Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1868, p. 1

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LOCKJIAET, Maitauii. 8CDONEL4 ladtcite oproe eî ftiiheCotit iCt urie, r tluo, L'Utio , W« iiby, 0.1V.UU - *>'uttice Jti, leit In l.rt[cu, nEIIIÇt tormey, SolIO11ýrhi*0k. ANGUë MORISO'IN. -J. A- SAKPSO)4, T oron to, J ul> 20, 1861.8 o"u N TY czo wN ATToliN ET Fou Oe iSttWfitb ,31 'v~ £Ot 4f-RGIL »*RTNELLt A1RJ8STER, ATTOUXYf, CUVJYAN' B eu cr, Doipcty Kegiottrar, Maiter ltxtrurdii l nary,mut4 exaainecîi Cjiîtesr.fr e ocue- ut. '>AURltSTB..Uit ATI'OltNZY AT LA.W, B .>ionliltoriitiiicei.tac'. Wblth>'10i.W. B III&RITgk-A!P-LAW ANI) SOLICITOR Toironto. Mn k.JAXES ÏKgITI R01Ã" P, n>AlItIgB & ¶-OtNt.TLW t6 utyPblie. *0o. smo-Nextdoor tote iStora cof B. kJ. 'Ccu~iai, BeaklM., whitby, ont. > Wiîltby, Nier. li, 1861,7 46 S4 .i AIRBANlKS. SOLITitNOTARY iPUBLI, 0,La. L&o. Oohav, (.é. W. W. ne fi ILLINGS, Omo£110, OtN'ris UO u IiiueiurittOnz, -Brook Street. WhitIby, Jac.n ,112 ati R ARIS EÏ ELLES. de. T'ORi)ULY AT LAW, SOLICil'ORIN %ona, Brook (. W. T, I1 laiucury, Nottary Pl'ic o*oiui'r a QaI i Wlilt 1 ' V. Iteeea, Il IO 1tî'iiîiliocte, ùix taIti;At,ý fflc. itBrook itru,'iui. «1 A TOlIIN EY-A'V'-LA W, IILICITOP. 1N IDA. Donna firriiet. T7t rue deort Wesct cf R &ile l'eut 10111e.. la 49 Og.ClîItANLe & COCIIIIANCh. lcO90 &îsr ivr- AL'T>tN s, C(ON VLY- 'j> mii'crm andil Ntuirio. l'biic, &i., &ce, Fagjc 18A.m1~VldiOPmTo iwn Il IL.Çui t, LL,iB., 1 W. M. Caiîtirnz. touïity Crown Attorniey. *Port I'arry, 2il ei nbr, f865. 51 C. A. JONES, 13ari1@ter, Soliciter tn Uhaenccre, Au- t orucypL&o., L&oe jO, FIiCE-,Ncittdoortt tic li Itagl try Oilicc, Wliiiby. ili> 5 10W. Il. STiIIELE, ~'440 Clucrph itrot, Toronto. ~ *LoYMAr4 ENGLIS il, L L 11.« BAII'MtA'T LA W ,;3luliou i Cic 40. a. j. <IIJNNe M. De 21 tYIRGEUN iO VIiliCOUN'LY 0 AOL, - Byreîî$troot, Wiithy. - Do W. FitlJtijLigg, M. 0. SOImîtea liou-q te lu c. eM., andi5 te 8 JOHNcc, V.. HAM,1 - Nt>AIi.YPUB3LIC. Slie ES E> .ILIVF 81=11, thVIîtItN COURT'.- and îli.46-ly and VICTORLIA UOTLL. nidm Ic- %haro' wV Wi. Boynitolu.) 27 etr IRAIRkD1LESING AND SfVN ictor.SALO-ON" 14-41 1 D10CR b,2., WIIITBY. ga' Sceu ii' ex m m izeaa.. W il tby, iii, 22, 166,- 'WHlTI3Y. 0l. AWES ---PRPITR - '4 --; - tperlor accommoitdatlin*. Carefel atten- tion tu thé recîtutiinte 0of ttmîelorm ctîd 5pulou mabingmc uad-tooiu,amcc t'ody hitby, M11.-BOYiITON bugs e tafOrnithé tri- -r-lahbltaiitouf tiiCoici> cf Viterlia dd srrenudiu Uuetbmitbat b. baul opeemu thoii 4oe)oute IminSraet Imisi>' ceapisd b>' si d4 te 11 infrst utile, viluters willIed .very oobvIè , itne..Wlase, Liqecru elîd, Cigur& of: $hi bu ility7u.l41O' $COMMERCIAL HirOEL#- BROOK sT., WIIITBY. e ad 10 I'fl'UrS'abavhber -bepute aDncoaii d i#t T* J,<vojiU à adthtjeu bl,ii ist bu ha tè .Aliopnte Er ttB 180? THE -ROBSON ROUSE9 DUNDAS STRIET, WBI BtC.WV1 T HIE .ebucrlber bgu te naoaeae tui ho uSorlrtirm c, 1tul, wileti Illa. mccli reecwovt. rurltd.moid det.ed up tlirougiîoîitla ultcido1uomtathi lpeut-Ofoi.,Atid init el C untrue etimT town, The R iail wmy 0 mi) ibam cal taittth 0 Uet4laei tii. etges forUxbriclgo and ijlCavcrto1î leave thader vcrîîirelularmi SI perdu>'. GORGE ROBSON. GERGIE CRA M~EUiANTCretr u L JoGitzcr.Grecîî lIt. W%'litby.Alargeqmcu, -UN D E RT A TCI N G. PU4FA flly oaipplied cnd attoetlcd tc.(..tiwkept Cob>ta.Ltl>ý Whltby,Fob. »th, 1862, Brooklin Drug Storo. T'EALZltRIe rega, Paîtenit Mciloicam .L..F['miatm. 011., l)yaStctrm, Couîfctica. ery, &ae. 'Wlnc an md Llqeorm of tha bout qualit>' fremdlial pnrpoel. «crac If CaUIe Afedicinseae20yo onland Brooklil, C. W., i1soi,25, (Oi.ganlst AU 1Saint#' <imroh, Jhitbpl.) J8prapared te giva Mamie mcd Sisigigle a nouii, teen a limitcd nenîber of pejilu. Applcatioe te b.mce at the VOiecocf Jolie L, Wmtki, Surgeo.o 1>tiolt, ipver Jamcs ]lyruc'i. Mcdicul 11.ii, Brook it. Wlîtby. CROCK ER'S JIOTElis (LATE'i'LATT's,) NELSCN sT. -TORONTO, NOIlItl < OF IG T BASSET& KEEBLE, -PuotozîTois. rilprfpr!cter% ri,,pctfiiliy atnucute T tiîcirt r ii, t a di.taiici, cm wi.dl c» lieur whictî arc lisi ihicry rcacc miî(iiiiiîyce c'uifiîit'tmiîiy fltoci ul ior tiitcii iîcîtîi oif giicn'm ciii tic traecliîg jpublict. 'I i.yl lie rounad flu coliisaiî poruiel -aatt-iîdîcii , Ucii wili louve îaothiliîîdcîîe vil thscir iîcrtme vive uattiactiain tu MI i wtt May' tarrtitoni wutii i S' A E- H O U S É NAtNILLA. iSAAO PENTON. i'roprictor. - YEOMAN GI BOON. 0 OMMIISI ON XMER 0CH. VI MNUitANCE, &k GEBLLAGENT. Wiîitby, Jati., liltil 18066.2 REVERE HOtJSE9 uàECBIITgat C. W. B. PLANK, -- - - Proprictor. Sttigea tii anil rrm Witb aiih cidcily. Evcry iittotislii îid te giîcmtm. (Corefclitccd datii- tiva omtlura.9 VARS & DEVI.IN. .iiîieeitrecL t ird .icer'ortl ofithe Ontiario Baîîk. aW-EXI'REgg AGENT, &c., aime Agcnt Why ii it thist tîxetae îm mccii a rail for pictcr.li AT ciîtiîiiii 4111liii. more pîiie witilii l ran tliati cii>' tlîor -A risin li Ciii îuity, s aiu c (di qtite c. gOuùd verk asace ciîyecr mcii la tic couiity; W* Tlîat's tulîit'm ticeimatter, me don't ba bcckwarc ut Lc otiiiiig f irward, BRIOCJ<15T., WJffTDY. tVlitby, Nov. 12, 18457, 45 Farm to Re nt, FROM 10 TO 20 TEARS. A N excellient Furie te ront ln the Towcnship 'lor Wililtb1, hciig tfiiîi iorth itai'u f ot ozI and,i ,ls ia t71coTlîciccmice ; thora b 'c litetff mer celreet tor fit cians bol]inleaego. utata cf ccliiatilii, witlî goui dweclilcg bonme mcd oct bclilidtga .Clii mreoIy' u ot deuirably ,Ituatccl,nnd wi li e rentai cOn rcctîîabiu tcrm fur m pricid 09 10 or 20 yeoru. l>cumcuioe gîvenitlut Novembar caxt. For particclaru appi>' te PETER, 11, GALL, Enq, Tscoow. Or tei JANEA LAMON, ~OTICE VO-lfuml'y rli'n tbutl thiq falowo1 Us oup the, CAPITAL STO~C of tii Om ugn b.ve thig dey beemode sand art .pY uthie Treamtnrru OMes, lu the CmII of 4oi or mhmî , 0payable ,11th MAy,2' 8 ~26lh de Tit1at If îmfl, 'f "efoine culte h. »t pkid wvitiintwetit -du y aaftert tiimee cemes dueo alli payable, ýAe piule or gdiaref) lon which the -tatut, e-iasnobcame iéide und proý,i.!o By 1rdfr t bec. di Troamuror. Whitby, lMarchiàs 1~. DES. CARSON& LAW, Odfle-Ij3yron M.l, 4Vhltbý. - 0- T ilU îcemiancd hîîieg 'aterod Intil ce- Lpgriîril p tcfr 10 tu îîerror cupr.icýig tihe procticeo f ti le, c.iîi .< fdid~ e gctiier, drmir, te iît'ormttiîî Plblic tiiet tlyey will h.f-titld 1) le noet ccd pcilctiîmi tteid- *nu n peîi al11al4'.81ririîîg tlcir 1);rees4ucai motdeeoq. Pattita wîvitrtoairo 4il titio.uçvaii. fumes whili cla lice ..lima broiglit te liglît lisithe. trestniei t cf diaeamea. Jllmgamm of tiliTrenît and Chcmt epeciaiiy treited and lPrexcribod lfor, The. prot-emeo u cfIciitin, itifeuto mtu littlé kaown iînh acted epon neat'înt.tthe bMVtieu1 Yalctlt, l4 part or thét yymtn of itroate it udopted b>' Dcctorx a lon&kTWY, for tiî. speody alid effecual cre ci dimcecm of the Tiît an cd Cliemt. Th iii iilstion of Aadi- vaited vapeursanmd the réady mplctof~9 atomiîzil flnim ls; acw dnîtdby thei.tit nieclical mati of the dey ýo bc thifi nt iut.c tuaîi, a wel a the miont ratiolial ticatetiut ln ali mach cam «-britcglat smalt d0e.. the. rceidy onte direct contact wîth iie diuccmced tcltn. bran,. Wlth mn letimute iînw1adgrotif tliei.reât- matît of ait dîmesmeit, cmntow;I)ractimcd, fl tiie bgmt -lompitai. oror tiie civiliitd worldt, acd tilir uwn large .xperiecv, .Dis. (arooh & LiItwront they are not toc pretiî.lptaone %u.ii)g that their carvicea mc>' bc lourd càee la, in amiting tIntthe car.etfi.iime cf thie mcii 111g tu whieli hmcc fiauh teleir. go- Ail Surgical operatioca macýemu'liy pertormed. W~ Particu ,dcuirieg cooemcittion mc> hatve thatote iparttcruhip fre# e! cÂarjie. t:M, Caeis.atteiidcd te et ail heue, lai>' scd hnigiît. .A.m",y CAnO , M.1 W. n. LAW, IB. À.,t.. <>FFItJii-By roui Street, WtsLtt.y. -JOHN L. -WATIKISe SURGElON DErNTIMT*. O)rvîoi.-.Or rJAS. BY UN Ei1S Medical Eau. Iruck Street, Whitby. C-4r Ali vork varratii. Fciritiicu etmciudoi at privoterellîo. TEETiI E" XTRACTED W WITHOUT PAIN, .£& BY TuIE USE 0F NITfROUS OXIDE LAUGIIINQ QAS, - '019 TUE NEW wv. Mr. O.&argsl DENTAL BOOMS, DUNDAS STRrEET, mifiTu y, C. W. llOtfUUSd-Or' M. IL Cocbrmca'uSstore. Wlsiîc)Y, Jane 26, 1867. 2.5 PHRNIX FIRE ASSURANCE COg, Ll>3I13BARD STItEET k CIAUI KG CROSS, ESZIABLIXUE1D JN 1782.- dILLE$PIE., MOFFATT & Ce., Ageeto for CaDnada. ec'et..'l on tii6 niiîmt tuvnabi. tormm caid JuOSSIlS L'AID witlient raeeae te the liecni iu l..osdeii. 1Aprii grd, 1888. YEzomAN GIBRON,1 Agent, Whitby. 3110E IOOLS & FINDINGS. lÀ Mr . imotiui "<ii . Iipa.uo,' 0'i'. 1'egu, b.. Slail», Mi ici ur, licol aid Tue lt'e, & c- &., g'WHÃ"LESALE AN» RETAIL. RYAN & OLIVERL, 12-iy 114 YoyazËouc vn Towtio. Amouaan iharw, Treemaru, and Pointsm of ail mliz. paicc. RYgàibad AcnC k oLIV Ee,Nret 12-iy Impatenscf«Hardwe,, Yoneg tTmocie. TO MACNINIS8S steaRus e,ffldMquri, Caiîr. Gugço,'Vaer CaipoarStel dCaliper Mcl.., Clilper Bqcmreu, AJiujeu UniverseilMqiimru, budf ltg»iairig £'mitp8cu antimB. dui, talit Fiésand Toolà, Patent Jil ex»,Obet Micel kchtnaby UYrAN kOLIE 12.1111 ilV ouge t, Teot. W bithy, IA>'20, 1860. , TO CýABINET MAKERS AKD UPHLBTERitES HiOTEL & PREMISES 'CauaEivsima F0 R. ALE. T1 'pUltllrruaeiu ~ HAT oed etta-blilud sand etletuve H o- iAdtte vam oo %est.cr U T tol tuie 0TA kOUR CENTRAL RO'UIEENO, -'êauia.urbXeehaad, Splendidrceny stublIng, sunddrlvlcg aba, 9 i eg ~Truc tôluher, wiicis e io ores" If land attach au uy e demrel. eni a domyanber- D A ~ ~ TW log, (fruhhsr. Thlere aOro oW flswtlgaid & UIIL$ < arberMluLI> o UM.PLge Bu t> Jame. puttermon Wan. Croar 'ehc plip wS. uocorTimothy PEt, e, bert CliyI I"m Elien l'aucîa mmcl . Colli. Wiliam QebeBank. ., Chamberlain D. IL ifiekin Mru. ilbaît eiaway ,G. B. (2 spring lurmul *ui "W rMisk Allie. Brsiton John 011 rd hi '6 $try Eidward Colll.~fit ' ionthwall MUmM.etbu ('oin itaie... tareu% Abrman Coie Win. Afmtti jueph1 eCiatrfB. R. Salkiid Illcliird is) p anila IbiiMary .bcmtueld Mima ar Detn xlu),izai. J Shopp.,rd11ecr>' Denetei JoMi c ttWaiîlMr. Danf eaiier>', cm',olisteei Win. SliîaW 1Ccyolds. Tiien'Thoma bIlllte Wm. Tramci.r M" Vary Fichu. Johnî Tuieîit Acter (2) Falier Mr.Motrcy Tncer Mià. Ltmc Fergusuii jciii .roinaylba W. IL. <bud Matthow 't'omliiiuuec 8.1IL. lloweml i, Mt. I. ak>' Wre fliwoll llebry <2) WieI "IlThio*. Ilcame hitîhari Wilite Mr. Hoiward.i44i11i Walliaiue L. J. Hubipur Georgeo W. carWiiite P.;C. fIlarafiMero. Whilte George fledov ilecîy Wiltee &,au mndaru Ens> 0»W. IL. Wilim Roblert I4iîwlaiii John Yong C. T. Harra>' Mre. Mardisa >ioGregor George eAi6cof T. liirey.bloitày D. Jolie* Geergoil. hl1,eLril David lrri' 11cmitbece.PueArc'T. C.ý Jc>'eaWaîlldu >llityre liro. Jiihn Kcvlcp Zweà en MKy m, jeliia l<cziteiuru, Lzzxze-ttcr. JohniDempeay 'sud Jubi Shaw.1 'airtieu oa;ljiiîg1e% s.' bo io vili ploame al for adertined httrtî. 1-1 , e , F. KELLER, Whatby, Jiîly 2, 1868. p 1'etilisotar, FLOUR & FEEl) STORE. TflhlqlgL BLOW begm te Infermi hi.s 1-- cld, $rtatidiî nitatthe publio, tit tiiemo op>eei. a Fleur cand Feeei4Store, Ini 19R. DRAPER'S OLD. STAND, Wemt cf tiie PC-sc Office, mnd epari>' ep p lit. the (iezdîts <1111., 1>cciw, Street, Wii'ttci, Onit. r~'. -je besileaf Fleur. Bran, iilshort., iii croithiniii tise lice icopt on bontd ati wili bb ueld wlioeuealc and relail, chcup l'or Wjitbr, Jane lTth, 18 68. N. BLOW. I i eo-24 bn. HANCOOK, Ceztr-e *M:C.Xxe' BRUITISHI AMEICAN ASSURANCE CDMPANY Capital, $400,000. r IIF, undarml1gncd haviîîg l6pce cppoltitcd ..Arect fur tihe abov. Coiipan>', im îî.îw p Er ard te liîîuar'aproporty naiiiet 1;IlIS BY on ,c tii. maid favorable ttnm. Appi>' te, 2-12mos. Agent wlîitby ]BROORLIN HOUsEi CLARK & VICKEILY, - Ploprietors. Beg oatrcplcttully te lnl'orm tic.iniimb. tact-,1 ol i, utit>'0eonUtai-lothat t i im iîmed thi e.c roîi mcu lato1yoccepteci by $1iidy 1'oric ie. lî lstii.>' have tcwiy fuiisi ed aud rciîormted, maidthey arc prelîcrcd to isvcommodmte tih. traellin u pcbîc. Tic lBar atockcd witiîtii, bet -tiquer a mer'cigaru, ccd ai; attentivemtiar lwrayom ieatteedcîîce. prcprietorm Br,oklie, April, 1866. 19,1Y WELLINGTON 1HOTEL, MARKHAM. J. RUJtDOTTOX, --Pseprler. L £, 19.1>' ByÉLaw No.--- A By-law to l'o ter the azde road letzceen Lots numbérs t'cety-siz and tirent>'- seven, j ine seond ccîsn ion cf <ha 'ozcn8lip cf Pickering Tie.Conti-il of the Corporation of thc Town- fiîlip et i'ic.kcriug, ntiats TI:mt tihe mici-reai botween lot. iiembera tweiiîy-i6ix ced tnt-rclis ilin eco.id ceoeioc or tiheTowtixbh$p oet ický,riiig, te and the.smone0 biircby aiicrcd. menuistteiii- ciie a pertie..f et it il)eir suic'ix i the. ,iculd cii,'ciiuiof theii. altTowti-ioul ot Pickcriiig, lis acccordatnecmiii a eertifii P* iirt sd dcajcr*sptiuri eofmciii reari.ttmdc l> iet i iioer. E l. 'L. S., ois the eeveiftiî di> fMcy, 1888, cmit eifOwe' tanet liq teSay, c nîîiîaiu t tihc $toise Mcîîiamarit îlaîitci #mtcticetth ce raigie o hecil'uiaid lot Nd. 24, mii >A tuili tlîece iurtfi 1,5degrei.a, 25 prith(,uq ei, at49 chelem amnnd72lii, Clores or loi.,, te tIhe centbe of ctise cal ffcaiceiioi ; thec iortiî la ilegrica, wet 19 cIDciiisalci 89lilu~timio îrtliî10 ieeýeùs, 10 pi'c wcut 20 choiisi»and 63 Ijikp, nmre or t-oma, te the rrosir tf tihe -aid coercmiipii1 43 Jliiks wcmîcrly from, the Isteîie Mont tntedc at tii. uvrth. iyaat angla of the cm0- et Ne. 201. Theii, u 'ad te ho, ue caanwida, andu thiiÃ" above .diacrlbud lise et hoa i t- Tijat thae âwe derlbed rond b. acd là hercby eatblliia mu ca publie bhlfhway. Tha.tb y lawlhhhava forée andl effortz hacudiitl> ô ld atteriyhe pmulagth.reoi.1 HTIE ibI'id r ure, cp>'eta É law, pro- ..Plused blie couccel fth iop 0tc cItua-e TOWNSHRIP. of PlCEIG Tozbi IW"st lai next meetingt W4 boicl i îLhe TOWN HALL, ON > Satdy lii. e,18t8of8. f 2n3 c a lal 1 c alaititi.Il %Viict inuile in tlicir toile i And dreamu et planiore flowe. Tii. lregmmof grhn' cc'd>. fiiet csaver eos ratere Bct 'ocdiy are thetierlbe ihd pi lu ntaoiry'u g olden cre. lu vein 'l bil my cliig bart, lii wiltd Ic1mtIee4 coluac;. la vîiiinI bil tii.toura; cet flo,, The) o ccwi i mcroame. For angeisii malte. my lienftistriittbhIî; "uY'o.' witîtuet w* A. iow 1 biol iii>'ciiihoiîd', cenaal And biliheodm frcxîdu fîri-weui. Becantio Merders. Tii. papera 'havesiet dfoat a tale, wiiich for violent ieiprobabiiîy exceads ah tthe inventions of gusi.ticumi vriters; jet ita tret is lunaintaiced, eaithesincideets it relates, il lu îaid, arises tront ithe buscf a fertbceuuing trial. Two frieudi, oee a clergyman and tii. ciber a laiior-.trmuge irîtlmme>' betwee tseclotu mnd hI&cuttet- fail out muid turcte bitter enemisi. -The>' part, and luv, accders-d b>'milesu, the ciergy>'unc paiting werds te bis qacadas fruuiid being te the sffect itm&%bhe ped, in tho lapa. of a yoar, ho mighi uee bini dead, mcd rejoice orar hlm cerpme. Exacti>' a yeamran ont c, sud te tii. day Cowesaa cemuneuicatienu te vincive clergyman, infermiagg hlm thaït hua bitter viâh wu sem. cenipliiuid. The, imiiet' vu demI. Ava>' utarté tthe michuter 10 gicat ever tii. visible fmct, H. reacisthe houscf desti, indil the vidcv veepicg basidaeiii. Coffin whigcb bc wmcmu oecthat i&. na>'vent his ezailmtiec over <ho peur, colul remlu cf his tco. Whii. ha iu inhsiuting ou tbis brutal satisfctien, the lilof tii. coffin rlmem, the ppull lu Ibrown mids, mcd the. lailor, le the enjoymsct e( evar>' function aisi faccît>' cf lire. amuails the. clergyman, ani killu hlm on thie pet. He lu tien iiaddlcd mue ithe coffin le the place cf uhe ucppcued defue, acud ficali>' beried ilubis utemd. Tle».aiicilr ha! te .vander mua>' f rom the scène of tuis amc of retribntioc, but t ameeon ftor r.-cegcized, and in nov te b. pit n eisutriai ferrlthe morIer. Bach si'anea deedu have lrcm lime te time, coei to llghi, and ti.re i. juai a bars peusibilit>' tis eu muera bve a feudmîon of irat>; A Rumaietar>' relates thaï, accrding te a Rcaaumc cuutom, when an>' one dies, tii. bcd>' cf the deteai.d, on the dey previeuls te icîermecî, la brecght 10 a echi here aprieut passes mie- cight le prmyer ferrîthe dealmn'u soûl. -Tii. priait, in ibis li- itacce, vwu acccmnieed b,>'&achiter, mnd was iii the, act cf repemlîbg tii. uiual orimocu, i ien, te hic intense surprise, ha bbeholi the beodyrime front itê cofflamcd advmece tevardu hi.. Runncg 10te a (oct, ho aprlckled tho demI man vith bei>' rvmtsr, addieg al lie CcrmciSoe f baorcium ho vas acquàinted viti; bet in vaie. The corpme uaeitheprieut, tiimew hlm on the greeed, and ile en .d sîsu hini, ataik rmlraady hall' dene tc bis hand, nc dbubt, b>' uheer frigit- Hmviug giveir itueif th!& uatimlttion, tii bcd>' agiain quetl i>'me- ed isplace inuth c offin ; anded syeàng chou istor, whe- b.d vitsaiel thaevwicie uceca (rom behief a piller, vbïtberheohai retroated,,smie.ave>' le recout this won- dé-rfai iîiaaca cf posi imortenu fercit>'. For a long tme ithe affair reaminad au in- explicable miseri, viien a cualefacîor about te sufer- for bis nildeels, mmkiug a cleue bremmt ol' ail bis crims, ecnfes.a that, iaving a grudgo agàicut ths prieat,hs bcd entered the. cburch naseu, asud taken the place of thc corpue, dressinug bimueif ln itu gurmeetu. Having diupmîcbsd is ece.>', hobe riuimîed the bod>' le lis former position, mnd lefitih. Cierci asihLebâti an- tared. Aboilti ouis. A bell is van>' mmmii 'et iraI, sud a foi- icu hardi>' notices it; lbet lu -feu Imys the boil gels the bigger efthte tue, sunI ths ciimp that hu iis cf ver>' lult e m. cocot ini compmriuc vu itbit boil. Bolle uppear myuuerhoualy upec varions poithocu cf the iummîî bcdy, ccming viien mol visre Ibet' pleame, and ofuac le ver>' le. tteaveloicnt places, memetinies 6a iolitar>' boil is uthe uum total cf the àffiuticcn, but frequeecly tiiere are a lot 6f ibemi te beip the first coe-Ifsa bel0comesa anyviert on a peracc, tiat peraec, aluml vishe.fi bàd cerne sonievbefrs cue, tbongh it vel peoule bu toamy luit viie. If a rbmp bai a bcil lie gedaralligéte adigol dent cf ympath i>' frot bers,. Wbouiet' ms cf ui u-hat ait ihlm imagul nt hlm for his paine te asuer, wviii.unfceling per. sona malls gaie cf hlm, et' bis lifgortane, or bis bell. itfi ver>' vlekel tmalts fan cf permona vili boiis; l.' mnc eip it, mcl efien <sel s'y baIl>' mbot it. Pb>. ilau docnt giîm boitl patients Wmach uatis- facur i ecie ftuicg, aiubocgb yoang physicimua vho are jai begliio téprie. tice, ars food cf t fhng ticeh'r Iscet ha ibeai. Boiln 'are soi à to ha «iceslicby," and fr0. die -var tics>' yteiObarl, ad bAng' oant a b mhé ýdbm 1 sudl- graw, snd rais.pain gonevali'.thon là no debti panaI te b. p'amâla I. the ïig o6liedi oe tii. knforwuatt. horï, , ihig hbiýlh-Ià4! ffin l teariug ut h raps cbàa attaeliéd b î0 e art. the0 driver, wO sai rst songb safety on_ lhe horse's 1back, bld bualimeif undor the 'drt, but Dotait b re a olviog .oaeWb ud 1 eljie. l fie tigeif Pay. 1M"eaatîheaIibe9 cà, aith toi. mca-Aud Pafin, galloped, fui'lcaly towî rd the mnaniietor' St,.,eiÏadia~, piaruaed hby the fer HaeiîbMer déplorable s84eto erred. A godener wv0 traa'p nlgte utret I aetd ~iefart-b'ie b ai t '1be tigefr sprang et biue, îem-tng bÏLýfmuî, legs end ,ek la a fearfdl lJaabii, ,. Hav,, oig iied bis viotini, t tii. a - _' i dr4g tÈ ii , o ~iitanýce; Leo then abauion ed i a J ribed ào 8.Ace.hurt, wiieré Sis- prouseàce canad lueidlbible. ferrof, M1. Vekemans, the diriibý of, tbe Zeologial arden? haviag boéiqliformed of the escape; ?rceded with, hi. stafflja puuali, mcd ca 1me ap viti iii aimal At the. corner of iltjequesi utiti1 ar the boas. Veraîr!ee. A eigi ctàchnm& end three or four Utiier pbriccutecok refce in a mai uop opÏ6oste îlhis l"oaoe.The tiger upied theenmd màou for a» moment ms ubengh ho intecdd o wrush at thent, tbrough thé. window. Ëi pnlsnsd hS4 course, hovever, îbrengh ti. nssket. K Vekemme., viii iii asitanti, &(ter -the animal got iuto 8t. Ancnotacicrt, barrd- cmded the. entrauco mcd piac.d a, trop ine With a viow of tmklug hi lm MIt. Tii.y thac got leto tiie boufai of the. court i order te frigbtee him loto the trop. Tii. tiger la>' eeuebed mgaie.t the doer cf the. anrier cf M. De Braekelsert te acuip- tort but peiceivicg ounetof the mncnlu r- uuit ountteeoofcf a lover- houes, ai- emued a meut menacing position. M,11. Vekemmas, De Broesier, Weniirock aeit Vericsa, vers armed with guns. The. tiger Living' perceived theni, slow>' le- scecded fromi the roof, evidaaitly bout on niakiag au attsck, end vhien about four niatres ocg h. ceuched w nmbim pring. Tiie order to lire w&4 g'iron, acd three gonu sers diucimrged leuccesuion. The. lires uhot mppemred te bave nimsed, the second struek the animai the third iniliet. ed a moril woued. He tured bock te the ebt'muce of t diii *boe.M. Dé Brakelebr fiaiîiied hlm viii à fourti shot, Tiiese gentlemn ebsiavod vlth great iu. tropiditr, mcd, but for their coolness' mcd tLe memaures ts>' mdopted, mach grestel lujtor>' oeld hava beau doue. Tii. gar- dener who vwu attacked noter spoce, acd diad ln tii. hompital ai six o9aio6k the saine mornidq. Tiie*Turnip Fi'. This i hei. ame cowmocly gîvoeh te au ire. tecu insect that cften proves troubleaolne b>' fertunate desroying thes temnip èrop seeh mafter it liCmma sicaut. Itii.properi>' a betet icoi a 11d it>rcf iie sud cata tii.-Séed leaf cci>' cf iti tuncp; ANC buing ver>' mmli, lu iî rarel>' ceticoldi n ý oe vbec numeoau an etire flel cf oaetsral Epeo acres of youcg taruipi vilIhspýpeat le a ptbier single day. But littis ia kecwti cfii fpe be habita, aitbcugb lu lu probable uhât t l itmed H cuelli eeds on smem.other plants, ald eslm hu a saeutoth fer th. elurnip, ruauhicg teeiaini & to feed upon h as mcciuh iappearm. tinnec ini Geoerahii. hovever, ihi n ijyi iLs cureiei avciu a eu cr ever.econcmieal armer wubo mnfi'sanusett1 from iii' ravagea. As the beetie <radcot the Empi vail bé destroyed, vse mat taki monue te.ataircame. prsvaut ih fre. deu:rey'iiig ccv ictlpoa& mirmati, The. momt coutain va>' cfecceediug ng arms; u ttavicg (ha turaipe is te havathebm'ana 'a bmckvard suci gool condition tiatthes plant evili Wbsuihi gnou rapidl>', and pet coù the rougl iàf ', swcrd goi befor lhéb. elgas tu theffi, and to gi s Lo, ,i iiberal imeeu of sad lu tbe drilla. Drilil-uaprecic hcg f& the.bonue iaior giand iloeg vwling biama te ed eei iIcause the piants te coea tii.theEmpi juickly ad gnou faut. Daýdtig tic. Inisa>c r vitb makedllime aa cu nad tba terip niake ubeir appsurance ifl i eiipefib e l $- À fo , tue or mire. daàyo, qfîen lonîg enecgb ho nais td aie ths plants. XIt aoild lie dons Are posted ri.i' le atii mcrcing, whiit.thev lu os n 1ver> sol: tha placto, or jutaCter asfiowar cf tainl, t'amtifse Tarnip seed, if goal, yuvll veetate quick. kucýiiWb Il1( If cw jn.î befote or aiersa rehi ofrel f6î uiiove r. Sometimes tha beetulu ;aci ver>'î peo cerneronsMdsel u>'acccû6pliuhau' a partialanatt dostiicetioc cf the tnrmip cr 10 le iic6suies.' T cu i Tuavaant spaces .iicld. ~resome stvett>orc $000 "l'the reaglileaf! appeâars bu ihes t(f.- -NO planlii ihal are f-J M..- large prol i ngGreen apecimimaul<atbam Davi à , a sonmlj returnel Union soidior, mi ucardere usa r boe on éminrul>b>' uhi e Mua Élin. WJy-î -e vh uigqlt> iii ome, encan' lîke au un bis bc.i&, ealWled bis 'i bi àUnr-ld 1 A'xeegi sud vc'ad8dieag dangerocaly, if éociumsliy, . blfiistisi amialudare iii. 1.trâ iidie és(r&e'a t>'. glcf o ànt*l' Ï kPOte i.s ~ai imd midfor bcsbaed number oe 'rneoognized haer. hi.. ln theD cwunveilq il tii. linameutse of bis deroted tf;-wpm excitd uervs-bmd hitherto jîrevenied a racôghiiôe cf i.. a auband's'form Je the. diai ebueurit jpf, hîiierlýir'm. In a .imirly mapi tinfimer ar ve e. Mrn* re.îtyfored - uonthe. <cher uuccer slrlokei , couple md the. cri>' mqmniUg iroic ont cf -Syracas e, 'estward,' broagit. itI h ienceforthliy'fiithfui anmd constant couple. vbome ulgit jour.>'ey mc osud- demi>' eztoatç,d .vitheet aý pparentiomaue, occ.ioed e mail verment among thoir eareot uieigibors. Tii. i Ipest eulcgy cf 9r Robert Na- pir eu imhps ibm' trutsti, - vu vrlîtec -b> Loilé Blache ,Tii.foiioviug lubis aeèrjiuoc of ti.héeÉro cf Magdlala, viiich p ~ ile the'e ls:-l erslbut oe iaiton -ai * the-abilt>' uhpvc ,hi' Sir - oet. Napier-or bis conumnmata lire- deuce, bis cool, judicioca àaya>'md the rapidit>' of hlmmovementu, vioc, ail luit mnimues 410g taken;, it bebmmm netesgor>' Id mi'ike thie decimive ,biev.-,I 'have had ccuasionto e mii. iie cjdaintanc cf Sir t#cbî. #spierq to, c'eLiverue ;lth hlm. acd ýo observe hubi ciel>'. Tiie ides .tfié, at Ëibt givet yow cf him Ie that of 6ai'm power. tih. lirat lime I ever mmv film, a'iiaî utrek meni.ispence vwaso goc tde ekiprmuioe cf bhuiemméure., the. gente. eai cf hb u ahacrumcnd the. uofiuau5 of hi. vië. 1 remeniber hsaIking ifI'bn>'n ibis bu bad alarhy. an averrice le e.pôrlicg fraie a repugoanlie te, kiliig poor defence. leui animais. I kmcv nothing mnioiamd mirabie thanthe lis of ipmaiy - iniener- getie catue. Oie l i. it the'.l1mai a sel. ilr for being a man, and Sir Roecrt le an icutaace cf il. Meut aaui'edly, ho le cet the peroce vho veaulduver have allovel tieme word. te escapt hlm -'l a battie' minutas are ail-mec eeîiiing.' Wiat vwe partictal an md tiemt j9st> reniarked, li hlm cod6f o f the. Âbyuuieiati Ezpdi. tien, vu hlms carefulnes cf ithe lirai- of thesoedieri eaîruuîed ii, ithe carb vhich ho teck of their ccigtor', mad bis forduoigit, provaul b>' tua facî,-tiat the, an>' afior -the fail cf Magdla b.d prcvision& for ibemomniti.. But thaut prudence, â i o Lineder hlm (roia diuplayiug uingiilar rigor; mnd ths firmbes. vhich he required lu ohm- cùmutaneon viero b. differed ie epit.i!o le- - L .L - s î- i is arcane aur, âacvera it *vs for Enagimd tliî hlm thoit>'as rdar.in-Chief caused the sflpeurlor DoTk OF JOBuat<ùixE. Iftapeiaee !pce vers diaing as ve hec the infbfrined ber cf b*l reuooii to _:u*y. Jeueplica cf course, afecmle nianoeavro-wbhb, a- EUS Maléjea>Who ilcmedimtely uem. uluitance le t6è shmpe. cf Chani. ae Baumuett. Asuths Empremucccn- kacnimato, Napoeon, vlmbiagte ceelentth. palace, m'ed M. de if ha vers strene ncagh ho carry reus mnbehr aparimontu b baýi Tiie dhamierlale replied la the. veý scd took the e~mpresai li. i. E eroersut. lirât, deéceciàng ud, hligempl. feet. si val'doive M.de Bausetî,% tee ba s legs mnd h eiuid iau barda. tigitur vile racoleri. Mf. Great *08s iii mcrprlse vliui meis vbupered t'at ae i t osiviwpaper la roafd b>' hacndredi rFu mes attraetive bis, vlich ed in taler" u d ugora-roemi.- lnucrlbeç te a& ceUctry cevapaper Iaii adrerdasaenicarefail>' s ha îo:s ii liio ont, and wv-i uge!ments are 0 îafor aftuccting las vdiDin 'te I£Siý.tw yeSrs &.This u meen tatline of bMrï8adfoit Tleinig'u. prooed,,nov Atlantie îferry,' mnd tc yiici vs muait gin irefsr when e bave batg utle nie. data -jaere 'Ila)> j,-Tha CT2Ïea lu stili belicuved ta crralabe aibbki 60,000 copies aily', miliog ubenito tii. <rade at twopane .if.pmccny ssci. The .baiUV T&legrapm ancoum nae ebina latter., Ove feot Ilong, on the. valia-, tbai iSt bas 4hai tirtre.t, clrtilatton ie the vorîci." .Tiie actual sale-la fràm1 20Oo to 140;00 aily.'.Thea &antark,- hich adver tiacu eacb wei<abc!e inu leading, mmc ticie ita average 'gi> circulation duriegp tii. preyioua voeek, show Siatoial cf aboài 12d,000, but ibi.--iàtcicdes th e' veiDK Standard and Morcicg Herald, ýnd -of theuq totabi a tait cembar ara retprqed on &rh'rbaculs. Ti"éýnumberu ivé&. ara tii. nuniberu priinvd," which lsa a try dif- ferec¶,ý îhing Ironi the ninera acd. 'Tb~ Daite Néde,, vuich tarted atma liu>n' q Monda>' 1mi, mcd wvibicibai net get ail ila machiner>' ia perfect gear, iia scIaI d about 5ô000 eacb day.> atn4ispropristori are "uancat.heti ilil bs miii>e beul befor.7- ,ican>' menthe hbave paasul. 'thièj.&fomingý and Evening Star cpu tpgeih.er about, S5,000 dm11>.'. The.,Morning, Post (iigh,. porlced).carcely reachea 4,000 a day;he Moàrnuelg Advtrtser, 5,090 ;,dtheEarpresi -troctief ppr,(the prcport>' f e( tii-1' Nevm), la about 15,000;_thc Pull z G2azette, 112J000;sud tîhqGZlobe, oo air., jlianarck onc a Wý*,'wùlt Frab"e.- ï Veiîl tco*n gersisa ,orasimt, M. Bamberdr, wb6 J'a alie.-oe cf rb.mou - emiuent menibers cf the: Ccatom Parla-, ment, tini Icuciriiei, i a-letter to hlm cocnstituenoi, is Opiuiô o c Cnnu -de" Blumari eraiu, tea var -viti -rac- -I - afetWi vorth kcovîug ihat, ue Prusaiern Premier is eppoied cù priacilies te a ÃŽvar viti France, ai hie censidersi lg; veclleal te A_ mou lamentable. diar-- bancc.cf ths dselepmenti. - et Germny-;,-t med,,M moreover, Le beliames thiat a vi' îg;y,l-'ever brilieuac, couldul u>b. pur. cbaueii by the gremielsiies , mineli French peoplea cioul ccl' isrenderel moe jemîcu than lever ofthe-dermni b>'- àefeat, u si-ortrieveW e~oiac ene Campageb>'a-,seocu. Ter aa mac>' pecplo hu.re whheil tb'aÉ Bimarck. -,- basi -iale t!re grestmi itmkea; fOrsinle&o. cgtag tclc fusM aieai Nkoli. hcrglýrmthor thac involve Piasuia-it a var with secç mducoilii,i co&l attack¶ ing 'France apropo., cf lhe Iiuxaumbvrg question,vocProsiaulua i ruperîor-te - lier is zItaeisuarmementsu md: mulitary corganiaatiec . >Bat I tuit ,thema Ivo mla.ý takm-i aub uejwere-are,, ai cy caeoeniuch te hbis crolht a a -kilfünimd- able titmteummc :dur do I belieeConui de Bipmark te ha vrocg la holingne tha' prichpe tiat a vue betvesu the- ave-cna- loieth suegreatea t cf mil ti'.. .elamttied that ihmeateuinausbat i8 leng s5i ta ne Dt i. luivtbe, It l u r dus>'-te ptavsant-t#i ýacd licw Europe fime tu free betuel (roui th. éirconimances viece suach -a danger A London visitor uked an' Irihbseaman jýbeiocghag ta the oo.hý.gqwirl au bli.tp Ir

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