Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1868, p. 3

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paid itby. 1;&I, wf ý .. 1 , o, viii ,6uir.ne tmated si $90.,QOOî Vairad b>' insuralnc* n 116d, Insiranee Com si thogi heirifni wili cotiofdeîr lîçtii.~It le bell 'iowfll ut once C, 4e;rre(bqjý;d uii 0 rgn tudrof i pee tsibutiupM t ebuilding an thirty' oem wre t le town*., Blt. Sï e. r", v- about 40, bosdlng hoi direct my, The bliytoi eved that es klln tips andj A taegrauf~o ~r a s t>'.t ta oelhaiebeen iusid 'or an International ,convention to;ureet ln tbsft city on the,4tii Amgust nc*xt fur tise censideratien cf.tAie folfowilig prO'oâeid tuiogi nd rather Pacifie I;Ailway, frein lalîlax te sa" Franisco, b>' the incet dticet route. 2nd. The ne1iôWlslon f tiNortîterut 8rd,Th. 4iagur' Ship Canal, the Visnlis CtîmI;jl and nsw linos gf el iva>' froui tbe npsyiïalpw Awaters cof the Lakes 10 'th àt.aportI of'New El161gAet, 4tI ' T>. adjumtntt"t on liberai ternis ,00 the A'guutuottvf tt".on tkie contin- Oïh. Bticb arnungeMnftt f liniox of oagOiW iégitttCtibelveen t rn F mrane and Obâ tu u.4 lcri stige Atbiieile occamn ae *hbal isciire dily cougmnglthcicatigbetveen Etiro le sud ANS, Wiscrate contine'nt cf Nortt tiveous by eôtîîected Ilines et railray atifi ot'Can stut ier$i, vit'compte- lion o e it elstanow. huittor i .prugrtttta bat*reiit lafax irtd seinF gcisuiak itig tise juaslsig ritistsl tise gIot>t msi'regtlur s\ w§ sçe~stifî us., Ctsn ity anti ci 11o"tipt g'n An snécontitcitt. Iniflosare Lu bu ,extttscd to slI the leadlnig Beardi ofTricsic lnthe licinn ý _1tutM AT 'Ã"itllLJ.->the stable, barn, middriving6hc ýeisbolongine co Mr. it. Jant Doin'dà n, biiu sec tatI> dertroyed 1y Ore, aboutt ncnon curi tda>' wcck lest. ftcher a i arrpw escuape, but waî saver b>' the efforts c01 tle niglbetîrs. A large quýiq1jV,,f new ha>' vis deîtroyed,-snd -iiinneon shcsrp 1>rç t Iuih. igin of thie tire uisknownt. tLos> about $700. There %vu# un lusuramuo f $liùlon tii. property, l in-te "Beavée bMutuel." Y Tjuly i t L. rribf e uurder cccurred juboult 13 1. l".1 uaI4a shant>', a nuui!uer of %îfI@ich are 9aitua3t'd near te Ninair a Fallu airoaid dapet-,ihe murd'red vonian ywent iby lte naue cf,'IrisAi Briclget. It Sappears ohe gut -rutç,"in altercation W4th oin Kate Johsona, wbu seciIad't xe andI wlth sievrai bicws teri>' severed the liend lromn the bodyo i> Ilqr victim., Tho isur4creus s s 'ted andl Icked Up. .Corébdr. NWelci la oildi)gan inituest. The bcdy' prc-eenîtu amost horrible aspect. The Halifax Reporter ipdicates- z feui of th~e ,dvsntrges vhich Novs Seotia bau uacelved rrorn the Union. lbheRilwsy sdab%çp tieclt>' cf Halifax, ssy,$8OO,OOO, a sebees auwed by, the (louerai (Jovaru ment, I biî," ys iby te Reporter, "ihl qit » yr, eli co anîi>'sd vith out éducatiesîal lhutide, la urai>' s grea go'od.O' It says'that the Domnion (Goy irnmnit aslie bidiaotlil bam Utn l ~st ars, tocalil ut bTlfaâ 1 ibat wvithos Ooni.derstion < s in 10dsorsu ad Assiapolil Biiewy couli sol haie baen boil ; tbIi Iboesiew gait iteain arvca, roîs Halifi to Si, ýOhn, eîigtLuuesibsrg, Livai Vpool and Ysrniouih, 'cotlug *10,000î y..*1laestiraly, du' io Ccnfadéroléi * ot 'heconstruetiou su'ad intoduction c 'rosi of9ce sortlsg cs#ons iurailway L gvlig eutîrel>' to te. Dosiipicn authorlties boqugeansd drlviugshad ai Mar. John Mon Ro o4isdrddutth, c'o. of Darhliàgtdà ware îoigshAydeitroyed by' Ire. 'Ailti eoih irlest tu septioa i Iabout about $51)vorili. Lou a about - 000, os vhlch 'le au insuratto luinlhéCi taisVrefFarie*s muoïai1enea c an lIserans. zporla of the Mr..- tsoslrjantti io ms"v, uSILQlro uw vergisg on c4ghl>'; .ppeared te coadoct ber own apposai gatnsî. a decisidn likely tôaYeA,",h alffit6jlh4Auroiseor Eic. land, Thers Io nq lwowlng boyw a"y appearasces ghis poor old lad1y bsu WOt modesin ief.reue to the same iclaim the jWoect1s~f~wiilrsp IoBtebe- "i ,eu4rbing lis et o brlire, f.ý Nierly ml31' vhi htâ e0àfthé 'pûut generallon' b< tswyebosi r.mttaeaiber dt iý be cagsad yoatb, and thist long before inyu of, thei bad amtered the.profession, the istor>' cI' Olîv Wilotwbctier rueor fictitions, had.bee>s@7 ,brice tojd jnîbte r4tt..~t Ryves bau had os ong, w.wiZliXt almeit 1.9an b~sfliox~periece ;f' aB4tB. jçdgmenta -0suddisTôns'; but notbing al. pears 10 convince lier tbat ber cause fi.B Ibo Blousecfor »dp vie agaînt ust e-ýpart of te. decrea of the cahri bb lýice e clwef îbét 01fr.eerras, ber toijse, vas or Cnnibarlauod. Büstshe Boguetdid not liea II. Their lordshipe, On a praiui. nÃŽa>' objectloi aisci db the Crovo de-' ticn bailng bees tùen'i th ie court beilw 10 the raling ocf th. jtdge, aud no bill of exceptions bsving beu es èdorad." Accmsv i MAUJIÂM-Aîtise $on cf Mar Crstopherlysce, 0 o et Sî i crctn of M4arklltgsi. . vasgoing t hi*s tlddith- a roaplog iecseitite0o) Iiide, 'ta eut Mwhoit, thée horses loch triglit anA rais wtty, tlurcwiui)g lîsmn fora'ard o01ttéîiisiitfsc sud inj urlng biic, vfry, ieriotisly, î>rtieulariy, listthe tsitouldcr tt'îd titigAi Dr. Couiileee va" -oo In ttteutedatioî cn thaéites.' Whoc k l id opidl suîuw iu a fair, %ay cof 'ir0went~actiou cfttite grantd prize piano. i4ebected by a nurtuher cf saîicritueris, te La.' civ 31ictoýiluî, tank iplace ln thé 'Cil>' filait, iingiton, oit Fi-i>' lest, lu tue ;îI-es1ncc ~tageodly îiîrliîg. et ladiesnate tl- ntusn. Att addreu»tâ ilts pre"iutted te La4y Plaaronsid tarug îith thie gift, la vAicA ht reiid a' p1ising repl>'. Sir Jolin A. Macdoenald tOin macle a rpeech. Siuging and plia ying on tAhe prizo itsiftrunientt oc- esipcd tAhe rrsI -cf lte afiernoon. blAx DiowNc AT TitryTo.-On Satur- day mortîin glt. bcdy' cf aminunameci Eisrey Ucuange, a Canaidian"fein ruar 41oteîu, emuiloyed ois à aruft, vas found loasting-iu thie river near tAie bridge. HIe was a It secu ai', on Thursday eveniug om the opposite aide of tha river. It la - isuppoîcci hiifeli -off the bridge, vitichli s et, proe unusafe owiog to the building cf a nutw svving bridge.. CoItENSO AtIi Tac» ENxorusut CtVIntcu-A déclaraticon sigucd. b>' 20.150 clergymen, antI la y coin intuituln tg of tAis Church cif -Etîgla ýd, formaliiy "renounoimîrail Chris- tian comtmunication vith Dr. Colonne u-. til sucb tîmue ast lue repenofsisA -errers," bas biom presented te te Arcbbishop cf Ca ntorbuvy. 'T'ie Primsate, lu rect'iving' thie delaratîcu, othe i ii.t iircilias mt yot*pronccd'-as dintincti>' upors the- 3Nati1l b.erèesit's it ungbtliav', donc,' but ie thought it vas possible titat thie report of tlîie Ocamitîe cI' tthe Uppor liouse of convocation, which viii be proeeted in a fev days, 'will givo ,more aatifacton than anythiug titatlias yet'bîeu donc. A umemorial signodl by nemrly 000 of the leuding Mglisit merclianta interostad lu t thie wellai-c andIprosperit>' ci Jamalca, haî beon prestntcd to ex.Governur Eyre,- t tlaiani-im for' bis firmn sud judicious r action aet the tinue of lAid insurrection, and ,t expressng tAie varinest sytupatit>' with F dm duriîug the prosecutien te whioh ho ý,.. bu beau lt>' ubjected. A )-oungnter la cougra tuistin g lîinsoîf imys Ae sisal mot amy longer be kept froîs playim;-with, the boys for fear- ho mi>' catch it. TAie lletie dm apA pilospher, and undoratauda tAie doctrine of cocipan- A ÃŽI-iir'ge I1, gbot t hbýp hetiecu thes yIlcy* Uuios of-Prossila and ilelland, Princes iler cf Pruaila- la t vcd ,Prinçesi Mieris, d4ùughtek t-LPrinice Prredertckùet IollautI,-asd tbeyviii os- taklith as sert et vice-4regal cout't at CAS-' Acoroner 0 jury jo àd ïe9tur the lacmie a iW aehiig e>up' on a deaid bb. -- - ~ *sttb ~baia 45 W*dseudsy,'Jni>' 22ed, 1868. peu"... .0......... 70e Sa b È% tat i bn5 . 's 5 8 . Ray, ' BAWKtlT T lOC~K a.âl IgIoîtt e urdsr tbe h.il vsýr.t Aet cf ist -a d aindte t.th itreto I vilidlispo.. ai, Aiy ratid, iutthéa tor tO istl' L05Di t' lisAu*ite of i.he DRY, GODS A 11 have tbonii Int&urted ,y CredIîcr.to'disi- pose of t f' .00d * ft -2,5 per cent halow oKtt. Butruits vii o i foui f ite blpord ne e. tii. A twin iitb. nîc » h 90siâ :?ý(ar? qpýelt . the 1. 'ý Barin wll nl b c-c oAM n short LliE%,- OfficIai Assignes. Datsd iPt Wlitby, TO THE W ,te nn'JelKisltei Merciant, mund 'lligidenîeut Pt tAhe coun:> airsOntario, vo1d i.ese;yinfortu te Putliethat on ant alter the. 23rd DAY O)P JULY,9 1868, Fcreigu 911miivc i imolty ba uccc'ptôd by ii M 91, l'iluving rates cf dngsutt, tliut flie to se>' ~tI Fonr per ct viii btt doilutel d esll ttttt<,ti' im o V)cets te "eilulýwird., tii itit te Colot viliihp tisîneti-I 51oei rlS amoîtr çulder 95 Orntos with thte es-tiitîcf te ~eelpt JC vldeia ilil b. tiskestt ar mt ilttolfergil siligly. Titîte eottre Isatibottai adepleil ln ortler te angdi.-avor t t uppregte bo iittle") I Iurtiltn et'lu tstt'mole i t ttt l, git' iittvaise, anul Lo litertis ite ir ctlituon'tor awu ctrren2.-Y tas atoll tx tae>j'r"ecLeturn'eia'rtefri", te tory s'.rtcsnd loâ lotit I»Aal lIselklgs cd tlit n nutit>' iboielx-eisnbpjseted to for the tst foi ytrte. t'e tuereoloe tti t tit11wailvl seti- ly et'.orerlice witit n. % lititi, uflet/r. »y relu- iug te aceept or cirieulitte forol-gu isilvt, ekoapt ut theu .bove ratesl. [SIGN BDj WMvs.- Uwes &1' -bveul, B. & J. iraun?. bell, leamaît l ieust i aat& hic., IL. I. CrosLy, J. R, Prcb-gI., John *,aiders, M. Tuywaute, I;txiltois &- Co., T. Il. MeMihîttu & Co., Lorett tilaRjuLwim Alun, R. J. Yale- titld J. A. Bieatdl, Rieliard Frtielle, Tlîcnuii Lawier, M. I ulat,(e C. Grumes, Wut. Bryct. iWn. Iarto,andi McCluitg Biottîcre, Wright, Jamois L. 'rîîrpt, sud B;'Bnîîtlng.- BwI3GÀAZC,.-1-P. Ilitud, and D. Daniels. CLIIiOtP-.& D. MeNabb,, William ta',ce u ud ltobert Eldoilb Whitby, July 21, 1860. 29 1-111BLIC NOTICE 10 horGhy xivenl, thst appllcotlon wtli be mada hv tu îd*ytçyned, to theorpnrttlon of tilt Utitcd Townhipp, of 3Mura mnd ima, at titeir liext xlttisigo, for the' pnrpo,40 nt PlcIttg a poy tion of whst la ceribel de thje Olci Nlue Mile roai, rnnning tittotgi thealit oîtlt-lih h c lot 16, o., tihe th coitceuiou of -taid 'rownshlp of Mars. Ail those Interenteci W'811plesse attendl. josyrpn MoLowNEzy, Mars, litit cf July, 1868. 81n-29 BAICOLAY & S1PÂFrORD'8 NEW UNDERFEED SEWING MACHINE# C NAINS lte lateaomprveetl. Il; Otong, voli made sud dMUrble alùd lu aU epeot. vqual to the high-priced eowlng SCali 'ablte undersltted'sa ises Broek Stree, W tthyi Joy 22, I 1868 .,0 A GOOD (EAL SERVANT. 'Warei from j5to$' p moth; nons but g -good oue waut6d. Referdnceesrequtrsd. Apply , SFa om*'a blBiy.' of Ejàttutbi 1lee etdlàr-&: 1>85.CARDN .&.I 29i 4o2Sota. NEW, SUMME U8. -, ER0 D.~S HBvlng lait week purehusd somee epien- did lina. of Ibis sema snîDramaGoods, st tb. lowest point tii.>'baie evar touched !n the market, we invite thi. Inspection ef oai* friands, feeling sssurad tust v. can uupply t1ies: vlith b-est mtêfals, and MOST PASflIONABLZ P-ATTEIII'S much lier Priées than tit'. siné clsàiiof goodi can b. purchuaed elsawbere. W. ani 'giva fll Drosesao f Ibis îeausn stdclc, at i frÃ"ni $1,25 to $2,50. Equal qualit>' wonlulat samien, have coit À PALL OF' MORE THAN 59 ER'CENT Doe ilôto eur ever>'day;, sud ve vould advixe our friehaotdakataitanatage cf it before the. maguififeant prospect for bar- Test causes i ri"e lu WIIOLESÂLE I>RICES. Wc wonid aiso remind out friends thst lu Cottous, Prits. Parasols, &o.,&o lewil give hein of the the. full benefit1 Rcdo~tô 1 And vîli continus te do se unti Ou s- pidI>' dseaiigstock cf 1Mai clama cf goods lu enirai>' CLeared o"UT. Wa bavs sua>'. on bandas choieseott- mntof4 *0 aut«len, a ù'sS LOekts .........o37 WE 1 TZâ W hitby, SlliG. AT AÀ 0T 1ior c leprm.sntatiots 0fr thé 1'EsOI'iZ l AI NATION a, 3VI1OI% ABIA, APitICA sud AMMaCA. 'MrIxE GIENIUS 017 LIBi13] rtY.' 4 oWgMa4g cf 1ragnijienw. A iMts f Oeg'tseïONE IILB , I.1'we, ,ub- gwsrat te Jcatu. LMON pVoAIVtatS ai i7oma»'a Fs*'t. A 117GBMIY tE alie» fran il* Dpn, mnti is eq&na >'t'd,ttl, irni earied in triumly f& I*g;ýoGi the"'>t'B~ REVIVAL OF A 1TÏSTE FOR l'HE BEAIJTIFUL. The. pmrpd of OliralîtAÀ i1.dertt Parae, ruee w itit Attent 0rândour. 'IETINII DV TH O MNARIIIiM Thoe WhIté'n, Ba* itdti tlr tuta ot iti êrnmur. LADIES çf (Ut.iCUilT tu, ]MAL lSODM,~ THE ELEPHAtt "LALLA RâbOKH," A.NNOITNCEMENT I GREAT SACRIIEIN -For 1 his nïonth, of JULY ONLY, ('ail eairly oit Ye-oman Gibson for unusual Chcap Goods Ris Stock.of Prints, iEP1CTt¶1> tri kAP!TN '1APh0 dbeciri0 on DEN. acktâirADFlSN.T lm£ iLb e"'ruo'.be WIrnivuand 144s 5ilOtUPP, Of LtN. ii the r*'ÇFT a LAIUJgST .»Iillàuvoe casitem ii MZXAi;LP. THE Z Z!IGT 0?' 1hZ Y,.SZS, qTita ilt>N5. CAtit9. CAJiiîJ i-tait 'iiirC 'tlItLII; are 'rThe uA' -u-,A""u'tVMft anti IECDiLA- ThON9 tare 5li ktigil li ta tiso cf tire uilitî' THSE STOCK 0F ICISES, POAtIES Ami) MULES viiIo u,inti1 t~ît -i"fr mitaIsg'trrlrtng or IatllU- lit te>' In'îiiiti, inti l,q -a.TItIS ErXttINAL an etiau, 5ilte the rani tésuttilo f ite 'The muntesof 1t1A AItifftt't i ill et,' nca the publice oflite i'rureeiaiii Excellence of tiera C.'taiy. Or. JAMS .. TKAVEmI, "'unait roop.a't, a Clovi," batatsi ii' tevr acrili'sgm. ltassie t) desiréà slattiit t'tson wtthasuea tyil ly thee aît Imîiitat JuruSl list o if te day a 1 Gcrnan-,aean id "t i f t/a esc." C. W. NOVEG. tue rarritaofa tralier andi Eqite bratir, wiiilti Ir" liii i-et>' itttîil',atnJ î,îd yei CHSARLES tZED, iretro hh'uet;triiîn and riurnaia riter, aitas as 55011LEAPER sauit sttimiteftiirival. . Matîss,. tIOCLE anS KIiEFE. polte.sfk'Iutuit grca. A SCt.aui uait-er Las 5ylana&àutta bigbt paricular linth tire igratt.ile. CllAEILFt'8%cCAhTV. Chraupn ittciper of Amorie à titi" li, l ii;it'ii >' bytlw a'-'îuiiii a OFsîil'S e DîsII5tNC* Lk;APSi3 vr LkctaseL.,"f L. Ulhtiret Diauglit UIirbes. tirW. W. Niet.IOLei. uiain,- ineeolrtinc hro t,, J. i, TUIjit i1v .iu'îIo,11 Im, ttrrtuato Lis FRED. ttT.sile t"t:e.uefetlanti sili tri"tgfi îand itvititity»-t iittlu ho i rie aa t 5 Manioc rWCDO ODi'a CCl(li <,il crf 'r. C.,l~ !ae. lira NVO.'iDtiIIFCI , ltli.tte SMfL4A I to anl 1it'it pei'-ii.;i iiit am c wtl s ieh sei trc diqkt!iiiZ i,-îtu rg al-ai-gezie it-it. tatit tetta tlti ta- nl$ivriiet'-it tlUb i iteeof tf ti trangth Tho OcfL&LIO'À DfIrir! c f te WORLIaDi ti FAWC-iS . Oi'. îa Clois ofa if nertt, a rma of qu'ri p, r .-1,11 gi','l iatiier wito anaiws 5o;i t-ilui tteçrt a-',(i-id -I ail C:,etttaintnt'eo. )-. itili cIi'ncrol!c- t 'i li'aat wfunai, tiat spitumea i tirtis. .1 ij'A ASA -,.t S J34:4 HUPITERStEO't. 1 rnntýter acpirnt lut dltisa- i! ",i, p'rea'rîi i t i a-,' i a i"a t!lt" trtfinttr, b> eaiiliILs U.0tit p't ,A D,'aaitii Si>IPLT. t',CARK-ut cfte- '-Icatie--clwn wo Sa$ l I W-v, r3i-lOii'AIi ll:ITFilTA IN MENT ' t. 31r. C. r. iaOYE ill wtt e.tiiit cnt> cf it pet irojecls ferth l1aamtlemant cf tutu ittis frela We 'to!pWtortung Mke 't 0 IUitihOtcaptabue rof making everybod>' nîgast 1114 eenng trtich ult aî cpie. Nu osmt UicEtainali- d k Le hn&'t'et Anica(l ,nrees gf th. etipb- uisibncas vi tbattepnul u .ted ta the magne&l MALTONS. Tg, 1TALTIN PllUt BIET?- TUBAltA VAN raos 'at teOm ü". Tii. RjiS-isa bar1 .liadbdIusoua oaraa4oleov alassa thi m. w y ofthé ere t-ac Tissues, es, . anyess oos Grey'and Whàte Çottoris, -&., &c., &e, .1 'TUER 15ACRES, fcnOodi luovnu 3thoa 01 TWO ARS ieei etfrecfeJ 6 LUIs, fspeiewat o! rýbtleUw àJ, a il , G O e e, E oq. R r c. - 4 14ur$, fënSd ea'i.t rBrook st; 'int South c ôeilec i tiutrcd 7Q , ced, YmL of, Brock Streot pr s ttoc u ' y J . s8pr w ie. i~ i TO n rI village Lotsi id toi. BUSINESS PREMISEÉ9 Tieo vmcut Ltotljoiuing La. ewel' Brock atrect,- 37 fett frout, 93 feet dtej',r a latte. 'The vaâant Lot Southt of oyiteCdtia Uaulr, 2 fGe liront,1os legt Jdcp, V)aJulie., Lot% luicf Broçk to Dusve ' hcel. 1 1 1 . - ' -#y, Two Dozen Extra Parasols on Iîand, toi Wj71LD LOT5S-Ï B.-The BHighest Cash Price paid for Butter. ce taken in exchange for goods.. H. iorder to affect a clearai balance of their - St UN-r~IL ISE 2Oth DAY r r. Rlobert Carripbel ain, to puttéhase their FALL & WLIN )e £ound much larger thanu mal. O:J2 Due notice wvilI be ,heir Faill iùportaitions. . Whhiby and Manèhester, July 9th, 1868. YEOMAN armerSON se " 20, 4Gii '10" Rtama, 1Pt.Lol V16, ardu " 150 66 1 e i t là, 4tit 20 - sezuervillleq Lot 71 2th " 200' Golf River,Il"t ai, ,- 6 Bic, LoI. ,6,& 7,> 4tIî 400" Brook, IfaiePt. 19, ttu U0wte1 lot 2c, It01 "1-00 Lait Bury Rond, Uot e2), Iti A L B 3 IA 1I LbE I N IJ A N L.D MILL 81TE at thto mouth of BouvetEieî Vilgeocf B=eten, - Art uice, they offer the' P 0-R T- PEi RY Lock at Baeai viiagi LotÃŽ,siai frIsns locatio)ns, Z nnt iotiesideushes. 0 À,cvlîsgelots ini Br',Ilitoci -là L 'Thiti atscribar ttav ingetormimoîti tccr-* ont tse iioleorfbis 11111i Eeato business thi pretiotult Year, if pesteilile, tlîu beva prî)perti'-- are offcred ut loy figures, sud on long terttl4, OF AUGUSTI et payalient. ~ -.~ Il hs Ieft for Briï BilPE iTEBRSTOCK, which wil Whit1ý', 4tit -"'y- IBs Lns? NOTIC4 01? DISSOILumTIi given où arrivai1 ofPrné hp J. CA M PB ELL NrOTIis ha eroby 'given th nt the a rpl 27 muid- Rtivard- Fieldiunjr-ualer t o nme aut -styla cf MCUG ruxne&Co., - mL t> towvlor,-Wlitb%., ut Lits coatty of ODtari--ý lis been tiis da dilsolred Ayi>'Ùnaal consota AU drAin ov ib te-sld -Pitat+nèrhil>ci- tahltieprid tua George.--Airiiud, at tho store, 0lu ir'i Al'orcust!d, ad ali daimis ugialtir th '1 iartuo3riiçiara te ha pi'esetitsi - U once ta thitesidi éreAiairfor e>~» j Dittei t the %nid leva of Wbitby;îhis asii: day et July,.A. D., 1505. - GRANDCLEAINU SALE@ ýW 'Do>MICHAEL, B 'ing about to exteid hisý bu ýiOess las tde ' cided on taking &,tPartner in:ýthe Fàlh d, li11 atiP' is date té thq<,4j-th of ÂIJ(QUST, dispose-ýof the býjwce df1 iiaS~toc I n JIAMILTON &,Ce YEOMAN GIBSON7Isf AdmmIr teçlce-ld ~i.1,Laing's Corner F AMI' DEIL 1 1.- tV- AI! will be eold undér the Whclesale PriceiL du -0-1 pý ý cleared out výry cheap. Farmers 1 'dr-ýA arimmBlu UONT

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