eTf 'I ATG flARIMES, Attorneys, 8Sei4toltes Mo OU77Z7-Wist.75 Assranee a llu vharhStnu.¾Torontoè#J. W. ANGtYNMOURISON. - Jl.A. ApSoM. Torento, Jli>$0m, 1861.8 0NTYOROWS AlTTORNET FOR ON- and Atterno. -t-LgavSO IB OrtDepas>' Itgstrdar, Mater Extreerti teryaaona sansnerin Chlsair>'for thîeon- $011ri Wyk.hlab>,C. W. 01106.- VI tarIa BulIinrO t bty P RIISTEK.-AT-LAW AND SOLICITUR li olanoiry.' laibr- Totouto-Ot., 0 roa te.9>u 91A8ITER & ATTOUSJTY.ATr-LÂW, IBALPolloitolainChamnci,Cenvoyam;Noei,- ta P blWlê ho. Lf~waoa-*e t tirte MeSord)tR.*J * Campbell, Broqk SI.., Whltbi ,onlt. wliabtiî,Nov., ot>Ã". 4 et me. FAIRDANILSi SOLICITOlt NOTABY PUBLIC, &o. dko. W# né DILLiNfou. #W sairiaU> aaut Ornes, ATTORNE<Y AT LAM, SOLICTORIN, g li.aoryeîV7cO &.Cnlu .7. HJIIif SI L ICIORIN *0219te ogtsitrylgeo,gou Brook 4treeL. 48 J MM SLA210N# Dundae Strict. £<Tho. doora West cf thse IPot 011100. 1) BARLSTZTKS, ATTORNEY$, OV-- LE users andi Notarlîs l'nbl-io, &o., &01, ,Pl'BiocoAasuini-OylIo- oppoite Town F'oursi, Bs-leOW5Ilock. Hl. (3ooueLxs LL. B.,1 W. IL. CoCnaîXY. COlIU ty Crown Attornoy. 1Poirt Yrry, SGth Decembir, 1805. 61 C., A. JOlIES, Danlstir, Sgollcattor lua Claacery, Atm < O5'1?WE-Next doort tise oid REe! Ir>' Offic, Whitby. or 1> LYNIAN ENULISU, Ln. Y>AXIUSTE AT L4&W, Solicitor laU hiais- ÂI oer>', <ovye &ek.o. si noo t,-oppoltt bePosntOffice, (sbawa. 40 DRI. CARSON & LAW# Consultation oi Pastuerahlp f rea of charge.- b. A. CAMNo, M. D., V . iH. LÂW, E. A., X. D., Whtby, Jniy 20, 1968. 2 19. .. GUNN, if. D. t.IUBGEOX4 TO TIE COUNTY GÂOL ~Byon Stree, Witb>. D. W. FERRIER, M. 0. BUOtJGUAM. Omcu Hovsa-8 teoe . m., antià Sto S ololoek, P. M. 1 JOH N V. HAM, NOTARY PUBLIC, WLtIy, April ISts, 1888. THOMAS USTON,> T OW< OKRKéTRASUEIIWIITBY- Offie-T'owu tet - Henrs 9-to 1 o'eiock. VICTORLIA HOTEL. W Wx. IJOYugoui'5.> 27 JOHN RODINSON'S IIAIR-DRIESSING AND 8SHÂVING * - BROOK ST., WRIIT'. Whltb>', Jan. 226 '68. geil athea-I the stages. or uxbtidge andi Bearrn lebye GBORGE ROBSON. WWhitbyMXay 1868.2. LtM RE M URANT Carpner,- a LuuTeolarno t, Wliitey. A lartequan. sltyotellklad, of lîubbroonattanly oUnd. F UNEKAÀLS fully oà .upplled ianti attutiet s:haboinotIOe. (;0 ns kept eens:anîI> band, &rA,4rse tre eonlleraltermo. Brookiiu Drug Storý, D RÂLER ina Drogi, Patent itleIna. IPFbata, 011., J»'. Stffs, Cbabotion. or>', and i Lquers of thé boi ality for edla1 puroîs Breokfln, C. W., 1866 26 (OgcnUt 411 Lo$ansiCkurm, Whftzg.> JSpreparedto gtegîve ile anti SîglsgIeà sotie, te a a lîmîiteti nuinher of puplu Apiolcte ibe madie et the Office ofJobn L.Waakl, Surg o eltiot, over Jamnes B>'rnea Metill la Brook St. Wh41t. CROCKZER'S IW7rEl, (LATE I'LATT'S,) NEL.SON ST. TORONerc, BASSETT & M1BLE, ST.gZTR T Eproetera roecfally aunonflh.. t T theoirfletéds, et a duatance, aseWall ascear home, ti tia'hahve talions th#eixiüve prcwaucoé wbloh ari lis every respsica oonvenientîv anla o*onîtontably fitted UP sur tie accomnzedà tiou of gua.'. anti the traveling public,. They'wili beroiud loi constant pecroîîilattendaince, anti STAG*E HOUSE ISAAC! PENTON, pîopzlet'or. CiOMMISION MER CILNfI INSTYTANCE, à GEItEBAL AGEN4T. Whitby, Jan., l6th 1866.2 i REVIERE HOUBE, B. PLANK, -- -- Proprietor. Otages toeanti (rom Wiuitby oeill deilly. Ever>' alttention paldt tite ust. C_ reful -at:d atten- tive otlens. Query Why la it tisai tbei ae isich a ian for pctirea AT CLARK'S GALLER"DYI la la becanse hiehbas thse besi Geller>'lui the Cont>', andi lieis MOre patience with ohilIren than an>' other -Artilt lu thse Jonuit>', santuo do quite apgotilwork se eny othei sman la ahe Thissa..wisat's te niatter, se dou't lb. backwarti about consoing fenverd. BROCK ST.. WEIITBY@ Whitby, Nov. 1-2, 1867. 450 TH1ELANCASHIRE FIimE mAN onU INSIIRANCE COWINY. [Izii» Oites ozy iffnso-N. W. Corner et King anud Cbnreh Street., Toronto. S. C. DuKoAy-CLAi4 h CeV., Chiet Agente for Ontario. uEndteralnojIedbas greantplissaeIn lIsna- T [fominlisa friands ta.WVlltbV, at he Cont>'of Ontario, tbh bu aibe=n eluteti Agent for abe aboya firstlola EnjPglsI4 Ceai- bllilprinted atth rnilo£e. <or Nig. Carter.17 WELLINGTON -UOTEL, . RUEDOTTON, p-Pioprietor. A88URANC1E COMPANY Capital, 8400,000. LAgent for the aboya oopanj à 15aw, Apply te, LEVI FAIRBANBS, Jr, ]BROOKLIN HOUrSE, CLARUK & VIOKRY, - Proprietora. Beg mont reopeotnly te inforîn theilnhabs. tante4 9* thp Conüty of Ontario, tbat tbejibave leueaîtb a. kbive promis% teiy cuidb any Portie, which they bave îîewly fornlah. id andi rcnovated, andti ay 'are prepareti te aeonmodae thel travelling. publie. The Bar etooked wlth the beout liquors andi cigaro, andi au attentivaoaîleriways ln attendaeco. ('LAER & VICREER, propïlà tors Br,okiln, April, 1866. 19-17' FAREWELL &k McGEE, ]BAIIRISTEILS ATrTrPILNEY$, SoLICI. TU4B8 -4;0 vEyA&NczIs, AND NO- TABlES PÙBL[C. Oroz :-One door northa of the i>o;t (>fio, Oultawa; endtieMFecter',s Block, opposite Town Hall, Bowmanviiie. JOHN L WATKISt SURGON DENTISTe Olo-Oe JAS. BYLN Es8 Medica ir[all. Brook Street, Whitby. jýM Ail work warranted. Famillesaetten<led ut private reidocc. TEET)! f EXTRACTED £WITOTPAIN, ÀM 1 BY TfllT USE OP7 NITROÃŽJS OXIflE LAIJGIING GAS, OS TRE INEW LOCALAN.MSTHETI, AT DENTAL BOOMS, DUNDAS STREET, IIIIITBY, C. W. EOOMB.-Over M. Il. Cocre.'astore. Whitby, June 20, 1867. 25 FIRE ASSURANCE MOe LOMBARD STREET & CITARING CROSS, ES12IBLISRED IN 1782. GILLESriE, MOFPATT & Co., Agents for Canada. JAMES DAVIbSÙN, Manager. 1NSNCE agalnst LOBS by PIRlE are effe ti.n the st faoritbIo e tmeandi IéOSSES P.&ID withont reforemae 1 the iuord la Loodcn. AprIl $rd, 1a6s. YEOMAN GI"'N 1Agent, WisltbýY 3.10E TOULS & FINDINGS. A cnslete a.,orin m cf l saîîerau em fshoei Tools, 5Moceand Machine Tlrcad, Macilne O11k. Shoo Pogi, Ulioe Mailo, Shon Tm"ks, Icel andi Te Mls, or- WIOLESALE AND> RETAIL., JRYAN h OLIVEIR, 12-17 114 YoI e SiixiTommar. melsiSi, Tramesand Pelis olfall lze& Sqsecurved iRaleS SlI.te î~pruv trous Mugm À ysud '.Mee. le, iUpes,&Ãc, sau of li .esqSwlityat ai iet TO MAOHINIOTSI steel 1Raie., 846 Wqnnes, Centrb auOse, Véeri mspers, Suet Csllp.fR ate#,COllatu, AmW. To CABINETOLIVER"1 ARD U U PHOLS ek.TEES, Ma tn ue .0,031 nu s oca loft ...... ........... 42- Two yer oId entire cl.. 4 3 ~~%I ' " iv... 4 3 One year o14 encire cot.. 4 s dé Il > l" Fily..4 3 HIorscolt of 16.». 4 a Filly "e 4". ..o 4 8 Pair eofsnatchc'd BHorue...4 3 Single Hoise in Harnes... 4 8 Stalin... .......4 3 mare andt Foal, or evidenoe 1that Foal bas been lest. 4 3 TWO year olti entire Colti,,. 4 8 64 0 F6ly..4 3 One yeer old enturo Co L. 4 3- "04 - 6 dé Filly... 4 3 Norge Colt of 18M .....4 3 FiiIy - 44 ..di48a Paii matcheti Herses ... 4 DRAUGUT HOESE. Stailioe ......... ,o...4 3 Mare and Feal, or evidence .that Foal bas becu lest. 4 3 Two year .14 entire Colt... 4 3 il di 0 Filly... 4 3 One year olti cati-e Colt... 4 8 Norge COPL of 18LS......... 4-8 Fil!>'0 dé .......4 3 Pair matcheti Herses,....4 3 Class I.-Catt. THOROUGII BRED. Two year old Bull....... .4 3 Yearling Bull ............. 4 3 Bull Calf .... 1.............. 4 3 Mileh Cow, giving milk or un caf ...- ............... 4 3 Two y car old Reiter ...4 3 Yearling Ute.....4 3 hlcferCaî........4 3 DEVON. ,1311............ 4 3- Tero year old Bull,........ 4 3 Yearling Bl. ....4 3 Bull Cat......4 3 Milch Ceer, giving milk or in ealf...................4 3 Two year eid Heiter-......4 3 Yearling Heifer . ........ 4 3 Heifer Caîf ............... 4 3 Bull.................. 4 3 Twe Irear eld Bl....4 3 Yearling Bull .......... .4 3 Bull Cf.... ..4 3 Mieh Cow, giving milk er n caif .................4 3 Twe yeai- old Heiter......4 3 Yeaniing Hie....4 3 Heifer Caf.....4 3 Bull.........4 3 Two year eld Bull .......4 8 Yearling ul. ....4 3 Bull Caîf ................. 4 3 M1ilch Coee, giviug milk or ini calf................ 4 2 Two yeai- old Heifer...4 3 Yearling Hie-.. 4 3 Heifer Cali............i... 4 2 AY'BSHIIBB. Bull....................... 4 9 TWo year old Bull ........ 4 3 Yearliing Bull.... .o. o..... 4 3 Bull Calf; ............ 4 3 Milcb Cow, giving aiilk or i ealf...................4 3 Teroyear eld }Teifei-......4 3 Yearling ileifer .......... 4 3 Roiter Cî.... .4 3 FAT CATTLE. Fat- Oz o8tei.-......... 4 8 Fat Cow or Heifer ........ .4 8 Yeke Workiag Oxen...e. 4 a 7 Clansma .-Sheep. Ram.......... ....$3 $29 Ram Lamsb. î....3 2 Tnwoa -.........3 Ram ...... ......... Bhearling ReaIt * TR Iies................3 Tire Xheni Ees . T ire K w .r. ' Ram.......... ........3 Ram là mis - . Ti. Ries....... ....3 Two Shearliig Zwes'.. 3 .2 i 2. I 21 2 -1 21 21 Fiamb..........00o lire......~.-1.0 1.00 2 buskels Uleier ed. 2i iolbs, wedis1rTurnip' Seeti. 2 1 Bubl fFlxSed......2 1 DS carret Bnd ...... . . . 101b Mua Iod Wurt'e1 Seeti 2 1 1 bnibéll3eans.... .....2 1 1ibaelTrs.....2 >1 2 buabels Rye, $Spning. 2 2 buihels Rye, p il .2 'l 14bushei'l, potatoes....#$1.50 $15e 12 roots Turnips,..1-.50 1 50e 12 ro os Mangold Wnrt tel, long roti.....1.50 1 50e 12 roots Mangold, yel. low Globe,..... 1.50 50SO 12 roots Carot, long,' red-..a...........1.50 l-500 12 bots Carrota, white 1..50 1 500 12 do Orange 1.50 1i50o Mlas VII.-Dairy Produce. Bost lOîba, Butter, George Ueb.on 9s prize- ot,....... $10 0 2ed.t., .......s.i..... b.....400 ......... .,....... 00 . 2 00 Sts........... . i 00 Best lOUs Cheese, Mr-. Wm. Paxtows .prize o .et .... 5 OU 2nd..,. ...&a0 .........4 O0 3rd...........0 4th..........2 00 1 t06 Beat Firunof not Ieu than 40lbs batter inshsipping or. de ............4 00 2nd ................. .... o30 3rd.............2 00 P Cr lans VII.-Poultry. ParBlack Spanis........'i$1 90c "4 ori . . 150e Ilnmburg.......1 500 "Folasd .........1500 tAn" otiior varilty.1. 50o ~Turkeys, colored ...... l50e0 Sdo White.... 1 meu "Wild TaiIcs...1 50o " Geso, e ~ 1 50e Gecda7mail'o . 1 500 'Duckii...............i 1SO0 Pigeons, beat collection.1 50a Guinea Fowle .............. 1 SOC Bofit lot of Poulary in ono pen, owîaed by exhibitor, ct.tinct from aIl other en- tris ........................$2 1 Claus IX.-FParm Implements. Reaper aisd Mower, cern- .ie .... .ké;......6 $4 $2 Mowinl Machine, single.... dI 4 2 Thssbng Machine........ 6 4 2 Waggon, (two borse team), 4 3 2 Ik- wo.horsc, apring, , 2 mriket ............ ... Two Horse Carsiage...$4 $3 $2 One Home a e". ..4 3 2 Two Horse Sleigh ........ 4 3 2 One Horse 6. . .4 3 2 Ireri Mionghé.......... ... 43-2 Wcoden Mlongb.......4 3 2 Turuip Drilli.............. 4 3 2 Set of Hlarrows, wood ... 4 3 2 Bet of Harrows, iron .....4 3 2 Tîvo Ilorse Cultivator..4 3 2 Two-Horse Relier........ 4 3 2 Gisnft iog 4 3. 2 Grasm Drill.... Strier Cutter, .or....... 3 power,.....-.............. 4 32 Coi-n Shel1ýrr . . 3 2 1 Oneherse ýuitiyà tor. 3 2 1 Btr8aW'Cu ter1 worked by baud ................... 3 2 1 Herse Rake.......... ..ý.. 3 9 I Faniing Mlli ............ .3 2 1 Set of Draining el . Cider Mill n i-u 3 2 1 Cheese Pres............. $2 $1 50o Wail!in Machine ..... 2 1 50c Tnrnip lci...........2 1i150c .hmé .. 4..... 2 10eo Grain Crsei....2 1 50e Haif.dezen liay Forks. ..2 1 50a fiait dozen. nunre Forks 2 1 SOu Hait dozen Steel Hepes... 2 1 50o liait dozen -Scythes...2 1 50a Pair Fine Boots ...........$ 40 84 Ceai-seBobo........ 1 500 Set of Faim laune s....-- . 1 GlaS L-Hortieultural partmnent. 12 Table Apples, stùmeri 12. ceiing Apple, o mer, 12 Table Appies, fait, nameti -1 12 ooking #à 61 11 12 TabeY" -idé nter "il 1 )0-1 w..... sga.........175c 5o .Jar of Pcl... ...7~50e0 ......ers ......... 75o 50e 12 Prinpe..........75a 50c 6 Heade eley....75o 50a Peck *bite Ornons.s..75a 50o- tCI 'Red 1,. ....T5cSoc 1'otat "... 750 500 511,s of Hop$......750 50eý Ohikcr........... 150 50 Bes. sud gi-ueattvariety oet Gfirden Vegetablps.$21 $1 .Any other vtiriety of Wiae. M,5 50e factures. 10 yards Fuil Clotlhborne mnade, opun and iwove ,by 10 yards Full ClotbiJaotor mad.......î,.i. 1.G 10 yards Satinette home made, sÉun and wo4.e by 10 yards Satinette tactory made..... ..1.01 10 yards FInnud, beome- maude, opu anad woec by bîand, ail wool .......... 1.50 1 10 yards bi±se-iade by, band, Cotton' warp,.. 1.50 1 10 yards Flannel, factory made, aul wooi .......... 1.50 1 10 yards Flannel, tietory made, Cotten warp . 1.50 1' 10 yards Wooleîî Carpet 1.50 1 10 yards Rag Carpet. ;. 150 i Pair Woolen Blenket.... 1.50 1 Coverlet,, heavy....,,...1.50 1 *do, light ...... .. .1-601 Bhepherd's Plaid......1.5ô -I Pair Woolen Stookingu,... 75e 50 46 S Boks... .. ..75o 50o "Cotton Stockings..75o 50e " 6 " ocks....... ..75e 50C '~Plain Woolen Mta. .750 Soc Plain Woolen Yan . 75e 50o 1011>. flnx in its naturalastate $3 $2 511. flar dresaed ...........3a 2 blbs iflax *dressod by bad. 3 2 Class XII.-Ladies' Depart- ment. Lady's Den.....$.o$1 (7hiid'a Drea' .......... 1.50 1 Gentleman'.shit....1.50 1 Lady'a Bonnet .......... .. 1.50 1 Pioce werk Quilt ........... 1.50 1 Huit I3ed Cover..........1,50 1 Crotchet work Counterpane 1.50 1 Biik Conuterpane ........ 1.50 1 Fancy Netting, ...... .... 1.50 1 Fauey Enîtting............ 1.50 1 Embroidery on muelin or lace 1.50 1 Ernlroidery on Bik 1.50 1 Embroidcry on Worsted.,... 1.50 1 Crotchet Work .......1.50' 1 Raised Berlin WOOl ....1.50 1 Flat Berlin Woo1. . ....1,0 1 Germais Raised Work...1,50 1 Guipure Work......... 1.50 1- Chenule Work. ..1.50 1 Ornamental Needie Work... 1.50 1 Specimezi of Braiding.. t50 1 Specimen of Quiltln'g.,...1.50 1 Specimen of Bead Work..1.50- 1 Wax Fruit...... ....... 1-50 1 Wax Flwr.....1.50 1 Paper Flowers ........... 1.50 1 air Flowers........1.50 1 Fancy Basket ........... 1.50 1 'Rag.Ru g... ,».........1.50 1 Greciaft Latnp .......1.50 1 Faney Leather Work ....1.50 1 Éiat, Canadiau Straw ... 1.50 l1 Feather Floiwers .......... 1.50 1 Zephyr Flowcrs i-:-:.. .50 i Hair lewelIry...:;. .50, 1 LiIied. ........1.50- À Wax Sheils ................ 1.50 1 Farmrs' reah......1.50,1 Chias Xff.-Irine- Arts. Watér CÇolorPaintig.;.... 1.5c1 Velvet, Painting.... 1 PeclDrawing...,,... #...1.50 1 Crayon i D ..w..g........ 1.50 1 'SieV ai usme, vus %stoam, viso bosmeenameroti ot a heantitual ,'oung latiy'kuevu asiBB GailedI. à isattentions appeareti te baieaý bain acisiptod anti neclprocateti b>' tisa Young lady, andtie bs ecante conviaceti tisai i ss sthes oui>' Mnu aisecouîti ever l,' iftvs msy jutige b>' tbs tollowiug coomnuication vhich as atmade te John Milton, vise folevbd tisa ratiser ingulat vocation et advsrtisiug îbiags 'lest anti touai' upon bar tatlsor'o*sta: 'Con- 1ret isn esolieti Adam-'tbail sabat wiais mbý la bhuaior wvee; go dear 1I love hlmo,té tsIvith hlm.SU deatb 1 conlti en- dure, vidout hies live Dne f..' Tis being equivalontI te iseedest de. elanssion abat tise lady le willing sbiat ber lover sisoulti boi e opay bar- board, au- rangements vira.i.umediiaelymatiete bave the unuion consummateti, and intise abire eý ot a>'oficiel clergymanthéiseormon va. pettermeithé mis iost simple anti un- ostentations manne-, iu tise beantifal, gar.ý tien ef Eden. Thes auspicieustmoment sav. ing- arnivîti, tise groom teok tse vwhite anti litile baond ef bis bride, anerdoreruiiaven b>' a plein gelti uunX ,And,af&&Ctionately imprialing upon it a kils, iseenti>' sid;. 'This is now bonseof My boeo, flashs ef ns> fis, iberefore sisal! a miatleav» bis fatisur anti motber anti ding auto bis vite; e-dý tise>' sisll be oi.fiais.' KNo Cardé,.flan via jote intl;îb ehl>' bonds of vsdlock tise finsi coupls of wisieb vs bave an>' kuovîstige. Tisons vas ne éotuid, speo- tacleti tatir.inlaw, ne ivteresteti mothet. iu-lav, wvus ber legeudar>' smslling boulie, no es a nunarrieti aunalprisint. NOà w osd _,e -utïiqtt u e'Jenkint ters te ýwrite aop tiseafir, 4e tise rentiers ef tise Dade ,Poat MDisit aconîti take un, vush ibeir eeffeo anti cakes, nuit ma'eiuing, ade.' taileti account et vbat waa doue, anties'id# anti wern et tise vetdiug, mubi te tise re- gret, doabtiets et tise joli> os iuves Bni Jenkins, b.d bo bean thorae, voulti bave toont it difficnît te gît np a Sensation article, for tisetawuaua entirs, absence of aIl obtiosive dispîs>' aud*uetkless extrava- gance upon tise occasion, iefresbing tei contemplae. Tise ouf fit eft tie room vas plain'anti simple, perbapu tise moat notice. a. tig about il being tise absence ei tise dreucoat, Prbscribeti ou sncb occa- ios b>' eur bost Societ>'. - 'Isebridai ces-, tmne vau manketi b> perfect simplicil>', anti tise absence et ail expmnsive anti extrava- gant aderismeuts. isier. mnst bave bien sometlsiug ver>' becoming in ibis costume, se certain ladies la fashionable lifu, et tise prisent dey>, instate it as clelails possi., hie, we vien u tiÙ dess Dispaneiug with tise practice nov seo prenaient et iudulging un a veddiug tout,, anti uot Odaring te publici>' proclaim t1sons- seIves as newl>' married b>'tise' occupation et tise bridaI chemisera in tiseisotols anti1 on steamers,lise ihappy' couple Setieti quietl>' devis toe une>'tise canes ef mirnieti lits lu tise Gandin ef Eden, anti van noteti for ibeir plainand unpretending Masndeiret living. -Tise>'kepi ne -carrnage,iiné n opura.hox, gave ne coul>' enertelarmntî, but coutientedti iemacîves witistise simple, inexpinsive anti setisfaeior>' pîosauris ef enjoyment ia'cideutt tisatr, circoatiscus annurondings. .Adam un aa.geoti bu. baud; hbe spînt bis evenings <antia gond Man>' o e bi deys) et home0 j hob. ietne bnsideis engagements dova streit after, dark, uer did hbs bileug Io a club; bo spent bis vnng aet isome vus bis vifs, visom, h.4nover bqmiliated b>' eomiug bome, late ol'nigbte vith-a &brick in bis baty' godai aver>' "ambiguond dielêot. H. titinet ae:vaolc; a aseersobsans, bat ritas'nei in bis cheiks tise celer whieh aise isad benu transmiatet inladeeper bus te tise bowl et thepipe; bis sloep vas undisturbedi btie effecti -of dissipation or thea ulgisimaria et tise Stok market; va. ealm and ietiesking,, Undoubtedly lh a an se an>' dîme, Tise race teeS place-at Bs>' Viw Parki, -a tev miles nons t b. eoit>'oet Ban Fran.- cisco., 0iî a mile tracle. Tise aninal&, Shirt>' ia numbir, selectiti b>'Mr. Moveri vers tise common Caîlfornia mustangs anuf isaf-brheds, noiseet-ties tull-sizeit-i.* Mowyà ian elti Caliteru,. @ppeen4y ef. about Ilie middte, agi, wesgbs 160 peunds, anti rode vilS a mvy X)fxrcn <alifornias atitli, Spanisis bit andi fre rein. At 20 minutes te dv. lan tise noruilag.hé spraug labo tise satitiu, anti rode tise Bush, herse tour limes et a deeti rna. Attend«- ent. stoti reati> ai tisa nd tosoatile sue. rbiug ont titi tresis boises as haoiseekodecf for tison in eomiug aronti; anti bo, eisauged animais rapitil>, riding- none eo- tisean îhrei miles afler tise first, anti iet o thons more tissa io. Tise icandtod2t, dtrsfn a constanti>' resortedti t. An attendant voniti ride oue.fountb or- ene- tird of tise va>' town tise tracS to--muet bis a. ho cansc iu, .viSling bis' bouse4, ride becS just buisinti bis yelling venSi liamoil-*7h002.h aiIîmes!and swinging hi# biaS asif <nanti!. Titis veulti atarit th Ulgging-sniuîie mieredonblst exertions, aud ha voulti coma un fairl>' fiying. A. Single fslarp pull ou tise bpanis bibt would stop tise animal iu a second, anti in tvo or tbrie more tise rider voulti ho on a -fnesLýý anma, antioff sagain. Soee imca tisec mile or Ive miles voulti ho ritdaen one Vey aronu th ie traeki sometis es otiser, ire eider te relieve tise rider bjy change. a.-fa' a. practicable. Early ia tise mrnng tisc race tracS va. crovdid with people, arti' herters 2 O.s. tise jnLm vas immense. ITr te 12 mi. tise rider refuaiti ail -assistanice ii. moantdug ; but after tisaï bis ateudant. voulti eçeselonaîl>'gie biSa a lif t, apparent!>' ne& so macis bidassefief riquireti ii, a. for féar tisai he migisi do se betore tise recé *à lues r.-ÀîKt theendi cf ive huudr'd miles, a resi wa. takçen, andt; placard va. displa>'ed-fions tise jatige stand,'tisaI thea ve hundreti miles isatibeoni accompdind aigst ibonnes, Ivo mnteos. anti tonty.eigbit seconda-tss eating bÈ fort>' minutes- tiselime made Yy Mr. Os- baldison, vitis race borses, in Engienti. Tison tise lieut vas matie on tise tisird ba- dreti miles, Mr. Mowy> iving isedabati anti otisenise refreshed biasaitl, andij. pearng gooti for tvo isiistreti more, if us. quirit. Tise bet. nov obangeti, andi largeotitids verse ffuiotion bis vinlg vitis bat few takers. He nov madie a mile, un 2:08, andti tis lerâ.e vas 2:30 through-' oui. Tisenevau a ver>' beavy slidbiov-. ing acros tise track et ibis tise, and- tis, average spaiti mst bava bien eonsitierably unfavorahl>' aleestedbà thais1t, neverllse- liash hi ,'4ept-ap bis lioS? amuid tihe chier.- iugý otto*ol never faglagittan in-, scobi?