Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1868, p. 4

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Remember the Old ,Siand. WVhitby, May 4, 1868. iverytbisg tbon-prpTlStoM odtor, re. porter, anid aIl szapt mprieur, HIo vbele capital, a fair bundrefi dollareliwuvabrely Tb e7 gsubscber, oueugii to susisin the papera week. for pust fhvors, ic Tbs firsitnumber wua ait si abocf fcur pages cf four 06lunio s ach, and cou. tied thlrty.twO adtoriisodiaufi, probably gratultous;-, Inthbreo oanbthe i.aise cf tha CÀN AD Psges verse largsd by aboust tva in'luche lu ienib sudbreadth, ithe columus* were Tweeds, Cea PrrÃ"PÏtio»at*ly eulagefi, aud nne 'cf 'taWhieh he lu prepi ,iteoau vers, 6usid ii adro'eoentui est style, and ou th, and la 1840 the Hràlda pagoi ezpandod te théir priaient dlm.nsions, asciiof' the rok t., Whitby, four baving six clumu. e Nov tbe Nuy Bec Yrk HraZi la a largi triple folio shoot cf slity elumus, cf vbiebâ, on ibis day, îbity.lgt ae losely flild vitb sdver- * iaamntd. Thie papor bas a dally ciru - lation of frein 80,000 ýte 100,000. Ius groas "venue la ostiuatl stai ire.tics- taud -dollars s day, sud teibonu unIl- fOYT'S NE ýoma cf tbe prep4atcr bau roehsdt lf ,aid, tbe largoesicm f tiree hnndrod CORtNE1 ibousaud dollars. Tii. sgod but vivgons ediior cf tho Prizes consiet New orko Hferatd itili taire. au stirs iund Jewelry cf a pàtnet culy la the businesa managemeont ricty cf excellent of bi. ,dport but lu vriiiug for 1ils colams. Serrouudad daiiy by i, nnerous body cf Life-like 11kv roady luditora, ho le ,aidi vhilo moviug Rure perfectsastil î.stiesly abouât therooenu ntha e cf écits. Now la t bis pocilar Inspirationî, te dicti te tem valuriblo prosente the leaders cf tue marrew. At any rate, titres clone. .bis styleocf sceruful bater in ihe treal-' Oshawa, March meut cf avery sebjeci, howver sscred or dlguiflod, wbtbrdiroctlll enatiug freon hlm or auued, iu couipliance vitb the teastor testa, by bia cbodii-t isebordiur.tes, may b. dotectod lu ssci uîcriug's papor. Oue cf tbe* chiof lements cf the force cf tbe HriM Iollnlilsprti ot f attaek. The aditor, vbeu he bus oece soseiaa 1 ictluî, dos no% drop hlm until, 1k. a 1scotch (ornerr ho bas shakenansd vorried hlm 10 dsath. Ho cakea usecf hat may be ieruied the advertising principal ie hie leaders, that ie, by constant repetition cf the saine ouphatlc sentiment and expres- sion, be nains, day aftor day, bis peculian lizpedlency may beosaid te b. the ruiing pinciple cf tho paper lu ils discussion of political sud social questons. lu sîrîves te auticipaète the. dtift ocf publie opinion, sud blows lis powerful blais inteluti.sp. pcsedl direction cf the popular moveicent. Whstavor msy b. the diffaeoceocf opinion ln regard te the viae, tasla sud influence cf the New York Herald, ail nto agreed liai it bas accocuplished, vith groat su. zeu, the main-ebject cf a noewspaper. As -.a <nil sud complete eflector of the pasing avmntsansd topicz of the day, It i ntur. passed. IlImmense neceipia are liberaliy .apent lu providing the paper with oveny possible informiation <romn ail parts cf the vcnold. Duing, the Aicerican var It had fa correspondent lu. aimait every camp, sud expended thei liberal suin cf tve thon. mmnd dollars each vcek te defnay the csei S its correspondenil, wbo aie evLrywherc, are alloved tbe utuicat latitude of expen- ditare for the ipurposeocf obiaiuing early Intelligence. Th.ondcu correspondent, ou bis ove responaibiliiy, telegraphed aecs the. Atlantic every word cf the King of Pnouiso speech, ai a coni cf more than a thousaufi pounds sterling, the draft for- vhlch vas ungnedgingly paid ai the New Vork lieraitt cflice. A vriter lu a laie magazinQ talla a slory vIlci blbho ad frein Iholaie Major Noai, . te the effeci liai vicu James Gardon flousait Brai applied for work ai the office cf tie ld Courier and Enquirer, heovas lu inci disînasa ibat-the kind-beated Noah tirai gaieui a quarter cf a dollar ta gai a dinuen 'viii befare begincng te îalk viii hlm about bis future occupation. . Aiter Mr. Bennett bad iatioied bia buger heb made s bangain viii Major Noah, and . eut ta vonk. liii.duties ineludefi awcep. log ont lie office lu the uiarning, lu addi- tion te bis mare literary avocationa. Tiare aie fow men la blalory vho, frei nobuc rdesires to returu thanka to lhis umerous patrons nd bega to aunounce that he ila 1101#mipplled ivitb a choice stock, saeflyslected by-hinself, cfi lA, NGL'ISH &,kSCOTCH at1D1, CamuimOroq Droadcol@thl, 511k Mlrtuhos, &c., &c. )ared to, make up t6 order, on the uhortest notice, in the lat. homost reasonablu ternus. &Ç)E RN L March 24, 1868. 1t-ly >0 'IN PRESENTS!1 EW PI{OTOGIIAPIJ GALLERIY, OSHIAWA ja FOp G sINCOPSTIREETS, FIRST FLOOR,. of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Cha.ins, Brooches Ill kinda ; ase Sewing -Machine, PaintingaAlbums, sund a va,. enesses taken iu a few secondli, i"a manner to, en- isfaction. IVI Sec Bis for manner cof distribution cf pro. the chance tor'aIl te, secure endurlng PIIOTOGRAPHS, and t, at a less price than meust photegraphers ebargefor the pic. 24, 1868. -12 RUSe LÂiWLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL ENERAL OGROCER9 -WINË AND SPIRIT c~~~& IV' c~ . r CROOKERY &GLASSWARE. TUE ÇHEQUEIIED STORE. 1111CK STflEET9 WUIITEY. New Black- Lace Slîawlci, very choap, ut T. IL. MoMILLAN& Cous. New Dress Muulius, very chep, at T. H. MoMILLAN &Cou New Drosa l3illants, vcry cheap, ni T. IL. McMILLAN& Co'@. New Frnuta and Cottous, very cbesp, ai T. H. MoMILLAN &C'r Summer Clothig cf every line, very cheap, ai T. H. MoMILLAN & Co's. Fresh Groccries, Liquorsansd Wlnes. Freui Imàperted Tarip Seedi oly 20cta. per lb. At T. X. NKLLX&Co%. 't STREET, OSHAWA, &FANOY-DRY GOODS lqTzpRY, &é. MAN UFACTURER 07 Jt BOOTS AND là=A Wanted to do Iadiei lgh. sude t'ran s'] v ri * FRST--TRlZE IIoUSE-SOER, L LT »VNDASSTREET 0 A£Good' -whibby, loi1B7. 9yAlwaýys on hi -. - Calf, snd aMl klodi MOYTO LOANM ni aR ubsenieSs nov p ~pr.anda J meuta cof mony-PB1ATEF~6W T ,-ng o qe o urt< ciy or Deb.suros, àtaaeai iuerii 1 ]ROME DEPOT.LO)NDON& LIVERPOOL& No'. -23, HosDitaI St. Montr-eaI. Pure Snd GENTUINýE TEAS, cf slendid- natural fiavor, imported dliïect frei lbComauy Plnain uASSA , and on the slopes of thb. IIIMALAYAS, bl d dWitb tlnp e se'ept'tproduets cf CHINA. Only Twc Qualities, Nis. :-7-0c. or' $1 per lb , ither Black, Gren or Mixed. 'Ina Hosebold Tes, cousbining Strcngth ad Flavor, Tcetprlb * Finea rouale...... .. ... i1dollar par lb. S teld aeketa sud O i alsters-by sc... .--p y' a Àgen ts, iu every Ci[ty snd TR AD MR. MARK Agent for Oshawa, M A RK.- ROBINSON~,, BOOTS &-SHOES~ IT REDtiCEDPR1CIESlý Desires to inform otistemers that he bas now on band a. very superier Stock cf BOOTS & SHOES, cf ail kindis Suitable for Summer Wear. Including Prunella. 'and Kýld Balmorals, Congress, French Caif, oea. ew.> ouptalul i ... tAde n~d make. A furtbcr reduction in prices ticle ai &o lew a price. CW- R. J. Yarnold's Boot and Shoe Store, next door to the Royal Canadian IBank, MeMillau's Block-, Whitby. IN reference to the itbove, CASTLE FOX desires it te, be made kuown that aIl who go te Mr. Yaruold'o wiIl find hum ready te take their mesaure-no,, udr ordons, and will be guaratiteed a well fitting snd well zmade- Or anything else in the Boot and Shoe Une, of the best work- manship. 0:>* A lot of.that SUIPEICIOR BUJCKSXIN9 specially erder ,ed for the undersigned, off which lie eau supply is patrons witb a Shoe that - l a Shoe. sud will not be botched lu tic makiug. C:- Orders left aitihe Bay attcuded te, as msal. STEF X Whitby, Jung 10, 1868. At R. J. Yaraold's Boot & Shoe Store. iVIRRET BLOCK, CORNER of BYRON & DUINDAS Sts. The subscriber's Fail Stock of choice Family Groceries is new completo, with every article usually keptinl a first-class etàblisbmentt con- sisting lu part of- Young Hyfiont 3apan, colored and uncoloredi and CongouTeas, ground and unground Coffees, Spices, Peppero Allspicei Cinnamon, Cloç'es, Lemon, -Orange, and Citron PooÏl, Sugara, from the boat Cuba, toý the finet-grondt Syrups of the best varieties. A complote Stock of first-claas Fleur Oais, Cern, and Buck-whea.t mal, Feod of.ail krnds, e: very choap for Cash. . 4: in addition to-the above, I have addled a. complote .asortmet cf Crockery, frein aindividuai Sait-celisi, to à firat-isas set of Cbins5, lowiiichc wll lic aold very cbcap for cash, M!y motte lu not to b. andersold. Cash paid fer &Dy, qatity of good Butter. Rssnmber tha place, corner ci Byron sd Dundas Stà., Wiiby. WHIBYNOV ~La. IROIWN. ~, B OOTS,& 0 mte Rgi ýom~efor ti erlM i681 fer himself. SOESý iter dak o red Whatgrêateir fort~b1e w TI war-m wcather?' And. there is -nd cnly ii otaiingthese if people weuld only go tot p ac. ~ uE ONTA RIO BOOT- - H E SI B~D~L'S i theplace teý get suited. JOSEiPH A.BANDELL Whitby, June 9th,ý 1868. 28 COIJNTY 0F, ONTARIO,- pou MTH YïIR, 1866 oerWltby........ 2 1 2 i i-;. 12 iM netr rne ibr . 8 s ... 1 2 ........:,2.... as ô, Beaverto.................. 22:: a 8.... . 22 *28 22 . 7, Aterle, .............. . ... 9424 . UNAa THE MONTREAL .TEA COLP'NY& TUE MONTREAL TEA rar 6 HOSPITAL STREET, 10 COMPANY& flaveur. They liase beau ciiosan for their iutrinale vontb lkeeUing inu mmd heelili, oconomty, sud a hîgis dupe.cof picasure if! duinkino <liens, We"cI for t b0e mallest pclst%la profite, eflect- lug a sas'ilg to tihe consumear of 18e. to 20c. pean lb. Ounr Tesa are put np iu 5, 12, 1à, 20, sud 25 lb. boxeit, anid arecvmrrnted pure sud trac insus poinoos substances. Onuiera for four 0l lb. boxes, tva 12 lb. boxes, on eute 20, or 2-N lb. box maoit caraga trac te ani Ellvay station, lu Caada. Tes vii lie forvarded isnînedlaely on receipicf tisa order by anai dtuatainlsg mouey,er tihe mouey eau bu eoilected on delirery by ex rems-mn, viere thera, are, express, officeslu.1I @ais diisg oxueri, ba'W tise nsount of $*îQ, b suroeaxpense i viii bcbotter tu send th<loie sy vitis tie orden. Wlîenea 29 lb. box wouid be tee mfisais four faillies ciuhbiig tegoiher Conid son fo for 5lb.boxes, or tvo 12 lb. bores.,. Wemeud Ziem ta oua aditres carniage phd, sud mar ouh bx li menotisai emch poney put their cvii Tes. W. warrant ail tiseTWea-e ci te give antime saeisfitou. If tbey are noL satlsftatry tbay eau bu, rairent a our expanie. English Breakfast, Broean Loaf Stnong Tes, ifie., 0o. ; Flue Flavired ew Scason do., 5Mc, 60c. aiid 68.; Vany Boat Full Fluvred do., 75o.; isound Ooioîwr, 45c. I;liicb Flavorad do., SOC.; Veiry Flue do. do., 75c. ; Japaus, Good, 50c., 5c., Fitis, Nu., Veny Fiue, 650., Fluait, 75ô. GREEN TEA. Twaukay, 5ce., 85c., 05.; Young Hynen, 50e., 600.,65e0, 700.; Fine do., 15e89 Yery-Flue, S50,; Supyerflue aud Véry Choica, $1I; F lue gis powdeir, Sie.; Extra'guperfiue do., $1. Te .es net miisiiieed inlu Ibi crelar equally ceup. Tes euly sold byiiilt Comnpaniy W-e Au excellent Mixed Tes cuuld be senit fli0,n an d 70o.; vaiy guod for cominan plirpoes, Ont cf ocrnone tisonsaud Testimniue, va ilusant tic fellowiug- Tb MfonireaJ Tme Cmpa y: MfoxazM., 1 m, Guzura-lt tm neenly a year incel: psrchsei tise iras chott of Tes (rossiyourbhosme. 1tiare purcsmdisey, glae, euu1IamsspIe use eisfrni you ilspTea lhas la every caue pruod moat satls(eciury as weilles heiniex- ceediiigly clseap. Yeurm rvery iruly, F EII. FRAitCIS T. GREEIN, 64 ci. J ibis Streot, Moesa. Mossrea, Apil,1868-TotiseMenroa TesOcnpany6 tospial inctosrcal s -Wu notice wiuh piest- tlsrgla Cpa . BoutI¶N sc iAI.G7wà aOiqurtma.-,Tbe tlox of BaguaIs aud Vowi and Hymen )Ies viieli ybts senstsue gives gtluatmWac- tin. Yoeusay expet isy futue or durs Yours, &c., ti. $MJNiSI. Sg5 Bavu tre of paillera o rn nurs usiug oun naine, or offaing car Teas: lu amal pachiga. Notbing lais tisu. a cattile .oid. Notetheaddrss.TheIfonrea TeaComany 6 Hspial S.,99ereal t Lately, Anmstr NeWheY IMe&.OTbE MnDà,e opn,6HsialS. 'ni WHofTBY l PAP-,ER AN GISNG s fTIIÉ undersiguad bOeb itortbe pub, Iliec hst l liasbonîese ulL e doPnt I Scte we e048! 1a o IMining co'y. suda TOWN 0F, WHITB Yf T .4 (4 M me 4 B ty If Btlce Legisatuer-, fConueoUoui Ptwli a perpetut.al Charter,- Ea. i0,000t, ds- Mest. wlbmcoiprofleS as aocunity fo ýThCa <L',p n loirpro arai toalune Pc- DATH AN) rI-tEPTî Ati oderato Matas cfr Premnitin bassd ou a Eugliah expaeneo f over F1F1?Y YEAZS, Tho Pidbeer CôiMp«sY cf Una HOME UFFICE-No 258 mistre tnot rnicnd, COUD. w- BElIiCH R Ii5-5Walti jtreet, Boaton, SgrxtaT & Wasbx mana gars; 106 Btaadvey, lNew Ycnk, Cocas& MoLAse, 'Mnagers; 480 WalnttSire.',, l'i- ladeiplîli F.%B. A C0oxa, iangers; il- La Balle âLret, Chicago, ILAMBa& 5ouavii managers. Plto Acin. Wamri Fbnnany 2(, 1867. De P. BURKE, IFamlyGrecerg WSaa & spirit deaiere N2. 2,ICHAEL'S BLOiZE KING ST.. _ZAET, OSHAWA. OROCKERY & GLASS WABE A WELL BELiOTED STOCK FEESE TE AS, 0F ALL KINDS, 3'As tibisp as ahy bouse inennaa.,. Mea. 29ti, 1867. 2 LI1V E RVY B oliesuor ii nt tury Publiec,e. Uxnxoz-Next daor tu CampbeJl, Brok d., Wl. Wàiitby, lIer. lb, 1861 S . B. PAU S OLICITOR, NOTABf W. Hf, BI. BOLIIIITOR, Brook Street. Whbitby, jan. 28, 1262e CHARLES C. ATTUENIîy AT L, ton, Broc)îis. A Csssuciry, Kotary &oc., Wiby i. . .Itc Ban zte oRegistr, (<file.o - j&3lE!L TTo R NIY- AT-L1,A Duandam Street. !:-0 CieLCn ffRAe &4 acs Âau N-oYaiJ Hall. PUBT ParB-O0FiO- 8 IL CooFiaaxz, LL. B.* C.A. JI try UlSEC, %Wuib. o 4 h tirs -' LYJIN ENGL 1)ÂRt?.':R AT LA. Dery, (êJouVayaUienT Siumucoeii.-oppimite Lb. »M2. CARIS( conultation of Paîtuî - Whitby, Jnly 20, lb4 J. U« s.UtRGEUN TO TU. D4 W. FER]l ()* OrnezHaras-8 JOHNV W!,itty, April iSts, C f9WCL ERKdT VICTORIA xLLIAM. SCOTT, W VYwm.. Boyntou's. 1 19 pè, J A à -DURNHANO ý Whitby, JannsfY 10th, 1868, .1 U ýj

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