Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1868, p. 2

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MW2Y 8160, CENTS A T3AR $Witby, Thlur s.iy, September 17, LM6 WhelanuConvlced and et.eed.ý Théialo1f cfP. . .Wbeian<foi the mur- der of Thomas D'Arcy MoGee, ou tle 7tb of April lut, at Otiava, Wb idcc mmeneed mouds>, the 7.1, W" broagit te a close on Mouds> evening,_lboi ldîfIt. Ye.. terHay (Tauda) morulag, sfter bavlug been iccked onp gai igbt, !ibe jury came loto court veuderiug saverdict cf Guilt>. Whle l, enot bo deuied, b.d a fuir; triai, sud *Il tho becifit cf the best legal * talent lnut b. Province. -Bat .&Hiiv u - & vuilug-tosseahlm fro bis dccm.,The elranutsta, me veilase the positive ei. doues aaitsihm vwu ovrvbelming. Tbe evidence for tbe défoncé- vu wemk sud utteri> filied te disppisce tbat for tle Crovu. Ou belugssuked by the Court wit ho bad te sy vI>sentence cf deumbc uid not b. pronacued agaluet iii, Wbeims ramrbIifig pech in wbîl o enet ouil denied living commit. led the, murder, but exprosscd frleudlinee, for Mr.McGe. e, H.aise deuied hein5sa Foulon# snd procisimed bimmefif <st au ex:ra.uper.icysl .man 1 lIe representedl hiîmufu.as kperseuiod Roman Catbolie, aud wu isuuchlug eut lu ibis aIrin, sud tbe Vreags of Roman Catuelil Iriobmeu, il hain. sud abroad, wben the Court inter. pcs.d, Bis Lordship ebserving lIai ne restrict ion lad been piaced apon th. prisouer'a full liberty of speechbj-buttblat vibat he vas spoakiag b.d ne réféence, wlatser to i caue.. Thc sentence ef the court Wau thon pronocaced suildot mach seualea-ble Lerdahip toc hiein1 mach affecteé-In îthe aust soiemu word.', soudeuiig Wbéisu te be basged cn Ibo -1Otb cf December. Very f.v- ;ÃŽ1l dissent rom lb. rigbtcous verdict of tle jury, sud manyvilii have tbe moaýrufai satisfaction cf knowig fIat the assassin cf Thomas D'.Arcy MGo.e bas been oondeîaued te expiai. bié terrible #rime on îleéosffld. * Raiiwuy meetings. meetings werc heu oit Monda> end Tmeday seeiags io discuisstle by-iew grantlng île township bonus cf *15,000, lo vardoseiding ln the construction cf îhe Whitbj sud Port FPary Rsilvsy. At Almoni,,ou nîle Kingston rcad, cii Meonau> veang-J. V. Spears, L4sq., *Township Ceenculler, initle chair, vlere tIc feeling sppeured le le anianirneas lu <avec cf tle by-lav. At Moecslfe'm hail, Asîbacu, on Tuas. day evening-Timotly Fisher, ceuncillor, lu tle clair, vharf. an audience cf 250 assbii. Aldresmes lu f4vor cf the ly- lsw, vre delivercd by Mr. Bigelov, Pre- sMent cf île >Railia> Company, île SIcrlil, unid1Mr. J. H. Ferry, J. 1B.Camp- bell, sud Thocs. PaÏton, M.P.P.- Messrs J.- B. Bicleli, Alexander, undinW.. Nielelespireugainut île b, lav. The meeting uppeote l e ailbut uuaulou.,in fmvor c f île 1, liv. Uile o r ne doubt la Dow satertaieed of lhs passage. Th'le Totînt cn the BIWIW&Y D,'Law$. * The votlng cenîle tovuship cf Wllby Eshtvsy ,bylav, graîtilgs bonus cf t.15,000 towards the cocsîracilen cf tle Whltby sud, Ferti PFrry Ralrai, talasn Plsa ciecris, next, tîele bh hst.; eud tle votihtagn ce lzT.xîcdge. 1by, qraetlng à bonus- cf $50.000 te thI Nlpiesleg lise, cornesoff cenîleesie isy. A BAE&ta àArn Ceeavlx àn i v. 30»$oau'sCusc, Pou Watus, Wvî1taec@ pu. e île 3011 nlt.,and lut prexime., (durig tle Pair eelk.) The oeilcers wiilbe &lien eaithl- Meelamle11' lon tIc li., sud ve art eof île boiamateur 1Torotoi, bumsbece clou, pull pacîlculars tiy 1ev prie«.a.its iibo lcsa vcry large, maklag Wblity the mcet lgbtly taied love i Camadob. 0ur loin ri"ndrsae refrSdt. lereport in.11eeclemus. -Mr. John Miller, cf Pickering, tlevel-ý iug smre valuabie addition@ t. hies lreadye large sud coioe stock.. Durlog bis receat isit te Euglaad b. made parobsés of soma very select lois cf Cosîclds, Lineoin saud Leicesters <rom th fe oks cf 5eurs. Lame, garue,- Tombe sud Colot of Giouceser- sbire. 'Tb@ loi consiste cf 34- 14 rame sud 20 ewes. eaIfe âoùporebasel s Booth three-yeac old Drha. beifer cf tl. fer- fameal berd cf Mr. Torre, cf -Âylesly, iu éinolobire, et su oxpeuse cf $1,000. Ail the animaisearrtvsd safely, sud iu tbé lest cf condition, 1> ibe Germanfa. ander tle vitoîful oare cf Mr. Miller, iho sic look@ macb impceved, ve ore guaiified te, perceive, rom îthe leûeficial affects cf lis ses voyage. The bifer ila alestity, sud foc pare -blondlas tle offâpriug cf ne lesu ibsu saven- direct- cresses cf tliest deool," witl couidersbie Bukiga.,' tle feauder cf tle Booth voribis. Many cf the Cctsvcids sre rom Mr. J. Tombe' celebrated firtprlze rau-tb. iiner cf the iait prise at île Royal sud cîber ex- hibitions, sud for vhlcl le refaaed 250 galnus. TIcs., wiib ether ste adàiions, mast place MEr. Mille1'r'. herd ou s footing wiii, ile hast in tle Dominion. Obliiary. vr.- John Lsv; vbose lamentsd demis. tre cbrouicled issi veal, deseiles more iban lb. more ordiuscy passing record of1 bis deatb st car bauds. Duriughis rosi- - douce ia Wbitby ince 1862,; bis uauy dieriloglptsiltles cf' bead sud beart made him a valuable friend, and s gond sdvieer te ailWh vbld tbe -pc'iv iige cf ejoyiag bis frieudmhip. With oid sud young Mr.t Law vu. s favorite. Wih great meuadl scuse sud large exporea.le lad ail tbe impliiy cf a child, sud vai appaeati> us mach -deligbîed lu holding amaeiug, bat1 ai thesmre lime instructive conversationi wiîh little cbildren, as vheu discuming thb. mîte cf the coantry or the rnoraliiy cf tlet limes wUth tbeir pareuts. 1Mr. Lsv vua a native of îlecocut, Fermeagh-e Irsiand, wler le vas lora lu 1806. Hoe emigrat. ed te ibis country lu 1831;j joluai the Miist;y in 18339 sud vs. erdalaoi b, the Wesloyau Confereno. ha 1837. H.evas active!, engsgei as a Wemi!ysn Minluter for tle long peici of 20yeas; and tIc.. Wle - anew Canads tîeutyaaino yearm age, con veil uniermimni thele ahrioum life à hard.verhing Mellodimi minister laed te lesd. But le ual lis Master's vork velI, sud ve hope b. ls nov eujoyhng île happy ruitic cf a Weil sud picusi, $peut lire. Tus No. 1 Gaîcci, WiiN AiD 8riarr SToR.--Aitentica ia caquesîed te the annucernent of Mr. Francis vIe adver- tises cloicesi ef groceries, unidlbmtbrande cf liquors, aie and porter, cheaper thoa ever. Tac GRAIn DiaPLA'rTorcitALI.AIWxx- TUl GOcam attle New DominIon .Wsce- rooms la vel vorîl, s visil, uni île attention cf îateuding paccîusa. Meurs. Léoves & PovelIl l-bo fonas mpolt. and attentive as ever t te .equiremeats cf tîsir customers. TAiLNo AID àv)GmwcLseX's PouRXîsa. lue cf @vem description can le procured cf se geai qualiîy, aid sîyiisbeut, ami ual., at ir'i, Prlugle's asîsbiismenat asut an, cIl, he u..ge bas on baud a superh sioccîof ciotîs suitabie forc Psu sud Wlatec vear. Ton Osjinaue FAaîIZmlaa' uT In T- SutANOS CowxAlare ieervediij-vluniug is vhd&upreai populacity. Amother cardi.i letb iIse proeee îlepromptitude yulb vhelîl el diIlMs. li:oize.-Tb. tacoucle Ri ir L o.mpusd y. ni beW U . .WII- NS >1PISI * M. Alit couidéed tht thoee as- sometbing vidieuioma lu moving t. psy lb. collecer $80, ibes nboits- sgrmd lte do tbe work foc $50. IMr. 0erile beiud lIailMc. gHamam ld- -been toldtlat tbe ament voaki be>,mnade te $80. TIers vau, le maid, s a dMiget le tbis. There- vere two appiiesals for tle cifie-lr. Pringie sud Mc, HaEsou. TÊ0, sIauiagreeci îbmt lotI vers good mon, sud tle oui> question vuasgle scept, ti îusma-vho vosid do the- vork thle obesast. Ncv hbld that vhertas Mr. Priaglelilved liL.he ovoinsd vas slvays on tle spot, whle Mr ,. Hoana.resided lu tle contry-the former couid do the vork tle eticapest. la ftct. va uiborized le say fIat 1Mr, Pringle veuid dote lwvrm foc $40. -And le (Mr. Gerie) lsd île vord cf an cid collecter for ht (Mr. seo. McGiil) ibat $40 vcuid psyveol for col. lecîiug tle taxes. He donced thles. vhc aîîompted tu force Mr. Han"suoc thonm at an enoreaseil saiary. Mr. MeMiilau ccdemued Mr. Cerdie for impaiing motives, mmbed vit <e,r. 0.) mesut bi d"tbose." H.e<(Mr. moMiiaen) moved tle stasuidmet a-I.o baëla rigît to do, sud in.geoodfail s; ud b. lad cul> le my tht If il vmsuDot tle visb ef the comm. citt doit1, iilothneoe h dovu, Ho cosdrd$50 toc smsu s aufor Say mau-for Pringie or Hanua., or auy ce .1.. vIbvei wodeu le vork efficieaiiy. H. teckr the grouud, tht île collecter vIe gel but scans psy vomld take lutile trouble te moet t'he ceavemieuce cf the natepayrers.Hé vouid not b. disposed te give a eoond ,cal; viserons thc collecter tbat wums fairIy paid,, woeid net bc sc exact- lu1, if he did not get.iltaiees île iait C411, le woald caii #gain; sud altegetler, lis (Mr. NMMllan), oonsideccd lIat tle .rsîepayers, on tle vIole, voald b. more beueitied inu îLenod by paying thl.. larger . Mr. Campbll, said t1r vas uo roomz fer discussliaoà f île osbjosi. Hsua lsa'd, boen>airoady -sppeinîed *aetîle lest rneeting cf tle concil at s saisry cf $50, and vas reami>te nct. H.evas lafavor of tle mâlin vbo did il. vorl the clespemi. Thp collectorertaiOmsagel lai$40. Mr. Gerrie chargead itt 1Mr. CaspIeli féed the appeinîmeut cf Mr. nsuuam ibroagl millbe lent meoesiug cf tle tcouncil, for lis ewu favorite ilat Haaaam!m offer vas $60, sad tîsi 1r. Campbelilad mc suthcriîy te accept tle office foc $50, cu tl. part cf Hsnmm.,. Mr. Campbell denied tle charge. Mr. MeMillan vitldrev bis sueud- ment. Mr. Gerrie obtsined leavre tu vltldrev bim motion, sud substitut. $40 foc $50, s tbe eoiiector's saisty. Mr. Canieo,n msid hledsduppcrfed Priugle' Dame ; bas if Hansm ndid the work an cbeep us Pringle, le did net veil oee 1ev cbjection coaid acv bu rmade te lis appoiniment. Mr. Draper deprecaied île course me. bers vere pursaing. It vas Weiliander- tcod tîmi Haunna. lsd boen siready ap. pointed t a lsary of $50- This bringiug op cf them muter sgaiu, îfter île vIcie tinig lad been <al> diseassed sud îeîiled, vould add littie to ileir cia digaity as a corporation, eitber lu ibeir own eyem, or in îloe.of tle ratopayers. The by lev iuîrodaced b> 1Mr. Gerrie was simpiy te give-effeotteluwvbal île> ad already doue, sud Ibis the council sboaid do vitbcat actioing su> cuUtide rivaîr> belveen tle parties. Mr, Gerrie siated tb le d seen Mr. Pringle since the lait, meetiing ofthe coan dil, end ibai levas wiliing te do th. vork for $40. if $j10 ceaid be saved the tevu il> abculd iheynoi dose? lehoaaked. SAfter smre furtler. rernirîs île bisul vus file iticd ul $0,and the bylsv report. ed sud pastd asmnded. _ 0 Àccovsv 0V N1555. TiLt &. On motion cf Mr. Piailp, seconded b> Mr. MoMlîsu, 9îte ceancil vrent latoence.. mlie on Ilesacomat cfMemrs. Till & Cc.,, for mattrasses smppiied tbe voluteers dur. * uree or fcur î e-eree ,, ue r. Draper vus mci proestsIivas blis ow fuit.He eomrnjise.tIlIa, aileaogI le (li. Alia> )vu-Oiomeof tle £Duaee'Cer- 'mitîce, he la nevet bat onee, beacoa- mlti b> tle olaita aa (Mr. Dcier),. Mr. Qerrie s saïa41Mr. Draper, hlding île important 0posi o .did, as clarrnau cf tle finance 0rnrnaîee, il vus051i' igîtthtlahob.sbaid lave boecusenïlîci. But 1<1ho rema iabsent ail île lime lIai va mereaon vys>parti«e sbeld rernain out of ileir ucsey, Mr. PIilp liitea tîsi île mode cf briugiug focvod -tle iccouants la beau informai. XIt vs. a questiion eller tle accoeunader ÃŽ!seuusiem bélougeai'ate e Finance oucmmitîeeo e-thise oruiltee cet Town Prepi>; ail til- cîler aeemrts clatiug te il. voluners Wladunpaid, aud Till &'Col#.. cghtlt aveigeeu pîii las voit"as i. est. The mayor explained, ylbcefereuce ta Mr. Drsper's rernarîs s.teacver-payrneur cf s tavoru keeper-ilt 1E r. Afilison la maie a mistale in lis aceont; ilat vis ail, as lad bauic retofoeeoxpiaiaed by Mr. iSocv;ïaudj, gmer as, e. îe owece- uclling e accas ilem wetgs y nl ust- tinig theedafims for biilettiug île veina- tsars, He (the mayor), dines ilink is vas -Mr.Drspeor's place se igo lack nov sud iai fauli wyu vlat -la beau dons y but ta look te île vork lefor. shom. Mafr. Draper retorted tlàe le ladt, boenu lis place eaIthls oceil beýrd as cfte- and perlape vitl grenier regmianl>tIa soy memjaer preseni. Wbat le complain- ad cf vas tle audue baste maulfestadinl takiug op accouais sud psqsug île. oui cf their cegular crier' viîg oui> a biare quorum cf t-le councalpresent. Ho refer- rai tu tle action on Mr. Macdon.ll's acecenat fer iaw expen..., as veil as f0 oîhers. H. diai netthipâ ichsud aty action vras rigît or cousiders'te, or evea coarteeas, tovaris cli rnerberm cf the conucil vIe right b. pràêiamed te knnv soaietiig cf êccporaiioc ,iittar Roi- pectingihit bsd <Mléeon -Mr. Aian, lea ihat gentlema een laLaplace, la- sti cf delayîag outil 9-o'ciock at ulgbt, le lati ever> eppcrîaiiy of boingeusauit- ei ou the Towa Finaasesi He (Mc. B.) veau lave greai pleisarc fudeed le cou- utiug yul 1Mr. All u cm atiers cf TomD Fiusvcc-althcugl le feared le veali lre sasgodl a kucvletlge cof île fuots befere as after takiag the trouble cf doing seuH.o(MEr. Draper) lad loft Il. business in time ta b. thba, ta tranueciilsh ui- nets cf tb. lova, vigis tle gentleman ibo <cuai finit vitbh. imrcmiusd ln lis sbep op 'te 9 c'cloccl-selliag 'If. plu sud noeciles ;-tae tunut cf alusuce, le cou- siicrei, carne vith s vr> l ad graco <rom Mr. Alliai. -1Mr. Gerries oknevledged Mr. Draper'm geucral regalacity cf siteudauce, sud miii île culy duffleuity vas Mr. Drapec'm aov iading <aiS vith vîsi lai becu doue ia lis absence. ne (MEr. Gerrie,) bla imply movred la Mc. Macdeell'a matier te send the accenut te le taxei by île preper efficer.9 After smre-furîber discussion, Mr. Me- Millau, seccnded 1> 1Mr. Gerdie, morci lIai tle Treasarer grant bis order la faver cf Till k Ce., for paymeut cf $30, and tîai tle Town bal keoper retacu îhe aî- tresses. The e omitee rose, and repocted île resolutîcuanunosetîe malter euded. TINANEa-THN3- TAINS Mr. Draper <clairmsn,) preseniei île 4t1 report cf fIe -standing éormitée on Finance sud asesment, si, ou motion, île cocauil veutt ae cmrnfteethoeon, Mr. Garrie lu th. clair. - The report éset- forth fie total actuel valua c f ceai and personal Properite b. ha661,696. ragtivelue cf rcufaiud persenal pro. perty ha eacî Wscd i NorhWc-csi a . ' $284,Q51 Ceutce Wsrd-resident.. 2. 5$j~2 non remuanet .,,. 2,400 South Ward-rusidcni ...... fl,918 mon reideu.4/'.. '740Ã" -auda tbe »d, sid-tbe.s.l île Eemck sait; -the expoases attendant celleerailvay-by-lavs, iuoiedimg priutlug, &o. ; sud tle expenses eoumected witl the volunteere vere next several>pasculla reviev by Mc. Draper. Takiug ail île extra.expeuses, le sid, ai île'round sa m e$ 1,000 ; île ,McBiien debc $59 ;provisiloafr rpaymoaî cf ibied lai beeu made; sud th loeai of £1. motos iu the Baul vlicb led busn loft île. by tIc old Coneil, sud le <olit lIai vîcathlerats- payers carne te uudcrstaad tle malter tley onil corne te île conclusioenftbât lere -as mo reaica te iai <sult it utîe meï. bors cf île praeout concil, or te le dis. saîific i ylth teir manuagemnt cf the lova sffirs-ialiug ail tlings laio se- - fIe report vas adopteul vitboal ameud. rneni, and s by.lav feunded thereon, ahaesiag île corporation, sbmited sud A résolution mcved b, 1Mr. MoMillîn, secoudaid b>1Mr. Cameéra, te psy Âiex. Carneron, Chef( Constable, $30, as ou ad- dition te bis saiary, eiiciîedl considérable discussion l ind il Hthe members pre. sent, iuciudiug the Mayor, took part. Mr. Phiip made à proposition 80 psy Carneron $10 s meatl. Mr. Gerrie vauted te bave île $30 paid over te Mai. Cameron. Eventall>Mr. MoeMiliangs résolutiounvas acqaiesced ini and tle matter disposed of. Mr. IHiggins's accouaI fir printiiagvas cepored ou, aud th. report adopted vith. eut ameudmaut, 'er. Allia fanding sorne fint ith th îe charte fer ivo iait laser. tiens cf Railla> bî.lava. Wue iTOLI ran PAILS? Mr. Cameron fresented the report of th. standing enors~te on ire sud valer, reccmmeading aoagmi otler itemns psy. rnt te Yeoman Gibion cf *6.25 fer pals los s et elaie ire at tle f.candry. tiaqairies made b, 1Mr. Gerrie sud cîler meulers elicited tîle <sot tht ne leu. lIeu 28 nev pulls, sapplied by Mr. Gibson, ware rnissiug. Cells vers Mide fer 1Er. Allia, te give smam -informuation ou île matter, soae cf ile commufte. ou ire, sud vater ; batlle toc vasu itsing rom ihs couneil table, laviug sîready talea lis departere home, vards, vitbcut vaiting <ci tle conclusiou of île busnuess cefore tle concil. Seversi -membeai-expressd ileir désirs te bue'.the matter déferrai! until île nexi meeting of the conacil ihea 1Mr. Allio vould le présent. . Mr. Draper expressed tle opinion tîst tle Iasarance Cornpauics boald le calied apon, lu the iait instance, te pi> aIl sncb accouais. lèr. Clochrane vas eppoa.d te layiug the rnaîter over, sîsîing tht his su farce te do se. Mr. Camerea agreed îc lot tle umter stand ibat 1Mr. Allinorigll îlrow smrn ligbt on tle sabjeot. The Mayor sud etîer members express. cd tbemselvea mrougl s îc tleisappcac. suceo cfhîe pails, sud £àmarch warrant vas linted at., The malter was alieved te stand, Mr, Cochrane diasenting. Mr. Gerrie gave notice ta hleauol, et île naît meeting of tle council latro. duce s îy.iav te repesi by.isw 160, ce. lating to troasient traders. The Treasarer vas iiroctad te pi> Mr. Ray $3, livery 10 Port Perry, for Mr. Campbell. Whe vas sent on a mission by résolution of île concil îcapectiag île 44 usrrcv guage." There vas. consider- able cbaffiag over this it*m of axpeae- iucarcd, as Mi. Draper said, by seuding eut dé ambassadeai, bursting witl pitrio.- ismi for tle good cf ilair couniry." MEr. Draper gave notice tîsi lbe îeaid at île uext meeting cf the ceuncil mois for lesve <o luirodace a by.isvtýo provide fer île doposhtino f île moueys cf tle tovu in île Ouf aro Bank, et Wbitby, sud fer checliag ontthîe mre. Ia reply tc Mr. MeMillia, tle Tova tp i presentment, 'aridtIc Court rose. Adjourued Sossias on Saturday, 1911 inst. East Wkitby Coumeil Piroeeedinas Colaumbus, Sept. 7.1, 1868. Theéouacilmet-to-day; members alt presmi; thc novre la thé, Clair; miaules of- luat sesssiou ceaiud doonfirri. A eommuniestiou trou the Hou. Ceou- susiomer cf Crevu Liaissure, a- vriig thal Jobl uSOber, .P. L 8,vas instrocted tc sarey lots' 14, 15 sud 16, iu 2nd con. The bond cf Ic Coileclor sud tvo mretles vuîasrd sud laid befoce île coanoil, On motion cf 1Mr. Smih, seccuded by Mr. Aunis, ihs folioiug scoants pre.. seati vere ordcred Ioe le alul:-Of Mr. Sîai, *relief cf W. GibIs, $4; Jame Goodman, for touc tg W. Gibs ; cfMr. Rohucu, boardig W. 'Gibs vhile- et Wlitby nadir medica treaimeut, $8; cf LaIe k cI, priutiug acet.,- $24 ; cf B. 1. Rogers, timber foc Irlige, $9.67; W. C.- cheveut k Ce., for Ouîsrl'oStaltts, *1.28;-Mar. Smitl, relief cf 1poor, $2; MEr. Guy, relief cf poer, $2;-,sud cf J. Tlompsou, foc 322 icads cf gravel at 50-$16. Mr. Aniais, saconisi by Mir. Hepburn, mores tht the secorocf jarors b.pid tle eu cf $15. Mr. Smih, secondai b> 1Mr. Hepbau, moves ilat tle Coiiectoa-' bond nov pre- seutai b. accepted ussatisfactory, aud ibat the reeve be an:lorized to cancel île bond for 1867, and dolivar the snue lo-tI.Col;' lecior. A by-lav vas îlen introducci b, 1r., Aanis, and passed ticough is -vurieus" stages, to pronide fer tle expenditurs ofta sam of pgue, _local do!in and luaprore, Moora'e bllI, ou tîe Kiagmiceromi. Counecil adjourueu li uuîilMonda>, 65i1- October neit, et 10 olock. . Terrible Efibots cf au Eartbqusk elcng lthe Southa ArnsCoust i THIRTY-TWO THOUSAN» LIVES LOST 11 TIIRE IINDRED MILLION DOL- LARS WORTH OF PROPERTY DESTROYED i 11 Nov York, Sept. 12.-TIe "Guiding Star," tram Aspinval. bdngs te île Rvening 2elegram the folloviing, On Il. l3th mu. aà terrible esrtlqaako visitai île citica &long the coast- cfPecai and Ecaaioa' ; thereby thiriy-tve iacusani ils-es were lest and propcrty valncd st $800,000,000 destroycd. A rurnhling soand prcaded the ourîlquake,and île sena vas lercibly agltated, snd Booded tîlaindforsa great distance. Arequipa, a city cf 85,000 la - habitants, las passai ava, scaroely a vestige lefi; oni, 400 lires loboe,. At-ci, s tewn cf 12,000 lnlabitants, alis ddatroyed,, ieaving net e lotis, standing; 500 pcrished bere. A tidal wvse 40 foot high rellcd vitl terrifie for.èe on shcre, carrying slips furîbor on iand tIen es-or before knovia. The United States store slip "«Fredonia" vwu capeizod - aIl on board lest. The .'Freonid" bati $1,800. - 000 worth cf naval stores. The vesaaei roiled oeo and siuaalcd te atoms. IUnited States steamer IlWatere" as cardied lait a mile iad sud left ligI sud dry- Oui, oeosuilor drowncd. Owing te îthe gretA distance aIe. can never g et afloat ag in. The Perovian cors-ct * merical vas aisn carried asalae, tlittree drowueui rom 1cr. The Arnerican tueÉr obantman, "lRosa Rivera," English slip, IlChanticleer," and Prench barque 1"Edu- raie," vere. aise bst The tevus cf Iqiaiqua, Moquega, Locumba andPiaqua areai allten, idestrcyed. ,Os-cc six, Ian- drod pcisled ai Iqauqua. Te.4mrican merdan ts il est eily; neari, ii tetally ruinod. . The tevus cf Ibarra, San Pablu, Atuataqul and IrnutadInluna. Wbere Cotacci formeri, sâtoci there in s lako. TIFr population ôcf le senamed tevus is almont enticely desîrcyed. Pamclao, Paaclarc, and (Ychiquago are aisoo des- troycd. IIid aregse uinancua lIaI tI vuiintin abitants lv eufcs t. fi, <c e a steof tl. putrlifing -bodies. In Guayaquii au earllquake vas feu, but no deage vas doue. A letter fre. Quito, datci the 1911, ain. nounces tlat antquskc cocntinuie atInl- tervatis cf ever, fewu oa. Thc Presieut lad lasùeâ a proclamaton to the peole te of:Ww Jea o h rne cussicac:bms virp, îe. faut cli, end a uittle daughier ire ycars of age. fle, vece IigLly eteemeal b, tleir <ev sud distant aoqaaiulauces -se tlniftyand voril, <auily, and aduimsag. *d te &ave a fev handrei dollars sovagd ftature' ueeuities aud cognionts. TIey vere ail discovercideain, ileirekalis arnsle, sai ilelc rbodes muiilatei.- Suspicion reseou s uegro lerd corîho lad beau ha, tb. viceiit, sereral momils, sud vIesetu tu. bave lad some repuas- ica. He vas keeva by no namne but 'tle Declor,' sud preteuded t e lenla1eeg-a viîb spiritsi, île aidad ininiebis peoliar praictice. Se slwsys cariditul irnsa sharp axe, vliol be usa inhabis samacls for barbe sud reotu, seddlias instrarnt la supposed ic hure beau, île veupea uecdi the rnardec cf île clarecal blararsed île vif. and clilirea Win. Hyusn vaslang st Fort Beut", Montana, Aug. 17, sud vu <ceai hangiug, leiveea île tdipoi gslicws usa , îlte; Vigilantes, Aug. 18. i%.ccmmitted 11gb. va, rcblery uni cime te 1is country uitl s fail set cf burgisai' bois, te ab b bîlte vîclosale. Tle felieîing letter vas <ceai apem hi.: 1EMr Dsu oa.-Ycurfaîler iresmed itai yen vas ha trouble, sad îlaat h. lai v rôle <o your lsvyec lu referëe..te yoln, and recirsi <I. massa, thai. y~»"&..a à eýleseone. Qed; ferbial ilifItsbonldia ho aaytliug els» but *s ireas!1, 1,yoar pour brolen baarted muler, arn lept lu suspense ou jour samant. Foc Gcd's- salte, cornc home 1" Wlst agcuy mut tore-ceîe motler, ihen tht..e rnshig evs la rcevd.i 'Uruts CANAàp* CotLLNo.-TIe Harnil- tou Time islhappy.-t10se. île jeuruals tîceagleul île Province cf Ontario bave tales op armeasgainst tbat pianieriag establi'slrnui luTorconto, vbiol fn cillai tle Upper Cauada College. Làtsuyulob. herles sud pluuderings frcs il.tUiversity and grammar Scbcci preperlies la Ile Province, nmeaicniy bc luevu <e excite, tle Indignation cf 'arlouoeslt mu in tle Province. litlea smoustroasilveracieus parasite <astened spcn cur cdacaional lystem, sud ounile heGeenaof O. tarie taesache.o carly in tle coming sesion testop ils piunderiugs 1, appoint- log s ]PacliauaeaîaryCommisasion toinqaire iaîe snd report apoa its misdeed,:tle Qoveramen i hidi ne"d expecitané Mec. fcrn supart, vlalever. Te.country la leomiiag btîbrogly aroused se tle enor-1 moum cîeds prptraiei hy and foc île Upper Canada Colage, sud tley' 1viii mot le saîlslied tifiltels put ianis propar posi. tien, or justice le doue the, vIole cf île goermeut selools ticeaglet île Pro rince, aIl cf vlich lave -been mcii claméi. tally relIai foc tl. banltcf tle saarîs île vili cluster &rounansd iavy epon île Uppec Canada Ccllege. It appoai reelly te bc little letter' tIsa sden cf tilieves, >FATAL Acconu.-TIe London Pi-ci. type cf jesterds> says :-"6We regret te record s fatal occident vîlIe cccarrei -te Mr. Robert BIsi, cf ibis cou7, lai ven- iag, -et about ton a olck, Iteappeas a lime cf cars vas ou île Iraol, accou WcI liugt.u street, sas îl te deceaaed vas le tle set of psslg under îlec, île train stacted, eruhing hii te destl. Mr.- gladvas secretsry cf L. 0. L, No. S020- and leaves. s vife uni large fumil W mouca lis untitcely eud? 4gcei, B, sept, 1,4, M. ALfOTION BUSINESS, A Ttlie commnenoonoent orf114e nenn for TAactioa Sales thrnugbont th. Uounty, egl ru atbausafur the liberaditro- igeilmrtol'ore i>ostoweili upon ime, 3su 1050- nonce thatI arnpropared teo ondiic mules', .1114e:lut TOWN OR COUNTY, AT EAB.'KABLI HAIES. - g Arragenieol. for j'ales *an bo mnde eltiier at the acxa <B ýI1te,--Or at*i7 owU Ufllac, Brook mreet, Whbithy. Wk.Itby, S.pt, 1à, 1869. U To Me. 1)irectors o.f eOntario iFar- 1 beg toaceknowledge the recepi of 4i% lizdred dolLars, in tmil cf my cdaim, for iba. by Ire, c1 tb. contente of rny Oàt-buildilnge, wiblh oh edutroy.d by irie Ou th.eiath of Augw.î fret. And 1 moit heartil le ournsnd to the Jifmer&mor ibis end tlb. murouding thme b rpWtycf putronlzing 8th1.Bonl. Inmuranle. Companr fnree1utit mI isuucto their liiterest w aO 9.&Y pîOperty vu* demtroyed on lb.e18114 Aunst, sud to-day, juet Ivo veeka afler- ýan mmod*Wyupon the production of rny elaim pffper, I reoolaed My mon.y,and bave- Urnee orbornhoe 10-day. JAMES AXNEY. Whitby, Sept il, 108. Agendt q4f tk Use7ool -and London and 47kbd tIiuranceCompany. DusN On, We beg to acknowledge tleprompt pxyrnent cf th. ouilcf <Ont Tboiasaud Dollard the arnouti cf cur Inhurauce ha lb. Lîverpoi sud Lonsdon sud'Globcin snuraue ODOD7 on Téoc!,sud maehlaery iu tbe Whltby oun- dry iately deaîrod bu fire sud te thankthe ofléin orse h tmpanyior their lkind and ootoaa conduct tovards uns. mblîby, hPAI'JER8iqU. WhtYýSept. 10, 1868. 97 L FAJB4)J1, JR.,: RSQ., Bgn fLA rit" &Anrwa l As. DE"N SIB, We beg, ihrougb yon, to tbank the Manager of the.Brimi Amerlos Aésuranoe iturcat, onb taie smm Le. nasi for lied perle r andl full ilnioaio Idrcaaed te ilheCa or <rom IL. FAIRIR pteal Entai. j rock Street, biv sept 15, 1248. BUORS' - erous indcbted tIci MsummCOvhr, Tel akering, inutlb.(;Ou s mm Belote, are coq àc o ame forthi JOHN FAREER WM. <caWAN, tou, sept. îlth, lSGl flE, more or lesm, quarter of loit>No o f 1lckoriiag, tatni about 5 aes are d ranaéd Rous. and- on the premisca' icAmlica, cn tiae Pl I. BEIITLET, cf 'Ar ommence at 12 c'-Clt ilie iudimpaîlàls - EIffNAH SABLES !Hos. c. BUBAR WL1' L MLVHELL buc 15,1lus. TRÂYC( lut* the prmises loi ]Ni,li7th col on lb.2n lu: Sa )LT, mabea il ec la cequestedtoe psy expeuams; th, rdaiug télav, te dota TBO>L bOs, Sept. 15. 1858. ~RUSSELI LEBRATED W. thelb moral cour D "en tom bot

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