Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1868, p. 2

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- - - r - rat*4 u rosa -e t u# é asdellgb <eh ( t.ie wroftble, <6Piau! rWMO u plO 0 s -bltu g e popleof(*&t liii; bot va Ma- Baik fOss orai ad h e4irsosadji~d- ay ont <ho lands by soi- -, .î ~rvcetslo Ibgio - ws*l hr thUe bot, hit b uetgo<o. rS~sial istn 94C9004 ea y p16 uw0s taeuru via oir uwlt tvas e esola béieof6c..resâétlb'b. priviloge te para" 0 do- iuicdas asor .tsessi u mlpoe5eUonsond4ekte vitam0«6,1ltuo uo nso&t-otetobt ts trasse 0» of. t heoatout <pendil s u @rhi. nl me t uvo holt inlu uer abh.nrsee <ce baIs, I la t4worM,) thiuder Bayle isbIs <ho pooruse cf «amus as sbania! au. n slm.t aad'loh.dPi*Islanist Ï eh.#qudal chos s lîb h.monopolli, and vsew .W uoui e <h babou, lsîpag o eocs lanovr a barres vaste ira*tibaie boss MissCàeauLla Sso limuo month of Iboa Waub e maheina lse lemaies àbloc cf <sming indns<ry. Thîcu oar Tuedayiesting wusle makti sucoese. tib veve * h. ubisalaseRoya Iê~j~land. sI>en te opublie :ta se . vrlt- Tholarge ehamber aut h. e obale' hal~ quis'an isooivotrac, apreahes eh. a cash luacisu;-,les Ibore h. no roser- wue <rônogei, antýinodieeeSau appris- Awevesn orseiih cars le ., . vre ins f royalties t Mdperi mining, ciativo co. Tho exhibilicu sa Indeoti à Or <ci, <olly soinbsbited, al;bougb ~. 1.ohr.~oes mlrsa etk eibfletraoet nisrei< î 9 ocd eisu ie cm uro srmilcf itself. Mincie, proporilyspeahiig. îs how <bt e laBnt morelylu îsaeiàbing sbat e Ev~th htian pefr ivngalng aire luduîrou s coouum t'5ey a«sn0« luboertlorough di oiplice anli 'nsrueton 1 .uil~e, ud lt ai ehireiefrsziu prodoserj but e eibomvo idsamarbel oîbervlee, <bue Mise Carroll bue prove4 man slveaeus su telosmsomcshores c o altrctpduettisaftao uinhrlf se W wmsi'eefn tetmeo't chr docica t Tal.ti Tundr ay-e arbtiou r daoumitie. a an Indirect v'ay th# cvesmnut tePle s h 1tia 1,up. ebave la u4o-le show0ouLu s~ oemon ntVoula Irealisé, far more <hait&aid quct-Ur Labo. lu lie frc oCmpe u l ieltietiby t.eimposition Of idTheo irl who osvaye fontg ouai iaruofth *:l ebo t'057 mCap@W bat gl. l nînevr by." li -te hoatlasti, lemcbracseaàbodiy of(vawcresolroyalty tas ; vire Iboîr polio, frameti Bue Mise Canoi fi Betsmurcilypoutlcal. lattee noeb te boc coidened a ses cf te suiee." eureotseth.#eTentr geMCarroll l protiant odi onu d e seti lissîf. The aurrauutilog useury lit Vev eiUADtt e. arîou-minded otqiencea cf veil se oh.eaum toscb antid duiplin.. Missnai -grand sud lmposg. ELSb mauneasi <b.hepaient Couibiualin.out more sion. Carre»'.selectieneserM cf teomiellsees glu ng tas boit' ioîy crois ou evory ide, and 1)051k of Lord vawOrte o en, andt Uic rsderimg by bof pupils amli&A tCh.,ucail bousatb thc surface laecusnitiered t , ehse;ncould Oestre ta pulse. - 5 se h. e1 nuteltiworels, Je le noezetraisF- The de" ktiPe novu inubise aler1100$ sacsof expression tee#&y bat'Thunder y«"csnasRoltçrI ?iouseRolfe, vasbohae The Prise Eeapin% JMotcl#. b Daylea<cpahisetfeonaiiug vithin 1itsaet CvmuuotI, lAu'ok ec 8 70 t th. prize Eeaping Match of Southblo boscu, aitl e. nosie.universel antirvas eiuetâ e Cambridige; sa ntilu1816 oul, be ot ic s<b amc ih rfoce etaspre. vas colieti te <ho Bar. la 1834l, h. vasOntD ario hemy, p@o n t7h eassof b TUEinrua e- wma curur appointeti Solicitor CaneraI, anti heldItit. i.iuo Toita ut 3tim net thée'Canadae Ccmpany) boebuilîla 'fie<i 89 hu .un Coc t e.fooiicig voee<ho prises muartieti. in sube<sntlsi ubant, st theu north aide of ah.eth. Bar'os cf eh.e eequer. lu 1850, Tii. Zo.opall IMachine, ... lot prise, gr bey, alongoide vbieb- th. e gmaboy e h sa tiat Vc-bateloani Massay do'.... 2a id' t ant ludut aqna<it c maerii er ho 'mset io<h peorage as Baron Cranucrth. ~ ~ >Hl,'i . r Compan. Vo vre beire vieleti by tho Two years laer, b.usu appointo I Lord "MrhHrotr c..t principal manager of <ho Company, Mr. Bg hneIrb h.Hv fAedo, "Brown à Patteion, deo 6b" t MWooaiianti aSoutâums, cf course, sud helti the greatsl oiuntil ibo furmation Th. verk exeouteti vau exellent, aud os vigieklmdly cvtiored his botananet- on- fbo Derby Minlsiry in 1858, uhon b agodh.sth ao o b ud net se gcti hiosi. abodof bo geigs"i tlet poid sol otbar dties m«oin f rud emdc.ronâerng iboir decision vas, porbapa, th.e lculuo ie eh. theOomptaiys ina&bout Tbe Southoea tl.. Mout difficult. %brue mO iodean< la <ho interor. Prom*' sehbarfto te .mine the Company hais a Controe bas pass ttoeéletoral Col, HOX, Ma. Houî,es'sinaugurationleseth resi e roroe;bu f l ai~ru rsiloge Billciieh. b#Preiltient's vole, and ti ld Lu.Guorio f Ontsrio <euh. paee to travel on, one shat pens lu mind c a1 o 1.Ta upoocfri Di l nWednoduy, 22ad mal., ant i cla ec i our roeting iabout Seoteb ruade, before ruomi cs sm<d« ia c voles se <Le ua s cuot u tâtab t eh. pro cf îh. oentrpi <de, miema&, os vhîeh a eertain Go,. oigPoiicla lcîi.lupoii0a4u c h aeldars uuualg~ WeM slgusized lmeclf, Tb# Company <bat no u de hahbh.coantoti (rom Stâtia aMost importntea vons, chat cisc îook in baie,s&0 fervs staelied. prognois. Thoy latelylunrebellion lu vhieblà b. vonhi etplace le Ciata. hab nsaie ehk-a btf &ot tabe ou t .~Reconstruction basune bon couple" & Tovwu cuL.-Th.newue ardy a21 and th. y bhtav o ivoye t h. mmblsory The th.ory upon vhicb te.Bille baued la, quorm se <ho etc of te.Tous p for eousenuting a stampins: Mill ta <h. <bat tho Staucendecribedtisave ee. Couneil cn MoMtay .vecing luti. Sevora ini -wW W wro naleiciproo Iany otStatu Goieronuente, ati #bat <bore l mnswoep eprial e . .tige wbief W. vro mthîs e proureomy scounu ero asset, prmeapaly veîiî û qupecîmenc hcyond te- nough quartz; but e<h.ronfor neantonyentti letiue bo.ta se .paymeu< for te.rocent entot'tainmonl t vere tolit hat their minespromisotian os oetes~~sduea loos f tiio onteas; sud a by-iav impcsing eodigly ieh yild anti intiteateti s large Johnson boldoe <bat se.Stat Governoete liceese on itinevant marchante sedlias: seniaverago show as $500 tate ha<. Tbat orgaetiute i rcimtesaea.temporarylun he toun, for th. disposai o c h. proclousImutile abounti busdantiy lafi imaebîne<,~dea o<hin vain4, coneludtie<oamanite cf bsycul disate; aesry ubfe aie Indicea- blie.eetceluqoio.Toe.businsas doue. tiens of sibve, eoppersudatilion oie, anti tecf ibis gilI iil, ne doubt, ho <ca e»s- oià imlo -vlbespeeigémoln ossoe.l Id o hecmn lcinteSau Tim léearna that Daniel If errisen, Fsq, e the i5ummur of 1067 th. iot prospoctiug cf Virgînia, Tisas, Missisippi. The othor frel f1> ool ûoit nili tosensaet tb<ie Ioeality ;but ItlewvasSonîbeouStatuesare rapitily gettliug lbe tery cnnectoti viti eh.eJth.v York Timesi mot utilMsy t eb pieene qan Is orcf Reogicnatîueleucompleletiantid ', anti AIw'e*, Aomn, bas been actuel .wonk hait commenesti. thoieSessIonssuadA Ropîosoatiîes "a r ngeAs <bief eculer cf lhe Toronto A? uo, UE. - taling <boir places lu Congrues., se <bat Den1ng TOegraph, gses salary et $3,000. At iis oim, ati aoutthîe mlesther in lgt te vote osa bordly ho tiieputeti. ]grMorison la igbt bli te fraterniiy, notb-vcst cf l. Thunlde, DaY iing Tb* exclusion of ebeso <hree Statue viliianti lis engagement le a sivoug point fo Comanye uantah.Colmiztio rotileavre <hityfonr Statos se tahe part ilute.our Toronto contempet'irY. laid ousehy Kr. -Daso, commences. Aiction in NevemberueA igi An o Coxlîuioz tg 1ý[o» deAlgm sobord abet of aau@ntor iovu Liin.-Tbe Cmad a Mioront hoMeis$banhoete oh iLleutenantsGoterstie Wimot et New Piren, th. oenanes wroL tbo Ontaioib ml. ro h.shr, m nie s bjWnuBrntLPre, s» Aoiaion, bus te.following bit I honr snpply et voct i wblh vais brougbe iteCmisoero rw ad o oourdetiluaccuos. W. b.d bore s delay rite Bon. Lemuol Alls Wlmct, vss h Omwuoene ru Lni o cf puade t omebone, at voe fnulb.lueillti ns @floeou viiayftroesaSthas. province;-We regrîl ubat il le iru- 0( sf taere ue l u@ ertie <e Fvodloto, vie o.nsemry fest'm et meured , bat Ban. SI'phn -Richards,, ad vlth tIc éb"l rdrt roéitn wt b, W r s 4111*Comminsaouer oet Creun Lande, hie sud-0 eujoy eh. sijts sos hr aeeelihnrs LWIe oltcicne enîy dlaappeanred. Som. reportaeami bc t .tores Ispt ber-, te Oui pleseing dies baeks arsas 1834, ubéetahtbeagebas be=au Jynobote.mins eo te t surriebya iokcvma umet Vahovey, of tuent, die h. uetecte o't e h HouasSuperiqr, hbut Ih. mon, robable Oeo la, an Idiést betaAseombl, mucamod Ftb cat bis mmnd hecamo - fetet inlucous.- vIe pre .isti lcf cer nob slueh quoty etnc e e.Prose Asseciatien. ubioh h. turngou sen<s<y.- e eispeneale pnib.innlt! teh ai BS vese, esuse a4oL hniaicf <à-rclt.i tas Towuship * latnrdsy. 1811> cournifleit. 51015301581&Hpruiwi>ci if- Mfr, Miller, Minutes <1 uet tmeolin ad tud spproied. - 'Mr. Grèsen pruesed thoépetition 9 plain Ghbbh., prfg fur A am, i dueyW te b.vltint.er £5ilpiIly.4 Mr1! Pariter preilenteti lb. ,petitioii d )hn Gordon and ti tlrn. for an appropri on on thé shlo lino btwteen lot* 14 an 5, n tIii 1t uin, The réélis reati-sk- ommunicationfM01 ie cerk of i.ts Wn*hip et WhiLby, i [Orenco ,o obotruclaons on lthéOnel I.lino Maitha £ownibip; Îlos, frein Il [aiks of markbam andi Vzbrictïe in rfe céee oipopriations on tho tovn-line Mfr. Green mores tislb.therosie gr&i sorder on te trensurer in falor ort l llovitlg parries for mup:blying nid to il Igent pêr.ions. tb James lrritg. for a iMicliai James, $21 ; Thomuas Steptie on, for support of a childi $22;- D. Daih ar id 10 Jane W0hinn 1;- J. -k 4CNab. for aid tw Widuîv Young. .21. Un motion uof1Mr. Wixson, the tremur as orderedtpi theli.following parti he . uni, met opposite hem respecti lmes, tlh. snehaving been-expenduti i henm 'î the purchose of plank andi grai ýr the. insprovenient, of the highwaeyn, k 1lex. Barclay. $2-.8i; Wm. Taylor, $1 1; Jobni"rving, $5.15; tlugb Movbrâ p, Mfr. Parkq moles liaI th iliam of $ » granteti togravai a'ide rod, betvre ols 14 ani 5làin the. loi con., [roin Kir non roati to railwvay br.dge, ami litatJoe Jordon. Wttn. artricit andti oses ai oi commisitioners te oxpendthe i.sai liât tiéiOuof t$11> bo gratiil tdu!i îbon Pide-lino, betvween lots 26 au.1 in lin con,, and tat the sain tif $10 rantd t< finish job on thei. ecnvc Mfr. Green movos liaithe s&ini4of bc granted on ,the. towui'line, bet*« Pickeing andi Scariboro', opposite cli. ,2 and Sral con, of Ibix tovnitliipý, providi tho municipality of $canboro' grant, a 1 sum, anddthal Jamnes iew bo comiiisai er 10 expontl the saine. On motion ul 1fr. Wîxson the treasu ras ordoredto pay IV. Il, Ili-,ginà& tmn of $71,601. beiîig the amnounit of accounit renîleroti for printing santili iming for ibis corporation. lir. Green nioîe.' tt Lutsi is ll liegrâ 'dto the t.We%,leyar, Meuhoidirsto or itîrpose of holding services in on SaLbb aiternoons for the period of tor mont p r îd n g t le y k e e p t h . h a l l c le a n a n ti 0: oa and tuettîbcy pay sîîy ti inss:rance, Ac. Loal. Ois motion <of1Mr. Wixscn the by-1 to aller the ide rond bei'een lot*t 26 j 27, in 2nd con-, wall rendi a third lime j pscd, On moion of 1fr. Wizscn a by -law i ntroducoti, rond thrco limses ani pi iarpratnsi 10 eticaional prpi the noney v i rou> the.munaicip ,is'fund. On motion of lMv. Parke, tié tresse is citere oti a y John Goult b.e s of $92.701 for proctuiifg maierial and la for tie foundation ai the iown hall. Mfr, Wixson moveç for fre l introd a bY - l aY b n e g o t h e e w n s h i p o f P i e l 'nç for, pro d#îîganifr the iîpros nment cf rnshr, and for tie geai expeuise of the corporation for the 3 1868. Tic by-law wras reat tree scierai ti, Conilatijoimed 1111 Saturdsy, 2911> dal of Anumt next. SitaLsDisoortaeis or -rua Moigr IIisixeC ru. Ystraygere va good i ocf exciiement about th. hri lh effloas; the Exoblango sud thé ales Ieading thoreto, on iii, sbjeci cf & reportud i dscovenies of valiblo silver on tb. properfy of tbis Comlsan!. have Maieinquiries s <o tho atur tbe facts, anti bave learnedti hat Mr. T lleFarîma. bus been sent to explore properi, of th. Comipany, sud that hiý coîered soins lime egoa avola ýýf sille oue of th. compsoy's locatios, kcuvr ibe Jarvas. Igs loruardati scma specia bus stated ti haîee, ers not dri c h tho tracesof ailier vetosicryplainly, eeptible. On Monday, bouever, hou goophed, ta the Honorable Thos. B tho Presidenl of U1h._ompany, fîcin ligod hlon a.uther liko cfieb ., atisu furuadedsuoi Thesospoc mens baye aaiV-Ne16 g , ne% Iy o iv àtd ,I t -le tb o niht b i, dy n i tibm h. o &cssonwaranted, porhaps h f b u s, b u t < t ee t a n h . a * d o -o bi b t b . f bas givsin exprstoih <o 11>0vieig f a >large majoruty of te.people of.Thorah. of li e tr e t as elect fe v oes o in~ possluofle esof th e çny, id l é i Ou571510 z tO >9,, b t b a t a ii -hoe'Publie. -What id nov vanied is su- IDs ion, somthiig tangible, wli-Iviii un- In msitairably s how <ý bas blé. à vii, or t be rit Company, intard <o makè go d the r pi ce. er mises te th. peopleo <4 Tborab. - T mi. iis s bSBidon sud hnbv t nt pro d thoar quota, for a h., ObiOiiiig of bel tbis muob deuired ,objet. i. *t des -nos n- appear Ibs, ber. viii ho mnch diffleulty ini ÎÏ& getinuailt th. àid required, rom'ehose flmounleitià, provi4d îh. -noomsàl oz.5 el erlion ih madie.- 1%ls thon incumbottoù D.te. oopany teo <akeimmédiate action ia re k.h masser, if they hope ta suooeedi icursfaithfnlly, ie 7 l, Io luE Dt97OF 019TUE "nullECAJIFA*.",o cf ycur joui-nal, ce steeat., feu tacts, anti aids-ess a feu reniai-lis th e.people utflport Hope. The fracieetf Railvay Extension in Tbl&ih, a(ter securiug <ha triompat passageoef <heur b, lau, are vaitiitg anx- iousiy ton soin. action, in Pore Hope, or a inoomunt os ch. pas-t et Mr. Covensto.0 sas-is snhmittiug b, lava in Mes ant I.El doa. Wheu Thorai, a s&oail tosnship, viii not haIt so many inhabitants &eue- gether us mbe Town of Foi-t Hope, tiecitiet by sncb a large onijtty, ;te.gi-mue $50,. 000, <quai teo 25.00 tfs- evea yminu, uo- moan anti obilt in in <ho îonhip, lu vas taeglâ htthe.grseatiscieo eExten- sion vas venioreti.d' This t"pinien uns atioptoti fs-m aie roeucteti declai-ations of Mn. Boolucat anti îher iaw.mbiereoetee blutaien uhich viiîiied Beaves-lon, the rats payers et Thorah ses-o oldt bat vitb thes» ses<et Ibohe uccesos- fai!ns-ceoft he entes-- prise; it ciy e nethte gs-an<,aie s-oaA coulti nevor b. bmilt, lbut if miey paamei <li by-iav, it voulti very quîckilh. conamen- ced. Whcîban <basa declarations veto mas-o rbeturmcat fleusishes. os- anulleqn. ang dodeto sro ei p te.font& cf te peopsle le simpossible te sa,. At àail evenuo, dhe utomt idsaisfaetion le fsit bor-, t hosa wbo vs-swisb difHcnltiin- tioscti te ie <hein 'votes fer the by-lav, opeuly expi-es heoupinion %bat <bey haie basa 'hûu>huggud' simnply te duacourago the Nipisaing i-cat, andtet prene te Pore Hope te' rode ubicbit u is-eaiy pcsesees. uhilo <fioso ulat, eve the frientis anti ad- vocutea et Extension fs-os» ti-st <olast, anti Ie uhos euxentiona th. pasge oet<ho by lau is due, as-e becos»ing impaient ot tic dely- a tielaty wic h ey cannes nndev- 1stanti, antI vbicb <hey $ts ia baiin4 a moes disutrous elfece on th. cato. 1'hey meo ps-scions timo liîpping avay in inutivity, t.y seco fionde oft<herod becos»iug ite ausmies, or mt lease indiffée-nt about i. and tbey (col tht iv osun emImand ettr, iecos»ing cahanstuti ton vent of sos»sthing to du. Ai ehý meeting helti haro befere ,'b.h votiug on the by.isv seel place, Mn. Boulten' tiocisved <bacttis eveoe hree grezt icterest e >lie efit<ti by th. pro 1'pesel Extension;- un.. termïaus (Beaier- ton) aho Pore Ho9pe tes-minus, anti the roand -itseif,"' andt bat <a te s ret ofcesemuet rrase pineipsliy on these. 'mie veny poos-- ea e t of b e a l , tih e en e u in w ie la th e u n. e vîlhignesa 1 vu&mois, axpectui anti Mosi 'dicatici,' liai braîely assumenet ihobre of < ho bus-ten, anti sondera v!hy the telt are 1 ns naccoustabllow fin feliosiug <huis 9 asemple. l'h. Nipissing, -echemii "cr. i ainly tiat, but tbe prospects oft the . Wbieiy anti Porc Pers-y Roamar net ai 1 dscotaiaging -I1 I thIis tieuiy (rom uliatevea , us iî anumsesh.coutinueti mueb -longer, let the ile sut >iecn o , enle ictthefu Il people ef Thos-ah ho ,auifcscied, aid <hai al id uhîcb bus besusoii.vll efrei t' 1._ -M. Cavent sal1 hoerasfroti'eprocure a Ulway connccion uitb Whitby, oui i-alusys bas.-popar bu Thorah, aid levill d oo d o b y -se , u h n -i a p p e a r t ha ï t - . ednigrantot e e .Po re H pe Ro sI le destn î- id. Be M*Ueithi tbat if thte preseai w c>petunity_ h. allbe to, epàusa. [C anoit' cent vaîl ueier h. voted hy Th'oïs Il in nid cfiyoe rond. A Raiiuay vo an 1 'édeterminedtie<obave, 'anti if mut-.<cIoio « Rope, wvo yulcerinîy de our nemoat -i .1 procrethbo Extension of <he ort nPent. a i Roadt Beàvertoc. W. hve grantetica *1 grain the crn reaping hock.?7 Nor tho, -Mansh Hars-ve the pnemium clust, Ws foir n socnause!e the hondof c or On Tire fHarvOslCer ' obl- eCai n t <dueres dal,aai(voi the h. atten th. match, 1s w ea ppears ol d h eh. lig h t esi d net ae n ti 1 b o use, barn n, p l@sýo u b r o d vb d wiîh~ ' anti fences; andti ien<utuard dto te hpers. 5enate huard teha mn b h rusti.hsim hat rna ev mo ca biti e, heeos-aha hoWesern hotel stable, 1KcKells*ant i Ses- the coure 'OU se seo mii ou kuev ibeoni r tas î art;# wagen fae4,ry, Harsood's carpeuter' feuntistioue otl goudersani els< aneS bîloave s1 114w.i itairbie surli anti a'sitilpire, uhome.ba teut their vsy into thb. oonîtay. Asabeeykp y oee 1iehaitisn.1ý This nier 100 ye.rc a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~mw bus<o .ul rsieeo<e »cueIbo <le rmeu to ftendal(t dir ecur- otcko mati bs-aie b i , mahln lu ail.<h i s m a oi t Sn lj t a < ot direction, and ti l théholiie o 'asuigiîe ber à $4.60, ci 45c. p cv are. Sole rop os valet'nta ba d, o end ovor te, pre e utt <h.- h a nri %et Bougia e u t 6 t, o r e f t U n t . - s 2 i . e W e st e r n b o l te l l i a f i-i n a filitig a p re y £ 0 W .'d a y f o n t s a r ponday fo vhcb v. indrs re equr. boflamos. . Ail tihe preiies aboie Mon. -remen villa I pe e, o oO-t srahunei e h gonda , ila mpy a od, smy < mon as or 15c. petur e oebrelt teUud ihepybn acro,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h ifbuasl-ale oe<i a <- lh nnt -district extentis noithuard tbomctéWby ifil athr aud Sppoigyn n»0 scies m e.Wsten boiel. <e#itcboek et, teir acursd1 i a sa iug et 300. y n ba v,hesang lite e vadlits ce f o meihs-ae bndred f<e t; andt bey shako-vit snm t $0 l sags bsids useta shp caevs-d oâ ah. suncli aide cf Hitchacock tiratupleti iu thi sai of$0in ags bsids eveni s.e aboûut Ibosaine distance, tee hole spuos W. baie meb th boardt extra bauds, makitit;quéte a titfi'rence iu yonr vooi clip of next euisn, nvcnann obn i laifvi s lcm But Mv Hdto, ~heati heiemrh hosniilildertig ruine. ,On tti nbi dè ot Geseril tYI Has-vestei- ubrubes Ibo griIin. 1 titi notice Hitchcock- tireete ah. charrne! remmina-of th. time for sat iciy considerab e ri- o n th otalaso to* brickh, alle cue ron a pace - etf .bou e eu e < .Irishb ep e indiedsti 1ia osoulti havé etsted bueti1hustiret -tet, ubila <ho.,destruction tou.ase autl as ta cannotsla u bs at i i i Muesunîjcî feneai ifarmaas, ti gandeisla iear, la as orribe land, <o sheil <han otiior macines. The grain sa~ r-s si uuae horiu ,fr.<opel it filaisgcmaeyelevatedti o the binders, Richmnondi anti, Hitcheoco tistia<, fer arwy is ah.fit anti bintiing on the table can scas-ccly obeitl'long distand e, are Co 1piutf iclo îckedtaliL ouiti aSk bina mose gainchar e. snienieionutaeh.furuitura, h. untenal front tic vonkubope place, h.- caiti groui4 raspisag Among the ainlble. coin Tan ta-l d m cft st .n su g t lenl'-'s' 'heriy1reesL parei vitb other machines 1 shouitijutige Tc oa nuu fe.lu dl . see>hn the quioh motion cf the baindrelier. vonîti poaible -in tie premeut ii etme6t <o aa- h. initié hcni bc as likoiy lte aheil. Wood'à self-mrabt'criaioj bâer tiut i ise -loue $5t,0I. foi-e.- He var imys off the gi-in getitly, but leaves îu Henvy baoses ibat eau mcancalf bh. osi- 'tbouesho vote ubere th.esusmight tramp le euent Ifot imata'i by lb. rcniovaid of faiaure. utivance. vsmnove d by teh. bin ters eu s t u cu . N uiper s of tanali es vhow etp m is e u a. Ssan V ancis Pick'» paient laya the grain cheof tche capoif, fo ftulch. ConsequetccaF h*t anti staffvili is£ tean but coine dem liSe a <hoebuntcih ireatenet ionsem, crnetiont oveiythiug for tsepuipos asi Ot slithcs the ban.plattorm, il an) fmling <nomits<heu hanses.1 otoeWïbuildings pete taiôfAlkaý grain coming in contact cao resist itetunce in ail veoe dscoyedg , ntietci hatfy ekoi:. ic viii aIse nesiee Hal,$ béat thi-esher4,ludnati clo , T'h. usu ofetrasumftde iem<fp011 domo'vas ton ahuit if abat -buuting machins don't sono threh itlf1 mistahs, vas seerboeiy (cli, andti thilMay i e authIis usorntug f Dat I îsitei ye ah <D uabis, Ram tîiiutd st loueso w e h*it th l m mosusateed ér di eui- u tu nee le bnutiug a betie-kuot to cieeh lais Sc i- as e ipveast l I tae ugy psopenaitr, nexe s»onniti h. vus*vonLnit o ayas ola 2,O orne te bis tait ant it v as, bantiug etil. As icnx-eWott'< CA ays Ci.f To un op j shanitijudiçe <bac abs Bar- __th. pamugera uioi ar theUic Aae)pac1 rester la no: vota. <o ishmu'grainibm saon Saturtiày attcri0n e oeeeeiwtiibu udife other machines,, hut il, shou mue- onthe. quite ns. cxciiing litlte pisode durine che. table #ban eeetail nier <hIo field t t umlly quiet rein bruant uhe ftfe é t .va e c7À gieu anti rot, anti 1 abouti -aurgest thai s acuebneromuids o MenereaL*;-On nesving l( Or sirDg' atill botter asrangement h. mode tote.veViatios-utBridge.-Ilt"a ias iuacredti hat laye bit damAii eh.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ic shieigan sii r~ .~e rafla, noi more thén 100 test apar, Baltimore,J ath e o i l rai n, ye n d iIf a gIslea s , e e r iftim ig slo ffly <o ve 1h.e c 4ia alel lis e e nin ; Irs savel e nigt yn wii s, §et bveleatiing.<otiococntre piev. .Au il une mý ut thoe uffâtne enoughtce mbiSe a dozen hnngn, pulteis possible te stop cudway for>,,he tncen aid sre glati, min-utes tint voulti h. requiredtibu 0 i-er C' le aina 'Yens-ek'~., - tein ilîrougi. "Baptistd" iurtied bas-'o laiga BOB AYDp, . st-mer In tic lefî.i. adjdaubed pasacti tté 1 TheCoupéii Pîci.rsg, <11 25 18 8. irt in afety. On. roariyqç the econd< Wotchak a eo 00 0 o hoien, it bacantýerevdeÎtti batChr. telpbsliaiel Cbit&Chue grom in rais anaas voultibcho c ruenteJer-lie piet on thé of ihe-ýuRerefun - port eidte, tlime Intiman- isinedia<eiy put uno holding-a PROURESS'12< lTHE NORTIL. bis butin liard up te mun actes the un- in .idcf, the s -'wieidy bulk oftimh.vthat bovied tie animet ehu Many of your readers, doubileoas, will ciann. Naeninae h.tr p ,d5l feei itslereistea-itl& shilontaileici -et the Procoi utlau ireh Csptn' tpliigtnpr progresmaielu ii hia noruhern region. hatbck vaer, Uapt'n." proeddmtith rsdan T'h. latenh items are tie méparatiuoen aaaot eba iie'bav'. Ps"eîg'The 1Rama fi-cm mls sialer township, the. détailu began teutand op, soute mounltid cha-Irs, -h c f uhîcis yon ave nlreatiy acquaite ivleb. andthle ladies napidly lu iôst îacollsur theii. Tecoln Mn- A. Kennedy us building a Factory of lako brerse hat i bougil teuhor cheeha. 7h. lo uguin some kinti, ci Canuing taill. in Ati§ ei.mThe guanti of the steaimer seeued"fairlY <o181cfAtm Thc Beaicrion <nov,)tami Port Hopie-4nd anioer the raft. assiftv pabseti ti ontor Liteos rein Lindsay nailroati lx causing conumldetblc oorneranti cotned tl r wsginaIb cnr ic f cxcitement in our n.igiicurhcod, atad tic- proper ciannel. la anothen haîf miýnte,' occur gii einhubitanlu oft lai-aandi,-Rtma are laking ailete inAfily acomes round, îmail, aide by Iyears. At>es, -a iively intcrest (aItIsu,) in tieir os-a side viii Lie mraft. âwept ubrougli the cei. I- an eltre. 'Yfou May expe;toi béat mon of lm-»rch,-Il Wel dei," " Beaahfully' distance romi efrts icing maodn on théir part. <o bas'.-clearee, as boarrAoestail . aides, ana_ h. greatly red <atid vet xended, ebrougti.tchoir lewn- scoes ot (air Amocicatia lookoul up <eutth.about mîdnig' 1hips, Cortainiy eus roua<wl' , t e imprubbeIroquois aa if- - roaiiy teIf AuFui4t, tae r Inovatien. oCapts-Dnn.' and eoîstquid orftheloicis oo ontua outbtepplar commander cf the daas c& eOi1PeW - _ _ 1-- -J 1 .ëL..-,hà»ds..d hts .boita and watceithe puit six in th 14 e' willgyamiopt, tie proscot roadand id",i îocate ils citmsnn the -consideration of thoir neàb"aruand triendu.'A aentL eh. isulbjW ofutrailvnys , 1 migil mention bi tbe marcb of pregmuas, siueng th. lmar- tant additions te ounr local impreetis, tho largo aind exbcesive Sur miii, rciontly uectçd by Mesmi Tbomsoh Miller, on Lake$t, Job, ilute.tovnelip o-et Bias, about lue miles norîla of te.Ineisuvil- lageanti aaly -opposite t1h. picturesque 'vfilagoof Oillis. 'Thia iUIts tiltanh frein largoané-'snbstiantisl -vianrf shlpiu fasliteaAIvttWSyenote be tr amte Taic.- le aie <e end -e fei. b i-o dei me prepa neay,. re trylu c, july ail ou 3 e cf ina] .Ynly- la ceu iidi Botteri 1bispn 1-rednloe Eg the 'Cenatre malka a single inakiral am&y 1 r- mas a

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