Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1868, p. 2

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b. Mliiî. Ores.. Thaov~toli, $16 i 0 CENTS A TZAR Wh Itby, Tburslay, lune - ,I 1868. UwW# bepoak ithe reade'.satention te the arr.y etof Dow.lvrtlemeuéte f 4~tti iuvenseïoto oblhtbj ' t tht.is. t ofthe 10EEoviOLU. Ti. averal anuweet spisitfor tithee, udii.bigla ebarac, ter - of bar businiesmon will ho, as fi ai- Wols lietiféoebau bien (ound, a sufioint guarani## fer thelr fair deallag. 'k'he Witby Jlilway-Nqow or 'Never 1 âa1rdal et, our rendors uiid ccarcely b. remluded, ithe votéeltttes place, ln the. ta on tihIallwal by-_law. The. recuit bt tavote illIn luail probabilityq setule the quution wbothîr wo are Io bute a buellîay northwarde or nt--attoluat seul. Ih, and pot (rarher agitation et rai, lu or delan sd genoratlon. Wlah tbe recolle,. tion of suema,;y ierto (rulîleca effort., hud tloIr repetd (allure bat'ore us, the. labaedonm.nt oft £ià pruent projeci --tii bicot pra4ticable of' au> that bas gone betev* It, sud the esslest of aeuouplii. iens i the leilmit ofthuemens ea(ith toin, wiiout burdoulng thei ratîpayer- 1b. p.ople of Wbltby mel bld good bye ta thhir aclirsbed project of ' Rallroatl, sud lin future held thuir poueu.on the ubj.edt. liudaid tu taik- of a lteliwa)yaftcrwards tri o u bthaie one'# sellf laughied at, bas w. bave liule ier that the, by-law Wlii not b. pasedi. Despite filI the cevil- lor.sud fîttfla ers ebavefuoi eoufid- suce ibat tii.' raepaerî yl be direct.d by ti' O govgod sense, aud etl inte malter wlîh a becuming appreclatlon eft ubir owu Irue ltereste outolde 'sad beyoud every MIer luflaunce. Il Io auuec.ssery bors, te Seet ail lb. argumnt&tethet vs have bean praluîng and writlng, ld.4hese Clumus, (or jsard, aMtate i.dvauita<es wicii a Rail' Ivi WobIJ asoe u he tuiwn. Times lu. uommrable îe lie@ iiowubovrit itwould tend tb.encreaue poplatIo n, inbauce the taliéetrproperil, lbind the trede of 'the tount> aud bdetre' It lau*the îewu ot «Tbittiy, aad bu., suai lualti single Item etf eordwood 'atene, au 'ilioirect caviug *eîlid recuit te tii. consumnîr, *uoielnt of licel tu ceuterbaisuce tii. Rallwyex a, tsu tissus over, îîîboaî taklug jte a. tuaut auy otbut adranitage. Nor oeal We stop heus tu<ointt ahbw lthi grenier fiskt eoftii. mouel te bue xpînda.d lu the construction o e Bâirait!osdoulai be #eut lu the îown-what tiiiticc thoa lroald be for the disposat of proeurty et promcut uncleable, Wia i'thhee .ureiaicr, êlatlou and- abundance et bloate -aveu tyhlle tie bulding eftahe ronad vau lu pro. greucý-Nolîhbr noed we nov dw.l uopon fobst ail admît mait the inevîtable dies frod.d resuit. certain ttu oleow lieabandon. tauetfthe' prisent projeut, aboula tii. bylash. rejectd (roma aul cause what. uiver. Aîî 'tuos.mattr-a rival Rally *uoth:8 aithe trade ef the uortho sud tmg4 templetil> lcolalug and'iuapoerlsbing the. 'lowu et Wiîby-îhe division et the Coea:> sud iàe ouceuenes-aîl bave beau polPted ont frîquinîly betore. Tii.> art dangers whlch we bavebenu dieni1ng lotot 16.agi& t e irat.paercsealonandsuc loug shet we '-fiel îlred ripeiug tutun. The wbold question now 1ecolvîî -utl à- -o ibis, *e vo,_ - de-wene- _. ta eoisbats heen, over anal over again, d..id.ul lu favor et a Rais>a. And tbi Ssiosd question, îiiaî wu eausecare a 1al1way for 850,000 et s bonus, làb* 51#0 emagt vîntars -toestale, plsged b.yond aimoi sy possible cou- tingey. Ais effer has een made -sud, of vWCsa" ightly ifrmedt soMspicai the fyrevlouat Direttor., te mcussret tus Biliroad t. Port Fé.vry ou rceuiviug ibo guarate of a bonsnetf$100, 000. -Sei. Iross&sd rmpo.sibie partitt bave "md Ibls ofr,-aad mt oui> mal.i@lt; but sic> viii Dot Oni s sohhur> diebuttue et $butew loaoutil lb. Towa Cbeésil là Ail vue é a-reu-arut la iii d.Wa RsIIîay ili Éo (o a.epting tht. effetb> voing for the b> lawv., Thô é sase m,' wiii, 'of éo*rse, ivote~jIs i > lai ; or théj iéty oibceviectbro#eobstacles Iu tbi way of lis paeage, by talîg ai.1 hoe sud pormattlmg Its dofest, or lu some, othsr voa gng Ilt thé oldsabbalder. There are many va>.' ef eppoing 'a useenre ,Ithüt oholàiy VqtýgipIuq&t . ,'aAbîd life vo boldijcharge $linluthe, îAie of suliT au offier au w bave statid, the people ithe go lua(Or pehiug iawsijpliltiég haire, aud etherwiî soviliing ,about tiis îhlug aid the. other, <bat Wainet, 'or penhbaps .canet lu the nature of tiugp,'be previded for, or gusrded agalit-ne mutter' ibtta their pgopesd trieudinai to s-1411. way hiretofer. mas> have beu-.wili preve thoeslvseequalil ceet lei th tii. epen oppouent. cof the -project. fgeint <Ie, Ilusilea.frinds îhol are, lu realit>, vorcc, tban actual open enoiet. lu tuic Rahiway undertaking ail canuet be bouellttid altke, lu tii, If aul rels, tieus luahliteauonscb be the case. Ail canuet particIpai. aik. Euacla lubis, degri., aecordlng te the accident ef, local it-uaeaicoc, or aorrouuding ciruumctmuces. And lu concldîring ith. bensits te bO dertivd (rom the. construction eft hi Wbitbl aud Port Perry Railway, as lunaIl other uudertakiugs, the geuivai good Io wbaî s.iiuld iii kîpt lu viîv, and net tiie accident of iii,, or tii.e ohîr man's geod fortune over biasfeiowc. iry cirenu. stance andl coistibgency thas as> abrise usuinol b> puualbliiîy be pt.'vided aaîet befèrehaîsd, lieu mus aiv e se cou- fience ard trust iluoeeenether. Whire old b. commercal faith and publie confidence, If mens motives wire te be (crever ospected 1 The utile jealouslea sud ditrut v. bave fromt time te tlme beard whispered, on the object efth!bi ftailway b> law, leadc atcute i.thesieh. cervatloîic. 0f course cit-lutereat yl alwasys prepouderate. But, iu the nature of, tbiigs, lh ce heppeni, tisatIn tuhe con. strution of thic itailway, the partie. te ithoce cITer we bave advertîd wili boit ad'vance tbeir owu interesta by exeruinig a cantfal sud due r9gard for the, public cenvenience sud tii. general goed. To returu tote .quesctioun fitheby.iav. go. again urge open tii people oft ¶eVby tueee 0" ior griculture g 5 iui.a&7 anas Ss thesicPrieetaîlos lu due torma Pro- coeddtcrssd the follout ,Mïe<is To John BMua' q, ., Fre,#ûZn1 of tgd Te reéclvé as'lemle troin v; éoamainuty *as at one liun ibe worlc'a huslory, eousidîred anhonenrable badge cidet ijîlctlon; but lu these limes lu which svreliv., >pfesontatidnit bavre bicone se comuon that lhe houer couterrial thero. b y ba côsia te be et anu eulciàna. eo s us'e"et an , hugright sud jroper' I lseif, dues net, howver, detract froua the meit ot doiug tlael igist sud preper tiîlug, viien the iglit aud preper elemets are. preî'eut, utacthetb cuntcrfeil -of virtae li, olherwise lu woald net h. *drîlîlidis tr'ouble tê attetauite palin thé apurious. on society, Thoiî îutei'esîrd lu the Improvemnamulor Agriculture lu Souith Ontario bave long tel t, thallte ota, Sir, lu an eapecîal mnanz- uer, vo arc tudebîcal for tii. prpuil poullieîi ettaîneai bly ho Society, over whicli for a nunîber oftyoapaît yeu have se wertlisly preuldedand sud liaI milyiwhile ocuupy- fing tbe poil of houer yeOUnonw hld, lbut wlîiiî dischargng thie more arduons duticu et secretary efthle Agrcaltural Society in Ias eaiter'sud f<miler dayti, wâe im n- prei et your dcciîleuof etcteelotin al aotrnsd slrèti¶gihcaing the Infant lu'. atîtution by iîudlug a wiliug fiand te cveryîiig tiîat wax cslculsated te sdvance ts Itisita nud lu latter days yeaîr poil- tien aI lithesiienut as fleiing Society, han gîvoqui n a opportunity wbich yen have net been slow toecînirace-to brîuîg beture the Logil'!torseofni-cotinatry, lie uccessity ot moro liboral aud enliglîtîued etmcitnts tôt lie promoîtiona înd ad- vasncuamet ofthce siimpirtaaît interests or Our couutry, sud thengi muci remalua: yçt to bu done, the Agrioulaurit t e ur day occupiîtsa sbtter posltioru, eecially, aud- 'Intllcctualilythosat aI au>former pcried hinliii wrld'a Iiitory. Iu î,rexentiug te )-uathili iautiful vaîchi and appundageus ii, tinds et Agri- culture ina South Ontario, leei Ihât ahey are crormiug au icI that refltctsaâaimuna ceil ois thé. douersas ns he l.recIpient, being a simple ducharge ef dut>' lu giviaig houer te vhom henor li; due, aud isincore- is oe Ihat tirouçh the idnexss et hm wbu givesjhie rain sud, the. uunhine - ilthout h l Aber ethte linaobanai- man weuid be'in vaiu-yodi may luig*bo splared te iseu tîis teken eof eut regard anîd estèem, lunaarkiug t lifguat ftiane as it isears us rapidl>' ounle aimaIpoint il ueîr buiter>', wiîeu vweoshni cesse frem theuse labeurs sud toila efthé m aaterial wvend, snd cullivate the iigher sud nobler facul- dies o e ii.inalind. Wli itby, June 5tb, 1868; abat, by its paicagi, SIITor never, is tise Mr. ousun maneuf returnea bgS nu. O tîme to crevu ibeir longienisialie bpe leâgmints, ispniaciug bis varua appnecis- er à Rallia>. If approt.d at the o lIeu et sf.the oor dciii im, lu anase- the bylia s su tîli te come i,îtore tise typia! verdi, but viti mach feeling. 'lie Town Ceuncil, ud i vilil bin <hein lusidie eetfthe vatch beani tise foiiov' poer tlecnu aHi propîr prîcantioi bier. su>y finally pas ieudn aftervamde te e- tain the deutuos util tise construction et thc rosi is ensuneal. The Mayor bas insaca a notice, ve infusa!, log inscripion. "éPreseulmai by lb. membîra et the Ceuuîy Agricolaurel fSociety ofethntsO. tarie, so John Sbierd Esq., Pnicidena, as a mark eft teir respect and @fee.e-Wiait- byý"iMay 25tbt 1868."1 ou efrsscete aavetiiug columus, 1ITtiii ouie o taRoueli picuddaibrouo. calling a msetng Oet teratepayers fer îis <Tboridsy) oeînng ethaitpait sorvet o'cloek ;te take lite Coneudenatlcu mattera et importance counectua! vitis lie Rilvay. Wiat tbea. mataers mala>be vu ane net intormea!. BlIata bis vonsiip decns aefan uitmportaut caacter -vo are penuadeal, or ho veule net hsve cal- cd bise meeting. Cohomna for liai 341h Dsttaahon. Thie siaof! liiicotititt e teien lu laina! the collection et s tonal for aie par- cbise ut a 6afStand et Coloans" for bise Doataions Tise hinasome staaoe $90 bas meterneme ipte'eprecumeai (nmMr. .tobn5toaio Watcbaualir, oetht oin, anud togîther witi tise chain ceai $220. Thia complimentleS veli meruteai b> Mn. ier, thon vem neoin lu tiis ceuïI> ia@, as au officet oftthe Conuty 8091017, doue more lu advauciug its intercale. ACusaMNTTO TÉ U Fat ci'SaOOTT- W. regret te lecru tint Mr. Gco. Smilla, neev of etScott, met viai s nid accident, on bis rdtunuhoe.froua Gmenvood on Saturasluit, b> vhich ii& rigisi atm vas brelten. WisiloetaiClaremont ibohe em stanla off' durng Mr. Simith'@ tompenary Alreedy lbe iert ceal lu Oebaval anda a bsence lu a store. On runuimg te stop comuitieetfiaies ibave also bien active lu a liii. direction un this lova, ai veli as in ethér îoesliuîes. It là paopoced, unhes thie Battallon bc callea eut lu tise interhn, thbut the Ilegimeul siscalaib.ssembif oilIum ai Whithy or Osiava, on Domidien Day, sud Ibut ithe coleune ibould bc hop. tbemiih relus bicite euî.saged,viseà Mrî Sith feli andi lhe viscass pascea over the arm crusiug i. ver> badî>. H. escapeal vitb ielite by s miracle. W. are gisad te emr, tinengh iebis iendMrll. Nelson, tbe township clerk of Sicott, hast Mn. Simithila ft encevening. occasion. ÀA meusIen concert lu the Drill tîacrepnen asuTegit Shea inluth îvening hia&lac oeaeuce. Otw orsodn as:Tegen est ucertsinty sud nusasunes prevails o Suecraxo MURDRAîa .T fis10ons-i.-Ni. public maltera. ThislutnignelintheCa- chas lialady andl vite, nesiding about bluet continue. Sur George agisiaist Bit tire. mile om seatrti, in the hewn- John; Tilly agaidat Mitchell, aud McDou- ship et Tuciceremilla, vere touna on Mon- gal egainsh Howlandi, To expeet a large dayý laitt, au 2 'ceci, P. m., mudereal lu purpose, or, ibaud, an>' purpose et ail, ths'lr bedrcm. Theeot mortem ona thi.e 'xcpia sulfiela 00* trou sticla a etero- -rnu hr- à -.;.. T. J. bcdy et Mialaaiy shevs tiat liewvas iot itfi bnck shot. Tiese grains *ore (ciana lu tie brain. WMen touna tihe dy vas Ilyu on ai. bed. Ris aife'e bcdy vas ly-, ing ou the Ifoot besials tb. beal, vitis thi bisda matued te a jeu> vwiîh an ase. Tic v"114, bed isartaini, viudev canîsins sud flon vane cevoeeaiitit blood. A sou et tise mandereai moa oùs sn ilaw and a brother ofthéli mtsr bmvîbais srristed. Tes Pzixs.-The Globelà . fuormuai oettandotabtiaiauthenit> tiatthsicWasbing- tona gcvernmaeitbatiaseai erdera < totbr millitary 0o2feeiva the uprÃ"mptest 'm risci .1.4511v. mous rus tepreveus ti iur4lon i et ada bodlis 't mes, ou gettiug tiredansd ldiatihent, sud ire cali. iug fer nev amen sud nev party organiza- tien. 0f course fim John analfim George iok they bave a lasse of office nti hiai uflî aest, Mardis, vieu Panlilmeut again re-aseuuahss;éu iniihe satiie tise public sufer. Maaso Goiv Mxaus.-Âu eaioistnulu tb. Msdee MeXrcasuj. et Satnrdaylait, wch nimaaes verol uesîymuî a t the o euary-(hisr, liisr,)i-dd ruet1 <bat ti. time vîli ceé1 *ben every,-pr@ thon oet er esîyedomnion ilas~l 1bave the. advautajse ofîbe'preetic loeer ma. jesî> or$sïo meiters ofthe Roysl family. 1 m>rilflibald bo vprJ happy, i if tmen iver*'oei, ei i thoue iens viii b.u - tirl iâiliud. (Chenr.) e god dial ut ezeitemeîllwuvas cusinl Meutreal eon Tuesaa> oruiug by s lepoti libat,'dîlotecive Cualish iabàà-Vee.but by somée sympaîhizer'et Whaleiî'i, g ainci viiom ho la15au lit»ertsut vitueta. Tii. police. vir nurved abou't:tii Malter, bat il fil> îrauapîrîd ia ual en ladaibien &bot by su Amaritatsu hwlm ho vas arrois. log ou s charge ef relaber>. The -bal eutersai the.groin sud leaiged lu tie pelvis, aud Collîc i. nov lu a Vcry fdoble coudi. tion. nem ee MY over, recdor, espe. ll> If ithebail husonet piactrateai tb. 'bowole,' A griat delof cynipatby hatoilt for hlm, aes hb u a a itbtui and efficent efficer,aud dld gond service !a ,terrettingc out the assasinls etflMt. McGe t SOttawa.t Thibonta who f cea bat bean ari4p'td sud le nov lu gacl. Later-Tbe doctors bave benau nabher tin" fortteextrac thah ail, althongh tie Mest skillul medical mon lu lowu have bcîn anumeoneai ote ibedside o e tsut. ferer, Theusu etf the als in Wo miel Cohlen h.tCharles Oardner, an î "eriassi.g lie lus isola astrict cudtoal>. Thi depesi-g lion utliai veiudea i ollcer vas takou $o- day by Mr. Justice Cumnola Toz in atruasv OoT ayzatresast.-Tiii Kingsteon lfhfg', vich ouglai -0 b ,Weilii iuformed on the utject, "hic reasen le roasen te mnoi tbatthe.Hon. Mr. Hov- land i uh héver> eherti> Appeiutid Goveruor of Ontario. Wia Cr.ouvit i Eunea'.-Le Nord1 evappen usserts tisai the opinion videly prîvuailsinii Paris tis, ai vn iii break eut in Europe butor. thse close oft a utmnu. MEEI FTUE assCoua"rv COuusCL.- Thi Jone Session ufthlie Cocnty Counili commences on Tuesday nexa, ahi l6th PÂTTEniO, v Woie lulat veplae paper vas aileged te havi caucîd tas' duati et bils littie boy, hy kicliug bina, ibu since bien- armesîîd andl loalged iu tii cont, gaei, vieri lie awaits triai. Tue Rzv. ËParia sbtoltào.-À taIse4 imupression touching tho trealmneat lu tise Peuiteuîiary oetisi. nhappy prisouer le geiug tii. rounuds..lHobus neyer hein flogged as i. allegeai, or eme treateai iancisly. Ine remaine iu lie sus lposiatisn, andi czecccs tise same dutics, ns visc ral reocivealin ho arge.-E.ing4on Noie#. BSgÀS'rORDSs'axau RÀC. -Thoe Spring Races bilai aI Bramtord en Wedaiesday aid lhuriday, passeai off aoet setietactoni. 119, aud vire igily cnedsîasblo lu té Ae- sociatuon oft ho Driviug Park. Tise at. tendance et spectatens vas vcry large, lu. cludiaag a fait repnecetation efthie sport- ing gentry (roui Hamilton. A fnua lot et herses vire aitracteai trou varioas purts.of ahe Province, sud the. races vire ail ver>- iotiy contesteal, sud considerable moue> vas investea inluchance. A trotting poace et $100 vas won by I"Commodore Nott," owued by Mr. J. P. Coulson, et 0*eu Sonud, li tbrée ataigiit hast, agailist "6Lady Norfolk,$' ovucai y W. Nevil; 61 Black Iear' evucai by J. Gillespie, Hamiltn ; sud àu6Donna à!aria,'ý, W. Ilodgson, Braut- A. treîiug race (et $150 vas von hy 61Poiso,9~evucal by J. Sanu- tiers, Ihntford. lus the runong race fer $150, theienies vere I tubti," a0'Paul Darnes," $"Lucy," "sJoiny Schookir" sud 14Weeltoot." The race vas von by iput le fligitL Thse 'lesl'" na opc al, Iae 8.saeyu at .st eamer1r mYhrg asa r- uoiciug the chasages _utal h'av iie uhi>'D Isame pisce, sud thei uiareaslg prospects et ths minues, informas as tbat gold bad issu foouai oislot N. 6fn haei.2nd eoseesslun ef Biziter. Tîn acres eft <is lot h avea boeu pure hased by iois.! Coee & Mc- Pheroma ieho ommemid ;go Oaétipa lestt fored *i't ho drill, The ceancil vesuacaicommittée oetthea. iviole ou aie report eft<ho standing cern. aite op printing--Mr. Ocale ichO cçhaif. Tlio e port reçon meudedpayuaéut of-thle, aceetinta ettic0 Csaiàaçc?îm anal (boette office, sud vas udoptasi. iNE LIEY Td TF reosa. Mr, Campbell, sacnedai y Mr. Gcrvle, uaovid thia $4 ho grauiteaj tle lis. lant, a destitutl, voan, te aid ber in geltiug te lyct lsingier s a onueoque, upaîr King-. seon. 1460u notiou, atter Beane dlaidai vas wiîhdrawu,t vd ituJAiLWrAY i' LAW.l Tho council rtcined cemmilte efthle1 whole ou lia sicaîudreadlug et by-law }to 151-lit.Pbiip lIe'chir. Thetec vusa a long discussion on, lie' differenî clauses of lise bylaw-esci, bewev.r, bc- ing cammhcal *vihout a division, sud th. b>. law was mesSas lirai tican sd lie mayort gutierizeai te aigu and, affixIlse seul cf lise corporation tiammto. Mr. Huston, lie ciemk, sali lihaiwiblo on railway analtero, bu vautte h.couil to cxý etu aas uplflioni sud if net silo le gel a liguai Opinioni,sas leflie volera' tbAi te bc useai aIt te polliiug ou Satnrdaç niat. Tise cortet reviselen, he sid tiniaial thein duties o eai i rst etJune acccrdiug bu imi; but saeweccse em uppiaaitr(aom ise decisien oetah. court le ltse couuty juaige, aud vine nul yasl de-1 cideal. lIe wantdto-kuowr, was tii rol as revitsealb>'tlise 4uof ut mrision lisé cor- rect osaieair net? capt. Reste thoaught i[iwms s malter cf lait, aidalvised, gitting'lîgai epinion onu lie auWjch. ,r.Draper expilcaiedtisaIthe linuici. pal iew reqairual tht tise counicil ahoulal tlually passle ieomll by the ut t fJane, at wii l ime, ef ceaise, tise poers anal guties oethie couaicil vine cndcd, se tan as thicomssessnnt rol vas cencerneai. Vic law, liowever, gave lihe iglat et appial te aime County .Jaîdge, anal hîsretere, hc cou- sidemed tliserullaas open te tise publie, 50 Ibn g as ais aippasal remafuasal pendung, or nutil tise Jasage had filly adjiidicatcd upon ail mucl appcals. In Ibis view, bcs arguîed. liie roîl could naoI bî ceusidemeid as fiaually î'aaaiscdl, unti l itliuai bouta got Ilîraugli witlisb>'thie Jualge. Mn. Nfllaia anal Mn. Pilp lioughl tisat tie moll of '67 moll sieuli be useai. T9mE DIiLL S99DED xrsaàs. mMr,%eMiltan, secoudid by lita Snow, movei flint tis e oancil î-caelve lase-1if mb ceananlîteu oethle viiolo on thse aim et a. 0. S. -Conwa>' mgaiaîut tie corporation fur extrag ou amui ashed, Mr. Phii, secondeal by Mfr. Allun, lu ameasal.aent anevçeai abathelie îtion hi laid ever tlti nextt nueting eft tise cou ncil. Thie amendant was cmcaidou lihe tulewiug division :-Yeaa- japt. Ro*a', hiatus. Plsilp, Alliiiaud Campjbell. as-usrî Gerrie, Suci, Motilisu ai Draper. The Mayor gave Isis casting vote un tavor et tise umeadmenl. On miotionm ef Mr, Phlp, the concil, et Il o'clcck, udjeurnuaifoton laieeks. Baisa Wtutby Township Ceaucît. Columbus, Jueltl, 1800. 1 Tic ceuncilimet. MlenbersRail Presout. The neel ime chair. Commuunicationsi eceiveai, froua Lieut. Col, Fairbanks, aking tlise council te gmnt ai smim of meuey te aid lu lie pur- choase ofetrihmncilth (air thé baud buthle 341h Baltaliou. Prom CapI. J. E. Parc. well, petitieuîiia the coucil le exemtip tise volunteema froeu staîtuelabor. Frein J. 0. lMeNaugiston und-Thes. Ayres, coina- plaituiaag of nisaunce on tise roai bîheuum 1ols lOsand ain iithe ati cou., and ssking itls removai. Prom Mr. Ralph Csmerou, asking tIhe office ot collectcr tic preset yeat. A by-law vas lien introtioceai by Mr. Anuis, isetsnded bv Mn. R. Satiti, sud passiai b>' lie conticil, ekeinpaing ml liaie volunteersa in tise township trou thae pifr. ftransariceOf t attute labor. Acceunts preseçuledand ordoeulte bc paid,' riz --J. Smniths, ton tis emilet et Jas. Burt sud Tises. Provoat, $ý, maid L. Poster, (or relief of Elien Johnson, $3. On motion otflt.r. Saiiîlmh, seondeal Ir fln hpburn, a byIsv vas introdmeai a pasàciaîppoiuting Mnr. R. Ilatnden coliecton of taxes fer tti present yeet. on motion et Mr. J. Siili, secoudiai b> Mrt. Aunis, e by-lav vas lutrodutied anal p..as ei nrevido a soun îe t iotir for lie esuiaut folie ol ofpurpecis viii bes abéut $300 over tbai et lait yesr, tb. lu, orne iurea~rl h tm taahi Tieý grand jurny tien *,îfrcd. w o Wrm. ticimrai Stons, oet Lhis a fllen vise is ai tkn tic nece'ssarY coati aud ýledlé'?ificis *âa pireélamaàdd a tbat'uinelized subject. S Wftkina,appellent sCanrp. -3fr Bliliug aupphi dte quasi) tise cen- t'tiun lu liailscase, eon tic gron a lt tise Wevidé *e ai ilega1, The couiviItea wis rusaiïj by thie bsyer, On the intoruîa- Ion etrCuunoros vîe, againat Wilkinioni tavemu keeper, fr solliog ber abanai lîques-. - Myt. Cocharane appcutçd te mstaiu tic convictIon, i 4'lJedtealgo te bircognl%. suce sudd servie et notice, aà net aviug been gliven vithias lie line reqasireai b>' iav. Tue Court meerveai declsion untit 1 ie y, app; ilTho"ia, rmpt- Thiis vasan aa1 le quasi conviction et masgitrates. P'Ïie grounai et conviction voia a ppehiauî wilesdriviug s double buagon caine husli) contact vithrcisponden es bugg, said amsheai itý nespoudeast beiug anore £aan hait va>' oifthle road. l. Cocirsne,for appellaul, coutensacaeltishe convictiona wsus unsertauu - tisat it aid mach 4ià§nlos e fie eîiaa, sa i dainet &et eutiu accoraaueeailis lie saatute, tiat liae res- pndent as dnvitig anItliairlgt ide ot Ime roai.Ife. Wilson supporteai thiceai- i'Ictieu, sad coutestcal itit il s a tair laîferenco -ta bidrain tisaI it, as eaI is ewaî sic, or liseimgit aide oethle roai tise appelletiaut sdbeema diviasg. Court nu- sierveai judineut until tu, anorrormenonu- BtaSin~iTiegrand jury came Inte conutmuai brogtin lai stroebill againsl Itichard Jelanalen, tor atabbiug, aud a tru bill &gainât Juin Bnaunl, ton laircias>. Bencis warrants wvin Isucai againi5a David ai lnders anal lre. iO'Doul tut net îppeniug aisituatuais sin a case. 'The Queca vt. ,Tli;Brasd.-The pni- soncr vos hudicteal on stealiug a peekît- bock anal the Suoet$12 groin a pensen naneal Anaincu Paul. Tise tseft, wvial.ai liged al b ave becs cuanaxaild in lte lown- shuip oft-Reacis on tie lutis ot Aprt it s. Vue prirouîr pla.aded oet guill>. Anainui Psaul ana lRoba. Muntaus, constable, vire aonur, sud proreal au. fiaidiug cf tise p=ke book on the prisonîn,, saiich yenr field itb i t iin uto"e a Ssi pr pina'. à. Il Cochrane, Eoq., appiancal (un tise Crown -,and tIse prisaoasen a un- deteusald. ,Thae jury ruturneda yerdict ci gîilty; audthie Court aeuteamced liranal te liii couot>' gaol, ai isard làber fer tue nioutis. TVie Court rose at 3 o'cleck. SECOND DAY. Wedgiasday, Jisno lotis. Tii. L'antIopunea elhai-past ulue o'clacl,--lls hor Juda igu urnhin, Cisainanan; anal Robt Canpb)ciIlesq, sud J, B. Bickcll, Esq., J. P.'s, oui tic Benois. lu lie Bnckicy uppGal tcae, tise nagie- rsle'ecouviclicu won quasicai. Wiikin- suis appeui vas laid ôter aMI i-momneav (Tisursala>') ueming ton futumler ë§dolder- Tise grand jury broughtituc bille againat WiVusEllis, lîrncr>anal ecivivg; isebella Stafford, Larcen>'; Wm. B. EIli$,, larcen>'. Regina v,.Anand-Tisi wvs- anauup - pil'ieu b SI,,. Anuaonma, et Scola, ton relieftri ouama esîrcabeai necognunce intu icis ho mal enhaseal (corlise appearance biture bit. Losk, a magistrale, ca a pcosn uaaamed lIcLellan, clvingial vitia asainît Tise Ceunt decideai l e rlis.ve iinarina paymeut etftthe penalty urîdîr tis e ncog- iizuce on paymneuîof Siarifi's tees and casas et esîreat. bit. Wilwu appeareai for 1it. Aunsasa, said Mn. Cochrane, Counl> Ateorne>', for thse Cruwu. R< pisa vs. Isatetla SiBalflrd. ý-Lau cen>'. Sièaling a tuent sud pnayr-bqu fo n Jein Engins. T1ie prisoerpleadeal guilY lu the.ciarge. lin. -WVilson oticreda s ex- t.uuating circuaîst.ncs hi I lip pristonir waa latoxicatdai aitise tiné, sald bob hie liiutau uer house, but hual nu intention ut cuaauiliting larcin>'. TiOc cuaitabies, Mmr. Wilseon arguedi vaste g nvsu lseau- liclessarben lie>'came ta elehanse, sud aie pisoner modo ne athinap ab at ia', menu. Tise Court sentencecl bem ti 10 days in tie cont>' gaucu., 1 l'Atqeeen, or. Ro5ta dJAnvn.-T iec pxi- auner vas mraàuaid for ais aggruavaid assal upon Chiarles Lynde, alioeiaite havebhein comiitei on lie Ph aoetApril li4t, anal pleadeai net guiiay. 8. 14. Cech- rane. Coqnu>' .atîorniy, uppeuareal fan th il litary borpital; sud uhe priseir1 vho vas asinisain luconfuemont) lie taisu te thé LCentral PolieStation. H.eii,âii te haqve borne W ad icharacter ini Ihé nigi. meti<u .vbiatls ise iaibecîs betvoeu tour anai fivi yias, sud duriug thai simue lidai a duôn.kei ,dissîpeealite; b'su trequeuti> pot lu coutinement;, analonce, vu belive, saf',ed tise lash, Re hsd Leiu libîrateal tromn s celi oi yottimday, a uittlewiale' betere ho eemi'tted the aurdir. tira Pi'asèaiPaazu .-Doriug the esliier lviuetftise'Royü al sli>' leBal- moral, Prince Albert, dmsaed ln. a s y supemennuet, vas crosstuig .oeetethlie Scotchs lakes lui a steamer,. su a v cor. loua te uctb o eyhiiug nîiliug fthle mnaugemeof utlimevbeiel, 'sud /amcng' insu>' otisîn hings lie coobiu*.Ap- proschiug LOe" le'"Who 0el a rmv Ilighuandce wuva adiug telàs culîniar> maltens, lac vas aitrateai b>' ýie aveur>'1 odours et a comapoundnaikowu b>' Scotch- 7 min s» "iseagepoage," wvihei iligi- lander vas preparing. "W tisuaC ha tisai 1 akea tise prince, viso aano& kuovu te ho eook, -"UlJdbO.Poajge, aIr," tW44 ttise repy.-"Hov l il utmade ?" vas ticenaîxt anal tiiupe mail t, anal camrots intilarf and " "-bYt, ye," sali tioi pnasia, vi bsai net learned t tisa '1usi i la" aeant luint" lexpireaica b>'these 'ctciors "'ilil,"'bail aSa Itl allr'-"wliy, thri's mutoiniti'l, sud tasmipe intil't, anal cereis intlI't, s .*Yu$'~'e, I ae;- but visaI j» intlt 'Tise man lookeal et iian seciug haut lie prince vasj scrionus',hi replica i '1tlcm's mUttôaIn mli, mai lumuipa hatlt, and-*Yeo, ccrtainly i kuov," ongealthliti uqilnr; "but wual la intit-intiitr-"Yedaat gowki" re. plica tise lillulr ruaissaglsbig sçsoou, "ainliiatesllun' je visaCoI'» lt? Tiene'suattun intil'tiaisa-." hoe thie inteviewv vas brouglit-le a cloec by eue efthlie prinice' suite, sWie was for tu- natli'psa»aâii. aIso stc'pi lu inte save his Royal iliglinesa. (nain beiisg rappeal over lise huîad vitti tic bug spoon. As au illustration ai business regnianit>' andl prîcision, an anecdote ls lolai ot a weilts>'olal gentleman vise vas le narry is fiftis ifa5. As usuai, ai nameneaus car- cie et relatives andal rienlsvieebialaln te celebratelise nuptiass. A id'istiuguied Presbyterian divine vas aunainaîed te -bos;îae job." - hisi selli& cenmnmony con- cluaahd, (nient!» crowv alî raotudth ie happy pair te atier- hit rcongratllations, vien ount hurae atfiefli-e aa'ddiugs d4mev ti is ancicht calf-rkin wallct, cooly counue eut twi-nhy-tlve aulati, aind iandiug the gooal>'grecubscks le isis nienence, bîaaîdly bail distincl>'reuuaaked, "hiat'svisat I bave beenli tise habit oft payîuIg 1Il ' ancy tise feelings cf lise bîuainig bride --'-.4.--r 1111'ADSonim Ne man vihu as ovin liveal amnong thse peasantr>' cf Scotlanda, vii lun>' tise efliets prodoceal on thisîub>' ahîir pupular sangs. Dnriusg tii expedition ho hBuenos Ayre.-, a ihland soinier, whllcas prison- cthu lis e baudà et tho Spaniamals, isving tormeanfa aiattactiiinvnî te a süi'oa f icis countr>',snd, ciusrued b>'tise easy lut viaici tise tnepical tertilit> of *tise soif cuablet tIse ialiauaitamts te iivp. isuad me- solveai te emain said sitle lusSouth Autnerica, Mien hi impuarteal Ilis resoin- tien Ici Hiaii pestuadas, '4bo lattter aid upt argue with huIsf, but Ieatliug laiutg hi. lent, lie pltâcca binaby lisaitte -anal atng laina "Lociaier nuonaor." 'l'hse pli vas on uini. Teanas caine ilu ils cyci, anal vrappitlg iis pIaid! amo'unual 'hi', ise mta- nuunca, '1Lecsber Isa mai-i mugaasg back i-NaI" The songs oft îleblidisood vire wvnging lusis ear.4, uanadlie hit taat lado e -uo ituailpent>'furtonlie aakeai rockusan s ttoie vauiarys ot Badeupcis, vieî'e, at flic close of s lire outoit aud uardisip, lie niglishla>' bis hîsailoaa lis auothçr'd &rave. AN EiîcsLîigâ,,qéiiOdL.qiA5Tlt iTS! À SAL- ARY BUT use SouuoL-Orîe' of Lion Majes- 'ty's luspectuna of Schsoîs eports hsving laId>' visite-1 a little Engiiiais taunar scluoei, thich aîsiut! lave ussalrs aud oe acisolar. ,Tise incouncomeocf taes cîeel i. oa'cn £400 sunuaui>', aniisteaaluly inçrcss- iag, The soiltar>' cisolar wsa a atckly anal ignorant yeutiand tlie examinshien eft hueinstructer maidbis assiatu la ne- pa-setea a ldiceu 10tie ighest 'dom- grcc. Befono haeaviug tli aspector veutumeai te snggest te lise master lise aubjec t f 'ou thé neau foi Tii. enormeai profitsaoetIboéBmotofmem triai fer tbe paist li a s .bave beiu a sobject et gîniral remark. The. capial eft uie liaul is $0, 000, 000 1 sud the profits lait year, atter vriiiu off ai bad sud 'deuaiitl debti, vire'-*002,410, or sabout 15 pet cent. Tii. dividînal dîclanuai toi 1*e esliai'bu en tsarpe cent. pers. no a- u the "ril" or undivid d - profita is nov $loi't0y C, k- oae-tounah o et<a capital., <Theo htà5ral Demoes-ait tela ,i of >sur., prise part>' lu Albaniy whis a àYoung man, aslais 'Coutribution tle einlirtein.- ment, gave Llttr rty erto f het l. oans lb. measle& -Nows Pnom JàAiAL.-New Yonki ffnaiô &.-A Jaupsu leller etfAiumil 28, athés liaI stringent undemsiilu eferenicetu attacha ou' foeoguens have becai isitteal; aking laigis oigil,; sU ottcndin &, Ilable ,te decaplia,.-.' tien sua i ofetcastevibout tiiheueuas4t ot larikari. Tise Envo>' Plenipoteutiar>' aftie bMikado isalordons te -rase Yeddôd ta, tise groonal A propositioan le reportid- ' te bu iudier enidematieoib>'the' 'Mi1,s,4 - Inmn h tiiâ A'Ér n rd.ad 'tuopenyIlle ili manauri. Waays and Niaii nertiieru fronde of the. Iteciproc The o ealin le te be divide Lover Canada; being < . theAa probabl> hein8 sivîr. CotTLT9 a juet., by the. Coultir te ML Picketing. ,lr utaanvr'. - age amu -F e Ranse etr prçàeutaives' ras lntrcdçd by Mn. Bea,.. eth eiicemmitiee ouk.~ ,fit <o regolate tradi ou th -. e,'bc savirtual revival - aiay-Tnîaty with Causa., Cathehie cdioces.etfQàsbe# Adm bint heparti-firit, ,second, Qntale-feronto. bipiecopai Ss, Mgr. Lynch' incombent; sud tiird, Ridâ KABRnED. -ALBLIGRIT-CIs sice 8r4 14v, J. Law, Mr. Jamos. lss ElI:a Albnlgbtt bots b< DI113 . I3ON9-At Wbiîby, oit Tbaue4q iiËi lb. 4th inst., Ma. John C loue, eid S yeàro. Tii. d.cî&Aed a u old uegi4eu of Wýbitbyi A4 lias 1it~l Fvoreedby l WVeduïicda, Joue lUt, 1868. prn. ..... .....$13 peuli........7ne Polaîçe.., ..a~.*,.45e. a 60c. 'Huy.~. .. . $12 te $14 per tons .Buîter.12J te 14. Woei,.........23Cte. NEW ÂDVERTISEXENTS. miss BUjpGE, Inuaiei tthe opotuia t oufruber lu-IS c.riuuanks te opruta aud g1 uarnser pu. wlotnutst hefe ,io udi7fara r plabl puo averonîgu. ludla ce h er ta ti o pýetuuity 6ic eouzuiund Mmr. Cron, who c uaentl di oeatiSIu.jrceca tti y Mps Iiawa, halit erriî's ,fur $epurpose cl Wbutuy, Jitue lOtli,188 -1 ÉEuînnuiQDof Tpaçberi; The. tolîe*iaag la a lst oeth<oa. wh b hiied certificale ataItbe lat. sxauiinsîici et Teactacra et Princo Albert 1 Faoà& , cortO-eua14,zpdd. P.'O. dmu I att 8e Iow a prace. W-R.J. Ya ,a Cantadian n IN 'referèncdeto th Pnade kuovai tint al i Or anyLib5ng yeLse î las Clip7 A lot 0'sa She, assai viii noi .t'Ordeonslift at t whItlîy, lune 10, 186 Direct thE Plaiti Popliu îImp B3la.ek and C C aind QIový a TUIEIR lk *urlfat et fT WeeJs, J -gr Just receîl 'fa1i, &l , &.; inndta glve heir ci Gooda, te examine ti -,ell aI a suailaairva' Whitby and 3Mancl .MW .ADVERT: TVIEIIATEPAY.i TOWN>0F AÉFiE FU ST F1) T ON T= . T l%1DAY, Ju .AT !SALF.'AST t' tance comnecaîd viti thse b,>'andt Port 1 ltay 511 1

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