I~.ZIS?3.ATLAWAND 5OLICITUS ADlit laisoury. Iutuir-J oet4. Toronto, . 55 uà mJzo-ü.t door ote .stor4 ef a. kJ, Qsunpbeil, Brook é6t.1 WhlUy, Cnt. Wttltthy, Noy., 1 07.41 s. B. FAIRBë. S, W, a, 0 l NOAitPiC, e.Le ms , x LI<S BrokSt91t ThT OSy, A LB, 1. 0'cm I CRAIwor Es C.arNELLERnvyncr TOEYAhI-LA.W, SLICITO 19 ýXLTJB, ATE5Y~TORNE SLICOR I Oluancerysud otarr sPubli ou&aac&09 $A ILb foxj . ., 1 W. X. ~TCtenlaJ1e4'k cotq crira ttor n Ee. o ro te' 4 pot otlte 26t- ieainSe 1865. 15 CICILIl *f- & COIA tryAuni«, W Yit yi4Y- la chan 20 865.0. -2 ÇEk . i . IoES AT LAWSolIeis Stlu Cihan- TUl., ADON k LAW T ie#,osnf-urao ur,i W in.,ltby, J u ly 10. 27 R.JOÉN 0lJNNmoul. B. W. FJ0INRBAN, M. P. -,bt JaIn. 2V6. H M M. OTATO b pUBL iC.m hOu ilo0.m iTLIA.5uots and clET0E.(11 sk luWa intcyuoti.)' 2 l at4 JeUN'RO14.1864.- io~N~O'aHOE estlieto bteronUiberbtMo Wbitby, .b b, Us 42 ]Brookdii Dr,1Wg o§4xp T'I%1ALEit lu Ipra6, 'atnt e4lolur» Io,, k..dfs eWy &Wineq and lquortth bstuei for adioli poIpoî'eg. 'Brooklan, 0. W., 180p 26 (OrganW J a M4ll aâ hO k,., Whil'.). LBpropared t 8v éiéeà ýi88wc sousoatlouta b. midi atibe.'Of ie* o on L WtlsurgeonDetaiover Jne Byn' ieimi lalt Brook êt. Wtstby;' NELSP-N ST.'TORONTOt NOERTJLOF KJNQST.- borne,ibat ty bave tikon the Above premIsaes whieol aii evpMr rspt omvoaletlv aoi eomfortably jtI U ptor thé éoomaot orgaa' u det##,&ailoe* lTiae wli b. round in constant per»onul,,attoudwce, and wli leave notblu% naîdoilo on their jpart'to aire *Oatiitaoutlontu ill Wo »Y fsvor t eau wla agit. I84Â0 F ENTON, ,COJfTION4W rOprAtor 19N ARTENj nroalo riu cTermeeaubo desi ASSURNCE OU P-NY CaLE> doah,bor40%000. '8 Ws re o1loerae auen l e n1À)66 rJ sitd g . hp!. ~qo i 'Carter. #t 17b trm ,u - - WELLINAgenMtEWLb OA IkVIOKERY, - Proprietore. Beg mogt resectiulJy toe luforinthlbnabl- tt oft ha t oïtty cfOterlot sat tbey havé Ieaaed tho-Above premîceai lsitly oýceUplealby sandy Poirio, whieh thley'hiave uowly a r'luh- .4 sud r4Dovated, cAnd lbey st , prepured to ,oeWïmmodute the s travelling publi0. The Bar otocked wlth tho beait liquér ot, aitear, sud ar. inetlaato awyaltteudance. froprietors FÂBntWE LL & JIcGEE, DATMTTEU ATT(GRNEYS, St),LICI- ËB'Tum co(VyVaIicEEs, AND nu- TANESPtIILIC. Omowu,-On$ door north or tbe'PostUme$e, O*Ibswo; endl MeVeeer» ZStok, opposite * TuwuMal, POWznanvlle. J. i" E.Fazwz.B. M1400M INUUNC, * ENEL GET.2~O N L. WATKIS91 Whithv. .Jan. lotls1 iw. B. PLANK, -- -- Portr tire oua4lr Q uewryl W.by là Il Uial tht;a la fuch à ,rmu for pctare. CLÂJtK'S GALIERY ? Il la bmouo ha ha. the' bot iallorY lu h. £'ouuty, asud baitmore' pitloiee yth obllJren titan sauy cher ArflIsilu tb. £oatsty, sud conu do qut. soigood wrrk asany-other Maul luthe Coubty.1 1 1 1 RW'Thot'. hs' tteuatter;, ocdo't ho bti4kwarc¶ aboutt ogiltig forra'rd. BRIOCK ST., WHITIfl. Whlty, ov.12,1807. 4 THE ýLANCASÛIRE pliais ANO LIFB Klng sud Chu >SteasToronto. 8. . DarneÂw-cLÀaz &* (cio. lsdAgente f1r vots lo, y, , TR.IJVIROOL,ý plcNel ~~~1'E,, euesr4dra, O11>x rmth Ooafl.--Or rJAS. BYEI<E'&Medl alal. Býrook Street, Wbltby. WN AiUwork varrauteal. Famillea attendeal et ptirte résideuces, TEETII m"EXTBACTEI) Or' WITHOUT PAIN, JEa BY Tilt USE OP MTROUS OXIDE LAUGIIG GAS, OZ TUE 1NEW -- ljO3ALANMSTHETIC, AT DENTAL EOOlw,, DUNDAS STREET,. WH-ITBY, C. W. XOOS-Cve M. IL Cocobrane', Store. Whltey, Jane,26, 1867. 25 A &IVOLITE190 12.17ýjsq dndoserae cidwr, 'Irez.,Toon. T . MAOHIN 18TS Pair Ot mntohd ormo..a. 14ý a Z UnleHSeuIn arà m., .. 4 312- :1" Horm ..4. 4-' 3 2 ~ffn 4 $-2 *Oà ,Oi4 qlvdao thaêFIoaI nq bemlc,.4 32- Two y.s i4.,iêOl,..4 3,.2 e 2 stallion. .... ..........4 'S 2 Mare an& FOtil, oër -evidence' tbinrp lt a à ase eu lo t. 4 S .- 2 Toer old nreCo..432 Pie year obil enire Cl..4 3SA Hor. Cltet SCS . 43 2 Pair matehed 'oss ' 3 2 -cam Il .-cattie* THOROauH BED, Bull . .. $-3 Two yearod 31 . .43 Yea»ui Bll .. 4 3 Bull' CiL..........4 3 Miioh Cov, giving mu'ik or lm cai . ,~... 4 3 Two y car oid lIciter. ...4 3' Yearling, Heifor.. .-. .. . .4 3 Heifer Caif... .o.. ....... 4 3 Bul..... ......... 4 3 Two year old Bull ........ 4 8 Yearling' Bail ............ 4 3 Bull Cot......4 3 Milelu Cov, giviug milk d n .....fe.............. 43r Two year cid' Hefr.'. ...4 3 Yearing Hio....4 3 Heifer Caif, .............. 4 3 GAILOWAT. Bull......................4 3.2 Two year oid Bl....4 3 2 Yearling Bal.......... .. 4 3 2 'Bull, Caîf.... ....... 4 3 2 Mdlleb Ccv, glviug milk cr in Maf............... ....4 3 2 Two year oldRelfr ......4 3 2 Yearling Heifor......... 4 3 2 bliter Caf.....4 3 2 Bull.........4 3 2 Tir year old Bull....... & o4 8 2 'Yearling ul. ....4 3 2 Jul CSIf,................. 4 3 2 MIich ( Cow, giving milk or la caîf 00 ... . .......o4 2 Z Tvo yeir old Holfcr.4.4 3 2, Yearling Heifer ..........4 3 2 ifer Cuit................. 4 2 2 ATESII. Bull................ 4 3 2 Two year blid Bail........4 3 2 'Yearling Bull........ 4 3 2 Buil Caîf....o. ...... ... 4 3 2 Milch-Cowt gîving>niik-or la caîf....... ...... 4 3 2 Tw'o year oid Hifr 4 3 2 Yearling Heffer.....4 3. HoUter Caf..... 4 3 2 FAT OATZLE. Fat Oz or Ser....4 a 2 Fat CoworHeifer......... 4 3 2 1 WORXING CAMTL. Yoko Working Oren......4 3 2' mon ms.ZI-B;hoop. - Rani........3 $2 1 Wéhe "g Rmb......... 3 2 1 Rani, .............1 TvoEwes............ 3 TwcShorlig Be, 3 2 i1 Two Ewe Lambe ........3 &21 R*bmLmnb..... .. 32 Tvo Sbearling Eves..3 2 1 TWo Evtaeb. .. 5ODTRDOWtoi RrçMpgpII Wmt 4 ~1ozg ~d......1.50 1., 50 2o041,91waBue, eorà .bokÇwQte, k0 .'. . . 0 1 . det o Orauego, M.5O 1m60 44 0 .en ....' 2 OCIZ -b- 2dr............ .. 400, 3rd'...300; Parder,....b...... 4f00 Pair Biack Spaie.....$1 150è "Dorkiug.....re......1 '500~ ilmburke..........1 500 "Fola............1 50o " , maltotdeo.r..t. 1 50c Piueon, scolleor ;.i1 0. u&'Fgl .....T.r.e...... . 1.500 "GOU, iaged b eed..bitor0 tre ......s... 2.. .... .... $2 Guluper adFowbe...... 15 Beet-ot, lo$4 $u2r u D ow gneby eibito4r, disgtinctwom l ter on4-3 tre..........à ....... $2 i3 bîuHred............$. $4 $3$2 Mw ogmae, hig.... 6 4 S-2 TnBrie à $ Mhin. 6 4 32 Wagur w o rslV9 1 ... te.ar.....0. 4 3. 2 market.. * h... 43 2 Twoliora Dria.$ ........04 $3 2 $e o Brs,'wo ....4' 3 2 Tw. Roue CSltigh-....... 4 3 2 IroIloi4h.....i,......4' 3 2 S4 3 2 Granp i........ 4 82 STrw os Cattitor.4 3 i ..~ ldg .......... -4 3 2 Grai 'Pll............4 3 2 B&mw, Cutter, forkebora. Cerne She.....3 2 J On.é"* ]UNs Cuvtr 3 21 r. Rakw...... ý.-..2150 Fang NMiie-.. ...... 32 1J0 Cheee r......$ $-504 Grasing ahue 2i50( Haf-doama Hgay Jloiks... 2 50( -fait dozmn, manare l 'orks 2 1 50. Hai doea tee 'Hce~ 2 1 50c "'~Sigi .1 .' 2' j 12 TableApls summer, 12co~da~~ie.....$150 11' Ful ,ClQtbp, bol" MUt, pnà sn4 pv.by 10 yards Fuit Clotb, lactory mnade..............1.60 1 m.e, -î d ùoreby 1. and . "ýo - îa p. . . 1.50 1 10 yards $atinet, atr »0 yards 'Flanuet,. Jioe- baud., ail yod.........150 iI badcotnwi. 1.60 1 10oyard lim.oi 0à faeoA mad8, al yo0.......16 10Pairds FiaBtknuel, .... 5.5y 66 -Cottonwa 750500. .S' 10ck yard....C...~...5o50oi Pai W oe Bia . .6a 0e' do- ibt...... .. 70' 150 Shebord's Plaiod......0*1 Paintlen s eUg .15e50eý "ni De ocks ..........75ô i0 Cothto Stone. 75e 0e w F " Socks............ .7e50e1 > Plaoin Wyoon Mute....o lac5e150e1 Plainoen yrnL.7 150e1 1011,.liaeio iu tmnturd tat 5$3 $ 2ib iaid resse....o,".........1.02 3Ib iai ressedy1baud -3 1 L erady. rgise...........1.50 $1 2hl' Des.....1.60 1 G'eutiemaN'e Shlrt.......1.50, 1 Lany's roinet g 150.i pien of uli .......1.50 1 p t Bed over......1.50 1 Cr ottwor ner pane 1.50 1 Haik Couerpan. .... 1.50 1 Fane>'Baet...........1.50 li ffney Kittng.......10 Embroidaer n Wor t...d. 1.50 1 iCroeetiaWork.......... 50 1 Rase ephrli'Wl 150 1 Fit fler Wo......15 GuiureWok.......1.50r,1 CWnaxWrk.....150 1 OcFrnens taledi0Wr 1.50. 1 ;ï eme LQulini 150 -1 Waxlr pui...... 151 .150 1 FansmyoBaske..........1.50r 1 ?fi. ~1.50 1 c rlejalwn' ,00rôe Ap..........1.50p« 1 ' i:a Cdiatraw. 150 1 Fèater Fg,les.....1.50, 1 (»iüwa ZohrFoes....1.50 1i Sp Hai J»eweery......1.50 1 Watir tJies............150, I Wax Shila...........1.50 Farmrs' reat.......150 Wenld Ydar olobivs 1 00 Wora Oey2afuled net Wonld j our ereset" e - o Wha etIsI uden n-morai1 $1 Smater, ~Jitcraturt. How fleebles abked sheOld li. 1'aebloo -lad 4soksed 1Mr. MHein. veaîher's .daugterifs awonld give hlm1 a lift oDtoet pbJelrdom, sud mab aduala "jas.t" Il lherefore,, heame ubsolutll, naoaaryte get' the oid man's permisson, se, ce PFeablea sud, that saungemeats aight h. ud for popping- the conjugal pa1bles Wad ha'd ratier pop the inter. rogatory te ajilof ld Merrivesther's dhngh- tar, Osudbis idais. and hi&s-foale consin, sud bis sn iHs nluthe, country, sud th. vhola cf bis m eerelations, ibun sai old Merive.thar.-. But i hid£to bodoua,ý aud onh st, devnand stodisal ent'ua speechi, vblc-hob. aste diorge te .14 mrrivaather the very &rutchance, ho' got4 w.- Zob1 Bqeebl.edropped lu ou hlm on Smuday eveaulg, irben ail the,"-m llyhadmesdoralte clus meeting, snd fopul bna bings u lubeer ssuro, trying te oaicula*M h.exctnumber cf qathi r.tentior, couil helalvitu bioviuthebond offislm. - - "Hor%vreyou, Pebe7V' sui eld Met. nlvestber,6asPeebiesvailkedilusas vhite aa piece of cheiky, anal trembling as if ha bial mvallovad a coudopa ., eartbquui.- Peebi« Sos a fM& - e anver,- becansho vasn'tse about LItspeech.. Ha kuev ba baoe keep hýié-grîp open Il irbile h. hal ilther., or ik ventS s@ip akay fkomý hlm quichker tîhao sueiled cel tbrough aen engur bole.. Se ho blunteal right ont à s "mrMerrlvqeather, air, perbaoi May net ba kuevu te yen, sire ltaI durlpg 44 extensive perloal of anome ire. jean.,i have bean uniiengageA lun the. -presoution ef 'aIs abat mo, and kiepiug il secrt ait tbis tinue, vIile, I theughs yen vas teuding tb.,store. IWell, hy George,,yodnu's u et lemu, Dov, *in'$ ye I', - 11Peeblas beal te baglil ov1,0er &gala tu gel lta rn cf il. ,j;.,_î "1fr. marriw#eà sber, i; Pethaps il May uot h. uninovu ,te yen tWh a dng un ex- tanaive pensealof fiue e ""a.,1 baveban enaged al1h.proseotion of a 'aommor Melal ntrprisavsdetersutionlo pro- "Bit' dean, Peebi ad belp yennsalf 10 heer. Don't stand there holding jour bat like a bind beggar' iith tho e lyi Wbat 1h.matte: výiti yen, auyhovw? 1 nover sikir jeubebava jounseif ao la ail MI hemn day à ." 'Péisia noobeal ont agua, aud bad te irauder basïkfor a fresb atart. : Mr. _Meriveatiier, sir s t Il meot ba 'ninovn to, yen -tbat.,dnnng, an eztende< -er ofi~ etia irei 9 1bave beau né. gaÃed hatba proseontien cf a '.Oernanercla isttirplià w ith îlU admiaatlou te procure "Âwhaesiadld Mervatlr butPFeeblesh.ld uohli h aç ,i!9F4worda fi it vus hi. opf1 e - »--4 veut- -n: 01n tie hopeth Iat 1 Oy.I uegh& enter vedL2e k, auatew my#Asrtfuly- Poe ovu..- 1 bave ha.. a l.a.lywMn,"e$Ir,sal "ahi itl , eible.jaadI slglÃd loi drejpWa4iu. ËRevis lb..14élitsn' wslL "imh,' unh.ashava te Yentust <bp get, a5sd liéd' uapiy vuth uer for about tvo menthe, sud stibthesud oet flua lim .h tld a couflalgutial tuiomi ibats lia venul villiagly taie more trouble sud undorgo a million more dog.bi!eos te ge# nid of ber. Uns. gorratvas langed as anu aou.'. pliesl iaemordur ei Proldent -Liunaolto. Bntier, ic '2onght t. evw, m»y$ <batl' e vas mnrdanod. The testinuony, ouv-wiel she vas ecvicteal vas thatof font, men-' Bicer, hfentgomeny Clear' ad Couoi.r preceu sacenudrels. Baker io nov deadt Mentgomery is nov lu prison for ambaziiomeut, Clea7en bas beau ceuviateal cf an infamoùo-offence, vIile Coucver fi senvut u a term iu the peuite-nian>. ËrsîuKing, vho proventeal' Mr. .Sur, rate's daughler front aeeing the Presldeut in bItaIt ef ber mother, committed suicida bY dnovning, in the North Rivet,Wvitla Lae, w*ho supporteal King la his conunc tevar.ls Miss Surratt, shot Itimucîf. IHar son Vas ieafor thb. mre offenct'but the change vas anudened. Comment is du- On th. 151h mat., a singuier <14.1 ph.. nomenon eccarred off'San Pedreý, ucutharu tCalifonnie, A sanies cf vires commenceal gôivig aPOth 4en h moscniug <la tide to taise sixty-threu or slxty-fout <cet abOe 1h. ordiuary high valet mari, vhl vu f oleovel by th. fmlling of tba tlde an Fequsi distance belIcr the usuel low vaser mark. The rime and fali eeCUnred regu.- 1iatly .evary baif heur, for seet b ours, creatlug conelal'uam among th. lu. habitants doug the coast in ttaêviily. The pbeuomauou lu attnibuto -ntee ubanadistarbance. 1h. "«Graoiau bond" at pressaI prie- îised hy Amrina dies, may ha rasdhly s ucqnifrà d by eatiDg green apples. Ingersoli ha. reutad the baiebhal championship* front Woedstock by siz t Au éecellent cura for dyspepela hto -giveaibout" dog a plae eof meut1 and. Ohebm hlm ii ha dropai i. Tirea bondroédboies cf Canadls oeemaý hava heen shippeal from Montra t te I Enlana by tho ",8t. Lievrouce." The steasbip Grernanfa bningu a 10ot Ã"f veluable sock <o Mr. Cochraune ;rÃ"a bder coul $5,000. Total valu.etfAi-- 4'