Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1868, p. 3

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wim ç pouw... uv W P5P * ii55 Esvlý" o, ary vwu cbsllegd bj A CpànSmithl for dsclining wvile nta a bu * é006ateumbeat, alîbougb the Genera ploaded uan esusoe-that wiln babbly issadie bliel ,an;sd Lieutenant Cevtbu* loi bis -lira In a duel b.eanoii suvAs 'te. %l'ed admttanc* 'te a club- o! plge.n- sboetu'. In, 1771, à duel eecorred _lp New terk City betwme Lieuâtensant esathertone- IMÃ"âgh; ef th# a Sventyolztb, snd Qaptoin XctPberson, ofthÃ"e 42ud Britsh RflÏneitt, ln regard te tht.enauner oe-t ibg an e«r taC con;-, ontcentendlug tt lte csîlng wcls (rom the. cobf and the. othor eo,,îeud. Iug that the.grain sbould h.élut ocf! (rom tho coril bfre estbng. Lieutenant-Pos. therxtoneh4wgh 'lesit fis iglit atm, tho Ilsl (rom hiqautnor.ltt'im .pQb4o atçcrlug tho 11mb tsdreadtullyi so much se that et ba leo casputatcdl. Grahsam, Major No#amsistant. onthue IlNational Ad- lvocal," lest bis lit, lu 1827, et tho duellng f round lah hlehoken wUlî IMarton, the non- n,.iaw oEdWard tlvluigotone, iu a imple illopuho about twhat was trunpm" ilîs a Sane o! carde. Chuitage id LiI.. t va eau' s4n avery Ie ils evi. r Lontion, iory et e tf) thet ietif tievt igilto p le in fluei cuier the ikèjit he olis the fur iscit biu syvei et it heu-as ii prolifle ysA Misen i.411. Ait' teer the en buny jlike lier 15 there-' osis court,, beautitul, leq anti but con., t arise T? lîican ras. titrant er g inaccutis "'le aiusit ittough t o Qt IsIerlis, -111 avate us on her' enfent. it rthat vo qéito iim. vellton Ilu rène of >be gourcil lit -lut 14, rime*ssud t thé enfit he wFaSIls t f Tonieus. monntue, c>' cannt onge of s n obaelute r mgi». of the e- iago Con-. fr paopti 'tnsily ad- 6a iaeladu4 the> lan du ran ehavt ihattn vu An old documfent centaine' à table ex. hiblting ajI Average âge Atatiiti by per. sens ýtisat are etieployeti lu tise varionsý professions ot. t)eday. lu tiisparticulatr bol là Most ethens, the tfrermahave tise ativentagre oer the test ai munkinti. as their avenage lis 65. Next upeel ftite deeket #0e800 jutigés, justices of tho pouce, the flignit>' ef wboso lires bu lengtbèened eut ta 05. Thon immediately tnhowing bu tige cstalogu.etflengev ity lu the batik cficer, Who luité up bi$s acceunt nt the age cf 63, Publie efflceure cig te their exis4tence svith à&as ilt Frtinacity au thé>' etain their offices, but litei torrakéat théen ut 56. Coopère. itlotugîit tic> metl tgutavt through l14é, hbang on tintil thsey are 58. >'itégood verks oft thé lergymen tollov themiAt 05. $blp)wnghgs, hiefrs, 1ev- yens anti nope materas go loj#ther nt thé âge 01 54,. Masoffa 'realize-thier cryv ef like met ci lus éocttcnporagricc, dte et ô6 1)[Iltchene follew thoir bletuti>' ercer f t pr-ecsdy lhat a ceeury,. Carîsênteru arr. broughat te thé ucatlolti at 49, Trait, iers cesse tisir upeculatiocas eut 46. Jewel. ors are dli&gustied titit their tiassel et llue at 44. liakers, manulsélmrers and i anus inechaulca die et théeâge aut 43. Péintens; vield te thir colio ut 45. The brittie tbréati ef the ttiler's tis labroen at 41. E diturs, like ai osher tuéige' Whot orne titiller tihe admiration et tige getis, die tomiparatively yotug L they acceuilisle théir erenti of uîercy et 40. Thé tuacicsin lcdecreîs lis lest rnote anti pmys is dytrug failli ut 89. Printers; beceune teiaL-satter lit 38. The maclinist -'i ussîally blown lip st 0. 'ilso tucier dismisses bis; * ,eholans gt 84; arti tIe clcrk iâ leten siorter lived, for litemust nééd ti lurcil bis balance shéet t 21. No aeuîtît le * given oftibe averAge loitgevity ef vénlthy itiee>'.Thée bferèncé le' fai, tiiercloré, that te>'arceinirif ah. -AnyggstafÀe Pettursy vs ox t Thé QtUr,.- Thge presets frein the nrîtuii Aloiycinla ite t.Quîee hsva mènlietithéltdia-olIicé u théir .wny t) thleir filial deuieition. Theé- couisint oft lrecroie fusorliaèndpicecg, ut robé tuf stnle, a gulilet, seul, hîîrse-traîî. -' -Picgs, &e. Onte oftit, Ccruitns Seuis tutaule . etirey tof sltd goiti, <uité tplaint ithie s4hape )ta Paspal titrt; itui hae fsttrrtiunrt cd t latervatls>' tlirvé lbars of emiîi.stcîit heup, Ickuot cîIiet i aElglish cor',nét, ni litithe le vrme for ieir. 'l'lietîsie-l ipiaa kintt- of inertiel lientl-iece. citît a fuetal toi). anti loc c netuth bars lnngingtg <hii litervali ail ureututti it ls tir asthé 5lcCk. Thélerobe is a vury ,siguifIcrîut uullirI<îtik. iug as if rtalafitusflueuete 4m, woveai iOp- îirèntly eutriclb goldt tîmunf. uith Ilarge iatierus tutflawfrt; ituut it voveta 'et suIt Iti sapîrolrlate coloras. 'liis vasti; te robé whgich 'liîloré'tlîréw oitf jîest heforé lac plut ail and tealis lire. The. gollet, li tihape ltke tIhe lloiaurle "-dtpit uuatjuphikup- eloin buallia otrrt, d lit lesscanpieiutts tiuai l'e'&owtaers powet's of iubibiliig wouid liati>led acté taexéshct. l'titi t-il ot goiti lîcarsa bVon passant, andtihttuliutuuule ibe niaeetffouir largt, pleeêc otapate, cadi <of osfe brtrit t-tlor. f bc atiter articie weu id or eue-ous' in tîcir wa3-. Ttr Nv ir Etictil uCAligi..-Thue lay. 11)g ofthfe noir telc eplitàîle ji lins'jIoc te partial f41 ure. -'flue Na ,wlîich -laid< 'eut Lise cubh, arrivet i vtaout lic4det vithin telstmilcul of(lice faoothi i ui- iug. Silouvaax eoftihmar)tiid b>ttt0 (J 81 moutsailer (Jettyàdiuurg andtigeh SpiacSh a ri,iun et-ver Franciseco Dragis, thé latter leatdisig tiée wny. Tite tait wtus that tigé Nitrya, bfriiad of follour-iaîg thtStanimst steanîtr, benle à direct foar tige hore, beut pot itite a Étrong ctîrretat, sud vas caried tu te eet*srtl ot tiat plate, fitteen caubls froin thue Chotere, tse hplafce tun lantiing the eher.e uenofthé cable, 4Vlece vitlelu f lîre nlles oftie Ihore ail te cablu orn b#otrd *as jald'out. Thé autioftthfi cable was tantenet tih a btîoy. flwlfg ta the. dejetiu of the vater it was toauti impossile' *, teateulion tise hiavy bue>', uttit basàtdrift- iug leta éêsatwnrti.'J'ieii.uubuergeti tble cli ihava le u utrfllm, otierwuisé 15 miles etadditlotuel cale vilIlac requir. Y cd lô couuuéet tséfie lteu caud wth tlae * ? station Aue ha re rs.-Alil tishess ofnthéoacâ.bic fleet'lbei. retumtue-uI tetisé liroi,'tlhecarîtalitif thte Narva e- tomba-the services ut If ty West 1pilo, .jÂAfÀCA-10floodliaâvelatal>' taklen ln ugs îaes wlul îliave .huecuvery tctt tjîé ta thé rondsj, hise' anti értiîs, ana sueéraLi lh>éa sarrcortgei nte baîolit 1' pi- s MmasRiseLino.-We are glai t t 'larn tlat this lady bu béon proestd £10 <0 sterling by tbe -Dominion Goveru. muent te ilber la brusgiesg eut Io Cinada eue bumndrei more Young voinu Imr o , eoisipaaaed tbmougb the Court of J3akcnjstéy sud bas becs dise ebangeld. Fggs botnghst iu Canada for 15 cents a elezon are shipped te thé lange chtie fthe Ufuttia.d ttes anti rétaihoi ut 35 cents à dezen. Jatées 8cott, ef Peterborough, bas becu arreato es nBeleville, cisargtfd iitis barbu g remoed a radil rous the Q(nd Tnunk lialva>'track ou Seturds>' niglit lass, mad thoeby ceseit a' freigbât train -tg unuoff, It la sîloeetbtiatîe prîsoner displaced tise rail with thse Intentione of cmainsg au accident te the nughit expresa train, anti thut lb.Vas achastod by a dùsire for pion. de. À te*grasn'bau bee rêtefiei front Dukèrvu'le, Corbboog dsced Jul>' lit, an- nounofaug Sb. elebrition et Dombo«abo V. la a dog naésrbly faneal bonsebbts tesi i t oer a..sg? ~-Minsof a*-tbmos ie hheo'obblena -MWd Illew& Tha drsvbridge eaI Ibe.nyt ldingt on the Osbtsnd aidofet he Day, gpro vay on b. 4tb, sud about olhty perauu w«o pvfolpuM to es. .vaber, Ton bcodima bavt'be ereard, b&s fi la 4apoWable te martela Ibo combet drowo.d, >TuaSizOîÀ..Âotd.a oi fi "s vseata sead ibett fIgee ea e, Canal to- coumeel the Medwrran.aa wb tb. Bd Ses vau dreviing usseto couple. tien ; bat tb. vbrk -bu c oin e a de oabd.taîlhfeir"'aut cf b. e dni ling needfalollmi6. The Prehcobsrclil- duor# r iutlWfll ng to umite i father adlan. sude aadbh 4.gllatire body bave psuaed a blîl w al.lb.oCompany tonrale. fende tbnengb the orgasout s agreat lotter> ache.. -1i On tbe l7tb cit. G. F. Train 'au an- nouneed to deliv.r a lecture lu ili Concert Hall, Licerpool. The. bill anujoâaning the lecture wus priaîed on green 0tper and bcaded by a bavp, wizbthe ,ii. ninence Ia largo letteol,' Clear th. truck, ibi Train le comnl"Wben the lectarér appeaned le was ont by soncb a soim of biotla5 end boeîsngt- t b. vaeswuonly tbe glad te retire. IV. A. Pettigrew, lftw ftuenct, vas; drowned white bathing ln lbheIDon f fier on Sutiday fnorning lust. An Inqucat vas beld, aud a verdict of' ac*tiJLuetol irwning wu@ rptutned, di-athstipposed to have been caur4cd b>' an attacit o? apapicxy front go. ing loto tlxé-véter bile licated. AJtTFREFEAL Joic.-Tbc followiug is goi:ug the routedia :Iion, Joseph floire dined with the Duke ef Buckingham, atîd at dcoert, .oe îeled an orange, andi vas abofut te ct it wheu thé Duke asked bien w-hy the orange h.lieheld lu is band re- I.OtnlelCl the Union: of the Provirces-the I>rneîer c Gfîid. Joe gavcit up. sud the Dukie snid, tuecause it cotlil nt W repealcd 1" 0 AmÃ"ng tbenost reliable baoks of MNu. achsetîs are those en1 Cape Cod- Yon alvaÇa 1mev esbere te find tbenu; and ofie n ayen bave te go a good va>'. under water te do &e. A grosse spot, bal? a shirt eoll-ir, a Ipair et boots and a jàck'knife vere fennd on tae -ide-valk in enset cunr streeta jes. terda>', the relies, a s taunpposed, et corne unoortnnate nelter. Taking things for granted ià bomeimes a aistuke. Ilustration i Tâting a leod»n as a wifé for a laoeb snd findiafg ber s tigmes; - or a man ne as a hund for à gentlemnan and flnding hi. a brnte or a beset. - Neuw TuaîtÂrn A ltAmce.izttTs.-The Ilontreal Telcgraph Compmny' have coe to the detêrmintaon in future et epcniug till théir principal offices; on Suudays frotte .9 to 10.30 o'clock atn, andi (rom 8 te 0 Io. ut, for thé accoirnodatien et thé publie, ciutlinfts hltéig been v.ery général et thé wattfetsuch anuarrangemeént. BIRITIL. STItACHAN.-At Oshawa, on îbo-3Otb ulto., Mrre. Jobil Sîrachan, ot a dau1,biter. Wdesday, Juiy Sth, 1868. FudI Wheat,,. ..$45 Sprifig ........... ... l3 Barley ................. 'àOcté. Peso ........... 70C. tà lac. Oats........ 6.a 58c. Potitees. i... 4ei a50c. ..y............ $10 te .el4 ler ton. Butter..24 to 14c. Wool..........23 te 25ets. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, lIR@. WINSLOIV'8 SOOTHING SYRUP, 10Z 11CIILl)lEN TEE-rtl'N,-i glriati>' failitétu'c titépr-iecuS <f itl'tlih'ît, lu suu'feîliiig the gîunso, lredui.iuu hit'tiioa WOli Sillii>' Att IàNi l'tciua.t titîuu, auud IL>urtjd od îsi t. mitheriîm., t will gîté rést tu yii:îirmecee, tiiud n'Roclief and Ilaultis Ioe or Irnfants. %Vu i lètl it tn i udsuîîhll tiis artiele tor ycurcm, sâîutod isSmr a Cou x.scs', S>jvrItu 01 It w1liît wu haJve lttrr lietable teo0.0y or atelui iîtid,tuei ii ut,-Nivrt imihuitr lALut> it ,à uf.oîu. u iu<c i o Esyiia,-r & cvir wi-ei tifuci>' nétl. Neu'ér tid wt.kno4 tit latitét mi l,îuihîtuî h>' it ýittie Who éceil it. Mit the éûitre-riu',iii ira letîglittuil vihite' oJlita- tii, ti oil sieink lui turisut c aelatiitliisi i itI oui1egi.i tets niiiitaitîeuitie ui'erutes. b sîieîiik liattitis tunutur iWVIIAT WYDi>> iNOW' iitr 1care'ci ei;iruucc, aîid lilgrué ',ar e- leittttuutî for thé tittit oc wiluît vo hcac iechinre. -lia îitot it ver Iistasice wteuré te itolatnt le' sttlii.riuîtti(eispitt i ud xiucxtiu, relief wili bé Io iuu.tiu fiLueé or twflty ltitact- tos itt.er fthe syrtii ' :suustht§ l'uili iiumcttoins fur '.1uui01g viii acenmpnuy cî'iî Wtîttie. e1oile gféalullue aîuulèss thte fac- sîul T't JSi & i'IINuS, lNew Yor'k, i mtr the oiit-iîe wroppcr. iloldl iiy I)rtigttis;to t iirliuglaut thOe wôrid. 'JICE-Oosty 2.5 cent,, per Jltttiu. )liu -25Fulitoun itreét, Now Vurk, 2Iiliti i.'i l)dpiiaaLuldmot. iglau.u.i; 441 Si. lel stce, toitte.Catuîuda. i>r-370 -TO DRALIUIII' LAYERS ofLIi< e u Mirulit n1'loq effité 1 iiitety et huai ci, wu I i tikvjIoieut tîae Baturdayr Ev'g, ilth instant, AT 7,30tiCOi< fl nortier teo ton a Club sied arrosge a mnatchs, to piny for à ftliedi. G9.RO. ttfSO)N. &crdrry, f Mm'. tu -Wliti-Y, Jnly 8, Iges. 27 INSOLVENT ACT 0FP 1864. IN TRE COUNTY Co :-r TILTE COUNTY 0F0' OÀNi 10I litwean IICIAID IHALL. .itEPII 1<W- -MASt HALL al tiL1ISiTlAN BEY- BOtLDT, 1liaintiftia ; and IVILLIAM TEWVKl!Slltil, Detcsudaut. TTPON t'ue orpl nfth e o!lb. 'intiffu., sud i.jupom i lliuteSvrt it Attenait Vice tlerer, gtid thî t td-vit"el service of' e'i.d Writ, ufail orfder uptuie tbee'aîid 'ofeoialnt wife tua jrovidsoi ad orden. asef no ispoas readtng the ret-aeit of tIhe bierili ofthe flic'd Coeitity cri » 0îatro te smld Wn1t.. sud ttippeaor- log th"elaltîstufig l1v. <laya irom thse neturu '4e'> e! Ausd V rt rasri e xpîit, s e ttldds to quageinor aIs:>'ptotiaeeh bela lies been î,rottenfsd or flid I1 4o erder tîsat saneithog e? tise oedtors et uaid defudaét teuisolilds- têea meu, let nu>'- cfîcieurs lin baheTown ef Wlîtby, un aslit Ceuttf ,ou MtiKDAI; 1h. Twenty-meîeenb dc>' e!JVLT', Inat, 4a thte jlicéro!ton ef tht. eleo ateluoreseufq foer the I>iérpose ofglylug teni adi"s epon tise sppoiîta of r asitefiait adigiue et01i04 40t#40 et the osati d,.feîidibut. DaMdet ssdtn ofWbfhtuy ti gls lb d 01 JaI, D. . 18u8. (lgééd FAEÉWELL &keu Z, Jeudi -. N. AI aw,9mýMr 4Sa US4;,maesu "' mm w tole nom GoreAlateait ti etju.t 3. RAMIE GREENWOOD, obliciton, Wbiuthy. Wlithy. JaJy $th, 1004, I3ILLIARD PÂRLOfl1. DAWJ8"O 'TcýIrAiI 1)E"Win I» * 'openad . MOIDAI EVENING NEXTI l3th bi iJVNE. Onwihocesiosî f h<icele>rste nd ts kI r M, 4.P. MAY. oettIre e 4 et iga À ý4"A %rlhd Invitation- 14 extobdédto aIl f t iâo ettégaina. 'IOAS WALJCER, Wilitbhy, Jute. AL, 1668.,2 yAN<IED. ' T'NTEP TNMIEIIATELY. a cointnodli 4i> 0w 1>wlfiniglion". witl.in i mile tof the buptîneie cfitte ce! théiTo*t riofWlheU.>'. Int..rtnition maé to TéOt, &C, reélved nt the Law 0i1? oif . i .lluistier Uretwoud. MONEY LOSI., L 08ST.,fi)the Town cof Wlstby, on Tuerday 1;8»lit. thge mans of t oi-Q la i sou.uJoe la, Tail.'he fisioiewjifl hé pmitabi) rewardeci hy levifné Ilet Clt.rl8x &Eihtt'c Iinteller bli1. flndnx street, or nt the C (20BW<WLz Ullec. Wlitby. Jal> stl, 1868. B8u-27 FOR SALE! - Cultivated *Farina, Improved Town Proporty, Wild Lands, &o., &o. I3IPROVED FARiIIS. Pûat of 8outh-0, Lnt 10, 4th cocesion Mars, adjotwtîig the VILLAGE 0F BRECHIN, 80 Acres-40 acres clenred. lIrqrtl-, ]Q lt 13, 7th COsxecobm1on ofnMrs, 0î tierce, 60 acrc».é1tareéJ n-1 well tonced, lîqW funiiahrli,. The i&-ctitre rond muis tliroutzli the.Lot. WLxt-ý4 Lont 14. Oth eoumt'cionnof Matr, 100 55 $ac0 nres ch&-atéd. ouly a tlale Jroui Celutre rendt. 1,#t 11, in 11,i1 colned',sKin o Carlll, 2f0 acres. ktiowiî as thé e e tL lYAl*M, about 25 mere4 loared. Lot 12, iii 1ýîh otiteét-of it Mata, 204 acres, rhbont I10 acre2uu clnrqd. ' on Le-lLt 10, uiii tciuneesuutlo u ra, ~2 Ct.,10 acres ' eîred. North-X.a Lot 14, 10ttu conesgsion of Mara, 100 itrts, 12 tu 1,5 acres leured. ].ît 11, 7th ciiiieof >7SouthfOrillha, ku l ilS t'tta% ,P> îot,' vu Lake Cou- cî olibout ouf. nie l'relia thée VILLAGE OF ORILLIA, 84 neres, eil1(oPît 315 écr--s lmrre. rlance tif 1.4t Iîenîltilly w oogied. Tr.im, witismit ex- eo">tietiu, i. flihe bet ituaed proert'y i Leki Cucieiirn. 'lii, týew 0,Xltld gthie wholc distanceu of tic Lake, and énliiueir.g thée INL'IAN VILLAGE, lu Jlmstu, the Towen of Orlla, the PNatrows of Laike Slmeoc. IMPROVED TOWN 1110OPERT1Y, 1W TUE TOWN 0F WHITBY. +11È? ROYAL hÃ"ITEZL, ltrc sotories bih clu , idwitlt i èlé'driv- Modeotthé adjiat.iig icifluuée ou tiu Nit nttia, twn stiu wiileebaicuk, nutitie CI eronielu" tffire Juni flip' tn the Nrutwoe sti'reiroofbrick. Tiio pl-ejropurtyLîne' aa ftruuifage ot 14914 feutt ouu iproé.k etrtuef, etalnudtivryi12 rnuls dctç, to e houtu 2) fiet vide. '!olue property le' utdér eé j'entag i c pe$riiil îuuuu. sgr POtsSEssioN lot ci( OCT. , 159. tix Lite' on IByronu strée'ititrcellti'tuirLitif o fiei resihéue of S, IL. (ooiratue, Yit1 Foir rutate restitufcu-e', îltorulied b>' ny iiciélt îîoîerty litiTown. bueecral;it c (t, trîîauî tut o asix oaz Ocd Ilu the sîeigliuuurhîood ci the uw IWMUéJatCe,. tlisc eCliiurct. TIIIIFF ACRES, Icuci, kuovu aiitîe oid Cricke't icd. TWt> AItES, tcedi *éest f iclf et tald, t)îué-YAC.E, félicl, p(estiet CriéVît fiid. 16 ît'rS. t'-lied, veat ut recidudéaccé cJ. 4 L)'rti ft>yed, at dut TBrookie c cc, aud Southi of Nsilete iatinio Artio'di 7 Ltiu, fttctd, ZEst utf Sruck tt-ct, et pmecuau étjîIIII01lot,'J. M. bprowîe., f~AIKsoe eral villeke. LesPto, !a varions BUSINESS PREMISES. 'hlie vaciit Lot s'lJOIIit ugLowcc, & I'owell'c, bjroopek strét, 2;7 leet front, 9e ftout deép, tu a iatié. - Tlue vacaont Lt ott iif Royal Canadien Ciîk, 22 (cît tront, 94i iet dvep, to a lane, - Lots»Zest et Lrock street, oppoit, to Daucs' !util. lns sereou Brook tstreet, Nforthiof oSlva>' britigo. W1ILD LOTS, mars, Sonth ý; 9, llth con. 100 su-res. If df 10. , 2tls Il 100 d 6e osi20, 9th ..100di, raIs t.Lot16, 8rd Id180 6 di L.ot ID, 4th "*1200 Il gamervflle, Lot 7, Iltit -a 2060as Bldea, Wdon.S 24, bal 16 100 I Mexier, Lot 12j Min -a 200 - QuoilIliver,'Lt 51s, "8 a ]uelley, Lotols S'E , 4th W"'Y di" Broe, 2sstI't1l, oUa " 45 [IOiowlk, ot 2,, latin " 00 115sf Bur» lleadg Lot 21, S- AL3EU4jý1LB1INMPIAS LANIIS. MILii0~ 11 et ilie mouth e Bof rhir Village of ltcaverteu. 0OR T -PERRY, -Scieri villege Lots, sultabie for busineis loos9on, asd priit'te rWsideéces. 1~Aise vlliîg~ o otéln rbgbtea edtla- ti llogeof Breets, 'tooniîip or Mars. 'flue ntisciben laavluug ilseraiisd toeclos eut tise viiole o e ,ic1NiàiZate baseleés tisa Ipreett yep'if pocsible,tietuv<rpse' are eifréd alây igéres, andtun ouîngternes J. lit AI< re Whitbyr f 4* h>,lun.- *Do&-"! nwARE, IN RJECËIPT 0F XtWMI]LLINEMRY aonDs, Prints, printed Mustins, Bareges, G renadines, black and colored- Silks, p=li Tissue, Barege and black lace Shawls, Mandles and -MaùtIý Otn'anietts, gè an white Ctos, Sheetings, irig, Cotton Yarne, &c,.;, Parasols, G1ove,'st ey e ais ahd'Misses' Iid Prandila and Canvas"tboot.s. New goods at moderato ptices. AUl orders ini thë MILLINERYC MAMILE AND WILt IhAVE rOUIIBESTI ÀTTENTION. Lu- 'l'ai lori tg Departin'erit as usual, fully supplied, with Gùods êuited to thé BeaSOfl «ROCERIES.-A tùrze, c*omplêste, anid vell bought Stock ot' the choicest Groceries to be found in Town, Our TEAS will be fouhd lb bé of fine fiavour, andi of gréat strength, and at lower prices than is usually sold in the County. Teum liberal Whitby, Jonc 4, 1868, 1 NIEW ADVERTISEMNTS. INSOLVENT ACT 0F 1864. ln thé niatter ol ItOIEIIT l'OlUTIEOUS, of the Village of Wltuvl,-Au lusolvbnlt. A DIVIDEND) uIEET hal hc4-n rcpared, sobtjeet téo 0jection nultil Ivee 070< day or Jnly, latS8. Daed Wbiitby, lît July, 1885. JAMDES UOLflEX94 MASONS WANTEI) AT ATHERLEY. A ItMJE ollstehssMacon a Wrt éed ty thituidema.ýgeled, W wiuuu tîliberal wouýc will tbc gîven. Nou c btt cotuer, steadi', and itrat-mto moi, écéud apply- A. NE (NEIJOY, Juiy 70ui, isO. AtLetié>', .f. 2ui-'a7 DIiISOLU'rION OPF Partnership! N (TICIt i% ureygivuu that flue onrufer- iiiiltaltel>'stt îtugbitwi'iu WArciox 1'. DFILI Wauur tid ;bîu-,uy 1IuLuî,IN-1Un. ns Soawyerm s i Jr.unber lacal-rét. uuiriîic foun ut'il l-lîfltld, lii l uu& C., Wwî illim oa> !IglaiIréty ututuni Couxstu>it. AHil iputc iiW- muir té m iti sdi rusarcje pn iiil to u lui i1 mudif irun tare teOébc l'ndby ' C.c ,ij Cîijts l1'. w iddttteld. Du.ted thio 4t;i uit>'of J ut>', A. D., 1 tS $l)EY; lLitdAi W itues- J. W. CALDWEL.L BIIOWN, NerrtAîr I'Vntuc. i-21 Sait! Sait! 2,000 BAGS! 1,040) Bage' ot (lourie Laserpool Sait, uur7i 1,00) Bfltto out iie Liîemî.oui ait, etlitoui- tiet Wlieitiée s Appi>'ile ¶VlJtLI)Y, Jtîly 9, 1869. $011N ICFITJI, 26 7illti ROBERT WILSON. Whu,u1hIcil irviîn lic %0,a94livetiîg luer itou-toit N1tuics. MA hr,t lir jtiu i i l ii- ,tliiu- Joli. t,) ni-cir, suiy ihuriuitn tlê iigimu et tuée Wilitiy Pos iit. Minling Co'ys N OTICY, laituutreébý ivirn luit tis tiiioviu« . (,'Ile' utst 1lla (apitu Stc-k ii i'grisu- panilu. 1c fih hy uesu aaui ts!, înîl are liai'- asle et tige ofreuisuinroris ( fil, lite TOWN 0F WITBY, .As FOLLOXWS, VIZ. Cal! of e 9 .; iia¶p rc 1iu>'ilhé l7t ii g 1, s 6u 110 46 et. tr4 bîit. ", * Tirit liti>' of flue ftsior Co Mo l btoifn pliul wiluugn twtuut y dnys ettpèr tîtit, pan 'grsuelue- com6ma tae aîiid iesi hue (urni <rtir(,n uti vtuii cia ia 111 rmmii tiipu 'l t op u i tt e iO ta ibrfellaéte vithout Iartlsurriu-éiitsia te th in ttitélu seucti eau-e si:t, -id 1rov'et-.eu Dy' erdér, Wiulîy, Joua C9tll T O, , e8 . s i u 2 Public Notice lt o rzée: udleOur l'zax M sAIL T Lý NiANT la tise Parlianient oftl tplrcVicce ot Onta~rio, At t'ciaext seesien. for an Act aunenti- ise tishe » ia#Sfloorpqnc erOt4t.iuWltiy P&s Pô1t 'rry ISatlive>' ompan'," sud ex- ,endiuuasd ,uîarg'ingte poweer suit enthenit> Of tîs1e sudw c(iopy, Ota ta1 nfs Oet andt eons&tmuctiftuçe er erepesed ylIai vay, énder, tise sassEAet, 1,>'glvnpg tsathe i WCOUMpas tise furtster pewer ans> autliersdy teTa>' eut end oenatmet sa1s'Eal oay, tlng s'aitbuiuil- in£ thea sane te packhplut tpon th# *hora et LaeteSinuseaior near BaeTtn.mm as na> h cisisdtedrei dsablô, nd ,ssa" tly 'ont on#i cosret cund InuâtO #a bdfreoncuis poisnt Otton tIeiU. saisigoe m atisqy ni>' lhTak ises tu, tise Village .DifUxnrtdge, uvi q tté sane ugit, pwor, pnivilleir, And uader nd ud . ject toîtise ,Passeprcliiàttus s marte puglven à04t me" by elhe sid Act lncorporatitsg sncb tre11pny, fer lying eut anud cenoutnig W-- 3E3C r I ' r ' Carniage Factory,. 8:r M . Robert -.Campbell- ho@ tain, topurchase4beir FÂLL & WINTEU R be fouud iueh liargerihau usuiL. ei Iue'notice wilI be given lVhi sud'1 Manàhaer, Jily 9b, i868., GAND CLEARINO eSALE6 W De MCHAEL4 Being about to extend bis businesg* ba- dé' cided on taking a Pmtner in theé1'all, and will irom. i tiadaàte td the1 l5th of AUGUST, dispose of the balance ofl-is Stock at CO - CARRICES# BUG In Il 0der to reduce thé, Stock to the lotvest CARRIGES BGG Epoint by thée abov'e date. 0f éeery description kcpt on hanti and nmade to <rder, froin the lateett'amd )egt desigus, ut thé ubove tairiage works. With the encreaàed faeilitiesq now ut bis dis;,osinl, the ueslersigceieds botter preputed thtua e4'er- te execute a][ eiders prurnjtly, with wbiehli fe inn>'bé fatorét. Bruhir St., MVhitby, Jue 9,1'1868, M. 0 I) YN91 COOL AND COMFORTABLE8. What gi'eatei' desidIeWatùm than a cool com- fortable w'ell-fitting- Iii %ivarm N veather ? And tiiere is no difi- 'culty in obtaining, thesse if people would only go to the right place. le TU-E ONTARIO BOOT & 8110E STOR- I3ANDELL'S is the place to get suited. Boot.s and Shocs cf tlîè best variety, fîîd nivrpa£ýd *oïman- shiru. for Ladies' Getý Al isses' anud Childresîs' weur. Repairsaus msal. 1Wbitby, Jusul Oth, 1868. MICHAEL McMAHON. soîi,>, of ni.7$I,'Ili MMi i, ulIvry Ciili, oif Kelaiîrtnunàt.'iÏ4laire, Ieinti. le livei;s iN(ewtiuîrkit ahijot six y frAseors«im jil v,/lictP !tc of J tWaa ivi iu r o utemili, iCouuity Wtlliggtcntu. Agiu, ilnformaition i il i bugiadi>' recelred b>' lii> ,uicter, Mi;./dLfremt- 24 Weun,1'. ~ Cordwood!1 A LAL (,* 9(IV r', n n' OF GOOD IAUD.' Aprdltii Ille "wt.r. ALEX. OC.%TO4NV, Uet No. U15, 4th con. Wliitby. J#' IVILLAJI COLTMON, dCONVIEY N CE , &o Oa'Iu>z-onc doom éast of Grammar $clieoi. Farm, for Sale. JOSEPH A. BANDELL; NEWLY 1M1-ORTED PAPER T11nueigo-c t tom thsotiepus éentt osuay iisi 'uglet, aWloUrstStLEID Tle- PAPER IIAINGINGS,1 f4flettueÀ anfoiiy biumpfltf, liiihéliason sale 4t Ver» Ecidnced i'rices. W -éPafntanggnataaiing, Glazsng, unit fiepang ng, exeeuutcui li s voUé- uîuiuik nsulexediieésmenueTr, au ISIa A. ci WiLsSpo Dueiu te ret, WliiLb-y' WhittYî Apil 8,1848,. ý-t J EW ELR-Y AD AT LOT7 71 Vb CÃ"N. OF UXBRIDGEà, j[L,. L NI O voan lu, thit >rehd î and àrfi lag eé u tae. 1le nt Wnte.dën jtlbipge,'Jnne07.2O,#6L Zme-25 8TATIONERY k&1BOOK STORE. -pedi d lrud ]PINS, jc.,I è Ã"d; AndtiaIlu lnolisus.d tifrototicHien, Cauco eut Iitations iénIn hotee> e e'rituion,. of e~ornmateu'gaet Olbeeos« se !4ecerés, lulte' tlingibeotan, alliga coraCnentft.,- pristais .té einhs, EtC., Etc.; aI-Uo eln woel, lasoris, Etc. Ail kindc e of l4nuatcy lupet ve niet , iopladiiiîthse lIuaaieoet cipecimmu ef dot g chesjaer lssi titee hespet. atal- Stnuey jsac Pane>ay 0"1tr~'~re streo, Wit>.- IREAT BARIAIN~ ýShw'i, rà"tle5'M.ill-in ery1 Dress Coôds, &czq &Ci W~ CALL iEA1LY AND EXAMINE THE STOCK:, >Oshawa, June 24th, 1868. WUOLA])iTTER# TIIE NEWEST & CI-EAPESI 'STbCi 0F StUMERt Iri Toivn-Neiv Muslins, new Parasols, iw«r* Dress Goods, 'new Trimmigs,-(new Cloths anffd stylish Coats, Pants and Vests, madc to order. The highest Cish price paid for good WOOL &BlUTTEI-1; AT YEOM1AN GIBSON'S. FIESH FAMILY GROCERIES just -receivec'L A êomplete iýsôrtiùent (iff al kIintis,) of the best JIarvestin-" Teols ou band, for sale ut low pnices fer CASH, Lecks, PhtOHSI & C#. 83 Any quantity of good Butter wauted; S205000 lUs. of good iool w àntêd. YEOMAN GIBSON'S., ---o NEW uUon-.Sl New M'illinery, - - N 13 lvia d se, F 17 "e e .0= TEE 'if fif,î,if f ~~i>if iii 'i CIL 1913 AVIRrEs.

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