Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1868, p. 3

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.ai 39t mach hla is., i t Co" omas ee-oetobes titl 80.. sri lerd GRIEAT- I A sronsas wae çor AYavustii, N.Sij Ropeal jiapov d. ispences the. siusmai oftctilo.vs for poilu. estl oes..,I andi dociaros tisat if the poiiey 418 conihnd ocvessmoat wulîlgo le tiie Browors lis Engiassd are expérimesting on atryehunsoto'seo hou fer lu ln safo te boaIs la uimanuîfacaring bitter aie, Tho. statpeet là made osa tii. auMthy of a London paper. Çomiî.rf.f t four dollar bils were cIrca.ý latea freely lns Hasulitesadsring the.- fair woeki Tho conntorfeit casa oui>' b. do. tectesi b> exatminlog tise nambers, wbieh ere imîger than la tise original. 4w..e Laing',-of Whi,, piayed agslist the, AlI.England BRieesarichetero, nuMostroal, nu the.llat. matchis. ý It là statosi tiat tise Qoebe Parliamesat. ivill net net before tise beilning of Doý. camber. Fatiier Onuhn, cf St. -Michael&s Collage, ,pvonto,"died pithe 2Puh ai$.,- agesi 36 yeas, e vas, a native. ai 'Pilkusagtosi4 .ConsaýYcf Welington. ' xt JOs sald tisat a man ln tise Cousit y ' cf 1 "I ra4ied oaebnndred boisels 'of Di.hI; wbeat oÎf two sores, andsoldîsitisepafor seod au $2 a bushel.- 'Thea >tadoc Mercury soas: Anuasa cf gold ore taken frein EagleeRiil, Dosn. bigii, FrontessacCosa>', made b>' Mv. Jas., W!. Bell, o!fIielieville, yieided ettise rate cf $18.80 par ton. *Tisere are <'700,000tV00 of UTnited States bonds§isetd sn Europe, tise total ausàa4a, L4lg.n ç.owii. seaLbz Obauhass. ia to bave àa sus» ire en- gane. -Tord isii alina cfbuilding ircs fci isetrôopu uti a couL of $10,e00 * Biow vas sien falling iaen eiher bood of 1P00l latt week. Tiisre bave been 19 neo ces boiltit n Utera ibis ssasev. Tise- Prssectt Liserosse Club bare buaten thée Ottawa Club In tiiree straigitsî aines. Thse friensis of Mr. B'eyle,,cf tise Iris/t Canaa, are raisini *1,000 to parchas. im a powr pies.. .Ti wbeat aversigeo 16 bosiislâ per aore la Plilsisgton, IPeel ad Nichol Town- ýWe, eard of a gentleman Who di died willcat la swll." -<Il ied vitiseut a vii," fersooth 1 Who ever iieaad of a persce Who die8 Ilvitis a Viii.", Tis a oen la Paragusay', lt le iportedy ln addition Io bbcosing soltiiers, are aise porfcrnslng8civil fUeeticstsmach as Justices, roocitiag olllcers, Mi< SNor À MIa ITÀitT NATION ?-lan the.pro. spoct of a ourai Elecîlon ail Englaad I. one camp. ýTise wiiole poopieet teout al tise boasaboldeos are under cauvas.- Punc4. Wh lsyleau offeris g 1k. a matrimionial enaeets-Jecasee It begisse witii an oeransd onds witb a tnu;. HAMILTON-BRQW(N.-Â Wiiiby, oen Teday, October diii, b7 tihe 1ev. S. "I. C#bbop,.Mr. Ooo. 1famiiton, to Mise 6,Piî. roya, bo.th cf Camsdeu. POWELL-At lrookilc, on tihe SOu Sept b.hewlfe of Mr, Jams. Powell, of tii. Olobu botol, of a ion.. 'QLRQG'Ona Tlieay, Oct, lot, tb. wtfe Mr.;-T. -W. Coigg, Port Witby, of t#ini. A&TRISSON.-Oà the 4th altot the tir. or Mr.' joeephi Athinion, of theoowD. obip of Whlîby, of a son, 'IULE-Â.t Whitlty on ýBnaday, î lest, the. wlr, fe or. aco. Yl, cf a son, ALIQ D IED. ' ALL Ai - t teii eid.ae o! bar sont glr. John Ai=, on, 41h cou, of Wbitby, Boul..iiitheb.lirnd wlfe of Robert Aliman, Big., ag.d 82 jears and Il montu. Tb@. doeeaeed wue a natie çf Beaf#rdp Yorksie# Bogiaud nd demil-i or&" dto cansada and »Wel s la tii.îcn- e sie opedaodQ F88 yeeteiday foýr td at $1.25 to .10 jo $15; and EQTEL FURNITUILE, &c. 1U3.ACU$ BEYX havhagreutl frem MBi.busisoe eut tim ' Ryul hElt., town cf whithy, huafussnrtrucue e8 . sîcibr!taassii byPTLIC A1UTION, witboeut rcr',tii. whoie ol< it,é FURNI'rURE & F ITTJNGS, Of theo Royatl b isetel ithy, lat 10 Wuck, a.ins., isirp. ail 'TU.ESD&Y, ithe l3th TNST., ;AT 1 Il E ROYAL hIOTEt, BRUEOKT. TBMS-9o, and ùssder, passit; over tliat amciisat, 6 sîstias.crodit wIi Le gtven, by -fr alisgpproved litotes.. Wisithiyoct. i7, 18OS."td-4# l3arrister, Solilctor fla Cisincery, Atm lias rpnioved ,Iisa OZOOs.te lot flcor evr iseé wlsithy, ost-.1868. 40 ýWanted Iznmediately. A MIST-CJ4A98 Diiilg-rooin girl; alise gogdsiseber Muid. Whîtby, Oct. 7, 1868. 40 IJ5Rdias.rsa gr is wiob dostroaiOuren km esattOu îr aaking hanine- uPistepaysae sit oet ah ncoiqdte, ns! ecîstm , viais asissea. A. promipt'rasiaev .scoar. S 1BRLOWN & 'PATERSOw' Wliitby, Oct, 7, 18r8. 40 fmMrinbert Mà n urs io d I) r. Ilitry liai vov bIajg Lihe ssaas sittudýte ti tein front iioussLryi Wiitby., Wiîlby, ct.7, 169.40 PJANOY " OR «SALE. A -cotave Il'issu, wisieis toi tihe Ao n':' t thse KIngaton Exlisbltsn, IA offorssd for sle., It l f i; tiiiiier'a naske.ad la a Sirat-eiaaa 1'iano, an regards LOnG sud fialim. Apply te E . .H N At tise CliiaîsZ Ore, WbjtbY. Wisitby, oct. 5, 1808. do BTRAYED OR STOLEN Front a foi on-alut 85, eiohth ecceo;olôn of WhiLtby,sa wiitovyearlinig lilfer, tihé property -of Aleuxan'der %UWiii, lut A. eigliîtli coneahîcua P'ickerinsg. Wiioever wiii retsîrn lier t tiso owner, or gIve Inibrmation of' lier wiiercabouts Wi, b.auialy rowardied. If fotissslufau),I> peresima' cstody al'tor liiâ sttt!ce, tise> willi W iîre.eeutbd. ALEX. WLtN I3alouma. Octobor Sth, 1808. Sin.40 =NCOURAGE CANAD AN GENIUS 1 The Gre test Labor-saving Mach e of the Day! J* T1o thdies of Whitby and ounty of Ontario1 The New Dominion, Steam Washinlg Machine! Can b. used in ,any Boior 1 Ozly Por ouiw oflx diepe#nso e cotises.'th ion et rej tlierouiaivi operates ssyon pnrely Il n. lu Le ni .cetiag assai I i labor Lad the wear et s ansI stesse, 1>7 tise sso. 4 tiare' thso eliseabera, e., assd forces! llirosi5gaa di -sAs... Woc'nesdayel oct. lt 18 , l'art of the. vahueblo Ilorsi belsnsging te rJOHN MILLER, ýESQ9 1 tçs'o-yeoal01Geuar-1 Psivpeme RniUriColt, tkired iy I 1rd ClydOi"; 1ti bYfla d J lu fbel W 11'<eonqtioror." eYiol1Fi i< four.yonr 0à,l;l, 1J>rc..of:Bourbon; cone tw-as iiliu, tL<sd Duke 4?eeid .1' Bal Caif y 'e lcG J0,- de Lod 6YD,1 de. SiJh .IdSir Oa A Wter - 1 db. 17111 i ý 1o Mrd,.tqham; 1Ide.:dbTnin; 1 Bull a yo ,Boe lfaswwssZ; 1I jessr cs!(;w, Pi51dOfP1e;e1 l-vear e 8 Cow, Lia Caîfz-go i do. l' Liay; i do. Faliate. GRADES. . 4 twe-yeas. 0&oid lera. ai1l eli.'brod, apà la clif ta a Thorongh-brcel Bul il two-yossr cis! 11eifer, ssssaîiy i Lorcughrud; t Uela cv j 1 8-year cld Ccvad llciter Caîf. Shcaruneasriin verines, 6cbcicel~es.ts! oîae andimdbred frci parýpre ai Ste;9 à 'Loaba, ail gaod-; 18 ,tWbred-Ewcs; 10 SSln wo Tise Sabscriiser bheu te Iiattie>Stock aidvertifoilla isaolis ir er la ambers ald' iperier in qsaaity 10 sisythiiig he -lhes yet ofi'cred te tise Pulii. And !tihe mine ire- sRavcd ciieraictor, t'iucls wa% isisrried ont et the ]on.t siu1i sbM, eWil l e strictiy ediîered te la cossacetlosi withiLiis. lierd ]BookiPedigrees et thse Darîitîa iswilb tiiebe rtssd autise ,a»le. gý' On aewuostcf tise largo qaantity et Stock te lbc dispoied of, tt. maise w-ili peitive. iy Comsmence et 10) a. ms. Luiich nt i p. sa., TEINIJ3OF EALE.-Io îmondiîal credit givon iîy ftisrsjmiieisg eppruvsed .sccrity; la- tecet.from day cf n.saila mot padw h ou due. W~'. Teiais viilho et tise Duflls'Crok Ststioîi, Grand 'irsnli ltsilwauv, tise siglit pie- vi'.as und incrnissg of tisa sale, toe oeivoy partica tu aisd froeitiesale. 1'iecokeingr, Sept. 21, 1688. td-89 STOP AND -SEE. file GRXAT INLIAN tiMiV s Theý re e ieni, Vsiluo sud ssosîessieulfa she'Geat iessîooea visse tisasnoatakorie la steGrossi i i ta tGreat for Liiess.es or the Ttross. I.egs, Liver, Dsgeoais. orgsa. issey. &o., es. wll de. $erurfa, the vsartu ,ki rnL5leui9,Il Unssrfun assi idses ssisissg (rase Imspaniles <of 1e a i e xlui f.sesehatbs geat re.ssedy bts. NEVVR irN EIZULL<D,11'ere va. fitore ever sucis a pureocsflit a(cf' Wjiqaaor,a s<'lir gii. Ofit., e1t ssssmpioss; or tisai cf Peter 0. V. lisker, 4itersioi A i', (5, s'fCcsUMIoJ~o, or isai of Arabrle. Woo<, tsfCbusecan, ast,, of »'pesla anss lAver cossipiaisii. ar sfitorJohn aU<sey, of Pa- efet.,Oit, o(JLtsilaisiwhio tlii cisiall Iîeeson neersaifr yeerc, lits.pigaofali'tsraînmesi t eretolbre, k'Cou ant te Trss Store 911si gos a Cireasar of fnusotaiable eertttaseil e ss ise (IIIAT 6000. 10NZSREigiEDRian sd 1111.18, edmailcaisly yoar- Purce of the Romesi>' fa large plats $1i U- Forsale.i.> al ODruggiet.ansi Docreaunmesli- obis.. Agents hIlasyJa. MGCerrie sud JamS lgne. . WJ.1OLELLALJu AGENTS 2 LYMAN. rlilLiOTT & Ca., .0,UNSiAUII& IVA&TSux, 1TORONXTO. il WINE4it à Coa. JIOLBiLOOi< & TAILK, T. 11iCiWLPtde SON. HAMILTOIt A. HIIuON k& Ce. Oept., lm5. s CURE Y. 1 Or CONSUMPTION 1 'offa kcseniumxm..41M 1 ieel JiItl 0 you, Us veslsasIttsepublietIohsfena tamypreos,5 tt a9eflCjr.ss à tise Zn mut e 5. f. lTHE MANT WU ýBEG TO INTIMATE TIIAT"0QUIL 9;' .s nOw compîçte, coniprising an extensive assortment of Fancy # Staple I ý ry'iCoods, MILLINERY& MANTLES, AT VEIRY LOW PRICES.' Black Si1ko, Colores! Silice, Poaney Dres Stuifs, Frech Derinos, Ail woi Reps, Winceyss, Buttons, Trimmings, lIribboi,, Lacepu Velvet Ribbcn, Newr Shawls, malntlts, Balmnoral S>irtR, Maîitle Clothsg, Breakfast Sisawls, Nubiaa, Wool Searfs, Wite Cotton, Lissiago$ Millincry' Silk Mixes! Ccatingo, Sootch- Tweedi;, Cassadian Tweeds, liasaand Caps, Neek Ties and Collers, Bracca, U tmbrel1las, Cottson Tiekus, We rhcissc, Goods, À fuil assortment ofR-eadyý-made Clothing Clotlsing mado t.o order. r, Family Groccîies and Isiquors best ]3rands. 1Whitby, September .30, 1868. HIAMILTON & of i co.1 JNo;, TILL & 00.,ý* Would respecfnlly cali attention to théir large Stock, of FurDi- ture and Cabinet W'are ; ail of the newest style3 -and design. An ýexamintition of their FIRST-CLASS. STOCK, will warrant them in sayîng that there is none superior in the Dominion. T-~ Upliolstering -of ait kiidI, taid- the, work guaranteed to bc executed ina. siperior.manner. 03eY Particular attention ,is request.edto their NEW SPRLING MATTRASSES.' 1 >leFulnerals FuIiy Supplied. ëa hfor any-quantity of -FEATIJE S.R Whitby, Sept. 9, 1868, ÀUCTION BUI.J JNO. Tb Caldivell's e <1) Weaepared to execute alodro 4j BT' b ortest Poqsibie Notice.; a>AND- -lîq' THE LATEST SYLES C) OZ usua. ¶I'r ut Dpa tnIe, /1,1LO WE6 &PO WELL 1DoMifiQunWazorooms, WhtbY. Whitby', setl 5th, t . 3 t he 111 ben on <rer tii Tis propesty musi For Parttcsalars Dpi AND ýFUR-NISHING IIOtI.1SE, W O W l tby, s p .8 s ALEAN l&'PRINGILJEAUGThf Takes leave, rcspectfully to inform lhitsfriend =aidpatrong# that> Ibs foc- o'fe WINTER CLTH8, .41 isiiow Very complte, Farmi patob, À#d inthejesi t yles Gontiem'en'a .met RE flS8bxcIbev hi T o 2for eras, Gentlemnen's Furnishing-Goods ôf eVery lt NO 2, Sthwom decriin, emîbrcing-Shirtsî Colars, Socks, Brace,&cc.Gae gNO: FIT NO PAYI 1 Break et., Whitby, Sèpt. 16, 1868; AEANDER PU En-largement of P sùb Su*srber wouidresPe tuiyanouncet . t o m e r s , a d h u b i éa1 1jj y , t ha t , a ' h to ve te dou be ta f e r e i e iç s ls Qsequenee, ffordu Box, Parlô*r:&okin-g Stîoves, Dumb Stoves,- Coal, Stoves,' Agricnltural Ffnrname, Cisteru> t Pemps, Brasea nd Ensinelled Pr erroKles, Tinware of everydesciiption, fut Chili'en'Cavungc,:e., c,,together iwith the othier ÇeOkiJIg $toves, wiII Pr, bo fessnd the OA~~1A eI> STRONG, anid the GIiNUINE lIRONtqti w~i4c:cano1y b pircasodlu ubs1to n t hàestore. s - I hii Al Eave-troughing and Job Wcrik prornptly liuttended quantfty of good (Joedwood tjukee in *eïthange. Whitby, %tpi. 2-9, 1868. MB I Stves lSltoýv HATOH&B Aniy efoo fo r pno fe ,.A FA .- the "i 1 1 ý dm 1

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