Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1868, p. 2

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E.. kE et suhoei-iuc ar., Wbitbi, Tbur.ây, AugUit2 o«I1868 -Port Wbatby , ud Port Ferry R. E.0 TU BÂILWÂY IIX-LAW CARRIED ni ÉBACU 1W Â LAMOE MJORI. ITY. Wocloaraby e1egraph, as vo go f0 prou that thie votiaf on the rsivay (ay .IBw in -lb. township of Beach, wbichi took plac to.day,(WOdn.sdy), reualtod in a glorlons victory for the. friands of thee n- tsrprlse. The anti.railvay mon worked ini a manner vorthy di a Lotter cauu; but the good uenie of tbe people of Beach prvaied-aad tbe raouatit a uathebby. lav carriei, anad the. raiiway may be con- sidoe au good us baill. The majority in favor of the by.lav at Lhe close of the POli wus191. Extensmive rire lu Whatby,-Itrcawu PatermcsaPousa.ry sniarly Dc- - stroyei. -Lose about 525,00. Ou rsoir. viii rere lewasatiatLie extensive Agilcultural Wcrba of Mesar. Bri"vA kPattermen, ila itu Lov, voi entirely isaircys b> lure e on niy moru log lut. The ire briteclnla inte meuhd. log -shop, aid vas firat discovrai about four c'eloek. The alara wus givon, sud s large namber cf oui citizoas vers acen on th. apot. The ire engiuse(7) vas brougit op front, ie tcvn hall ; sud vork. ai at i viia vili, but fallod lu evezythiug "xsPt vating vster. la tLe opiniona cf moay ibd ve b... posseasiotagSocilOre engin. tie main buildingwvoli Dot iarô beec destucysi, sud Lie lova la bis Case sien., veau h ave savei enougu te po. cluse balt a dozen onginesa. The dames, havlng aoahiug te check tLam,vwore nct long la ruaciiug the main building, sud tienne spuemi Le the dvelliug bcuse cf M r. Jeohn SItbisu empicye aithîe fcnndry, wvilc wus buns te ah. gocani. The maie building, in. viobver@ s largo quantL>' cf valusile mnachiiery, venr, fanisiei sud nficaied, ocia, &o., vas in a short dîa. a complote mas of ruina, va noauly AIl Il. contents. But litfle et auytbing vas eaved-exoepting thb. astesud books. Tb@ total boumla estimas ed o t rea$25,- 000 le $80,000t, hiongh Lis exact &Mcunt la net buowvataIpissent. Tuoevie# boeeer, lusurauces effsteds, on the bud. iag, Lie picperty et Mr. Logan, et Pieker- lng, et $3,000; and on the machinsry, cf $5,500. Tie Liverpool, London & Goho Enaurance Co'y are lomers Le Lie amouni et *1,OC0 ;îte Provincial, $2,000;thie Western, et England; $3,000 ; sud the BritlishAmerlos, $2,600, Th eaieuceofe Meurs. James Byrue, Hafinasa, and Stepiien Greaa voie lu great -dariger cf hoiug detroyct; sud ver ouoly caved by tis oxtrsoidiuary efferts ot uasuy ot Lis tovaspeepis. The vorkmou'u leu, by the destruction et their Loolu, la about $300 ; viici, Loy- @ver, yull b. maie up te thea by tLe libeiiy oet hicitizesn@. AÀaaeetiarg, vhich, conieriug thieshort - atice givea and eaîly heur Leli, vas ah- tned i y a vsry largo numier cf tLe citimenaeofthle evu, och place ai tie tovu bail on the tollowing day, Menday,4 aM 10 ococh, te cousîder the vaysanso muenaof aidiag tb. r. building oethîe Wiby Fouudry. The Mayor occupied Liee ohal, and Mr. JoLn V. Ham actci as Soeretary. Besolutions et aympsuhy voe mnaaimcusly passe sud tLe Meeting plodged Itueft 0e sr ery oxeihien lua sidlag Moari. Dreva & Pastorsen, ho wmieL Mr. Broya, eon bohait cf uhe ira, roLe« lIhas nk& afsv voulu. Cea- aiîtoos vere appolaîsi îc muet Messe. Brevnaà; Patterson, 'aserlalu l ibse umi l abo htvbrîaction Lhey mal deens »cosmam. Anetier couimite vwus ap- pointei temueS tue vorlamea vie ar houera by ais lf», viiei lsMy did on Mca- day aflerucon. Tbeli boss b.ing ascer- lalusi cubseription, lste vsre limeaately aie 084,aidpassei around, ani vo ais gSiid10 samllai olrsaiyaavery large anm T» X9WNav Bm-Mr. Eon, cOf tie1 0 "RobebsEomebLasPlumeia ver, DoitL anmiljli büs usa 'i s là o»e te nus t e osaitone, lacfAaerleu make, ani protsetsayMSuooiippeai. ane fcosais., "BlIy" O'Neil w boss, and holds Lb. usina. - Emsoax...Jbsr talilaumasiemAr a- lo lon the essuies fe b",Juaie, -m neta ftir.iy aié bossa-onbad. t le isaéâe .and disgrase tbasis, wealiy aWmiImportant tole 1ke WhblysbWud be- vitnsy 0'«'s e ofprot.toa gha 4is..ý: -ni we, trnal oui tovsa4atisruwbs tîheyi sa ssmble viliitube flac malter -mbt "mons edratiosa, aMdgir. lit a TRLGORsavsms.u-A trial et super teck place betv.sn itshe lobat.d 'WBul'a Oua Cosublnedll" rom lb. BailWons,, O"s a, as i i mbE kmHa.te," a n«v machine et Parête, Tâte&k Co.'s> make, Port Perry? osan tara c:f 1Mr. q#alo H.yosa Thradayr lut. 'sudvas tu have been contintued thc nezl day on' tb. fars cf -Mr John Wii. Doth reapors hsad, sud eil ihae, their frieuds andbaclier., sud no inconsiderable amm wa laid on tbe roumit of the. mateé The' Oshawa machine finiabed thb. iri day'a work forty-4ive minutes aheai of ils op- ponant. -Noit morsing both vire on band aetbh place*appointed, but a-4tmpute ariilg abpat uome trilling point, Mr. Gien teck làs machine off theifield, end lie Var ia Ceome, vala, a u vos ,eibai bess broughî ta acs, bau bicha cat agdeu, Tb& Turks sd CueLs.baie agala met la hostile arry, soia ieron baiLle bau bossa fosgit. It lareporisi abat tie elsta. s.bisvud ta splendid sudi- o'ilie vicory.- Th Hns t~èpesstedieu cf Sentir Carolina pcaud a bil pntti»S Lhe negrons of lia steon equsi footing wlt tb îL viles. The oolored membera cf lb. ions, tiereapon, demani the rigil 1n, bote! tables and*ait iiceni.d places.' Tue Nev Frenob Lo asau w, bai câble, 'lisagresl anocea. A nmm-officla auoncemenî bau beommaie Liai the amount cf moue, aaked for Lau becu an- scnibed thudrty four tinies over. The Empie la peounnarily veli ountainai, accordfug Lo ibis sho*ing.- Thei. elegrap brings acmont@ cf more batoeeof prlsoners y he b.infuriate biaclca engaged lu th, civil var ai Hayti. WLy are they permitted by cîviiized poeer bevever, as .vili b. eeaoiainotier elnmas, t otieey ias 'Il ach o tyeor f asLy ne cballenges Lie prepietors cf Lhe "ri L ai edos lt esoinglk Harvester" Le anoteabr trial, viieb, donhi- coapliae. vidoi Li lav e hiatLiai au..,anc valsathe mus of nia. -Co îrs r ciOsvaaîo Rins K&cw- The Ontario Ceuniy Rifle Ausocition'will holi Lbeir firat meoting ou Tnesay, Sep. tomber lot, and folloviug days, ai the 0osawa range. Over $500 la ob. offered fl prWsan sd sery arrsngement lis iag maie tu make tb. meeting suecesstal. Eleven matches are already anonnoci, sud deuitisu extra euea viilb. arrsnged. W. nuderstani thaL the 0. 1r. R. R. viii alo volonDleor attendiug lie mateo re. tar tibsî aeu e l'rc. Muanvs as Teaaewo.-On Wodnesdsy luat, Alexander Erane, aschosmaker, re- idiug ou Elizaseti mreci, Toronto, onici uis vifs, ddulg a drunkon apree, by aiooting ber, tron tL. offets cf vhicii ai. diai ehertly aftuoeards, A corener'a luqucat vas isld, -ai wiiofrte jur, retura. ai s verdict of viltul murder. The prisouer vus tberetore coamitteal 10 stand bis tria aLLe next ausizea. SONDI ScuecL Pac-Nos.--Ti. snual pic niesofethLe,. Lday saboaolu la conuec- tiou vitb, tie Baguihcinrehesin tLiS tovu vere held ou Thaday Iait-Lis Alb Saint&' Lundalsy Lo et Lie drill miai, sud tLe St. Joban'.ea Coriett's point. BOLL vue voit atludd-neary 150 oiilirea biig pissuent aioac-suena. joyacut and plessunrcvas the crier cf Lb. day.- vas ne regular meeting cf te. Bead, ou the llt-i mut. A special meeting vu calci toirhast Thuruiay-preet, Lie chairmn ansd Meuers. Gnn, Gneeuvoed, Per,, Tuyau, sund Forguscu; abment, Dr. Taicker, Dr. Carson, and Meure. Yar- noli, Preutteet, Clogg sud Riee. A pecisi meeting Las been Weld for this <Tuursdsy,) evoning. PîasoNÂ,-Tue many frieude et Mr. J. E. Farewell, cf Lis ira cf Meurs. Farew-ell & MoGeu, bauristers, of Oshava sud Bcvmauvils, vwili bc glai to esai LiaI h.cLau been appolutet Loliciter et Lhc OnuarleBankr, at Les! oelle, Bovmas- ville. SOUTH ONARIuO AaaacuL'rusàt. ooruvv. -Particalau attention lui irectei te lie liai er prize. 10 o saanicte aucceautul cempehitors, ai tL. (ail exhibition ofthéi aocioty, te i. Lehi at'h by 0ouWedneu. day sud Thursis>', Ssptembor BOah, sud Octoier laI, usai. Ma. C. F. HA!.!, a carniage bilder, et Toronto, aid fouaeuly cf tu levan, hau abacuMi ibviog> liabiliaies te camount. ot aieut *8,00. >.Attention la direoted te Lie adver- issa»nt et Lb. Dach.sye grain irilvl icL appeaurnla Lissuem.. Tbe vite ocf Coimmodýore Vaiuerbile, lb. Neok ciillionairuandudliread bing, iieid on Monda>' mcunig ls, êas ripe Wuta.a.-TLo reporter cf Le Caa&,' -OttaVv rluif àn ineau lol, mai fena hlms drossain- the laest fusilca, ani qaite tréo andi eau>'. "Ne l sry e m l tire, but for seme ys àpsaaanL , rat -ciier Feuliso, sM@ -playiag ea, draughtfasmemoraiing Lie papera or bock@." -'"Té give au ides," mym lis ,vritsr, "o hc Lies usareiotretai b>' * udr tiisd, vhc soni thons prcvisions ai- -mmt dm1', It is $susnt te Menties thaï vsuav *goo i bscuits, a big melon, sud 'a talei..loaddal iti deliessls.",.-Bueki. .fteno su ýmisa mombor. ails toe ailltv. aid". varfare?1 Et is offlisl, uuounoed fiat Lie Gev-' orumani cf Svitzerland i vii muiily rojoci suy proposai etf Fraue'bcokiag to, an alliance viti ihat, per. Dr. Pusey bhe ut Isjoinei the Ciurcb et Roeebodlly. -la spirit LeoLas bolcug- si L.Lial commnion for some lime, sud aIl Lis RiînaliaLic frirais aie tendiug lu tLe samo direction. Deupatchea by Lie Aibantio ceLle maske inevu the arrivai, of Quesa Victoria lu Svitzerlaud. nThlis luthe. eigit oet Li sesson for Lb. sujoymeut cf Alpine aoenory &4 pisaurea, sud hei Majesty'ss unjeots ail loe e sverbi vil s àfull monture cf oujoymoat fer their Quoes. The militia depertinont le oroparlug 10 terniai lents for tie voluateors uext yeau, on that euhL batWaion venu go under noaute percra ifs anual drill. Tillecf Ramer. Tho felloving eider cf tis Pris-y Cocu- cil ci Zuglandi 5 puilisici la Saturdal'u officiai Gazdete- En consequsace oethîe Ceitsdoi-atiou et th. British Provincea, tome revision cf the former uges ILere labout titdes Lamiscome aseessar, ; sud I have thieLouer te ln- lerw yen thsa Heu Majesty bas belu ploased Le appreve cof the adoptiosa cf Lis tolicvaug regulationu :- lit. TLe Goveunou-general et Canada to ho utyled Ris Excellency. 2nd. The LIant. Governora, of the Pro- vine«s Le b. stylai "Hie Houer."9 Bnd. The Privy (Couucillors et Canais te ho alyled "Honorable" for lite. 4sb. Leustcra et Canais te ho stlei "'Honorable," but ouly duning their Lerua cf office, sudthie titie net te ho coutiausi afterwards. Suh. Tic Erseutive Conciller o et i Provincs W hob. tylsi 'Honorable,' but only vhile o uofIeasd the titie ne&t w ho1 continued atorwardu. 6ah. The Legisiativo Conoillors lu tLe Provinces are net lu future te have that titIs, Lut gentlemen vie vere Leglulative Conoillera at the time oftuhe Ulnioa arei te retalu tisir itie foi lite..( 7tL. The Preuidaut et thc Legilastive Coanicllu tLe Provinces te ho stylci bon. doring office. 81b. The Speaker oetheLB.oius.etfAs.t emily ln the Provinces toi ho stylsi hbou.f durlng office. E Lave, kc., (Signed.) BucaiauA» Cmumaie.t PEIuoNÂ&L-The Hou.1nW. H. Draper, C. B., Chiot Justice et Ontario, hau, atter au absence et aix moutia, resumei Lia du.0 tics cu the Bonob, andisl nov pneidiug ilu Chambers. His lordahip'm isaluL Lasc macoh improved during Lis absne.f Mann.-Oustuiday hast, tLie Rer W. Morley' Pounaon, the emiueul Wesleyanf Divine vas icam~e ut athe rosidnce of the Ber. Dr. Ryerasou. The lady arrlrei boe. on Tnemdy lusi froa Buglani. Mu. Pan- ahon vua a idever and tils vite h bauc juat lakea is aSter te Lis fermer vite. -A Digger ludion, vie bai vitsieuso game cf »W bou al >7 s txioni'eqnired Loy nanei the play i'reoelvei a day for Lisir vcrk. , ivos qa style cf ron->Le could Dot. compreberai. Like tis Chinoe.e M49ai aa sgrand hall, 'Ver, nieil ai ho;s% 'butvy dosa't yen i tjour mer- vamia ddottoi joui' Bla Wcuz-A Young mu msaed Cci- oels atn uTharaisylait, cnt'elgiL aSomcf oî14sonuLotNo. 9, ýli Con., of the tovnship cf Plympten.Ho- bela vork haituni Lur aftei àmuarceand fii. eat abfour attersaundeva, tskliag ýone and a ait'bourg toi asmis. Wéleuosa beai tiat'? Coyent Gardon maiket,, in. London, lu troiua itii ra. Wa hope th& nea-a netbiug about ft. Mr. QOrrle cxplained that b. lbeught bebsid spéon tb .,Campbetal"ut -Uic mater. lc oind r. Camii, tb odier member cof bbc committce, vlao 'vas net pisent to. igbt, fiêàcq "ild%4W"~a Mapbeiléuot1- et th edoriut 'comiite*es adiai nover beon ccnaultem. -'Ho wcuId ribor: don i Eho hainot côr.aultoi u,,, le vas- ndrtbe impression h bai vion ho pasaci Lh. report acress the ceuncil table te-night te bina Mfr Draper said tbat, iuring bis oxpor- lou.co in municipal lite, ho (oud.th4t iL vas net custemar.y te cali <opat4lees to- gther te *a tonni meetlugJTbeygen- erally met sbortly bof oro tb. ceuneil as- sembiod and thon agreed tipon th. report 0f course, if membors did neti makerthoiî appearance at tbe cofuncil tableý'till- 9 cir 10 o'ciock, tie business would nover geL on. But, referring te Lb. applications to, theo elice cf collecter ef taxes, ho thougbt that ILrequired-formaI meeting*cf the committee, as IL vas a vory important mat. ter. BoLb gentlemen wbe, applioi (Or Lbe offIce viero goci mon, and hohýai, ulorson- alby, ne objection'toeietber. -Bal,& as gr. (Janeron was net present and Mir. Camp- beol ohjected te thc report, it would ho botter te loy Lbheniatterovor till the nez£ meeting et the council. Mr. Gerrie replici tiat ho eand Mr. Camoron bad considerod the 'malter evoer sud agreod, and s ho (Mr. Osmeren) vas unable te ho prosont rogulariy there vas ne nue lu iaying the matter over. Hie agalo a d ho thougit Mr.' 0amiptmb.aad been counitsi wiLh. And au feor tiat, wbyhe bimroîf lied been on coumittees aud had nover hooaa consulte'l. Mr. CJampbell positfrely denied any knowledge eft1he.report and ssid ho isd neyer heen spoken to about IL. In reply te lfr. Draper, ho vould only say thaL ho came te the countilisau sen as his business woald shlow hlm. Mr. McMilan agreed vith the remaîka cf Mr. Draper, end hought that the mat- tei should bc ieft ever iii Lhe nezt meet- ing. In Lbe meautimo the committce ceuid meel, and thon report ho beped, lu a more amicabie vay. Mr. Geouie cemplainoal Ilit ho.had been sabhiiy troateal il round lut "rean sd LIis ycar, tee. Mr. Campbell oarnistiy objecti teLie report sîtoether, as ho bathneyer bcon consuitod about it, altlîeugh a anombor cf th. committee. The committce then rose 4ui asakeal louve te ait again. TUE "TRtaisai M TAiI&5' T-LA4W. iOns motion ot Mir. memilan, Liscoancil vont inte- committee et tho viole te reconcideÏ tbe second reading ot by-iav Ne.- te licous. IranLient Liaders sud otiers. The hy.lsv settorth tlista licous. shouli ho requiroal trorail ausniont tua- ders vhose naines voie net ou hie lut as- sessmonl roll, sud wbo came fou bass timo than eue yesr; sucb licona. te coet $100. The by-lav aise set forth thi. peaasty feu coutravoniug 1h. 1ibylr Mri. McMilsan, lu sopporling teylw said its eh.jcct vas te maIre t"om transient traders, vhe come te tevu viti large stecks alter tic colicLoiz bai beau aroand, sud icave betcre Lie neat yearlaxs are due, psy equally in proportion te the meu- chants vbo remained, lie yeau icuxti, te tLe fanou f Lb. ten. Of connie, tLe b>' lav oxcepted thoso who voeeonterei ou Lb. asemment roîba, or who iufeuiod te settie permanentli' lueLb. tevu. Mr. Draper lheught tLe principle vas s gde.i eue. R. bservci parties corne lu the te*n ah the bîssiest Besson, Leptea- heu, October, sud Novemier, cpcn their shops, and ccii gooda te edetulmeut of tLe mrciants vho romaluci penauctl>' lu towu and hai taxes te psy. But Le theugt thie licence vas too, mach. If the cooncil passiîL e by-lav as iL vas. an>' LansicittrLier o'would have more te psy than the mercbants ofthîe tovu; and ho veuld suggeal a slidiugsceaie, cay $20 for thrce montha, $40 for six menthe, sud $50 -or $60 for Lie ycsr. But te charge $100 for ever>-body,. ne matai- beylcng the>' stayed boa e, vould not oul>' mako them psy more Liasu others, but 'veulal puohibit Licua altegeticu. Ife vas sure.-,tLe coun- cil vouli ae Ibat that sua vas toc mocla. Mi', Draper tien vexaI ou te ce>' $hat bast ycar a merchaut ilu uic tovu-Mur. Gibson -vas assessci for $4,000 on bis stock, sud bis tieni Mr. Campbell, aiseo about the came amount, though heo euh> spoke froua memor>'. The taxes thoicon veubi ouI>' ho $40, sud ho Lbought IL vas hardI>' fair te maIre Lie traumientLundera poy $100 for Lwo ou thue motbs-*bidh vas a gucat desi moue Lan;,the mercbants psud fer the viole'yesr. Mu.OCapbel-If Mr. Drop er oe on- gaged lu businous, io woulà1 tiiiik àâgO-1 etliy. IL le al ver>' veli te illýaboùt a clidaug scale, but Lte trn~ttralaM o n cul>' -cme lu Lb. ovéluSoteIn,~c tebèu, sud Noveaiaboi,, wbigk th le c mentis in Lie year la ll a Mnôn làa maie.' IfthIe by-lav pasaci aMr. Drape cuggested, Il vouli ho far bo tt r tî iL airay. aitegolier. Mr.McMmihlan said tlé e tcÏI)bogit dc"re oelotier bakulspl or Lie osiof e citysopm4 and 7venu ho esoldi1 a 1ev p 'cetîoigbàLb. y *v oie c lap. Et vas not s egitimate 'Liado> adt beld- Ihat viLi sutai au ai*sutage, lie #wuers1 sLenIdpyýfer- IL H. lion- limtsWaeed as cae, liat cf Muas.Dickse, 0Cravfeud1 à; Laith, ot Teronto. The>' altayed Inlu tevu aime menthe, sud loe%. atter tsking ava>'osfà cf aee, vitbat paying or contri-bting cu ceul tcvards lie corpor- The diocussic-is lcpp ho a lts beau, *!th guci prospects c f "uci otgeiug home tili uarning," wen Iirawu diecover- GsrHÎè PLilpand Drai'baivio- et.- sud liéeo eici goumusi fcr oesweek. The fiax emop la lb.eaaclgbearhoed of tiIs ysr. -The propriler'cf ï MMlin la iLot ~ ~ "0 oeaLmee aignt ffle a da fore- rsllse.Theprjep iI4 per ion. aeolispts, but laminte 10 bo alcvi for snoh change. If vo i ve bave to ont la dllfforenaîfi.lds, eshcield t10 bo divîdesi aqually, Md ie,~i iir, ei. ëbanglag trca one 11 tsambler<i case Ïbey decotnet cangest t'hé uaine lime,) the eotier inachine ta stand iii. Our big"d ta tani ii leduarlsg saq obang*.- ,acB h te depotil $100 ina ti. Dors le bave thoir mQney reîarned te hemn and tho lomors t10 gise thoua oquaiiy te tie Agrielcull cieties of North.aid South Ontario W. have giron yen viat yen vere net entiuied ta, in the other cou. testvia iï-LiaIcer buaiders are te, stand atili wàile changiug Ifids. If yenchboose te taire any tbreo Mon,! loaving ont J. W. Jacoba, vo vill double tLe amonnt otdo- pouleyen deing the mame. Oui binders sud drivera nover uav caur machine, imtil they «wav lain the field on tie day cf tL. cntent. -Or if yen vil! put joni machine' ie tLe banda ot men abat nover vorked le, aüd va viii do the came, ve viii maie the- amount go b.cpL potne, y esci party, one hundred peanis. An immedite an- avor vil! be necesaay. Very truly, Y. W. GLEN, Euq., PMU J. P. WOOD. Cattie Epidealo la Greensln-Ter. rible Fataiîy-DeaIa cf a Ia from Poîsca-Othoî Citioens Aflicteal. (Troy Evenlug Taxis, -ug. lOth.) Tho ireaiful catt!. foyer or peutilence vhlch bL aus ed mach havoo amoug the Lords cf Illino is sud cîher Western Siates, Las " deits appearance lu thia vicinity. Its ravages tbns fi erseux te have bren cenfiaed tc, Greenhuab sud vicnity, but It la svidenlly preading. The firut case reported eccarrei about a voek ago, a ccv hoionging te 1fr. Aiken, being toundinlathe pasture deai. At firai IL w vs uppomed Ihat @ai.wvas truck by liltoing. The noxt day, bevever, ano- lier ccv udienly died, sud ap 10 lie pre. sent time Mr. A. blai et eight. Several cuher persona have bout coule by the saute diseas,sud lnriug the peut rock prcbably, tvelvo have dici. The animaisaore sioek, but a fov Leurs, sud tLe only ymptea tboy exhibit la a sligbî bieodiug ai tbe noue. Tbey vili apparsntly b. veil at ni1gbt sud lu tLe morning foonnidemi. Iu thieeality its ftalireaits bave net issu confiued te cattle alone. Airamn Smith skinoed oeeof the ceva that died, flis bandeand arma voie semevhat sraL. cbsd by berry bnsbemsud in tuis mauner the poisonous mater corviras vu inocu. latei into hua arm. The. liai began te aveul snd pain ia vsry. much. Ho cou- auited a physicien, bai bis condition rapi. 1, grewvoraet sud on Sslurday resnited in lu bis desti. A asiter of the deesaaed vho attended ia. in Lis basf iluness, kisaci hlm after Lis death and vas aise infected by Lie dasease. Ibis morning ah. vas iyiug ver, 1ev, sud lu ia tbonght caunot recover. Anotier man nanteod Osmuder ivaus ubeqnenlly affectedinlutLb.sane manner, but is ail alie. That the destb cf Samihvas lhe reauiu cf ithe infection tiare la ne doaht. Dickens Jltatakesa for a ]Fenian- Union Le iatle oetI"Au amnsiug Mis- take,19 a correspondent efthe Conr Cen- stituLion vrites . IlDuring thia menuti tre. atusugers, 'isandet lihe banda,' appearsdinluthe littbe tovn oftDouoraite. Thugi net uaeartiby, tiey ver. very mysterieus loohiug. TLoy hadl books sud imapa sud photographie apparatus. The. village lu rsceived thl vaiderens, and Lioy aecmed bnsy and vebi plomaod ;baue vo wre thiy, sud viat ld tL.y vaut?7 The fait et Cabirme. vas net near; aud even if it vais nigiaet baud, 'Lie company seonaci Le kno* a ittle et horso-lesalaus Dr. Johnson ii cf oit, sud lihe hlm, venud ho au lihely te plead, quecîionod us Le Lie points cf Lie animal, 'ignorac, groas ignor-ince.' Tieir moue- monts attnsaed L e notice cf tLe preseiveefý et tie posce, sud IL vs us aaily concfaded tLot tLey vere Fenias. pnobabby Amen-,. cana, peuaiily Lead centres lu disguise, end ver, prcperîy tie.peblo. *solvai Le visi*t thea; Lhe utrangers vere' ad til namnes as uinsapueparatcry, aio- icubîj, te, suoeursiou net iuoloied l inteir pro-! gramme. ýOu. cf thein sared'fraukly, miii ataoteily, told Lis nome sud o.-- cupallon, sud vau-felîy pispared lu proro blu identit>'. My iory- s jaSi ovr-fisr illasîrleas arragor vas a-"ritou, IfaM Le desgribi bika' ad- ud isnu»evas , iearles Diohêns.' An sapology at case cfsii vas geai humortd'ly, receied,,sud ne Initier Lieupau on the gaestei, and neO oc a'go, buis r. Plcviek, "10 obriag au udcim ies he vent te Lesadesa." Mcxt day, Soda>',,Ui. Dioksxps attended di servIce aIlie parla "à%ohaii'upeati Mr. Biciatd Dack, cf ltdesay, vule~ ona- beau SisoLlsg, Wsitle "lfortune te b. eionsly fujurtrea ungthLb.gan bai- ' ing sud mhattLorlîg hlm ai.., A nev tesa griatmihI, rcu'ree in ýBarrîe.vwu bliouih th e fflimer lJami .ta v;bmsopenetration sud indefaligabiit3 ,tie successvbhich bas attende-I thee drt et tbe force is grcatly due. Frcui liai lime anti! Thursiy oveuiug bautithb moanieringi cf lbe gang bave severally bean paiently sud tolidly "abadoved' hy liý e ec1'ives,unutil a* latsufficieni evidenco le exîradite 1a ouppesaci 1 bavé been gathorei, aud the ýculmination vao lie ai roet a number cf mon nd ivomen lu various parts oet hoCiyext the evening menitoed'. Althoüugih.ereadera of tie GZObo were. maie avare some lime ag< thal "LynchI aw," au mc lately sud deci- sively Put luto f&ic., for the punisabment of "Expressrebliramong oui ýBebublicar noighhea aitrugi test of saibr té. .tribution drioeoui midst some of the eseped t ibeves,, yet v ery, ev e avare tliai-a score'ci tveicfdétectives have beau pleddingly enlihe linck ofai. met osinsy tble Ibieves iu Toronto for lie pastmouth or two. But it lu a tact liaI. aliongi littie dueaci o4 the "chadev'" flibore and lier.; sud vert bie "Imai" in s barbées shcp, enjoyiug a sase, or ut the regatta, witi bis bauds In peckcts maie piethoric bylill-goltcn riebes, and vibbing tohetif IL vaaouly tertio sake cf betting, or voie lu supposai! soclusion aIL thfeaetable, Lie accmmdatisud pt flexible "shsdov" vas èer by hlm. Tbe knowiedge glcaned by ibis combinalion of détective akili uni patience led le the walciful a'upcivicien et a namber et ren- dezveus wbich the "apetteal" mou voiein the habit cf treqacntiug. Tiho, principal ef these la thé "TURF CLU.9 licE!. This establishment, aitustod on King atreet vosi, near Bay, vas at eue time kopi by a mnu ughed Buttera, vie. ini conjunction witL lt bai IL.e livcry stable adjacent le vont te the States, sud tbf place vas lesseal hy M.- John EIgle, at sometimo propieter cf lthe Globe Hotel ou Ycge street Prom Lis bauds-the inter- est lu tb. las. passodt te a màn, nametl James Clarson, a butche, "wo figurei smre yeurs age, IL may ho ïemonigret li Sas c c f crim mi&n A short ime hack tie hoel, ici bau beon considersbly improrci, beLL caler- nslly sud intea-nally by tic rcc.uscitatlng baud cf Carson, passed ouI cf ia bauds * a couple et ,xtucmcly cote Amogn~-, looking indluiduaba, sud 10 viese "ldo-' nothiug" air tie Ire-le, or ratai' protes- sien, cf "gentlemen st Icisure," lu detault et any kuovîsige et the tacto, vas ascilhed hy the uninitiati. Among lihe atter, howver, veenoL Oui frionda lun1fr. Piukerton's euaploy, auds a luge ameunt cf "cash devu"l (sai le he bcrderlng on *5,000) Lad been received hy Causon (or Lis in teret lIL.th place, anotheuof anua- berôf inks viieh vas ttom ho'chalu' lu procmof etiig Joiued vas accurÏi. Soverai vemen vere lumastos or frequcu- tara cf the bouse, lie roputai vives cf thé- "gentlemmuby" propriétaire, and a number cf simibarly "1geL up" lgots loiteiod arouni the placo These vomen voie flasiy lu lbe extroine ' th. malter et attire. Dia- mouds mparkbod sud satins rustbed vben they movci, sud gebi vatches, massive sud rather unladylike, couli ho producod te "mark Lb. ime -'luntact of theso tair creatures IL coald imrily ho sai thal LLey vere 1,1"noat but eue gaudy, spruce but spauglebesa." On. cf the preprictera vas kuovu most faailisîly as "Piano Charlie,"1 but vbon h. signei bis name, "Charles E. Thoapson" appearod lu fuil. Hia partuer lu the, "couceru» la caiied Morton,, sithougi the -Most et these vieovesau- îouted labour under a pbctbora et aliases. The next estabishment lu point cf im- portance vhicbtquirod officiai caro lu tho vay cf hoiug sLrlctby vatcbed vas A PEIVÀ?E RX5IDIXCE ON SO i TiETf, vbich âbai isoccupisi by Mi. Hodier, Jr., (son cf Dr. Houder) sud 'family util about two monthu ago, vhen s man calici S. W. Moore routi Lthe bouse as, IL vas- tuunisbed--aud poiLb, ratherilarge figure et $100 peu mentisud vie, Logether viti bis vite sud mother-in-lav, Mus Sturges, teck 'possession et Lb. bous, viere liey bave beau sir.ce living ln rather 111astl' style. Theed"ea&fthle bouse sud ocher imates psu d dîeceived troquent visita froin 'heir frienis ef.thîe "Turf Club," and Lb. couneclion betveen Lb. Iv*o vas fiimly establishod irn Lb. 1,"miud's oye" cf Lie, détectives. Don Thoapsoni, a veilîkuovuandipopu- lai coaian cf Toroti,_,aid brother cf .ý"planoo iaulie, vwua afréquenter' et the " Turf Club," sud assncb, cf cearme,. bia inevements came lu fera gooi ubareofotat- toutten. Waahe lisrecipienl Ymaa> visitefuom- il. 54Jf5,.ln-lav sund aolis etLb. 6Ted Club " vbici voe resèponide te lu robin, sudýïël b euasuioence*vas Lieugitt'Ol er- quis emeviat cf sa canv.llauoe. Tic foutLsud bltplsm o ewilci lie detec- Mu NEOOKTON CLUBasous&. Tq'hobteL l aiasamafln li-ekto ».ad a procesa et plucing., A large quancaty n -- - FCanada fonds and greunbacks, jevellery ,lIat- et every description, aid avarieIy cf; Val- tvo t ushles were <oud on lie poisons of th ruah i differont prisoa ors, and at tbo Turt Club',bilf aà and Moere's bouse, wvich voeeplace oi l il 'suad are nov iu charte cf lio police. - At a sul 9,Moor's bouse, bis vif.snimetbein-lav ___ a woue arresed sud couveyed Le gaci. Don P Thïompoo's vite vas arremtci snt ber ici, -bouse, ile Don Tionapsen vas.'nsbboi' lieà r enlie street sborly alter the arrosaioet les Mooro sud Williamn. On aU of lieue ai- thé -restai, more or las cf riches ver. founi.- Iven If A-gooi iaym veuk bai been doue, but aUlu.te a vas net yet complottasd lie morniug I j a Pppor as tlaeroforo ioqaestéi te suppfes thIe publication for 24bcours, ofthbepartigu- fis bars, Iii boeo LaI more arrees mighL- be: cons offeècteià. ',Detectivez ara at vork iu dit- for t Iferont ports efthLe Dominion, sud ne tisae adoubt by this fimoe bave boensuccessfal lucas % caploriug ethoniofethe gang. ý trn I > .TbempsOu'e peracu lIer. -wero er 4 oni $3,000 lu 5 20*'., viti coupons at- e e tachcd. Inu carcbiug tb. bouses à large <'u 3quantity oftjevellery vas founýnd, nineo"cl 1 loua a numbortLin six diamoi rings sudi a vere takon off Lie-fingers et Mis. MarLon.-4f i f Tvo massivegoli vatcios ansd cbhanse ne vouee founi in Lie safo ateortou'i. Thcytre - voue valued at $400each, aid sboal 1, - aus 1) lu0ingreenhauiks vere'aise gellthe ica 1sale. Aient Ivo or ti e ecs ago 01.Fi. mid Thopnipso co 9,000lunSô20 bonds WleD *Mr. Morse, broker, eft ls city, sud, slace hodi that lime $2,000 ofthLe samne denomina- tien, bat hhey voeenoue. ofthLestoeon I pioerty. IL Lans salce heen ascertaiued Diel It Le o bougit thiislenat Ray frona Jay P Ceoke k Ce., brokera, Wil îeo,!e Y'ork, payiug for thont lu groonhackss.agl *About six veks ago, bovevér, tL. pTi- 'Y souci Moore sold te Mr,- Mers. $,00-cf tE 1 compoundinlutrest notas, ising part et Dici Lie bonds actualiy stolen freom lie Exipress odàei Comany. We nisataudLiaI upen a gpoa (aiLier searcb thie smn c 2,00vs tound on Mis.Mocre in lie gwcL., icu * The cmse vili piciably beho ugiiî up TPIa I beore lb. Police MagistraLe,-on Mcnd&y illO sud4 remaniai munli cferneligit linkslýhaL tie, nov vantiug arecitainei. Somiëo et ac Lic prisouers arTe upposd. te Lave boers "Gi; implicatoal lu-lie Adams Exprous rebisry,, 'Kený viicb occurrod lu Ohie sa short lime ago. JsmO The particulars cf the -lyuching' cf lire. vitb, ctioheculpuit.s îfpearedinlutb.eGOkbe a fev dascafter tbe occurrence. Aul A-couple cf paiLles vie hmppouod te,,b ho lu tie 'Roter aet lie lime cf the deaaceulg veo arsrestai, but afteivsido, visa founi Vietc *teo innocenti voie alloved te go. Tbe dent holdingcf a meeting a rcect0d, etvwiciappel il iieprepi -liaiL i d ~uvli givo ppe s 6iaplte isi6atofeail ethe autecoeotu jgcta ert Lesae parties, Lie'majenity of vhemal~ e< 1ssii to ho unmitigatci sceudrels, sud. mkilbed-inu very description et cuninguai d cmai racality; mndcci, for augit yel knovu, ldôl some cf thea May ho muuuireia, 'fer illin ilu villb horecoliled ifthal tho-express mou-_ nisi songer lu thé 1laI robhory vas cr00117 day t Ibrevu off lbe trainwyul. geiug aI ligil- sun a n ing speed, and afteivards died tront the Bfo injurie. Lieu receivcd. Auctier matansd makil a bey vero arrestai. Their ."mes il la politic te curproca. The riches cf the pri-. yuLth sonera have enabled tbem te secue tsmo is hoi ver>' eminent counsel, among vhoa, are (soli Meoan IL 0.C.amoîcu sud J. Rf.,Cameren. tory Tic former l; acting foir Mcci'. sund bis yodl vite sud aotber-in-lav, Don Tiompso iual and vite, sud Williama. lie coutcua& IL that acceudingtte lie Asiburtonu Trcaty noue but principals can ho oxtraditod.. The a nuit exprssmessonger lu lie Mérchants Cean- marel pan>', statci Liai lier. were cul>' Ivo cu- lln geg inu-s cuuing hlm sd asking say Amati villa tic ,bcd>'. Ou, <Martin) bin. ien Lee& dicpoaei of by extradition, se. tial PMi. .Cameron argues that Lieue caunol ho auy Six but oesmore lhable le extedition. IUnder su>' circ.amstancoj, i. ssysï the 705est aa tb. voman la illegal, as they must ho cou OUD sidoici if suytlalug as acceasories te viont i b 'tie extradition soi doua net extani. EuXv- mcii donce te impli catoe énit Ith e litter lime1 deprodatien on lie- Joffersonvilie Rcsd- diffieW msy,Lhowver, ho f orth coming, aud troua vas!N Lie confido exl&te eofthle detoctives .Ltias bt seema likel>'. Et là te ho hopod ce, as tbere seemc ne deabt buttIhat some cf Ihose arrestoal are dcserilg et punisi. ehl aient - haring ,Mr. Cameron ifienda aLpp yug fOr a lires vrit of Habeas (Yespw oci La I cf Lia boras client,a'"d ervs a notice on CapIjj Prias. te ie1lverup t1h. Turf Club House andiothdr places la bis poasessiomn.' ou Ma,. IL A. Bsrrison la ictsned fýr lie 1ieeply oxtilod crovi gabersi iuiul the Infirmai>'gaies, msnUy or vhons ae veIMen who e, oleviug thâtthiit aisâ migb. oamong the kllled, made îorons aud weepinu entreatiostale b. iuced le lie- demi hou..e, butup tu ligbu la vas limpossible te admit suy Svitiiathe valts, and noue of liae Vs Lad isea idoalifled. - ,enu white la lis clu, vaveyahn ' s nirchas. Mr. Jamis Hmmlllen<s pe--;IF entilled ilWhst a" e .Wlld Vases angi" Butas tLIéiaÙ-iIfuaivcr,- Lhe.srtist's hast, vas alroady mcld, Mr.' tous requesisi tbat he migis se the mai uhetci, viii vlaich ho wua eo aly pleasci tis&ibcinsittdonc-by~ ie, Mr.. Hamailton refusai 50 me»Ilais are, -but presenae s t e Mi.Dickens.' yciier day lie ailaireoiai ru kons su saquisite oditiofi cf him novais, ampaaied by tie telboving aeiograpua1 ad'c HM Place, Highan by Rochester, e,ý Monday, 25ii May', 1868, te 1n. un Hamilton, lis set cf -amy bocks, à bsuka and regard. Chales Dinh.,.," usvaiua.-There aie Lfty nevapapeis, aidfbutle, pahlliàeiin lis colon>' of enrs, vio have hitisito issu depen.. o n impertel papor for thofr perodical stance. ;Bus nov hhMre a acuslls a auog vi eh d«si additional, Dre asy Y tra viiil ind te ienlu ugit sud s la tLe openi at Goe on u;roodu a sue tis ih O I iaca~ of lis Tie fsi ai leseb c bis vhe table O boca h t. bu La i k

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