Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1868, p. 1

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]FUNEÂLS ý*It hiuppiid unitt..ld GEORGECORMACK. Whihy,Fb.St, 18..- 1 Brooklin Dr'ug Store. t--s EOEDAVIS, D TIALE lunBs-agi, Patent Medicine% LI l'alite, Oll e Stae,Coenfectiont. Sobllait, . .Y PUBLIO, &0. 1i. A T LOIT LIt,l 0., £0. - I ton, W,îo .O ~ âoxtAilJ oit C. JcBLLErj' ALTTRUBEJY-AT-LAW, tiOLICITOR IN SLITO I DtIsisSmet iic cie k'a rowê< itees. fy Bu at eeni a2d 01oeu ri b, ., 61 $~îCo A# a UvmoppitToî lr iai. ity.e- S l.('ugfm I r it. Il, I . Coeku tîra &Wort, M ur U it t goonoeibm,85. LXàg0p*heI$, AiLAIl., B litl' d TLÀ ,oo tse lud lin WDans Hteuk11, f Sotb, Jul 0oit 29 B' 4, iirelaMiet , Tocato ,ï - MANuKuLISI, il. 1 " IS loum Ai L&W,0Ha.iM.tynsud <Jua ý 140*19Y UBLIC 'WiItby, ' 20118. BILQUUIIAM. UniLesTon 1111 e1, 'os0y m.,1anA Sc i oILLIkpdiC 15PIEOB(Lt W 0o B4Nt . HAM 7 BRPII UDIS., IC.S' OINTARIO MOTEL I§priot u$N Bodaions.I' sb{ R-ifIre8bInG Âof tDaSHÂVING MV $M*» .,.g sdOON416m D ral ÏIO1 T. XTY f4 gofdieal Pcrjuses. &wof CattLeeud1Wine#olu.ayi n' Brookil, C. W., 16 1 (Orgàat Àei411 £nU4' £kurcà,,Whlbf.> j$ ropredto iveMusie and hhging los Appicaio tobcmade attho ufce of John L. Watki i on rgcàDbntier,, iover Jumcî Býlynoe' dodiel i xl, ýBrock 6t. Whàtby. (LATE I'LATT'éi> NEL8CiN SOT. TORONrO', NI>ITil- op KING ST, lionmoï tillit theyfi ' ve taken tus axbove PremIime& wbîoli are lieievury yrespuct cotiveiilus»tly aîad comnfurunâbly ftted upîor the amoînoduUtluî, of guis'. cud to traveling pubilic. Thiicy yul bu foiad Ill consitunt persouidl cttendimcu, und #11 love otilogUndo» n uthvir jrrt1bo gîive 048tsta'uou 'O i m4y favor t ioui with a culi. 86 STAGE Il0UV8SF ISAAC FENTON, ]3EST inestd liqurs; oprltor.o B II ~ood wnertactinan YEOMAN (GIBBON. C 1 OM!ISION MER CHÂ NI, a GgE4RAL AGEN4T. Wiltby, Jan., 101h 1666. 2 B. PLANK, rontr ; éteges tteud front Wiitby eau dallyBrvery aittentio aimpcd tg gnosEi. creful mail cten- tiveoentiers. # VA R9S& 0EV L [N. Peau I KBoms, directl, oppo- .het'mcOtiee.-ntsuce on Ilcetetthitdàoornorthoftbi Ontario Bank. W EXPRE14S AGENT, &o., ao Agent for Accident aui tmmdrd luteea(jeto. 17 Query Why le If thisot li a la suaità mn for pictitris It i% beccuso ho lice tihest U allory lu the *uuntylmnd bas anore patience withiî l.1ljrim Ilion aiî ti or,&ttiot ln tihe Constniamd eu do quite camigood w'rk asagoy olier mMuIlu the Conftly. 1 Thsl!s whistà the motter, do don't be baokvarcl about pmmsg forward. W bitbyt Nov. 12,16.45 NýFarns to Rent~ YROX le TO W ZAS A Ne ieeu anm 10 entl hol bcTewàoblp cf o(OWlilt , beiag tic ucrwtb alies cf lots 3t sud baSi,lt o tilh qae.I018jou raienbaic 1 0 1 a rhad qf l cias -sou la ic good estoti ef ,altva v ii'thb gbd dveliag toast ald oaubdînogs. - Théýrpr a mcet deslrciiy îitttdsnl. viii ho~ renz wt4'onfsemêbîe terms fon a No vembis est. --- ter-pmtlcnrpply tg -- s5iE ~ aLLq- -- 2 AMES IMO 204 WELLINGTON $IOTEL4 MÂRKH-AM. L RFBOTTOIN, Ppltr A~U1 COMPANY Capital, 8400,000.'ýý T Muderufgued hu*l1ng hein appointed Agenit for thil above C.ompany, 1le )W, Apply to, ghs ~>SB LMVIFAMIM I8, J., 2-l9moa.Agent Whitby CLARK k VIOKERýY, -ProprIetorî. Big moutrespi3ottu1ly to inform heiuhabl. tept- the nuty of Onario, ,îht they havé I461e6atho ah% bove Promises iatly ocoupieby ScdPrlwhich they have newiy (ai. id adrèoveidand thièy are propired té ami'eomodati lie travelling pu~bliée Tha Bar atookec wi tic lmbestJiquor» sud cigare, sud ar.,attontive-ostler iBJwis-oîn ittenidanca. 1 'soscîhs A pril. 1686.. B ARIIITERS, ATT<;RNEYB, SOUICI- M on CON4VEYANCERS, AND NO- TARIEM PUBLIC. (Imoat-Oi doot- nortli cf hi potfl Bc, Oolawa; sand KcPooeo% Block, opposite ToUL Hlai', Bownvllli. JOH-N L )WATKIS9 ïgURGE.ON DENITlg'. Omoce.-.Ovar J AS. BYIINR'S Modical Hall. Brook Sireet, Whitby. £~Alil vmk warrcîîted. F~lieattcîîdcd nt privîste risidinece. TEE~U XTRACTE> Or' WITOUT PAIX,«M S BY TH 9 USE OP ,NITfROIJSOXIDE LÂUGIIING GAS, OR TUE NEW ILOOALANMSTH-ETICG1 DENTAL BOOMll, DUNDAS ST REE Ti WIIITBY, C. W. R19S-vi . Il. Cochrcne's store, Whitsy, Jane 20, 1867. 2 FIE ASSURAN cE CO, LOMJBARD STREET & CIIABING CROSS, GILLESPIE, MOF>'ATT & Co., Agente for canada. JAMES DAVIIfUN, Manager. INOURIAIWE Aalunaf Logo bY PIRE are clefected on tise soat favorable~ term and I.056ES PAID vîthont roeromîco te he rd la London. April $rd, 1866. YEOMAN GIBBON, Agent, Whitbr SHOE TOOLS &, FINDINGS. 'reoi sEla. udCacin 'd. ='124 se Mlh'Smc Sit 5htAùJbue 'Im et anci id Tee /laies PegiSimc ' £.. kc, - AYÂN A OLIVER, 12.17 r glom ta Srtv oom A4. T oske5l f aie lest qa ýMIs'ud cm owest -ToYOM N îkd OL IVER, To= rts,50,lsiam TopAs,PFai elf ieel 114If eest, TercesW. TO QABIKET ffliÇ%ËR6 Rofl- IUtJO.,I i 1h cineuuion cf marc, 1100' AGt , lacres cloèeral. Itcth34 Lot 14, 101h- coneilon of jîIre '100sore, 12 156 eio lîared, Lot 11, l'h coun.cescscn cf Soutb Onllifhi iilching, about crie mil.(fromnt h VILLAGE OF, ORILLJI, 64 gret1 about 15 acreffeloared, huimioef Lot bemtifuily vooded. ithia,, vtiou&t ex-, <me.utou letichat stnmcdprormrtyci Lakte &ocicug Ti. lewoxtend ng - tie Wo le ditnc fteLe, csîd imbrssiq lise In Rama, pýthe Toua f Ortilikih,A < he mailows cr Lake simcoef TOWN PROPEIITY, IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY. 'rH£ ROYAiL MOTEL, Thrci storlîs bigi, brick, vils spmoous driv- Ing yaurdm end stables. Aisme th.e djuîulng office on ltme South, two - sor> vîit rckauitha lis Croniclo" OfMie Bui loig on tie korti, Ivo story rad1 brick. Tise vicie proporty hes ac froutage 'if 148U toite, ons Brouo treet, and nearl>' 12 roden deep tc alane 20 (eestvIde. '.ii properl>' le undci c tenti of $930parAnnlmn. m- lossEusioN lit 'cf OCT., 1808. bie> Lots oc Byron strict, dîresiti>' oeil of the rîsidoîi et Sf. Il . Colirane, Essq. For privale resideneesç, net eî'eclied b>' ji vacanît propert>' lit Town. Sevomai plots, frnwo o sixulxota, fencod, lu lime ubigsrhrood efthlie novlifomiu Cu- hbole Cîsurci. TIIIEF, ACRES, foanebd, knovn et thie old Crcket Field. TWO ACRES, fanced, yodt of Ctitket feid. 1-U ACRE, tenced, Pasf of Cricket field. 6 LiaiS, femced, yodt of rebiden-o ef J. 11oGrrie, Elq. & LOTS, fsnce.l, vet <'f Brook otInaI, end SontIs of roslshasîc of Nathien Arnold. 7 LoTSý (chaud, Emat of Brook Street, at preselît ecauî'ied b>' J. S. Sprowio. ge Alo s"verni village Lotef, iu varions pats eîtovu. BUSIN E68PREMISES. 1lue vacanstLot aedjoining Loves & Powll', Brook street, 87 eeat front, 98 foot deep, le c lunie. Thme vacant Lot Southi of Royal Canedissu Boat, 22 acet front, 98 meut deep, Ïo a lue. -Lots Eat of Brook stroît, op poëlte te Dawe' hqtci. 10 notas on Brookit eteet, Northi of Railivo> W 1LD LOTS. marc, -Southi 49, ilti oon. 100 acrs, 6s 66 la 18l2th -" 100 d 64 di 4, ltitIl "lot)- 66 "620, ttilé"100" Rama, Pt. Lot 16, ard 180 Lot 15, 111h "200" Somerville, Lot 7, 12th" 200" Bidon, WcRs 24, th '100" Beiley, Lot 12, 4th 200 " OeIf Iver, Lot si; 65" Bexley, Loti 0 & 7, 4th" 400" Droi, Raul Pt. 18, 915 95 Hlowtek, Lot 22, l5ti 100 " Eaet Dnry Rtocd, Lot 25, Sid ALDEMARLE INDI AN LANDS, 31ILL SITE et the mouti of Beaver Elvir. Village cf Beaverten, - Acres. PO0R T FERRY, Soveral villagre Lots, smitable tom busIneis locations, anid primsîe rosIdences. ja Aise vihhoeo lots lu Brighton and lu tihe'Villaege of Breahiu, 'Townshmip cf Mores, Tic subsdoriben hivtîg detem-uiuod to ciose out the vîtole <'f h*bcisl i teebu*sn eli promi;t yearIf Iol,sihtme ebove pm.apries tiri oé elt loir figures, cnd ou long termt et pstytiestt. Apphy 10, JilIRAM FERRY, Witby, 4th Jul>', 1668. 4mce'a2 1868.1868. TH{E LIVERPOOL &ND LONDON Aàie GLZ.Cb INSIJRANCE COMP'NY. Uctiur ieixieece lhlrly-tvo yesrs, cand dunrthAt pcriod-0a-,pAidL1 eex- edo ndebo Gaveti for tue liohr. Si scheine àmd Observe'r, jôoi e And Ojpectators Wosfhcd'>autonislied ,TIe ladies (o(<.d blasa thein) to bneband anià lun nmberjoineîl the chorus ainghug pp 06o'l i < l)g-M" 1' QuCooirsfor Milntosit and Ferry, rTheir otcere aud crew, ~1oii~ Ma y tiiy long mlail thI lof1- A. gleant ocraft anj trac 'TiycliLcourteeleo, te Preommn, Omfr boit opinions drmv, Liki ns, tisey do ti.fr dntV,.and- Vie Parting Soon the feliering tonue mue t wbusper Pcrtitng vordsotffond adieu, Bonu our evenug rn-unions' Mit ho lizta to eud yen. Dssvs of pleesurto vo have teaed, Wlî' ourlady itrimdn ou hourd, Seen the rnoiu of the Notiî.West-- Ail the secaîses te làite, eford. Masisi, eang and recitetion, .' Ilave our eveuing boumr empli*Ïd t Tinte wm'uld feu btatll tiseeor>' Of noir pteesure nrloyed, Mira. Wilkes, wÏit gram enud talent, lot ia'.' charm ath voit dioplamye. mia%. Bucklisîgllam, 85evoer, Al Isoarte b> her seet songe eway'd. Mfisstes K3des and QamiroD, alo, Sirà. Cimie-Mme. Tyo, Miss i P'eli have loft 1injîrcesione On the hcssrt tond on tuie coe On the pelîbly à-hore we*vc waîîderd, Ou f1ht rocks and lu thc clon, Bean doliklited vitiît therouring 0f tihe wild once inIi licedi."1 Ladies' cîce have beon eronnd usq Ladies' amtleis kiîîd gleas en oJ; Nov I pro>' that llcaven'e hlessâing Moly liae ower'd on evc.ry liîsd. voewl, friends, cr4 slioîîld we nover lIbid nteu iboe. îgisli*, Xs' IIi el lu nliai foi rhu'evail, Wliera tiîerole neltioer grief for pain. Smoking Sirictly Prohibited. (Concimîded.) "Smokiog oarriage 1' eaid old ematy; apperently hi vau no& avare of this recent stridein 0civiiizatioa made by îthé :ailway compasnies. 4éYe, oit. 'Now, air, if yon'ri goiag tu change yonr me, you mast ho quick about It; vi can't voit bor ail day." #Baoding hie black back aud other trape to the guard, hi oblbed out of the cardage, Casting a glafici (Cil of maliisnancy on me ce bd peesed. Whous hi bcd aligbted ou the plaform, 1 mcv hum ecrutinisi eiovly the board vhich notifid tbat tbe carniage in vhich Iwvas eeaed vas devoted to the aie of îhoei vho lndalged la tihi habit of smaoking. I coud fot roet saying, '.Good day sir; YOa'il kaov a imoking.earrade another sime, 1 îiink, vben yen &ei After that, 1 sav no more of my old friend, though I looked ont of the carniage vin- dov et euery station at whieh vie topped, for the purpose of seiing if hi aiighted. Appanantiy, hovevir, his journey vas a longer oue than mninsi for I remcbid 'My destination vithoat g6tng another eight ofbfimt. 'MI coilegi carier *a s eed, and 1 came op bore fo read for the bar, as yôu ail knov. About eiz monthe mego, Amy Èarris vas eîopping vitu Ashtoue, vigb vitolà YOD cri sae baf I aliajehavi bien on terme ot gref intioacy. Couse. qaintiy, dariag the yoang lidy'm dtay theri 1 scv a grest dei of ber;' the fact Io, bardly a del Passe witioat my sendiag a portion of it ii the Ashton'& housi.' Tbi iàors I mmv of Amy Harri he more I de- uirid te aie of ber; and sas this conid not viii hi vithout My giving ber my naei, I mode ber an efferi; 700lentov, viti hath rent-ibi referred me 10 "papa." Pipa, 1 vas in(ormed, neided at'Leuboridgb, a' smmii placc about thîrty miles beyond Os- ford., To Lesboroegb, tbéroéfoni, in a <iv days, I r.piregd, bc*iang ién'préedid by Amy nýdAao by a littir frob Frank Ash- ton (vhovwu tell scquainted *ith, Mm. Hùt) a ing l wuI*m81viiôo. off ri- mi tact bari iaiaGbig obiettonla the mei of tobacco. I siscal have rispietia hlmi lu scb a Cam$ vbireM hov I deeplsi bits front' myfanmactetult. 'FTor thti ft-st lime 1n mý' lfdirvas tisankfi th"tI dilDot Posseibitise abiity cf easily ricogniziug fwas j for, bcd: I known tiat Amy'. lfaîhir and my anti te- bce elwpcsiagir wviioui aid fise sâet pison,l am afri t bat I tonid'nms hbave bcd. tie eoaragi'lo noir hlm- for - his dmnghter's band, 'As hi, bal uhoemt -o ignoue car former meeting, 1 foilovied sait, ripiling, fnot vithout a gonldies] of ansiety aitc reuit of my sve?- -, 1111 centainly cm ea meker, Ibongisb Éof ta a gneatt esn:; hope leu havi nO oh jetion tatoiha bit."1 ni 'B t I aaos I dd dobjection tohfe fit7i habit. 1cm so-ry, Mr. Allenl, tbmt I1vas notswaare of Ibs tctbefote- yen stcnied: on yonr jouney bei-eforyo voald have, hein spmned, thi aauoyane of: a (maitiemýse eind. I go mtîch. dtapprovi of smoking, that . wou 'Id noStfor-a moment entirtain a proposai for my ,daugtir'a baud fromn6y'o'uei toinîigel lu il. I preume tiat tiare la noftig momi e, ohi maid, sud that our Interview may hoe con- sidered et au n d'. Iam 1mort-y .tiat YOD should havi bcd ail t iisunecessary trou- hie. Good --" "Un01e moment, Mr. Rarris,"laim- sd. "Sut-el7 thisisue net hi tis cisue of any difficuiîy. Libeor han hi deprivad. cf Amy>, I vihi discontinni smoking; it viii requin. a çreat deaci of selif-dîniai on my part to break cil tii habit I cdmit; bat I am niy aI'1 maki any sacrifice ratier tien lose AMY." i Oh i abat cînuaini>' suera te cami,i hi neplied. à"61vas hardiy piepared for ibis. If yon viii gi vi me your vend ef bonoan that, moe long as YOD are engagea to my dangirer, and arien yoa havi mar- ried ier, if ench marriagi dtoaid tale place YOD vili ebstain (nom smoktng vitiont My permission,-I viii nevoiemelWrefulsai cf consent ta your emgageubent <it ,AmY0 'I bonnd myself b>' 4ord of hongr tlSd itîboold hi soi admi- ingegment dated fnom 'that momeint. Hnebalcirtaiaiy paid lue off for fnuigatiag hlm in tise railvay carriagi viti a vengoeace. 1 hopel fncila blm aying iabat I vas not to emoke viti. ont bis consent that hi eaol oeuieuIIjY give me permisdion te do ge; but not à viiff, thongi I dil biaf t0 biefi on morerai sabsequent occasions tiat I believid l' digestive ongani ivomi hicomidg impaIre1c by the vans ofi'tlîve<ed. 'Front that day le Ibis I haineyer ieid a pipe on cigan betviiu ml lipe; and ibis occttrrel îvo monthe cge. AMY sympath- lis vitis miecitirel>', aul vien vi are mitnied, orei Itedtaset car vile 10 vlork te abritetome iaseof circamiatiag the old man, I mnte a ake im renmovre hie embargo as ceenu a I ca; but cf course no cîtempt cen te madi ontil ,tfiti vîddlng le ovin;-, ual irOnt, iy tii-b7, I1 i:pemt vii laie placei1la abonîfomir menthe (mcm tii preaint timi. 'Nov whet do yen Ihiat of iuy fatuer- iniav elect1is .hi net sa oid carmad- geiem Il W. vire uanimons la Cryiug stame dn the cld mou, vbo ted ctèriihed -on olI sonr, of hié ovu catising, for trie yicrs,' sutd adoptel. Ibis mmn a y ofSein,; ni. vedglid. W. ceurel poor Tom Allen, *ho fit iooking veny ginm, tisai hi pas- ditded cil car ympa:ty, cul tolhim itat v. bad no dAhî e omae pimu coald hicou" coctel belveen as for makiag i Hatf fivoh ili cision. By iii lime tht Tom Allen lad finiebil bis dtony, it vas gètiug ratïien retseaoù pari, broki ap, uetb mîmber oUiî pro'eelâ, <àa béowbscn'aboIe. 1 sav ito& Allen fne4bentiy sfter thiseeniug, 4 a ' 1 the dînme of bis mam-nigi, end on îvery cecceý- éaon iamjirl viether isblé ture 'fesher-in., ravi opinfbba iIUndirgané any ecicgi S Sût tie aven vas a1vsys ln tise megatlveî, olIllarde nremainel elli'eai.T oma vcys sala, 'But nter -'minI atti My - bo1igave somi l nsftuelcioni lu a a obe tisat* too 1e 1e ta rels hMy astil; Ta'àt In hie baud a mit a aiele-îhameimeel te mi taoe h o an. Stwena apain cf ballovfi j ced a vctbrlng pot. By itsuter'# in. .tractioii he bo by piaced tii biog's- looimfngmuchine on thé tibl in lf ront of- ni, snl-ttiniieft tb$room. ' I regirdiulit1for à liv momentate sili,cf bat ceald 'not malte ent, wvItlit vas; I lîm uiotlcid a tendle on one aide bf Ilt,-S0 thet la if vas e'idintiy a rotatéiry machine of seani description.- -M -sil 'Whet fl thincmuiior cil tiaî'i mtnier ,,kil lons la thef?'VI1cekel. -s-- - ix 'That) my fri-end,' repilî Tom, he b inomt orii ofitrure by iains or vbic t' 1 vaimumbi10 caime my redectel failir di" ieo-iav ta regard smmkihâ iu a more farour- aile lii tisMa hibe--U&bittes-to dai.,' kil Hi' houinproceseelto spaàasgolo u lAs soon as Onn-boneymoon vias aoiîr, Amy sud I setcaur wviî b okk'-Itabit çl apoab plei for brningigtr father ta réa- twi ma aul ahen sa long consultation, decileldudi apon- a course <hicis *9 îioaght Îouhd ,1 have bbc deirîil affect. Amy thes-efore. f vroti te Mr. Har-ris *1ta ast hlm 10 spaad a set (iv vieks vils as (hi ima 8, wioweril by. kil tie.by), tovicis requellhi grâciona*i ac. ai' ceded. Thi day hefoe is arrnivâl I pi boaght that machine, vbict I me 7ýou ne- cm, gardimig vitI uet vomnler. lt-la afmi.1- galon for tte panpoeof fuinigetiag pants vatis tohacc;o, wiîis a nv o airoying Ni litîhi inseots vhici frequenîiycougrig ai pon tie»t. I al'sc purcieil mi Éviti- a pouah tof te ti mneît-tehaicoo- Lcoula loy my banda upot:. fIm t bs57 o voôrk nt-,tic machine la enery-reoînlu the as houae, go tisaitiiheamoki became moldetse ca tiat it vas-acuualhy lmcttfor osmta sec Bc oni muosier. The cocseqnî nce vas, biat ye on tii dij' of Mr. Barrie' arrivai thure va k s must Îickeong itincis of etali hebacce- 1' l Tt, tbe b9f le gin he hidrooul intendal for' w Mn. Hari a doblios, vhict - 4ho" did. ai As sen as thi old gîntIemen maotfoot- lnaua tii hall hi bigan te cuiff vigoroamhy; tien eci ho tl-aid apon mde c meut.witbhening iook, !h as muci as 10 impiy tiat I taI isoken ayi>' vord toa bit. RHo iIInotsgay cnyîbiug tae me tover, nsudeonîly aitenvards I left 9g Sim saong itusAmy. Dinecîhy I1ltad "b qulîatise rnenthe ibld ,me ual he bal -4d accueil me. of iariag br.oken my yard lu Ilý regard to tic stâoklig. Si. posillivly O-a btmtel tialt I noPerbi a&-pipe ort cgar U, lu my moult stuncei ti day of my ma'irei, sunI mffeîtod nosta 0ponceire the aupeiiasn odoar poesding the bouse. 4I bcd giron tii boy biusmnciions, se vtîn I rng tie bell aftir'dînner hi inteér-tri id tii nocm vii tii famigaterr seady for th action. -1 ,F"$Wmtton eari shhab hing ?" aiel fi, my fetien.in-lav. m 'A. feibigator,' I nipliel. I mail apPi. as Ogioe te ybn, my lecr ars, fer àIse2 ÀaL, mekenie of thilmachine; but li mt Is, tiat fanding my ligimuhin muciv*eikealho <rnm notsmnoking afler dinnîr, 1 baie bien ci, compelele aadeps, th;i dushitîl 1 am p 'l'appy te hay vitis thi inost fortmate s-i.al saifor I muais proft -o smoking,ad t-i fn aItls eÉects muais moroettficacions. I ne taeis il11i net oas ie aa aucyc C r. Wittosit ésgorling his lok et catouish- i ýàînt, I tiei iithe îofgaiy i e iighî tojifd - tohece, sudoprociedel te ýpr itratiie iiadiirftle muli. Voaummi _of imokJt4 ntyhga ehibetrc ei âpoat. -'-hs 1 aThait.,iben, la te oi, cf tilie îr. I rible sienct vbick h lie bouge$' fi in mail :, -"tise place amolis vrse thau anb rtapreom -ln tise kingdoln.' -d -" 9Dois it iudeed, air 101a1' i e!, vius 9 ü meest innoouen rtontlaonai dou as-«. samii e "ap obl t pioivi e ai uai -É 1'H vacbi tise -eai' 'c à ltoieO b. lot day ot-Septimber'n uanyyear;r, No qai shall.eta ken orlkjIiied Ël". nias the Ilot day of faiuar7 sud thie1lot Wy of October-in saiyyiear. - No voë-dbock oonipsball tsi talmeus oD'.- lied bhvaeit-te fs-etay. of M hih-c enî - se firmî,dayocf Septembein luaayyiea - -No yuld sws n, goosi or esy lescitioý d yl dnck stali te takeui or lliliud'o. rien tii lot Icy of-March 'andt'Ib. firit- l>' of Sephember in am7isiy -i. - Tii âbové tour clas&àri shoe i cI We c1& cl àeaeo, by viéh icisl hé,i eon Ihtino game bird of anýy kind eube lIled befori tii lot -day 'of - àepiem er, al tiat qu'ail, as unIon th ll îd lav, 'mmi ) 'etetl bîlveen hii.lst d'y of Janian udtist day of Octaohèr--- iloRItimLu DEATII-'IWO MN mçceOvc mqAÂAtA PÀLLtc-Oui 'of'the Buifl Courkr reporters liai-nid ut Narialsan4 few. - particniars of the loss of Ivo imeni- )er" Ni*gara 'Falls; on Sunla', 'vcnmng.; biey: ve-è luthse enià> 0Y of a fafluir nain-- îd Packard, viso lires on wiat te knovd - a the Second Concession, on tisé Ameri, mas side, Borne àivuc mùiles froi tb Caiarait o0th virc yngmin- under twenty-firg- rars of agi,. butCaýur informantl, dm1 abt( no her namies. On Souda>' the>' pro.z mmced a aimail boat- andwînt ovîn ho N avy- Itlaud, whd;é the'f speut aivel 1-~busl, rey drank àhome, St did nof appear thé -orseo fii4qor whîn îhîy ièft <hi t'Jscudý buo1 t p. mh. ie' sre net, hoevs-, mi fai thle manageinent-of à bo&tý mpacisihy, lu the dengerona cnrs-ont. As- - îîbydid înotrn hose on Sunçui min0 ng, inquir>' vas nmadî,cund the'absence aingcontinued, il was.setmised thbéy bW ne 6vir lie Fali, On iuîdayaflter. loon Irogmnenîs of hem- asoi von fosinc 3ehow- tse catàrâct, s6 théel-ue.b -noh ouht us te tueir teiile Jet-,tEla àengit liat bic7 muOnt hawni trokWûiq eWr a ro*iock, aud tîcir' ekîl ié d t iifficieut, lu tiseir crippied condition, tý, - tep omnt of the rapide. It le terrible to 1ick of thue!nak .ing thit teairfqi 'iqunge;, uthis nigb4ist, t-lnoue to bear tbetrnes IIb'e-in'-tité.Day, chutf of thjC ipp~ ibé, vaassasînated on Jufs 9 b b unee Indiens beiongisg to a band cf gui- loi knoh'n me tise >ilgrs oe-'- si-dayWà uaneeof tie wealtiiest, men Wh linnesota, hie propenty hein - eai!m'te4 e about $2,000,000, ltaiés 1a obief requonl>'cailel ,hm n Wasln tbi, aad; jpn one o ie vis' oita 0 ftu ésl tabout !meuýg sien>' surt ;a gay' vi tanit, snd viei Senetun ieso4~ homeo îisî ent vit )de, Thé>' teck pp lim rowvting wheretIMý hi tn fnbirurkl style, amrroual !Omforts adculhnies vhici Ile mntasiug £1 bimea ioïs of thé ircasis.wls usée to Se aie ezidua proi ag into -h satrete cud eil ), -vepdri ù'g vhy- sey-d 'hile the mtoneo oU *tbuin i ,.'sud ý la-lyl 11

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