Whitby Chronicle, 27 Aug 1868, p. 3

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rel'. 11---- - 11se sVery îisoiie'u whéo1 ilusatou geuridg ro pioaU041 ezbsostiont rolif viii b. foind Il) goltdenor tivonliiiljaUni ts ai ter uioe synîp 1le dulaitrd. 5, i Fllitdirctiolis fur .011%gwiliol o u suh hotte. Flît116*iiiaiine us ilthefao- mîairo o( ,RTJB & FitIlB O, ]NewY orik, JO ou. the OuLtiawruip er.ltb ol] Sol'a ' J.ragglisia t roaghUt e wr I'RICE,-OilT 25 gants per Dottle. "Yyl -2iô Fulton Street, 1N.w York, 206 iliîgbi lborn, London. Englanel; 441 St. ?sîl trot, iottw*. tadu. lyr-85 *PAIN KIILjEU I An exteruai landi iutermiil reniedy> for Lhe cure CRAN? d& PAIN IN tise STOJIÂCII, Brules, 1Bronsd Soub', Rpralîîî, iwellhig o? t1w -Jolutm, -Tiksthieoti, Paiiu thea hueît, Ne'aoreiîetuliai'Ulsieginiigtiui. fjords Throît, gSedelia Coi']:, Cougias, ho. 1J4 IL once f'r auy ofthesle, snd you 'iii no- ver do withot It, W, Bore ofiultathor.s I061d'by *Il Drggsa. BRUY DAV16 & SON, NEW ADVER.TIBEMETS. F armI fi)r Sale -11f TUE COUNTI OU' ON taRLO, T suie propéitios Ior suie, et loy lilos, an'] ou ong redit. J.-TOWwxtulIv orF EACH--Eî5 it isai f et lot No. 18, 70) îcc.iumor lench, 100 serog, 40ocaît titltr cîiivtolog bioisse , 8wo traîntrogn.', sud a fraine $tarlo-goo8J r growîg îrirird.weîl wirad. cross Acti tgi. soutu i eîhyb>the Noîîquuiî iver. I.-Wemt..q arier ut Itit No. 10, 2îid cou. of ltea.aiî,-461acres leureti,miti nder te oo 0tite o cIf l tuexcelenît Vrauî, ehouse W ý1 ttlî ,.tiifi aseit. t. goodinnîs ir, aod si w img Ucliîrd, weii waercd b>'a -%lever tit]îng 4prilig. o$oiub-east uarter ou lut No. 17, 41,11 con- oetiioiî of 1lCkeriîg. otaîiig54 ocres, 80 sceas elonftd, gooilous llous, Frants Ban sud Frame Stable, sud au exclit Ir .OWN*III of lMA$T %IMITUYa loarria nt, lotit 10 a','] 11, 4éli conue*tlolio fioaeres cloired, Frei"C Hotte, New usinai Bàn,, weii w torco' suad ]ltbciter hîîowiî sas tho "MorristIroprty.1 V.-COITY 0F VtCTOiIA-1toWu. ship 0# op**-Ltut-bul( (Ptlut 140, , lit concession ol Upu, 100 scteà.' bl( o tf lot Ko. 20, tli conces,»sloi cf ldou, 100 ocres, 20 acrene learcd, log hioue. Ail of wilioiîwill beho l']verycosp. 'hic buyer con have bis own timo î4o psy mli pur- chase uiouoy. 0 Titis fudispàtabiC. For furtiior particulars, apply to tbe proprio- tor- JAMIES IOLDEN9 Otilci;l Attslgîoe, moi:.>' Brokor Commis- alouer, Notur>'Pbiy cdcwiiy Baok bîreti, Whitbj'. Wbtbl, Aug. 20, 1868. i844 A. MILLION AND& QUARTER MON EV rTO LOAN. T a?,Sub.cruher lias reccîve'] Instructions froul a geatliuiwlu lhoima alargea nuouut of mon.>' iîfut'e' intEdluigllslî seounîthes tu la- vet thie spunefor him, liubls sud uîioiaing Coutiec, on goo'] Farci Aroporty oriobeui- turqi. 1 I11 sihi otg oreprepent r thrce o! the larget uotiéitay lustitu ton uthe 1omiulouî, tileidumnoey on the atut a dvautagsous ter»i. W»Ais" a large uutubsr eo?«iw1ilcltivat'] Farine, suid su>' q=iutit>' o? Wild lau']., for pails cheap. For furuher psrthelnns, apply to JAMIESO lodEN, Offia AssIgnee, Moue> Broker, Commis:- ihonen, Notslai 'bic, ho., "o OFFIE-ýSecond Fluor, UoeMîllan'à Bloek, Bo*b trsLW i itbr. Atuiguittu ISII <*maubsehcs boeght su'] slà]; a Sialé AUION BUSINESS THOMAS MYi±ýHS. T lCENi.VS AUOTON ER for eh. COatY, of cfonisnio. détires t Iaforui bIsisiede I.ve od fsor agie of .toek, *ta= baupla =eu.,*ç, mau4 us» ait odirs luit at thé, VusosioLs oil iibe dîl( sttot W Day» ut gale opplat. iand] tern it4dô knova en Aupicaetion nt theii. <uroff.soices, Or At i.'bul wure book» vitha *nul" Wbb, 26uoUth, 2f8. f 8 A CAR»! -0-, -operstion, undr the provisions of tue And Wberea', o b Municipal Council 0of the mi' Cor p oration, o1 th. ual'] Tournship of W litby, bas resoîve'] to suumataily aid and asait Lb.mi'] Port Whtby ad Port Per air'Kliva> Compaisy, ina ýhe construtîî'g and tqqulppinig snobi Ralwa>', as b>' the al'] Act of Parliamnent the> Ire eni- powere'] ho do, b>' granting an'] con. tributing a bonus to sucli Railway Cotupanv>, to bc use'] ain']enployeti by the ai'] Railway Comnpany, in and about the, construction an'] equi>1 nment of Suchu Raiway, the Pîsbenturis of the. Corporation of the ua'] To%% P. uhip of Whitby for the total suns ci Filtren Tboiî'snd Doliarâdto'b. issuc'd, as hc'reiuafter provided '], I sn nt Jessn tisu one iuadîed dollars, nfr more tha iss ir hundreil, escb,-the ln. terestat Lt fe rate of six per cent per atnuni, payable hall yearhy. And Whereas, the.'total aumounit requine'] tobe ralise'] annuali>', by sa specia rate, for re-paymxent o? anch tiebée- turcs, and, the. intorcat tiiercon, tiiore by to b. creste'] an'] incurve'] là the ý£snmof one thousan'] i hundre'] and lorty dollarms. An'] Wbereao, the aunut of Oie 'miole ratoable propeit>' o? thes al'] torp.o., ration of thoeal'] 'rosnshîip ef liît- by, accordi;,g to the. lut revlse'] as-; scmeant otfis thercof, la nis bun' dre'] and fort>' rine thoândn']rine bundrird sud ton dollars, irrespective of luturo ircroase. Andi Whereas, there lu no deit of the. sai' Cnrporationý of th)e stlîl Townsuhip of Whaiil>y, cithor for principaîl or inter- COt. An'] Wlhreaa, flie anrnuil spechuui rate iii' tlic dollar, tor payinig thiî httoansd Iiistaimer.ts o1 Principal lling due, each yeair, or for croatiiig an equai ycarhy iniking funrd; for iii. psysoont o! thie Principal of the. gai']d ebihure- by-inteaided to bc încurrcd, accerding f0 the Acf reahiectinx the Municipal Institutionîs0, Uppîer Canaila, ia one miiiaid't t-Ltenths of a nîlhl. 1sf. Be It therefone enacted, and] IL lA beieby' enacte'] by the. Municipalh councilio? the Corporation o! the Townsihp of W bltby, that the. Debcn, turcs of the Corporation oh flhe ual' Township of Vitb>', f0 the s#Mount of thaena» nof tifteen tbouasaaad dollars, ln sumaofiot less than one in'reil dollars, nom more tbaîî fine bundre'] dollars. ssci;. beRing interest at the rate of six p~er cent,r payable at thie dntarlo Bonk , ln the city ohT'oronito, sahl fortbwitli, alter the passaung ot fils bô-iaw, b. made anti execute'] b>' the, Reve> of the. sai'] (Corporationi, and] b>' hta duly signe'] an'] seale'] svithî tbe corporate $cal oh thoe aid Corporation, on by sncb otiier porson, bcing a nmerof the Concll of the sal'] Corporation, as ana> b>' an>' b>- lawAo i»soi'] Corporation, bereafter nia']. sudpasse'] for thut s eo, lit appointe'] to exectite a n'] Ioh baule,, suad Debenturos to be go nMade sud e,cuted, fluaI.the Osmofosevcn bundre'] an'] ff>'dollars of hei. ai'] sua of filteen tiaoosaud dollars, for which Debentores are to be iossue', ad aforeiîButI, togethet w iii the Interest on the wboie arnount oh Dcbcntures go~ issue'], an'] no more. shallbecouto payable ln anY, 'lo.ecar thereattor, and] the. wiole o! s u m a»of hlhtoen fhiousan'] dollaré, for inhlcb tiben- fumas sahb. Iss loue'], #hall b. rmade payable ina t*eulty equoia at inl- &tshnont5, of seven iundted -gd'] hhty dollars çach, witb interest, aI.*tthe rate o!fogiper cent perrsonna», 'payable hait ycarhy on flhc *hole im reniain. ingunopal'], ontic irt 4 M yo!JafllrY. an'] the iraI. do>' o! Jâly, ini acb andI evor>' year, an'] no part of thie ai'] principal or literet-shallb. inode payable et a titue mâre than tfrenty yesrs fioni thLîe tce is b>-iaw shahl take elleot. ~nit -Tat 'mien oie huri tdollars, Of the* Capital 8E Bailwey, bas brn subseri per oeuqtfheiopal'] ira CbptrtOfld Bankhs oh til an'] ti. acting £ngineer Raid cettifies 1fiat Ov1ea iioon, it the Towinship hall, Broolini.- R. T. HARRS BUGY &SULKEY~ OOOD5>~~p:J~p jurioy, sdii» good $ulkey fr aeb.p zw- For Ternir4&o., apply st 1ibis office,, Wiitlby, Aug. 24,tf6 ONTARIO HEL. WHITBY. SAI*ÏgBTRONG, - - Prop tictbr. Farm for Sale. T IIE Etate orthte, Lems [ARI ].£lYi;, 1 bigthe iorth-hsif cd Lot Nei. $4, 3re ëlqOCEosSiO 0FP uxBiDOi» E, Biifnald about 5 miles' from the .Villaigo of log biouse, larc, good, drivinf pliedso .bc., are o11 tii. remime. About 70 aëifi es n.e jr cuitivittoii, Thiian¶là or -th*. ver>' ber.t qualit>.'. itie nîîeeeptiouîîl.Ie. 1.1 Tihe unclerigîmo']wili b. ýdh i te premiseson Priday, 2&h Septembor next, At. 12 o'clock, nonn, wien intonding purclasa- frsAvre rcqucsïtcd te 1>. prcoert un whicla day JOUX ANDEUSON. WILLIAM !<YDD. Vibri3ge, .4urcst loth, 1868. 4î-24 LADIES,'iS C 1-10i0 D1UND)AS STREET. LJ uniiug lier cl.îssuaion Tuesday, September lat, 1868, WANTED. Biililing siithle for 4 (GYruagitrn, near A i.o tho 0cî.utre or the toxu, fur wluici aa good rentai yull b. puid. -Appiy 1., Wil. W. COWEILL, 83 SPÀ-"y Wiby Gymnaslo Club. ~STOLEN Ou STRÂYED!1 S TO LEN Oit 8TRAY LI)froni Lb. prOmises o? tii.susriber, towîî o? W$hltby, iucariy twZ eksuo a grey and] ret Cow, about five leur* ol']. Aî.y vormon glvlug sob lue'unfrmation noswiii Jo.'] Lbo ber rorovery, will bu autcsbly rownid- d.SAMUJEL WALKE.Y, Wliîtby, Ag t,16.8 $5 eward! S TRIAYED about a week or two agfo, froîn Wluiti.y, a wlite Cow ili brindlergputs, and' uecle ahLtrindle-7 y car ol']; wambrongiit froin Little liritii, bMaripoa, and solid to lasso hlowau", of %Wlitby. Auy perison iii'- i:g the. sanie and] for-wàrdIIîg b -r Io t1.e uîîdo- tailue', w1iii rceive tile abovo reward. AILEX. CAMERON. Whitby, Aug. Mili, 188, 8i DR. HANCOOK, StYRGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, &c., Ratoiyncz ste (r -Keîît lomms, Wbitby, Wet oi tlii. Egli»h Cinrch. Whitbiy, Aug. J", 1668. 8 COUNTYOF ONTARIO RIFLE ASSOCIATION,! l fiîire Annr.1Match will be bel'] at e'] tiond>]Tuesday, 1t Soptember, 1868, lb»' t'u> l f An']fhlwigdywheuoser $500 wilhhb.ý ao on o ~ theofr.'] luprifis. ' - . 1Il1 - .vuuo. Fùluparlleulars o? Iha vie.. umatelies, an'] 18 irine tlio m, u'] d regulataonap bc nbla', un alIcs- r et the sal'] ibtho L'Olers o! vellaatecas Ira the coor.ty, miles ofiheand] to Jcebua WrlgltL,,,Zoq., Prince Abert; ad liasbeen S. Greon,zo i.,Greer.waod; John 1h11Thonip- son, etqkoï Wbt ~~i5 P.,Cînxugtoref '] Jobu ot-or locte'], Caouetif ors musA be In ibera o? tuie usc- tuit the. sunuehaIiotIansd eau becomne snob b>' remittiug onme> of a'] DebCfr dollar t the Tmsrovr, Captais' - MIéhca, ide'] over, b>' Osbâas Engilieci o! & âeu tbe ,boie, of IWhiî!;y, Aug., 1 88s. fin-SU Dpreptre the~ ies, a itirtbher b T ulsvof helt . I U li AT IIAM~ILTrON & cogel ~rThe biglest -price paid for Butter.ý oe AT te-%z- - eoi ,q -Û I i ~0 -I c -3 Havifg last wcck purehascd soine splendid fines q S cf Obh if rauonn's hlrta Coods, at tho lowr 'st point they have over c touched ina tise narket, WC iîîvitth in spectioniof our friands a l- ing aFsure'] that ttc can iruîaly thîca wh itht n aterialo, an'] - mon .fimtion.Ilo rpatterns, ut aumehi iowcr'pricea tlian the £15100chus Z of goods caun bc u rcliarcu elsciuherc. %Wc can give full Dresses of tuis ucaion's stork, st frein $1,25 tn $1,50. Equal qualit>', ast scuson, ha~ve. cosI.$3 tc t4. co A riALL OF MORE MAN < 50 FER "',CENT > Docs not occur eyery day ; and we wonld advise our fricods te take sdvintage of i0 beforg the niagnificent prospect for harveat Catuses a rise una ZWIIOLESALE PRICES! o0 ' Vi OULI) ALSo aitMIND OtIt I1EADER II TT 1 I Prints]Parasols, ~3 We will give them the fuit benefit of the rem. _ duction , Qd wilh continue to de o nitil our rapi']ly decrcssing Stock ô! thiat chuss oh, goods la entirci>' uCLEAR'ED OT! Wu have siwsya; on a choice assortunent oh seadonable 10 Mlantlad, 3acketop Which we are selling at our usual low ir wil pay, f0 give us a cali, sas 'e 'ii no ho usiderool']. LOWES & POW] Doeminion Wareroo, Whitbyp Ag. ho 1868. ate&. It ELLf. Whitby. ROYAL FIRE ANU ýtjLP Insurance; ZI OPANT having made Tccrdanee with the New Insu- -iniblio suad their-comâttuentà that tl Comp'y. MILLIONS STERLING. the -neceuavdeoin lw: FRESH ALE!1 ALDWELL & 00.15. Webeg5to anniounce the arrivai of - a lot oit tlw above Ceebrated Aie, In packages of 10, 15 and 30 gal- ions, an'd as we have made perman- ênt. arrangements for. 'a supply 'IW1CE Aý WEEK, parties inay re.: 1y upon getting it . FRESH, and at Manufacturers' prices, freight add- T. HL KcNuIIAN &col Wihitby, Auut lOb. CLEARINGC SALE, cINw M.li. CO CHINE 9s. The very best Fancy Prints from 10 to 15 ets. per yard. Dress Mnslin, from 12 to 20cts. per yard.' Shelleys, from 20 to 25ts per yard, Boots and Shoes, at cost price. Fiwiily Grocrisof every kinci and deciptioi! al.'ayi on haùd The highest market price paid for-Bitter, Eggs, &c. M.., l.COCHRANE&S 1WhiI.by, jaiy 15, 1868'. Duna Stret; Wh8ty. WATCjIES &LE WELIERY. J ucasr t i'E STOCK 0Fofierdn GOLD ANDSLVRWTIEJWLRY Cloks&c.,all of which will be sold at the lowest pricms con- eistent with good qua1ityý WATCHESP CLOOR & JEWELLiÉRYi GarefnlyEepaired- W itb PRMyO4V168 BUCK mEYE GRAIN DRILL. wu 088131 ro CtLATmTENION T OUR11 BUOK £YE GRAIN DRILL WB WARRANT IT TO B0W ýWEAEL~ Farms for Sà'ë, LATE jNO. CLERREO. theeljnhhi i<conSmioii ol Orcbur'], sud goo supp -N. 4. lu ths Sth coiÏîs s, un']. cnifi- r Bain, youog- of waten. *1 TWOA 1-U Aý Soûtlh of 7 LOT p bcii B Q81N E ý àPRIEMISES' TIi.vscnt Lot adjoining'*Lowea 'owl Brook atraot, 37 fee.t front, 93 feet dcep, ýto a, Th, viheni Lot South of Royatl C;lndiiii. liauk, 22 fect Ironit, 9s (oct deep, ho s lape, - Lots at o!fiBrook street," opposite W - Dawes' hotel. 10scces on flrock etreet, Niorth of flii4- bridge-.-. - WJLD LOTS;, Mara, SoutVI.4- 9, llth con;100lnoareqs di I I M " 4 1 2 h Il100 " 66 o 20, uil 100 o Rsame#,> Ft. Lot 16, Sf'] 180v -6' t ý 15, 4th "200" SemeUrviile, Lot. 7,-12th" 200 ' Eldo, Wcqt-4 24, Mit 100 o Deley, Lot 12, 4th o 200o Gall River, Lot z1, 65" Bax]ley, Lots 6 & 7, 4th 40,0" Frch, st 1Pt. 1.81 .9:h " 654& Utwtk j.L 22, liStto10à Est Bary fond, Lot 25, Sd" AIBESIABLE INDIAN LANDS. MILL 81 TE ai the onth of BeaqVer RiveÏ! 'vilgeofo? Ieavorton, - Acres; PO RT PÊJRRY, tho Vilage 0f Brechint'To*nsbip utof a. Tii. subticribet'having dé?teruiiied t.o close out thie whole cibla . tical Eutate buse tî e prosent yarj-it possible, the aboyaprarti es are uffered at iow flguros, ani on long ternis of payment. Appi>' to, J. HAM PERRY, -, WurmT. W hit byi; 4tb J ly, 1868. 4imos-27 GJIEAT BARGAINS IN ~~ESUBSORIBER lA uow receivingiea S. FaIlSko!f Poer ilanuga, onaouioting GoId; Satin ù WINDW Wlby , sum l a liETtldgUN luit' lin-ae 1 Oak." 1 Bonnets, 1- 'Whttl)Yl i-,

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