Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1868, p. 4

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te pnt J»'Divorce Coulrt business. One oft bmn kept ber btrotbed 'on bid good bebavlour b>' fhreatâ et a suit for breaeh of proolaa lIfho was absent frein ber for two deys there came a note : -"Darling --If I do net ses yen ln two hours I shahs commence the suit. Thy adonngMarlo." litusl>,bweut. If *ho wished te go to concert, sud b. did not profeis a wll11liu t t econt ber, there came a ot -Myonu Tbornley-The papers are la the bauds of a latwyer, FaitIstuly yorn I 'Thse youth eudured ail this until se lusisted on bis taklug a cIoses lh u in- fant Sonda>' sehool sud eut off bis Imper- flI. Thon Ibe b.d ber arreated for disor- derl>' codut.. Tnui » Nw.r. Frakilo dsscrib. id the iarumers condition lu 1716 sas fol- Fermer etIshe plov, Wife mlkingc' Sons thrasîîltig l tiseb bar- As happy go 4cbsrm.G Dr. eT . '. Smitîh jlves tbe aceount ef 1868, as follovi-tw Thse funer gene tue s show, Ilis dangters nit ti plino 1 4Ai Uts fy aresedrnlugmatin, WiIIi a iotgae onDthse ftrni1 TUe Cauadian Poutiflclal Zouaves bavs àt lut faste blood. O. the Srd of Jlaco a dosaobment nuder Alfred Pr.udergss, e( Québe, t.11lanwth a baud ef brigands unmr Vellotri, sud killed tbreseftier nuiber. The corpses vere brougbîte 'Velletrl sud expe-sed on thse market place as ta warong. We regrit in10 Iarnuthai P. Vt. Duprat, uouary, ove cf tIse Zouasisi Ilylg daugerocsly ill, sud tIsai bis reeovery la doubtfal, Ho has acted as correspond- enS t f UMinerve, sm3 the deparîne et the §rst dduacmeni. Â-Pbiladelphia Deniocrat wbese ddress le tbe Mercury office, Ilu t ibty1, offers the .tellowlug s.- H ill names Ielve States, and ilI bet $10,000 on each itle, tbat &eZmonr vili cearry themu: *20,000 that SeYîMsnr, If h. lires, ill Ire the next Prosidat; $5,000 that no RsdicaI viii date acoept the proposition, and put up tIse moue>." AÀchance for the dlm et Wilkerond Tilou. The Gaiusvilli, (Florida) News Era con talus the follovlug: "16Wauied, at ibis oDelce, a bull dog of au>' celer except pusuphin sud'mlk, of respectable size., snubbed nos., eropped saroiabbrerisicd eontluuto-who can corne when called vib a bief mste, sud vili Isaebis ponnd efth f rom every eue vbo squlrta tebse' ejulce uont r su ad sisals the ex- Tai.zon*x Cnàu.-Atter theIslt et September veuthIe chares fer 1ev verds allowing tve budes for aLressansd signa. turc, ever tIse Oble preper, te andtom 1irelandte Nova Scotla, is,,- b b. fllteen dollars. Extra chartes arc made for thse ]and lise# between Lon don and V'alentia and Planter Ceve and New York. --- Flans tu vua Wcev.-Large tzacts et pin@ weeds haie beec destroyed b>' ire lu tbe timber lieuts of the tTpper Ottawa. Fîtes have -beau raging àbire for veeâs. Damage stated at $,000,000, rhbe lovter of a young lady vas readî.ng tii ber an accsunt oetasieral usa>' acci- dents, vherelu thse newosaers spoke et borses t veto 'attached' te vehleles running saa>' vtb sud upseitiug sud dashlug thonsInlupleces, vhen selutertupt. cd hlm vwitlisthse declaration tIsaItIse 'at- "amuent' efthtIe herses ouet have' been vfer>' fnenge,or îbe>' rever eould bave beliaved se naugbtil>'. AieIteieml ;; *Ccmyrr-One efthtIe jsdies ef tIse United States Supreme Court haioe. of bis aoe badl>' lnjured thse ether day ; durlug tIes rgumoeoefaase. b> lbadi«tteStl>' llovlu Il ite "fali upon a point In thé eevidence, Toë remove freele, grata hotus rsdish In &S Uitile nUv .1k fIv-ililue fiter nsu lu a fov buts; heappl>' wiîb a lima M. Carlis IRage, vass a ainsF" MAMUi arrangdments for lb. publîcalion of a nov oroik.b>' bis fathoeto e Wealed 2TU Ex- 4 Do 7lotevr baie, suy - 8hop' lu haine?"ashsMW aNevport belle, Who vas dressing for à baIl, of a ceuisor> cousin frein the Phies ie. 66Oh, jes lobIs Ppa lms fért>ires eto'e@m lau0»ue ld!' Au ladies eblef, ln a tilegrspboffiee la Moulaisbelug told thatshe eperator vas sitalblJ>g wllh a irbite brotber svo thon-. sauMles diséat,"gavei ImsMelsopiniou tIa Is1; as thes.'longesItale' hoe lai ver Hdov ou dlsour maumr' uMW a love switlen old bacilor of the da»g1&tr of t?. vldov iho bai encbauteïd, hi.,- 611 dou'I bnor,stir -,uans agi varusfrocs about tort>' it e tweuty.lire," va s hi utlmurepl7, sund the becel« wu v astss. @bsuts&? i 4 <suile, nidte bW uocr aaver thion Tbhe subseziber desires to return thanks to -bis numerous patrons for put favoroi sud begs to announce that ho in now oupplied with aSoIiiO me kcaret ulIy ueleoted by imoelI od CANAIDLAN, ENGLISII &4, SCOTCH Tweedso, CoatUngs, Cassimers, DroadeloIjw, 811k ïMixtures, ,., &e. ýWhich ho i. prepared te make upte erder, on the shortest notice, in the lat- est style, snd on t rmraon btris. Brock nt, Whitby, Mach 24, 1868. 12-17 $ 15,000UNPRSETS AT IIOYT'S NEW PHOTOGRAPIL GALLERI, OSHIAWA CORNER 0F KING & SINCOE STREETS, PIROT FLOOR. - ,-o--- Prizes consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Brooches and Jewelry ef ail kinds; aise Sewing Machine, Pa intinge, Albums, and a va. riety cf excellent CIOck" Life-ike likenesses taken in a few séconds, ini a niannér to en- sure pturfet satisfaction. W Seo Bille for inanner of distribution et pre. sents. New is the chance for ail te secure endunng PHO0TOGRAPHR, and valusble presnts, at a leua price than Most photegrapriers charge for the pie. turcs ulone.. Oshaws, Match 24, 1808. 12 THOSO. LÂWLIER9 WHOLESALE & RETAIL C ENERAL CROCER, - WINE AND SPIRIT TUE CHEQUERED STORE. DEOCK STiEt, tWUITI3Y. HIOME DEPOTLO$DON & LIVERPOOL. No. 23, Hosoital St Montreal. Pure and GENUINE TEAS, c Ã"fýsplendid natural fiavon, imported direct front the, Compavy'a Plantations lu ASSAM, sud on thue lopes cf thse IIMALAYAS, blended with thse Ou1est predueta of CHINA. OuI>' Two ,Qualities, i'iz.,:-70o. or$1 pet lb, cither ýBlack, Gréen or lxzed. Finlfousebold Tes, couibiniug Strength sud Flavor, 70 cents pen lb. Fiue o1t ppcurable ......................... .... 1 dollar per lb. SSold lu Pichets sud Canisters by the Compsuy's Agents, ia every City and Town lu Canada. T R ADE Âgent for Oshawa, MR. MARK MA RK. RLOBINSON,1 Drnggit. BOOTS & SHEOES, AIT REDZJ'CED PR1GES 1 Desires to 'inforrn cnst9lners that lie bas Dow on band a very superier Stock cf BOOTS & SHO0ES, of ail kinds Suitable for Summer Wear, lneluding - Prunella and Kid Balmorabq, (longress, French Caif, &C. - aise asuperior Engilish style and niake. A further reduction in prices bas been made, and a trial wil ho fonnd suflicient te, convince all who ùall at YARNOLU'S that nowhere can they be accommodated with se go-ad an ar- ticle at se lcw a price. gW R. J. Yarnold's Boot and Shoe Store, next dloor te the Royal Canadian Bank, MeMilIan's Block, Whitby. IN reference te the above, CASTI1E FOX de3ires il to ho made kuewn that ail wlîe go te, Mr. V odswîll flnd him ready te take their measure-,ne, their endors, and will ho guaranteed a well fltting and well made X3 o>c>w £> 3M ifl xc> la r nthig else in the Boot and Shoe line, of the best work- ansbp.4~ A lot f that SUPEIIOR ]BUCKSKI, specially ordered fer the undrigned, off which hoe au sulpply lus patrons witlî a Shee that i i a Shoe, and will nt be botched in the naking. 0>r Orders lcft at the Bay attended te, as unaI. 0IA 'T'1 ti « Wbitby, Jane 10, 1868. New Back Lame SIawlsi ver>' chcap, at T. H. MoMILLAN & Co'a. Ncw Drees Muelinu, very chcp, at T. lI. MeMILLAN & ce's. Ncw DreesBillianto, ver> cheap, at Tl ., LMcMILANeà Co. New prints and CotIono, ver>' cheap, ut T. FL MeOMLLAN &cos# Summer Clothiug of ever>' lino, ver cheap, at T. H. MML N&-Co'i. Freeh Greconies, Liquores ad Wines. F'reb Imperted Tnrnip Seed, oui>' OW"a.per lb., At T. I eke o iILAZ & ibô'.. KING STREET, ,OS-HAWA., STARE & FANCI DRY GOODS, MMLLINRY,.I&o. MAN uSPÂCTTRER OP Or -LOTHING,' BOOTS AN ISOES.&C f3r A 0*4o Workma3l Waatod to do ladies Sed Work Âlason hsnd, English Sole Leather, English Kip, Frencn O sIf su da l k in d e Ou sn d s ul e tb er sn d lln d n e s WATCIIES &JWLEY ,At R. J. 'Yarueld's Boet & SIsce Store. MARKET BLOCK. CORNER of BYRON & DU, NDAS Sts. -o- The subscriher's FaIl Stock of choice Family Groceries is 110w complete, with every article tually kept in a firot-clase establishment, cen- osating la part of- Young Hyson, 3apan, colored and uncolore4' and Congou Teas, grouud and unground Coffees, Spices, Pe.pper, AllspiSe Oinnamon, lovoe Lemon, Orange, and Citron Pool, 8ugars, from the boat Cuba9 te the finest ground, Byrups of the boat varieties. A c omplote Stock of firet-clas Pleur, Oats, Corn, and Buck-wheat meal, YFeed of all kiudoi 0:> very cheap for Cash. '48 iu addfition to the above, 1 have added a complete assortment ef Crocher>', (rom an individnal Sat-celar, te a firot-elasi set of China, al cf wbîeb ill b sold ver>' cbeap Worecah. My motte la not te ho uuderseld. Cash paid for an>' quantit>' of good Butter Renienber tbe place, corner ot Byron aud Dundas Ste., Whitby. WHIBYrNOV. 27, 1807. BOOTS &SHE S 0f tui&e igkt Fit and Mak*,> The subseriber begs te returu hi$ customers for thse ver>' libers! patronage e: busines for lùimelI. lu order te meet ti beiba removd te t Opposite Bank. o0 bin since ho commenced re4ouiremento of busis What greater desideratum than a cool com-, fortable'wel-tting - i Ini warm wcatbeî'?, - And there is no diifi- , cnlty inu obtaining these. if people would only go to the right P4ace. -iW THE ONTA-RIO BOOT &SHIOE STORE- BANDELL'S is the place to get IS'uited.- Boots and Shoes.of the best variety, and unsurpa r-sed workman- sim, ton La&çWs'Gents'Miûes'and ChUidrens' wear. Repaissn aj- F 'Whitby, June Oth, 1868. I . - - 281 DIVISION COURTS IN THE C OU NT7Y -1 0OT A R 10 2OR 1E 2AR18166.11 1: tb ............ - 2 bkeIl. d. -'Z I 'l 16 i80 i i* ___g .', 14 1:81:.:...........10isi .5, 21krng......... .. . .. .21,. 2 e ro............ 1221...... *61.... .... 6....22 . 7 hrl............ ... I 24 .... .... 3( .........S.... 24 THE MONTREAL TEACOM1P'NLs The wbole Dominion sbould boy their Teas et-th. Importelo, TIIE MONTREA.L T-EA COMPANY. w- 6 HOSPITAL STREET, NONTREAL. CUB TEAS, atler the moat severe tests byiiîe best maindeul authorities sud judgoa- of Tau, Il uebeen Pr(onîunead ta bc quito Pure, eud fres. (roi, aBoyurtificial coloring or poisovouis osnbotanece 50 often nused teiprovse ne arsuce of Tou. They are unsqualled l("r .treugth aUd flavour. They hseý beau choten for their ititrinaic worth keepInÉ lu nilnd lîealb, eeonouiy, udls high degrec ofplsasure inidrlnkiîîg tlim. W. iseli for tles1mllest possi51.e profite, edfeet- ing a saig 1.0 the constituer of Ibo. to 20e. par lb. Our Tests rjut up 5érl 2,fol«, 20 nud 2,5 lb, boxes, and are wisrrsted ;pure sud fro fronui1Vooonous ssa nces. Ora3rs frtour b lb. "Inîl-%o 12 lb boxes, or ove 20, or 2i lb. box snt carniage traceta au y Bslay Station ivý Canada. Tes wrll be forwardes i imediately on reo£iptothe order by mal ontaaîm ou,,ogr tie mious> esu be collectedl on deliver>' hy cxpres.s-tnan, where thore are express ofie. 1 ,seidiu <.acrs.below the suicunt of $10 te myve capeya. it wiU bc bettetu seud thîe 1fl030 witb ii o rder. Wlhers a 29 lb. box wou1â b. couemni four famnill«elubblng together could sciai4 for four à lb. boxes, or two 12 lb. bors». W. send tÇm tW one sddrsss -airiage paid, sud miarke cscli box plaini>', se thut'ech Party' get tIasir own Tes. W. *rrsnt ail tIse Tïe .sioto give cutir, sstisllacloii. If tIi.> are tnt saasfssetory tIse>' caub. retued at Our expeuse. BLA.CKCTA Engliah Breakfast, Broken Lpaf Strbng Tres. 4Ue., 500.; Fine Flsvovred.New Sesson do., 55e4, 60e. suid 65c.; Very Best Full lavorcd ido., 75c.; gouad Oolongi, 45c.; Iliobla lvored do.; 00e. Very Fine du. do., 75e.; Japan, (iood, 50c., 55e., lina, M0., Ver>' Fiue, 65c., Finest, 760. GXFEEN TEA. Twsvbey, SO., b55., 65c.; Young Ilyson, 5Me., 0e.,65o 70c. Fine do., 75c., Ver>' Floe, 55.; supefu u Very Choice, $1; ieGu Zodr, 8e.1itra Superine do., $1. ceas uot meîitionsd iu this4 circuler equaU>'chea'p. 't!es ouly sord b> tii Comnyu. JO' An excellent Mized Tes could br, sent fur 60c, sud 70c.; ver>' good for comnion purposes, 50c. Ont of over one tîionsasd Testituonhisle,1 we isent thse followlog. 21, Moniresi Tea Companuy: lea. S ~LPL oàGs-t s:sî nenry a year aince1[ prcbased * iii Sateb0e<of Tes rm ouer bous. 1 bave porcbaacd nsnY sie. atn 1am unptcased iu iuren tie Tes a."inaery ce.proved .net saiifactsty, sm el smIeîng ex- cetdiuigly cbrap. Yoiserirl,. Ef11. fine, Il svery airange, but %due. 1have beenddnkhing yuetTes i have bletsqîite free [romi ehhu.whi would slways pain me atter breakfast. ItWribL«e iis10Ui stl>' four Tsasd shahcoui. aaeusiomn. PASCIST.ORBESI, 54 SL JsbuStelMi ral blnireal, ApriIlglTo te Mottital ~Te Cmpay 6Bispitl5lUreet. MmumrW. elle. if*ih pies. sure the large tusit ef tes ibat we bave (àwarded furn jou ta difféentub art i. Deilion, sud w. areSMla 10 usdretr usiesssenipsîl' icrasrg. 47 présume jour Teas are givisstggeateral atisaetiess, aç eui of the l'urge steoui funvardcd, w. have 4mii>' bas! càa tu k.retum ssosbox wlneb, w. udeeatand,wns sentout i ibrusgh as uisike. G.CilENE, ri Masîger cissmdissa Napre Co'y. haà Ozzarnxuca-I boxldcf nglisb Breakfansd Youg HyseaTes wbieb joli me aegivres <neam màfs- tis. Vaeuinay sipsettuiirfuture orbest. Youro, &c., M. KINNI. g Bevane of podlers or nnners nsing ouiramsie, or ATnu urTe vsal akgs Nothiug lesta Isu scattie od.- Note the addrcss.-Thc Montreai Tea Company, Hospital St., Montreal.Pr' loi NEW'LY IMPORTED P'PRER IlA NGIN'GS. rrHE verslgedh p ut orni "Isepb t I5la ùlat . b a Wsrca dnsg$ isrL PAPER IIANIINPG, Seletd creitl>'b>'Isnduself, etic ,habs o Mng B70 Camp sl poaltOd iti ue..mptri i!elicy golders. This Compen 14lanov Iicics on LIT SOCE, à DEATE Â N] At moderatoesgtes of Fi Evgl'ub expenieuco et evt Te Pioner- Compt ste l AppI>'te Fsbrvsny 20, 1867. DeF- E No. 2, MR10 KING ST.. 1 A WELL 81 FRESH TEAS, Copi WAs cheap »a n May 221h, lut7 LI1V1 pan>' have tiisday l .able atthe Trimi TOWN 1 Ce cfore1:95 par ahare id'9 s 1 1te thi tr3r 5. *- w 1, 7 7.:ý;

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