K. F- LOCEHAJIT, mot-bri Ze., 4., WIliy "W M. 4j. CAM an, 4, . O.Jl J. MAO»OMgSi. c1"mono.totuan Upongil oa eerlty.-Ap- MOJRRSOON k&DÀIP8ON Toronto, JuIy 201881. 2 0OIUNTYCUCOWN ATTOINEY TOIt 0ON- catQrrse udtAttorney-at-Là w, 09 t olh u ao..rrtNoar'y Pblic h..- 09110-ln iglo,' 4wto al1gb~a GaEOIGJZ île IIAJITNJILL, >orUutrlt. 011.. rtkMâte, WItaor. ÂKIISTIt à ATIUMI'ZY, AT LAW, JE) d oraOtaer>, ho. hb'CI W. Odlo-l'lotritBslltiuîg, Brook 1. WuLtbY. u. M. JARIVJM, Torbuto. ;AAEE M EITI OD , Omapbail, Brook L., WhlttaY, (Ut. Wthy, Nov. 18, 1867. 4d SOliCIo*TtIlt NuTAIIY 1PUBLIC, &o. .&e. uaiava,é.W W. il, IBILL1NCUs, SoLiClTUit, 40., &C. /sril, An,. rF io t VaMumr Cmo, Brok Brst. Wbilty,Jan.28, 1062. - CRARLE4 C. KELLER, ATTOII$<1Y AT LAW, SOLICIIOBIN AjîaeeyCauom c ý.,Uaunlîîg on, Brook, C. W. A T'l»IN1Y~A-lA, SLICITOItluI A lanerNotary 1Publie (Inveaer, *o. WhlLIîy<i. W. Ihcît Lun~iftiialluk &4t, :0o10e4mtrY ( 'Zo.on Bruckitru'at. 48 Dandau Street. W Threo doora West o( tb.-1ost (0f00o,.le B Atgti-tgt$AE f&N CO CLNE liait. 1'oii Paar0arwt-BgelW'nBlock, I LCevaaLL. B., 1 W. M. CuoOHIP. vCennty Crown'Attornoy. i'orePi'rry, 20t1 Ucibor, 1865. 51 ]LYMIAN ENOGLIUI, L L B.. AlIIIITER AT LAW, Solloitor lu (hau- Siîuoett,-upuathu l'out 0100, <'ahava. DRI. CAJISON k& LAW, Consultation cf Pal îucrolilp eo 01 charge. WlsiLhy, Juiy 20, 1h08. 29 DR. ,HANCOCK, (»M suatà oL&AUn rco.) SUREGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, &c., 'Weft cf the. Englilluclînrea. Wlîlhby, Ang. 4, 1908, 8 .J.GUNN, M. b I1uRGEUN ý, -TO 111e, CjUIJýTY GAOL 3yron itrooh, Wîitby, D. W. vEIlitiieJ, M. D. Orricta liera--s ta10 . M., andta t JOHNW V. HAM, Wbiltby, April 101h, 1868.t TUODIA8 hUSTONj, I.. offue-TuVwe liait - Iluurs Ytuo Iolock. 1 VICTORIA IOTEL.ý W LIAIICUT, iJ'tlTlt(>L.(Lnte Win. oyliolil.) *17 JOHN ILOIINSON'S ,AiR-DRESSING AND SIIAVING SAILOON, B1OCK ST., W11IVESY. or s'c- Ocrit Nc à xor luumzà . tutA. Wlatby, Jati. 22, 168., a IOYIITON'8 MOTEL, M1. BOYSTON baga ho' înform Lthé lu. LVhahltantiof tise Coitaty of Victoria anti iroadiuuh.iountlss, thstt le 1Lau opoed tho ~tel en William dtreet lateiy cecupieti by lu ilrst utrl, visitors iall itd everyecouvc- nou. W à ies,-LIiqurs sud Cigmre cf thé wat qially. boe, gaAiattentive osî1lia ,lylu ahauid jiudayJeb.1184 QQMMERC.IAL HOT7EL, »BOCK 13BT., WiIITBY.' - 1E UE a ubovhçrbis rg anonnos ho hi. <riMondea andthte publie,tliat ho ha. re- stuet 'possession cf liae abois avel sud fa- 'orýbi.yknowu Ioli, whIch la now fIttet uap 1' suror can.i ,aIlIS eVéry coonvena- f rofrcoptilof s0< g an @1tA Beet sçc»modt nti udsuptirlor nos, lîquor. anti elgmrs.'Goids'tà bllng, tIi olnloyadaanvo Otiero i - is n he roWo.ý'hagos Medorate. e.sltv4aru . 14,18. ' --1 EAOJLDentlat, Oshawa, t ' fîIEO& l nsom , d irt J~ p thubI'or .-itan'o "to hid 0r rhofthte uta qauosnusr tie rabveasng ooiaiauaity. - JAMES clOcxxlEE Albon hotel, Esit masrket square, Se0ptetube:11h 56 J TUE RQO XOUSH QJdriIoMGEl 18O1,roplsot., 0,rtruiaaoscI ihed up84 lt6 8 tirougiionî, Lu ti beutof style. Tht, premlaegaare plensautly sitnatedo iposite th4 l'est (illco , aaad la tiie Tht, lLalway Omnibus ealla nt tla iotcl,and lhe stage# fer Uxhridgeo sudBecavertota bcava Boirut. lard 0 Iperdits. GEOBGE ROBSON. Iîlitby,latay 18681.-2 GezOuRïECORMACI U N D E R T AÀ I N G. F UN EEALI fnlly stipplilet anti atteittcti 4 isuituotieê. CofLtiektPîuteti bandi. Wbty Jb th, 1862.,1 Brooklin Drug Store. -%PA., lnUEDreoatetXU deie DFPaat, Ois, y Stuffs, ConirOttou- a~ Wlnea anti Lîqatoua of thé test quailîy igorue,*Catità edfcfnuaways onklanÃ" Brookli, C. W., ISOP 2 (Orgaaiut 4AUBatiM'W ucA Af1. 8PrtaparedtiWgive bluaisa anti hla;glng les- so» oanaIlulteti nuie'r of pupili. A> Ilonion te ho nanettie ut itllce of John L. uaaîisa laSargecua lientiat, Oeor Juinea IiyruOaca' Motilca i aiî, Brook 6st. Whstby. (JROCK ER'S -'IFIOTL, (LATE 'LAvrT'$,) NELSON BT. TORONTO, NOIrTr il yKIM T B.ASSETT & KEEBLE, - Puipliîsyaaa "'"n, huit tlaey have akrecIn t ivor.prendie Wwisciaarc In «Very roesptct eonvenioaativ aelat coîasfurtnbly flitoti up tur tise nccouinioda.iole of gnos andiati t travelIng publie. Thcyavli, be foasutnd i laoonsà tbît potoiil attentai 0ocuti 'nil! louve tiing unidetie un thuit part,Lo sItve saisînotion tu sil avse ony favor tisons aviLISa YEOMAN GIBBON. COMMISI ON MER CHÀNLI INSUILANCE, h GENERUAL AGENT. Wiitisy, Jan., lôtis 1866. 2 REVERE HROUZE, XANEOTlî, O. W. B. PLANK, - - - - Prpio. $tages te ndati rom Wilby onu taily. EverY Attentlin pa&ite h gueats. Laroful aud atten- tive ostiors.9 THE LIVERPOOL'AND LONDON I.NSUIIÂNCE COMP'NY. lias been ln exlstoaîcc thirty-two yenrs, anti tiuring tîsat porieti ha, pui Losses c'xcîicding Élio and ai hall millinpcuudasherlinag. The tiiuhurscincut tefttiâe eormoua sun. evern aide aron, lion,-wltlioit ticubt, contri- btnact l te etabitieiit dcf tha'as Ititution, in flicconidenuc o ciPUBiO Coirc 1raMaa cammr, lvaaaLaauasd btiainena mon gen- ennuiy, wiîtrcver itlel reîîrcacr'ted. Ini re.t yfiar, 1810, th', lare Premiuls aloet unaunte tet.................. £,970 Il ils hyuar, 1846...... ..£47,708 "20tii ye'îr. 185......... £222,279 " 801h ycur, 1606.......Y.789,882 One year inter, 187 ............::: 18,obb Tiîo Pire Ren.orvo Funitili now $4,727,464 Tite Lîfe Hcervo y-undi i. new $9,282,448 Vie Cornl#ttîîn aropreseiîre.l througliont (Ou- tario ani 9uebec, by iîifiîeîtinl A getata, 1- wlaotn asplucntu for Inu'aîîco Many be Matie. G. F. C. $MITIJ, RriaoEUUZosîrSaY, MOmui.. Anar, Wiaî'rYn, itLn ItituniTu mos. Pobrunry I7th, 1808. TIuE ONTARIO- FARMERSO MUTUAL- INSURANcE ,ýcomp'Y. rIuS Cmaylan ov fully organiz6d. anti n l reued ho accuapt rias aosa Farm Buildings, anti their onrtents, Country Bohool LIeuses, ni dChurciaea. Tiacas wtslîng te lu- mure, andt hieroby support ag>IHome luisurance Compauiay, lave rccvansopportunity cf dtini Mo y l i llior ailtte leati ofduc, or te ayote aapn ts.Our rate.saili b. fcund as lof tocalo nya.rasposble à Mutai lua- launesoupany lu Cansaa L. FAIRBANKS, JI., ITEAD OFFICE-Tii, OUIli eglahry Urn1e. Building, Brook Street, Waity. HIOTEL & PREMISES FOR-SA LE.ý T HÂT olti estahlihoti anti vol! kaicunHo- teol, tise CENTRAL HOUBE, EPE OM, Splendid roomy tablIng, anti triviug aei téectlaer, withhconeor vo gacre% oh lanti ttaclu ad as mamy hou'est-et, acd a fine Young bear- lng Orohurd. Tho are twova vo iavh goati punans and exceltont wmalr. ' _eThe. ululo viii ho sold tia a argain,, I. fae -atof tise boit ohance lun tise DomIion for un active butineRA mais. Wilb, excianget lir lartaiprop.rly. For torma, &e., appîy (ltbhy loetr, pro-paL!) - Octoba W LIMB<(t.TON, Fa-sue.l 42 Ceo.Ayers. &à h., aise Agtj NiASTET IauaoCoi17 -Wiby 19, 107. 2L-ty Tuiude'y', Ooober 27t1i, 1868, hIa boq of- o'locijnm oai f blch al toke noti nti ail a bana NEL80N 0G..REYNOLDS, -Fr, lb. 1.Tomiinson. 84heru 'sOffice, Wilitlîy, sept. 9, 1868. Wby la iltb4thtel 0 lao aea 6ian for pcue SAT CLARK'8 GALLERY.? Ià la bocana. ho ba" Use buat Gallery lu the Ceony, pti jasoropalenc wlth:cblljrn thonauany other Aitiot lIi ii Coauty, ati çgu do quite A» gc>d work as amy otbgr ulau lu thà o irThot'awlî go .niter ndouit bo, bïckward Aboetansgfrad BBOCK ST., WJRITDY. Whlîby, Nov. 12, 1807. >, '3O0HN OARTERe LICENSED AUCTIONEER. l. FIRBANKS J , Whitby, sept. 15, 1808. 7 Bepgù ont reapotl'ully tolnfcntiitheInhahi. tant⧠et hie4tuait> or Ontarlo, that ho ba iua.cd the, aboya premise. Inltel> ocecupleQby sawd'y lorTIe, wWi-Oh lie bhua nwly <soriul- ad andi reovated, and i e la Orepatrci Wt aeaomanoditathe, travelligpublié- Tho, Bar atocketi wlîh the, beat lîquorsandtii Cgail, iusd au attentive octior *lwa>a à in attndiiia. Paaorutimit. Bi.okln, April, 1806. gl Grand Trunk Railway Hotel AT WifiITJJY TATIOIG WUM.O'NFIL lîaviaigpurobmad the boti-! V nd remaoa kipown m .the. Grad Litanie totel, Wbitby datton, hep htu lulorn his friand». and the travellii pphllo thisst lie li. gittei op the hou.a.and aablea lu trot-: 018a6a style, and b> --attention tota ie ants of thom, wIoinverr hlm willh their patronage truAta an morite a eotluaucsaiofthe tcn.tom. jar Partis akiug thi. train and tiaen~ hors.. yl have tlîcm aveU takan cars ut! t Wh ouSpt., 18ut ONTARIO, YORK & PPEL, 1 MILLION AND -à QUARTER sar REBIDENCE,-Log 8, M hCou, SALES attend on the abortest notice, sud on ronacuabît, terrain. Tronacana ho maode ci bills prîniteti attIse Chroiile eoffice for 1fr. carter. 17 WE LLINGTON MOTEL, MARKHAM. J. RVEIJOTToII, s-Pioprletor.- BRITISH AXERICAR ASSURANCE %COMPANY Capital, $,400,000. T lld ndet*Igedhavling heen appoluiteti Aetfrteahoo eCeinparty, la îa.,a V ~ Jmred te Inua'. pr'2pitrtr Dgninl. UJ tS U on t.eMost fa'vorautt,doirs.. Appi> to, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12naoa. Agent Whlîby solisCNEAC U . D U B- E Y E Oua-on -One dooruorth aortthet, ofl lie, Ouhavîs; andI McFceter'A Block, op-posite Town Ball, Boavanuvls. J. E. FÀIILwsLL.*E. Momis 18 JOHN L. WATKIwS, SURGE.ON IPENTI&T.j6 Ouraca.--Ovor J AS. BYENE'S Medical Unil. Brook Sîroci, Whitby. gW Ail vont aarrauntot. Famailies, abbcuieti ntprîvat reatiences. MONEY TO ILOAN. r IE Subsenllor limarecelroti Instructions (. rom a geoitkanuaua Who ha. a largo amuint cf ne incise vebod lus Mngliab sOeentlen. W lu- veu Lue sanaofor Iim,,ln tiIs and ti 'joitaing Coutabiea, 'oas poi Fair&i roporty, or 1oub- turcs. 1.. 1 ailîl continus ta reprentI bree cf thil largcsî Mloîa.t.ry Inatittitiona Il)the Dominion. tliat lent! monoy ou tIse mont advantageus g'Aloo a large nnaiier cf- voit cuibivateti Fîratis, ati an> quantity et Wilti Lauda, for id~e olap. 1cr fnrbhor parbiculeas, apply to .JAXES IIOLPEN, OfficiaitAssignee, Money llroker, Conimis- aluner, Noeay 1'nbic, ho.,ho OFFICE,-Beoad Floor, MCMIllm's Blok, Brook Street, W hlbby. Angual 241h, 1868. 84 N. B.-Iam aise preparadt I lveal luail1 kiiis c f Deoorea. greenbucksbongaî anti uolti; alae. a large quautity of Siier for sale. JAS. IIOLDEN. IMPROVED GRAIN DRILL WU Draran To CALL ATTENTION To oUaR BUCK EYE GRAIN DRILL.' WB WARBANT IT TO S0W IWJJPAT, OATS, PEA@, TEETU qM"EXTRACTE» EIZ IAN1T uS DnL1AS 8~W iTOUT PAIN, jE BY T11E USE OP It 1%, nov tlise lntinp l)rill an the Un it cd States, (4,û00,) four thounid cf Ilaom tinvlng been bulit Iioee Etablittbuaent lu Ohio, for tîxia sonnons tnntio. Quautity nsevra reauniabeti b a NITIRO1SODE LAUGIRING GAS,j Screw i.nstead of Goar Wheels. OU TUE 1NEW L-OOAL,,ANESTHETI09 AT DENTAL BOOMS1,1 DUNDAS ST RE ETi WIIITBY,-C. W. EtOOM.-Ovt, M. Il. Cochrane'aStore. WhlLby, Joune 26, 1867. 25 SBOE TOULS & FINDINGS. A comlet, mbertmeia or the inteaa lpatternscf Shôe. Tooln,,14 tue aîd achinsiTIhreaci. bainaoSik, Shoo l'ai, hoeMai., ui.hik, lie iadT'SeUPlntes, [gr WIIOLESALE AND JIETAIL. BYAN & OLIVER, 12-1> 114 YoszSrania ToBomro Amerieun sbes, TranmaernadFit <i î Squares, etaîmi Iule: ta 81.1t CdJe' Impruveâ trous nisaniu' u- le., impes, S&c., &il of tht, lest q.aly and at levet pneus. RYAN k OLIVER, lu,y laupeiteru offBadare, Vouge St, Toronto. TO. MACHINIGTS! steel Hules, Steel mquares, Centre euageo, Vernler calipura, dSîcolCaliper fties, Culiper Squares'e Ames' Uiveiraai Suares, Self RCVaierig (alipersand Di- viderg, EtMiaaFlel anti Ted,, Patent iers, Obhet fiteel, kec, for WCleby EXAN k OLIVER, iLly - Il1 YoneagESt, Tornto. TO> CABINET MAKERS Ituar sest, 9Curla Ufair Tew oavSlla 9, P The, Chai4BIuttina i"ravs, iiges, L8h, TlainguUph.terur'a eedles R Cli Cttt Crer's Toolsý,,xteaie U Age 'ie ledeon iHardare, Sa., for Wsa U lup. m ce, 12-114 -Uvenge St., Teretia.f IMPORTZI 11 RAEDWAR%, 114 lONGESTREET92 TORONTO. bluT M2 ater'. and [belte rer arwr. ua Can b. chanigetidi. a momett anti Jat ons mucla or lit!, ditferaeao ndie tunowlug, as May bc decgired. MF W.ucUn 8111P ahonce, tapon recelpt cf crdcrs. F. W. CLEN, ]Lxcutor, osuLW., ONT. Augnait lotis, 1868. 88 Land! Land! T 'IIEF, ubier ofber N 1thae folloaing liat cf J. lautiu, whicis ho aili adi aut n O> FAI1R VA LUATI1ON, cO S. X, No. 8, In 2nd concession of Beach, 70 acre. cleareti. E.j, No. 19, in hie 8rt concession cf Beach 10 ni es clearoti. No. 28. lIntthe 101h concession cf Darlaghoaa, 60 acres clenreti. NO. 9, lu 61,11 co., Mars, sacres cisareti. '6 N.2, In 2uid concession WIitby, 1000 acres 'In Bcmerviae-500 acres In Boe>e. 200 mces lu Laxton--400 acres In Boînient. Appi> personaUyi or by lette,, post-paidteh R. E. PERRY, annar> h 88 Public Notice, T S 'eroby given, lIant sppieshloar ailI be Imadtiel ia, oinWarmrAy en Pour iair RAltwAI COMxrr.y totheo rvincial Parliament of tISe Province of COntario, nilsâ next sepon, for an Act amentiiug tise IlAct te Isaorporate tii. Fort .VVhiLby anti' Fort Ferry Eil1wnyý Company" b, ontarging Lthe poaers cf tho Raid Cômpaitui the'iayfng ont satioontruet. Ing cf thelr proactPI Eilvay, giing sncb 'Ccmpaiuy tii, frtiior pouer sudautiierily, ho iay oui, continue, extauti, anti construbt' lieir proposed tai alway, tho anohpointnpoilIShe vwatera of lake Sianoo, et'ý or fisrBa.tn a. toy my eoct.Ant fftN ortyont, fiôa su eat thereot n as bti 0 ti*ire, futé leVLAGE C1? UXBEI DGe Witii-;Iee amm rgitP, poavaraand tirvleges o tSe ai lop n urespect thereof as r conferrati 0uo @habylMd.ltAd o0< Iucorp<ration, su eam luolg toic sat ot rutking ont rmti.twoaty.îhird *Mcten thereof tISe aota"rovîia sidvaysi'" antiail tboreifftor-cf Lintedthuis twenty-:Rfittday oet 8ept.tir,* 1868. - ROBERT 3. WILSON9 WmiToiY k P.FrrY R -AIL W4T 19. bcjontiAildout, tWhe hlxvl; thla rpn avIli bocane inoal vaînubls. a. theeins aili be on or near bhi lot, if aie auras ymatie by Arhhcar EPnon~e. . S". as»e dti upou.l; ', ý . Thtpropertymusnt ha aoip lIanistllelI ortor té arry ont the tonaofthé , îll. diîe For pmtletJars ppiy, 6ho hgEectons/ E. if. LAWDES, JAMES MbfuALLAN, WILLIAM TIIEW, W. ilo w. îî mw 03, Wlsltbir, . .solleitor, WhItbr. Wlitby, sept. 80, 1868. 80 tf. TUNDS ]?OP Investmént! T 119 TBVST ANDl LOAN, COMPANt havé (antidfr*a'vm anea, thairusumi rate. oth lutaret, on thei. urlty cf Impreet seul Éifate. Lonsna do for fixetiperiotias, or repayable b> annual lnuitiaients. Faiir anti fnl Informintoneun Iiihbyb latter, atidro.te t Wthe. tiomnuslcu trsa Kinguton, or front L. FAlIRBANKS, Jr., HMalstate h Gaoal Agent. OrsrczBrookset ,18. ONTARIO HOTEL WHITBY. E RUSTRONO, - - Propiotor. AUCTION BUSINESS THOMAS MYI!;RS, TICENSED A UCTIONEI for Vis. ConntY «O f .ntario. deairea 1<, nform hl» (rien' Ia anti the pbi that ho-là ready an beretofor, bo receive = ordae or ucstock, fartai Impie' = t, oanita" lortiers.lit aIt ti UsnsCLX ffce will bc daly attendeoti W ,)"uY" of ,le appointe and tertno mad kncwn on application ntt he ~Caaaoawr. office, or nt Biack'a liotol, wlaere bookasvth ontries are kept as sn, T[0. naaal Whitby, Aguê0t, -. 14 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES PRiNGLE, a Propnetoi. Land for-Sale. rr~NrhWest quarter of tbe fuat hal of J. lotI 0,rleht coui. lis theto wnship cf Beach, contairlng 25 acre%. ail cicareti, part of thle eâ- tnte of thie Jute lifnry 1B6ll. Ter, are no buildings on thie 1l111. Ar particuliara appi> tli Fthe oentora, .(EoRGE JlCKluanBOTTOU, 0 BalsaiuiP. O TIIOMAS IIODGBON, Raln Organ Prof. J. Post I; A the henor of ancunncng to hia musi cali frientis, iniiVthy, that litlre - facdte raçoive pupils for lnatrnctionont, llaving bai ton ycnrn experlence, ho feela coaafideat of' bng able te ï>romoto n ra'did l va.nccnîent of papils;, Who May b. pimc0d under his t.ilion. Instruîction given ln îiîorongh Bans, unr- mnry, Counter-praint, Plge, Theory of Musi- cali Comnposition, ami l prticular attention avili biii, gvers Wt the enitivatien cf tht, volce. à .4 8 - -Instruction cf Lb, Piapo, $10, theory ef annaicai compositIon, &o., extra $5. Wlitby, Scptcinber 25, 1867 go - G ELI0. I1111bops W Infra the public Lt ho han auccooded Idmai. C.M. RKELLa, a. Agent for tISe Canada West Farmers' Insurance C(Oy, Tho 'lCanada West" la a pnriy Farinera' Comany, anti ban thse ativuntagZe cf bcing enhablistieti for sixta'cpeuvears-heasce, belng ln su pailion. ho offect ILtanmne.-ut Very 1ev raa The, Cenalliuy la lua a enlty anti flcnraoslag condition, andi stands second 'to none ln Canada. W 7No haiincadonc ou the, Prealuinm Note liystomn. GEO. H. tIà ApI 4gauat, Breol .2freat, Whitp. Whitby, sept. 14, 1888. 0Th NM Dminiion Flough. PATENTED laotlRAY, Imm, --o-1 T HE IlNEW DOMINION PLOUQU"19e1 tho Invention of tho undersignei, avIo lW the solo mauaufcturair. IL laconaotrnetcd aitia iron boums andi woodeu bandit,.. Tii. cunt body avrongisl Iron banni la fixeot u' b recea ou the ILantisiaof bodi, vihcouiher fixet bu humi, anti bucklt, lndsot-acrsv, so lia, tii.couiber eau b.ploace sfdeareti mgie,' anti mallet, Wsunit nny kîntiot-soit. It lam aliçn Lvo ceat points-ono for seed inrrow, anti the cther for summner farrow; anti ls soconstracted tint a avrouglât point eu bc O .Iy pimoot lu- makîng It egual té au iron plongi. -1h uiIb 811 li a quat lyi, biloa tht, coa offIlTht, Newv Donimiome, la .only ons-ialfthat cfian Itou Plougis. STho foiioaIndgfront the WbitiCmosc. of the 28h SMay, 1888, avli sbsvvit ISe0 lieu Dominion lcla" avsathonlghh et tê' Gréât Dominion Plougblng elclIeton th Slius<f the unie siontia- " Lua.sams ie a ,"AbhrM, lad on "Lb. gron nd a nov plugh orfbig ove Inven- "tion, uchluleoealsà lhe I"Nsw,' Dominion *ploamgh. 1$ la çonatrachti Otofnlion huam utinv oodeai -bantl3s$>, vas bhlyrecoin- ii monde&,db.liJtçe a aMd.nti a'med by ail *havo exauniii 15,s jat ?euug. mt'aluriii in Couity, Elghlý afe Apply te,- A K R Mlme ounoyver tioh o hnge.» Weult o tifot tOm *t me f rowmie, -h For îo *61htotï È glt Wlth a eobcenoeneyers"lI, d lu the, worl4ti'paplluhed mart;. dua rsaadnahu t. ib. qý A s theno es o co w eve r l rE4 Ie .h. bin haven, of thilnae >., For lu'every thougbt 1 hoidt ti. -Above aItwhr*ï ha r, orf -Aud 1 love tbe..awlb tho m(linOù, 'tUf aln Ilà bMKlt, "hesr, ' bio 110w-Iloae myi ot' 1 U .h.Jb ' LWTAyig, i 8Sm yearisi clu,,aï thé. tîm vEau Ireë.- laid vas graîly dWsesvsd -y !poldéà b agitation, t aves i Myfortune-to halmlew seenra. As I1 lft théé court I otiead'I, au elossi> avatti edby tbriea o r u smvagolooking ooan, ho, as I vas afier- uartis inforuieti era relaive&and <Memd. cf tb. convicta, anti vhoui 1 mýoatanluy boolati upon as'an fuur. anamisl A feu muaitha aftsarard, I emliedhe' train frouitiihe came levand as1'She dis tance froan anhome vau amt morsthan, six Or sevanamilem, I, resoîi euai&k. Soon, le my extrema annoyanes, I dis. covereil,4hhat I vu flédbônlbthe. mou referred Ioe; sud I bai lJitteadoubt shat tome outà Sagsu aiutendod. If 1 couiti eonconl myselfif CII Iby pas. cd by, I fait tii; I migbt ba saei. 1 fearet t movs onvards, leut tbsy'ablmob boa, any foolfail, as I bail hasard Ibeii. I looketi .sgerly arounil. Tbroogh thoe dim lighaî1I cau ,smmssof bram bles os o n h side me. Tiiere wau b gap in I bean. Whtbaus a auomeaVs beaston't-piaged eut Iu. Thera vas aferible.cracking of dry branchea, a rondiug of cdotbesuantià teariug of Besb, anti the a tisiinstant I lay spraavlieg luntt it sud ulime of' a haîf. dry diteli. lu tuo minutes aMy pursuers, aver@ Op- pociO h@ . potuwhie I lai' enaonei., They pased on. -I began te bramîhe more freely. Satideul> lb.y stoppoti, spparent- Il tao listea.1 - - 1 'II iou't bear hais feoutepeno," board s voie. su,. 64 thongbe I1hasard s crackingam'oug' tii. branches, thls minute," soit! anot'ba. us bi ok abouti 'Ah 1 Chose badges Pl They oxamînet thoan for s moment, but, appeareil to b. Ignorant of the.dhcub ic lay bebinti. 46 Oh, bols uct limera. Tberas a In ehoulti ha ab.ve-tatitc ubere b.'. gouail sali a grogf voize. Adoptiug this ides, lb.y rapmdil roîrac. et thair ste1is. 1 emergeti fromt my bidlug-placo. I kneu they wvolilseon discovar Chair arroi, anti be 'agalu on ths night Cruck. yM, cafol, nou depentet on my speail. Littis_ more than a mils furthor ou tbsre vas à road-mida ; if I couit reach, tha t hogil 1 aicuiti b, in safety. lu au Lucredibl1y short, spac.e of-tilme I u there, bremîblesu andi exhausteti. The* door vua.batu, but a ligbt glenictLroiagi the uhutters Witi a payer cf hmakagitlug lu my, heart, I kuoshati loudly for admission. My aummons wvaswueret b, aa=na voice dsmsnding tuow ou uha s here. "À traveiber,1" I repiieti, faintb>. ît"tlestoc lots f0 open to.nigit;j-I1am going to lied," usthia.roply. tt For hsavou's u"hgeopen the dccr', "1 impioroti; 6ethere la lite andi test a pon il. 1 avilI vilI psy yeu hmndomely for iu- convonlsnciug you. The lat argument tockroflet-I, heard a bar vitidrawn. Tii. nazI moment I i ýun within tho bouse. I munI, on a chair, i 'poatrateti by fatigue andte tonror. 1 ~Perhops,"1I sid, Wu - I ail expmin. édý abat I uspnrsuod, you uwon't abject aà îby ying tovu th ii séltle bar. uili dalligbt 1 5,' - - - 1 Befor be coul.'rey'tas i f ondi 1 knoôl<ing, aht ea truel door. t "tDcu't-open, for te.Jo c ~vnb ax~cIimed, "k a th n. u.Tbayi have diucovered moe-tbey avil; mordez,- m. ff .' . I ý- ' - '& Ail . aigt-6don'?t bha afasldthey, 1 shn't coenifîcaI ethlp ,1u4" L. The avorta bai l srcely pased â1à Jpe v whsu t homer e t iiuouaeAfs admitting m3e ib.d nos repiseethéti bar,' à o'th.dooa- n u ii. atsi. Oua glaise b vas osfcient-ibey, vers uMY.punuuteu. b tt omcme, an,4lad " . n.b tgd ay"aimuet' gît, cut of." îbw -oib ougpaçSusbuîtiug.ap CIme, ud1 -am 5-0--e 'Il bu ha 'ib l ýv aot ktbsvof fieed or' foe. I1 De# draggfe e &Wstopaa doolmmcd, toit 11wIavs the opair,ihtbea'laid- sit 1-baida me. Re roIllM coma, bea77y le 1ug bjeeagafat tadcr-it loobeeti mu -a mlîtw»a-au& hbeun id kbonldy; 'in 09f vitii ýoo osr tha flids, -Yodi bahi, 1 b ouesa quarterof à mile off.,' ber But 1ralfs'Wad,. fbi ie tis ca'm of miislf. ' But set h"v ->0e have n îne ma o bas"fore hutincm, for ubili h.o #Ob*aï, of tond ibart (r!oui the boue, su i,&. *u-&andbms V4 ra uo@athe coroutin :the. Pm sa ore. u pliitoed. rna MI y fs luigad ai iitwôir, 1 Od Isat frail briabatuesu au- pora.er inla < myseif b.d given way., lissai hala- ce oul as tbqorssfrth. twu A Ymtlded >ard b"ssdimbsa. N" I M ÃŽ4,. race for lita sud deatb. ivîe aliava. goodoamn'e-, bât ID"over - eri aa , foratientatbeI seudtrac hirlviai. Tb@ grooi l ew frontbeW and le mi <est; dutches aa'A.gaies 1ves fl laajuei, aala lambared olvar-Do é r ebsckad m aspei.ia, y oïrvr u spokenuofahbouse; 1Ilook*dti arond ti, coubd net diseera maysbing tbrough tlb. pect mi. I îmt haaspeceaidouble %lie, bol nués b. b.d manîiou d udMut have hian a 'tha avrong directiou. lvsda 't gag m> paniers sa little, buntt fiides- anti ne -pao. ctold ot les kpt uaeblonger he iy- brestth waa<ast faiug ýme; aM y gt lst songie vy, sud thon 1 tue 60o <roemiohasîtiltnsd ever, e- a 1 l'Mn tliaruai of being hurled'tô tb. cbaa md by coma obstacle lu o e pta, owe eh te. darkees aould provent me 'seu. bY i wideul> 1 foltIe ysif d.soodiug <witb r W il rapidil>' 1 eo ld uot a rla n>1 t enI dl; Ijust lidtheaprasene cf mind A tIghte tht-ou mysaîf bacruard -bati--I p loua o beilitably bava, beu of, a *d te plecea. A: thousauà I iigbta R yn nd belore mé; I kue, net Wbitilitl -1 b.d ufl cuafficlout couse loft tg vie k-;-Lt iookod hike a -sheltir; I d oord elf&log ogoý ls éptopoutil I fou claisi traIe iac a uavoou. sa taou. uot hou long I remaiued ien. ýtao but9 sud. n ifti a sensation: of_-heie la a rb îaag i in aI; m y m o uilu ,nd g o , ' st - felt, as-tbougit ltb.ybati béeai T»w Wi it ulh bt itou. 'Tus feelig vas- I ar Myl 1mba.. -For a moment I Coubdt, Fot an& emà be, *1fe.I WU'sa eht b.au -bopnp a d. 'Fie pla'ce vaudîmp Wmc bd oti' vori ietb cbattered li n mybaud, lu mov- IAwî My. baud eucoouhered a substance distr à older'tÃban tb. grounti on wicb éh 1cent ling. It uehard, sud rosa 'fom tb. ont il fal iks nih on bar. I toet fur- note on sud encounloeat a similisr, oua. I 1» e n utood t Il ;I1im ila ratuay(M bus f 1 avuslihorsily liug betuegu the aoci Wbat a frigbtful situahion.iif îa ho le b.d piaosedli, Imut unevitabil have, for hb r u b e t t e d e t . t t h i 'ia.coiti perspiration starting, froua ho >w rpore, uan y'bai, hriaiiungavili 'er, -Tb 4-b.h foarful-peru thtat -b.ad auuaeed Rn endesvoned ho rasu homy foot. What 'denti ml horro, on fiudiug tha ay limbe ;and i poavarlesu 1 --The. unuahpraiexertion unad,à sud the colti dAmps cf, the-The, di bail r eundèýd me asi belpiesaa orn infant 'I <ili baci avfibaagrotînA rait lb.h mwut idoom t thal-vus mpeuil. Star rer me,.>The tboughla, feelings sud is tise I ondored, a'1Ilay>tChs, icn a tougue coud descrb. Wih the mn rht cf ,iy pooravife sud chiliren ti hcu burniug luto any bralun, I ti iedto emt op al prajer, andi roiguayasif tu a>M vsy table fate. anu d -uj now qçe, tirougi the, cpeuiug Cui tunnel, that ile us -broýaidaiight cJLîau brllïsc 0,deche - tha . tha appel Jlueti' ' ,ilavs de dlb. , pro_ adver I board the twiteetigcf'tthe C>f . buro w»s terrible te io m~'idW,'Ilustra sr disnt ' iiîà g 'bf anno.bll, 1 han a vIlI no doïbt attracs com» attentions the Scienfic W'old.. (Pordand (Xe.) MAp$ ') -' roé mentiouçd @99 Frlisy, bat the bpu!'ý men " beanu) b on utbo Raibway Ck on- Brownc u*boi nt, vlslb.thebaud, tevereti anti Iyaag sav«-eas fousm't; 1on Saturdt>, va atated -liaI the Cor- - esjury, aofar, bad faibati to 114 - on1 dniy the minltetl otan- veuldti iigaufor tlzrtbo- 'Mvd"~ 1arosse on sudy The festures of m ian, coutidhardi>' bo mictaien. A uli noce, mentrons ln aize, eoftthe oat, or,,Jsh ferm, veubdzdentify am ong tb71îi1 ad . bemaea tnlie o'oock on Ibst d>, tavo new vitiessa appearati. Oua cf ai aîi l In affect11.1 'haveau ea- y, and1 licouýtheansu. TIs lJohnB ne,-.'He boardid 'avimle several days yesrs -ago.I uilo mistahealI rhlm ths diy befe b is. dstb. I rgat hlm vwiti being tb. monu vbq d1n ytfor Ibal board. I knou bim ai.drupng nose anti geneyal peonliir. «arance.- wEut h.ouaOlti nÃ"lovnu ap. efer te Mny book andi Ibid lb. data andi nane 0kti abut h. obstiuately, Lt bis point lthe caca msdai e1r- ho lb. heJury whick'coulbthard>'Uai correct aobulion. I t iras poor Jehn ie uho bla undargons the guillotine bthone- pondorous Instruments, the ai.a of several raibrouti cars U thia moment a kuock came ou the. ' of the Jury' Ecoan, an&dinvwu Pro-' aaed 'thtes n lau irtnean, in the oe of tho, uit, of lb. unkà powuilit - oItIe chIliren;. aaliWuid.--ýTbsman' y busbait- bis a bolis Jameas Olsucy left m-; t aJo thme ealo gon Veil, acd 1 titi not know vISer. ho via. ns' "m oton-Ibisa morning on aur homo. , W, bilong toLewiston falis, uîaisbanol'sa olbsr antd i ter live <bore ,od es bIs- oncle, ubo brougbt hlm - qnd.:,for wboifb. vas nameti. 'lY ked lu is hewobos iulle, juat ,'out et rrenca, until be efdb me, 1fullite regs thon, antten'public Btutbciies me thuifarbaatavan-là înîhBos-. soat, ýAwomma bd-tau c f <h ol- andti oltime to ge and geoifitwto James 'The Jury said "M9ay yen'ne mistaken ?" "Ilistien -,H. bas on- roetas is lié. deadtihao. ltme vy ;I tiarneti andti vshbeifor hlm haer efI. ian> -of' th.'clotlies lIarnangeti num are on bispour dead btý, bea. litîls- boy sa irhlm, ho xclauaed, jt'es fa r' IlJames ('banc, anti ns -geyer mu!'h lnPortlandi befuarsY bis lestuaony uws da8ed conobuaive. aunas changed ,te ('bancy by the mcci- âi c oming of Ibis haroaveti *Oman uer.cbildren, HaInîrChfld--i-'be Mollier Regame feu daix sInus, Bcs t6sMeohsaetsy us plubiueti su lItmtakeai roui au a, 'paper, staling limas'aVirgula avo- uas lunAbany, sesrebiug for ber 4a ýlittîs girl ubcsa body avai coverei ,bair, ubieh sha aliegei a mannseil bila bail abtieW itrou b.; ullsbo 'bush Iseavis84xbihitlug "abouzt the rleetd tu ý'bbi$ hai ai teB'apts eh, îrhiro>hi~à iai'prpà âd giviu il. mg us., lar Tii eaoDifiwi Sotcf the port Whitby sdPr r nhF ,Pt Ferry EIail o-pn.- 1<4 iaesoh pelas j I k td-36 Wlsitby, Augupt il . 1 1 1