Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1868, p. 1

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>WU ATTOJINET FORC 1e4r sAnt tlrery-at-Ulav, sry, Nesary Public &c FOR RW.OF STCI $1000o000,dbè1. as) souy o ât botil o! Asiersos. York, (usiGNa st ttrent, li>i. liasagerre; 40 URKEY EL' BLO(3Ki ;, O>SHAWA. CTED STOCKI LOSOlu Dnada. - 21 R'O!R 10) DESIRFS.: TOMIll- a lnfi latroisj, Ibiat bé 14,is s t tiseulti 'ERT STABLE$ lMoiuj.îu.Colbutd and m"éa1 glis. unsubeir anti ici alro aidloi toAanti las. vem isi ve1iîligi Ou1 lis lu> biïli Ilis as poition to ul tuslu iss0tlba irâ uinveynlos for faîsîlliles ttoustsun.e1 as heCretoferC RAY, Proppswtota 68. 144f Landi1 r<s thei folowing liii et viii el sl ta LUATrION, .l couoeasiossof Beach, 70 ard coneeisioss of ResueS muesalpu ofDariaintl nA, 5 aoc eceareti. sutd cocelsioo. Wlsltbygr J1C-5der" os i ise ss oi rsln Bemont. )r by ltter, po.poid, t# R. E. FERRZY, *RODER? . 1 WI X.' BÂURIOTER & A'Tr0UNBY AT LAW, iloiltlternOhsnewy, &o. Wiritby OC. Wi Dais- Viotarla Building, Brook SIt. Witby. 6. DI. JARVIS, AERITRU4-LÂWAND SOLICITOR '.1..>lit Oiumery. -Cisabers-»9Toronto-Sti. Toronto. .2 JAPiES KEIT)( <4OnboN, B ARBISTER à ATTOUNItY-AT-LAW, M olliitor isiChanory, Conveyassoer, No- tary Publie, &.. uOmog-*estt dooL te the Stor3 of E. d& J. Oawpb.iI, Brook d t., Whitby, ont. wilthtyNov. Ise,18807. 0. 1B. FAIRBANK9, s OLICITOit, NPTAJIY PUBLIC, &o..&0. Oulavai d. W. - W.., p D9ILLINGI, SOLICITU24 do.,, £0. ja 1,o», litvTs 00 Xxeuum 02*111e biqek Street, #hiltbyp Jan. 200 1862. A f0It1I~AT LAW, SOLiCl'1OR IN 0firanery 4louveyAncor, &48.,eannlng A TOUNY-LWrLAW, SOLICITOR 114 £'L haitory, Notary Publie Convejasseer, &o., WitbliA,. W. igooms,lisvItorl.aUlock, lextto iisgl.tryoilioe; on Brook îtreit. 48 à AJI EB.LADON, ATTORNEYAT-LAW, BOLICITOR IN * 'Chasioery, ke.q &U. &o. Dandas Street. Titree doore West of * the post 01110. 1 C%#CUIIANE£& COCIIRANE. B ÂIUSTEIRO -ATTOIIKEYU, JNVEY- a&Rteers au4 ti lloteIs &bl o c, c Pziwa. AL,îso-Uytv.oz- Oppusite Towns vao uni -Omctz-B3llw'eBiook. S9IK. CooessÂshe, LL. B., 1 W. M. Oocur.ÂNE. ceunty ceown Attorîsoi. Port Porry, 26th teomasber, 1665. fil C. A. JONES, Barristes, Solicîtor lint.CisCuery, Atm torsier, d&c.0, &o. 5, 08'ICE-Noxt doorto the oldIRefgIs try Cicla, Whttby. 41 y7 * LYXJAN EiGLISI-e, L L Il.. & ItIZL8TEIt AT LAWV,r3oilitor lu Cjhats- B e C(Ossvoyauor, &c., d&o. 40' DAIS. CARSON d& LAW, Consultation of.Psstsership f roo of charge. WLiltbyj i' 20, Ibo8. 29 Re. j. GUSNNM. 1Do IU>JRGltCN TO TI1E COKYNTY G4AUL igiyronstreot, Whîtby. .W. FJIRRIEB,9 a. V. -BILOU0IIAM. Omn sHOuaS-S to 10 a. msu., ante a0 Solooko P;M. le JOH'{N V. HAM, NVOTAILI PUBLIC. MWbiy, Apri1lôlth, 1808. THOXAS HUSTON, -,VZCTORIA HOTEL. WILLIAX SOUTT, IJOPBIETOR.(Lato Win. Iioyuton's.) IIAIR-DREBSING AN» SHÂÀVING SALOON, ý »UUOX 8T., WIIITBY- Whitby, Jetu. 22, e88.8 WU. BOYNTON boe nteufr=sithe lu- haiatsWîe ouyo Vi4toria ant surroussdiusg outiesy that h.ohie open.d the Hôtel on, Williatn Streetitly odoupi.d by J .wett,aSsiaeh. bas h4 ist ti a.ndfsis'*zsh- ed las #irîtstyle, vietérs vii tti eeoydove-, sstenee. Wissee, L1itsereasd Cigaro of the, BaL.atntive eit l a'. el atteind CO'MMERCIAL MOTEL, BROOK ST., WRZTBY. Pl sau o seuie bgiL tea nnonna te it~ Ivorably' ssowssho1tl, wiciie a@w â u5tp ln a annàt.in.. ma. wt vrrcuaï I*EIJM WbitbyFeb. Sus, 1889. NG. attemoicti enetassstl> ruse. BIACE. BtbokIin Drug. Store. D-EAîBR ln Dr7rgo, Patent Nediolues IJ Pàats, ils tulff, Confection. W Itds a nd Liqnors 0ofii beboit ttilty for Meieal purpo,.. Broio .W., 1lux 25 a rprdto give Music sudt Sissglng les l ýos on& ailited nusuber of pispils.' Aeçionetlon to b. midi At the 0l150e of Johns L. ake<Sùrge ou Deufiut, over Jaàmes Pyrne' Medloai Rail, Brook ât. Whtby. CIROC-KER'#S IOTEL,$ (LATE PLAT'rs,) NELSO~N -ST. TORqONTO, Z4ORTIL 07 KIX<G ST. BASBETT à KEEBLE, -PEOPEZETORS. îerr iretoré res ,ctni none homne, thut they have tsic le as vpolies wbsoh are ln evory respect Conosenentiv mdu oonfortablyfitted ssp lor tihe accommodationa of sues andthelb travoiing publie. Tisoy wviii b. o1untýin consstant personai attendatasc an nul louve notblng undosseonuthoir partto &rive mâtiotaotlon te airvWho May fivor mt s itls- Cali. 86 k3 T A ( E H 0U L F UÂ7ILLA., F1&UO FENTON, attetivelionopr.ler YrOMAN GIBBON. 0 O MMISION MER CHÂNfi INSUIIANCE,,& GENERAL AGn>T. W lithy, Jat., ttis 186 . 2 RIEVERE HO()USE, B. PLANK, i Proprsotor. S3tages to ssd front Wlib7caii daily. Every sttention psid to guetté..asroful #csd atten- tive ostiers.9 Query ! Wlsy lei tisait thoi o la suohiormus for pictures AT OLAR'S GÀLLERY? Il fi becamia.h.oboa tise beal «allor>' lis the Cioant', andi isaimore patience vtthobllren tmita ssy otiier Arîlat ln tise Cousuty, esndiecu do qat. am gooti work s as>' uber imass tntise grTiisstawisa tI e malter, se don'& b. bc ýword about conting forvard. BBOCK $ST.. WIIITBY. Whilby, NOV. 12, 1807. 45 THE LANCASHIRE FilLE 8ANriD ILuF HuA m ms o »>Onvâzo-N. W..Conwr of King anti lsuroh Stroote, Toronto. à.. , 1vo-O.mxk c., 1 &IroAgnt£ for- .L foul g reefredol Wtbsanreti- Agtesst or the aboqve tfls-Iùes Z n qli Cosu- pany,an aithat heilà pr.psrsd to recors appit- 10sosafor ri*ke, and 0obrulu prexainus. où tbh nsostr.asossblo eruse. JOHN AGNVEW, Aewvroz Wuzrrk&Viol*=r. witby, Doc. 4, 1807,. Omo"$8 TEE LIVERPOOL AND ONO JON C aT J. WAJ..5IFL, W.k . . BCo LICENSED *AtJC'PIONEER. ONTARIO, YORKi & PFEL. BALES attc'icdedont ise shortest'.nou., anti on reas-mabie terme. Thrams eau 4a uide iuti bils printed utathiéeChroesllse office forlft. carter. - q1 WELLINGTUN MIOTEL, J7. UlLIjEOTTOM, - Fsprleberi ERITISE AMIEICANq Capital, $40000O. r B g isdersîgneti havtng benuappoîntoti ..Agent for thse above Comspany, i. n.w ~rad thheure , e?ýtiut!?6BY .Appi>' to, LE'VI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 1-I12mos. Agent Wiitby CLARK kVICKERY, - Proprietors. Bo moitireepecttniiy to inform tha inhabl- tanflof the4on uty of Cntario, luit tlsey hsavé laneathelbabovoend.., aly ocupied by Suisi'Porrie, 'wbiob tis>'lsavo novi>' fornialis id andi rosovatei, and tbey are rpreîrto aecosumodat.s tbo travelling public. Tho Bar silooked i vtistihe boait ilqnors anti cilgare, ansd au attentivecosîlor ivayé lu attondaisce. CLAUII & VICRYE, *Propriolors, Býrookla, April, 1868. I > FAREWELL & NcGEEP 01ONsc-One dont tnortîso!iof he10%t 1DC., O.swu; îmssd betýir 4Jlluck, op.posite Tous Pail, liowsîsanvil. J. 11 YAEIELL.B. Moous. JOHN L. WAT KISe BURGElON DPNTIST* 0tc.±u.--0s'or JAS. I3YRNES bMcdical Hall. Brook Street, Witlby. W~ Al work.warrautoti. Familoes atteidot ut privalo reslccnecc. TEETU QZflEXTRACTEI) £WIWITHOUTT PAIN, BY 111E USE CF NITROUS OXIDE LAUGIIING GAS, OR TUE N1EW DENTAL BOOMS, DUND4S ST REE T§ S4kITIJ, C. W. BOCMs.-Or b M. h.Cocisnano'a store. Whiln>y, Jane -20, 1887l. 25 3110E TýOOLS & FJNDING19. etaisifopollens.t o abee ,e00 Na Rila, Ilion T ar I MW s zoeeo aes W WIOLESALE AND RETAIL. BRYAN & OLIVERq 12.1y 114 Y6oz nos iiurvToïosivo. Aae lcaShar. Tnmmers.and Poite otail ase &="turedga% tSirig Edg ej Imprsve imn nglih ad AmimuCraym, eelt'Need- PrimN 0k1OLIVEJ,3- Tq MACH 1NIST10 ste RUUeaO 85 ïslaqn rentu <Imges, Venste olf r 9nw, slurSqaes usi Uuilorse Sqse4,loI Regsta f le% Osu t- JIXAN & OLIVE,e ôh 114 Tougo et, Toros.R ro CABINET MAKERS Ti AND UPEIOLSTERIrES. TV SS il ~ ~ .4 One year <M entire cot.. 4 Il dé" Fily. .4 3 Rorse colt of 16S....... 4 8 riliy " '.....4.9, Pair cf matcbed Homs 4 3 Sa4uilo ............' Staliion........, Mae and Foal, or evidence * thatPoilhbas been bt. 4-8 Twb yeur old entire Colt&... 4- 9 t' " " FUIii. 4 3ý One year old'entire Colt.. 4 's id. dé 's FUiy... 4 -3 Hors. Colt ofi. .... 1 3 F'iIly id.............-0, Pai matobed.Horses.#Ã".4 3 Mare sud Foal, or evideuce that Foal bas been ilout. 4 3 Tiro'yearold entire Colt... 43 One yeatr old -eitite. -Colt.. 4 à " illy..4 8 IfféoreCot of: 18....,.. à@4 S Filiy '_ i .... 4,3 Pair matched Ios, 4 '3 T HOROUGH BRD. Bull....6$,. 4$ Yearling Bull, ..9.......... 4 à Bull Ci. ........... 4 3 Milch Cow, giviug milk or in caif................... 4 3 Two year olti Reiter,.....4 3 Yearling Heifer ......... 4 3 Heifer Caf ............... 4 3 Bull.......... ....... 4 3 Two year old Bull ......... 4 3 Yenring Bull,........ ... 4 9 Bull Calit ........ ...... 4 3 Mileli Cow, giviug milk or in Calif................. 4 3 Two ycar old Heifer. s 4 3 Yenrliig Heifer..... ...,4 3 Heifer .a.f.... 4 3 GâaLOWÂy. Bul s..................... .. 4 3 Two year olti Bull......4 3 Yearling Bull............4 3 Bs1,11 Caiff................. 4 3 Milcis Cow, giving snilk orn cnlf .................4 3 Two y car olti Heifer......4 3 Yearling Hoifer ......... 4 3 Heifor 4l...... . 3 GRADE. Bull........ ...4 3 Two year oldBul....4 3 'Yealing Bul.....4 3 Bull Caîf ' ...............*. 4 3 M1ilch Cow, giving milk or in caîf................ 4 2 Two year oid Hifr 4 3 Yearling Heifer........... 4 3 'lie al................ 4 2 Bull... ...........4 Two yvar oid Bull...... .. 4 Yearling lsl.....4 Bull Cal£.f........... ... 4 Milch Cow, giving milk or n Two year olti Heifer.... 4 Yearling Heifer .........4 Heifer Cî......4 FAT CATTLE. Fat Ox or Steor.....4 Fat Cew or Helfer......... 4 WORKINÇG CATrLE. Yoko Working Oxen.... 4 lass III.-Sheep. Sheariug ftamid......... Ram ýLàmb....... Twe Ewes ................ Two Sboarling Ewées....... 3 Two Ewe Lambs......... 8 Sbearliag Rami......1 Ram -Lamb .............g Tivo Shev Lmbu*...... » '.. 3 rling Ram........ LLamb,.............. 8hiearling Ewea -.. XweL Mb.... 210be S la" T&A- eed1 1-' 2 elbC ...tc*....... .2 210b Man ldurtzl cl8ed 2-1 ilbushel Tse . ..2 2 Bbtshels Rye, prsg., 2 .2 bushels 1, al,. ... .. 2 1 1 ,,Olas -Root*. 2 14 &bushele -Pota\e_. .50 $1 c 12 PacteTrnipa 1.50 i'O 212 roottkMangoid\ w rn £el, long 'e\ 150 i500 ,2.roots Maugoldt,\yel. * 2 î w G o e \ . 1,5o 1 500 2 12roote Csrrots, lo\g 2 ord.î......... 150 15c0 2.-12 roots Cairote, whitê.1.50 i 50ô 2 12 do Orange\tscy i s1 oa- Ck4las VII -la- r -Ot 0 S 2 Boit 1011,. Butter, Georgo -liobuion'e prizeoi... ..... $10 O0ý Z 2nd ..............e... '40.0 a ie ,d . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Z. t.............. 200 2 ...........i00' 2' ; Boitlbo CCee8e, Mr- Wm- 2 Pàxwous prizo oe ....5 00 2 4th.........'2 00 2 S....... ........ .11~00 Bou3et Firkili of not'lou tha, 4Olbs butter in ebippng or! der.. 400 Srd...........2 0 2 2 2 Pair lBlack $aih....1 100 2 $ oksg.......1 50ô 2 "Poiaud... 50ô 2 Any othes variety ... 1 50 2 Tukey*,coiorod.I...1500, 2 do Whte.'.0. O Il Wiid Turko....... 5Oc 2 0 & .. ... .... 1 50 Pig~'eonis, boit colletion... 500O 2 unaFowio............1 500 Boit lot of Poultry in ono p 'etj, ownod by exhibitor, distinct frosu ail other en. tries ................ lass IL-PFarm imploments. Roaper aud Mower,COom- bsned...................64*2ï Mhow I* g Machine, slo..6- 4 2 T ringMachine.......6 4 2 Waggou, (two horo team), 4 3 2 Do. TWo.horse, spring, rnarket............4 3 2 Two lorse Carniage ...4*8a*2 On QuHorse 66.....4 3 2 Two Herse Bleigh ........ 4 3 2 One Horse i...4 3 2 Iron 1lugh.......... 4 32 Wooden Plouglu ......... 4 8 2 Turnip Drill............... 4 3 2 Set of Ilarrowgs.wood ...4 3 2 $et OflH2rrowo, iron ....4 3 2 Two Eors. Cultivator ..-4 8 2 Twe4lorse Jioller ....... 4 3 2 Gang Plough- ............. 4 3 2 Grain Drill,............... 4 3 2 Stra'w Cutter, for horso 1 power.........4 3 2 Cern Sheller, ...... .... 3 2 -1 One horse Cultivator.3.. a 1 Straw Cutter, worked by baud .........3 J Hos.Rae.......3 2 I- Fanuin Mill.............. . 31 2 Set 0, J)raining Teois.. i.à 3 2 1 0Cidor Miilu Pru 3 2 1 Cheese Proua.........* . 2*$1 50., Wasbing Machine,......2 i150. Turuip 8io.....2 1 boa Grain Cruer.......2 1 50e Haif dozen Hay Forke. ..2 1 510c Halit dzen manure Forks 2 1 500 1Ilf -doson Steel Rocs... 2 1.500 làif* dozen Scytheâe... è#2 I.5Oc Pair Finie Bdots............150ê 50Coarse Boots........1500c Set of V1frin fHameau.......2981 3. 2 $2*1 2 1 2 1 2 1 21 21 21 'S gu Be Gýlaos 10 Yards »WLu5$l1 flhome made, upun and 'wove by 'b a n d ..... .... . . . . . . . . ... $1 5 0 U1 10 yards Full Cloth, lactory 10 yards -Satinett,, - home, matie, spun -aud weve -1y 'baud............ 1.50 1 10 yards' Sainett, faotry S made. s.... ~ 15 10 yjards 'lanne4- homne- madospunsud, wovo by b aud, l o.....1.50 1 10, yards home-màaie by haud, Cotton, warp."..a 1.50 i 10 yards Fiaunel, 'factor 10 yardu Flainelt 1cory. iade, eotion'ivtirp.50 i 10 -yards Woolen Carpet ... 1.50, I lOyardu Usg_ Caret.1.50 1 Pair Woolen Bîsukete ... 1.60 1 Ceveni1et, beavy........150 i do li¶ht,............ 1.5o 1 PairWooln"Stckin's . o I 0 Pai W -le te8 g . 715a50o Cotto ecu.. ..500SO ~ s Sochu,.......75ë 50. pia Wli-Woolen.-Mittg...750 50c Plain ,WoolenYar."aa7 50 500 lOibbifliinitunaturaîstate $3 e82 Sibi flax dressed .... 3 2> Slbs Ifiai dreused. by baud...' 3 2 GasXII.-Liadien' Dopart- <ment. Lays Bleus.....Jj...... o 1 Chud'sDre .su .1.0 1 Gentleman às Shirt.....150 1 Lady's Bonnet......... 1.50 1 1'iéee work Quit'.....** . r 1 Huit I3od Cover......... .1.50 1 Crotchet work0 Ceunterpane 1.50 1 Silk Counterpane...,........ 150 1 FancyIN ettîng ........... 15 Faucy Hitn.....150 I Embroidery on muiin or lace 1;50 1 Emhroidery onSi1k. . 50 1 Emnlroidery on IVorsteti.... 1.50 1 Crotchet Work....... ..aa150 i Raiseti Berlin Wool ....1.50 1 Flat Berlin We. ..1.50 1 German Raised Work...1.50 i Guipure WrL6....1f0 1 Chenilo Work .........1.50 i Ornamental'Needle Werk... 4.501 Specimen'of Braiding...1.50 i Specimen of Quiiltsg. ...150 1 8pecimen cf Bead Work..1.50 1 W a Fruit ...........0 1.50 1 Wax Fiowers., ..........50O 1 Paper Flowers.............150 i lais. Flowýers,........... 1.50 1 Fancy Basket....... .... 1.50 1 Rag Rn g............ 1.50 1 Grécian amp..... 1,50 i Faucy Leather Work, ...... 1.50 1 dat, Canadiau Straw. 1 ...0 i Feather Flo-Wers.....'1.50 1 Zephyr ..oer ......... 150 1 Hair, Jewéliery........1 >0 1 Watsr Lles......... ..50 ý1 Wax Shelis..,.......1 l Farmers' Wreath.... 15 G-laes II-i~ r On 'Painting......* .0$ Wator Celer Painting.. l50 i Velet aining.....150 i Pencil -Dsawiung ............ 1.50 1 Crayon -Drawing........... 1.50 1 Coloroti Crayon Drawing.,. 1.50 1 Pearl ?itn.....t0 1 Tnaa. ciies iglisi andecosufor T@ »Boîrib0ola ha." - TIshuslrglit tiseir wanas-ï rroWs , Lsy lsenvy on My> sont, Anti deep ln moditatioss ilJtok ns>'moruiisç ,troli; Til .ou.ctlsing csag.st M mentlo WithbOosgor igras, and *11.1 Anti iookilsg dAwsý vith vouclr. - baw a Iltile cld. Àfpaeand Puzcmature, Yisat conîti sue vent 11 qucesioted, Itrspalienl li, hagond, Witistrembling,,foloise ansvereti, I'Wo livô jn..t dovu the uitreot, DOU D isl a a vetclseti bmw.men t, 'WÙ it sould apon Zti ,e valle, T1srouel hm.caclaf.buried windows Gn iiwlsind aceor tailla; -Whore cblti. anti wusst, aizd buger Cronolsoti ssar ler zAa s. la>' r1 oundiaflo'rmtr uaispiugher lire ave>'y. A chair, a broken table A batio! dirty atraw, A lienihSUgbaI arkand ciseerlos- For tho mousn n iis IfJflorme, 'A scise so null of ve.- Tisa farnibod 'and ths nakoii 'nOblise eetisaI pine foi breai Tho aqnliti groap tisait itileti Aroun.lils.he (1y'ngbed- AU Ailus dioire,. sud ibrrew Slsonli e In iansasur, Wslntdnytrktssported -. To4']orr-lboa Gb,." Abhi loiflise poor andi wrotobed Wdre Close binid lthe door, Anti 1 lied psssso t Ilosueedîcas A tblotsutsdn limesbefore; ý' Ahi! for tIse coltiand lsnngzryo TiaIamet rme every day,, .WiteIe il urteerW ero given Thlsuio vont cnou5gh for Chriahîmua ln distant lundi WC kutw, Our Lord commînisi ls servants Tbrougli ail tise ordt ogo, Not osiy, for thiselien, Thix vas bisi charge tte m: 10 o, presicl i e Word. baginuing '0 C hris iusa 1 G odh ie prom lisoti . e irs.and ve 1 1Who C'or ltistose limegi von, lait thinsige E À Ao pnpre coiti waterAt Boulogni Shah Suid rard lls e!Ivea.Qée ooi Wonild yen siecure tise bleïsissg, Quenict lae Go, inti ln yondor hovel-evrthn, r ,A IlB o rrib o la « a , G . e thi id r o v £tisai- tise latter, TieO Voyiez or Lîst.-Life beau, biigd egv o u l i e th e - s r e a i n o f a ý m ig i sî ' r v e . - l e n i e t is e p i Our boit gides dvis tise cisanaci, Ibro' .use«fid in il tiso pimyfaluarunring of the litlîe brook ù ofie i à stie of affir, anti -tise indiage of tise grauy -borders. Ithse iru-if t Tl1e trocs shedti isir bioaaossover our thoea 8su.1 Ai yonng baeth ie flowers offer tismleuse heci la to tise yoang hindi; -veý are hippy la hope bed been FPnu andi grà&p cagerly, ut- tisebelanties arona ti e ol us,ý bât isee trea sè barries ns on, atid stili iel vut ont bands are esupt. Tise cours.e- of Our - - yontis andi maubood isin iong acdeeper anti 'A vider floodi, among,.objecte ýmore airikiag Whitei.eb vas %cnd tsagiiflent; lise streaus beirg as on, veîî's envoi' to ant r J>' atir griefa ire aie etmach dieturbei bisinti n. We mi b e siipwtecbedi but Harwicis -on t ve cannot be disayct; visetLer rougis or vwu ver>' Storm sus*ools,"tise river bastenuas 0ou, tll thté di tricite tite roai of tise sew id is caour rtsuanthtisiaiservant steý vaveès is beneatis our <oit, an thie floots 8indig tiai i ire li 'fîednp arontina anti ve tube leave d-4 ry, oet tiseah aid -ite inliabitants, and t sk - Pay1 Our fatare voyage tiscre la no vitueus ave 'Proie air, don' tise ifinite anti %rurai. 1.tise wved ver>' *BAaisus-'s t z î-h eg.ip, a fi ' 'oin diss ago, sid.haî P. T. Barnumu bad on às t on t>hin~ foot race atishe Franonis - os., Wite qute as eli wl MfltfttAnh. .,....à...,A... ..f~ i'Crtain'!.' humble pott a Maof vi Ao.a theoloos gelici AIE Baneesi is Great vus usuels bati ni ¶srstem la favor et a carlai vison a biisl propo be 100 ioong, andi, v it, lét la be adwinisti energy -leî'tisere hi ecse bereyes ant i it, the effet is grej airefel udt te itobis, 'as a sInnâissg bird bones ucle-deop it unais virtue in a i eti. W. bave tise n believ shail i uai, vo.. 9 PT, Jeu. 1 1

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