Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1868, p. 4

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~'TOWN 0F WHITBY. TUEE ROYA 1 1Z0TlEL, Tble ot1oyleà# igl. bricke, vitLl asleus dnisv- Aliaôtics scljoinjlnu officellson Lima Onuthtwo gton wbite Ihîlkk amli.! Lice ' Clroie l3. YtUliiding oýute 1<., two mtory r4i brick. '.Chlole roporty lins o ftae let 14) uet, on Brook streéý at sud tiarly12l roda deep Io aUIl .20 rfeeL vida. ~'bg opropont>' le uudiî a1 reaUJIf $$&)0pu aulumu. 0"W 9ÇiEUSIN lat or OCT., lies. SIX Lota - Diy ron treot, diractl>' uorth of <ho 0rebIdcu of4 Il. Il. Coelitraue, Esq. vtonsiit propant>' litTown. loveraI plotts, fromn two te osix lots4, fenced, lit 010e nalgiboniîoed et the iuow Romancu- ilie Clsuncb. TUMEACRE&, feu...!, kuowu ns e e1 Cricket Fiel. TWO A(IUF.,1$fpico, et of Crickotet 5. l-U ALChE, feised, i: of Cricketteild. ô LOTS, foiei, wesL of resldeuceoetJ.. il. Gorrie, Escj. 4 IL)TI, foned, vent of Brook streot, sud f;ouit),of rasîtîsuceo f Nathan uAnmoii. - 7 L0T4, fanns.! et of Brook Street, st pirasaisloeccise1104 hy . 8. Oprowlo. WAIne saeveral village Luaj, lu varionls * partsefthe .towo. BUSINESS PREMISE8. 'Vise vacant Lot àudjolnlssg Lowox &oIe owell'., Ilieok stret, 07? fout front,. Do foot le.p, te a Tua vacnt Lot South of Royal Canadien Bank, 22 foot Iront, os (oot deep, te s a une Lot £mot,'Es af -Brook street, opposIte te 10 sotes on Brook stroot, North ef Eollws>' bridgo. W1LD LOT"S. Jiaa, p Senti> X 9, IlLli iien. 100 seos. il l " 6lo18l2til 'l 100 Il "6 41 b " 100 " Rliama, Pt. Lot 10, Srd 1 80 dé Lot 15, 4ah "200" Yoservllie, Lot ,7, 12L1î "200" Eidon, , Wost.3< 24, S5& "100 " Ifelefe, Lot 1.2, 4tii "200 9. <gn Ii iver5 Lot 81, $5" lle:iey, ,Lots &7, 4L 400" Bliok, BuatLPt. 19, etis " 95 liewlck, LOot 22, 10>1> 100 " Eaut Uury Road, Lot 2b, $rd ALDEiIAJLE INDIAN LANDSI, MXjLI. STE gt té mouth eofIlavor River. Village e of vevrtn, - - ce. fPOR T PE RRY9 Soveri village Lots, Imitalel for business locations, sud privatto rasidemieeis. 1 qWr Aloo vIliimge lots lu Brlglîton sud lu tlie VlIJsgoof 5 rainI, Tewnshtip ef Ma. Thoe snlerlban liaviug doeru,îuod Le cilse out I Iha iolea <tlits i toal Btate bussîseon tise preotst year, If possible, theo aboyé proparties ire0olfoel mul loy f£gures, and!0o1 long terme et cilayinelt. Apply te, J. HAM FERRY, Lt t tuelulnaed Lettons resalnmag *ln thse Wlitbr P. 0. on let $ept. OÃ"@. A,nd, Ml.. Anulo AlIi, Tis. ,~îr ,miname ilen A. A(lwid, John - I;rnwvi, Mr, Carolimi (2) -rownm, MisaeIabactia mIlliy, Willioiu Estesi, Robert I;nrgemn'os$ Borroy Miss tMary à -ilitir, MinaMisarIs Ilarman,»amiol lirevi, George lhattlo, FrAno - "wo, Mary Blrown, Mr. W. ors of Sainnai Coctlmu, s"Ur. Bain, ÏMus. Johin earut. If a'nllton. -Cible litwy Cmliviu M 4 a~leiDouslill. Cark frra'neis 41romfond, George ýCsmpîsloi, Mn». A. Cemswy, Jo» A. ouineo, Wua. Dolh, Mv. A. Daxton, Bavil Davi, Fauklil Diae, aSeus IvaE. A. Drver, rir.J. G. Wl~fn~ Ifliss, manuna ormris,. otel tc Il(Aclsoot, miss Sarah Mri, à DoWatse(0)2 Uinalinjs, James hilog, J.i1IL5ILcane et ]l)og, JO. Ell,[Un. pv 1j"veW. A. HallLewisi Jac e,so n . .iohustou, Mns. M. (2) Isruina, James (2) Oranger, M. Gaaate* Km i Great, 0. 11-1- y- W (11. H. G ilsa on Whitby, September. 2nd, 1868. S351 WATCIIES & JEWELJJERY. T MES JOHNSTON- bega to-eau the, attention of intending J-purchasers to his Ee STOCK 0F, GOLD, AND 1SILYEII WAI'CIIES, JELLýERY, ÀGRIULTIII I WORKS.' SPECIAL NOTIC10E Singrle Reapers and Mlowers, oind Reapers- and Mowers Combined. loeks, &c., ail of >which will be sold at the low-est", pri#ceso n- The" -àsonsers would cailthe attenitione of the.'Agrieultural eom-1 sistent with good quaàlity.' munit>' te their Stôck et Implemnts, viere vili ho found aimôst overything the Far- mer msy requis', andis !ueclaîl>' atthis seasn of thse, yar. to their Steekof WATCRES, CLOCES &,I3EWELLI2RY, Çarefuiiylepaiied.I 1Whltby, May' 4e 1868. -- ed. - 18.1>' FRES-HALE.! ALDWELL & COUS8.1 We beg to announce the arivai or a lot of the> above Celeobrated Aie, In packages of 10, 15 and 30. gai. loue, and as we have made perman- ntarrangrements for a Supply TWICIE À WEEK, parties niay re- ly upon getting, it. FRESH, and ut Manufacturers' prices, freiglit add- T.H. NeMILLAN ~ vo. Whitby, August Oth. THE OLD STAND!1 ESTABLISHED I 833. lu reference to an ann-ouncemeut Of dissolution of the copartner- shlp heuctefene exlsting boîveon TILL & BRO., tise underîiigted desires te interna bit friends eud numeros patron tbot bo athîl continues Lb. businesstabliished by bix late fathpr, in 1888, at thse OLD STAND, Nos. 8Seul 4, TILL'S «BLOCK, BROCK STREET, WHTTBY, wisere ho vilI b. slvsys boum, rend>' te attend te thse vanta et customens. An dutire nov stock efthtie best msnufaetured Furniture. UPIIOLSTERY AS USUAL. UNDERTAKING AND FUNERALS Supplied ao beretoore. W"S()mç splendid specimens of Picture Frames, ana Gilding. Remember the Old Stand. Wbitby, May 41 18688. THUSb 18.1>' LAWLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CENIE'RAL CROCER' WINE AND SPIRIT CROCHEET & GLASSWAEE. TME OHEQUERED ýSTORE. BEOCE.BTxEEETP WIUTDY. REAPERS ANDMOWERS8, 0f several kinde, and of the Latest Make. To which ail the La. testlm monenta bond neeusary-by-practicablo tests daring the last season, bave Bcail' Ohio Reaper and.Mower combined, Cayuga Chef Reap- or and IMower combiued, Lhe Manning Single Reaper, the C24%rx Junior Mvower.-Of any and ail of 4h. albove Machines, wo -invite a trial. They> arc manufactured witb Caro, Resi .MaterU.I Ilorkmanqldp A.nd can b. guaranteed te the purChaser to give satisfaction upon a. fair trial, or no sale BR1OWN & PATTERSON. Whitby, Jul>' 4. 26 INDIA & CHINA TEA COi. HOME DEPOT LONON & LIVERPOOL. No.23Ho itlt. nta. Pure and GENIJTINE TEAS, of splendlid natural flavor, imported direct frors the Company'& Plantations lu ASSAM!, and!on Lbe uloes ef thoIHIMALAYA8% blended with thée fincot produots of CHINA. Oui>' Two Qualitios, viz. :-70c. or $1 per lb., elther Black, Green or Mixed. Flue Household Tes, consblingSktrength and Flaor, 70 cents per lb. j inent precurable.... i................. dollar per lb. ýM Sld lunPke .annýî, isersb'L. cpany's Agents, in overy City sud Town in Canada. Agent T R ADE ,for Oshawa, MR M A R K RARK ROB3INSON, MARKETBLOCK, CORNER of BYRON & DUNDAS Sts. The subscriber's- Fali Stock of choice Family Groceries is now complete, with every article nsually kept iu a first-class establishmenut, con- uisting mn part of- Young Hysont lapaM- oolèrod and uncolored, and Congou Teas, ground and xmground Cofoos, Spices, Popper, Allspice Cinnamon, Cloves, Lemou, Orango, and Citron Pool, Supa, from theiboat Cuba, to the fineot grou4d. Syrups of the boat varietios.' ýA èiomplete Stock of firat'oIaau Flur, Oats, Oorn, and Buok-wheat moal, Food of al kinds,o t> very cheap for CaËh. ,g In addition to'the above, I have added a compicte uisortment of Crockery, frou a snd Ividual Sal t-cellor, te a first-ciansest cf China, aIl1 of whichb will b. sjold vol>' cbeap for cash. My mette Isa not te b. undersold. Cash paid,,for any quantt>' egeed BU'tWs. Bensember tbo plac, cerner ef flyron and Dundans ts., Wbitby._ WfflTY, NOV. 27, 1867. IBQOTS& Ofthe RigJt Fit' W L. BROW~ Carnrage, CARRIACES 0f esrery description kept on bai latetana best deeigni, ut the abevsi faciitiea now ut his diSpeai, thse under execute al eorderts promptly, with whiec 3rock St., Wbhitby, June 9, 1868, MIO DIVISION COURTS IN TE COU NT'Y OF ONTJ -l FOR THEYER188 e7 I * < 2,1iokrin.............. .. .... 2 2 ...2 .... .Le 8, Mauchlaeser 'rince Albert. 13 80 14 29. . .... , se ",Ubig...... ...........14 Si 15, 80 . ..& 10 81 Wt 66 5, (3aliîîito'nî....... .......... .. . .21... .......27........ .... '21 1... .. poit "6, Bevro.............. ...22 .... .....28.......il .2211.1 . ioUc "7, Atlierley................ ..24.... .... ...... ..... . Ti Z. DRNHJI. licies Whiitby, Jauuary loLh, 1868. -oe.D E Atma TilE]MOINTREAL TEA COM1P'NY.Ts * Tbe whoio Dominion abonld bey ibeir Teas of the Ilisportelo, TUE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY. tMr 6 HOSPITAL BTREET, ýXOMITHAL. O UR TEAS, sitor te mutatevmr text. by the. best madîcal authorities endud uigos of Tes, 0 1bave bac,,prononueilto bc quite-pure,sand tofren<off)Aoy artifliilcohoring of polsououe snlataucensas ofteiî uned ta inîprcve tihe eppesranee of Ten. Tliey are oueqnislled -for streugth uil flovour. The>' hava eau t lioseti for thoir îîstrinsie worthi keeilig iniind imsitb, ecomomy, iiig a smviug 1 t6ee onmnmsîor o! 15c, ta 20e, per lb. Ournr coare put upin5,12, 15, 20>aitd25 Ilb. bnos, and are warrante.! pure and frro tfrorn poisononn subs;teneet'. Oiilers for fou'r 5 lb. btoxe*, two 12 16. boxen, or oue 20, or 25 11). box s4ent cairage troc tea ûy RaLilve> Station lu. Canada. Tee will bc forwasrded 1unînediataly ou racîpt oft ie order b>' niai 1 coutaiuîcg mouey,or the mnoue>'eau bc collecte.! on ullivery ly txpreo-i.muu, viiere tLi-ea aepress flleh. lu meîng orctcrb baiowl tii.omotilutof $l(t. ta naoaexpeuso t il l ho botter te soui lime morey witm t fl order. Wiicrc s 21 lb. box wti>.!.! t o iinsntifour tomilles clubbing together coulil Afleld for four 5 l'o, boxe%., or twoý 12 lit. boras., We semmil tliom taooa acdrestqe.îrrioge pal!, sand mugant enci box plais!>', 0o that aci purt>' geLtteir owimTeeCc. W. warrant os I the Tomo we eil te givo cîstire ssatlï;loetion. If the> areetint sstii.fisetory Lb.>' eou bo rotunfd et our expenso. B3LACK< TEA. Engl' isl Breakftast, Brokcen Leaf EStreug Ten, 4e., 50c..; Fine Flaveur..! New Sesson do., 550., 80e. aud 85c.;- Very Be»t Full Fîstvored cdo., 7.5c.; t8ound Ociosi,, 45e. ; t<lh Fievîirad do,, Oc.', Vory Plue do. do., 76c.; Jepuis, tood, 5w., 55c., Fis, 60u., Vary hua, 65c., Flut, i.76c. G XBEN, TE£A@ Twanlray, DOce, 55e,65c.; Youug Ilyson, 50oe., 00e., 65o. 700o- Fine do.. 750., er>' Fine, 850'; OUperflue au.! Ver>' Choice, $5 ; Fiiue 1unpowîyler 85be. xtra'dou mine do., $i. cas unet n uaitoe.! inii ti circuler equail>' eliiaap. ' es oriiy sodb>' this Coiepan>. £ýr Au exellenit Mixe.! Tes could buhoseul for flUe. sud 70.; ver>' good for commnuo purposea, Out ef over oeetiiousan.! Tesîlmenitila, wÃ" bisen; t ite tullowlug - Ma Monireai 2ba CompaayO? L,180M sure. sitn I amnpleus" idian i of n tOlie 'Jes lies lit d'or>'case proveil aet t aiacairy, as Wel Masbomif ex-, ceodiigly cimealï. Tours very crut>', Miaraii Tee Cà. 1 Usrxx.TaTes 1 putrcouefi oft oun tMarcit bas givon great msrloeln, sud ibe fCaver cf J Io very onue. EtiEX ver>'ourant, but isce 9 have beau drimtmiyg yor 'e~s 1 bae. beasu qisue (ree(froin hertlamrn, wbîcl woold slwas apiloaime oficr breaklkst. I auiril.ote tid l0oe uiyo'o ea a i ali continue atomucner. 64 St. Jilin Street,Koral Motal, Aprît. 1880-To lte ontrez! Tes Compsnyi, y lsifal Strep, eut, nreat: W7'notice vai plus-. sors the large trnéouiotataiwe bave hrwîirdcd (for you so. irota paris e(cho Domilnion, simdw. are gialS te iaS yorbaamoa o spill 5.eraslg.We presumne your Tesaroeivama geacral aaiamsouoa, aiotth large smtuc> (rworded, w. bava oîîîy bail occasiois ta recors cite box whtelh, we "idr#"mo. wusait ouf Umwoer cousibnsExpreus 1Cw). oxf ngoiJreslclhai aMiTouug Ryoon Tes wleb yo so inamegivregren ator, cou. Mnua>' expert Mry tstare ordem ' Tourst, ke., 0M. $K (uÇNR g" -Bowisre of pediersi or runuers nulug ou r usina, or offcriug Our Tees lunsuasil packages. Note the a(ddrems-The Mentreal Tea Omjsany, 6 Hospital St, Montroal. NWLY IMPORTED PAPE-R HIANGINGS. iTsI h lii pucssd durn l is se- mo sent su ' Iit n ou of 0SE AppI>'te Dabu F a-, 10 Fnsniiy Grecer di I<o. 2, gQcfl CRiOC 0P ALL I1111 W loo 4s3.:,a un> leuse il May- 29tb, 1867. LIV EU T TiE la arlm GILLESPiR, TTORIiEY-AT-1 , uls.weery, 6&c., anIas Street. tg post 01110e. L1ý4ES1U. AI CoxxLL. 1 iL>' Cnowu Attoru >trIPns>, 26tlt.De' C. A. rrister, Soliexti tonner, ufice, Wbitl>y. LYMAN UNt &UISTJER AT L eory, coieyatic ensultationef Ps iw asuoX, X. s., EQF %;TO 1 Byronliîreet, Wb De W. FEI lok, P. m. J 0 M-IN NOGTAB. WbtiLby, April 151 21

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