Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1868, p. 3

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ýUi 1he av. baaont retos or thef ý1lhlg prve.edlnga Çfor the recovery of $10,'00 clalieid by thrna on ther cob- tract. Te 0oosing ln the. fihbstory ci s hih ~ Il àg oeathe<b.fot -o the anal, lrwbn 5Obushels o? grain vw4re - ctOOd, avuyand tife grain fore.d (te way ftiýnh'Ov1e #teV to aîtitr tilllt 1 yeaclW1q.. te, nd. &P'1iCtlop wu msade ln Cha"ts, ru <bt Gardner the. "w 4 wbo &bo&t Ciléeh bdaitted to bail, bUt9 the application wua réfued. DIPA'ft WrLmaTuiwt.-Tbe Caîbomne 1wpc#* gl'..lb.part$cuslaro of the ad deuth b7 li5bining lin tstvillageo! Mise Narriet P. Canner, wib tooli place "on Tuoday usoroing ltt.The ibid struck blir <asther'a boute, cati&tng oleigh'as, tiîd gl.nced rom lb.he ll Io the nnfdr- tuaw tegilt, wbe gaie one lent! abriel antd lli, baCk.' 8h.e epined Ifteen missIes atterwaisrd. l'sofanily,,b.d huez. laCoi- bsornue oniy about a mentis. A North Carolila storekeeper *x Te- eeutly Isvolved ln a civil sai, aend' spcn the jury wasa aniegro xbosn hoe but!refùsai Io 10redîl for bacon. At th.e oncIlieo a0 ilbe trial the negro jury umn approaebed %hoe mas who bad reftased him credit, and boaîted that hoe lid ravenged'himseif fer the refutai by votisig egansi a verdictidi bis (vr. The. New. Yorkl auîi-Gantbling, Society 'reporta favorablie progruss. >I bey 'bave -eloed several cf the vilest gambllng dens in â th 01by proueecting the laDdl ords for letting ibe places for, supha pu prpose, .and iboir systena of uples bau frighted swythe patrons. Tbe Straitord Be«oen entiaue hat 6a 'obld 'five yeairs old wu losin luilice 'lasteIf, si wafnot board , or ibree deys, '.ltboutgb <b. whole eigisburhood turesed ýt i aeaveh. At lesgihe vos fona.d Loge, ire mile. ditant, bavhsg vais. A dail the way îbrouis t he' woadaa and havieSboues.withont,.food for thirty- six bous.. iO6g , ',rtemwcu Ward'ie" favorite boy, 14 nov at workin nluogison'. Rie erside Pregs printiug cIc;ider a pro- violon of tbe buaronisi'. wiil wiicb rMqired bis appressîiceahl to the"ibu at 4nter lu Vicerliesnel baurete'iveil s crieus Vrest-thq beart of a Ventisopairiot 'ebo dléd fidbiog for bis couunTIv. Et ie »aad ,ïo ba e'beutiflliy sriA' fd lbeaua ýbliseritieas, Sire',tibbet4 tonde- siret! jeu for lie kiusg."1 14e. T. S; Cartvrlglat bait resignod bits position lu conuectiosi th St.JL'sis' Cisuici, Bowasnville. Thicves'are travelling <>rosigt tisevoanu try, irobbi aruser' bousees', nuniurouso 'cases biengvprd by our exebangea %vin, Uobartas.onu engne dlver on tise & 1. .ILRallway, belonglug tb Braut. 'ord, bas sot'otêea zmansisc Jrome <ho eflets Thi'..poIie'ftsn l Anisis a., gel int a flgbt tise otiror day, arreateai euci other-tnd entereai mutuel oomplaiula. Tt w..*about an coe thiug, e al, tie flue goc te tine offieê <akugtise arresl. NswMîaxô oIÀNv.-TseLondon Cafian .N*status thet a s1)W- comi- pony blas bhein tornuic nud«e title of *Tbo Canadien aidNoth West Land sud Xining Compuuny.'1 I will pubeelainds inlnerssbt, &c., -ons tiis pateoftise contin- eut, for traading oi"lrorkin utirlpoes. f ù.sttbe uev elgbl.loar aday aystemi viril Jute oerstiou in ait thseaiavy).ado lu. tisa 'United States, Tise men are rcsquired te 'use ilive hoersInluthe mornlug and <bles iln tise afteintoun, tissmakiîtg u# the fll sulgt boura per doy, Tleiu le averyjadi- clous diviaion of turne, and -tise men ae elsatlaflcd .with IL, Non but, the brave alserve tise >is., 'Our devii ei aur elbow arnelly auggeuta "sund noue but tise bravo eau live vitb tsome et <hem."l Liet.deoup .asisbas relut! a ga rumptas lu thse 40tbDura buettâai0n, i i hn'erlus kgmad atthb.'uspcctlon AtL Pori liop. on Friday. Tise attentiqon olbh Governmeitt ylb. causai il> bis, case 1 aegeiug te draw ibis beau listei lenôt,-ý«bes.yoong lady sad wben aainî& et th# byteeesslaiar. novet! a vote ai cenaru' bort Naplert'fer b.YImAK goearaiVsarrivaidta oS. abijl bav hm afte fltndv be 1î l. aMsgil' m etaconommvAl5@. sab" plseai l i 4weaatleu emptgeacuative amilusle 0( siba lssa pais tveeattli pahe iusumil. ttemà n bis do s (ghts.4tuer 4"it @»e- reseTel eate ipmuleraa pVuilse. sirwie- lavero Où = ,ro O l"', Nq orI emslou dW@leus sregelit île. dilasfi. ait eposdsia" <tW*vos. Toà Ach er Ieie. atS lbilim beI.lup" i, us) .. eare housibly ilkaiws EL BILWJOUI§, DYII'PTIC AND CoSa viw a i1 ckm &I ail â, vid e frSu e Slealia clhbil uitelas, padi ait aigaimrts she Ai 1 ÉAGGIBLIS 8ALVE là § *WMOa &Wbs ait DfuùN i* ek'O b. a vill IlUm asua netsu UmggWPa i'hWerbeilm. 'à rimbllé ibavotheai»uesJ. talduou iboa, w1i sassa bd J. Ma 1, . t M '1%6iipiaulinbav« hue l'sit murouaitlset taL whie sewder., oetby lma a 4?o , o.isa iLI. nDi. iNSLOW'U 8 0-0 OiT H 1 TElITY'uING De)posad uipon lt, usoUsera, I1< xli give reit tu> We 155V. potupand sca biarticle, for tii d Cà* isAlâlsVeinee sa' tvu msy otlser isdoa-515msrr Fwiaa. a e taiix Imouasos W tlO ACeas, Wiiku U" biMever aid xW# knuw ais lss.ta. SalaI atCiu i) ose05Whonase i L. -On tias ooutrry, asuare deligls&selJàica 111 coe-, don, tia peuk lui ternimie 0 m1 sslusu ItM ilagioui muselsuad midicol- virtneu.' W ller >'eer Lr uietille. mot!aiplsdge oar ré- p stittosor tb0 îulBluient cf visat ve bel@ deeire. lias lanoat every liasataasothe b lulit 0i unfftilit them 111uitsad ritheanuilsa relisE' viii bc. llu taols ifsn or tvmuly wiiu- losta!ler tiie uyrup t. ousltiara Fsull directaon% fut 'tstsiIO liie%~s aub solebile. PVoilesgeilis nuet. < e Ii- str.ll 3sofU' URTISI& * l i~S 4WTrt lm ua; tige oumitde wruâpee, SutId by Drssgaiiti îiirouglsoist tise WOrld 1'JICE-Oily »lini ns p6itDotUff ()f Yu-25Pliel i tireot, New Tarit', 20ô tisgh tlteis, Landau. £#,glad; 4418ti. mIlsS ARL' SCIIOOL EXHIBIION, Wili ta tui pAt the EHNO'IAI' Tnesday Ev'g, 26th finstaû* car Deeriops i 7.50l;'taeommleise A o'lok. Ticlets ot admisliles, 20 cent.. INSOLVENT ACT- or 18M4. liq TII e VuxTY CO0",%T 0F TEE COUIýTY 0F- ONTARIIO IIOLDT, PrlltibçAndsuai LLIAM ?th$ or KSi io b o Dfdaeslnits. M uptin reagl th ie W rît of Atlaeima.iat tiýerclil, ae'd "Ie erear r ,su >9tÏti0tiMel.r- vice tereait, enste ti.aildmite ut servie. cf silai Wrt, siorder Uth ie saaid einsaii' vite Pu prurwbsysimaordoi'e ailil àleo pois reaIug thse itiutilso! tise isret ftise saai Contsiy et t>itlette »ua W rit, aud it sppoar- ilsg <bat ultiso ovlt e, -day* frothte ratura dasy oif trai Writ nue .eitpired, na, ptlie0 qumb o ar jta>1 promielitiIa Itreisi hue boom proseonisaiorled ,I1do orale" tisa me.iluge te crealtors of oali defmtdaut b.tIselai b. for@net eti sy eismbermlIbte Totss ef Wiilby, iii sîlai Ceniat>' on M()NDAI;thé Twentyeeviaih desy af JULY, Inuas,tîe. iaour of tan <sf thse ock luD1the fores oQ1tueai tise pirpatsêO! g sqtitin avice ispauthe. appuitiiaistisut ' iigi ciaI aslgsieedi ils tokaae of tise sali defestdaat. k6...es a Datialatiaasd tuwuofWblt%ow"u 09 Juy, A D. .es N.S î AM,) ýgertufer'a 1,00 Ileg idiet vLs.iverpool twaAw lue hlsoesaI 1Prie. Appli tô - JORNWY1TH ROREIRTWION o! Blîs"slly Co. eitddaei1tl relsud. Wlsen lat hourd froin lie va# liVug' sieu poutonihmu. tIltsbege's i b. giiak-' fol lu rewiivo any lsunnstlon ceerelug>bina st tise WIiLb7 Pit'owt<ie. :WhitbyJnfr. t. ,28 tt FOR SA LE!I Cuivtiated 'Par=i, Improvid Town Property, Wild p aSoth-i "n10, Mis oa noe.ion lifara, sadJuliug the. VILLAGE O0!' BREùf11Nt 00Acireb-40 Macre iredia -'Narth.34 'lot -là, i'i aeousflasso stia,J 100 sers.ý, are. oite'td, 'ud veillenea, B-3v frasate bain. Thosenstre rh ia tlsrctig thi Loi.t Wet',y Iot 14. 6th doeuilon of lars. 100 scrdrs6 b5 mres elvaneal. t)ly a tmile rous Ceutro rpiad. LatIlu l'ls ooncesao.of est ar,200 acrc*, itnaw, *thn0 MOI4IL SARX, about LoI 12. lln Sih cdtisiiof !dur,tM orese, about lu acres cleureet. êýntls-)j It 10, lu 1titi os io o uMar s, 100 AC£ tIu4, 10 gacres leus'eJ. Nor«Ih'»Lt 14., bih orniulo! ofMaro, 100 mrs 12 lu 15 bses elureaI. Lýot I h tinn qf Sontia Orslis, knowas aBd 1.Sleimttesiolut"on Laite Cou.- esisagu ouese milefroue tihe ýVILLAGE OPr . ORILLIA91 lûot besaifuily, voodeet.' Tai, vithodt es- epiot>, i. Ils4'begt itaeil propesty on Lakte Ueh)sli.The siew extsun li se vhole diitllu'rofettîe Laite, andd embraeiug tise INDIAN -VILLAGE9, laI $tkm b sTaWa ofo riit*, the.IMarbWa et Lakte sbes 'rO0WN -PROFPEiITY, TrOW14,0F WR1113V4 Tlni tones bl, . bribk it lii peoondiiv- lig sd d étiles. Alec, le sdjausulng oIesa on thé S4ith, tva nsor visite lrtist, anad the *"Ciaroitle" Olteco Buldlog an théa Narili, <vo »tory r'ei brick. Tise visals properiy tisU a trosuage ut 148X4 fiât, ou Broç soatreet, anl neariy 19 roda Jeep toas Ue 20 <mo ivde. ,Voisirtry la6sisdor a reouta SMlSOpar souisus. 0.POSSEsIýion lot âiobf.; ilm@& Six let. nion yri treoi, dlrectiy narth of tise residenas cil 0' IL Cochirane, itierI For privste resstin9a t oerliled b! auy vueaut< praperiy lai Taltas $everai plotso, (rom <vo te six lotie fenaloa, ln tIhe nelglihorlsoed ai the tis mvlolissa s- tleoleo Cilsurete. IlIEFZACRES, feuoedî kuaWu ui tise oid Cricket Fied, TWO ACRES, fouc) eal st of Cscket îblal. 1U ACREZ fonesss, ciasiet Cricket fild. 0 LO)TS, fiîoed, vest of re.ldenu of oJ. I.Gerrie, Faq. -4 LMT, tenSd ost Plves t f'dt itret, sud Senti rs airsdmaceo!fNaihan Arnoldi. 7 LOTS, felu Esst ofBrouit $treot, st preeioceupleal l>à. . . prawie. WAiAO several village L»o, lis varions parle af the o evs. BUSIESSPREMISES. Broc* treci, 87 <uSfront, 99 ltsta!sp, te àa Thse vacant Lot South of Royal Canadien Beuit, mlIent iront, 98et iteesp, te a, lasse. _ýLot'w aSof Brouitatreet, oppaulto ta Daves, !sotel. 10 aies et Brok street, North ef Eailvoy W I~DLOTS@ zero dé 7, s1,12* "10* reai-u 54, Sth i lg d Let - '1% l"m * "'ýi 2etsh, 44 100 ~ Noa4L i24, ##,à 1-0e UJ'Tailc A I....~ iU1~~t3q of the choicest Groceriesto lie foi anid of great strengtb, and at lowe U~luG- Wbitby, June 24, 1868. G~~'X.. NW ADLV ERITI1SEME TS 111E MONTREÂL TEA ýCOMPINY. >The w bole Dominion .ho ld 'by tile Te nos o tel Jn orte7at TH1E MONTREAL TEA COMPANY. . IE HOplITAL STIBT, NONTREAL. auston amcee au Oltenai tsaei'tmprurs tise apgseuraure uoflTsa. Tbey ore naequsalird f<"rstreigth sud flaveur. Tiee, ltsasbouchouan for liacir issîrinisie vurtîs, lkepiig liisidhaits oao sssd a bigla alîgec ofutpleisnec. lu driaskii j tais. W.e'el <sî-tie saa[nu lent poueis'to profits, elleoi- im eusri7 a hoeoaasase u 1e.taSIe.per lb. Osir Tee. aarputuspisu 5, 12, 16,20and 25 lb. boxe&%, saiare vurrasated purs and f reestroui puiàosusss bIeiacre. Ortsa1rlsr b boxes, ivîl l2 lb. boxe», airCL o ur 25 lb. box menet earrsuge. ireci ais7 Rrzilwe yStation in, Cassaset. 'nit CI ,bburardt iiediately oh reoýoipt citliseordor bymidusi uasreugmoaey,or til'. mouy sec .boilýeced oa is li#iuiY btipre.'î-sss, whureyo iresesexpre»soffioea. la, siensdissg sler..beiov tis o uisocat of 'Si@ti. a auraxpetsp tse ilibhobetter tus sesiaithe mun..y villa tise oder. Wliere a 25e lb. bot wvotil'd bis ils, ihheth fotUr linilPea clubbistg tugeiber ruk sessaifor fss1r -alh. boies, or t*'o 1Ï lb. ies. %Ybte ssd Z tb lsone addetes. crrisege palai, ansd msark ta oclbox ;sisessl u.tiiat eabis psaty heir owa#Teâ."W. varrsait ail tIai. ee v eàli gir. esstifll itiestia If they are case.ti ti,riry the) eas returneai ut Our oxpese. BL AVE TEA.; ' EsigliSeli resilisst, licdieh tetif Stfir Tes. 4Ze., Ne. ; PFiFlarourcal NO, cSaeon'do., 55e., 80e. ansd 850.; Very Brut Filil blero e l., 75c.; i it ulO z , 45c. ; iicis Flavoreet de., S60.; Very Blase de. do ,7o;Japisu, 4o.ut, h50., 5Ue, Fissa, 60.,' ry Fiuie,, 65C., Fine e.7c GEA.N111A Twanaicy, 50c., 55e., 05c.; Young Ilysosi, 6e, .,0 50.1 . Fiais do. . 7e, Vcry Fine, 85e.; superflue suad Very Choira, $t1;Finse Guso W.lrrb85; linosltdo., $1. 'l'eaut '.t sacsitined iatsscrusreqisyeep si s Zd it>'tiiCompanuy. tu eas xcellent 3tired Tes coulai bo setet fur 60c. au O; er good fur coaisseon pprpeies, Out o! aver une tisuusasad Teatlwoue, w. insert <1ib llwing: timrLa s esriyyces isseeI pnrcheismedtise irut chers of T trous jour botite. 1 huve inrrbssal avay èiaace, aiselansmples.etu lui.raiyoe ihe Teas is serery raue proeeeeamis s atiefaei.ry, s. we s basi ex ccbaalaagty cheai). , Yosrs ery srsly, y. IJENiy. ivould ulways Wpalfl liaCer brealiibas. atuilsue ibis lu the pssrity e(yonr 'leul and-shael coesiisme -i ueter. Yours respecitalby. FRAN4CIS T. GREEN. 64 L J ,bs Strec, Moistssia. 1 sgrue se sla k^oss slila ~~bv ,wreiI~ u s îirn al iieIunsume eae a GvivLnEf.'.L-T[be gaz or Eaglseb Barkuand Young fijeen Tata lib yon oact smepirte pgeats maisfitc- him. Yon nsy capect auy future orders. 'rsre c, 0 . âMUNNFL Or Beware cof posiera or tannera uisoüraurini, qio ufitisg 05w Toalnu amalli puisie. ?utbling luis thati a caile d old. Note the addreu 0TheMontreil +uiCompn,6HeptlSt., Monticai. Carniage Factory ~ALE1! WE ARE NOW OFFERING THE ýBALANCE OP OUR .FT COST. HIAMILTON &Cd* Il e &J. lin order to I~UFBELL, affect a clettrance, tlhey offer the b&nce of theit' Stoek at * e COlST PRJ CE, UNTIL THE iOth DAY 0F AUGUST. te~ Mr. Robert Camrpbell' biusIeft fur Bi- tain, to purchase their FAt & WINTrER STOCK, which will be fohand mu'ch large thanusuuai. SDue notice Will be given ôn aehIval of their Fait Importations; I.&J6 CAMPIIELL9 Wliltby anid Manchesteir, etly oîh, 18MB 27 GRAND CLE-ARING SALE. SW,, Do6 MIOHÂELI B3eing about'to extendbis, busin e ss bas de- cided, Zon takiug tn' Ptger in theê Fali,'and will irorn ibis daté, to the lSth ofÂÀUGUST; disposeof the, balance of his Stock at - lIn order to reuet lu tise mateetut f vriuoge (f 4'iti A DIVIDENI) 1 DaUd iWisitby,1 rod N 0 r~ O Part nërsh p-I ~TOTlE lu sereb gir t httise Pirrier L~slsp heVofoe s.iisassissg btwee.ss Jas'. McC1sils, JobisMcC , 4, sn lute style 6ifMcCLuzaco. FXELIc5SaG & ica, t thte tcvwu ut Wtîitisc, ia théiseC'uty u Oîiariei laisbeon ibis daY dbAlolved 1lY Iutmai consesnt. .Ail di-btî owir.g to theP sli Psertergil ,'cp au4 tu Le piai tusGeorge Aissoud, ett ble-ere o tisé laies drus, ssl'resald, aslil u.11 dainisa gogu55P tihe salai Parinerailp ire id bt) préaeited eut oait to lise aaid Georgs Almsomd, for adjut -t Inesit or ,rtilemetat. f"i,&ut:the sss<d Tawu of Wtiitlsy; ts7'e sit! .Iay ut Sta y, A. ., asile. JAttESMe(CLUXA, - THIOMAS SoLK: EDWARD FIILDING, Wbiltby, July Bib, 186-9. W Publýic ,Notice- lat' b'erehy #ivnssisj.0 have duir 4t'ppiid for a patent for sa newiy isvtaned ?loig il te bu 69TRE DOMINION PLOUGH,' AF-t al trass are lserubpy eaatioasedgiuit iufriugiug 9smy riglisi. securcd by saiki Va; tent. Dca us2Srd day of May. 11563. JAMES WAI.KEBp' 21 Asusarir, Ou'rÂasa'. MASONS WAN'fEly AT &THIftt At.rdi tise tisdu1riguet, -o wlioni libe ret1 Nor ut s gbir, 3iesdv, ansdi Crut-rate mess. CARRIACES & UCCIES Ja y7ti, legs.- fatiles now aIis disposai, tise undersignedis better prcparod thon ever to exceute alilotders proiptl, wit.h whielî ho may bc favorc'd. COO AND OlIFOELABLE-; MIAGMIEL'S ANTI-BILLIO US PnuS. ON0E ]TLL liq A fDOsit suabix aSILIN ffA-DflIH mntaliblel'lglastih 1"D»r. IlogèlIL yasbrfeitll#bAa .3%0 moreco "ObslO a a e.lisae'tS';x ta pillU i1.âtl Ilagssel rat balte laesrt4aa. Dtho Brook St-9 Whitliyî June Di 1869i [i -M-0- DONOVAN,,ý9] ý :1

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