Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1868, p. 1

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4>1' 4~4abl uV... utJ. W. - wy1OgiNxY FOR ON-, WAttorc.9-st-bawu Se' No'sryJ'llbllis.' mer ltdibe, 151"0000 VA If ,CUVEYAN àÂ1[S~ ATrU Y'* AT LAW, DIe-Vicor,,% sidligïlBrook t euh>y. n ARliST3~ATLAWAN»SÃ"LICIT(J1 B.>lit Cuisn.ery'.<habr-5 truoS. Tomouto. - ' -9>i BAlbilivfrza & TRETA-LW B ,1oiwilu .IuueyOnelaar,1e tia-Neut doors- te Stos-îut fX. Ji.. VampSi, lUruk.l- t, Whitby, Unt~ W!ltiY, Nor. le, 187. 4 OCTOl1 NUTAiiY PUBLIC, *4. &te. W. lqDBILLING86 W(vnsc, lx "M (U t Brairi ne, Wol trie&rc A TTORNKEY AT LAW, SOLICITURIN' toui,Broeol . W. ATUrtxY-AT-LAW. 114llTxI ATTtOItNYAT-LAW, SOLICITOR- IN Pods ice.I'"ro. êdoors West cf the lPest <>lile. 16 eC,CIIUîANExz OCRNI * ARItItITItI ATTOItNIY, CON VEY. -BÀR&utoserert sud !'dtri Public, &te., &ut, l'iss Laa-Oima- ppsieTown 15 IL oee5aACS, Il..B., W. D. CocunsÂme. t>aupty Cruumu Attorney. - Port Perry, Suti Decomber, 1865. 51 C. A. JONES, D]ammîtef solcior lau hancer?, Atm - .OIICE - Noxt doorto ithé oid IRegl Wl> or, L JTb . 41 1> solifiltov. die,, dia., li' 44# Cluuumclu treel, Toonto# JO T)ARItiBTEUAT LAW,Oolfltov lu (Jicu- B rCo eauo &adi.dc 40 6.!URGEON TU 'FIE COUSTY GAUL, By17ron $treet, tViitby.- 4 'Db W. FERRIEffIS Ns 0. BROt.UGHAMI. famon Iit otus-S te 10 e. M., sud ôSte 8 o'lcp. in, le JOHN V- HAM9 NOTAIRY PUBLIC- ois -'wvu lasil - jlouro.t' to Io'olock, Ob 10084 AILIY I' I'IL I>îVdiBIN COURT.- B L-- SU Ui'flIE.Addca- caveston.- - - - , VWin. lfoyitotu's.) HAIR-DRESSING AND SHAVING SALOON, 13RtOCK 81%, WILITBY. 0 sou"m Ii ciBAUX or M4Oarsua. . Wliltb>', Jan. 22, '66.8 WH.LTBY. C, DAWES - - - PROPRIXIO. tuuoslos- ,ceeuiuidslons.crcfnî atten. tiClou ths rple.îts-e to raiérs sund guesti. Mpsloiui stebliug end ehsd-rocin, and ready JJOYIETON'S JMOTEL#, 3i 4 BéOYN4TOI4 bogato In<emm the5 lu- Vbabbautde( lis (.1,:0317 e ietms and sscrnnduul Cnutfstie bo ua opeued hthc MUotl on Wllllam Ssos .11oeouied b>' udl iw t(I8lld celle ilAdte sudmlsh - usisc.,W luesé, Lqimois and ci#gare 01tthe c1 #~l'L4t4 C OMMERCIAI.MZL - BEÃ"OK STtalilIIT Ctie stges fur Ui b rldgp.e tiudoremiîOMOiu m I GEORGE eORNAOKI5 tltyof .11 kinde pqitim b~ol atyouu~d F EA Sfur y etpplieàd cud lsteiclcd- 'sibeî,;uotlca6. CtoZ[ueképt eôist&iuîl> zro ,okl f n Drue Étore, P EALEi luPrte1s, -patent, aile i'alllat;, tUlle, y. sîUffisý .Conf.eton. ary; &p., SWiclansd lquov of tho. befquallty Brooklu, C. W., 156F - 25 leprepared teogiv.Milti ud i9lp&ICg les ýApp1ilo tiebmade t the.OU e1'of toblu IL. Watkls, Surgeon Deutl*t, oer Jamnes llyrue's Mdisilha"1;BroW& st, Whtby. CROCKW$ IOTEil. (LAUT1LATT'S)1 N ELSiN ST. TORONTOq NORTIL OF RING ST. BÂSSETT dà KEEBLE, ' ýpEWPIXETOBEL T HP, prepitori epetruily iaunonuces te their triutîdg, et à di*tante, aO well a% usar homnothht tliay have taken the. aboya, prenlece, whiciî-eil), over>' rempuet coliveîuleiutlv aM omifortably ftttd up lur tii. accomuiodatlon bu îound lu coliotuist -pei'sPtis, tteudersice, sud *111 leavo uothliasnidoino on tiuet prt,tu give 0qititetlou tu ail Who nîey fivotf thew iu ll cu. STAGE 1HOVSE XAXILLA. ISAAC FENTON, U)ET WluesIl iquors; %Uéelorsroom .K~uioatlnfotrasl1vc;gooct tbllugaud oflbtivohoitor. ' ' ,10 YEOMKAN GIBSONi 0 OMNISION'MER CI4N§I INSUItANCE, di GENELUL AGE14T. Wilitby, Jan., lSth 1860, 2 tixcflBatua, 0. W. B. PLANE, - - Propruetor. stages te anîd fromt Whitby ou eil l'. Evèér> aittention paid to pueste. (>refnlUcmd atten- tive otiers 9 VARe & DEVL.IN. STRAPTJC'ÂtIDeuist, Ohai IDe])nti ,l Roins, directlyoppo- 51uicue itrept thîrd doorudrth of the Ontario Bank . g~EXP1tEq8 AGENT, &c., ao Agent for Accident snd Standard Ineurance Con. 17 Qu ery ,why la it that tuai e0 i. Ouha6mn fol'itue AT' CLAIRK'S GALLERY? I It la beceuse lie lis thie, Ot Ualcry Ili the. Consit>', Du nd sorotenc wthchlren than ail' otiior Arti l il;.disCoan,sd Ceau do quit a 4godwe',n saur' otier oisulu tise Coniiy. le Tlî,t', ia tl'. motter, 0s0 don't b. backward about eoning forard. ER 31OCZ ST#10 MHLTJY. IVlatby, Nov. 12, 1S67o ' 45 Farm to'Re nt IROM 10 TO 20.YEAES.' A N excelîmt Parnà te vent lu the Towuablp of Whtbl, buiîig uhîî ,otl 1181%ee'f lotui 09 sud 310, lu t a tiî enioîsslon; tiierb* belng 160 acres cleared of trot la cli 01lu a gbOd stete of cnltlvatili, With gtmud dwelling luotue sud out-buildings. Tlîls propel'tylla Most t¶0iIu y ,itnete,and illi ,e reîited on r-eosuoablé terme for a Ilovember nezt. For partîciulars apply to IPETEra ni BALL1 !sq, TaUsozd. Or to Whitbyo 1a N t>' los, "44 9-i HOTEL & SRE ISS 7FQR-G ALEi Oiis; sud',, «.1. Tomu liti, Bowmanul J. ILti bostii ef the Peut9 tam', Bock,op cuite> 21. KoOuis. 18 ]ALOI CARSON &LW 1 BEI pdo rgignéd hsviug etlred InW o 0- .Latnr'lpfrtliepurposQe or pureuloz 'gtier, deîrtoInfoin the pubhlIethat thocý wilb. ?lsnd in roffiptinud.punotuasiatend- sîîoe Uphu mil ai2,i.re4iinug their profei.iionAl merivcei._ Patients w, I reeive ail theiisvî-e tae*llit c ~ rgteto igbt In $IIb trà atutofdlceioi. lYîiesaujsof tIi.Throst1 and Chot spoellall>j if'sted and freicribed for. The pi*esu-of bhaa iou~bt seno mrolittie knowu n ee ~ueogthteiMedical Piscuit>" i part cf _tJie system of trentment adopte4 -$ Doctors *nornw & Thw, for the lipeedy "d fftonal ure f dipeasiea of the 'lhrosansd <Cet. T1i I nhalation, iii'Medi- catid tipours'eud 'tue ribdy'appýllcation of etomhad l uida i.. Di>W adtnutted by the:grat medioal inen of the dii>' W bathe niost eféec- tui,' aiwMI'lna thé.,mtrational ticatinout lu ail oc cadi sat-bringlup a s It; does tht reieiiy ie diret'i ctot frth -tiie disscd imemi- brane. 'Wlth ae nntimais lowledge of tlii.trat- ment of ail diseasc8, asluow pnictis'd In tiie bes Itongi,ltlsoeer tii. civilized wbrl'l, sud tieir uwn larze capt-ciute, iDis, Ourson d& L4 fs icthti.>'ar, flot too prestîniptuoula 1pInk that thasiiel cryois May b. found usa- b h o m.istitig In the care ofasomeoftbmany Ile wlilch himn tesh le hair. j À il surgicai operatlons ancetufnlly periorinçd. P 1artes deiir congultation Maytya'e tluit ci the. piutrirs I feu ej ehm'e. 10' rCilse attondeS toent ail bouis, dey snd OFFWCE-Byrron Street, Wiiitby. JOHN L. WATKISe SiJEGFON DENTIST. oriuo--Over JIA$. BYRNE'B Medii Hall. Blrook Streut, Wlitby. Igr.AIl îovk îatrauted, Pitiiîox attended at private resideuceit. TEETHI EXTRACTE1) IWO WITHEOUT PAIN, .,E BY TIIE USE OF NITROUS OXIDE LAUGIINOGAm, Olt THE NEW AT DEUTAL BOOKS1, DUNDAS STRIEET, WliITBIC. W. ROOMS-Ove' MI. 1H. Cocbvsu's Store. Whltby, Jane 26, 1897. FIE AS'UIIÂNCE CO., L,'>MBARBDOTREET diCIAIC1NG CROSS, ESI.1BLI,SllED IN 1792. GILLESPlE, -MOFFATT &i Cc., Aïents for JAMES DAVIS()N, Manager. I NBITIANCE agaînat LOBSS b7 IRE are effeetorl on the tuhustfevnralble torma sand 1U0S8M PA&ID iritisout reforeîîce toteihurd lu I»ouden, Apffl o8tJ, 1848. Agent, Wbltby. 181 SRIOE TOUS & FINDINGS. l'egf, Suce u lle, bhc. Tachalieolud Tes l'ie, SWIIOLESALE AN» RETAIIL. AYAN & OLIVER, 12-ly 114 Yca Svurir Towicro. Auueriran Sheaus . rnmero seut points Creil iresý Square., cuarved, gales. StuIglit ldes. linprcveil trou&. Éfl-îgbh sud AuuriiCryés. aileieed. les Tape, e, al u( the lest qualty sud at loireft pieO..ei U.y Importera -fâladwàve, Ycsgs SM., Toronto. Tro,,.MAO F+INISTS!8 1 OeçlSunIes, &«lc $quaasso, Centre Gage#, Veruler cilipes.'tee CUM iuls, aliersquares, Arn..' ê% ,~Miu le Vi.sud Teels, Paueut ide'., m5bt 124Y 114 Vengé Set, Tomceo. TO-CABINET MAKERS, ÉiTAI OMMei UOW71als.i us. s y 'ai VM , lirel lieuuy, (2) U is Tho$. llcwsrdijoltsi WcIie Z . 3. Ilubuer George '%..creWbite P. C. . Of d*sMuiuro. Wbfwumog luüdeon lat#' Wlito is . cndmrs liaj e& W. H. Wlllisu lhert Hicîlsud Joii'h 'oungt. T. car. et T.fasyMhyD Jouanes reI. MLao ii lIrvhu issEbc.)tAe r > Kuip, Zera Mo alrs. ilotis Jitaeurxm» Lrrmsm-Ueiilb cip end Joil 4w, lor advertlu.d Iteu iwiib>' July ï s,88. Pesusaitèr. FIOIJI& FEDSTORE. ~TAI3AIXE SLW he% to Inforr lis ol&friud an-th pubuethat hé lme opeued a Flour cud Peed Store, lu MR. DRÂIPER'S OIU> STAND, West of the PC-At CM, cý, snd neari>'oposite the' Gcoeu* >ffce, Duluda4 Stret, t; lltby, ont. M' TIse best of Flobr. Bran, and Shorts alid evcrduhing lu thse lino lcept on lband â wlll be sold wlosale ebd meail, eup for eush. Whltby, étune lTth, 10. ' meS DR. HANCOCito WHITBY. WELLINGTOXT HOTEL, MAIIAM. J. RLUEDOTTOJI, sPioprletor. - 19.1>' Gooal!_,Coal!. F RSALE b the undersiened, beitt qiua- Folity of SMITHS, &iHOUSE COAL, et lovioai prie. WLuthý, May' 6, 1868 13s'ou*]WE Ire J EWELRY AND * Faney Goods, AT L. ALLIN'S BTATIONE19Y kBOOK STORE. A.S1land1id aud chou. e nsortie ut,*Icld IBROOCIM69 4ÂR INGS PINS, &c., in goldy And eLco lu 6hasmd aud fronted cliver, Catiuaos and Imitatiosif, Includiiîg almost mier>' de- icriptionuor L«icl m rnent»; Jet (0di, or ever>' kind, muiîviing rlIng., cerd cases, baiud- mfe corus4, laies' tlulfnbles, fen, u, t-el rqd m1rai oraiisu,eit, portînonneirs, retiele ,. gelaoms, faner purî'îîslîlns. beadu, ladies' ehele ., &ot.; ico borlin vool, tasséas, &c. Ail kinds uf cliildtotis' toys ;u greop va- riet , ln4l.di,g the iî.îdïoiuestt speelune iof dolis. wo' (heapev thau tii he "otCI aud exau,"'a. 14,< -tl Stationci>' and Pane>' Gobds Store, Brock Street Whitby. - Wililtby, Jun, 10, 1888. Public Notfte luereéby gic.iutlit application ill b. mosde ,b.'g >.dueP BWr sid l116P Mc AIW Chxu'àwk leo b, Pass-hiluét cf the îrcrilleoof Outarlo, ut Itu uuèxt isession, for sn Act afued- ing the IlAetileiuècrpcrmete be Poi$ »,'iitby aud Fort l'usr' RailimatCompany, amd exZ- taudiugaud euiiirging t ewrsansd anthuuvl:y of tlii. ad Comj , >,1 1the a lng àdsu cocstvnodtit ofttbalrircj,bked Badllas>', tdder tii.said Atsyglli i uidciompanly fle furtiier power énd suthcrlty tela>' ot suAfd cocmmet smc WI Ralle, t &tnulgsd bduid- lot: the gigolo te cuéh pont îipou the abore of Lake SîmSe.' staror aaeio es>' yb. oiiadeored akvrtmbile; sud aUis te L>'ont snd eoutructnud1t usi is bian& t roni> snb poIint Opon tise "dsÀu d Ril îe hiy'mlnuy tblib*it tée sVillage... iioi trdée,>Ilth the aamsé igb<s, péors, plvlieé.sahafnder aud anb- >ect to tise sianue Prclocs tas« am i vgven aud Jmàde b>'thi adAitlnéo-ôu« ugui cbm= f.- «, - ' uad donrmtius RLOBEIgT .-WILddNi Sucaraxi . W. P. . l0 Yon eid 1 tagether Plyrke,01siee mndrrr sOth gdenauIlie%' BÃŽ in pîq)lrai saples, Auseti a i. hfelky iead, Are a zvaienlatlk. Lip»ts tame~t; 'tlss tnnsgtetout 15e barclu belia a miigiug, And to-day ini n y bec. Ltue 'alfa Bits Iuinge; ATale tolà Ont .of Soiloole É'irobpersn 1Io0*0, second prnon tbon lbveui , thid:perà9n- ho lores, drawled the, bead bqY le tii. elaa. 'The. Dcxi a littie beme o r oe,oecoad peMen yon iovothird jesntht>' love. Tii. fulerruptiob came in caunuepe, fond enougi tw be heard &lH ocer tuiercocu, iisuin lhis tisboytsud giclé te, amoe sud gfggle, sud tise Icaciser, Miss Olive fluructq loeked op quicil>', glauingîlong tise s-evof large sciiolars ou the back seat -yonng anu sud uomcui,-for Ibis wva country uclsool, sud la tàe intet. Siso bW cou, tu lob oc ortrouble frein tisai quarter. Ëcery day somue fresh i agrava- tien, somu e usu furingemeut oethtise ules sud offence againat the discipline moade il isard uorb foc bas-, c girl of eighteeu, te, unaintais bes- aut'horfty - oves- Ibese fort>' iuchuliqt spic te, enulcuti>' incited te lu- hubordflustiou b>' thce e"isple cf Ibeir se- kueuledgod leader, Scott Goldci ci. H. @at tiere,aitlise turtier end et the benci, quit. fi the corner, a good-looking youiug man oet tient>', ciii CurI>' ciestui isir sud mutinons curve of tii. hp, uitlm head haut nov avec hit dîste, sud finges bue>' in figurig out somo diffluli, problcum fui ariiisuutic. But Miss Bonîet irai ol deceivcd lfjrthe appirenti>' studicue air.- And tises-evas an undertone cf nêsoîte determinaion lunlues-caléeas se be aid, looking qnistly ccvrtise fort>' faes before Tbcs. a Iterruptons muai comse itaua end ai once. Thicsa point maere for. becs-suce céases to be a vîriu., sud 1 thini il bas been paescd. Prom ibhis time eut1 shahl enforce o1rp rule of ucisool. Tie penalty for the next ilterruption eft his kiud w.ilI be tvelve iroites ef the iuler. cavelesi>' baucing tii, slip. of ôhesrry uood Iu ber ingers. Tise clear, brigist ib lu tise corner iru lifted for aciuumeuîtis te dark, usuel e>'. looked atucdtiy mb o'Mise Bucuett's blue eycî;; only àa moment, lb. spàc et a bceîtb, tiaus the band van* on again stesdil>' mitli liai eîasmas cflignues, sud she vent ou *ftb ber irk. Hard mccii t ie, eîéefcly baid vork lo-dsy. Ail da* long the cf vid héarist iad bacuil Lula iêi ébeeba, urhiisg ber paseing lovel>', muéè ber temples îircbicm miti pain, sud oue cf îbe tbuldceu. teelinj ber teverisis touai, *otidered clusi mide Mise Buruetà h aud né bot. Sise muet not give npi theégi. Thece mai too uue depeuiding on bes- for tiiet. A motber sud tiie it ir, bas-dl>'more hat hables 1#4 it idependéut-foc the breati tfiey>' teq upou tise oeocorked yotuâg teaébei. Tml tailure bere venld be a dtsaier. But omisoot nat flt. Wonid the inberminable lasons never b. fiisbed - Si. uauted tu,8e g$0u8sd i.- Tîo iour#4f tolérable os-dec and quielj snd tise dsyéýwerlk vasu eecy eouded, vhei lui the; mkUtdet-e .lait reciWibon, dame sgzid ibat Ltorroptiugiipr llt board ail oyti the uom., For anu[lut Ollvs Bsfrïttt's hé& -tailed ber. &mu h a e-cons-cge il o bwfers-ie Scott 140~ik, tb, oldý cet sudlangi selelàiitise àcbool-ý uap groirs. -Thé tfionght ca4onéé chui lt u>suntjla tiif(ntry he/eob. Bel mfghtcnor ongi hâm vrd was.pousd out ho keptl hoi- îh6'ff t>' iai iuall adistb. uffibtaissttnov or Jéet ai. femulis coou:ng'hbouge fn C-. The. door ecimâl i sud mise Bumnett e hein Ïimore. 1 onav> She ealà the words orce t sud over te herteit, ittiug thon. with be' bead laid dowm on the table befene ber.- Oofng cia'! 1îhy ebatîsvoierse than cl. Wbit sbonld ebe do, oming day by day brliigisefac. lu tise ceùr nsd ti voie tut ipiteof aggravatioee irithouta Rnmbe, i sill the. llesanteeî toice, in tbew orijdto6~r? Wbct îonld eh. do? Tse 'gr'et pies1bf .opy books tiers ou ' tiie table wie e till uuîouebed mien, hisif eu bour later, tmoue oepened thé. doer.e ,and came lu-,'some one ires top aise1 kauew t100vel.- ;Secte Goidick-hsad.'comme1 back fer.bis boosand ilate. But Mie didi net lift ber isead. He îîced befere beri piesenti w ith bis boolîs under bis crunaud' été ulate s' ad inlubaud. 1 1 sam goinù iray, mise Buret, te stel.1 Will yon bid hie gocd by'? Stili abs did net look up or apeak. 'He pereiated, geutly. -1 Hav, 1 offiude&ycu heyond aI ip Of torgirenes? 8h. gave hlm ber band et that. No, bt. But you are sick, Miese Bus-naît i shob îau ber faceplainly. Iton-awrealesi>îick. *bat can 1do foryou? àbe tried ta ,bulle. Lt fa oui>' a badacbe-I bave bcd 1: ail day-sud c touch, ot tever witb lb, per- haPu, notising shere. ton have been sicie ail day, snd 1 bave Ifeen sggrsvstiÏg the lhfe ont, ef yoti, b. ssid remàorsefn1llj, lu bis earuesineai neel. !hug domn on oeee. beside ber: b-r, witb s hait bolà, haIt mii>'gracu. I bave made yen trouble couatantl>', net to-day oui>', but ever ince yen came hue to teacis. Wbst a brute you muet think die J It wuenumaul> sud cou'ardly bto ai Is did. No, you muet let mê make full con- fession nov, klebiug tise baud she laid over bis meuth te stop himi. But; Mies Bumuett, 1yen are ifery iII, serionsiy alsrmed noir et t-bte sigist of ber irhite faée sud closed )eye; focrithe self-onutrol maiutaiuied by rmain force &lU day, sud tip to tis mte. .ment, bail giien va>' mddefiy, sud ireaker -tisu a cbild she est tiser., ber breath ceai- ing i l til, short gaips.1 0 Uueed ta wons'moode au'd lrayil hoew vaa lois vrai te do. He bsd an ides, tbougb, that wubes c lady feinted, icold vater iraithi.tbiug, se ho spvinkled a ber face f rom tise cnp standing on the ta- i' bIs, ilbin reachi of bis baud, sud man- It like, dreir ber libsd dom u pon bl& siseul- -déi; 0 gse irai ot altogelberunucousofbÏd; for sE.g made a mealb movement to uié.hdram i hseself frots bis troi, huit b. uniîpred, Trdst me, sud lie stili, mill yon mdot, til i yen are botter? cousclous tiie unIe of an ,-odd, pleaient tbrill, ci bis heart, do ber k face la>' 8o moar bis cm tbat he Conld bave 1 oiseied it wittu i blips. e If he isa& been a dozen yeara older, Rie is weld meut likel>' bae yielded ta tise temptatien sud k* oeil tbe roses bâck - te y ber cheeke, but ibere wae juel the lesi bit cf hoyisis timidit>' about hum y'énd bi. a aidai be could not forget tist aI .l'd heen sin luýart tise caueéof tuis ver>' ilides, sud 0bis beart emoto hum regresfuuly o*ery lime a b. looked ai ber. 0 8Siesent bits 8*57 by-and hi-ssoon i ise@vuabahi.toait np witbodt support. Si.i wonid not let bim, go bonis uitis hem, k _eltie?, tisonghb d eegged ber, to let i: ,t do go; he iouid de botter b>' ierself, abe r said. But seeiug tie îroubled lok in hie d eyoi as be tuned awcy, the releied so fer 9 asité a>': à 1tiust me part friends 1 )t ile came bsck tao berai tise1daying 13 cametly : Cia you b. my Wfrff, aer .ubat yon m issé kuomu cf me foc - the.pait lic menthe j .eau be-I sunmsiucereiy yenm rend. Tisnk ton toc ubat. Kuouing 191 eball M n ot carry sucis a socei troubled, conscience alla' - -tb --e. 1~ n s T t, e I. a il ut ô - Ah 1 ho nices- goeseed ual iutead et c treubicd conhiience,, ho irs carring Olive lluicutt'i hein mua>' tliti bits. 1- ê Is irassevén yeamra e lb> oelid Upen escb otber'a face $gain. &ech a loinej long- féîdmval. 1'hose savon oWi bcd ctiaugod S e ô1rick fuio giéscéeàs tensM1 udibetio4m il lct ojt bc Lo ehatsfio of teuclalz ucus. ~remmbe. I'cm0 efgoigont- îereý on, npuloebto»Se t hie ibming su. And 1, téo. Wi1o moirabut îe'eball meet 7' -le vas in thu tidst oft ii helgni& liess thst Mvs. Logâi, piaying a dfjîig yisit , 1 fty.Bm.ld, procnred itu. bey cf tihe .14 sebool bose-empty Soir foreninunèr -vs. icties-and wauk ed dois theté cloue oe afteroen to' look et lS. Ti. om swong miii>' open ilshingee 'u ÃŽhbe itctýd sud l-oeked cuný'iîly about. lt « ira ot the cieaneat place iu tisa werid, for a coat of dutis'aid by -'ithe- lait 'I swee'in¶ a settled over éveryfbing ; but t the ong ueed wala ld'oked taiilsm asP evern, sud1lie glaied mapi lîsging ibere,b sud- the.ïipiCibied.',Woodeâ' beucios. Lti wa'iî 16, ttàcrier liai -Se'tt Golderick nsed in sit-end remembenng, .a tide of, recollectIàhï a-thse d o ver h.rý sud e la e > domn lu the loirbocké d -eba; sud laid ber beau, domi upon the. pin, table, juat-s ise iisd doue tisat eveuiug mo's tisu seven1 yesrs before. Sitting 'tier. bnrled iu tlbcugbt, mli.did- nett thetifootetep tfiétcreaaed iii.' tbvesbold-tisat pause ti sê'at te.doue, sud tiien came te ýboekhile -&, voicé sai Miss Bnuett, 1iasu go1n9 avral. Will yon bld unegood ble? Sise leoked up uts à littie -cry-to meet a pair cf clear, hiael ýeyee, to eue. fore bor a brigist anso.. face, sud a besvy vives cf chestout hair; 1Ton. are seau>' boe, Mv.'Goidriclu?1 could aimait believe that the. old daja bail corne back apaius. -mc' î, u ih saii siguificÏtil, comiug arouud sud kneeiing ou one kue.' ,beside, ber chair. YOu aire Dot palé' now1 ad I ebsl not sprinkle your lae rithis vaer, laciug et tii. empty cnp standing there on the table, but 1 ubdbld like 10 bave yon lhead ou dsy sbculder in.aii She a0s"*eve,énti i rioblit b. dtaided ber. Don't b. cffended, Olive, he said, earuel'. 1 mode confession ef vu>' oins tisai nigist, let me make anotir confession noir. I tbink I began to love yon tbat evening, but 1 mai a bol sud did neDt nnderatand upy own beat. I know noir9 tisai I love YOD. rolir face ba I a. waye beehî' before me As tfi sireeteil; sud filest lu the. wovld. Yoed dent me sa> ;fretâ loi tluéu. -Don': e o cruel again, I iwaut te be bouc husbaud.. Maey Il 1 For sauver ase put op Éhemwite banda suad dreir bis bond dom s pon hersouoldev. .And tise brous irallsis dit bave opened .eyea of aitonisisment, if ee tise>'bâtd, t Psec Scott Goldrlck iiuing tise b!uuhiug littie momian. YOD seé, W, 6n a man falis ru ilove for îthe irst lito i twenty.seefi b. liai a$ tb b.desperately inlu eset. À. n lise gatls.ring gloovu of tuilight [tisey locked the. deor cf tise oid seiseel b ouse bebind tie, sud t9'7 tuned their ratcps bomeirard, net îeaéfier sud pupilý 1noir, but pligbted bnsbanud ndifii. AVerî Smtl Do' 9b Couuipo1silon-sUb- ject, 66 Girls;." trots wmt boys in. Girls do 't plcy Mcr-' iicm, sud Aise donft pIs>' isoke>'. I pis>'- cd, hoey e' oce sud -gai.ol pdfri. Girls ometiimes go"s ubippet, tunt sot 60 Mincis ai baye hiseir cioîhes cf u't sO emli saited focrfi, qbat lu lie ceami, I 1suppose. I neyrer sees girip pIe>' base-ballhuit ti.ir mc>' tlley do ii iotil. Thare is pleut>' of gl'rli iu Bostea sud hfg orgai. Lait year mien I mas yonstis tb eaciser made lfie set witi te gicls be-cause I îas naughil. 1 es-led. -Big boei 1k. girls bettes- than Ilttié beyéId v w-eut on as leigb ridé ose nigbî mitlf i y ster Nancy' sud Ten, eîy-kes. W.ese ëgcing te N em -iaiittrd, sud miien aéègot up to Pegg'a ti'ecn,Teué selfed me l ob luthe bdtiom" oftbte siefgi for bis ubf p :, ville./ vsiý oakiug isë ficed off, c terpedo. a sked bim' if ho isad an>' m Oreeeespedoé, sind b, ald ne, but , .ired off aiotber iries I îessn't lookiug is-ladùýt i"iIe 10 haie m'en bise liu bq à1âways fci>' .du 1 f thy ualnt foôli ehey voold -tÉto tr eesadi tiseotites- us>. but lie>' neyés-do tliat, I acf teu lilsNane>' oueé, andi1 S£nt à ài cotAmmnothber. Tien &y ton~- lu the A Clerkyman turned (.aiber.1, Prom the Sprngfield' (Hase.) Repubuioa"L A yontmss Who isad Leeeu cttiid huite s iiratis-inýtbis citi a- e--m gelar'bietory. -Mot tmfscuy arssgo-h4 u a meuh'r of Yale divlnity> :ct&PM being tisen afelloiw of iic promiîse;.H pveached eciÈ,air Haven kLndet ]*e*E téu lu contîistien iritisaà gç,ntinu Iksd la noir a pr6femior iu taie Iollegi.' Hé remcined tiscougis bis cens at t& àiinty scisoci, sud wua dol>' gradia"~. - lu tuas bo accepted a cai, sud becaun. s,1jisstor ifa à ireaitby ÃŽclurcb iu Brooblyn, N. Y., bhi talents seeniig a gooti pomitlon for bSn idi the diCity' of Churces." À Ioon&sier, t6e oul exciteuneu broie 'oït. Tise young .Clergyman uisde s venture Wunesaudideniy netîbts$OOSe u s n >dbis besd. H. vont, sîIl deeph junte èpecnia. iigu, sud, et bis omu requeut, vus diemlse. ed front bis putorata. Tfiencefor êArd lhé ses-ced net ducd but Malan' n,, sud hy mer6 lcicl inbis speculstios auada large fortauie. -But et laie hlits beexi goiug on fro"nWbci o rso. >liebu been casi ont of bis eccletiaitiosi êoneït-ons, and bis vacent-i'usy un tua cîty' bai been notad for bis lavisi -ezpeudinrâ of mon3ey lun gsoeing, sud, bis ubametàl 1 amours witÉs voMen cf bcd ccha-ate-S Sàci c o acree ça bis bus fortunstel>' feTt parallels. Bovu Sfbxs.-"Dorinir tise vac ýà tÏ rebtîllion it fi lnoun thatÀ> sts-ong seces >sî;Aist apiritiras. prevali utfu in ltimoàre, iu mich ii ny ef the neus boyssympathi- zed. Ou. of tiodie-sunail Itice-antpedlerse musÉ à bhndle o et esp'SP'brs nudeter- hie cPm, àute-ed ës 'ar -it tietaltimore a5d sud <lido depct ts that ch>', s few iutes befoce tise lraiu iatuted Ifbc Wabingtem.* sud wviiloe " Égîbrough uhoutad, 'ýHum- s -bii, tnJef ý avis 1" "frurrafi focrîtsé decil 1'" repicd s United States soldien,: iseat. 1"Tisat's rigit 19>' aaii<tise monter. Ya'Èi huvras for lolr aide,; sud Pjilàbtw. #tares frouaàs ave lonnunecable. 16 Cheyenne thtbe biefounnd'c uts-auge aïi. mai. 'Isetuesà fi lii. Ibat i6fcafrog witli gîli.,ý tise bodyt is ncb 11ke thsie litard, thIe eci e4e tofeetasfrog sud ih bau a long transparentutil. the tale i ra4rtiiritusreut.ý I A man telîiug aittsioueflpre Ihaàging, lu a clge tro thebowiudov of a Ihlipse i. âftèu pased, snid, *-ines '&top ethuief' ici naturail>' tisieerylme 1 beas- ut à 1îuelr ste i A (cfeas ilO, Sc, ttheb.éelebration ci c national énuiveicsri, a poor podiar, irio iras presebt,"and câllod upoÙ -for c toasr, roffes-cd tie ollowing: 'Heré Io beaiîb ta bpecerty ; [t sticks to a ÉisU àhen ail hie Ifrieôdi deert-bits" - An -exehauge reportesa very natnrel 1colâment os tise NlqiUUaecesiumt 0 ctiori lu tbrouiug a boeo clarét overboard ti( ýligiten thé halloqn. Said pat:, A4i1 vi w y the devil ddàlt y en di ià f i . 1 ' T ii. > ' r 0 - r c i e e s b e t t e 4 in C l v é l a n d . e pentli>ueen yongmeà inhile 'e4eying c 91adrop of good béer n làc uloon,Iý mnal, 1 s u n d s - / f ag e r s o n p o l i t i c a l wa î e r s , z h e t o - i Wbés émoanting tu $64ZOOO I Ai ih ieapsftal psseé&h y lb, émo Wv iras , ècDi. bd 1

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