Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1868, p. 1

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$srbliuêr!rilter ai i Attoriner.sltLaw 1130 1o*t luai <iiauery, Ko'atry IPublieo &a,- 01des-In ltlgoiow's 14lr Uuliidlg, bundgo6 aUlvet,PhiLbv. $ G4%EGE fi#. JAJTNELL, 1eocr, Deiputy littgiatrsr, lMstetr xtrsordi taryjand oxanueirut Vtlialcery for theCou- - 'ol3IBJT J. WIL8ON-i 4.uItblER uluucy &o ATLOltNY TLA 91906- ViaOurla Biullhg, Broelo st. Wailtby. * M. .JARVIS, &X RIST 9u-ATr-LA W AND IIOLICLTt>E Taoonteo -,Ciul@--9Truo8. ssary pubtie, &C, Ons,a-NextI door tatheli ii l-'ot B. JJ Csapbell, Euok d$., W Ilttpy, Ont. W!llhy, Neov, lb, 11807.4 1 . il. FAIRBANKS. sOLI(:[TORl NOTAIIY PfBl.1C, dka. dc S Gebaval, ë. w. Wu il, IDILLINGS, SOLIOi1uoit,&C., d. frit Sr êt xuiUi Whitby, Jat .92, 1802. SC Il ARLES C. RELLERf A' 0 fi X ly AT L AW SOLlCIWR IN ke., n.r jutioy53ulilt 4o,a Bulckg oniuo vir Bok, tr.nW - 4 &M'CINIY-TLA3& iCIOI[ Bt>LIUT1711 I Duinclas Street. ~Thu-co tivifi West of Vi1e poli t c. 16 *Ct.CIiLANE & ClIAE ]B sutoors sund Notarie» iluiic, t&a., &C,, PansAtgtu-tto -OpoieTown Hait. I'oa uuwXRTOvtO1-BiciOVJ'OBillek.' S fiCocu taaLLT,. I, I W. M. Cooîorr. Ocoaiiy Crowil Attorney. Port l'er-y, 2tti ttctulbet, 1865. 51 llarristet, Solloîtsu-lu a.hancery, Atm lu-y ufllice,, 'iiy. 4lI 1219ltITI AU LA.W, imloiuitor lun<Jisu- B>cuPy, lo'yaliceuu-&.,&dc. Slîsoeli I-oppo ilite rPo 1e., ('shava. Conaultabto alitnerehaip grec 01 eiinuge. Wllby, JaLY 20, i ma, 2 1lUEGEON TO 'PIE COLINTY GAULa S y-ou$ttrooet, bltby -ï 1). W. FEUIÃŽIIII a. D. BRLOUJGHAM. oe" Oyys iceu ns-8 ta 10 a.inî., sud 581a 8 HOI-N V 'éH A M NOTARY PUBLIC. Wlliittay, Al-il iris, 1808. TIIONIAS IIUITON9 TOWN C~4Kd lESIIIWIIITI3Y Tolllee-'fowiu e lt- Heure lite 1îo'olook. W Wint. Buyitoo'.>27 HIUi-IYRESSING AND SilihitTiNG Wlituy, Ju. 22, las. a W ~~~ BOItTON !Agetao nforns tie lu. .4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ilé lArisetlveleav i &n GEORGE OORMAOK. L IIJt8. IZWIAÇ,arpeter sud L o r,ÀKktWiLq .Ibrgequan. tltyof cli klndi, ol'ini.b,'oonat*ntly on band. UT N D E WtT A K<I N G.ý F UNERA24$full, enpplied auJ atteuc1ed ahe4uot9.. ufia itpt onbtg.îtl) band, - tIrA Ueireete hireou1iraterme. Wlatby,Feb %Ztil, 1862. i BrookIin Drug "Storo. E"LE u I Drn1çe, Paenut Medicine% 1 L 11. , O ye stulfa, Confection- frodieul purpe.. llrooklil, 0. W., 186;125 (Qrgqnii z aUEinte ' CAnrek, IJl7dtlî'.) I8 prepaed to giveMuga, anmd Siuglig les- misa, teoa8aliuiîittd num bar utf 1upiUa Appication te bc iflnlo ut theiOffice.of John WotiSurgéoouDouitiât,,over Jues -BraModieul 11,1, Brook st. Whstby. CROCKEBRIS JIOTEL, (LATE 1'LATT'S,) NEL.6C0N ST. TORONT09 tiOirfliI OFKIN( J ÉL BASSETTf & KEEBLE, - PitopiEBTB.' T 119 etororespectfully annonnecs to hou., ilint they baye titktctheii abuve prousifes wbîeli arc i vr reeol:t cl leonotiv Alua mutialactioil tu ajilwiioimy flavor tt oui folhva Cali. 86 ISAAC FENTON, attentiveriusrietorl YEOMAN GIBSON. 0 QMMIISION MER CHANI1 1ZiUJANC, O ENLIIAL AGENT. WIitby, Jau., 18îll 1806. 2 REVERE ]HOUSE, . mCBestoi, O . W. B. PLANX, - - - - Proprielor. litoge» te And (rom Whiîby oel daily. Every attention, paît! to-gUcats. Curatuai .d attaen- tii. ua§tiert. Query Why 1la à tat thioi0lu »cuti a run for piturea AT CLARK'S GALLERY? t le becanao lie hiatiie boist Ultury in thi, cousuty,cUd b» on ira petituce with h oijren tiien atuy otlier ArtIst ini tht Couutyi anîd eu -o quit. au geoil work a*u suy other oa nanluthe. couy. W Tlu.t,'e what's lie niattel', tu dou't bc beckward about cousng furward. DIRO90K ST., WEIUTDY. Whitby, Nov. 12, 1887. 45 7811E AND1 LIFE IIEAD Orvot FOR 0»TÀao-N. W. Cerner o1 Kifiig asudChuroli Stroot», Trouto. 0. C. DdCW-LIk JoCo., ChiaIeAgentifor RIME undersi nad lias greet pleaoure lu In- I. furuilig hie Ifrlande i nWiitby, sud $8h, Conaty of ouctaro. ilies l"e liebeeu ppointee n tid st!tsat blleprepaed t1 e.tNe appli. it .for riska, and ubtk' pro amion ti motreuabtl.. oum, serisy brin';u- fom stucu peli' 111 tbey q tuer iifk beel c't-rdg w¶ih tbe some e,snutlutud!er andi euh- lîicqiiagise su-e nov given .51imci-eauii O-tuli ouI fiuad eoiiatriltiitg RtOIERT J. WILSONi, SZCiaiTruy Ë'P. W . .P.1B. Co Wlitby,Juno 21, 1803.,' JOHN OARTERi LIOENSEl bAUCTIONEERZ. ONTARIO, YORK & PEEL. SALIE&atteiided ou the îlortc.yf»otice, sud ou reesouable teynus. 'eu-ms eau bh oe tid V411e pliuIt atîli Cronlie office for lii. carte.r. 17 WELLINGTON 1MOTEL, MAIRIHAM. J, RUF.DOTTOM, . - ioprietors 19lY ASSURANCE ICOMPANY Cap'itaI, $40-0,000. T lIE, nutioreignoti iaving licou sppoiiited Agent for -the.sbuve Company, ile n>w Yod tpae luo ure po a ianet LR>15 UY vIu, ou the mue lv-tterra. .&ppiy tb, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-Iluios. Agent Wlîitliy ]BROORL1N HOUSE, CLAP.K & VICKERY, - Proprictors. Bel; u1i&%I rcepeettnijy te Inforra the inhab- tatut ttou uîty o ut ntsio, tbat they liai', lfleethe iabuve prericoss lîLbýy occupied iy tlaudy Pornoe, wluioh tilt>' htve îîowiy ttnrîii-. etiaaî-eeovaedandtihey 'ara preptiretito ucwouuînodat, lihe lrevelliip publie. The.Bar staceoçed witkthe heat liquorâ aud cigarea, anti 41; atteutiri, oatler twi à4 laii tttiidunje,. eruopi-torm Breoklin. Apnll,1868s. pl FAREWELL & lMcGEE, BAý1lSERS A1GIINPY, gijJTCI- OMCz t-Ou. door nortlio e tii -l0111ce, Oi.lîewe; and i htc-Fcetîr'e liloiek, oppuasite Tuwn 11.11l, Eow111aî,v!le. JOHN L. 'WATKIS, SUJRGEfON DENTIST. omcp"--Over JAS. BYILNE'S Medieali Bail. Brook Street, Wliitby. igr Ail work warranted. Familles attentiet ut pivate rciîkc-csl. TEETU ff EXTRACTIýD Mr' WITHOUT PAIN, ',e BY TIIE USE OF_ NITROIUSvJ Ã"IDE LAUGIIING GASI 01TI F, EW LOCAL ANSTF1ETI0, DENTAL 110011$, DUNDAS STrREET, INIIITBY,7C. W. Io.oms'-Ovo' M. Il. Coehranc'. Store. Wliltbp, Juae 28, 1 667. 25 SHOE TOUS8 & FINDINGS. AmfmIeeaarme ttelattai purns oflîhue ami Machine60lirt, uclîuist ili. 81,o Pcga, bLoc ell, . ai4 i-, l ugl.landSt k t"ePae, - Ak.. kt, *~WIOLESALTS AND RETAIL. RYAN & OLIVER, 12-17 114 Yosoa li=àirT Toxoej Ateme IbeMsMe. Tinrand taiPoliis of li aizes squares, earved Balte, ilroigit igto cpuivet irtnis. luglàw.enad Asereau £reyon,, ltardel',Ned. test, Tapest, .,adl e(thei.1-mstquainy madet as ov.s price& RYAN & OLIVEB, 12-ly fînpoubetset Uaduzro, Yomge 0t., Tmooo. IrO 1MA .C l 0 I 1*ý 60 Marc and, Fonil,Or, evideàlc that thbe F011 bas been *Two year old entire colt....- 4 3 Oneycar Old enfire coti.. 4 3 loâ ceolt of 1868.,....... 4 3' FiJly " . .4 3 Plair of matebed' Herfls...4 8 sing0le leione u arnes.. 4 3 'Sauil o .... .......... 4 31 Mare anîd Fa, revidence tijut Foai bus been-bot. 4 3 Two year old cutire.Colt.... 4 3 i de 66 Filly.4 3- One year old eutire Colt.. 4 3 61ail C 69i FiIly... 4 3 Ilorso Colt of 1868........ 4 3 Filly 'à de... .4 ' P'air matched Hess 4 3 DI&UGIIT BOUSE. Stallien..... ......... 4 3 ,mare arid Foui, or evidenco that FoaI bas been lost. 4 3 Two yeur old cutiro Colt ... 4 3 dé id i Filly.. 4 3 One year old cutire Colt... 4 3 af téa 16 Filly...43 Horse Colt of1 i ~8......... 4 31 Filly id 66......0.4 3 Pair rnatched Homes......4 3 TIIOROUGH BRED. Two year old LI... 4 3 Yearling lll..4~î 4 3 mdlcli CeWgivipgaW-k or ia caîf ....j .... 4 3 Two year old 11H........4 9 Year~lintg -eife-r......4 3 Ilcifer Cf... ...4 3 Bull' ..................... 4 3 Two year Olti ..... . 4 3 Yearling Bull . ........i 4 3 Bull Cai........4 3 Mileh Cow, giving rnilk or n eaUf. .................. 4 3 Two ycar olti Heifer .... 4 3 Yearling Hofr....4 3 Licifer Caîf, ............... 4 3 GALLOWÂ&Y. Bull ..................... 4 3 Tivoyear old Bul., .-..4 3 Yearling BuIll......... .. . 43 Bull Caf.. ........ 4 3 Milolu Cow, giving ruilk orn calf ............... ....4 3 Twe year old Heifer......4 3 Yearling Heifer ......... 4 3 liciter t'l...... 4 3 Bull.........4 3 Two year olti Bull........ 4 3 'Yearling Bull.i.........4 3 Bull Calf.................. 4 3 Miieli Cow, gîving miik or n caf ........... 4 2 /wo year old lif . 4 3 Yerlnt Rier........... 4 3 ief, Clf .....................-4 2 Bul............ ......... 4 3 Tivo year old 13all ........ 4 3 Yearling Hii......4 3 Bull Caf......4 3 Mileli Cow, giving ruilk or in calf., .................4 9 Twvo yar old Heifer......4 3 Yearling Ileifer........... 4 3 Ilifot.r alf « 4 3 ;F A*T,* A ÃœITL , Fat Ox or Steer ........... 4 3 Fat Oow or Heifer .......4 3 WOEK1NG OATILE. Yokc Working Oxn ......4 3 Glass flI.-Sheep. LICEâTER. Sbearling Rara a .... 3 Ihim Lm.......... 3 Two Ewvee ................3 Two Sheanling Ewes.. ...3 Twvo Ewe Lambz,.'.....3 a............ .. Sheanl .....a........ Ram ILamb............. Two Ewei,. ...........8. Twe Sireanir Ewes. Twe Ewe Lambo ....... SOUTUDOWN. Ra ............;-..... Ram Lnbl.....~. Two ws....... Twe Sbearling Ewes. $2 $1 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Best Riam..........1-0 ]iest twoe Ewes.......1.56) 13est t.wo Ewe Lambs;. 1.00 CEVIOT. BegtRm......~...16 Beut Ra ~m.....1 '00 BeatTwo Ewes.,.............. 1.50 Boée tio Ewc ab....1.00 'PAT SUSEF-ANT 3113W. '1¶.m Paf, É...Ll-.. OSO îuluuuangoîa wurtzel s'S~i 1 busbcl Beium' .....2 i ilbuf§bel TÀaies.."'.....2 1 1 C2 buuibels Bye, dprnug .2 1i 2babels lRye, .il . 2 1i ro assY.Eo. 12 roots.Maugold Wurt zoýl,, long td 1.50 1 50eý 12 roota Ma'ngold4 jel- - 1- low Globe. ...- 1.50 1 500 12 roots Carroe, loi 'g 12 ots Carrots, white 1.50 1 50o 121 do Omaîîe 1.50 1, SOc Glass Vit -Dafty Proeuce. Beut lOibo Butter, George, llobson's prize ot....$10 O0 2mai..........4 O0 3rd............3 O0 4thl..............2 O0 Bih...... .........i1 00 Paxîon's prize of ...f...... 5 00 2ud,..............400 3rd .... ..3OQ Best Firkin of net be. tuban 4Olbs butter in sbipping or. or..............4 00 .................... 3 O0 3r.................2 80 Glaso VIII-Poultry.1 Pair lalck Sali....150e à' Dokn.......1 50e It larnburg.. .....i 50e ~t olad..........1 50e Ci ý Ayothor varic-ty ...1 O0 T Iurkeys, colorod .... 1 0o " do White.....1 50e te WVild Tturkeys--------..1 50e le Geese, largo breed -.... 1 50e " Ceoe, E;mbu l do... 1 5Oc fDackas..... ......... 1 5Oc Pigeons, best collection,i150e Gaiue Fowîe ............. Biistr lot 6f or uliry in oneo peu, owned by exhibitor, distinct from ail other en- t-les ..................$ lass IX.-Parm Lmplements. licaper and Mower, com- biued.................... $6 $4 $2 Mowing Machine, siugle.... 6 4 -2 Tlîresling- Machine.,.td.... 6 4 2 Wàa-gn, (iwo borse team), 4 3 2 1). Two-borse, sprig, market ................4 3 2 Two lloroe Carrdage...$4 $3 $2 OneîHorseo a".....4 3 2 Two Hors. Sleigh........ 4 3 -2' One Horac " .. 4 3 2 lIron 'Dough.....4 3 2 Wod!n Pomb....4 3 2 Tunip Drilli.............. 4 3 2 Set of Harî-owp, wo ,.., 4 3 2 Set of Harrowio. 4 3 2 Two Ilorse Cultivator. 4 3 2 Two-l-lorse Rloe...... 4 3 2 Gang Plougît.............. 4 3 2 Graiîî Drill...... ..... 4 3 2 Straw Cutter, for liorse poeor................... 4 3 2 Curan ieloà.....3 2 1 One-herse Cuitivator......3 2 i Strawy,- Cuiter, womked by band,!.................3 2 1 Ilorse Rake ......... .... 3 2 1 Faîîniuig Mill.............. 3 2 1 Set ot D)ra' iiu Tools ...à 3 2 1 Cider MilI ant nes 3 2 1 Clîcose Prose ........... $2 $1 50o Worssitug Macine ........2 1 50o Tum-nip SUe. ...... ... 2 1 50o Clina............. 2 1 50o Grain Crusherd. . .2 1 500 Hiaif-dozen Bay Forks. 2 1 50e liaitf dozen inanure Forks 2 i 5o Ibaîf dozeu Steel Hoes. .2 1 50o liaIt dozen Scythes-... i1 500 Pair Fine Boots............ $1 %Oc 4' Coarso oos.....i500 Sot ofFParin iarnes ........ 2 $1 tCarnage "6... 2 1 "Singlo 66 ' 2 1 Saddle......... ...... 2 1 Side sadJie....... ..2,1 q - Ga eîVgatables. .. 2$1 atp.. .... .........75e 50e Grape Wn.......5e 500 Any other vaniety ot Wine. 75è 50e Glass XL-Domestio -manu- - factures. 10 yards Pul'Ciethomne1 madie, spun and wovo 'y A lbandt.....................50 $1 10 yards Ful O1oth; factory , toae.......... ....150 1 10 yards Satiaett, home muade, spun aud wove by band..................... . 1.50 1 0% 10 yards Satinett, faetory E made. ................. 1.50 1 10 yards Flaunel, borne- ruade, iuun aud wovo by land! l oo.... 1.50 1 10 yards borne-ruade ýby. band, cotton warp . -....1.50,1 -10 yards Flanuel, fat-tory matie, al l........ 1.50 1 10 yards, Flaunel, tictory ruade, cotton warp ... 1,50 1 10 yards Woolen Carpet ... 1.50 1 10 yards Rag Carpet.... 1,50 1 Pair Wooleu lakes...1.50 1 Coveî-leL, beavy.......... 1.50 1 .do liglit............ .1.501 Shopluei-d's id.....1.50I Pair Woolua Stookiag,3.... 15e50o SCotton Stoch-ing ...75e 50e 46 Sooks ...... ... 750 50e ttPlain Woolea Mitts.... 75e 50e Plain Woolen Yairn....75o 50c lOlbs flax iunis natural state $3. $2, 5ibs flax di-esset!........... 3 2 àîbe flax drossot! by bad. 3 2 'MM"IL-,Lais *ment. Lady'sDmcs.....$5o1 Child'e Drms ............ 1.50 1 0e n lerunaa hr....1.50 1 Larys Bnuet.......1.50 1 1'eeworkAQ ilt 1.501 Kuit lIed Cover ........1.50 1 Crotebiet wom-k Coanterpane 1.50 1 Silk Counterpane ........... 1.50 1 Faney Nctting............... 1.50 1 Fancy Kniiîinýg............. 1.50 1 Erîîbroidery o11 runlin or lace 1.50 1 Erubroidery on Sik 1.50 1 Embroidei-y on UWorsid. 1.50 1 Crotchet Work ... ......... 1.50 1 Itaiset! Bei-lia Wool.àjp.. 1&50 1 Flat Beilin Wo......0 1 German Baised Work...1.50 1 Gutipuîroe ok.....1.50 1 Chierile Wo-.....1.50 1 Oruamental Needie Work.1,50 1 Spécimnen of Braidiug.. 1.50 1 Specimen of Quilting ....1.50 1- Specimea of Bead Work..1.50 1 Wax Fruit ...... ........... 1.50 1 Wax Flowers.............. 1.5q 1 Paper Flowors.............. .1.50 1 liair Flowers .............. 1.50 1 Fane>.-Basket ...........1.50 1i Rag Ru g............ 1.50 1 Gi-ceanLm .....15 Faney Leatlîer- Work......1.50 i* tint, Canadian Straw......1.50 1 Feather Fiowe-s .....0..... 1.50 1 Zephyr Fbowcers . .......... 1.50 1 F-lair Jeein......1.50 1 Waier Lilies............. .1.50' 1 Wax Sitelîs ........ ......... 1.50 1 Farinons' Wmeatb........1.50 1 G1ai-97 XMI.-'ihè Arts. Cil 'Painting........... 15 $1- Waicr ColorPanlg 15 'Velvet Piun.....1.50, 1 PeucilDrawiug ............ 0 Crayon )rawing. ......... 1.50 1 Coélortd i.4rayon Drawing... 1.50 1 Peai-I Painting........01 Oruumenta *>eranuip... 1.50 1 Mapping.........1.50,1 Collction oft'Anbroluypes and Pboiebgrapbs. ...... 1.60 1 Collection of Stuiffed Jirds. 1.50 1 Modelliig l aser 1.50 Il Ornarucutal Tnrning...1.60 1 spécimuen of Dentity.',.à'1.50 i Picture Frame........150 l uierk LioKaYCt lies 0fE uweau -toit, 'fi. tap-vitb e ola lier foaaiing beer, Dan lieher liâhutitInluthelier, Andi eýuutiere raIlle, etrut, and %bine, While pagea brluig the. Gascon vine: Buat lIl-to"Cai, vlîale'er Wafll, - The'larw'er, l i museebd t1cm ait. blanr builda tbis cash, fate sud ligb, W liatever rivpr ruanelli by, GIrent cîties irueeilu very buand, Obreet etturclios show th u de îa nd; Gr4et eu-chats, monumtuin», înd tovcrs, Fair Palaces, sud pleeelttg liovors; Great vurk àa douoe, i Ier, or tiiero, Andi Weil man iwou-ketlt verywviie1 IlIa work or rest l, ittacr liofali Tii, tai-mer bu toat feet tiiem all. - CROQUET, A pabuter muet thal pool b,, And lbey itih bii tttet linos bis psitet, Who'd hbi.bee fCoqttl AnJ slng the. joys ofjpo6p and mial"at Given a lovei lavu il 4June, And 141Z or eigliet ltloiaalute Wlîo neveu- aniAstheir boopa raion Anti arc oundda usaiuc% onmIIreesie; Given thé *girl vlîom-y o re- And given, toc,thuit aub'. our aide oun Given n gîto, nett Io co eo'r, Andi héeeran hure the lava espiet! ou; Giron a Claret CDP saCool ýAs amplebo Wcniam !le eaumalo te Qu'eu a code vio e ary i-nie - Lise deined tlie.l noue aea break Il; Giron s very trazrant wvedt- (tiven odit ulonoultmiidyoursmoking; Qu'eui l leVrs teko n eiedi,. -And mottdireely keep rom joklez oiveu ull-tbee-and I proclaim, A ighase forlfei. A sou=THASERICA N yzruav. Thre vomon of Peu- are extremely besutifal. Som e of lts, Lântisunst wo. anen I baie ever seeu vere natives» of ibat country. Oue of these vas Inesi Xanteoas -a very quesa iu appearauce. Sire wua scarcely hsixteen vben &Le married Juan Salano, a mereliani of Ima», s v*ain peu-. sonal frient! of my own, vie ot!a acquiret! au &alo puiucely fortune vLile jet a- Yonng man. 1.e 1ka baudmoine womon, tbé Senorita Tuez bat! many admirera. Among lb... vos a du-ml cousin of heu-e, AutIonie Miguel, vie Led iuirerited vealuli front bis .Parents,- bat vas squndou-ing il iu gaming sud dis- sipation. Tiie lady preferrot! my frient!Juan su ad tbeir marriage exasperatet! Miguel te scob a degre. uhat but for lie intervention- of triend, Le wculd Lave ciaIlengc is ulore' suooeasful rival. Havlng nt lut ru ttongir Lis inheritance. lehoasoo flot lofs tire City, Do One 1mev iîber. - About six moutha after anarrisige Juan Salane purebased ! as ilier mine in a remote section o! Peu-a, away teo îLe stvard; and biaviàg miii a Longe snch as voubd snffige tg live iu fer thLe-lime beiugl Veut thuthor, aeo2upanied by bis wife, tosupet. intendt! îLeworking of tie amise. Juan îook yuL Lins àanunsbeu-of binetsq sut! one servant, au oit! negro vonsan. 1 presentet! L' à ins u& a Luntthat Ilok ivitir me <rom bomei s. noble dog, sut! vel tu-inet!, cne tiratI I1Lad Lad aince.a pop. Tii. 1dog soon beameoat umch attachet! te Lis msasler, a. Juan vu-otenme. The mine, Le Isait, vas doinig wel, at! proiniiedt!et ho very remuneraliye. This-ws. soute menthes atter thlbalé beconse stledt! iere. Ris louter endet vwith at& ugent appeaU se mak. thet« -a vit$. offering me suci fares tiair humble dwelling nigbî dfort!.11 I prOnsisete asiaumysolf of the lavi- talion, aut!, inthe monlh of Jane, blivig ne business te detain me, startud on 8mi wmy towarda tL. monoWnis I was ibrec dais in r.ehing tbort, baviog Perfolî>Ad the bauna uni.st ntilrvyon obciebt long lu bai bcd but!. >1ifteen - minutes gave us a distant glirupse ofJaena bouse, A sirili sersara, of d 'wou=a, g9reeýeul Ont ears as ve caagbl sighof ire- roofï sbmniug a inte stili moouliygbt. &iGood Qed 1" exclalmet!uMyfa-e t!, "lliis Iuez's voice ; for the love of Heaven' Pross forvard. Into Onur hersels' flo.nlçs veuont rsptn'a avay tre o bndeat a : apae . vieir dis. tancet! poor Carie, wvliu vain' steove td keep up with us. Juan Lad tLe fleelest borse; Le vos seume lengibabeat!; Bemuofi ent! I kapt nueck aut! nck. Se Swift vos ont gait, va sconic t ly 17over the grotint. As wé nesu-cd the bouse w. discernedt! tv Lorses staadng valiagju fte roa&. -I At the instant 1 sav tbese, tvo en ou peareti upon the. acenie, tiu-ging beiveeta tiens a vomaut, atruggliag in vain to fred Lermeif of ibeir grasp, vbile anotiter- (e.. mie clung beetechiugly te' one of thens, holding ma.s if for dear lire; 'The firm eW Ibese vasilnez;-tire lest, lb. oit! negro servant, vbo bat! been, vitir Catie, bei only companion t!durng, ontabsence., à-Let go, yen- blak-1" exolàidiO& tbe mon viii a terrible oeiL, dealiug bW 'at tLe sanie lime a blow tbat fele0d ber te tb, grount!. Tien, lifting ber misîrema the b.saddle, wvire. is companios vss irw~y--estedi io vanited.infè,i~.s osa -am t îe vo spot!on ibeir- vay lie'.41î Th Ti. illaius Lad iestart of ns, but oa5 steeds vere ns leet if not flieter "'.liéa tbeirs. Secu tishastprove t t be lue8- for ve gainetl on tierosiapIdly. Aa -Jasa appioaciret!, Leotrew a pistol <rom blid Lolster ant imed it avh e foremost, whte bat! fast Loit! of Ineui i s - masddle; hli? long, stroamiug black bain 'fieated tg oni side, *here ber arma vere exhended ilns. ploriugiy toseards ns. $-Stand, yoa bhock bheau-ted .scoundreis 1 sitoutet! Jun. 1, 1Hold 1" cried BIesson -"lsave yoar lIre, pou 2i57 vount ber."' He Lad- drava iris revolver as velI; ird vI. a deati shol, as I afterverds learnet!. Cratk vent bis'pistl, the man lu Lis mat!. die, titiev bia arrn wiidly lutotehte air, andi droppot! deat! a int est!a. -Juan sprang from iris Imrse aud caugiîtirhe fou-n of the nov inaensible Ir.esli isau-ms. Thre otirer rider kept oumiris way ; ve Leard thte cetter cf Lis Lau-s'z boofé -leaseunng lu the distance os Le madd goot! iris eseape. I taruedtheti fou-uno!firis noir prostrale companion over on Lis bacli' The face vas liltden h ia sak, 1 un.a e. overet! il; tire aoon'shone full upon lt-t la vas Antoule Mi-Guul's. o 1collecteti ivaber lanuty Lai; vith-it v. sprinltled the paîe Incit. Atter a tinte sirerevivctd. Weliltedi er intotire saddts sud ,bore bheu cmetoue e foundthébi enlouret!d ra vaut, recoveret! fions ire stunn iug effeo f -tire blO shie Fi-d reeeiyet!, liîtiog in tLe Pirce wiiere site Lad talicu vailiug sud lomreuting île utppoaed fatse o heu- anieress. Her -joy vas gu-eat iu bu. holding Ler lu onur- gafekeeping. Carie' stoot! vaitiu)g <or us ut lte gaie. On see ing use approneir, hbcame forvard, sf111 Imulnlug, 1u meeî tus. Bravo, fitirfnl Carlol WLen tire lionsevas besieget! b> tvo villeins lis ruiti-ess Lad Jet him ont by b the de or, and! apprebenditog-là-i danger ire Lastenedte toapprise. 'ns 'f itô' Bu-ave CariaI By ubal abet fie'won thé, lifle-lonmgr8uatitude of bouL uate-ad nsis

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