Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jun 1868, p. 3

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A 1 Tools b. Suk e yr;gac fî JfZt5pli1tt eas LZTgO OZawl, iDtu;t*oe LO re szoy, et loi prime. en. BltinMer Clothing aitij de o the premise.s, and wgi'k W'ar- ho rne. lit, exm, wre ntieiyrecovereu, iJt aewu mmesworoe aile Mentioned 1211à celibrting a love lasat, On tafë twtsstgn thst day, snd the ter- ~Imaudbr allowed te ropalh ln the kettle, loyer Bunday, on 500Ql unt fthero being no A8*Jt er plce, tekeep -It.L emailng 150 long l h llqiuld it beesmeo e'xdized, 'nwbstl partû>coc of, of course,polsoned lioes who ste I. Soma o f.,the sUilerors ,ýdld net roccor for two or thbree dsyâ, but loto iowprenounced opt or' anbrz-t 'bonpaijéd <ii the Proo"senlyesterdayand r cptd the ponition of bineoter tw n-, 1~a fid in$ýolp4 iLb.Prealdént thatli ,*fl beenrlady te départ as euen as hie ln- 4>1 bIn t#J aye buun propared. ,The. President r4jI1ed thii tbe Serettriy Ã"1 Mtat. l ifgt, but llîat ae gon go ho.rio- lurn ii thdli1or'onstructions salibc untiy illcnb( , ffl t ample nu' thority te ajust tii -long pouding 4ZUo- ma daigms. It 14 undsrsood t e he l n-, tontlon of env Oooernntmt to bring about a*ae.dy uttiwnet tuîe ciStjons 'et 'Issue, and Iliat t- the principal roason for p,,uding. b1fr, Jolinon teuEngiand at tuei lime. Viehplpiuwbloir Ouvernînent wll proposq It le thbitgit, wIilébo scokt. able te the EngilAh 6overmenl, flurgiars arp op.erating .in fb. country tows n lil dîrctl,,,The ,Provineo jugonos te bc ovrtocked withtIî ibes aund rebbcrs, RELL .-At WhIsby, on à». 61M liit., tii. wfs o!fP. olcr, lPiq., P,.M., of a a1br .&NNJS-On Thursday,, tii. lthbot,, 'the ,wire of E. W. An'nes, lIu., of a PEAKE,-AtWbltby, on Thuroday, KELLEI.-AWb! tby, on thi, 1?,b, nisq.,P. M. ICsiIer's relde'moe te th etaholioo la Rroad, Oàsava, pAsy, i~)nsa) DOWNM-1lOO*,-On L th mei nit., hy the Bey. J. Law, bir. Thomans Downey, lu XIi. Elle» Jlogdâ, beLL of the township WiVtLby ilarmeos. Wedneeday, Jane fiL, 180s.- Faîl Whouî. flarley .. .......... Bay.....$1 -$1.45o -bée, a 580. 450. a 50C. to $14 per ton. 12î to 140. 23et. - '<fQu re lr~o f the. Peace, Ii id îm Or 0 wiuîiyi'Oîtî l 1«-ti holdou .8 t Pc 'Court1101100, 11i to twn ul Wh4bly, u AT li, 4r'É9 0LOCKiA. Bi., VQr tiio Pl'M ,fa d<lij e aoeouts ' -L'iork of Ibohe' 0us . o. Ju 01 411. 24 'D'1-10FTBANKS. £,à« Wniurr, Jupe î7th1, 1968. g' 1 ) lrdotorg of the OntariZo JlarrIC MUTLEMEN; mlo-ne iouîLb C.>itmi:uîne uth. e cwpper, <o tlîuîîk ou for t1w roaiýt pýiiieîîiît ut MUR iUD i iiiuoîioi ny eilauI li 111111 * for io.im ly 'Ire 0f n'y uurrw'8, 0 lot 18, lu tho il, ouîen'D.Iii EmotWet 1 îy, burued on Lthe youa's, e0.1 24 JAMES SUANDu. N ifrieidim snd the t b110, tlit ho . cq'eod à Fluid Pod Mtorui ln, 'MR. DRAPER'S 0L, STN», cf lme 'î', Oiloit îmrrly, i:?sut ~i 3io stoFuor. lBran, and I$hOrt aideOver$'o t, fi ttuelige kupt u iaaiw 1 wli buQi41»iclceslsud rotai ~OsIOP for ~~îfy Juue 11110S-24 OW HAEL MoMAMONO ILÂT oN uIe'1 or Mselonài. Me- liu ouf lio< MOMaIOli mMyl I ialo Vut caa Irelanud. li $wumarket about sxyeara ugo, nd moL r of wast v livIig nar Unelph, lloiatrutLou viiibe gladIy TeOub), et.Yî~. Â4dr.. General Stock-of GYocerie, T7 our Temft 6 2iets.-per lb. TermipOash1 ot Frmers, produé WJ1IiTY, JXNE 15, 10. I Bm,.2 SP]CIÀf NJfic,.3 NEW I GOO.Ds New Ilillineryy Now Dress Ooode, New CoIQthing, IIAMiT.14'ON &cois. S- TEE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOU BUTTER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HEIFER STRAYED. o liite 'the smaes-uv aîil 111Y iurcm;othermufue <the animal WIll 1>. bail uI ou cureu t 1m u dfruy exponee.' GEO. OGSTON, Lot V, th cou. liikeriuîg. Wiiitby, Jue -11, lZog. in 24 RýAM-STRK-VPJJ CAM E ntthépremingof utheb. ubseriber a c iibptirli1ng Mui. 'ie osr le oreqîîeged tie tl i eie îlrinul AIy and puy cxpnsoe,; ot1lire b l o bJ ho ,6.d W duoe o»vr.u i utles fqr of tlent t Lemime. * JEgImAU OqCOxxOR, Lot No. 18, Brokr-n irot, I'1040rirîg. W4iky, Jîie ithl~8S sin24 IN1'OUJ)EI) BULL. TrIIE-owiler of a yenrling 1Bull, nov 'inlnl lMarq uiti'tiPolind, Lot 88, rd con. Wiiik by le roqilg4esto to puy charirc» and înle tho uumul uWuy; o<iprwiio Ileiow b e ,Old inU d copgrsof las-,te defray oxpcnumes. GEO. OUSTON, Lot 83, 4th con. WIitby. Wliîtlîy, Jue 11, 1868. 8u2 MISS BUDGE9 lu euîuoncidng <lie lobiuîg ut' ler 001,oo1, vlli liereCIf ut tiuô -1ipottiiily tereteu ii br ii- cre litiîîks Opîei.uîu ariiu f P11018l wliî have o kîuimiy fevored lieîr sitIi their l.utrc'uitge. In duiig co *le siduo takc the op- 1murtiuîhtf to omm end 11ue.4crmmi, Whliclias takli he tuigiloq iteoly om'emîid by bituai lcioyr, In <lrrio'e hall, forLime purpuno t teactiîig.1 Whl<by, Juana îth, 1968.,2 -DR. HANCOOKq. WHITBY. Faniey -Goods, 1,e4 Mfland pic i oeaeent, nld ustod silvelr, Camuo scardeOmo£ -1ald By-..aw. No..no À B,-law t azuer lthe si Je road letueen Lots nuissliera twenty-iz and twenty- 8esen, in the acces-id concesision of the The ron11o f tu hie Corporation t' LiuoTus- alip ut IiLeriisg, oumuctet That flue mdrond hottuen litsi iimhcrg twentî,-si a mctii ity-iceveu, fli io ecoîd 'oipmmon i otiie'ritsîp ut Plekeulîug, Fe and thtue ame le ieroby ltered, eo as to li- cue a plortlIî.>f of 14liiisuuiler tweiity-c4ix, lui thi.e euiîd cuule-eKii of LIme&%iui Tow-iqiip ci liieriuîg, li accordancee sitli a eriu'ui Y , 'I r ta i,)( d d e r r i jt io ti uf a l d r m d , m o d e ily siJoiii8uir, Ecq.. 1'. L. iS., oti <hoeieveuutl d 1ycf i8, L1,4u foliosc, truat le to se>', eumniluiîii ut the $telne Moînment pimuted Pt tlue- Sotti 'C'11'iîlimu of the < l ud lot Ne. 26, muid ruuuiiug tlience îurtlî 18 clegrd'e, 25 priiuc, s-ocet 49 clielis enîd 72 liiko,murc or lace, <tu the ceutrme of tie sul caic'uîmiouî* <uenie nuortli 10 dtgrmc -eset l~e lisi iieouii " likm ; hme ilortli18 ilegrecg, lu priuîec s-est 29 ehilu,. id M58 unis,, mo e tc < <hoc er ofthélierid eouiiecuoi, 43 lutike womtorly froln theîo stoumo Mloluuure'ît î.iuutcU nt <ho uuo)rtiuwcct mnge cf tLiemaid lut No. 26. Tliq maid roîîd iiihe sochoîisiu ide, mitte ahove duceuiibed liiio to bo flic eab: Orly icimthoec. TVins;<Vie ahove demérihed rnul ho mudidnl hcroiy estubioed me ii publie iiglus-ay. TI.t thii.hy-las-uheli have force muid df.ct huuno(ditely oimuid mter the pomuiig tlîitsouf. T 14r alnve le a tune opoh-cm l<'lus-, pro- ioseud by opitiu TOWNSHIP of PICKERING, 'rqýbo Ipaeeed et !ie uext Meeting, to I h lil)i tho TOVN H1ALL, ON saturday, thé lSthof july, neit. JIECTOR DEATON, Towuvis L1E lotit day ut Juine, 1éý8. I2 NEWLY IMPMETD PAP E R HANGINGS. T I-nilergignaed bop.to iilorti i. pub- Tlie dunht lie hit pureliasmi during his r.- cent miay ;li Yugiand, a lot t f 'LLN DI> selîcti4-i ureînlly by ' hicl', whleh ho hua on sale at Very Rîuduced Prie. aud Peper langing, çeeutel lui e work- "Usalikesud czpoditiunib anher, seususi. À .C. ILSN 0iuae reLeWlb ýj' eU0U1iU Iof ot d wool ,wantrd. - _Y1OMAŽX dIBSO>rSo' R.ma n" r the paee-O ld1( . 1, Laine!s 7P irW BOOTS & PEf Desires to infofrm customerif that hnsh now on hand a viery superier 15tock ef DO9TO 0 OHOÉS#, bf aIlkindi SultaibIe for Summe rWear. Tnchidiâg*g rrunella ànd Kld Balmorï.s,, tk.ngress, Freneh,Calt, &o ie 1;Hor.Engiishstyle and rpalce. A further reduction in *prk'es has been maceand a t'lal will e fidohidficiet te convinoo ail wbo vall at YARLNOLDIS that nowhcro cau they bu c oioated with se good au ai- ticle at 0 se loW Z jwle. gw" it. , Yainôld's 3oot and Shôe Store, next door to the Royal Canadùâu Bink, McMlillan 's BlIock, Whitby. IN reference to the'itbove, CASTLE FOXA'83ires it tô be madle known t}iat ail 'hLege, to Mr. Yaruel's awill i 611(1 hm ready te takel their mieasuro-no, their orr&rs, and ili bu guaranteced i well fiutins and :Cill Made X3 %Wc>~ A> MIL ff i 4t> JE Or anything else in the Boot ind Shoc linè, or the best work- manship. 0_-> A lot of that SUJPEI(IOR U JOSKINpeeialiy orflered foir the iindcrignod, off whiceili ue an suppiy bis raf«ti9 with a Shoe thiat la a $boa, àand ili net bc, botchied in thé inaking. 0::J- Ordure left ai !be Bay attcnded st unual. CASTLE FOX, Wbitby, Juno 10, 1868.ý At R. J. Yaraold's Boot& Shoe Store. Rb&~.CAPBELL Direct tiýc attention of Quakers te* their Stock of Plain D'rab & Brown Shawls, Plain Popliné and superfine ]3rovn (loths, impo1tted cx'pressIy for their trade- AL50O ir THÉ,PUBILIC TO TIIEIR STCK 0F Fanoy Dieus Goode, Parasols, English and Scottish T7weeds, Black and colourod Sit., Carpote, Cottons-, HosiDry, and Qioves, Window Ourtains, CottQn Warps.î IW' THElIR MLLINÉItR OOMS èoritaiû 'aà splendcd as- ztment of Tweeds, Bonnet@ and Ilats, Silk, Cloth a'nd Tissue, M1antk, &ec. gjW' Just received a ful Stdck cff fresh Teaw, 51ugarë, Cýrratits, Ptaisins, Rice, &e. Cîoekery and Glassware, &c. R. & J.'- C. wonld state that their Stock *as purchased in the Britih Markets, when Goodi wcru at the iowest p oint, and they are deêter- uminud to give their customers the. full bunefit, and request partiça in want of Goode, to examine their Stocit betore purelîaaing, as they a'e aetermincd to selI at a amaîl advaneo on the sterling éost. R. &, J, CAMPBELL, Whitby and Manchester, Jun th 1868. *2 New Black Lace Shawls; yery e!icap, at T. Ife M13~MILLAN & Ce'.. 'New DrOS3, Mus, jvcry cbp, at T. H. MeMILLAN & Co'e. Mcw Dregs Brilliant&, 'véry chcap, at H.I. MeMILLAN& Co!a. Xcw Prints and Coltous, vcry çlicap, at T. 1H. McMILLAN &Coli, Summer Clotbing of uvery Uine, vcury cbeapï ntt T. H.M IILLAN & Co'l Imreh Groceries, Liquors and Wincsu Fresh Imported Tnmnip, eced, ouly 20cts. pier lb, - At T. H. frMILLAN & Co's. a' JRONl1I -ON! HATCH M& BROTHER Have~ ~ 1;eé, praedalretokof Bar, ron, whbitýh'tey, cpre- £ared te sei ta iaiadrne A44o prng,4xle 0 he s ais RIagei, Wholesulè Ond ta eo$Market Rates.. H. & B~~E ùýC"lo* roeing iheir large Stock of House Bulild- ?n ni thr Tlardwrmaki-g no <me ethelags tcab1j guarantee o esin at>eroe en: onfl:lhav. leo ge etverýI0wjrC s 500ý Iegs 9f Cût NalsTiwaeilunts, 't1Oils Pa oi4> £o., af Whol 'sale. A v~*y ti Mi ed Paints for ýsale. Spades, Shov4 s,-Fcrkel asud other ;rio eeng CaQho"e ýa(J au IeUWII' ign, b, j , A lrge st ME J[ETL, fl'ut~ li &eilt. Theé no* 1 Âbysainhiit 4 >'~ "Si OiQOA Hoyil' & Freu1ch riii*, (bout qi4#ty,) r .~ t~s per yd.4o 8z~ Shails, i ÇIb. Taé'kets, -Slheetings,, Tbi Cottons, Marselle, and' Toilet Quilta,, l3rd.'n Hollands, Qingh.M, Tickings, Bine' ingis, Table DapIask, lpye, Jlgsiry cl , > jequally low. Mî1gnificeet Black Silk Dresses, (10 "rd"-d) $ wrt1i oy' To Cahbuyeirs, this is a.'a* re chance for prùcur class GQoods at rVcs.Remei'mber the:address, 24-ly. TII Wilklnson's IBlockv, jroclcs Webcg to inform oui' nurnerons customers ai dfrieflds,- are in receipt of our WEEKLY JMPORTATIONS'OF,-, ~TAFLE & FANI~Y that we" MY*OUiI~ Caref'ully scletbted in lie bes ares 1rm uàln xe once in busineEs, - andI the extra facîlitios v"e possess, we 1are eý*abléédto oft'er yon First-clasm Goods, on libtiraltêrmsi, ùaid at prices whiCIf will compare faWrqrabIy *ftli Ilie best in the tracIe 0FRt MIlLINE1Ut IiE.PARTIENT Ir4ldeir the prii~ dicc (Ac'.111165 JOHNST1OXf, iS fully supplied -wiÃŽtib-- 11- the môàt fashionable goods of, thç,seasbiû. *,* ~rOur Ma-ntte and Dreàs Mâking-ýDé«WIiÙ' ment,, under, the- superintendence of Miss GRÂTr, la itocIked wi4b Goodasuited to the mni àtalu atudent 'of tàzt,-$; and.at prices te meet the times. The Clothing liepartment, under the ue'itendence of Mm. MmIL, so long- and favorably known te the publie as a Fire;t--class Cîutter, le 1'uliy=okd ieith Mt-us' and Boys' Clothing, macle, ou the premise!. - Al ordure promptiy exeeuted, and work warranted satisacutory. - BOOTS SHOES-A large stock just rece'iyed', pricp e rat.CR TSAI R- NtSH-ING GOODS, an immense stock.. GROCERIES, ÈRO VISION~S &c.; as usual, of the best quaity. 43~7~TNNXJ.LEes k' . . - Whitby, June 10, 1868. Carîage Fa ctory CARRIACES B.'UCCdIEIt 0f every decition eto ai and made te crder, from i Is-tst and beat designs, a.t thu aboya carrnage Wor1ke. With ii encreas filcilitie dow ant bis adialsa, ibeé ndèeigned ii betlkr prepa!id than". ever exécute ail ôî'ders promptiy wîkh which Le may bucfavor Brouie st-, WhiLby, June O, 1868, M.- . DON()VMl COOL ANIYCOM1FO-IM3L ed te Funshed,,.Apartments, IN. one ut' he hast partsout hé Town. s-lt - or without Bourd, for a La4dy sud U~l door two Gentlemen. ý Appiy althéliemE~S Omee. *hitb7, 1tbl; S ROYAL -GA14ADIAN BAleI FouRito le 8mti fv itm yer1e t Lit raIeoh i' RVIGlIT per eot; aunuiupouî tue pucld û.CP*iiul oh iii But wiii b. payable-st %1W Ilwik. or huaen op <md attet Tli arEd.e', the a Sd day of j TueTrate »uiieslji h. elosa froui 15t1î te ti OhJuboth <laye lecsive, , Th a pMa tiàg of Lth.ehlmudi lie hotu pîjLWBlimfloModis>', the Stb,. n. hIr- u tetken nt ceeu. ' ntiC-- »y> order of the Boeard, 'T. WO01SD ânne 1,185 wL What~ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. &Y l ,nd 7- 1

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