Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1868, p. 3

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vmmî bu e viole v 10 ie oaveu tient- eentioad tbée tolvia of hie tock ledias= Dat4d et Wbitb7, 1h15 1$ Sept, 180. Xç. B.-.PSItelnd@bhte loeaboyé lbute sitber by note or book aeeount,- are reqneed e oIl Ott ny eOMe$ sud mtle -ii sainerth. wt or cmta wili esu.. JAS, IXOLDIN. Wbitbys Sept, 2hd, 1668. 2 1W az ndersigned,'lu ie$lrlng rom huai- T tiss. desirem tu rebuamincers thanicatW lei# idauy frieudw, tlîroughoîît Ontario, 1or the i nony kiod favors bostowld onf% hlmu, ille Ieplug, the Onltario htel, a -Wltby, sd request a B ontligiie ut the sanie 1t L6 asuc- WSou r rdward Armstrong. C. DAWESm Wlsitby, sept, 20d, 1889. 2law45 TILOS. RtUSSELL & SONS' CELEDRATED WATCH%~. il9 u ciaibos te caltflie attention et 000aoi pnrchitisig il.. olowlng, lram il 'ug MaeiyTostlmusuitiuhs lie lisle- O«uvet <oui.parties, vise have beaui wearlng those watelias for sondet lm. Tlii. Subàcrier iierqby caitiflas bluetftle >weiolîeo IU purclgsmed trulJaines Joliuston, Ina v o~i fectureul by Thlo»n.fileeli oaca JAMES B ILACK, k- *Aloni lotel. Wluiy. Tiie Subserîber lureby certifies <liaI 1.0 *aecii)hue purclwmasd <rom-Jaunes. Joloston, 1118u1ufuituredo iyTbcaitissîl olo a topreseujtet, a tlàt)reuguly riioblo tiie osu por. - YunyRogitrar, Wbuîbys À7 Afullisraaerut nilu Goiti And i lver Wateiîuuakuur, Brook Street. Wliltby, sept. 2, 1868.,8 TU KENT Oit .~FARM ON SHARES.I OUTrlf-llall' or lot No. 2u0, inmftle ird con- - -eugiitailorc Wlitly, 100 ACufES. AppI» te * JAS.LAXON, iA IL WAY MEETINGs. -~APUBLIC MEETING VIII ibee lti Atthe iellewlng tie. sudplace, At the solucol itoung,,'Village of ilyrile, St-, tarda» BEu'g, toetoibor 50, t7 p. in. At Ahuionul'a Ciru, Kngaton rond, Monda» Ev'g, Sept. l4tlu, At '1 P. nu. At 11u#toîu'a Sciecl lions,, 4tis cou., Thiundaoi . Ecu'g, sept. l7tli, At 7 P.ni. Ai the JIl ottil ellciocl lIeuse, ou Frîda» tv'g' pt. Mil1 , et 1 P. un. At Astburu, Meétali'us butai, Saborda» Ev'g, 1Sept, i2îu, At 7 P. ni. *To balomte cunsldertion the poasamo f the. Bylaw, for ail oiocf $15,000, te aidtIhe Poet W ilti,»And Il'rt 1loarry liway compauiy, te bahîti a 1aiwa» rom Port Wlitby te l'eut 1lorry; lrao.c iesh cupuyylb fls sttfýdiie te expisiuu lia prospects-cf il m 414 e ourptmu>', for iOua baildinmg cf sali Rail. va», snd <tlor uttrs lu conisuai6ton tiirdé VIîli; Antd rempocttoIly request attutnuce *EMON (0.REYNOLDS, Pm#tca.I1' 4nbJ>. ' &t"P. .P. B. a -, Wlmtliy, #*Pt. 2; 1808,.2111-36 la te Si, WlllDv'.os ou lojtept&'ls# Ambd, ti, MsaA41111e Aliun, Tises. AuultwasilletiA. AiIsed, Johs. Il'ouiira. Carolluie () lBrown, Mimae becca nlhji», n Butes, Robent - ilargeais l'iaouima arrey misa Mary Blr ýw',., uA. Beal, tlorge Bouiboui,0. lBondJ, Tios. Jerk, MIh% )Maris e uieunatie Brois, George itlt, Fraimaha Ererus, Mary Btrown, bMn, W. cure 0 cf Samuai Cochirane, aenr. -Bouhrlek, (leo, hock, 8. Bili, usn. .oiiu Care ci A. lls-.nsltc.. Vabis, ileur» CuuliosM. çsîup)eil, IlIieali laukkrîmela raswferd, GOe~rge Uatpbeiil, Mn..A C.suy, Jlis" 1. ceuara, Wni, Dolby, lira.A. »extsr, David Davis, Fraikl - Daa, Sarnsel Iisu'mo'E A. Driver, ua.s J. 0, 1100 william lsyîiea, bilas Anne ay11 el jol # , 1 fl1, mra. or MIra. M. Cmutoek bJlioti lkils Srali Mra. duo lltWiaeu 2>ý - ~.beimus Iuies liog, J. I.E. cure ci î ".1 sJan, fu. $îros'lo Jaliastomi 1<. S. ,lomtue, Archîbsîti Ja.qus, i~oiin initoutiUra.M. (2) siNnlmes (o) GraugmrM. Olnt", Sauaei (sroat, O. (lanisu, m. il. Glea, John olu son, Mno .11019îcar* cf 'flines Ilobon. girly jaes artra. â,Clegg. xiros Juia 02) Kelly, John a. Lafues ldhard lRebert li Lynian, WmO IaLVeTlaer 2) Miro, Will )ftli téa), Mtitiao, e 2 ThUoa, Tima MatidisenMsI. aitaiii ibsl Mark 0Ue o ir cJi m'iiJe îma t leDlat' yrmck UCouMm. D. l5lu, XAie a y Sc0onit M isAnuf "sr ftonMIa l A.Shar, WIL or , Omf, sadlkr, l'bilip swuntKo, . mittu, Sergeint A. T01Ur$Elilza rs, George - el,c Talor, lheur 48ptr Weslake MIa. Jane 01goUlmse.1. jA we Witer lia aM ry ialila CuW, Itt IWolOMa., h~i1D<~fOthé abcoo w v m a uak gdyt'n,' d7 loiER oy, frt tn. um of ($151000) Aflwu WRRÉS C npny, builng, by au Act Ocf tii.Parlamet of theProiyîu<c of Ontario, been dul» lncôrporsîed uînder the nome cf-tLb. Port Whitby' snd Poît Pefr», Rails'.» Comupauy, WIvltheb.PUrpos., Power and a4tiborl. ty, onclem sucb Act ofpA ir, og ut, constructing anud fintiblng aBolir» (rom withlu tuehlisfte theCoupe. ration of the Town or Whiîby, or the Ilitaof lh. Port Whltby IHarbor, lu tii. direction, et tire Grand Trmuk Rallway of Cansaano as tô secur. a favorable ccuuecÃŽion-tberes'llb, it, orne convenieut point withîn the sali Town; tiience *Irough theéasit Town, tii. Townships cf Wtiby or Eut W btby, or botb, end tbe Townaitp of làchto point on Laits Sengog,, at or near Port Per, bas gennlto oMeatlcu, under the. proîisionii of the sald Act. Anti Whereas, lhe Municipal Counuil cf 4he miti Corporation, oet1h. saiti Township cf Wiiitby, bas resolvedt t suuiitantlally aid anti sit tii. mid Port WbitbY aud Port Pour» Railway Comupany, ilu hieaccutructiig anti equippiog sncb Raîlma», as by the said Act of Parliament tllcy are Oui- poveredt l do, b» grantiug sud con- tributing a bonus te sucb Railway- Company, to be useti sud employeti b» the oalti Raiiwsy Company, lu andi abioutthie construction andi cquip. ment ef sncb Ruilwa», the Dobeuturca et lb. Corporation of the sald Tew- ship cf W iitby for the. total autnocf Fifteen TluuantiDollars te b. Issueti, as herelnafter provideti, la smos oct leua in ea undreti dollars, uer more thon five ijundreti, oaci, tie iu. terest nt the. rate of six per cent per annuin, payable hait.yeariy. Andi Whereau, the tobai amount requireti te be raisati ennually, b» a speciu<i rate, for ro.payuuent of such Debois- turcs, andthic Intereat tiercen, tiiere- b» te be croateti sud incurredte tathe aaîm of oe u lcasut sixiundred andi làffty dellars. Anti Wbereas, ltme anieuttcf tie viola rateabia lîropauty cf tha saiti <orpo- ration cf th. sauidTowJ'cnship cf Wlit- by, accordin g bu thi lest reviseti ns- ses-nient rolls thoroof, la ie iun. dreti *andi forbyniuie thoumanti nine bundreti sud tom; dollars, irreapoctive ef future inease. Anti Wiireaa, lîserc la ne dcbt cfthu a mid Corporation of the. mid Townshsip cf Whiiby, citier fer princimpal or intetr- est. Andi Wberes, the. snnati special rate In tise dollar, fur paying ti c Intarcsa sd lnstalncr.ta ef prinicipasl falliiug duc, esci ycar, or for creating ai qual yeari» slnking fond, for tisa paneul of theu principal ef the sai doiet, liera- b» lIntendeticil be incurreti, according te (lise Act rcsîmeting lhe Mu.mii al Institutionsa o, Up i tanCanada, la oe miii samd ight.Lemithis ef a nuil., lit, De .it ticreforcoeniieteti, anti It la lierci» enacteti by tho Municipsil Ceunciliof tIie Corporation of the Township eft W bh, tiat the Dcbeu,. turcs or the Corporation eoftiie saiti Townshiip of Wlutby, toe i unouiil ofet icmniof flfteanthbousati dollars. in sm nis t esthan oeo undred' dollars, uer more than flve indreti dollars, ecc, baaring Inlerenl et the rate cf aix or oayabla ut tise Ontario e sir neelb. céiltyfTcronsto, miail forîluili, altethLe assing of thia by-lav, bc matie anti xecuteti b» ithe geoveof e i.saiti Cor-poration, anti b» butu duly signeti anti scaict -witi the coupraI. seul oet Ilsasit Ceportin, or b» scb ther pesn, being a member of thc Ceuncil of the. salti Corporation, as may by an» by- las'o et i uid Couporatlion, lîareafter matie sud pasetifer tlut purpose, be appointedti teciecut. anti aigu tic saine, saiti Debenturea te bc mc matie sud oecutedti, hhe um u o f seven lunodreti aud fifty dollars o et îa mud sum of flftccn thousanot dollars;, for whicm Dubonturt, ara -te bc issueti, as afoesiti, tegeiber s'ith tlie intercat ou the. wbol~aurountoft et )entures so isatuct, aulMo eoeo, sthall becoine payable lu an» oee yar hhercatter, 1a#a.imeuls, cf ae biret ai 'Aanti6 gnd. Thut miien eue hodre t Ibusunti dollars, ef thue Capita1 Steck etfmait Railîa», bus been aubmcribeti, end heu per cent4 Lherte< paiti into*5ne efthLe C3iartereti Banksaoetihtis Province, anti the acting Engîneer of the salti Reuti certifies tust flre milea cf the. grsding ou tbe mid reud bas becu complelth te Townsip oet mt- b», and tie rondt ld eteor lecateti aesiiorgis(flr provideti, tîuut Lie aum etflire thousanti dollars of said Deben, tures 1i» fcrtbwith iimnded cicrb» thitee ire; tithi. mudId silway 6om. pan » tuaI mien tie Enginecu' cf sl oati cbrtifts the ii.miole ef thie gradiug roquirei te WprretthO reuti for recoluung the tli.s, a forlier Oumu cf Bye'thoasuti dollars cf the sasitiDbenlurem siall be bandeti ever tte iad Railia» Compauly' sund LiaI tthe remainiug ato oftic'. thon- sand dollars, ef the saflDentures, shail b. ba;ndeti ever tW liesamId Ebel- s'a» Comps 1 bnthe wb vole of the tics bave be. lidd tiem, andtheI i. rc isiti down tbrough tli ei TOWnaiIlP cf Witby', audsàireigbt sud pmesn- ger station ef mid itilma» local.4 andtilompietei onu me part ofthtéi soutiifflot nutaber twotythrat or tireuL .ltour; ln tii. sîztii coucou- sieof et w &Md Township of Wiiitby. Md That an .qual annuel speclal"rate cf eue milia i sdegiiltentba efta miii, ln the. doliar, l i dditIon le ailtcher taxes, s&bl e isti antiralii upon th. e ol. ratesuble - peny ettus Munbipalit»', ever te, (ail exIeul, lliit and - boundi, a- IL nov stands, ut telie oi f the. pssIng ofttis b»-. lair, lunesciiansu -yeuyyer durlg lie perbeti oetweSty y'*aua. afW trtis b -MWiall» aite effect, fer ps>'lbi tit. mid FDoiutures and lhe llrs 1VUL lUVUmm n is Dra& puouuest., adI tbt'the vote,of the Wlectére a uti isd CÃ"TPoration, quaifled .to vote oun id by. * lsw, u*11l t'O taken on Satùrday, 'Ikh ol Sept., lU At the. bour of nins oclock In, the lori- noon, ià ithe Towhsbip hall, Ëroýoli. É. .,HARRISbN, zbuoi.hip £érWldbj,. TrookiIn Adg. U, 180. td4 Fa,'ms for Salé, IN TE COtJITY 0F ONTARLO, AT EXTItAt1tD1NARY L ii Ue$. TrilE nrîdalgue ncdcitera11.following Vains- abîîlepropeîties for maie, ut i'îw prices, and on long credit. i.-TowNiçrh1 O IECHÉitb ci lot No. la, I11h concetssion or Beach, 100 ,le",4 ce under cultîvation, log bouse tw0oitrame Bau-go suad a framre Stable-good grêwing Orcb.àta, Weil watored, crosd ut tii. snth aedby dts NNunquon River. IL.-Wcst-q nater -or lot No. Io, 4fd t"rb. of lieaoh145 sar e cied, sud under Il good 9ittb of Caltivatlon. excellent Prante hous. vith teltoe bassement. gnod Irame Birn, poodl beurIing rclordl, Wall watered by a :lever failing,4priiig. II.e-TOWNSUIP P01ICTCERING.- Seuti-cuat quarter or lot No. 17, 4tii con- cessçli of P 1ickerinug. ccîîîaining 64 acres, 60 tiares cleured, good Stoie liouse, prime 1litru andt Yrauie Stable, aud un excellenit Urchiord. 1Y. -TOWNSHIP ofEAST WITBY. J'arts et lots»Ilb ,ind il, 4tlîconceslsions of lFat Whllýy, ouitiultig about 80 acrep, 50 leaiCc iaad, Frarne IlIulgo, NeCW ramau Batr,,. wcll westered, asid la boctter kilowis as tue IlMorris Il'roperty."1 V.-COUNTY OF VlCT0RiLAL2ý4owu. shlp .1 OP*.-Balit-lialf t lut N. 7, Lit coiia101 etouicpa, 100 acres. 'VI-ToWN@TIIr 0F ELDOI#-NrtiE- Iialf of lot No. 20, 7th coîcesmien; of BIdon, 100lieare, 20 acres leared, idg boune. Al cf wlch wiIllibcsold very lrbcap. The. bayer cou liave., his cwiu tima te pay the pur- clhsse tîtunc. :f 'f1110 lad iputable». For tuillier particulars, epply te the. proprio JAMES JIOLDEN, OffliitAssigitac, Morley Brulcor Commis- $!Olier, Nuvtry lPublie, arc., &0., Wisltby.- UFFI(,'F-Sccnnd Fleur, Mclliiian'à Block, Bruclt Street, Wliitby. Wli1liy, Alig. 20, 1868 1n3 A MILLION AND A QUARTER MONEY rl'O> IOAN. T 11Z Sbcriber lias rocelred Ilntructlcns fis agnîlernan vue? lian a large auiiouiit cf liîioey liivestid Ili Etiigli Ii scsrtio,4. te lis- c'es.t tiii maine for iii, lis ljis niîualjoilrîiîg Celtitlas, cit good Farci l'roporty, or Duaseî- tuits. I *tlhh' continus esb r(,r<-rasut butescof t1w largesi Mitâry Inittitutiotns luiis tIe)ouiîul'uîî, tilit tend imoue»ciionthae montidvitgim ternis. jW AIse a large tunnlruberft eli cîîltivatcd Firitiî, sudt!aîîy quiutity cf Wlld Lanuds, for Ale cicap. For furthier rttlculons, apply te JAbaES IIOLDEN, Offiiil Assignre, Mime» Jirokor, Cuuis slonier, Ioulery' l'ub!ic, <&., &c. OFFICE-bsccuud Floor, bcleillati's Block, Brock btreet, W litby. Atîgnast l4thî, 1808, 84 N.B.-I arn also proparcci te Invest lu ail Jidmut Dolieittirea. <recnb.acks; bouglit aud sold; allse a large quntlty cf Ifilver Sur sale. JAS. IIOLLIEN. AUC'rîoN BUSI1NESS - THOMAS M YeJRS, LICRNSJOI AUCTlIONEEII for tlîcC uty L cf Ontario. d(.sire» te lîîforîn l1:o1» l and tluaoisil'u Vitîjtlia la teiidy lereto(îuc'ate reccivo orderistfor gale of stck. itsuîî Ipie ment«, t&o,, snd Ilat al cdrins eft eit theo CliisuocLz cilo icewll lic diily aiiciîieod te. kDays ut sale arupoilito d aiid ternis maoio lcocnon iapplicationuet ti" rasct >1v or litBlack's liotol, wiiere bocks it intries are kerut asnoasl TIIOS.e NERS. Wlitby, Auguat Otlî, 1868. tt 5U Land for Sale, Farms lfor Sale, -BEINO eSTATE OF TE LATE JNO. CLERKE. PARCEL 1(e. 1.-Égiel loJt nural'er1, lu iii. algbtlî conicessIon cf scugog, centalu- lug loi acres, about 60 acres undar culi- Svatli. 1L o uet large uew Barn, Young Orouîard, süd poa u ply oc vaber. PARCEIL No. 2.-Being North-liaif of lot, no 4lu the* th concessionu cf Plekerlug, eouu2(ung 100 acres, lore or lmAoutai 80 acres undor ecultivatlon, on thé pluse aresa large Irame ions., viii goti seller, tiro e , ros, io idm, bora.-stable, ti- otuitso, oslieeponi turnip-ceilor, vlib other ut-buiîdlngs conveuently srmuged, *hd fouk #r fj1 Ju tolard. Thé. Place la veili watorognso altusteti b ,lght millesof Whbltby. Betb places atre Dnuunboreti. Pos- ffl'for ivn tisfàu. Ternisreameable6, a long é- ebeiug gliseiî. 7« tre sud entier particulare, apply nt -til o~e r tb, to vIt: ', li the Court of GeaM iaf ief Spisloua Of-lb. Poe,zud Ceut» lfrt lai snd forIc ,Cnt» cf On- tata, m , JtlntbtiCodn tlioua, lu et 186 tif videlc1 a -Has just reeived a very- Iarg âM' *el *electëd etockoef. BOOTS 4 teIÃ"iô?4 M Of the 13EST QUALITY and late'tstyle, for Fali and WititerTaade, which wl1 be soRt at prices that Cannot 1U beat é> Mens' (li, Kip, and Clowldde Boots. -CI c> Womens' Goat, Kid, and Caf']Boots. s4 X' ibaeu' & Cinidrens'BooPtse.& héo. < 03e Gentiemens' Englisb Lace and" Elas- tic Boota F.ELT OVERSHOES, alszs Ladies' aind Gents',Best Seived and Peg- Éëd Work made to order by CASTLE FOX. Repairs neatly executede , R.emember the stand -next door North of Royal tianadian Bank, McdMilau'as Block, Brock-st.. Whitby. R. J. YARNOLD, Whitby, ScpteïÏùber. 2nd, 1868. 35 N o"À 9iýIII Just receivced a fine assotmcunt of' NEW TWEEDS, RATS, AND CÂPS, LADIES' HATS & BONNETS# AT flAMILTON & Cu's.> Whitby, September 2, 1868. 8 FRESH ALE!1 ALDWELL & CO.'S. We beg to announce the arrivai of a lot of the above Celebrated Aie, In packages of 10, 15 and 30 gal- ions, and aeve have made perman- ent arrangements for a supply TWICE A WEEK, parties niay re- ]y upon g'etting it FPRESH, and at Manufaètnrers' priCCs, freight add- cd. T. IL NcTtILLAN & Co. Wbitby, Àugnst ôOh. si WANTED. A Bultclin nbbefor s Gymuasai, u Ds to the ceîm"tretibte torD, for Irlileli a gooti rentai viii be paiti. A ppI» te, Wu. W. COWELL, os Sec' Whibliy GymnusioClub. STOLEN011 STRAYEDI -o- 0 TOLEN OR STLtAYED (rom thb, preniusa Z Vol"I ti sbcrlbarq tovu cf MWbitby, uly Iresk .go 4, à Urey sud red i Cc, about 11cr. y'ns olti. 'A"» persen gIvIng socb Informnation sas viii Ieat 4o ber Y.c'rey, viii b. saltabl» rersut- SAMUIEL WALKEY, Whutby, Aug. aSus, si 8 $5Re ward! >8TRA M, about s vèek or tw 0~, <nom ah' ' a vwhite COr wltlt mbelâle spd. mit6"rd OfWIdItiy. Auj perot idd- lngtibe aie sud fdrvsrdmug 6w ho lIse ndes- <ysged, hiroole eaboya reraul. Us Wbtb»; A. uisMb; IKPEOVED BUCK-a EYE,, .GRAIN DRILL vaB >zSîIRt TO CALL ATTERIou 11 « BUOcK £YE GRAiN DRILL. WB WAURRANTIT TO 80W WjiEAT, OATO, 1fGRAuSS SEDi -la iow nvtliaesdinglPlwlo iePuht hls o' ticusaùfnt of tisem havie rbeau cil. Zsbabilaý&imelu 1 b rti Bor.wintead stearWh.,a. dabtisgdîuôunm ï an&Jnat esMmac, 7 o. ,;We u= bbip At ouc, unDree iptc -idus.,K R avinigasweek purchasdl O ----a.-. ... ~ uumYi mI. nspection of ur envmns lIug sihrd tit--vcan bpi'1eu) evit tbe ot inaertmula mcml faabionabiepallquns a mch ýwlme.r- oeh4n -tjmie Clama f cfgoLs au b.pùroé baetie.r- e *aum i l rm~ a u seasc' tock, Ifo$1,25 te $2,M0 qa ultls a.ssom, have cost $8 te $ ~ -50PEfl dCENT Does .not occu'f e4eij d.ay jafid * r oiidadis or frlenda te, tak. ativautage cf it befere lie magnificent prospect for barveaL causes a rginl z WIIOLESÂLE PRICES! o WB w OTiu AIAÉO REMINI otiÉl REAIIEIZ TRA liq - cottons, Nuals EPrints, Parasols, 0mualinop',e&o. c £à W Wewil give them the full benefit bf thé re- O ductietu, asud viii conitinue te domonutili our rapiàdtecrélng Stock oet lat clasa et goodsAls entiiel» uCLEA1ID 0'OUI! W. have always on a cieo rtinent el seasouable O z c, oe 0 Bonnet$, ~Iantied, Jackets, 'Which wre are seliing at our usual low i viii psy te give ui à ala, as *6 vili net be undersolti. LO WES & Po0W]* Dominion Wareooms, Whitby, Aug. 5th, 1869, z w 1< ateés. It ELL, Whitby. ROYAL FUIIE AND ILF Insurance Com'.Y CAPIAL -TWOMILLIONS STERLING. THIS COMPANY having made the necessary deposit, in ac- cordance irith the New Insurance Act, beg to notify the public and their constituents that they continue to a-ccept ILisks, ofl as fatorable ternis as any other first-class Company, and invite particular attention to the favorable ternis on -which Life Polloies are Cranted. FRANCIS H.I. HEWARD,9 U4AYÀGf,, TORO.VY2' BRANOH, <'if LLIO. OFFICF -Rtoyal inasuranee Blldlug, Cor. Touge & WelluitecuSts. ,em. OLIVER, Inopector. WhiLby, Aug. 5th, 186 W. B. NICOL, Nedical Reteree. JOHN AGNEW, AGENqT, Wmm~. 4in-311 8. WATCIIES & JEWELLERY. TAMES JOFINSTON bega to cali the attention of intendling Jpurehtusers to bis NEW SOK 0? VLVALU ~MYIII~ VA1UCllhi2, JIiVY LLERIY -BU I N E 8PR M6EI 'ocks, &c., ail of which wili be sold itt the lo*èAt pticka, con- BrokotL 7 tI'ung9Lorea &l>cweli'mà stent with good quality. lane. Tink, 22 ostfot, 9Sfent c e CSulan WATOHESCLOCKS &EWELLIRY1 (laretully Ropaired.Ra( t 2 fot ufo ron,9(oc t de posiet f'llitby, May 4 1868r. -»)ýW-,OtaZs f ra tra.>psb -, .. -- - 10 acreaonm Brook atreet, North of Ruilirs> ~LERING, SALE W1LD LOTS, Mar, -South U- d9,Ilti con. 100 serea: - Cos dé"13, 12t16 si -100 46" 1(i ci Si T HE P*tateof tha late OCITARLES l EYi;S Tboinig the îîotb-balf Pl Lot No, 34, Srd CONCESSION 0F OIDE Situalod about 5 miles <rom--tlie Village of -Uxbrldge, Inari e4çellent fisriniug country. A log houa, barn; gdood1rivinz sheds, b ,h, sré on the, premises. Abont 70 acres ave under cuitivation. - The' fou 1la of lie ver» bou quality. Titie unoxcepticoabie. i Ti undersigned wI vib. on hie iroiuflae-b Yridy ,2 th epte brnext; At, 12 c'clock, inoon, vbon lntcudlug _pnrcbap- ors are requosted to-be prement on wbicli day the. BalaIe *111 bodisposed of. WILLIAM KYDD. Uxbrldgc, Avusut îoth, 188. - 41u-24 FO R SALE Ký Onulti*atedFarms, lmproved Town Property,, Wild Landa, &. c IKPROVED FARMS. Part cf Soutb.-X, Lot 10o, 4tb concession Mfara4 adjoining the. VILLAGE 0F BRECHIN 80 Acres-40 ahres cieara'd. Kortb.< lot 18,. 71. concàtsion of Nara; 100 Acrt, tOocrps cîfareda 4n4 weli fenced, Dow 1 of0ram irn. 'lecoCetre i'oad iiàu tbrougli the Lot.1 West-U Lot 14, Oth concession of Ifara, 100 acrese 55 Acres cîaared. Only a noile <roui Centre road. Lot 11, lu llfh concession cf Màr1a.,l0 actes, kown hoi the MoNEIL FARM, abouf 25 acres cleareti. Lot 12, ilu lQtb conceesion «Mars,20M acrs; about 10 acres cloarcd. 8,outb-3.4Lot JO, lualith cocession of iMars 100 ACEL.0, 20 acres ecered. Nortb-U Loi 14, lOti concession cf Miafê4 100 acres, 19 te 15 tiece cleare&i Lot 1l, ttb êoéitoien f iSenîlm OriIa.ý kuowu as 'Steanio,oa Point,,» ou Lake Coui- ccblng, about one mila <roni the VILLAGE OF ORILLIÂ,' 84 acres, about 15 acres chu.ured. balance q Ldt licautifiully wcoded. -Tfii, viliont e cePtien, n lac ue st sltuated property on L=1 Cou tlilug. Tii. vies' extendiug tbe vbolô, diatançeottte Lake, andi embratiiug th. INDIAN VILLAGE, lu Rama, flhe Town of Orillila, & the Narrown or Laie Sinacoti. TOWN PROPERTYi M THE TOWN 0F WJI1ITBY.ý TUE ROYAL JIOTEL,. Throo atonies higlu. brick, with spicious dui'.. lîîg yairdsansd stables. Aise t!.eDadjoilng o001ces on t'lqsentbit'o; oter white brick, auit the 6"Chrouicl" 618ce BuilDg ou tueNOrîhi; tino *tory rad ti roki Tîje wuiolereel )lies a frouiLogcéuoflux toot, on Brook street, andi uearly 12 roda deep ton )aile 20 tct vide. Tite propent» in under i feutliof $950 pervannni. £W' POSSEOSION lot 0f OCT., iSif. Six Lots ce Byron sîreet, direcil» nerti cf thea rosidoc ci 0. IL. Cechrane, Esq. For private reaLdenfes, not 1e etybMan vacant property lu Tovu. Savcral plots, <romn two. te six lto,, fcnced, lu the, neilibonood cf lia nco -iaunCgý. tboîte Chuiol. TIIUEH ACRES, fanceti, kown dastii. old Cricket Field. 1 TWO ACRES, fecSi, vet c ricket ftala., 1-U4 ACRE, feeti, emst cf Cricketg@lld. 6 LOTS, fenet, vont cf refideno. of .' Il. Gerrie, Eeq. 4 LOTS, fenet, vent of Brook sttreot, a Soutb of reaidence of Nathjan Arnoldi. 1 OS feneoti, 7Pu cf Brook St'eot ai. prout occuplod b» J. 8. sprewloe. W- Aise mcieral vlaêLos uvarlom' Parts or ithe town.- Summer Goodsl LII. Tfié Ilancy Élin" rom 1 o1 t.pet yard. 'om 12 to 2Octsê pery 'O' to-25cts per yard. î, at cost prie. ýs of e>ery kidand de";,iàr fnonwg-au iad do Bidon, MBari, t:ot 1 ,Sd 80" Lot 12, 4tir " 200 Lot s- 65ti< 21 Wet ô 7,4, th <o10 Zest Pt. 15, 916 'é 96 ot 22, Ikh "100 dé Resd 26,L&t12d" ILI.SITEsit Village cf Ner .bsa urmed lua hayo de-' rshlp off mt ii.sd ýomu- S8..- oa the of Bel'. lent of à utl.p 1

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