1AeTED We WITHOUT PAIN, O lYir IE USE (OF NITROUS OXIDE LAUGIIN'GGAS, OU TIE NEW AT DENTAL 1BOOMS, .UNDAS STREET, %VIIITBY)8C. W. ROOMS.-Over M. Il. Cochranie's Store. Whitusy, Junet8, 1897. Q5 PHRNIX FI1RE ASSURIANICE C0, L')MBAIID STREET d& CIIAIING Ciss, GILLESPIE, MOFFATTkd Co., 4geats for 'anuita. JAMES DAVITS1N, Manager. IN§I71ZNCI1 alasiui LORS by FIEE ara efteivttue mont favoraleotornisanau L.ORS PA P4ID witlîost raturc o tea lcard lus London. YEOMAN GîIBtON, Apnil ard, 1860. Aet Ioiby1 SBOE TOULS à FINDINGS-60. A co let amrmecfntah.eisatt lers $ phmu Pt Coe,5f oand bMamuiiss 'liread, lMai'hMsub Mi ho. 5'egs, hue Naiso, Shosm Tac", lilel ausd Toule s, TO CA B INET- MAKERQ haStu easig Cared flir Tav, gots Tviuâ, Chair vols, Bounass&rem aep Tauks#, F11111J'sterlacIse , u8ehSn, eu Triumaslak,Uhesres ùde unta lsu Addl*,arée&'GslaExeà fud*sn Mrelst t81> 'xuioleae5s Trui loeRvyÂN &a, QLJV$R, Mt10% iç R Y A, N D'IML UkàA»vf "a ,eoseM 'x. W.4 bi conotaignt4efu Copntyjr fOnario, thatb. "bu 'breoJ'aâint lait l WgitrtiVxoî*r" #hitby, Dho.4, 07.4ifos48 A88BAN~ECOMPANY Capital, $400,000. I 1Eunderblttied halng beau Appointed TAcent for the aboye Comnpany, lo n.1w LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-lias.Agent %Whltby REAL ESTATE l'Olt@ALE, CO riST aN p I PARK AND Of Off LOTS, House and Lott Watfr Lotop sautable for 'Warehonslnjgr purjpos0 es ? #U t!e TOWN 0F WIJJ1E3Y P*RIt. No. i.-Park lot,coempris!ng that vÀlnableatot flanui, kî.owî. as the9 Gildcre;leeve property' l>lngnorth ofttoî %raud îTrunk Ns.ilwA,ý utiig bu i8 seres, tmore or la0s. Pr$RCEIa No, ý.-1'Ark lot lylnx Southt of PÀIIlWîiy traak, and bounded o'n the Southî by th. ro.. landlîîg to jiuilway Station, coutaing about 8 surnoes, more or lcl. PARCEL No. 8.-Tot of lanil tont*ilflng al)cnt onc-aid4 habit' acres, more or les, sitiisd on tiie corner f U$ielimoi2d and Front ircetiq. rARLCE!. No. $.-Uot 13( md aontaining about two acre%, wmr or leus, aituatcd on the corner of leîry issd u nd strects. P4RCBYjLN~5-o No. 7, Block 2, wext aide of UIilbmond strcet, contaissng htlf-minoue, on whlulî tbcre le a one-and - a-Itilft urey trosma lions.e, at preecrit oc- cupiud by bir. Ilugis Armsstrong. I'4RCIEL Ne. 4L-Two watar lots at W i.t- ,gh liroor lyng ei% ofIlemicro. Jais. o &Cs arc onses, and lss.ving a froutssga on the Ilarbour. AU tha aboya lots are tnost ellirllly situated lu excellent locations fur man)ufactùrin!z, ware- lîouelng, andi building purlioco., witlsin tisa zorporistlof otthe courît>' town cf IR lth>', 0on cftdia beet markue on Ia'ttario.» In viev uf the osriy eorstrbdtien cf tii. Whitby and Port 1'erry Railwity, wilîi would nîcre pion troahte r value, they oii'ar a de- sirbleoporteojy 'or itivestusen:ttua ho -k phaltt and àspéclilutor.1. As an uadly winidiug T p cf tho us ato le ron- dered lnurîtlvaly îcuesear>', ap Lgrjy'Bae mue.)t Ibeo tul Apiaonfor fortlîcr 7articular'asundin- J. G. MACDONALD, garaetsf omiueraisîtl Bout&, Pýîn8ztou. Or te T1108. LAW LEP., Mecrs't, Whltby. *Wliitby, Feb. 12, la888. BY-LAW No. 158. A4 By.taw to aid dnil ais,!t flue Port F7k/day and fort Ferry .Raii- via-y (Company, ln tflic oussrue- tion ande'qu/pment of a Railwqy uiommencing at Mhe Toien of 'WZitby w/t/t/n thtelim/ta of t/je port W/îitiýy iLrbor, and fer-' misatireff at or necur Port P«rry, ünn Lake Scugog ; and to ma/te andgrant toelt/uc aidClLompany tierefor theut Dduentures 'ef f li Corporation 0 o! dJ ait! lovin, ,for f/te eucm of fifty t/coudant! Wisere3s a Comny> ba1ving by rm 4cet tise Priiasmet oftise Pu'eio et Ontario beau dulincorponalesi undecu tise naine et Il TisiPorI WSihtbyandi Port t'ei'ry Baume->' Company',' vitis lissipurposti, powerand aut ionit>', untier assoi Acta, cf layiug out, con- utructixg ant i fniabiug a Railva>' froin vitisin th isalrits ofthlie Corporation eithtie Tovn et WlilîSy, or tisa limita etftisa Port Whitby Ilarbor,, mIna difrectiuon fthlie Grand Trnnk Rail. va>' et Canada, se as Lui secumea afa vuruble conactien therevitis, ut uome comuenient peint witiintise saisi Town; [heuce tismoîsgi saîd Tevn,tise Townîbipi t f t'uter West Whiîby, or bell, ulisthie Townshsip et Reais, te a point ou Lake Scngog, Slt or isean Pont Penny, hava gene ixte eperalion under tise provisions ofthtie saiti AçI. Anti viereas, hy IRa seid "let cf Parusa- suent, Municipal Conpoa'àoiare esupovereti te grant te tti mid Coin. g>n 8sciseuIuor smns e of m~one, bYnue oftbpa Corpotitbà tisoir Munielpalii1es, as oea>'b> tise sai Municipal :Corporations bh. tisouglit atiuble,ia tise va>'ofothnus, oir donation, te aid lu' tise construca- tien or equipsuent of lisa!& til!a>', <or of an>' et lisWlueki 'uthorizeti uder-bti> âlfdl otebe netastoketa bysaadComupany>. Mit ~bé1as Il15malettilty ta thse Inter. est ant iàlv-oage oetth, .Corporatien t eft tie saiti'Townet Wlilby tbii i .'omnflefad. the' 'uidTow, àWais'A eil tisQusand BIe'lhddodllars, tise a bteuto le -wbele a'ateable pro- p ort he lb"sid i, ceuprition, of -f ho aliTow, luing, accou'ding. to tbe lu t Wuedasesseua nt relis b'cf gpoVeubundved'and fitty tbeusad two tifûftur, reuse. -jet Aakjs2reas, tise exloting débtp ethlb.àuaî4 ',W mtion of tieseaid-Tovn is,46r' Inincipal;, lb. sure ci one tbetaabd-1 dollars, ansi for luterest, tise' of.e onse buntired andi twençy pi , ibinteu'eat l is bùreal'. - And iheu'er1 lbthtnuaj spaclal tata lu lies dollar, for payiug lthe Intereat anâl rtaltuseht fprincipal ftélling due eceis ybsr, ou' for opeatinu au-,equai yliady Sinîling . s, othe paymnin cf tie pinpipal oft)4is sd debt,Jspie' b>' inteude'd te bu inciirued, 'ac-. côîsiing toe ie t'espeîinj thb .iu. ulutpal Instittýtnof t pper Canaa4a, In Ibe o 9ar. , lutb Nl ilt terefore cuacitid, ahist lu beus>by enacteti by 'tise Municipal Caucil etie tCor'poration oatie tevu of Wbitby, that tisa Pebentores eof tise Corporation of tise 's4d Town, te thea ansunt ofthtie su'in cf i6117 thon. baun doilIapa1isi bulut ofnot leis tîsan oee iundreti hou' More tisan five isun. tii-ad does e acis, beaing interest at. tise rite of aix pcv cent, per annuns, payable ai lise Ontario Bank, ix the cil>' ot Toronlo, sisal! torthwitis, after tisa passiug cf Ibis by-law, ba madie ati executeti by thsa Mayor efthlie saisi Corporation, anti b>' iip- buiy aigned ianti asictivils tise corporuta acal cf tisa saiti Corporation eor&bj sucis otiser poison, beang a membon et tisa Cunnai! of tise saisi Cerporation, as ma>' by an>'by.liw o!flise Bait Corporation !srcnfter die antippaas. cd for that ptsrpoe,ba appoiliteec. ecute sud'sign tha assie, saisi Deisen- turea te hacu:;onmadessand ecututi thàt thbe smm ' l'twe tibougand ie hum. dresi dollars, eflisa sai s m of fift>' tiosAndtidollars, for wlaicli Den. turcs avé te ba Issuéd:i as'afcrusaid, toetîer with thé - nterest ch - th'c wbele- amotint et Dubeusthns se is- ouedt, ansi ne more, sisaît become pa>'. ahlei.nluau>' one ypnvthareatter, sud tise visle et suuah'sum oettl94ython-. oanti dollai4, fou' whiî4h D'uisenlulcs ahal ha isset, ltali', ba made piy- able in twenty 'equaa annual instal- apeuta- cf tWe thicssanduilve bundreti dollars catiS, vithI ltereat aItishe rate of siX Ver cuist, peu' annuns, payable isa*l.yealiy, ori th isalist day cf Janu- &ry, and tisa finalt day cf Juil>, lis cacis ygar, andi no pirt cf the saisi priucipal or inteneuit shal bucusade payable aI a hue nierea tisuwenty* years Irons ttihue tissby.lievsisal atie efféet. 2usd. Tisat'tisa D'beutures se matie anti ciuecuteulsisail, upon tisis isy-law taking effecl, be dell'crcd 'to.tisa saisi Port Whltby ati Ptrt t'erry Ruilway Ccmpany; t(, bLicab>' tisa notianti applicq te tise purposus aboya rccit'ed, Ansi to neoehisr, c8dtitionetl, hewever, tisaI before the d'eluvur>'-cf tisa saisi Dabenturas lui the saisi Railway Com- pahy, eue btiudreotitsugandsidollars ,of the Capital Stock cf thse saisi Rail- wa>' Comspanysytl. b jae Ërst beci subacibtidix tsb' stock bocks cf tise aisi Company', and han peu' cent liscre- on paiit bsucae ene eoftisacharter- cd Baniks eft tisi Provincp, as ncquircd by tisa Act iconporating thesaiti Ceaispan>'.- M.rdt uia n equini speciai rate of neveu millas anti ofi-tisirdl cf a mili, in tise dollar', par annuin u addition lti al oises rates, sisali be raiseti anti laviati laipon ts suisola raloabia propent>' cf tise Muricipait>'. in usicisyuar, during tise period oet Iviit>'years ttera Ibis hy.Xav ohaIl tâe o ffect, for puy- iug thes, saisi Debcnturos, ansitise in- tei'est tisercon. 41is. TisaItisis isy-Iaw s4aýI taka effact ansi coma inte,- force on the final day cf Juiy, inlise year cf oui- Lord omiga fisasiti elgisî iundreti anti litS. Tiset tisa votes of tisa qualifleti elea. tors 6et huaTowns et Wiiy, on tis hy-lnv, shall bu takex cii tise tiir... teentis day ef June, A. D., 1868, at uine o'clock, a. s., aItishe follewing places, viz --In th9 Noitis Ward, aI thse. Mecisaxicm' baul; tise Centre -Wand, attise Townx hall, andinluthua South Word, a£tisa rame bueuse ovned b> Jatuses Cumeroniraist et Ricisntont, ml-oct, visera tise JasLnmunicipal cIao- ion vas isols, andi Bentram, Fo-wlîe h iscreis> appeinteti Rehurvng Officer for tise Norths Word, Georga Y. Sînitis, focr the.Centra Word, andTih!iomas 7'. 4legg, fôr tise Sotatis Wsrà. Datedt Iis 18tis day et Mfa>, A. D., 1808. (Signati,) Rt. J. G UNN,w a THOS. 1IUSTON,* T AR'NOTICE tiaItishe aboya ie a truc çcpy cf a pî'çpogad b>'-lawu,f wirniis'11! li laken luto coosifforationl'bý tise Council oethlie Ceporatiisoettise TOWN OF WHITBY t Afýthe lste aaa ha s'b beefs fimitr pubilisedalaesat four limes in escis nevipaper printesvil isiîn'tbe limits 41 tise aiti fierporation, vis-lu is e Witby 'ýiîLtz ati île-WSihby, 'Gazettde andi tI'n lef,-Ils.h-date ethé,scifitrsdi pnb tlce-lion mes onte oeyf h lst day et Ma1 A.D;:1565, andti tis-IltS oteg et s tis els-e 6ftibse eid Cerpoitten JI l bi nelgisior0s; *'Ml oiuethé *otld-it lu anti hsa&,be-u tise saie. -Tise"pisii ishabita'tixftetiswou'd- le'dwellero lu tpntse-tIntla rctail ~o'et her tisa otînig votsotliel"dvslAIe camup- ments irieï; t lise> et du tlsul*rwaunirngs troua plaée teplace, as »Detouina do te tiss day'. lVisph 'ctle 15rose -ýw ith"' gnew'ing Itviliation,-tise" iniblifeuta lusîcret itriuni tbe gales att hehtie te gosalp and, learu tiëëse v a.Rund lsepav efthlIe Sphyux cceWtied ncWamongev sud neya seluers î in tise butsoe-t tise Jevlis'aveso men iwbiupoe etidition an4 disqiýue flue asat great piague;lu tisa batisa 'l'f, Rom. tise slurdyieonuers etofthé >*s 3'evti W asieltieir tel'nn;tgota lthiîrtpegas, "ansi degeucratedti 9 uIe g 0s»ip 'êutise atepa et tise Acpolis tise on,'udwijy Alhisx ans gatieretit sar u'telheu ometiiîg nev; u ise ap i'ofeConsantinople, .oardeti u s izteuate t e i atcbt titir;l lngus,_ swearinpg 1sy , 'l1,ia tise>' Waiayen. dcrtsul;.li (bisblreets'-f Daîhi ans Lmsk- nov thse returning,.pilgrimu fri Mecca= verp cageri>' questioeotis te thé ovefita et isa jouree>'ndth ie ivendentugl 'syinld ooid; un tise tea.iscuses 'et China tise vetuluilIn-g traveller wnaaltp4 oýý lVisaIt of tisa iarbavians bayend this alI -,"roîind tIhe founfains ef Madiiid b à 1c t-yeddamliàiels breatblessly lustenedti O't*e 'ti-çss'kîctu dal; un 'tise "AIle>' 'dL R. a'" eld Londen chatted "-ibouItiste -Court 9und ne viledth ie I'renclu;-aend >s'-en the bba- bouses et ôlçl'Euli lage eeatteus. tive crowdq">' be feu nt, wiiieaniafgàsipë, travelleti ou' unîniveileti, u'lated'tisa won- dlurR ti tb&çspihsl ou' 1h11' uost retient pralîle efthtie village. k vei-ywlîeve tIbee Ius th lsanme nnxlcty lté tcIi-tn sanis. dagumnesto ehei.' vus OID Uoaor CONVETIJO Nitva. TMs'ain e olti mode1 et .cenveyimg 1intel- ligence stil! 'pravails in man>' places"'lu stand.stili Ais anti novais couulédlT'esli atterti-re. e nhskeeblisý; ut as; civil. ballion' aduancet'inlutise Wesitern Werld this gratiItransmission vas toundti àb slow, anti nois rutailc'h' yWord'o!1 mcuts tee îuntrusîwertlsy te suit tise reqniucmemt oftthe limes. Man 'began<oevnite dovix irnpoi'tn»nt everydiay occurrences, ant ii thise little siesco f cmtomporamaou na ix telligerica vi 'fintha fIrst gersofetis moder novawpapen. 'Tise Acta Diurna- lIse Vajli,'Netoi -of Jiliu{"ocmsljnd lise isscceatiing Empercira.givres mss'conrt rib'avs' mvw intlligenie, and ncpcrhtrouatise seat ef wam, and uyeul condescends te inforina- lien as te the sutaecf tisa wealiser, te tise cisroui'cuing cf stage' ubsys, anti a suuasmar>' of 1bmian tires. But ns tisa circulaiteon cf îtise Acta Diur'uu-even withis reat Coqsar for an esiltor- di d net, probabfÏ>' ex!c et a" docuin-hu>' nlay ' but fallt ciuims' te he<î'uppe- ioicm,5ansd tor'mas>'a day alter tise Reman Etirii- bail gene te1 smash, mankinti vere dep'i.nl.' fIiLsfi novas upun nib'nted courions, vise isuton- cd us Ingt asi lieet liorses cotilticarry tisci frein court te camp, andi frein camp te1 court. But aven tisa>' ivre tee slow, an ' i giganitic teîcgrapi- Wv-edti ai-'vcodon armi freinishiltopsi, beaconslilaai' frorni tisa Ssi tep, auncuucing ani#ision, anti fi'rY cnisses u'ouseAdtisa Ilighlanti clans te gnasup tîse iworti anti telugadth ie loir lands vits armoti maen. 'ly-ndby vils tisa invention et printiug litla seela ef nevs began to appeau' nt unicurtaiu 11ctr- vals , tiuuse g;reW mb toregtiarIy issueti busIeina-Inl nwspapems. Tise posit aidud tiseir transmission, tise.electrit tub grapis andi tisasteana pros c roeintheIs Wroilk, ansi nei aveu'>' iamiel bas its nova- papor, and tisane is scamoalv a bouse-in oui- country ut least-in wmmd tise un- flnance efthtie pi-css is net toit. TUF TIvs-t iEAD OF vUE PRSS. The 2 imes long bas beau, anti nques. licuahi>' mili l. tisa grand u'epresuntntive Brillish navapaper ' If an F.iglisssaan lins aglvance bLie proverbial tisat bih firît impulse la tesurlite h /c*esat aiiIiough, ninéoeut et ever> tex mcix bave lhiser etu parly feeling anti faverte part>' Ipnints, yultishe opissido f TW/u Times lu- tariab>' carrica weigst anti comumands resp ecîlul coussiduratieu. Tise uzuinitia',ed leuk uuen I'hoas a manuel bath ol tliéuglit 'andi liardivork, anti ari Ibt'in wonder as te tisa means by visics suais a vaut mos et mattier is producuti anti issuisdd' utise clark heurs lictueen ssuislanti munnise. 1 suspetthtu1 oinet' fa-astri-un sup. pesuing tisat tise grat nuajevit>' etfsu> restions, vise fint îsir uevutpnper regunu'. 1>' awuiixg tlîcm on tisa breakfast table, isac~ilteiaal~, tsainternai vonking et ae- ucaipapor office, anti bave ne conceptien ut aIl ef tise vast macluiner>' r>és9èathl ý[ tus-n ont 7h-rTiinçautei-y t f'uhng ie>' bsar, ,eo t uroà'gue idas tisat tiscre sue ,nieu *ho vnite, men viso prunt, sua-imen Whso issue, sudlu suc fuir tbey are correct, but ibis is mercI> tise beginnimg 'st kxowletige, It lasu>' purpose, tison in tisa -prascixl article,,te Lake lShup se iid tisa icones-to dlean ava>- tise Iystenles, ant tashow tiehm tthiisig ih doue. 1 siseult i'ktt." beginut tise beginning vilS tise iugu ssoot eoisite pape,, anti felîcir il un aIl ils sbsoqui'en: 'pruicesses Ù11 i ilhppearu pri.ntei and .fuidedsa tlie 1'b'utini. I tain moùIiSfellow liso e iuuurft froua tise éditera' reeu untl i I la ued'<o Minisî' ryor ataflas qEurope;,:anti vouti i-amble, vilS taem frp ou leu'teceiliug ef 7/us Timevide , evugîso,8(et littie miser, becaise >h ave spoua plessut seutnetb.à nia5 plainsi lngit u5w85Fw r UJCM 15>' M sentene e e a uvoiy. 1e iBaya fCC to e o iio7iaed lu-tise leah for 'lite', te bas AnedeI00O, to W e e,ïuled t làu ininsi tea »1tand in utise ilIeiuy, 'lq 'bat e anti, furtfier, toe ba usfdôhtir> io eek.M Iavisg tliss.dispeaed oet Iis revile 'fft tise uJtrcb, a vu'tteu' visé liedd drýd,'ocn ý sure tise stage vblid. thie Queei "açtedtinl Cpurt maques,*iwneîtÏiatut- ed, Mi tielois etbis esu's', sund is1uniomnt for I Jifé-; sud, asn-ivadditimol prube>t iss wvvlllngowene srnt *e ie te' bam viseri heiate&dpiIlorèd tlit ho va'sunes'- 1>' aisked -; tle-'isk.Ae e Ialeï-tô'o "Young -mn irere flogged treus isa fIet'pv»ýisoe 4e tfibpillory ilu tise Iléisi:, tisaI frei te.tôc ee f tise 1harsnued 'tis uhi , ud veed ti pepýla te suais a*exteul «that, h-lsALrds Of ise Star Chambar, flndingltlireat eof deatisiof ne avail, ordevet i hm le hagagý &osi; Durng the* "Cesumonm*ealth tisa Prousenjcyed gfeàter fiendens, but vitis the-ietiný r ethý Monavehy tisaeirestnips' tiSSÉ-were ueuwealthopg1Ve .b gtt jibutberb. case t e iat niste year affer Nalissuiel Butter Iit i-saued bis Wee7dy Noes a secret pness van duscoer- e'ti aIwork lu ClothrFais t' oIn off Impu'eeious o! a désioéatic work..I'»T4, priutelý*an slied 'histlytlidd, u4 sen- ti»heod-tebe iravnou saisundie tp Ty-buru, tisera te bebausigcdl, but neôt unîilh. was- depti, te Vç imuttlateti an*d diaesphovelied, isà entilabuit butoeahis -' ly -,ui tisen to be belsendeti anti quaflereti. Th e are ne selitary itorilea, '-Mauy ellis aqually revclting mi$ibti toisi; but7isbn rible stones bru A'arcly Christioas tara. By anti by tisa deatis penialty andti ie filog- ligs -weu's.abolisîseti, but smliitise, nme ~Igorous . çnsorsisip vas egerietianti !mpriaonm enta foru' -uuspproved vrîtings ;vas pleatit'nI. Steele *as expelititi froui tise Hloue cf Coreusons I-"bocaiisbho as a puculias Wbig ' iler teW' tise publie Prais," anti max>' yet aiiveceautell hev t'aime, tise Ive Hunts, Houe, Siseli>', andt mny> othcu's vere igiearceratcd anti heai 1>'. flneti.. . But eue by' onu tise bai-rieus 40I>' secthail se. 'clanti cen b ýçout4> tissu TUE gurdiat,04tüct 'us niup a ira le tise repent. ors' roem. lu a ipalauî aparlmes t fu- roundeti b>'a row et board tieskant inl tise centre otilt stands asliige desk-'tabkî At lise.deaka "tise'reporters -; translaté tiseir sh'bnat notes ef' parliamentarý piroéeed(ae an sud lb. ke fie ou'odiuavy wuiting 0 t lseDopelOs., lixone Cori, uer on a'tbaléax bras h volumes, WViaI do.you-tiiuk oft [iba ittle-on ? - Ià iî, tise 7'ime8 for tiss yeau' 1800, a tilminu.- thîve ittlouxewspaperioPld anti ugly,' pria. - ,sîxpeuae. - Tiis ye -prcoive ile' aliser boter. - Tonyeaishv itea avl j4ua didérence in tize aid'lype, ant instise four pitges betoéeùa vý-begin treeg. hiai îlfèlatii e isyouu sac bas glwzs our limes asbig since, tbeu. But oeerve visat a aloi-y he tolas us et past imett.-51.Tickets fou'tise Grand Shah. Loh- tory mBVa idfqc n'w p.8e'at Rd in lix ie cit4'." w lOUK"I y* ýmb1in~ n. al i15 ferma ig'preisibiheti, aujire flatter eusrselves tisI merÎalit' eu ',m preveti. Butif yoqrérà toturno oves tises. élti velutnesycu vlsWul4 nis-sm4 1ý4useer - *a>' obbeiiee -on Hasupteati Heasbi4i0 executiensataITybunFields, àar>cýjss*cl1 béind tina"lq-ae ch 'apc gsantilou'"oli atores, bât ver>' imt'el'ea iug ithal. But- 11111e lime for, neadink'la grauteti tp ni -We muet Saute>'t&.leel4 aI tbe-place-whce otiseis u'çn"cýelàTisis thse repor*ter eadliug aeofhta, 'tlelFrsinén'nt- l'oom, sud Iibnry 1ht loeks tisa biuse eof comfort. .AÀ bnijgisl fre isli,jiqg lu tihé grate, 'âud tise uxuniif o 'u'*îctshes roun'd tiseronsi-nvite us t eaet. Lt us siç! dowh for>a minute andi chat abouthtis !ileran>' depanîmenî oht Istis grent ue- spaycr. fell. Sîtlil many iuprieaive imposte; ne- TUE ITEIIAST DEl'ARTXElêI'. ftlnd. ý- Tise Rtaup Act, tise adveritse- meut tex, and tihtsapapes' tuiy'ps'ed 1tsaIIis gsin main'e la but isavl> o nwsnpr v'l'eInR ati thie means te an endi ILtistise moeamcd. creating an artificiel tariff, dampeti enter- iîsm et communie.'sting intelligence - frouu' pr, restnietet ircumelation, ant i ini'as ie etel ts itisné c c Mau>ini cdr tise muM 'moi- e' 'neape e naters, theugist t'ioimiusi te mimd. '%Vu se'it îlearsîyîs'oaa ettisse esniclem li~boe i n cpos'aius, but m - il As .vrkihi ,Itceftlyth lat o thseresricion h v opc. - nnti oeuto penetrato. Ths Sean abislet, andtihtsaresisil le eviant. ringts wet IheTc>u1es-ar TisaPenny Pi-osa pours foi-lisils sali>' tnan4ùbâtshii -im*g thousansis, sud a newstpapef eof soeasorti-h5~Ln , su ibti uuwa antebett on other Olin its va>' tn even>' house. Ix n g utsbiai kq l;iunina menaganie-- mois a mess et maltter there la, et coursehi u i> erxal* inaottip scs-ue'tnlibhuisbut tisa quantity ixe malk- b>' iieà>uiymy TIse etiiiçl,-ef cou-rse9, tie ahi>' amuoïi. kewspasper mori-I> is Iigier iead tie -ua hole establisismauL B-is thai ben Il Sas becus, noW thqî aâpres- peus naýrel>' eppeare un tisae Clotrns -eto tish sien et opinion is unréiLAieanti tisenea'ppr. His .business '-la atiser îo ceucrasip of tise peopia proves'tmore effe'e- orcien-torag net ns t nd Lb ws0ls, tive thoan tise tynan> efthtie Star Cisamise"r. cnirx-0arng i ik niste IL 's * . * * *pntperly autiriedticul. - ta seure. tise But va bave neacisa isbyrinthof n rvie eteiaen ed r viter.4, ha nov streets aussilames behindti ie Lutigale jûtiges et the ni-its eft Ieir contributions, Hill Rauiway Station., ýt le frei thie ccixanti iehontit"ucts a mîgisly tirrespcudeuce tre eft tis slahyninît saItisae btoad shee<s icAetugsî iiueltrai-Y, flig a sub- isîssaeisics aie iscattenesi' oVerk tisaland,- odinle, ise ui'ecith, su'u intcnilg tis anti boieaon o'vcny tc>r e'rvarond the otnee absIes u nlce i direction. "1To tise Timeg office." Treati euperior of theisi mportint duties. A fn cu-tisird edicishiheben founsine osus'> b ing long ansi cruoketi vays, wvo e lise r gtbérclusig raluirememtâ cf tis m b'î selya8at lait aI Pintiug Bouse Square limehéThit "n, s' - Tisé veli known germai% text iseadiug cf ti a li'te-l.cil>' cditr salai tise navapapen appanaeveryvisere atuove eprsucesokboesvhwses tliq deoirnsu;fertis violem~tare 17155dm1> iîyCiy auticlc'spocubatesoulipsns, singie exception, is oceu'tieâ b? ie'p"é'Var- ia' caricor'a!iuisn ,th s' lcng siepartmessts oftthéis Ppen. lTis e m- an ao imeor'u L rnaiius hunSÉt dulictêt w'wnmlc~ an a Eu ô ,ssineas ti-aixacteti. uJ asubt, -bot 11â1 uîmequxomîted adjunal lui liter, cerne tia er-writens., Tise earepe- ahu'nu. Frei thse valua cf this ,estabîlis-mnireust-sud- special. Tise'permanent ment, tiselinge blue anti viitea atverlisa- leaeren viters-ai-e litarar> Meus on tisestai mmetftise Daily. 7'elegropl.îglanes intc cf tisa newgpapr, 1irise itt 4coýding ta tis oea- thesalrgest Circulation lu tise instruahidus, ansi vit upon givan s'uh.- voi" taîcgig'tishecu 'nitidïnial jacta; tise specual ledder _ur viîrs 'as'e papes-'lu tie vorîd;ti ts"'Moliteet of l>'geniemuuctlô witcore1usain ao vol! Vbaaet Strcet svugguî cn a'ratisa Capulets lirnosin iiiehomiclont.wiis cet ainties cf Pintinq lHous'a Squiare; sud tise 'itaund earngenmLerffoîusstan d rticlhes of yestarday beards venerabla Joué liti is boaing ouaslits tonotaiitis oem ovix Glyspus. Btt itislte nival lionses lopitis ofa-e sl ici tti chviita uontion ansd hies- nival daims va have uoîîîimg te einaeoia-sjeirlcsia nw ci' o are Soea lec-Thte Timses, net- te letige. - Tise Specia! býeadeu'.vie ay > dsd ~ ew. vau reti coet, or a-gss'oçý, r», hn,,isdÉ airft..~dtl tis 2b1~?Z>. - airvi"'-fiý aiyhavea a bety titia pi-o. TuS tCAitiER 07 TUE '"Ti1t5." fixedti t0is 5name, or hailthtie laIteofets Tise careor cf t4 iseTma'tas been s long. alphaisot atidoti t it-wliatevan hi. posi, anti eminenîl>' ssicastuul oue. IL vas tien, ifthi& vonucseery viglit, tSey 'a stantet i ' . John W,~alter', on 'tisa 131h insartesi, lueutsomel>' paiti for, anti nos. et Jannîr>', 178à, ant i stiso nnmedthetsapa'tttulbY lislenesi te. Aften tisesarelime Daily Unitersal Regiate>'; bu1-tismhee borne antiforeigu cou'sespodentq -iose yeirrs iter. its tila vas cliaugedti te 1.st at aine heingtrequentl>' prefesalônal. 0 vuichis l ow bana.4t:thsttlima-lit vas bdîâsn wF un i hseabroatiattaches ho a imminutiv sseet, anti iati a circulation vanibui; embshsis.L.lpcsruce note, et about a liseusanti copies. but as 1h grew výorths>'occurreuces isapýèlin'â lipffbi'ta î#L44 lu pepulanit>' ansi-influence, il grew lun oye.Andti tse.are, tolioeeciby io suze. !V't the îeaîr 1814 IL vas prgintesi fjeairs-alists pure sud sirn up ci< o .n baud Presseslut ea h at -pen. iet ieascorrespondenet@' ho tcllowvLtise- ape a power vas ernpleyedti teusçe[tisas increase- lb.court, lav reporters vise sit ait <la>.' iug dumanti fr 1pe 1" tittle b' Iitte Ie - 1Ie ng inlise couirts, qndend in reports of gaineu viglit asi itloit A0-eihntb ru'pbëeeàtngs 1Iiterar~y'rtc, succ.eédd able esilton, aud eacis left il beý- vise taÉhe conSemil*arjy y h crisuu~ t hie heu'haqh lssnitend Jt14 çiitil,, ýby.anti-by, million ,ou1a- inei Whso-,hure>' te fi-cmt tise trausaianud poerful -avtitiofinesAu& aciene anialamua ceutihutei' te LsojitV' b ' y9 ' ' I ý.É repote0, vsag- afillul -" trnscrip4 stenýjng i*gaed;Isie 'iuaudniquet oet tiéf. ttise preceeiugs in Lortsand oVprnmenîs '-TIsstidrer."lu In1834 OVVonnell tack- Tho, vpvk -oft iswjjst çau ;îxremely eIn lusie leuse of Qomussmoixs, impugn- iscavy. BEaci ns pits fer'%"uta hu itsg tlw;cnreu(uess. cf ils -parlijaMreutan in;thi ep>urters' gel,./ t o.ý>ïi u'epot, but tise Papor vas tnhuoipiiautly BOuses of. Puulameut,, laking shoti-Laud nfuticateui. - li uil gafuedtils crovit- uptes otli jtse.>Atioeal-t log tapplA bys ls bold-expoasv ur ta gi. tisat'ille liii a'rlîë'vd'by a b i4 ~ pntid, çapisuofetfnauti. ,Tise ,worsted isàrniekt'iro uik'qi"-'-«. consugpîràratens Sscrecoure latisehélav pJsil o gbti.Muss etitrts;'ïnd psiiUnItlewprkfpgIlduuafeJ sîtîsu n astalîesu usi' l'h -Isu ~. av lagsia~js ~cr ae_ - ~1 1

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