i pres Juptimneta, Mho., lez. Oaie.-T. !yari, 101,0 lot No. op tb cou. tock, Implemeti, h., otb, on lot 15, #rd con. -kend Ft-m ~Implemcnts, . e. n lot St, 4tb con. p arta Implemfents, &cL, Duncani-,Thoi. Myers, Tlxuraday, Sth Oct., nlet 10, Oth con.-J Plckerlng, Stock and Farta Tmnplementsa,- wroprty of Jas. 0'Oonor-J., Patter- mon, auctoneer. "rida, Oct. Oth 'on lot 20, th con. I'VhltbyButck, Farta Jmpleotenta, and Produce, property or Capt. 1-ldgson- Thot, Myors, auctloneer. ONLY 8150 CENTS Â TZAR Wlmtby Tbr8*ayOctborS, 1868. llwetla i rook. -An effort lu boing midi to Indace th i township conacil of Brook la subait am 1>. lmw <(or *58,0Q00 tesid the Nipissing Rail.i w-ay Company. Whea île question vu1 belons the coaneil hat sommer, It Véryf propenly nefuaid ta, submit île bylav iltcool reuionlle condtions lu tIi Iy- - 1ev liielt, mas10e e enditure of île1 moue ln tb. township of Brook. Il île1 moud 6k" talaes y i. eunmeh vwu aon.4 retbehn.bls cortainly aibli.g ocilurt-ed( min0tcheangeo'tle position 50 thai theq 'rsqolred coudit,îion miglit b. omitied. Butl ou îhe conit $ th îe discuion ilu tx-1 laedgfelaarly proves.-tbe necasmity af con- -1 dition and umie.goard lalnte byImv 1Io puaot enhe-lotpayers, Who wil!liae la - * théîl u'oay. Malon ihs Géneral Bmlimy Atit non île b;lpIuing chatd-Wr givas *tb. lou t gearme th t one dollar1 of tls meney w-ll ovin b. expeadedlain Brook. Like West Whiby, Beach sndý 'Floralthi'e ueniîy slonld halu le héby.- ev lif, othenîlus lb. tovnship vil! Eud lt pleyln iag ucadgeo olo..- We bite %«ard eomoihiag smoontditectara' bond&sumd private bondit 10 be giron île tawaublip tc, "uane Ib. toue# ,tatiani, anud expeadi. tre >of île mono>lanBrook. -Itletaau asy wetter ltattîle lucanity of tle Nipiai lut Coups.>. If tle managerm ai diii schémeat-re louisi, la tbi professions lot Sfic cueneil put linin rby.lmv tiumithe debantursi vili anly ba hmuded otan la tbe, Compaon tu he apemWiln a of' roof tîrangbBrt-ak, with sattionsaet cen. talepointa.0 Wlîh sncb a condition la th. by.hmv, If lb.aiepayonu cboosite , rtily ilp ,îl îosld bel certain tht, at laul, tle debea- taes veed tuei b îtova aay. If 49ao »adl? en i"no debautaria," follovlng Ãbe matin oefi Dopremebl" ie opîy.f But les -hée conacîl bame oft Compmy'i bonds" a16priltie bond,"9 as Il wold the plagie. 1, Cita lhe Company gîte a légal bond?1 2. Oa pritate Inditido'ale gîte a legal -bond Ioa a orponmileî fornobachau abject 1 8.0Ca eecrporation sceçpt ofisnob a --b"&s, ate cuithetIpenlties if Il le muuue .mary ha do sa? Ad lutly, vhat lavyqr lui the uuncil ôeshilib.r île proposaidbond la Worthlthepapsy ce wib1%iJes w-ttetn, et la te ia uofahet lsSoliior oethîe hp. ilag Company ta b.a lakeai outhie part ci vents sallimysud al k >101p.ltds sbould i Mal uel auent, but, At île br .T ctpaI boiro ln tbs by- bridge by-liv, the dsbentoreo are t e te, adeemned intw tv.ty yeaai, vbleieb will g( requirs a mlnkiug fend ef ie pet cent,_C sunnall. To provide foriii sou mnd et ctaremt, yealy, il voold taquine te rai-0 1 year,%, tnt.on d$ta 000 3, 000 i 6 pur cent uinkil fond<.@ ..... 2,600.i lustaid of tht. amonut hivicgbaheit provilded for, the hy.lav -7tul> levieOdlm $4,250, helng ade np of ,000 Ofor ii b t.reit aud $1,250 forn îing fond, deÈ. utee> 1,20,yaarly, Should the K>.à f bridge cooncil finall>riatîfy the 1>-lai '01 will tban he moyad againît lu, the courts, W and viii, nnqusstionabl, be declared bad, b both aillwan d in eqoity. Ift y'ul alia w thbn become a qnution, hai fat a conseil k makeas the mambera peroonal;l able, for conu and damnages, hy knowingly ýpaiing tl mu invalid money by-lav. -f If bai bacc hinted tbaI the Nipisiing 0 Company will appl> ta Parliameat rora scl ta lealize ibii and ailier aimilar by 01 liii. -We canuot balis that 1h. utatoI lav of the country viii lie set aidoi, l0 favour theNipluaing or. any ether Rulîvway compep. This woold b. aý precedent vs 1 woold b. sort-y lndead le seecot-Local 8 Legilature idopt. Once open the door tor Iagiolatlon oaibiuakin-d. and thora voold ba no seconity for îIte itability ofa the municipal or ailier usttuts la ai the ' Provine. The pantîculariosecions' eofthél Municipal Act undirconsidenation vare: dspeoially enmeîed for tushenkiy aif abnture-bldOns. Lot thoa"saction$ 1 onci ba tomperad wil.h, and chîngéd'at tle bidding of a Rtailîîy Company, and the cnadit of manicipilities vil! be seriously uhaken In publie estimation. The Voluanteer Force. The nev Militia Ad cime lnto farce on -the lot instant. lanthe- Canada Gazett e tIers appetra a geneal order celing the attention ai voînteens ta, the evnl sec. tion ai the Act, vbicb readu ai follavi - ."Etjery Volonteer Carpe de! ntb utot-zed prevlanuly toanmd ezisting an the dey on, vhich b isu Act $hall cone lote fonce, Ia., clndlng the Officera oommiiuioaed therato, uhall for the put-posai of ibis Act b. beldi tu be cziaitnmd ibaîl ba c6ntlobed as SUoh,' ibjeot ta,île proviuion$ of ibis Act; and vîthin tbree monihu mter tbe day on vhhbtis Act uhîli coue ot2 force, AI, snol corps &all b. utqred b> dIsoCap. tatou or Commnanding Offleeri, tb. prévis- Iana afisu-Act uhali bit explained tn theuan d loch' af tbe men av ie Dt praîloul> gian notice ai' their desirs ta be diachat-ged. &hall tale îhe alliborin- iter'pt-aucribed, and ba anroîiad as Voîn erï Milltla, mmd aach ýminahI! lgu ï 'a moiter Roll; and ihereaitei snob mon ai, an> Volntear Corps, lu an> Regimeutl Division, as c omplate thre- e ats continu- ou$ service I insor"tp, or Comploe thaca lests includiag any previans contini- oui service la ibe-simacarpe, nunediaîely befare suob muter, or lad served tbnce yearaiaooonly linsucli corps launedia- tel, befote smcl motter, andinre diucharged aier gliaig tle requît-ad notice, shuil sat ho liable la bc balloted for mny pet-lad ai dnil 1 01t raloiag f et l.AcItaMillte, outil 7el theo thermon la.tbe finit, second ted third chaumsoaimillîlamen la tle Couvait> Diicion lu vhhs,le>rside laaeÃoon tosrad or hein balloted 10 serve." Canada aiaea mmercial Poweu. -frui noi bat tb. Dominion et Canada oe-, copies no usan position auong Ibs nation eoftÉ ti.orid, la peint of. Coureerola povet-Greai Bthin, ltT nitod Biatesa aid Franes eing Oealy hev SOPeiora. We liste la the Dominion 5,822 mercaile a ehueig*total of 176,"s tona, of aplt mpaiual value et $28,48tO2- à b. 1t a," les trou Ihe Wliale lleuIsnd Rover. mau', millattnaml da great demI of mîlanw anu; aod vere,.,vinded pt-iuei. The ib ow of borisvus bib large and good-ý1 Er, losapli Thempoon lied an Iupottd niaîl ou the grenadi, (frou tbe cea- rmied 4'Chimpliou") vhw u.ourt-ound Bd by a large crovd ,eofil. lovers of bowae saItb, vbo vere an> hibaral i tbetr priea of tle animal, Bat itbe caille exbibitad, re ire bold by compient judgeo, vwa lb. beut display star ibovu ai any Co, fair; und ras nat fir bébind ta nombar tboeexa- :-bited et %she Provincial. The excellence of th. catile la euily proved, iben ve ue@ th. Dames oai Meurs. Davidion, Millet-, Spencer, Dryden, Tbompsi ayn, and otîqai on the liaI. ýA yoirhing houfer- Perham--ïshovu by Mn.- Miller, la reml> a opleodid animal. Of curse, it earried off h.1 âaut prize lane, asi did at the Pro- vincli . fair-Mr. WS. JefI'rey neceived second pt-is.e ou a fine animal ta the uame clu. -Mr. Jas. I. Davidien uboved aome opleadid Durhm calveu, for wiid ho ne. c 1eitsd prisca. The sbeaji shovu veas aisa a fins lot. Mt-. Wm. Jaffne> lad i apîeudid ilock on the ground ibicli at- tnacîed'ih. attention of min>; and Meiuib. (loy, Millet-, Wlzson, Spencervoe t alse ,l ra6 icipientl aIofpt-li Ian orîle animl# Lhay entened. TIare vas bot ver>, litle. grst ain ýWÃw-ienu,o sauer, vr gogo -Lalit>. Ws are motr> that aur upace vil 1 ot pst-mit of a more tztended notice af Lb.h muni neaîly deuenving articles ex. hibitid i but va taler cor readeni, f or larîhar information# la tle pria. liut, vhich ippeari eomplele ta Ibis ianue.- PRIZE LIST. 1'louai. Saddle or carrlage, utallion-lit D MoDoneîl; a, bauà . Pringli. e Mrarend foil--lut, Tbai Mfycis; Lad, D, Holiday; Bmd, Ina. Wilson. Tira ymr old fil!>y colt-lai, Adam Duti Lad,,H. Utalia; Sgri, bo. Wilson. .U ne year *Id entire colt -lit, Win. Lid. gett; Laid, B. Graham ; 3rd,,D. b1oDonaîll Oaa year aId filly colt-lt Myron Ortie;Laid, Jas. Madil;,Brd. jk Nicol. îlot-se colt ai 1808 -lut, D.. Holiiduy; Laid,: Wtt.Smith ; $rd, lVt. Plant. Filly coltaoflSOS-lil, D. bieDonelî; Lad, S. Ruy; Srd, Hutton Starr. Pir mîtced boises-lst, F. W. Glan; 2nd, b. Linton ; Std, Ueo. Plkey. Single horsetIbaraeii-lu;t, bor-; l4ick; Laid, J. S. Spirovle; grid, Jamel Powell. Ssddlc horse-lut, Wu. Alcanibrack; Laid, H. 'Grahamta, $rd,- Dr. Cation. Geneaalpurpoe,, stallion-lt, amaï Kitchben ; Lad, Wtt. Powell.- 1Mare and idal-lut, bas. Corbaît; Lot, Win. Smith;- Srd, Wtt. widdue. Tva ycat-old enite clt-lot b. M. Bell Lad, Thou. NMoRion; 8rd, Ueo. Middleton Tva ycar aid 1311-laI, John Miller Lad, Raht. M utcb; tird, D. S. Day. 1Une year old caetira colt-luet, lobi Midhand;-,Laid, Johu Hecpburn ; Srd, Go H in I ter l i y-lt, lbin H op ot Laid, John Millert; ard, Chas. Pilke Boane colt of 1808-lit, Jas. Bt-n Laind, Ohms. Lynde; gril, babn Fawcatt. FilI> colt of l86--.lot, Oliver Colt Lad, Wtt. Waddeli' tird, Ueo, Graham. Paîtalbed h6tue-lnt, las.E 1Tbompean; Laid, David Tveedie. Dmaugbt botteu, îhiliOlio-lt Jas. Pli - aid, John licol;1 8rdg -J. 1. Davidien. Tvo yeir aId entiré, coît-lst Josepj .Thompian. Tva year, oîd fIy-s J.LI.Davidiai La2d,, O. 4Lynde. On. yeur aid cute , colt-lut, I.1 Davidion; Lid, D. S. lMoFatîmne., 1 'ne y air aid fillyot-la1t, C. PilLay :Lndeelx.'Wilkei. liora"colt et 1868-lit, Jus, Riebar à oN, jr. ; Lnd, John lieol ; $rd, D. S. Mi Ru ctet. 88ltli.Cr J. . Dviuon SJasb. L. blîl tr mîtýc"hei lrailt,'e.de las.sl.eo Walker srba-Bul-ltJoba Mille; 21 c.icKenzio. 'o Y"s old buill-lit, John Dyde .u Jas. tuaa f-.ird. j. R iteoe. M iller. k ' 8rd, Samuel Beill.> TqWo ewes-Ist, John Millet. Twoshosiling o*eslst and 2134, John Miller.1, Two ewe lamb-lset, Samuel Benl.tl Soutidown-Rtam-lit P lro 2ncI and lrd, Il. Spencer. Sheatllaîg ramn-lit, Jbu. Éixiou; 2nd, H. Spencer; Srd, cls. Wlxason., Ram lamb-lst, I. H. Spencer; 2nd P. 1FWizson. Spencer'- 8rd, F. Wixson. Two sLO&I1îng *evea-lut, H. -E. Spen- car; 2nd, Joi. Wixson; rd,1. 11. Spen- Teo Ome lamba-lut and 2n4d, Joseph Wizaon; $rd, Il Il. Spencer.' Mrin--Rm-lit, Ut-en Foster. Ram laiÃb-lu't, Samuel BeaIL Two evs-lot, Oren Poster. Twaev eelimbe -lut, Ut-en Poster. Cheviot-Ram laab-ist, Jas. 0. GUY. Two ewei-lut, Jas. O. Guy. Fat uheep. any breed-Two fat waath- et-aIs lit nnLd, Jas. WbItson. Tva fat. owc-lot, Chas. Scott; Lad, Si l Ichb; Brd, IR. Harper, jr. Large breed-gow-lut, R., Doidge >L2d, NW. Jeffre>. Boit pig oi 1808-lit. Gea. ItJaw. Srnall breed- Bor-lst, .'lguseIel. F Sow-4at, Jas. O0. Guy ; a6d, George McGillivray;- Brd ' W. Taylor. Boit pig of 1808-tit, J. S? Sprowle; Lad, J. B. Bicklo; Srd, D. Gilchriit. Sow pig of 1868-lit, J. S. Sprowle; Lid, IR. Barper, jr. ; rd, Chtas.- Scott. Fat Pig-lt, 0. Scott; 2nd, J. S. GRAIMa AND > iR. O bu. <aIl wbt-lît, Chas. Pilkey; 2ad, W. Thompion. 6 bua. upting vheat-lît, John Gra. hem; Srd, Gea. Doidge. Sbus, batley, (2 row-lit, W. Thonip. son-, Lad, John CGrahamn. ,5bu. batley, (0 row)-lit. 'W. Thomp- e ion;, 2nd, S. C. Wilson-, Brd, IT41.Smnith., y~~~kv6o lit.J. ogt>A -ihel id, J. Long. 6 bai. peau, smll-lut, Jas. Pilkcy; rf Lad, W. Taylor; tird, J. l1odgson. 6lais. Oati, back-lot, Ià lq.blitchell; 2dJaGraham; tird, J. Mitchell r 0 bus. Oat, whit-lot, 0. Ilpt; Lad, R. ILIarper, jr.' 2 bus. Cor-lil, Adame Daif; Lad, G. Liddle. 2 bus. Timotby Seed-lst, J. flodgion, La-d. O. Mlt.L 2 bas. Claver Sed-lst, R. Harper, jr., Lnd, A. MaiKenzie. bibia. Swecdiîh Tut-olp Sed-litC. Iliat, Laid, J. Mitchell. Bua, of Paz Seed-lit, Jas. Park, Lad, W. Thomapion. 51bi. Catrot Sced-Iut, C. HaIt, Lad, B. , Rowland. 1lîhiMîngold Wurtzel Scd-lst, C. ' HaIt, 2nd, B. Rowland. 1 hua. Bcans-1it, D. Lick, 2ad, J. S. ;Sprowîe. --hai. Tares-lut, A. W. Farewell, Lait iW. Thompuon. 2 bu. Rye, gping-lst, Geo.-Liddle, 2 bai. Rye, Fall-2nd, Ueo. LSddle. Root-i. Ji bus. Potîitoac-lfst, Ueo. McGilivray, 2ad, T. Alliai, trd, B. llicklc. 12 Rooto, Tunnip-let, Richard IHa: petr iJ Madill, tird, C. Lynde. s 3Bota, Maagold W urtzel, long ted- lot, J. O. Guy, 2nd, J. S. Serowla, 8rd, A SBarnett. .12 ootu, Mîngold, ycllow Globe-Ir 3Prench, Lad, J. O. Guy, (objetcd ta, n' rd. Jos. Webster. r. 12 Boots, Carrote, long red-lit, A ,n 12-Boots, Carrots, ibite-lut, J. Hodg 12 Boots, Carrots. orange-lit, J.8 Sprowle, Lad, R. Harper, jr., 8rd, J. Mi chuel. - Boit 10 Ibo. butter-lit,.lira. Wnr o; Oke ; Lad, Mas. fi. Graham; tird, Miii E J. Dehrt; 4tb, mmi. m ajor; b511 &. Mno. -3.-Rowlind. Boit 10 Ibo. cheese -lut, Mrs.. Dixor e.osd, Mru. C. Lynde; Brd, Mrs. J. Licla a;4th. Mns. B. Lck ; lth, Mns. Jno., RateIit 40 Ibi. buttr-_lut, Mro. John Ilichae ph 2nd, Xru.Wa&*$jor; rd, MW.' Jitu Sleigh. Ârklîn& ckSpnih-lst mdand H.î 12 peachea, lit, Y. gibson; 2nd, J. 12quinces, lai, W. Pierson.- 12 crab apples, largelilt, C. 1[t; 2nd, Thos. Guy. , 2ý-Crab appleo, amali, lot, W. Pitison; 2 d'J. S. M icx 12 tomîlces, loiC. 1Hot; 20d, Y. Gibson. Fig tomates&$ 1,t,,Joho Zllis; 2nd, O. soit. 12 becti uti Thos; -Irelaoid; 20d, T. Hlooper. 2 cluster ra ppa, blaokt under glai, lit go d 2ndl W. -H. Gibbs. 2 cluters gripes,, white, opea airlit, HB. M. Thoma: 2ud, Isaac Frquenb., 2cluersa ppa, black, open air, lot, laite'French; 2nd, lia. Burns. Watr mlo, ltChai. flIt; 2ad, J. P. Cochrane. M sk melon, green fleah, lit, C. Hlot; 2ûd, W. D. Bowerman. Musk melon, -acarlet fleih, lot, M. Anderion ; 2nd, John Elli. Citron, lit, John liaîcliffi 2ode Thos. Poticher., 3 heade cauliflowcr, lite chau. 1Hot; 2ad,.John ElFie. 3 hends cabîge, snommer, lit. 0. Hoit; 2nd, John BIi. 3 honds cabbage, winter, -lot,, C..Holt 2nd, Jno. Bailey. 3 heade red cabbage, lit John Ellea 2nd, F. Green. 2 aquahea, lot, Samuel I3eal; 2od,* B. 2 pnmpkins, lut, Robt. Miller; 2ndt, G. 12 table carrolo, lut, John Dehîrt; Znd, N. Blow. 12 table tornips, lut, Cha. Hoît. Specimnen af dried fruit, let, Jno, Eh!.s; 2nd, biii Dehart.' S3peelmen af preierves in -Bogart lit, Mms. R. Fllet;-,2nd, Misa Devenui. Specimnt Preserves withont Sugar; lut &ei nLo it-. Jo nJ.iaiyorrowman, 2nd, Mr. Yeomnan Gibion.ý Jar of Pickles; lit, Chu. Hoi, nd, Ma. R. Hatcb.. 6 Cucunabeni; lit, Chez. laIt, 2nd, F. Green. 12 parouipi, lit, John Hodgaon; 2nd, C. bilt, 6 honda@cllory, lut, M. iH. Cochrane-, 2nd, John Ellia. Peck, white onioni, lut, T. Hooper; 2,sd, Wm. Pierson. Peck ted onions, lot, T. Hooper; 2nd, Ueo. Higginbottom. Pickelling orionsy lit, Chui. Hoît; 2nd, Il. E. Tomlinîon. Potatoe onioni, loi-B. Rowland; 2nd, G. McGillivnîy. 5 Ibo. hopa- let, B; Fnller. Chickory, lit, Chai. Holt. Beit sud groatêstyai ey of vegetablai, lut, C. Hoît.' 3. Catop; lait , i.John Bi, .2adj, M. H. Cochrane. Grape Wine, laitMai. D. Daniel& ; 2nc gIra. John Slcigh. Any other vini.ety,- lit, Mai. J. S. IL r.Wilcox; 2nd Mr. LFollet. D)OUESTIC MAUIIACTIIRES. 10 yde. Fnll Cloth, homie-mode, mpon sud wove by hand, lot, Mra. Charlei t Lynde; 2od, Mrs. S. Sommerville. ) 10 yda. Pull Cloth, factory mode, lit à 2ady W. D. l3owerman. L 10 yda. Satinett, factory madi, lit, W D. Bowermîn; 2nd, T. P. White. 10 Ida. Flînalhone.made, #pne au( S. wova by band, ail wool, lot 1h.. Charlei 1. Lynde ; 2nd, Mri. Wm. Major. 10 yds. lannel, -home made by boi! cottoo wanp, lit, Mni. J. Dehart; 2nd n. Mai.A.Cihl. S'-,10 ydi.- Ilinool, factory mnade, aIl wool bl lit and 2nd, W. D. Boe'erman. 10 ydi. flanool, factory mode, cottoi wîrp, lottsud 2nd, W. D. .Bowamman. vj 10 yde. woolen carpet, lut, Mai. el, BitlI; 2nd, Mta. D. Daniela. us10-yda. rag carpet, lot, Mai-. J. Cobett 2nd, Mns. J. S. M. Wilcox. 'Pair wooleon blinlseti, lot sid,2od, 1~ 2od, M Pair Coin?*; (proteaied by lIra. Fuller-. Mrs. T. 1 a); 2nd, VINêATO. Oit1 palnting, lot and 2nod, linasDonald. son. ,Iýte! calot- paintiagt, lit, Dr. Saneock; 2ad, Mise Georgie Evani. Ve tpitfrgp lit and 2ad, Mia4 Frquhirion. Pancil dtavitg, lit, mti M. Rateliff; Lad, Mai J. W. CarL - Crayon draviug, lut, Mis Iqode; Lud, Miii M. Boy., OrndameÃtal Pcnmmnabip, 2nd, Miu m., Lynde. Mapping, Lad, liasJ. Michanel. Collection of Ambrotypes and Photo- graphlslt, A. Barrett. 7 SCollection ai Stuffed Bird a, lot, W. H. Pictune-Frima, lut, Mai. Y. Gihuson; 2ad, Mùa Betta. Pianfo, lot; -I. P. 1Rainer & Ca. -Sculpture in mîrble, lit and -24d, J. Wollandeu. Speciman ai dniniag tiles, lit, C. Pil- ka>; Lad, Jas. Saniley. 10 lbo.. honey in camb, lut,H.M Thomas; Lad, W. D. Boverman. Beau wax, lut, lobn Nieol ;- 2nd, H. H. Battu. 10 Ia,. liae trainefi, lutWin. Tmyii Ion; Lad, Josephi Jones. 10 Ibo. malile angîn, lot, Wtt, Major; Lad, Uia. Jerry Lick. 2 loavai Bread, ,lut, lIra. John, Bllis 2ud,. Mai. . 1. Dîvidmon. CaI * af Canrectionery, lot, Mn. R. Palien; Lad, Miai. Hami. Raquai of Flavena, table, lut, Tbommu Guy; Lad, bMisa Tomlinian. 1-à --, . Blow ; 2ad, Thomas Guy. Specimen Hanie Sbos, iîlicalku, lot, Ueo. Ayana; Lad Ueo.UGraia. Specimon Hanse fSboeu, vithot at eh, lot, Gea. byeri; Lnd Ueo. Grahlam. Specimea ai Pampmmk-er'm work, lot, J. W. Card;ela2d, C. W. Cîrd.' Wark bar, lot, Mise AbIy Gould; , lIra. M. Brnynoldu. Beahive, lut and Lad, J. H.Tboas. LUter proue printinglstW.Zý11Hgginu; SideaifUpper Lemîber, Covlide, lui, John Tye. Cati! Lithat, lot h Lad, baba Tye. B ee!oa Plant-, lit; b. R. Bickall, Ind H.Bicheli. BannaIai fOmmeal, lut, C. Rusell, Lad, P. Francis h Bt-a. Bia.!ai Cotn.meil, lut, Gao. Liddle.- Specimen ai TinumitiWs îork, lut Hatoli Mm. J. Liok, 1 stilton cbeaee; H. J. Arklanil, unfiover;,.S. C. Wilson, Sixz yarn; lIra. Foncher, buit woolen hoad; MiWePtiyter, > nmtiuaasr ; Miss M.' Irving, gala ýpilai t Mai. Win. Major,ý p tuo n - sAl (MaAumy, .s.-. 1 H. H. Bette, rspbart-y vinegar; Mies A., Anglican Bisît Hem, tmn3cy plonahiion;Mi-A.H , vonkail simplet-i Mism Md. Hill$ toilai et; lte pa Mai. R. Haîcl, autimaeaien ; Hîtol -tt next, as a day lirailer, straigbt dnîngbt daulý- slave, l e obaerved fai pateaîed ; Miss Bat-nia, 0ctIon drain bans ai île Chi counterpsa ; Mia Barne, -lead. v orh AkEI ilippers;- Mies M. Lynide', ýtmted lace; J. LcoisI Shaw, vasîboard; Mai. G. J. aumey, Lacrauue la ani arnammatnà graue; Jas. Walker, Dominion Mlarket groun plangl ; Mai. G0. J. Remsey, oremenial attannoan ne" grau; Chez. Rmuel, split peus; John o'claclc.- The- McGillivtryg, obl qubh lohn -G aI.nid the Whitl van>, long squah ; Mi. C. Draper, iota Icilint ; and pillai; Mise M. Baie, mntlmaceue; J, Laicrosse, a gol Tye, binselaiter; Mr&t-s. Cies,Thentrai genlemn& kaitteti aigîl cap; Mr$, A. lt1e WhitLy bd Cames,knittad chir idy;, H.M. Thom, ad, doubilesa là 1 us n a. l sle claver ; M ai. D . D au lsa, i g u d .e h !"pbar-y vinegar, am uraiag bonnet;igndr b MiseJ. Michael, aoiapillow; Win- Borna, ai lIait lest, masrtuent ot boots sud aîes;.; iain. regainai blir 1le Borna, nasphert-> Vinegir ; Gnaingen h datiaon, we la Tbotas, portable suoke onesandt- spin, alors;ail Fi ning vîet; Mrs. Rowe, meîp.clranatit;i; laengageil ior R. Larard, sprng mâtras; T. P. White, vilI le vaîl w pair of larse blaukels; F. W. Gla,reap- lce, a large c iiug m achin , tc caion , Towa onuei. baibeau laid Noîbing of impoitanee 1,w-asdoueasaIt le of the Toro@t Pt.oaomxd MATCH,-,& match, onder île aoiceof ai totail Society of Southi Onîmni(> off on Mr. David Brow-n% arn -tl. Mî concession faice ikerin day, Oclaber 2911. stick, eontainlng neanly'-200 burnad on Mondi> evanint siack w-as the propet7oa- Fomythe, and vassiînated W Anothr stac, îe pîroperty ai Michael o ac, m Tienne, "a Iabong me s u chuburned réalie 'île ipi atIth leaure time. The total lan ia about completely cai $0;on ihicl îlote vuai ofcourse. no let- loisw-i ininrace. Iltainîaid lIaI a lutle boy nihd a ual he taula o lir. -put off itl l îhoag.tleusî boy. Tlina wi Tas Coaicir of Si. Agnea, a% Gr~ 14 of ibom1 batik, vu finit nied ion divine services'on, cd in the Z Suaday 'veel. pr-ie, ai the miles aitart a Suuec RILTA BTx.Â.-Tl vaiugpicked op the on the by.lav gratiaf $4,000 in aid ofitho aboie amud proposed Whitby sud Port Perry Raiivay, pont thi aamftei la Il gitan by-tIc townihbip ai Scagog, ta uaiaad ocar t ta> tahieplace on Octeida>, - , hic À Bia BHoa T anc.-An' axtensive maîe,-im muai dealiag inequine fdeil bah place 2inth îe Pet-sevea Wbilby hast veehgi, h in laW*cII vorth re ele ai carn fo, cording. Two gentlemnen, vIa. ihalb. be otui -~..-.-mfv...WG mu~DU~eiatan wuiaemp!oyed mal@, the borso,-coaoluded a bargain, oae between Iho giving the otber *10 "1ta bot." When wega. This île Zeutlemaa w-ho laed got thle "boot" an- t-nding Rccd riîed lame, la fier> iicsd gaI lired of liv.oaLkeOi 1 ~oven thi wl ing, ad vent, tle wayof Aîî lsa, mucli ta gibbons fat-m, île ownet's diagaît. The otber gea. w-as - valî ha tlama vashighilelatcd mt gaîting'tid ai Ths iollow-ing the lorse.;, but hiu jpy vu aifabat-t dors..-John Pitâ lion. Par ha vie coolly informed ibat Pitzgibbon, si luis borse caald le foandîsomîvbane an btai;lx Sîh concession ai Pickeing, îlot-e il bad and bas. Put ben tarnedout in the Woods t~o dia I No. amen ; Doli B -Ona thialu le lu île bail of the bat-gainbandeaitaisu by an X dollar bil-and w-e agre. yul t- osMorris a han.oaithe captaii OînîxÂiax!i.-At a genaral ordination Peer Legla bldby tle, Biabop_,#(Toronto, lu St. am tho Mark'.s chaýrclb,,imgýar a, lut Sa ada> '1 V porter. C.. Joe, Of bis lova, wvmsained Atcbibald 0, toe le et ofaipieithood. M. Jb --Mc- lovu :-"A b Kansie, lite a b!ghaly a.tee a iniater of w-bea bout5 tbe Prashyterien Ã"ommiunion ia Canada, we:e cmlled c vuM at-aineS Deamon. f ,,; The fi te Da~.s Divendabdpinî1 ;piroà r-nt o a ipea ig o Thridntas Oct. 2a ti publis îlnct.iving, rrulie t-pouebgi. nt- arthaI uroEngla tenil. [Âà TO.-A match gîa. aif inouaiced tlobe p'.myed aillae di , Whitby, ars Satunday ,XI theo0tbih mt., il tbree Ontario Club, ai Toronto, y Club, ire te bctbe con- - es bof*ara " well up" ia t-nde leanl- toutrail gloern ila-d mates, -pet lancete; ailthemon vene lait, i Dane cf the names oaitu w'iilI Dul meuh be cembar. j Faîber Cnibin, 'T roto,,died 2n years. Haew-mu, a - Ctonntyai Weilini I is. aid Sthat a ý. Pee1 niaed cana bu wbeat off 1w-o acre 4 seed ai $2 a baibe The Maaloc Me of aigolil are takec bigb, Proenac oC a T. Bell, ai Bellevi of $18.80 par ton, Tiare are $7 States bonds beld bing $938, 400,00i Chatbam -à to b gT.otois taîki bond of Peel lut i ýTleare bave het Eloni ibis iucnmer The -Irescot DL tbe Ottawa Club i -- The Iniends oai1 Canaaas, are rai - hia a paver pt-em. * Ph Wbail att acre in Pilkiaigton, -ihbipe. --Welberd of a * ithout a vil," fonuooîh i Who evai died Ilîitl a wfILl Thoew-amen fa I in addition Ia bec * penfonming civil fa) * NÃ"T A 11UTAL1 -1Why isan offer e .ngagement.z-lBe - fler ail ends wil - MA YHAMILTON-] on Tueiday, Octob 2. illa, lMr. C 8nphis Brown, bot Gnous