Whitby Chronicle, 27 Aug 1868, p. 4

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N. B.-The Eighest Oash ?rice paid for Butter. Farmers Produce taken iu exchange for goodiLa. YEOMAN GIBSON'S. Rfflmee e' Wfd- OlJSe. 1, Laino's orner An- ~ u~im tpie n sd o tlierpublice ecluces, cumin. 'bumroes e cenettnat establishments. Il@edwelln zsï hevever, a8echieS>' ef wood. ThIifpenilt itbriry lo sait tcon- tain 100,000 -volumes. 'The DutchbaiW roMS bia scomsmercal mission at Jedele, bas lattenlyI>Engia ansd Amerlos b> treatyl, hae beeu admtlted te its advau- FMAL Acezeirox Là»s Siices- Tii. d.ib, by drowalng of UmssJua Usld, dhugbten ef Wilson Beldy, oz-,ex eueillen ef Oat Gwilllmubtiny, oeennned on the. bih tut. - Deoues e, Company *Iutb others, vu pvooedicg acresa the.bsy frent Bell' wat te Fergusea'. Peint, lu s sitl boat te jofix la s poule paty, wb.u a ausa eu trma anse-tbe boat fsil udd OMpulail.Out ef a Company ef six, de- «.esd vas ibm ouI>' ene lest. 8h. vus a yeung vomaet amiable dispositIon, rot- peeteil sud béievd by aIL o h bilth Plemure ef bsn sequalalaue. À New Yorks pop.r a&y$ tbsl, denlsg ltaimeuh, no fover than twelv peles men bave heeu mnrdsred la- hbat city by lb. danger.. usses,. la instancetii.* tunnilerer bail trmerî>' commlttluisas.m auit open the policemin be kilteil. Fer Ubish. vus arre&ansd biled onueasy terme. la sueih.r aeetfsassaI, th 0 parties were at once blled, Thoré la a mnulua alanatile aY1cln l Eglalu wbebeelleveauast beBritishi Gev. urumeat vishes te bottd asuItrn ou odnu lie tomaeb.I À yeuub et tweuty pasabasjumi reacb. Idithe ilHub, bo wigbs 45 ponnds, sud lu twe feet seven lnohes lu beigbi. -He le aa sssipplan. Mienaine la Chas. R.- Docker. The. abeemmn, as. yt, hava net boughi Liai. In leven days en Quelo alîresi Ce. ponmaneutly nebult a burueul bridge 1100 fe long and 102 <ct hlgh, aud trains voie delayed only for thaisOpaceofet ture. - Unassiopperi are damaging the vine- -fardsln Msouri. Tbey est tbe stems t bt supports the. grapaetusters aud lot the buncvfalttothe grounti. Au Engllsh lady carnieu off 10,000 florins frein1s five days' session at tii. l3adeu-ffdeu tablas. Tho, Davanlan nobility are dowu on Wagner because he bowed ackuevlcdgo- bleui te the audienee fonmtho Kings box. The. catcher ef a Cncinnatilbaue bail *iub laie0geed at 'taklug foui" ual O local bar celebratas hm sas a chieken Amoug othar plaisant thln scemlng ho the. status are 200 Engllsh pIckpockets. Tho Saratoga Iltlgerii lawe<l a Cîncîn. btatil mrchani oui et $40,000 neconti>'. Peeoploîla St. Pet.ersburg 1.11< about the. abdication eft ho Emperor Alexander. SBhotilg matches ara the foimale dir-i sien Ai the Ylrglnla waterng places. Dan Riclac' ared cciv bas brougili forth tvin sacreul esîves. -A human kull (ois sn elogaut floyer le u na Washngton salon. It Io nov five dmys' jeurney frein Paris te Consantinople. Vicier Emmianuel la vnitingbus mincnis fon posthuînous publicatien. Favorite rations viii stage dacers- tyraio. Nete ln vhlch te catch youu; fas- brunitW&e The Connecticttest crep bas beau veIy muci damageilby ithe vet veather. GREAT SALE BANKRUPT STOGK AU.ef hitySteebst, avng tmado au sai lit il lit u nter the lt.solvent Act ef rmer asudedni.t1tsreoI Iiidiams si, thew oe f !( Otook of- DRY GOOD'S, AsIba. besn u ismoeW by Credîters te dis- osetie Goods nt 95 per oestbelev ect, Whlk il b 50 per ointunuetis? ibis sa rot prieés., partwlas litlug Obeap Gocai muât emlxssetiée onaetuuty. RinemberA the plies, T> arqiiharto O 14 tsz4, Ibir i wMonly bc fferod oraàshort tins, s th J oy,lm e &II. In order to a COST IIIYUELL, feet a cle'arance, they offer the balance of theirStock at PRJCE, TJNT IL TE 2th DAY 0P AUGtJST. erMre Robert- CampDbell 'bas, left for Brn- tain, te prchae their FALL & ýWINT.ER STOCK, whifuh will be foundL much uarger than usue. orDue notice wilI be givcn on arrivai of their FanU Importations. R. & J. CAMPBELL91 I M ESTABLIS-HED I 833ý In referene te anunnnouncement of dissolution of thle cofirtner- sblp heretoforoexistlflg belvasu TILL k BRO., theunudersgned desires le inform bis friands sud mimerons patron tiai ho still continues the. business estabished by bis late <suher, lun188, -ai lhe OLD STAND, Nos. 8 aud 4, TILL'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHITBY, viiene heviii b. slways fouud neady te attend te the vanta ef customers. An, entino nov stock ofett-cboit manutaeturod Furniture. IJPIIOLSTBRY AS UNDETAIN AND FUNERAS Supplied as heretofore. IWSome splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. Remmber thte 0W Stand. Whitby# May' 4t 1868. 18-ly tunea 081 AUM Most F bhawa, march 2, 1868. GIIICTTLITIIIAL WOJLKS. P E0 M L 0YI CE ongle Reapers and Mowers, and Reapers and Mgowers Combined. The subg;oribers would eall the attention of the Agricultural com- oeanity te their Stock of Iu>pieentst, where wlli b. found almoat eveything tii. Far- Mier May require, sud espcilly at this sessoneof the year. to theil, Stock ef REAPERS .AND MOWERS,- 0f several kinds, and of the Latest Make. To which ail the La- teatImprovements found noeesary by practicabie tests durlng the lust sesn, have been*dded. BaIIs Ohio Reaper mad Mower combined-, Cayugs Chief Reap. .r and Mowen cobined, the lManning Single Reaper, the. Osyng Junier Mewe.-O0f any snd ail eoftihe aboeeMachines, w. invite a triai. Thoy are manufactured with cars, ef the. D6e81 .lalerial 4e Il orkm<rnskzp la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IO N&?ÂTI~N cnb urted-ttepchsrt i stsato nafitra,1ono l lVhltby, Jniy 4é s INDIA & CHII¶A TEA CO'Y.o HOME DEPOT LODO LIVERPOOL. No. 23, Hosoital St. Montreal. Pure and GENUINEr TEAS, of spil(]id natural flaver, imiported direct from the Company's Plantations iunjASSAM, and on thealsopes ef the HIMALAYAS, bionded with tii. finest produets ef CHINA. Only Two Qualities, viz. :-70c, or $1 peor lb , cither Black, Green or Mlixed. Fine Ifonsehold Tes, couibiniug 1Strcngth and Plavor, 70O cents per lb. Finest prorabe....................... .... dollar par lb. SSeul in Packets and Canist-râ by the. Coutpauy's Agents, in erery City andl Town lu Canada. MARK. T R AD E Agent for Oshawa, THOS. LAWLEIt, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GENERAL CGROCER, WIlNE AND SPIRIT GROOKEE & GLAS8WABE. TUE CHEQUERED STORE. 13ROCK STREET9 WHITBY. MR, MARK ROBINSON, Druggit ut. A. i~wc~~ I. MARKET BLO CE. CORNER of BYRON & DUNDAS Sts. The subscriher's FaII Stock of choice Falnily GrocerieB 16 flOW complete# with every article usualîy kcpt'lu a firet-els estabishmeut, cou- sisting ln part of- Y oun d fysnd uapn rou nd ofees Spoed Pandero Ailspice goiimamofl, gol oves, en Orane, aud CitrouIpee Bugnarsonfromte b est Cubag, ahefneitrouieli Sygrupi frotthe bot Cuai eti A coplot Stock of ftelab ouarets, ACou, and Stoc ofheirstmas lo, Od of alaknda ti- very cheap for Cash. ..ÇO et noccey, rei a inivdual Saît-callair, te a firotais net et ChIna, ail ot'vhtcb viiibêsed ve>' heapfor ash.31> mette la net te be undarselti. Cashpaiti ton auy. Bemember iii. place, corner ef Byrotsud Duntias ts., Whitby. I'~lI 1"~ IEU~ U W~ ~ ~ WI»xY, SvY. z ui S1?AILE &FANCY DRYI GOODS, O T MILLXNEUY, &C. MANF4~RR0 £CLOTEI!qG, -BOOTS AN]) SUOESO" &Ct fthFigtj Au GkQooL orkmaa Wauted to do Ladis Sewed Work Â1wa~ o ba&~u1ià Soe Lathe, Eglih '.ip TrnonTLe subsorber begs te returu bis <taIt yn alkl'd OdJsà b &" psu d nlL olete-, 1r ii.v !'Mibéa atronage ,itend fer« mel.I ero t Lttpresent reqti ( c CALL EARLY AND EX Oshawa, June 24th, 1868. 0f every eciption kept on handaud made to oirder, frou Ia I> u est deign,at the abové carnage wetics. WitIh tbe eti'i facilitiesn ew at hisdisposai,-the. undenuigpied is bettor prepared than é execute all orders preuptly, with which Le xay b. favrec. M. 0. DONOV DIVISION'COIJB TS IN THE COU NTY 0OF ONTARIO, Y FOR THM TEAR 186. N., htb .................... 2 2i2-2S8 .... I I di8'.UPhje rince A.b.. .... 148'a 14 a5 P 4,Iantg............... 421~.~ 5 . .. P itbaprptul hate ~' 5, Cannngto....î 21 ......... 27 I.... s 5 il ~. . ptot ititi Cn 1'6Bealto ........22..........23-22 . ±'ley lloldens. ,Atel.......... 24 .... ..... 80 .... ..... 8 .... 24liie n I ESTOCK Whitby, January 10th, 1888. DUEHr,~DATH AN] At modoate Estes of P, Cngisi aperienCe eoD Thse Pioneer C'utnî HIOME U!FI(,E.-Ii TuJE MOITRFEAL TEA eoiNP'NÏOY. BJd'-n. Bostonîi , Sr~ Te Mhl DnonTREAuld u h TeA« tCOe MPANYel ~6 HOSPITAL STREET, ]KONTREAL flavour. They bave heou chouan for their intriule wortb Icacptg lu mmiid baàîthi, aelY$ and a hîglIdcgr(eaof pleasure ludrinkin)g tîcu. W. seli for O.snleipsil rltect lng a savlng te the cenjunuer of 15c. tu 20a. p or lb. Our Teos are pou in~m 5, 12, 1ô, 20 And 25 lb. boxas, andi are warrauteti pure audi irea t'rom po6onous subotances. res-fr orI b boxas tire 12 lb, boxes, or ono 20, or M! lb. box sont carniage troc te an; ltail aBtien in Cauada. Toa will ba forwarded imuîedi#tely on reeeipt eft tae rder by mtail en=atlg tonoyor' the money eau bie celleeteti on dcltrcry hy exprels-man, where thoa are. express iMO»l »euding endors beloythe mtnount of $10 le gava oxpenso it vill bc botter tu moud the tfouey vitIt tii order. Whene a 25 lb. box woolcl b. tan mtt(h four famillec lubblng tegetilen could »clud for four 5 lbo, boxe%, or tMo 12 Ilb. bores. 'W.send Ztoin te oeeaddres., carniage pidt, ud miark euoh box pli'1>, mno thstecd party gat their owu Tee. W. warrant al $bo Tee Weo sli te gise anire satWIscton. If thacy ana uot oaîlbfnetory they eau be retuned At our expause. B3LACK TEA. English Bresifaut, Broeon Leaf trong Toa, 45c,4 50c,.; Fine Plavýourod Nlew 8BesOn do., 550., 600. andG650,;erY fet Fuit Flavored (0l., 75o.; tfouad Uoloiiag, 45c.; tileh Flavorotido., SO.; Veiy Fino do. 49., 750.; .tapau, <SoucI, 50e., 55e., Fins, 800.0 Very Fine, 650., Finaut, 750. GRLEEN TEA. Twnl Vc,5c 6o on llyen,SO,00e., .C5e 700 , Fine do.. 15ce., Very Ifre, 85c.; Ttsarino &YAVeSyC?1 ,ti; le un owden, à 85e e gpfrllode, $17: ,£asot maîtiuei ndtseua qtuy chamip. Teonly moiti by this Company. r£CFAn excellent Mîxeti Tes coulti b. ment for 60e. anti 70c.; 1vary gooti fer coniton purposo., Ont of over one thjousauti Testîmonflîs, vaunt ti.. ollowiug. Te MoafdTrea bCompany: Z R± ±.M1axa ?5 oxu,r.-it la neurly sa euubtea 1purcbm hae ib rot ebert of Tes rom yenr homse. Ilbec pùrchaisid motny sutiet, anl1am pleaïe ti u u(.rm yoa the Tes bh a erery caue proecd umt siean.ras well me besn x- ceeedtgly eheal). Ynsvery îruty, , . EM<1< Yonrs rigpeel(nllty FIIANC1S r. OREPN, 64 St.lnSreet, Moutreal. M ont e A ri. 16 8. T b omon re l 6 noupa y e sp ll Mreet< ? onral W e n tice vîth- ple u- sureIhe arg mnunl f l. Ibt wabav lbrardu lbyon a dîibrnl prla f 1. Doliîin, pd en'regla le in yanlltlea*O apdt lîteasiu. e renie yurTe. gegiinepura s dlalioiason o-b h Tb- Cca nt e el o b et v wicr'aadWU5C- o.- tag oant uwaPr.w v oîyllI go- BoaraOetpotilen 1 or runuora ustng Our namnel ,or offcring oui Toau muait peeheges, Ntlnglaa than a cattia selti. Note the sddres.-The MentrealTest CeinPary, 6 Hoespital Si., Mentreal. ladlpla, l. % . A. V Fcbrury20, 667 Daray216.FU DeNeo CR0O iu '~ Asclot>a PAPà HANGU e u ts oai 5 liiIll tOI nÂ1ui auAL aznd' .7Ike., Whitby and Manchester, Juiy 9tht 1868. 2 THEOLD- STAND! .0e .,.w~ *TDET ri~IIAWA.. lis À-" NÉWLY I.MPORTED -BRoný 71 Oum 1 'l 1 .ý 1 1 'l ., 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il -ýO 1

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