Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1868, p. 3

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i j ~ [t - Il 'r~ mes.. t i tsouguia vauit tW 5iSPP ma, efest a <bang, for ah. hette,, Se aniirelaits ,tb ida country in Nodember, on the 25ii of victi monta b. us Dappos- ed t. h. paissaist eosiu(Va.) to july 20, etuad bis trial. h. Conneili Tb* vife of a bloclueitb'a s istant em. latimu, ves (jartuà on oyed li Toronto eloped on W.dia.sey bise, Thei i. as l ea former soldier cf-thel 17biî Lttmlet Negiment, s"U-$700 of ber busbond9à cv111 Issue aieY. 8hà Wba aes sncb à fsusysgo * 0 tiiie asIboth son of Marsibat @hubotigit bioe off 4 ili Vr- oesffl bons fj retsruiig te Eegland. Se b"as "'.ee "'vith tbecilyoot Ibt ire fpersùi'dd ber buaband £0 wlîh-- o 4,a i adra, bi s saulgo (rom tbc bock suantasrt for thp $tat4r, îhs soldiqfr goiug altibg. At M' .bénhiaf Hamilton ah. S.. gaie- the blachibialb.hi OW, tff0llin slip, sud veutt e tiiSttua vathotit MI b. The Londe roltàW sys a edtbina-. ien cf Il>, cil refluera cof Canada ,bas'beeti inangfriîeàt tir îe puirposei of raislug the pri. cf ail. NMcet'fcf th relloed illan th. bobutry lheé beau ptrchssed Pl th. as, sociatioéqMiiir bc eldi by ibem i a edvautied priai.. ",j!h. i'reshît o! tufs hemý bueîsion c f manlfactnrers cii bh. s.n creuseibe, preas u'prie* tf reaurd 0%.lIoo ffty ens a gallon mbolesae, sud bic-na toil it at a iglale musa *WufsWhat I& cou DAmoil Routli A Lbwlib.-Ât ait Wsly bour lIm$ Fridsy sov -1, a us su.asied iuths in vo!1fr. hnB - niue Exchange pli1e, lu Loà ndo, bâtisîlly aeLi eait' the nmoley-d-41piet threlu, atuountiug t. abét îl2Q.fe thon started oSf, pursued b, a large crovd vho* hed vitues#ed tii.occurrence, oe persou fiting a revolveér after tht thlifbut' vithout effect Aller ruuulng a ev squares, lie apring ou 5h. ba" ,Of 4 vell- kuovu race horse.. Wied "Ilalày Dean," w.lich wasu held hi readines by a ýboyaud e.cuped from tlîe city by Ridout street. The. psaruit*vsecoistinued b, a ounasa part on hmoasakibut the thief'was unot capured. ' Ttie Globe reports.aa lamentable occufr- rence yenacrday a t i ýLoîce ,n t uhlp ef Albion, b b ahitic esîilbable fabilin, are plouged 'into deep distriese., Il apear Ibat 1"as aylu rt a atm of Ilenry Taylor, cballen'geda ypong mon named Tbo".i Squiera te flht. ,&jaioreat fire.t,-refoued, sud vas îbroiiboat uicilling toe' haan trouble; bot beiug tsuuma vitb cowardice, agreedj sudenufortssssely conseil ah.sdeatti ofhis hballongi.> The affan bu, ciaed i deepseewtaion amongitili. frieudu cf .licili pisnles. The quarrel uns or cld- standing, And bad béea fomented b, bue,- bodies. 1B, vay cof keepisg colin Boiton dur- îing timai orrid daji, ubel are imploying in' aîv iil FfUd5nr&aaigratfr a' ingl, coin- ibalance béing ltor, in $20, $10> Lhas. prir.esarae O.- Opeus W axAU ida pria. ope. tO euS ineuners o! pa 'of voluteer -menuers of the os f the Canaada »ipr e IC>"l,aie, wnd et o60,0sad'7Ui, jerus id Suldea' Eufld se bd.usid liMattb cl h. e bon er trmm esaliPrev;uce. The 'le a piece of pyiste Ivorth I,t score WitgeL $5, ili. t#0 rangea 00, 400, 500 lmye shota et eath range; and Snlder Eniied; the. tii romiain 'lu poses"oot i tevnçe, b, wiicbs4laje éhb red for couipetition. nerc litercoloniab match o- air conters o! an, ntion moaing uitilthe ia. mble- n.' eSt prise, $900; 2ndi m prises ot $15 .acli ane ed Association Prila. lt. h. 1, messbere of sffilited as 'fi firât prise of $2,000 wilI, lètllaloAî cifthe viuilng 6- yu wii peid s. ski. freackur. est 'individuel score ilii Set unid' bigliasi $15 eahîiash «aCh. Raniesé 800c,6000, Ptriet PriIe-,fi)h. abot for' ptilolé frudabtct district. iiidubdcci.,$40iii pate Igae Individuel score, $50; $1 ahineat SeuL be eepet< abxaS 0evoer. ,The aclair à n .n6agrand , olltceranld eaie.a-tb*- I151 copiasing 30,000 square cst indilvdal ~ lie eýlorut brick building basving se- CO;gteest $. omosse for 1,500 stiateresud 500, ; ndividsi SPectamou dt h@tdMt$0#i 30 is t e b. 0. TFroàtle large noalier .ofshate it 6011 iàs'rssud aie mmii-puniber of lochera-os Pro- lot dlff'rent vldeIl.boi', la le vldbns ibiS ,ies mie.old il b aIi.ved veat'r eoms SII.y litesd t6'kep vira nmaptteu s bave dg ad-wte ikI ma 4 gâlatîons of sgasseih5 efIlU us. Prise lut yeud LIceol., 1* le ,ot beyond ahe, M dcf posiibuliry tlie l. tsr O*> Wli £âabbeà ised £ MraIaru .ein peO if eqslct " ýbcoma g u ges of ber Meey. # Mie. ,os disposéd uioeltiew t he ame»os 1bi is1 poo 'voloàa veryeltlily.ve ae ot sm.2 pr.pèred, (rom ot bnouiledge p91 ber' pecoiarebasêtelstiste 'bti r treibei tuer movaiîuntà onaber pari, ld ïvlii4h. happy sto fid ourselvessdisappointud."' Tiuz Pmweuse or W*V*w.u-The Priuc.n of wa1..,iikee to give ber'future mbjet. *~~~ ~~~ p)satsrrs.E.yone willr- suember at l etR oyrai Ilghumsewue %listing on7firginit Water on Janaary Il 184 sd n dutury 8g4ve birtli gober f1rst4borê. Vý,U eturday eveiaiqgiuly4 the Pimcelshmss etthe Cletll'iIsoe a joigÏeflreaýérba, snd on the. morng ofth av h@pe birth . teotber4augh- ter. HrRoyal 1iJI;hneSs, *ho vu aia- rie Marith lu. 1868, lbseDow two, sons atid two daugbters.- the eldest ciîld being four sud i'aiat pars old. - Te. nains cf, tbe tmg. v hich- have been baptited *reé, AibraVltor Goresud Louiés.. Tii ehldjtqt born maiats ti ,thireeth grand Ïliitilè -lm cb as eauborn to Queeu 'Vicà- toria - Tkeve are lifing, sud beside the i four just *nentione& tjere aré four echu. drum of thie Princewse of Pras;a, Ithtli4 of the Princes. Àlicý6 cf Ilesmié flriutadt, sodhe.soucf h.Pa inems len&, of schleswi ~Tbhtiuessof Prmsis jbat bson mibti 0,~y"F*s 850 wib>a soit roag, muet fredl, spirna of bsrtaboru. Tii.veuom of s;ings belng en acid ib 'a i nleilesibet. resas wood sÉs, o ýiPolsthd euhtalser, -sud lea'eïcelleut .<substituts., uTsodaor tii. sale cilleî la tomseof suakeor moi! dog bites drink brsn4, ý*bîsky, 'Os'eor oshet rurts i ieas vaser-ate aupu, or i Pint or more, aecordiug i. IWrawatioei cf Au lmjbrtat cgres of del.ptce fruiu trodet e tile, eprs.ntiug, brefonie bundred tbdoaed jicloua hidlits itt. lnge a luite Ma'îcbe*ir XMecbasflcd' mti. tutlonu laie veel.Thé. conf(eeoewbicb giw ouiu)med by the lManchester- sud 'Slfrd Tiadau Cueil ao diacus question» afretiug the. vaniodèifiedesof the eousry, aime ta b. lias bining dfaun anuelai-, s.wobly cf tsammul!ar kiud, Tbcloundon Dailg y fesaio 5$f the- Iisnkrptey of Sir. Nlorton Pet. £nd bis partncîs 51>8, ovriug t the mode lb vwhich thie affaire, cf tii. two firme o01 Veto, Betta, and Craumpton snd Peto & letie wore con- ducted, a large suni-as mach as £800,- 000-ubicia ougbt to for.9; aha of the -etat. of ttit hre abanktupts, fillt Ué p- pilied ezclusively Woward the- disciarge of the, itholities O o &t.k Wits; the recuit bsiug thal the joint estate cf the. Sbre. bantirupta irili b. iiapoverislied, aud slant , otbink *111 h. avilabte for thée ed;torc thereon after payoeent o! the coïts of' the prfceedinge. 8wsWwul' Chicki ikvI. Tha champion Ïiugle.vicket cricket atch 4s Coboalg, betweeb -W. J. Sîàtéàîou sd -il D. Armeur, th rmiu.ted en Frimiay eveu iug Oster two dais bard sud veey »poter playing lýnfa,*or cf J,1. Arioli. 'Thie' match ezcited great intereet amud wa. '*it. ueseaed b hi W dite cf the , s au, sud àr- iug the play Mfr. Armouris batling elièisteâ fr.queua applas.., wbl Mr. %natbsïliae tie and gracef nIfieldiug ýwaà equiIya mired, Score-Pirat inning, Armour 5,. &tautou 12. Second lumungs, êrmor 0 8itu44, The returs aaeh, se b. played shie veek, le iooked brwnI d ëveuiug Gainer vas agsiAWar.tda i bone,-ihis lime by Bigli Coosable Bis.. sonnette, aud .by viris of a varrmais earg. lng li. vish h opmng tulle,, aus'd uts wlsb ~ b&vOk eommitied a robiry (1h. »Md the old Igendlemas, sisnIling bue,lit vold radier bore-leus Mla bccuad lies tIsé loee sio_ïnfea * te.. Stretford bas su lteresting scandai, aboomaker maîne 2 ýhomàs lcprood - i-r loig lm"e& - __ _r- XrâbB "aeuîit.,relà; t o"- bhe"lintuson et an appreetice nagnedeoerge Urtig& T i ijurd -bd&'" baud lad a troap, caaght the. youth lu thé- vrààg: s leeping âmrm n£.sd adjuated tîi difficulty by çattlng off the. caîptits esus clo. lisuL IfopYood baibees ceumitt.d W rtrlit Tv h*ite ieandie iad- ies iestigoS 10 a's boues in -Bawn parlsb, t.àot gang ago, snd mIer robb- laog ber mod. ber get esjer for tb« 'S'bu pea ab.# lgrimcet ychasine linlide of..è sud klied tiiemt Mr. Lonegfellow b-Wb. bli'gd £0 do iu Dugluod uhas ho uever did naS bue- ,to muapffljsehes. Thé 0lew,~ peasf~dii u 1461 rotera, Dow Bomber 18 isin Great britain, : d2»S inla relaad, or ui. àbors iib ,000famiiet ln Kl. MARRIED. BLACKBURN-wit.-On the. LStb 1055, nt Ail Saints' Cbureh, Whitby, by 11er.. ,1). (3aley, 'John Blackiburn, EFq., of Monresi, to(iliarloud Mary Wyze; of wbitby. Whitbi IMariete. Wednesdy, 3ly 2bib, 1868. Pali Wbeat .........$1.45c Spring......... ..... tI.30 Barley..à.b ......... 1t. Oss........... 10c. a 75t. Hay........$10to $14 pert otî. Buttr......... 12J to 14c. wool... .....23 tsobcu. b b Lan!- $68, iou frarni Property, at 10 per eent, In- téeo.t psable ,yary, lisii,.tW suit borrover. Thre im:tl ïnnoforsale on eas'y urina, sersl forme tW ruat aler Jet Uctobcr. Appiy paiie1li to- ,-, '- i. . A ]MEIR Gi NWOODI WLbt'y, Jualy 6tb, 18M. 2in 90. SHEBE> STRAYEDI A NOMBEPR 0F IlUit!' ÂT<D LAUBI, inarkc'I witb rÏd'titripeadong 5hts buêk,9 %trayedi (rom the premjidos of the uha.eror, Lot No. 283 litihe 2ud coti. of Whittoy; ou tir isbont tihe Ithlui«e. viii Jeud tischir rmcvery vili ho suitabli r..- wardd. 1,A. & 42DBO. Addie.sed the botuitrGnrl iib reeeived At ittava,utIt mio, eaf 'For tié. onveyande cfféRr lieas>' Mails, ou apr 1%î ur ~ I Itr. rm5.lSo coe e s s aUxbdisge tu 4 did hnes of tbisuseaonDrest Goodx,ait the. lcw«t point tiaey have ever touch.d li the. maret vwe invitéth ahInpeciomc Ouir b"id, feeling .sured. abat w. Mn eltpply usaiwli iiithése£ aatrse u tedIl! ?Asn1oxÂîL~ PÂTTERNS,. gooda ecm h. purcbased elaaewhe. W. eu give-joil Pressesof tua mscso stok, t bou>$1,2 te $2.50, Bqda qu wt ould, bat ban; iaar'céit At Âô F uM(I IEN 50) PER'CENT Does not occam eIey 4dan sd ve ould adris our friaida e ta ke adréntage o! 15 b"fhe àtii aàilSnt Prospect (or bar-. Test causes a ris. lu We vcuid asuc reaind murfrtndâ that lu 'Cottons ShawIs, or temi give h..me bal beneflt of Liaé t> Muc iOurrd Coodo, .endtie malt of s.ssonabî sais Whitby, July 15, 1868. ANNOU NCEME N T I,, GREAT, SACRIFICE IN Foir this- month ôf JULY ON LV, Cail early on 'Yeoma-tn Gibson for unusuai: -Prints, ý07sen Delaines; Moambiques, Faney L)reés Go.ods Grey and White Cottons, &c.; &c.,&c -Ail will, be sold under the Wbole-ea1b Prices. 3 d:ý Twô* Dôzen Extra Parasdls on Iand, tô, be bleared ont very cheap- ~B.-The Prodace takeni YEOM(AN GIBSON; llighest,,Cash Price paid for Butter. Fareérs in excbanige for gooda YEOMAN GIBSON'S. .~emembe tA la -. .1, Laing'a Corner L&J. ~AWPIELL tI ord* iceto affect a cleara-nce, they offer tibl UNTIL TE É l i flJAY 0PAUGÙ0 8:r Mr. IRobert Camrpbel -hoIc for Dri- tain, to purchase their FALTJ- & WINTER STOK, #hich wîil be tbund mucli larger than usuaL ftue, notice Will be gilvIë on arriîai -of their Fali Importàationk R. & J. CAI1P BELL, Wlùtby and Manceeseii JuIy Stb, "1868. 2 DitzeaeW ject to the and Moade i 20oMpa erhahr ai WIitb LTÂTi AT.ii Y~i GRV bae-gy. Il 1- balance of their. 8tock at . 1 :l 1 -i --clos

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